


新概念第二册9课 第1篇

Lesson 9 A cold welcome 一 教学重点 词汇: welcome;crowd;gather;shout;refuse 2 文法: on Wednesday evening;in twenty minutes’ time;at five to twelve;waited and waited;at that moment 二 教学内容 A 词汇 1 welcome

Welcome everyone to offer comments/advise.Let’s welcome Mr.Wang with warm applause.He just talked and talked, not realizing he was not a welcomed guest in their family.2 crowd A large crowd of people watch the child falling into the river, but no one attempted to save him.A large crowd gathered on the square.Don’t crowd.The bell had hardly rung when the students crowded out of the classroom.3 Gather(collect)The teacher gathered the pupils in the auditorium.把大家召集来的主要目的是宣布一些事情。(The main purpose of my gathering you here is that I have something to announce.)

I gather that he is the successor of the chairman.4 shout(yell)

He often shouts at his mother.The motor driver fell something on the ground.I shouted to him, yet he didn’t hear me.5 refuse(refusal)

Even though it was her fault, she refused to apologize.He proposed to her many times, but she refused.I invited him to dinner out of kindness, however he gave me a flat refusal.B 文法 on Wednesday evening 在具体某天的上下午

He left home for college on a rainy day.I usually have a little nap at noon.I have to burn the midnight oil tonight.2 in twenty minutes’ time

We can enjoy the holiday in two days’ time.The plane will take off in two minutes’ time.3

at five to twelve At five past twelve;at two clock sharp;at 7:00 am 4 we waited and waited.He begged and begged, and finally his father nodded his approval.The dog barked and barked, but its master still slept soundly.5 at that moment(just then)He was gossiping about his teacher with high spirit, and at that moment, the teacher came in.The prime minister waved and smiled to the reporters, and at that moment, he fell over the stairs.Lesson 10 Not for jazz 一 教学重点 词汇:

recently;damage;string;shock;allow 2 文法: be made in/by/from/of;belong to;play jazz;a friend of my father’s;被动语态 二 教学内容 A 词汇 musical instrument 2 recently(lately;not long ago)

How are you recently?

I have a good appetite recently.Recently I went to Paris for travelling.3 Damage(destroy)The bomb destroyed two buildings, and damaged several others.Drinking and smoking can damage your health.The restaurant’s reputation was damaged by its use of unclean oil.4 string The book was tied with string.The youngsters set off string after string firecrackers to mark Spring Festival.I picked up a string of pearl on my way to school.5 shock

They were shocked to hear of the bad news.Her son’s sudden death shocked her very much.I am shocked by your rashness.allow

You are not allowed to play games on line today.Allow me to introduce the speaker today.我不允许你跟他交朋友。(You are not allowed to make friends with him.)7 touch

Don’t touch it.It breaks easily.We kept in touch with each other and wrote letters occasionally.B 文法 be made in/of/from/by

The computer is made in China.I like furniture which is made of wood.Unbelievable!The musical instruments are made from vegetables.I miss the meal cooked by my mother.2 belong to

Does this house belong to Mr.Wang?

Victory belongs to those who are most persevering.Taiwan belongs to China.3 play jazz play the piano/drum/violin/guitar play football/basketball 4 a friend of my father’s 双重所有格 a book of hers/his/Mr.Wang’s 5 被动语态

You are fired= I will fire you.I am confused= you are confusing me.This pair of shoes is bought by my mother.Lesson 11

One good turn deserves another 一 教学重点 词汇: turn;deserve;salary;immediately 2 文法: 回顾when & while;borrow from;pay back/for;to my surprise 二 教学内容 A 词汇 turn(behavior)

We rode on the horse by turns/in turn.Please turn to page 12.Turn on/off/up/down.2 deserve He doesn’t deserve that you should be so kind to him.You deserve it.鉴于你的良好表现,我觉得应该给你涨工资。(Given your good performance, I think you deserve a better pay.)3 salary(wage;income)The average graduates can only get a modest/low salary at the beginning.She planned a job-hopping because of the unsatisfactory salary.My salary is not the main income of our family.4 immediately(instantly;promptly;without hesitation;at once)You mother want you to come back immediately.Whenever she gets angry, he can always feel it immediately.当他出车祸之后,路人就马上打了120。(After he had a traffic accident, the passers-by called 120 immediately.)B 文法 when & while

I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in.(Tony Steele came in while I was having dinner at a restaurant.)

While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.VS He was eating when I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.2 borrow from(lend to)I hate to borrow money from others.She always borrows things from her neighbors, but the point is she never returned them.The bank lends the money customers deposited to people who need it.3 pay back/for/off You don’t have to pay the money back immediately.Whenever is ok with me.He didn’t pay off the debt even when he died.You will pay a big price for your arrogance.4 to my surprise/disappointment/sadness/happiness/joy To my surprise/unexpectedly, we came across a film star on the train.To our disappointment, we won’t have a holiday this summer.Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 一 教学重点 词汇: luck;sail;harbour;proud;important

文法: sail across;the Atlantic;set out;plenty of;say goodbye to;Be proud of;take part in 二 教学内容

A 词汇


Good luck.Hearing that many of his friends made a big fortune in America, he decided to try his luck there, too.As luck would have it, I won a prize in the sports lottery.2 Sail He sailed across the Atlantic in a day.Let’s go for a sail this afternoon.The ship sails for Shanghai.3 harbour Qingdao is a good harbor for transporting goods.During the world war Ⅱ, Japan threw a bomb to the Pearl Harbor of America.To my surprise, a child could habor such deep hatred.4 proud(be proud of =take pride in)Today you are proud of Shanghai.Tomorrow Shanghai is proud of you.I am proud of having you as my friend.She was too proud to borrow money from her friend.5 important(importance;significant)What is the most important thing in your life? Family, health or money? 这个项链对她意义重大。(The necklace is of great importance to her.)B 文法 sail across

The ducks swam across the river leisurely.There is a hotel across the road.2 the Atlantic

The Earth orbits around the Sun.The Yangtze river is the longest one in China.3 set out We plan/are going to set out at 2:00.A visitor came when I was about to set out for the supermarket.When will you set out to hunt for a job? 4 plenty of 既修饰可数又修饰不可数名词的还有a lot of;a great quantity of 5 say goodbye/farewell to wave/kiss goodbye to 6 take part in = join= participate in He is too shy to take part in any activities in the school.Have you ever taken part in any similar contest?

Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 一 教学重点 词汇: group;performance;occasion 2 文法: a group of;at present;用将来进行时表将来的计划;difficult time;keep order;on these occasions 二 教学内容 A 词汇 1 group

A group of students are rehearsing for the show.A large group of swallows are flying southward.2 pop singer

Pop star/ corn 3 performance(perform)The monkey performed several tricks.Her performance won warm applause from the audience.Your performance in the exams was not very good.4 occasion On formal occasions, we should behave decently.We bought these expensive dishes for the very occasion.He lies to his mother on occasion/occasionally.B 文法 at present(now;for the moment)

I would like to go shopping at present.At present, we are still not sure of the result.2 一般将来进行时 表示 计划中的事情

I will be giving a lecture tomorrow.We will be enjoying the vacation two days later.3 have a difficult time(in)doing

have a

Years ago, she had a difficult time bringing up her child alone.Chinese people had a difficult time in the 1960s.4

keep order The judges have to keep order several times during the trial.I hate to keep order in the classroom.So please behave well.

新概念第二册9课 第2篇

Excite v.Excited 自己感到

Exciting boy Interesting man The man is interesting.The news exciting,I am excited.词跟情绪有关,其宾语一定是人

The news excited me.让后面的人感到….2 receive v.Accept 同意接受

Receive 客观的受到

This morning I received a bunch of flowers from a boy,but I didn’t accept it.Take take the exam take advice Receive/have receive /have a letter from somebody 3 abroad adv.副词,直接和动词连用 go abroad live abroad study abroad.4.firm company An exciting trip 语调要顿挫一些

Received a letter from just和完成时

Months 读音前面th可省略 one month two months I have arrived in Beijing has been He has been in Beijing for one year Has been + in 地点

He has been in America for two years.连读

Work for 强调work Work in 强调地点 I am working for a school.I am working in the new oriental school.A great number of 可数名词复数;a lot of 可数或不可数 I have a great number of friends.Has gone to 去了某地没回来

Has been to 曾经去过某地,现在没在那个地方 Soon 很快,立刻 From there 从那地方起

From 既可以加时间又可以加地点 from half past eight to half past eleven.From Beijing to Tianjin Fly to Perth: go to Perth by air Before 副词,在此之前 现在完成时态的标志 Find trip exciting 宾语补主语

Find + 宾语+形容词做宾补 find the room clean Find her happy Is finding I’m finding 口语中应用非常多,很生动

下面表示状态,感觉,情绪,精神活动的动词不可以用于进行时 Believe doubt see hear know understand belong think Consider feel look seem show mind have sound taste Require possess care like hate love detest desire Arrive 不能和短时间连用 现在分词表将来

第三课关键句型:一般过去式 第四课关键句型:现在完成时

第五课:一般过去式和现在完成时的相同点,不同点,用到时候注意什么 完成时标志: just before already 他到某地有多久了

He has been… I have been here for three years.Find Find the book dirty Find +n.+a.宾补(3)…a….At…..表示位置 be at….典型表示位置的介词短语 动词一般用be Go to 只要有to这个概念,它的后面一定要有宾语 go to the theater Go in…(in做副词)很少加宾语 He went in.Go into…有去向的动作,还有进入的动作 go into the room Move 搬家 move in 搬进来

Move to the new house 正在搬 move into 搬进去(4)…….How long 对段时间提问,跟现在完成时相连

Have+动词的过去分词 第五课 Pigeon n.It’s not my pigeon.这不是我的过错=none of my business.2 message n.Information 不可数

Leave sb.A message;给某人留便条 I’ll leave you a message.Take a message for sb;替… 捎口信 Can I take a message for you? 五星级的句型应用很多 Can you take a message for me? 3 cover v.Cover +距离;越过 cover the distance.4 distance n.Distant a.Importance n.important a.Different a.difference n.Keep distance 保持距离

Differences bring beauty 距离产生美

中西文化:距离不能太近,离得太近时一定要先请求。KFC M 5 request n.I have a request for the cake.Request sb to do sth =ask sb to do sth ,require sb to do sth.You are required /asked to do.You are requested to do homework.外国人爱用被动 6 spare part 备件 service n.Serve v.At your service glad to be at your service I am glad to be at your service.Thank you回答 You are welcome /Not at all 根本不用/That’s(all)right年龄比较大,现在历史被遗忘,年轻人不用,绝对正确,绝对过时That’s OK /(It’s)my pleasure

Thank you for your listening.演讲结束经常用 鼓掌

garage n.车库,车行

another :其他的很多个中的一个 3个中拿掉一个剩下俩中的一个是another other(a.)+n.其它的

the other: 东西只有两个,两个中的另外一个 one…the other Pinhurst , Silbury Pinburst is five miles(away)from Silbury.Bus stop is only one mile from school/here.How far ….?

How far(away)is the bus stop? How far is your home(from here)? My home is ten miles away from here.Get a telephone : 得到电话,安装电话

For : 为了

Just 完成时态

From…to… 从一个地点到另外一个地点

Carry 带着,携带 这个东西不会落地上

I take my sister to the cinema I carried my son.I carry the bag.Cover the distance 飞过那段距离

Up to now:到现在为止(现在完成时)

Request for: 对…的需求

A great many: 许多(+可数名词复数)

A great number of 许多(+可数名词复数)

…..request and …message(并列)Other :其它的 others = other +名词复数 other boys =others Some boys are playing football,and others are rowing/going boating.One is watering the flowers ,and the other is reading.Can you show me another? Urgent 紧急的 sth.Urgent 紧急的事情

In this way: 这样 in this way 这样,以这种方式

In a friendly way: In a way 从某种意义上来说

In a way,you are kind In the way 挡路 不等于 out of the way 让路

Sorry,you are in the way Get out of the way By the way 顺便说一声,顺便问一下(开头—转移话题,随意)

On the way 在…的途中(陈述句)

On the way to school /the office, on the way home.In the family way:怀孕了,快有小孩了

The woman is in the family way.Man can never be in the family way.(1)Athens London on the way(2)In the way 这种方式 I do …in the way you showed me.I fly the kite in the way you showed me.(5)get one’s own way : 随心所欲

Soon 不久以后,强调时间上的快

He will soon visit Darwin.He will visit Darwin_____.(a)quickly(b)for a short time(c)shortly(d)in a hurry

Quickly 动作上的快

For a short time :不久,表示动作延续一段时间

Soon 不久以后,表示在这段时间之后

Shortly =soon,不久以后

In a hurry 匆忙的,指的是动作 Multiple choice questions 4 ……..So表示前面是原因,后面是结果

That’s way:那就是什么的原因

That’s way +从句 那就是…..原因,前者是原因,后者why后者是结果

I was caught in the traffic jam.That’s why I was late.Be动词后面是表语,后面的从句是表语从句 That’s 后面的表语从句常常用特殊疑问句,在加一个句子

That’s when we can start class.That’s where we will have a meeting.That’s how I get to school.8…….One…the other…

Another 另外一个 another=an +other an/a是冠词 His/my/your 形容词性物主代词 my mother’s 名词所有格 在语法上,以上三个词不能并存,一般要用只能用其中一个 A bag/my bag His,形容词性物主代词,another=an+other Another 强调的是剩下的还有好几个当中的一个,强调的是有三个以上的Other 加单数就表示一个,his 取代the的位置

Else 其它的 修饰疑问代词who else what else can I do for you ? Anyone else ,anything else? 修饰不定代词

Else 会房子被修饰词的后面

Different 不同的 语法的范围正在放松 时态填空 1…..Yesterday,一般过去时 2….has never lent…

Up till now/up to now现在完成时

Never属于频率副词,频率副词一定会房在实义动词前,非实义动词之后 3……

Burn yet 现在完成时的标志 4…..fought

In the first word way 5……have already left

Already 已经 6……

When 对时间点提问

要不然和将来时连用when will you do sth? 如果确定不和将来时连用,一般情况when的出现一般意味着一般过去时

现在完成时会用How long 定位 7……

Last night 一般过去时 8…….have just won..Just 动词时态第一种概念,根据这句话本身找关键词

完型填空第一句话得出的结论不一定是正确的,往往要根据上下文的时间得出时态 第六课

beggar n.Beg ask for 请求得到 beg for 乞求得到 I beg your pardon 2 food a lot of food 3 pocket 衣服口袋

Inner pocket 衣服内口袋 装钱的Jacket pocket coat pocket Pocket book a book you can put in your pocket 袖珍书

Pocket dictionary 袖珍词典

Pocket money(小孩子)零花钱 change 零钱 get exact change Beer money(男孩)零花钱

fashion money(女孩)所有的钱都在女人手上,现在不用这个了 pocket pick: 车上的小偷call v.拜访,光顾

Call sb给某人打电话

Call up sb 给某人打电话

Call up Can you take a message for me? If private conversation Can you tell him to call back? Call on +sb 拜访某人

Call at 一般和地点相连 =visit someplace I wlll call on you I will call at your home.Call out=shout 大声喊

Call in sb 招集和邀请

For the project,the government called in a lot of experts.Move to 搬到

Knock at 敲 knock at the door knock at the window Beer bear Ask sb for sth.问某人要什么东西 request for For,为了这个目的去请求某人,sb更多时候不出现ask for sth 强调请求的东西,人不重要省略

The boy asked(his parents)for money again /once more.In return for this 作为对什么的回报

In return 作为回报 He doesn’t want anything in return.Hospitality 热情 I’ll buy a present for him in return for hospitality.This 在代词当中常常指代上文的一件事

Stood on his head 倒立

用手着地 stand on one’s hands

跪着 stand on one’s knees 躺着 lie, lie in bed, lie on one’s back.仰面躺 lie on one’s side

趴着 lie on one’s stomach.Give him a meal Go away Later Tell sb about sth 关于,通过其他事自己得出结论,tell you about him.Tell sb sth: 告诉某人某件事(把事情直接告诉)tell you the news Tell you the word Tell you about the word.Everybody 作为主语一定作为单数看待,属于不定代词,所有不定代词做主语一律单数看待

Calls at every house In the street 英国人写的 on the street 美国人写的Once a month 一个月一次,单位表达方式

A, 表示每月一次,计量单位 5 kilometers an hour Ask for ,是 ask sb for sth 的省略

Percy buttons? A begger He calls at every house in the street once a month and asks for a meal and a glass of beer.Key structures A,the ,some A:单数,可数名词



A和the 的区别

A是泛指,a man the 特指 the man 在文章第一次出现名词时往往用a和an修饰,二次出现用the 在表示一种笼统概念的陈述句中可以省略a和some Yesterday I bought a book.Books are not very expensive 所有的书都不贵


I have just drunk a glass of milk.Milk is very refreshing.I ate an apple.Apples are delicious.I like oranges.Would you like some oranges? Mrs.Jones bought a bag of flour,a bag of sugar,and some tea.She always buys flour,sugar and tea at the grocer’s

A 和the A man is walking towards me.The man is carrying a parcel.the parcel is full of meat.Names We cannot put a or the in front of names.表示某某一类人中,具有这种特征当中的一个,a Mr zhang.难点


Put put on Take take off Look look at look for look after look out 当心

Call call at call on call in call back call for Knock knock at 敲

knock off 下班 He knocked off earlier.Knock sth + 地点 knock the vase off the table.打折 knock 10% off the price knock over A car knocked the boy over 如果有地点,off 无地点 over.I knocked the boy off the bicycle.knock out 1 Knock out 打晕 boxer 在拳击场中,把人达到在地家knock out.2 无地点 下班敲

Multiple choice question 5……..Say说/tell告诉

He says+句子 He says +that +句子 Tell sb/+ 句子 tell sb +that +句子

Say to sb.He said to me/he told me Percy Buttons 作从句的主语


He told me Percy Bottons was a begger.6………

They all /all they All of us /all of them 我们所有人 all of us,we all Each/every每一个

Each 强调个体 every 强调个体

every adj.+n 每一个(书 本人等)each adj.&pron +n each pron 直接做主语或者宾语 every person likes … every不能做主语 each person likes…/each likes ….Each 强调个体,使用第三人称单数

7…….Once a month 每月一次,属于频率

对频率提问:how often 提问多久:how long 提问次数:how mang times How many times do you visit your mother each month ? How long do you visit your mother? 对时间提问

How often do you visit your mother ?对时间和次数提问

How soon 多久以后

Vocabulary 8………

Out of work 失业

I am at home,休闲在家

I am out of work./I lose my job.10…….Piece of: a piece of cheese 一块奶酪 Bit Bar : a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 a bar of soap 一块肥皂

Bar 门闩:长条状

Block 块,一大块 block v.阻塞 block n.房子 哪个概念都是一大块

Packet 一包

A piece of …./ =a bit of ……

12……..Same age and size 同年代同样式

Street 两边有房子的街道,强调城市里的街道

Way ,on the way ,in the way 挡住某人的路(强调方向)

Road 路的统称

Road home 通往家的路

Route 路线


how can you __if you are not___? A listening/hearing B hear/listening C be listening/her D be hearing/listening Listen听 /hear 听见

Be 不可能加动词原型,be+-ed/-ing Can +动词原型

2.The girl even won’t have her lunch before she ___her homework.A will finish B is finishing C had finished D finishes Won’t =will not


3.those who have applied for the post ___in the office A are being interviewed B are interviewing C interviewing D to be interviewing Apply 申请

Who 在名词后面,引导定语从句

从句(have applied for)现在完成时,主句缺少谓语动词 申请职位的人被面试 the old scientist___to do more for the country.A is wishing B has been wishing C wishes D has been wished.表示状态,感觉,情绪,精神活动的动词不可用于进行时 Wish sb To do D 有些残忍,老了还去做贡献 5 if he__,don’t wake him up.A still sleeps B is still sleeping C still had been sleeping D will be sleeping still If 一般用一般现在时关键词上下文 3 潜在含义

Now 现在进行时态

Often always 现在完成时

Last week,last summer 一般过去时 第七课 1 detective Detective story 侦探小说 airport airfield 飞机起落的场地

Port 港口 field 田野

At the airport On the airfield 3 expect v.Except 除了…之外

I think so.I expect so.我希望如此 【口】

Expect sb to do sth.期待某人做某事

Expect sth.及物动词 I expect your letter.I expect you to write back.Wait Wait for sth/wait for sb.Expect 心里上的等待

Wait for 动作上的等待

I wait for my mother./I expect my mother to come back I expect my mother to come back.4 valuable Value n.Precious sth is valuable /sth is precious Precious 带有感情色彩的Precious photo Price 价格 priceless adj –less 表否定;没有价格的,无价的Valueless adj.没有价值,不足道的Worth 值 worthless adj.无价值的 5 diamond Precious stone 宝石 Crystal 水晶 jade 玉

Diamond ring 钻戒 6 steal stole stolen.Steal sth.(某物)

Rob 抢

对象不同 rob sb(某人)My wallet was stolen.I was robbed.Rob the bank(加地点)7 main Main building;main street;main sentence;main idea 永远不修饰人 8 guard Life guard 救生员

Body guard 保镖





I ate a piece of bread


I have eaten a piece of bread this morning.I’m not hungry.The clock stopped 陈述事实

The clock has stopped.过去的事实对现在造成的影响

It snowed yesterday.It has snowed yesterday.强调对现在造成影响。

Too late All morning = all the morning The plane was late.飞机晚点了

The bus was late/the train was late.Detectives


笼统概念,可不加some,the Were waiting…故事背景用进行时态

They were expecting 期待着心里上的等

They were waiting for… A valuabe parcel of diamonds A cup of tea.South Africa A few hours earlier 几个小时以前

A few hours before/a few hours ago.Someone had told …过去完成时,过去以前发生的事情 …that thieves would try to …

过去将来时 would + do 间接方式,转述,站在过去看未来。That 从句,典型的宾语从句,起转述作用 Steal sth.One..the other…/some …others… other =other +名词复数

…the plane arrived….were waiting inside the main building,…while others were waiting on..When;while 当….时候

While 能有when代替;但是when却不一定都能用whiel代替 While +从句,动作一定会延续

When+延续性动词/瞬间动词 when he arrived.When he died When ,while 强调动作同时发生 过去进行时:



I am arriving 进行时态表示将要 When he arrived,I was having dinner.同时发生的两个动作,均用过去进行时

When I was doing my homework,my mother was cooking.When my mother was doing the housework,my father was watching TV 同时发生的两个动作



When the plane arrived,…were waiting inside the main building.While others were waiting on… Two men took the parcel off..Take sth off ===take sth away from And carried it into …carried 表示看得很重 Customs house 海关 While….….were keeping guard at the door,two others opened the parcel


When someone knocked at the door,I was having diner.Keep guard 守卫 at the door 在门边

Two others =two other detectives To their surprise to one’s surprise 让某人惊讶的是 To my surprise,the teacher was late.To one’s joy

To my joy ,my mother came here yesterday.To one’s excitement, our team wins.Be full of … 装满

My bag was full of books.The cup is full of water.重点:过去动作同时发生的时态


I was listening to the radio,my sister was dancing.2 两个动作在同时段进行,在不同时间结束,先发生的动作未结束,另一个动作发生,先发生的动作用进行时态,另一个动作用过去时。

When the telephone rang,I was opening the door.先开门

When the telephone was ringing, I was opened the door.电话先响

瞬间动词没有进行时态;所以两个动词同时发生,延续性动词用进行时态,瞬间动词使用过去时态。Special difficulties.Do you remember these sentences? Come and look at….I am looking for… v.+prep +宾语

now read these sentences.Take off the coat –take the coat off /take it off.v.+ prep /adv 表示不同的意思 look at 看 look after 照料 v.+ prep./adv.+ 宾语(n.)v.+宾语(n./prep)+prep./adv.Put on your shoes/put your shoes on/put them on 宾语的位置和词性取决于施加动做的动词

介词出现,一定要有宾语,所以 v.+prep +宾语(n.)副词可省略 v.+宾语(n/prep)+adv或v.+adv.+宾语 At ,after prep;off adv.及物 vt.+宾语 副词 两个位置 不及物 vi+prep +宾语 Take vt/look vi.Exercise.Put the book on the deskàput vt Put out…àout adv

He is looking for his pen.--> for prep 1 give away …>give(vt.)àgive…away woke up…àwake sb.(vt.);up(adv)àwake…up..Wake me up.叫醒我 look for …àlook(vi.)cut off…àcut(vt.);cut oneself;cut hair 5 put on..-->put …on… give it back …àit(pron.)up8 lift up…up…àup(adv.)可省略 lift(up)sth;lift sth 8 take off…;put on…àtake(vt.);put(vt.)9 look at…àlook(vi.)send her away…àher(pron)pull down…àpull(vt.);down(adv.)

Pull one’s leg 开玩笑 12 make up…àmake(vt.)up one’s mind习惯用法 13 ask for…..-->ask(sb)for sth 省略sb 14.throw away ….-->throw(vt.)…away… 宾语的位置和词性取决于施加动作的动词 Vt.+adv.+宾语(n.)Vt.+宾语(n./pron.)+adv.vi.+prep.+宾语(n.)look at her;at prep put him off;off adv.词组当中的练习,短语be interested in 如果不能接受,就记住一放弃

如果已经说过,还没有明白,就要执着弄懂 had done—两个动作先后发生(一个动作结束,另外一个动作才发生)Before 在….之前 as soon as :一….就 expect ,wait I expect so.I expect your letter.Expect sb to do.Wait for Expect somebody to expecting 9 valuable –precious value n.Worth后面一定要加动词 something is worth…

新概念第二册9课 第3篇

《新概念英语》 (第二册) 的内容以幽默故事为主, 每个故事都精彩有趣、生动活泼、短小精悍, 深受英语学习者的喜爱;[1]题材涉及社会、政治、人物、艺术、考古、科技和自然等方方面面;语言风格活泼生动, 即使是科技类文章也没有刻板的学究气。这些课文不仅宜于阅读, 还是学习写作的良好范本, 其经典实用的句型及短文可搭起“写作大厦”的框架, 地道的语言和丰富的故事可为“写作大厦”添砖加瓦。笔者在最近两届高三毕业生中进行了利用《新概念英语》 (第二册) 进行高三写作教学的实践, 摸索出了“标题—摘要—赏析—默写—仿写”的基于课外阅读的高三英语写作教学模式。


1. 标题引出提纲

标题是文章的眼睛。透过标题, 读者可以透视文章的主题, 预测作者的行文思想, 迅速把握文章的框架脉络。[2]标题往往涵盖文章的主旨、话题和体裁。《新概念英语》每一课都有标题, 让学生根据标题预测课文内容有助于提高学生的阅读能力, 然后让学生假设自己拿到这样一个题目, 该写什么内容, 列一个提纲, 有助于学生更好地练习针对标题的写作。

例如, Lesson 49 The end of dream一文讲述了一个贫穷的年轻人, 积蓄多年买了一张床, 由于天气炎热搬到楼顶睡觉, 但被大风连人带床从楼顶刮下, 奇迹般地没有受伤, 最后这个年轻人整理好床又继续睡觉。故事扣人心弦, 出人意料, 学生很感兴趣。看到标题后学生初步判断这是关于梦想话题的记叙文, 然后列出自己的提纲。学生大多列出以下提纲:

(1) Whose dream is it?

(2) What’s the dream?

(3) How does the dream end?

看了课文后学生确实觉得文章就是按照这样的顺序发展的, 文章的结构和框架也是按这三个问题组织的。练习多了, 学生审题和读题的能力就会不断提高, 写出的文章就不会文不对题。

2. 问题串成摘要

《新概念英语》课文后设计了根据课文回答问题环节, 不但要回答问题, 还要用joining words和相应的句型把问题串联起来, 在读的基础上同时练习写作的能力。这个巧妙的设计注重学生实际语用能力的培养, 也是逐渐构建学生优秀写作能力的基础。在学生根据标题列出提纲后, 学生自己阅读文本, 并根据文本进行回答和串联。

例如, Lesson 55 Not a gold mine文后的摘要写作设计有如下四个问题:

(1) Is‘The Revealer’a new machine or an old machine?Is it used for detecting buried gold or not? (which)

(2) Did a search party use this machine or not?Where did they try to find gold recently? (Using this machine...)

(3) Did they examine the cave thoroughly or not?Did they only find a small gold coin?Was it valuable or was it practically worthless? (Although...which)

(4) Do many people believe that the machine may reveal something of value soon or not? (However)

学生根据课文内容并使用给定的连接词和句型进行回答, 之后请四个学生把答案抄写到黑板上, 然后全班一起评析学习, 最后把黑板上的问题答案串联成文章的概要, 学生也可加入自己喜欢的连接词和内容。让学生把自己的答案展示在黑板上的教学设计意图, 一是可以发现学生句子开头是否大写, 标点符号是否正确, 书写是否规范;二是问题回答是否正确;三是可以为串联成摘要提供文字内容。有了这些基础, 学生都串联得相当漂亮流畅, 用精简的80个单词左右就可以概括全文了。

3. 朗读赏析文本

在熟悉文本的话题、体裁和内容后, 教师应让学生朗读文本, 用心融入课文和欣赏课文。

(1) 欣赏课文的内容。《新概念英语》的文章内容幽默风趣, 学生很喜欢。例如, Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the police描述了一个马戏团团长打扮成圣诞老人在美女仪仗队的陪同下, 骑着小象走大街送礼物去儿童医院;还有那十五位警察很费力地把小象推离大街, 却很幽默地说:“还好小象没让我们抬着走。”这两个画面生动有趣, 学生都会发出会心的微笑, 体验着英国人对生活的乐观和轻松态度。

(2) 欣赏课文的语言。《新概念英语》文章简短, 语言活泼, 用词精当, 写作技巧娴熟老到。笔者要求学生用黑色笔画出相应文本话题、体裁需要的词句和用红色笔圈出自己喜欢的优美词句以加强记忆, 为以后的写作服务。例如, Lesson 54 Sticky fingers描述了一个家庭主妇在家遇到的一连串不愉快经历。学生通过阅读和赏析画出以下用以描述事件的连接词句:After breakfast.., It was still early when.., So..., In a short time..., At exactly that moment..., It took me ten minutes to..., At last..., no sooner...than, this time等, 同时圈出各自认为漂亮的句子, 如:Nothing could have been more annoying.I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.等等。

(3) 诵读练就语感。朗读文章是语感形成的必由之路。叶圣陶先生曾经说过:“吟咏的时候, 对于探究所得的不仅理智地理解, 而且亲切地体会, 不知不觉之间, 内容与理法化而为读者自己的东西了, 这是最可贵的一种境界。”在课堂上除了教师示范朗读外, 笔者还让全体学生起立拿着书本大声地朗读课文, 学生觉得很有气势, 读得很有信心, 平时笔者也和学生一起背诵课文, 很多学生背得比老师更熟练, 他们很有成就感, 常有学生主动要求上台诵读。

4. 默写培养思维

英语写作要从用英语思考入手, 直接用英语表达, 这样才能激活大脑中已学过的各种表达方式。而用英语思维需要平时的反复实践。这里有两个看似简单但却卓有成效的途径:背诵与造句。[3]123经过朗读和背诵, 许多课文学生都能脱口而出, 但并不代表能写, 只有默写过才会使学生的语言更加规范精确。通过默写, 学生感受了语言, 积累了语言材料, 了解了多种语言表达方式后, 能运用语言文字准确地表达自己的观点, 抒发自己的感情, 对于写作有直接的模仿和迁移作用, 在写作文时就能把默写过的文本内化为自己的思想和内容。

例如, Lesson 59 In or out?学生经过诵读和默写后, 对文本的内容和词句已烂熟于心, 可脱口而出。布置学生完成题为“My pet dog”的写作题时, 学生轻松地写出“My pet dog, Xiao Hei, is expert at opening doors.Every time I come home, he opens the door for me.When I am tired, he will stay nearby, looking at me lovingly...”

5. 仿写积累素材

阅读过程中的经验积累是写作上除开生活之外的一个重要源泉, 阅读的范文就是写作借鉴的摹本, 对文章解读的过程就是理解写作的过程。[4]课文是写作练习的基础, 是作文素材和表达方式的源泉, 通过仿写可以将文本内容内化为自己的语言, 进行情境对应。在情境对应中学生会情不自禁地联想到相似的情感、熟悉的生活、原有的知识储备, 甚至所处的社会背景或正经历的时代, 进而与作者产生心灵的共鸣。[5]

例如, Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something?讲述的是一个人被牙科医生拔错牙的经历。在学生诵读默写后, 让学生把作者的经历改写成自己的经历并发表自己的想法。其中一位学生的习作如下:

I had an unforgettable experience last summer.I went to the dentist’s to have one of the teeth pulled.Af ter the dentist pulled out one of my teeth and told me to rest for a while, I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton.To make matters worse, he asked about my hobby and my academic achievements in school.In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole the tooth had been.Suddenly I realized that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.

Later, the dentist apologized for his mistake and I forgave him.Now we are good friends.In life we may also make mistakes sometimes and we should learn to tolerate.


英语写作不是一蹴而就的事情。写作涉及的内容, 小到标点、拼写, 大到词句连缀、布局谋篇, 处处离不开语言基本功, 用“慢工出细活”来描述毫不夸张。[3]121到了高三, 用高考试题让学生直奔主题进行练习, 往往效果不佳, 只有经过有效的积累和建构才能磨出好作文。《新概念英语》篇幅短小, 学生有信心去背诵;内容生动, 学生有兴趣去学习;语言地道, 学生能学以致用;情感丰富, 学生有自己的思维和想法。只要教师有耐心并精心地设计教学, 高三学生的写作水平是能上一个新台阶的。


[1]熊金霞.谈英语教材阅读文章的选编[J].中小学外语教学 (中学篇) , 2010 (10) :7-11.

[2]杨谢友.巧用课文标题, 优化阅读教学[J].中小学外语教学 (中学篇) , 2012 (8) :16-19.

[3]程晓堂, 郑敏.英语学习策略[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.

[4]肖震山.贫困的阅读与写作的困难[J].师道, 2002 (5) :32-33.

新概念第二册9课 第4篇

Thirst n.1)不可数.渴 eg: they lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.2)可数名词.热望,渴望,通常用作单数名词 eg: the thirst for sth.对某物的渴望.The thirst for knowedge/the thirst for fame/the thirst for revenge复仇

be thirsty for 渴望得到 be hungry for: I am thirsty for the book

Ghost n.1)幽灵,鬼 eg: very few people believe in ghost.Ghost story 鬼故事,怪谈

2)幻影般的东西幻象,一点点.Eg: he hasn’t got the ghost of a chance of winning the first prize.他一点都没有机会赢得头奖.强调魂 the ghost haunt 闹鬼 the ghost haunted the house这个房子闹鬼

Haunt 1)v.(指鬼魂)常出没于(某处)eg: a ghost is said to haunt the house./ The house is said to be haunted./ a spirit haunts the castle.那座城堡常有幽灵出现.2)经常到(某处),常去… eg: this is one of the bars I used to haunt./ I hear you haunt that disco.Haunted adj.鬼魂出没的 a haunted house闹鬼的房子

Haunting adj萦绕心中的.A haunting melody萦绕心中的曲调

Block 1)n.(木,石等的)块 eg: a block of rock/ a block of marble大理石 2)街区(美)eg: the post office is two blocks away.3)(许多相互独立的公寓或办公室的)大建筑物eg: a block of flats公寓楼/ an office block办公楼/ a tower block高层建筑

4)阻碍物,障碍物,通常用单数 eg:a block on the road/ a block in the pipe阻碍管道的污物 block-head/air-head傻瓜 bad-egg 坏蛋 good-egg好人

5)v阻碍,堵塞 eg: the accident blocked traffic in the town center./ Heavy snow is blocking all roads to Beijing./ the door was blocked by chairs.Furniture n不可数.家具 a piece of furniture/ an article of furniture一片家具 eg: we had little furniture.我们几乎没有什么家具.A set of furniture 一套家具

Furnish v.(给房子,房间)装置(家具等)eg:the apartment is well furnished.这个公寓家具很全./ the apartment is badly furnished.不全

Whisky 1)不可数威士忌 2)可数一杯威士忌two whiskies, please.Suggest 1)v.暗示 eg: her pale face suggests that she is ill.Eg: are you suggesting that I’m telling a lie? Are you suggesting that I stole your wallet?/ I suggested aht the cake must have been eaten by tom.2)v.建议 suggest sb as…/suggest sth as…/suggest sb for…/suggest doing… Eg: I suggest Herry for the job./ I suggest paris as a good plae for a honey moon./ I suggest learning 100new words a day.Suggest that…(should)do…建议做某事eg: I suggested that we(should)go for a trip.Suggestion n.可数.建议.A valuable suggestion.有价值的建议.Shake(shook, shaken)1)使(建筑物等)摇动,使(身体,声音等)颤抖,摇(瓶等)eg:the explosion shook the houses./ the teacher shook him by the shoulders.2)抖落…,撒上…,抖掉…eg: the children were shaking apples from the tree.Shake hands握手 shake one’s head摇头 nod(one’s head)点头

Accept 1)v.接受 eg:will you accept my invitation?/ he accepted the job.2)承认,相信,认可eg:I can’t accept an excuse like that.我无法相信那样的辩解.课文讲解: A public house which was recently bought by Mr.Ian Thompson is up for sale.Sell(sold, sold)v.卖,销售 buy(bought,bought)买

sale n.: be on sale1)出售,上市 sales.n.销售额(量)2)廉价出售 eg: the new type of computer is on sale.For sale 待售 eg:I’m sorry.The painting is not for sale./ the haunted house is for sale.Be up for sale.供出售 be up for 为了某一目的.有待于

This problem is up for discussion.这个问题有待于讨论

Mr.Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted.Is going to打算,将要

He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar.Coming from the bar现在分词作宾语补足语

1)go to sleep去睡觉 fall sleep/ fall into a sound sleep/fall into a deep sleep酣睡/ go to bed 2)see/hear/watch后可以加动词原形,也可以加ing形式.动词原形是整个过程都看见,ing是看见动作正在进行.Eg: I saw him cross the street./ I saw him crossing the street.Eg: I heard her go out./ I heard her going out.Eg: I watched her go out of the room./ I watched her going out of the room.The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved.宾语从句

Though Mr.Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning.Turn the lights off 关灯 turn the lights on开灯 they were on 灯亮着 they were out 灯熄灭了

He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before.定语从句

the night before 前一天晚上,last night 昨天晚上 the week before 前一个星期,last week 上个星期 the day before 前一天,yesterday 昨天 the next day 下一天,tomorrow 明天

直接引语变成间接引语时间状语要改变。now——>then,last night——>the night before,two days ago ——>two days before/earlier,today——>that day,tonight——>that night,tomorrow——>the next/following day,last night——>the night before等。

When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr.Thompson shook his head.宾语从句

Must have done…表示对发生完的事情比较有把握的判断.For+n.表某人的目的 eg: he went home for lunch For+v.-ing 表某物的用途 eg: the cake is for eating.Free免费的,不要钱的 eg:I’ve got free tickets to the concert.Do you want one? Eg: you get a free gift of a glass if you buy this whiskey now.The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.Even if/ even though引导让步状语从句

Eg: even if you don’t like wine, try a glass of this.(even if表让步)比较if引导的条件句

Eg: if you like wine, try a glass of this.(if 表示条件)Give away1)送掉,免费给予,赠送 eg: even if he give it away./ he gave all his lands way to the city.Give off散发,发出(光,烟,气味等)eg: those wild flowers give off a nice smell.Give in屈服 eg:the mother gave in and bought a toy for her child.Give out 分配,分发 give out handbills发传单 Give up放弃eg: you shouldn’t give up hope.Key structures:将来时,将来完成时,过去完成时.间接引语: He said that…/ He told me…/ He asked…

新概念第二册9课 第5篇


1. Ask students to recite L 26 together

2. Tell a joke about hiking and camping to lead in the text.

Go on a hiking trip

Sherlock Holmes and Matthew Watson were on a camping and hiking trip.

They had gone to bed and were lying there, looking up at the sky. Holmes said,

“Watson, look up. What do you see?

”Well, I see thousands of stars.“

”And what does that mean to you?“

”Well, I guess it means we will have another nice day tomorrow. What does it mean

to you, Holmes?“

”To me, it means someone has stolen our tent.“

Step 2 General Idea

Text-learning map 1: Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of

a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelled good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang

songs by the campfire. 傍晚时分,孩子们在田野中央搭起了帐篷。这件事刚刚做完,他



Text-learning map 2:But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags were warm and

comfortable, so they all slept soundly. 但过了一阵子。天下起雨来,于是他们扑灭了篝火, 钻进了帐篷。睡袋既暖和又舒服,所以,他们都睡得很香。

Text-learning map 3:In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and

hurried outside. 午夜前后,有两个孩子醒了,大声叫了起来。原来帐篷里到处都是水!他 们全都跳出睡袋,跑到外面。

Text-learning map 4:It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed

in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent! 雨下得很大,他们发现地上已经形成了一条小溪。那小溪弯弯曲曲穿过田野,然后正好从他们的帐篷底下流过去。

Step 3 New words & Expressions

Teach them to know the spelling and meaning of the new words and expressions

in this lesson.

1. tent:

e.g. we set up a tent in the field to watch the starry night.

2. smell: v. 嗅,闻到,散发…的气味,有…的气味

e.g. It smells of human beings.

The dish smells wonderful, but tastes bad. You smell; you should take a bath right now.

n. 气味,臭味,嗅觉

e.g. The dustbin gives off a strange smell.

3. campfire,n 营火,营火会

e.g. summer camp 夏令营/ a holiday camp 假日野营地

a prison camp 战俘集中地


e.g. Where should we camp tonight? Camping n.露营,野营,帐幕生活

e.g. Do you like camping?

e.g. I joined the summer camp and had a very good campfire party.

4. creep: v.爬,蹑手蹑脚

e.g. The cat crept slowly and quietly towards the bird. The thief is creeping along the corridor.

n. give sb the creeps 影响某人

e.g. Don’t talk about F4, you know they give me the creeps.

5. sleeping bag: Gerund.(动名词,表示用来睡觉的袋子,睡袋)

6. comfortable:

a) comfort v. 安慰

e.g. I know you were hurt, I really want to comfort you, but I don’t know how.

b) comfortable adj. 舒适的

e.g. The prince and the princess lived a comfortable and happy life.

I felt comfortable at home/ in your arms.

7. soundly: in good health/ healthy adv. 香甜的

8. sound adj. 健全的,可靠的,合理的,健康的

e.g. have sound teeth/ have a sound heart safe and sound adj. 安然无恙的

e.g. Don’t worry about the children, they are safe and sound in grandma’s house. As sound as a bell adv.十分健全

e.g. The doctor said that I was as sound as a bell.

soundly: adv. in a sound way 非常好,彻底地

e.g. I crept out of my home when my parents were sleeping soundly. He was soundly beaten at chess.

9. leap: v. jump 跳,跳跃

e.g. I leapt from my chair when I saw her. My heart leapt for joy at the news.

10. heavily: v.

e.g. He fell down heavily and hurt his ankle. The people of Shanghai are heavily taxed.

11. stream: n. 溪,川,流

e.g. There is a stream near my home in my hometown. A stream runs through the woods.

v. 流,涌,流住

e.g. Tears stream down her face.

12. form: n.形状,外形,形态

e.g. The fog was very heavy and I could only see the form of the building.

v. 形成,构成,组成

e.g. The students formed into a line.

They formed a party twenty years ago.

13. wind: v. 绕,缠

e.g. the river winds its way to the sea. wind up: stop 卷起,卷拢,停止

e.g. Before I wind up, I have two points to talk about

Step 4 Presentation of Complex structures and sentences

Key point: pay attention to the use of words to express time order

Please refer to exercises part Two

Analyze with students the use of such words; try to appreciate the beauty of this passage.

1. Put:

Put on: She put on her coat and went away.

Put up with(容忍,忍受): John can’t put up with his girlfriend. Put out(扑灭): The firemen put the fire out quickly.

Put away(放好,储存…备用): Please put the book away and recite together.

Put up(举起,抬起,提供): provide food to eat and place to sleep in e.g. My friends put me up in his room last night.


e.g. These buildings were put up in 1950s.

Put off(推迟,拖延): It rained yesterday, so the meeting had to be put off. Put down(记下): Please put down all the sentences on the blackboard.

2. in the middle of

e.g. In the middle of the campus, there is a very big clock. In the middle of the term, we had an exam.

3. as soon as: once

e.g. As soon as I had finished my homework, I went to play tennis. Please give me a phone call as soon as you arrive in Shanghai.

4. pay attention to the use of different past tenses and analyze with students why the writer chose to write in this way.

e.g. to describe what they did use simple past

to describe what was happening use past continuous

to describe what had been done________________ use past perfect

Step 5 Reciting


Step 6 Expanding

Ask students to translate,using the words that are used to express time order 上个星期三的早晨, 我很早就起床了。 一醒来,我就去刷牙,然后洗脸。吃过 早饭后, 我去等公交车, 但是没有赶上。 因为怕迟到, 所以我就给老板打了 一个电话。 但我到达公司的时候, 恰好是九点钟。 当时我真的感觉自己很有 运气。 下午五点,我正要离开公司回家。 那时候天正下着雨, 我忘记了带伞, 所以不得不等到雨停。

Step 7 Homework

Use the following words and phrases to make sentences in groups, ask students to read the sentences aloud each other, see which group has the most correct sentences. First at first firstly second secondly then later next

After before as soon as in the middle of during always

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