


成考英语语法题 第1篇

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()1.A.across B.away C.agree D.able

()2.A.training B.brain C.remain D.said

()3.A.cow B.throw C.low D.own

()4.A.pleasure B.sure C.Russia D.procession

()5.A.till B.wide C.polite D.decide



()6.The flowers in our school _______ the beauty of our campus.A.add B.add to C.add up to D.add up

()7.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him _______.A.not to B.not to do C.not do it D.do not to

()8.She thought I was talking about her daughter,______,in fact,I was talking about my daughter.A.whom B.where C.which D.while

()9.You don‘t need to describe her.I _______ her several times.A.had met B.have met C.met D.meet

()10.Can you believe that in _______ a rich country _______ there should be many poor people?

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A.such;such B.such;so C.so;so D.so;such

()11.Paul doesn‘t have to be made ________.He always works hard.A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning

()12.—There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.—It _______ a comfortable journey.A.can‘t be B.shouldn’t be C.mustn‘t have been D.couldn’t have been

()13.If by any chance someone comes to see me,ask them to leave a _______.A.message B.letter C.sentence D.notice

()14._______,Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A.However late is he B.However he is late

C.However is he late D.However late he is

()15.Alice,why didn‘t you come yesterday?

I,but I had an unexpected visitor.A.had B.would C.was going to D.did

()16.—Who is Jerry Cooper?

— _______? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.A.Don‘t you meet him yet B.Hadn’t you met him yet

C.Didn‘t you meet him yet D.Haven’t you met him yet

()17.We agreed ________ here but so far she hasn‘t turned up yet.A.having met B.meeting C.to meet D.to have met

()18.What did you think of her speech?

She _______for one hour but didn‘t _______ much.A.spoke;speak B.spoke;say C.said;speak D.said;say

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()19.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _______ he grew

up as a child.A.which B.where C.that D.when

()20.As she _______ the newspaper,Granny ________ asleep.A.read;was falling B.was reading;fell

C.was reading;was falling D.read;fell

()21.How beautifully she sings!I have never heard ________.A.the better voice B.a good voice

C.the best voice D.a better voice

()22.Wait till you are more ________.It‘s better to be sure than sorry.A.inspired B.satisfied C.calm D.certain

()23.—Hi,Tracy,you look tired.—I am tired.I _______ the living room all day.A.painted B.had painted C.have been painting D.have painted

()24.—How was your recent visit to Qingdao?

—It was great.We visited some friends,and spent the _______ days at the seaside.A.few last sunny B.last few sunny

C.last sunny few D.few sunny last

()25.I first met Lisa three years ago.She ________ at a radio shop at the time.A.has worked B.was working C.had been working D.had worked

()26.—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.—They _______ be ready by 12:00.User Page 3 育路教育成人高考网:http:///crgk User User

A.can B.should C.might D.need

()27.Yesterday Alice ________ a wallet on her way to school.A.picked up B.picked out C.throw away D.kick away

()28.While standing there,the nice girl found the stranger‘s eyes _______ her.A.fixed up B.looked at C.stared at D.glared at

()29._______ we‘ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A.If B.Whether C.That D.Where

()30.The girl cried out: “I ________ go out today.”

A.had better not to B.had rather not

C.would rather not to D.would rather not



If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago,we should probably have to say that we could not remember.But if we had kept a book and written in it an account of _31_ each day,we should be able to give an answer _32_ the question.It is the same in the history._33_ have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them.Sometimes men _34_ a record of the important happenings in _35_ country,_36_ often it was destroyed by fire or in a war.Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people _37_ did not know how to write.For example,we know _38_ the people who lived in China 4,000 years ago,because they could write and _39_ written records for these who live _40_ them.But we know _41_ nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in Central Africa,because they _42_.Sometimes,of course,even if the people cannot write,they may know something of the past.They have learned about it from _43_ people,and often songs and dances and stories have been made about the most important happenings,and these have been sung and acted and told _44_ many generations(後代)。Most people are proud to tell _45_ their fathers did in the past.This we may call “remembered history”。_46_ has now been written down.It is not so exact _47_ so valuable to us _48_ written

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history is,because words are much more easily _49_ when used again and again in speech than copied in writing.But _50_ no written records,such spoken stories are often very helpful.()31.A.what to do B.what we did C.how to do D.how we did

()32.A.for B.in C.on D.to

()33.A.all things B.Many things C.More D.Much

()34.A.did keep B.should keep C.would keep D.were keeping

()35.A.our B.your C.their D.his

()36.A.still B.but C.even D.or

()37.A.when and where B.of when and where

C.that time and place D.of that time and place

()38.A.a good deal about B.a lot of about C.many D.much

()39.A.left B.gave C.leave D.send

()40.A.before B.after C.later D.for

()41.A.almost B.most C.at most D.mostly

()42.A.have not learned to write B.have learned to write

C.had learned how to write D.had not learned to write

()43.A.older B.the oldest C.outside D.most

()44.A.by B.about C.for D.within

()45.A.how B.which C.that D.what

()46.A.Some of it B.Some of them C.All of it D.Many of them

()47.A.and B.or C.yet D.even

()48.A.as B.that C.such D.so

()49.A.moved B.forgotten C.recited D.changed

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()50.A.where B.there

C.where there are D.where they are




First there was learning.This has always been an important part of human life.By imitating their parents,children learned to hunt,to make tools,and to take care of themselves and others.Next came education.This was possible only after people developed language.Then adults could explain how to do things.They could talk about traditions,beliefs,and ceremonies of the group.Still,education was oral.Children could learn only what their teachers could remember.Finally,schools were created.They came into being because writing was invented.The first system for writing appeared about 3,500 B.C.in Sumeria,a land that is now Iraq.The Sumerians also invented a system for calculating with numbers.About 500 years later,the Egyptians discovered writing and calculation,too.And shortly after that,both the Sumerians and the Egyptians started schools.Being able to read and write they allowed people to learn anything that could be recorded.But the early systems were complicated.Children couldn‘t learn them just by watching.That’s why schools became a necessity.Those first students learned reading,writing,and calculation.Having these skills gave people great power over those who did not have them.Some 5,000 years later,this is still true.()51.The main idea of this article is that schools ________.A.had great power B.became necessary for learning

C.taught children to hunt D.developed language

()52.You can decide from the article that schools have ________.A.made education difficult B.held back learning

C.imitated parents D.advanced human skills

()53.What happened before Egyptians discovered calculation?

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A.Egyptians discovered writing.B.Egyptians started schools.C.Sumerians invented writing.D.Sumerians started schools.()54.Education became possible only with the development of _______.A.learning B.language C.calculation D.clocks


Once a landlord wanted to plant garlic in his fields.He found a group of boys and asked them to do the work for him.At lunch time he did not invite the boys to have lunch with his family.The boys had to sit by the door and have lunch on the ground.The landlord was afraid that other people would see the bad food for the boys.So with a smile on his face he said to them: “Boys,go and eat in the house.This is for your food.If you eat here by the door,the dogs will bite you.” The boys were surprised.But they said nothing and went to eat in the house.The landlord was quite pleased.Supper time came and the boys went into the house again.When they walked past the landlord‘s room,they looked in through the window.What do you think they saw there? They saw a big table with white bread and all kinds of good food on it.The landlord and his family were sitting around the table and eating their dinner.But the food for the boys was bad.The boys were very angry.They wanted to teach the landlord a lesson.So they decided to plant his garlic upside down.And that was what they did the next day.A few days later the garlic was coming out everywhere but not in the landlord‘s fields.The landlord was very surprised and asked the boys why this was so.“The garlic is afraid that the dogs will bite it,” the boys answered.()55.The landlord asked the boys to come because ________.A.he wanted them to plant garlic for him

B.he wanted to invite them to have lunch with his family

C.he wanted to tell them to sit by the door

D.he wanted them to plant vegetables for him

()56.The landlord asked the boys to eat in the house because _______.A.he was afraid the dog would eat their food

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B.he was afraid the dog would bite them

C.he thought other people would see the bad food for the boys

D.he was afraid the boys would play with the dog

()57.The next day the boys planted the landlord‘s garlic upside down because _______.A.they did not know how to plant it

B.they wanted to teach the landlord a lesson

C.they were afraid the dogs would bite it

D.they made a mistake

()58.A few days later the landlord‘s garlic did not come out because ________.A.the garlic was afraid the dogs would bite it

B.the boys had planted it upside down

C.the boys had not planted it at all

D.the boys had not watered it


The International Olympic Committee(IOC)said on February 9 it would award its highest honour to Arthur Ashe,the tennis star and human rights fighter who died on February 6 of AIDS.He was 49.The award,called the Olympic Order,is awarded to sportsmen and others for service to the Olympics and its principled.Ashe never participated in the Olympics,but IOC president Juan Antonio Samaranch said: “I think he was really a thorough Olympian.”

Ashe is the first black man to win Wimbledon and the only black to win the Australian US open titles.Last April 8,he announced he had AIDS,which he got from a blood transfusion during a heart operation in 1983.User Page 8 育路教育成人高考网:http:///crgk User User

Ashe often worked for racial equality in and out of sports.He said the happiest moment of his life was not winning Wimbledon,but when Nelson Mandela—South Africa‘s antiapartheid(反種族隔離的)leader—was freed from jail in 1990.A quote from Ashe: “I have good days and bad days.My ratio of good days to bad days is about six to one.”

()59.The underlined word “award” in the first paragraph means “________”。

A.send a telegraph B.give a prize

C.congratulate somebody D.be in memory of somebody

()60.Arthur Ashe ________.A.won Olympic gold medals in tennis

B.took part in several Olympic Games

C.was a famous sportsman in the Olympic Games which was held in South Africa

D.had not been in any Olympic games

()61.________ made Ashe happier than anything else.A.Nelson Mandela‘s freedom

B.Winning the Australian US open titles

C.Juan Antonio Samaranch‘ s congratulation

D.His good days in his life

()62.Which is correct?

A.There were as many good days in his life as bad days.B.His good days were equal to his bad days.C.He had more good days in all his life than bad days.D.He had six good days in all his life.D

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For some time past,it has been widely accepted that babies—and other creatures—learn to do things because certain acts lead to “rewards”,there is no reason to doubt that this is true.But it used also to be widely believed that effective rewards,at least in the early time,had to be directly connected to such basic physiological “drives” as thirst or hunger.In other words,a baby would learn if he needed food or drink or some sort of physical comfort,not otherwise.It is now clear that this is not so.Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except success in sight.Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to “reward” the babies and so teach them to carry out some movements,such as turning the head to one side or the other.Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making,the learned response with clear signs of pleasure.So he began to study the children‘s responses in situations where no milk was provided.He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement “turned on” some lights—and indeed that they were able to learn some more turns to bring about this result,for example,two left or two right,or even to make as many as three turns to one side.Papousek‘ s light experiment was placed directly in front of the babies and he made the interesting observation that sometimes they would not turn back to watch the light closely although they would “smile and speak” when the light was on.Papousek concluded that it was not the sight of the lights which pleased them.It was the success they were achieving in solving the problem,in mastering the skill,and then there is a basic human nature to make sense of the world and bring it under control.()63.According to the writer,babies learn to do things which _______.A.will satisfy their surprise B.will meet their physical needs

C.are directly connected to pleasure D.will bring them a feeling of success

()64.Papousek noticed in his studies that a baby _________.A.would make learned responses when it saw the milk

B.would continue the simple movements without being given milk

C.would turn its head to right or left when it had enough to drink

D.would carry out learned movements when it had enough to drink

()65.The babies would “smile and speak” at the lights because ________.User Page 10 育路教育成人高考网:http:///crgk User User

A.they succeeded in “turning on” the lights

B.the sight of lights was interesting

C.they need not turn back to watch the lights

D.the lights were directly connected to some basic “drives”




Joe :Hi,have you read today‘s newspaper?


Joe :The People‘s Daily.Henry:________67__________.But I only looked through it while having lunch.Joe :Did you notice an interesting article?


Joe :About air pollution.Henry:________69__________.On which page?

Joe :On page 5.At the bottom.Henry:Good.I‘ll read it this afternoon.Joe :Don‘t forget to tell me what you think after reading it.Henry:Sure.__________70__________.Joe :See you.六、书面表达(共30分)

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写一篇记述在海滨度周末的日记,内容包括以下几点:初夏,风和日丽;有很多游人和小船,我门捡贝壳(shell);日光浴(sun bathe)玩得很愉快。





1.D 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.A


6.A 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.B 12.D

13.A 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.B

20.B 21.D 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.B 26.B

27.A 28.C 29.B 30.D


31.B 32.D 33.B 34.A 35.C 36.B 37.D

38.A 39.C 40.B 41.A 42.D 43.A 44.C

45.D 46.A 47.B 48.A 49.D 50.C


51.B 52.D 53.C 54.B 55.A 56.C 57.B

58.B 59.B 60.D 61.A 62.C 63.D 64.B



76.Which one(do you mean)

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77.Yes,I did

78.What article / What is it about

79.Sorry,I didn‘t

80.See you later


June 18,2002,Saturday Fine

Yesterday some of my classmates and I spent our weekend at the seaside.It was sunny and a little hot,but the water was too cool to swim in.The sea was blue and calm.It shone merrily under the bright sun.There were boats floating here and there.People in them laughed and sang happily.We took off our shoes and went into the cool water.We walked along the beach in the water.Some girls looked for shells on the shore.Then we lay down and bathed in the sun or played games until it was time to go home.We all enjoyed a pleasant time at the seaside.User Page 13

成考英语语法题 第2篇



2、比一比:这一节是1~10以内的大小的比较,长短、高矮的比较 3、1~5的认识和加减法:比大小;第几;几和几;加法;减法;零




图形,长短,水果的分类 6、6~10的认识和加减法

认识6、7、8、9、10;连加连减 7、11~20各数的认识


9加几;8、7、6加几;5、4、3、2、加几; 二、一年二册





数数,数的组成;读数写数;数的顺序,比较大小 整十数加一位数;相应的5、认识人民币6、100以内的加法和

(一)整十数加整十数;两位数加一位数和整十数; 两位数减一位数和整十数



9、统计:简单的统计 三、二年一册


(二)两位数加两位数;不进位加;进位加 两位数减两位数;不退位减;退位减 连加连减和加减混合;加减法的估算





(二):7~9的乘法口诀 7统计 四、二年二册




(一)除法的初步认识;平均分;除法 用2~6的乘法口诀求商






1000以内数的认识;10000以内数的认识;近似数 整百、整千数加减法




9、找规律:图形;钟表、数、图案的规律 五、三年一册






认识四边形;平行四边形;认识周长; 长方形和正方形的周长;估计




6、多位数乘一位数 口算乘法;笔算乘法



8、可能性 六、三年二册

1、位置与方向 东、南、西、北









8、解决问题 七、四年一册

1、大数的认识 亿以内数的认识;数的产生;十进制计数法;亿以上数的认识; 计算工具的认识;用计算器计算








6、统计 八、四年二册



2、位置与方向 东、南、西、北的认识



乘法运算定律:交换律,结合律,分配率 简便运算:运用运算定律进行简便运算

4、小数的意义和性质 小数的意义和读写法;

小数的性质和大小比较:小数点的移动 求一个小数的近似数


三角形的特性;三角形的分类;三角形的内角和 图形的拼组:用三角形拼四边形



8、解决问题 七、四年一册

1、大数的认识 亿以内数的认识;数的产生;十进制计数法;亿以上数的认识; 计算工具的认识;用计算器计算

2、角的度量 直线、射线和角;用量角器量角度;角的分类;画角






6、统计 八、四年二册







乘法运算定律:交换律,结合律,分配率 简便运算:运用运算定律进行简便运算

4、小数的意义和性质 小数的意义和读写法;

小数的性质和大小比较:小数点的移动 求一个小数的近似数


三角形的特性;三角形的分类;三角形的内角和 图形的拼组:用三角形拼四边形


7、统计:柱状统计图;折线统计图 九、五年一册

1、小数乘法 小数乘整数;小数乘小数;积的近似数 连乘、连加、连减;


2、小数除法 小数除以整数;一个数除以小数; 商的近似数;循环小数;



4、简易方程 用字母表示数;解简易方程 解方程;未知数

5、多边形的面积平行四边形的面积;三角形的面积; 梯形的面积;组合图形饿面积

6、统计与可能性:认识中位数 十、五年二册

1、图形的变换 轴对称;旋转




长方体和正方体的认识;长方体和正方体的表面积; 长方体和正方体的体积;体积和体积单位; 体积单位间的进率;容积和容积单位

4、分数的意义和性质 分数的产生;分数的意义;分数与除法 真分数和假分数;分数的基本性质; 约分:最大公因数;通分:最小公倍数; 分数和小数的互化

5、分数的加法和减法 同分母分数加、减法;异分母分数加、减法;分数加减混合运算


众数;复式折线统计图 十一、六年一册






百分数的意义和写法;百分数和分数的互化; 百分数与分数的互化;用百分数解决问题; 折扣;纳税;利率;

6、统计:扇形统计图 十二、六年二册


2、圆柱与圆锥 圆柱的认识;圆柱的表面积;圆柱的体积; 圆锥的认识;圆锥的体积



正比例和反比例的意义:成正比例的量;成反比例的量; 比例的应用:比例尺图形的放大与缩小;用比例解决问题



二、1 整数的意义

自然数和0都是整数。2 自然数

体个数的1,2,3„„叫做自然数。一个物体也没有,用0表示。0也是自然数。3计数单位 一(个)、十、百、千、万、十万、百万、千万、亿„„都是计数单位。每相邻两个计数单位之间的进率都是10。这样的计数法叫做十进制计数法。4 数位


整数a除以整数b(b ≠ 0),除得的商是整数而没有余数,我们就说a能被b整除,或者说b能整除a。如果数a能被数b(b ≠ 0)整除,a就叫做b的倍数,b就叫做a的约数(或a的因数)。倍数和约数是相互依存的。


一个数的约数的个数是有限的,其中最小的约数是1,最大的 约数是它本身。例如:10的约数有1、2、5、10,其中最小的约数是1,最大的约数是10。






0也是偶数。自然数按能否被2 整除的特征可分为奇数和偶数。

一个数,如果只有1和它本身两个约数,这样的数叫做质数(或素数),100以内的质数有:2、3、5、7、11、13、17、19、23、29、31、37、41、43、47、53、59、61、67、71、73、79、83、89、97。一个数,如果除了1和它本身还有别的约数,这样的数叫做合数,例如 4、6、8、9、12都是合数。

1不是质数也不是合数,自然数除了1外,不是质数就是合数。如果把自然数按其约数的个数的不同分类,可分为质数、合数和1。每个合数都可以写成几个质数相乘的形式。其中每个质数都是这个合数的因数,叫做这个合数的质因数,例如15=3×5,3和5 叫做15的质因数。

把一个合数用质因数相乘的形式表示出来,叫做分解质因数。例如把28分解质因数 几个数公有的约数,叫做这几个数的公约数。其中最大的一个,叫做这几个数的最大公约数,例如12的约数有1、2、3、4、6、12;18的约数有1、2、3、6、9、18。其中,1、2、3、6是12和1 8的公约数,6是它们的最大公约数。

公约数只有1的两个数,叫做互质数,成互质关系的两个数,有下列几种情况: 1和任何自然数互质。相邻的两个自然数互质。两个不同的质数互质。


两个合数的公约数只有1时,这两个合数互质,如果几个数中任意两个都互质,就说这几个数两两互质。如果较小数是较大数的约数,那么较小数就是这两个数的最大公约数。如果两个数是互质数,它们的最大公约数就是1。几个数公有的倍数,叫做这几个数的公倍数,其中最小的一个,叫做这几个数的最小公倍数,如2的倍数有2、4、6、8、10、12、14、16、18 „„

3的倍数有3、6、9、12、15、18 „„ 其中6、12、18„„是2、3的公倍数,6是它们的最小公倍数。


二、小数 1 小数的意义

把整数1平均分成10份、100份、1000份„„ 得到的十分之几、百分之几、千分之几„„ 可以用小数表示。


一个小数由整数部分、小数部分和小数点部分组成。数中的圆点叫做小数点,小数点左边的数叫做整数部分,小数点左边的数叫做整数部分,小数点右边的数叫做小数部分。在小数里,每相邻两个计数单位之间的进率都是10。小数部分的最高分数单位“十分之一”和整数部分的最低单位“一”之间的进率也是10。2小数的分类 纯小数:整数部分是零的小数,叫做纯小数。例如: 0.25、0.368 都是纯小数。带小数:整数部分不是零的小数,叫做带小数。例如: 3.25、5.26 都是带小数。有限小数:小数部分的数位是有限的小数,叫做有限小数。例如: 41.7、25.3、0.23 都是有限小数。

无限小数:小数部分的数位是无限的小数,叫做无限小数。例如: 4.33 „„ 3.1415926 „„


循环小数:一个数的小数部分,有一个数字或者几个数字依次不断重复出现,这个数叫做循环小数。例如: 3.555 „„ 0.0333 „„ 12.109109 „„

一个循环小数的小数部分,依次不断重复出现的数字叫做这个循环小数的循环节。例如: 3.99 „„的循环节是“ 9 ”,0.5454 „„的循环节是“ 54 ”。

纯循环小数:循环节从小数部分第一位开始的,叫做纯循环小数。例如: 3.111 „„ 0.5656 „„

混循环小数:循环节不是从小数部分第一位开始的,叫做混循环小数。3.1222 „„ 0.03333 „„

写循环小数的时候,为了简便,小数的循环部分只需写出一个循环节,并在这个循环节的首、末位数字上各点一个圆点。如果循环 节只有 一个数字,就只在它的上面点一个点。例如: 3.777 „„ 简写作 0.5302302 „„ 简写作。

三、分数 1 分数的意义



把单位“1”平均分成若干份,表示其中的一份的数,叫做分数单位。2 分数的分类 真分数:分子比分母小的分数叫做真分数。真分数小于1。

假分数:分子比分母大或者分子和分母相等的分数,叫做假分数。假分数大于或等于1。带分数:假分数可以写成整数与真分数合成的数,通常叫做带分数。3 约分和通分 把一个分数化成同它相等但是分子、分母都比较小的分数,叫做约分。分子分母是互质数的分数,叫做最简分数。


四、百分数 表示一个数是另一个数的百分之几的数 叫做百分数,也叫做百分率 或百分比。百分数通常用“%”来表示。百分号是表示百分数的符号。




比可以用整数表示,也可以用分数或小数表示,还可以带名数。(2)比值:比的前项除以比的后项,所得的商叫做比值 例如:7:4=74=431,14 3 就是7:4的比值(3)比与除法、分数的关系

比和除法的关系:比的前项相当于被除数,后项相当于除数,比值相当于商。比和分数的关系:比的前项相当于分子,后项相当于分母,比值相当于分数值。比和分数、除法的关系可以写成如下关系式: 比的前项:比的后项=比的前项比的后项= 比的后项 比的前项







表示两个比相等的式子叫做比例。它是判定两个比能否组成比例的依据之一。组成比例的四个数叫做它的项,分为内项和外项。其中1.2,5叫做比例外项,0.5,12叫做比例内项.4∶6=6∶9 6就叫做4和9的比例中项.a,b,c,d四个量中,如果a∶b=c∶d,那么就说a,b,c,d成比例(proportion),也就是表示两个比相等的式子叫做比例.其中a,b,c,d分别叫做第一、二、三、四比例项,第一比例项a和第四比例项d叫做比例外项,第二比例项b和第三比例项c叫做比例内项.如果两个比例内项相同,即a∶b=b∶c时,那么把b叫做a和c的比例中项.3、比例的基本性质


在的两边同时乘以10×15,得15×8=12×10.在15×8=12×10的两边同时除以10×15,得.a︰b=c︰d也可以表示为在的等式两边同时乘以bd,可以得ad=bc;反过 来,在ad=bc的等式两边同时除以bd,就可以得到其中a,b,c,d都不为零.如果a︰b=c︰d或那么ad=bc.反之,如果a,b,c,d都不为零,且ad=bc,那么a︰b=c︰d或








3、运算定律:加法的交换律和结合律a+b=b+a,(a+b)+c=a+(b+c); 乘法的运算定律有a×b=b×a,(a×b)×c=a×(b×c),a×(b+c)=ab+ac










直角三角形:一个角是直角,其余两个是锐角 钝角三角形:一个角是钝角,其余两个是锐角 按边分:等腰三角形;等边三角形(正三角形)e.三角形的内角和是180度。

f.三角形三边之间的关系:两边之和大于第三边,两边之差小于第三边 g.三角形的面积:三角形的面积=底×高÷2




平行四边形的面积=底×高 b.封闭图形一周的长度叫做周长 c.长方形和正方形是特殊的四边形

d.长方形的面积=长×宽 长方形的周长=(长+宽)×2 正方形的面积=边长×边长 正方形的周长=边长×4 e.在同一个平面内不相交的两条直线叫做平行线,也可以说这两条直线互相平行。如果两条直线相交成直角,就说这两条直线互相垂直,其中一条直线叫做另一条直线的垂线,这两条直线的交点叫做垂足。f.梯形:只有一组对边平行的四边形叫做梯形。两腰相等的梯形叫做等腰梯形。

梯形的面积=(上底+下底)×高÷2 3、圆形

a.连接圆心和圆上任意一点的线段叫做半径,一般用字母r表示。通过圆心并且两端都在圆上的线段叫做直径,一般用字母d表示。b.圆的周长C=лd 或C=2лr














b.长方体有六个面、12条棱、8个顶点,相对的面面积相等,相对的棱长度相等。c.长方体或正方体的6个面的总面积叫做它们的表面积。d.长方体的表面积=(长×宽+长×高+宽×高)×2 e.物体所占空间的大小叫做物体的体积 长方体的体积=长×宽×高


a.正方体有六个面、12条棱、8个顶点,且每条棱,每个面都相等。b.正方体的表面积=棱长×6 c.正方体的体积=棱长×棱长×棱长

















(二)数的改写 一个较大的多位数,为了读写方便,常常把它改写成用“万”或“亿”作单位的数。有时还可以根据需要,省略这个数某一位后面的数,写成近似数。

1.准确数:在实际生活中,为了计数的简便,可以把一个较大的数改写成以万或亿为单位的数。改写后的数是原数的准确数。例如把 1254300000 改写成以万做单位的数是 125430 万;改写成 以亿做单位 的数 12.543 亿。

2.近似数:根据实际需要,我们还可以把一个较大的数,省略某一位后面的尾数,用一个近似数来表示。例如: 1302490015 省略亿后面的尾数是 13 亿。

3.四舍五入法:要省略的尾数的最高位上的数是4 或者比4小,就把尾数去掉;如果尾数的最高位上的数是5或者比5大,就把尾数舍去,并向它的前一位进1。例如:省略 345900 万后面的尾数约是 35 万。省略 4725097420 亿后面的尾数约是 47 亿。








3.一个最简分数,如果分母中除了2和5以外,不含有其他的质因数,这个分数就能化成有限小数;如果分母中含有2和5 以外的质因数,这个分数就不能化成有限小数。









4.成为互质关系的两个数:1和任何自然数互质 ; 相邻的两个自然数互质; 当合数不是质数的倍数时,这个合数和这个质数互质; 两个合数的公约数只有1时,这两个合数互质。



通分的方法:先求出原来的几个分数分母的最小公倍数,然后把各分数化成用这个最小公倍 数作分母的分数





















C周长 S面积 a边长

周长=边长×4 C=4a


S=a×a 2 正方体

V:体积 a:棱长

表面积=棱长×棱长×6 S表=a×a×6


V=a×a×a 3 长方形

C周长 S面积 a边长

周长=(长+宽)×2 C=2(a+b)面积=长×宽

S=ab 4 长方体

V:体积 s:面积 a:长 b: 宽 h:高

(1)表面积(长×宽+长×高+宽×高)×2 S=2(ab+ah+bh)(2)体积=长×宽×高

V=abh 5 三角形

s面积 a底 h高

面积=底×高÷2 s=ah÷2

三角形高=面积 ×2÷底

三角形底=面积 ×2÷高平行四边形

s面积 a底 h高


s=ah 7 梯形

s面积 a上底 b下底 h高

面积=(上底+下底)×高÷2 s=(a+b)× h÷2 8 圆形

S面积 C周长 ∏ d=直径 r=半径




v:体积 h:高 s;底面积 r:底面半径 c:底面周长




v:体积 h:高 s;底面积 r:底面半径









(或者 和-小数=大数)差倍问题



(或 小数+差=大数)




株数=段数+1=全长÷株距-1 全长=株距×(株数-1)株距=全长÷(株数-1)

⑵如果在非封闭线路的一端要植树,另一端不要植树,那么: 株数=段数=全长÷株距




株数=段数-1=全长÷株距-1 全长=株距×(株数+1)





















水流速度=(顺流速度-逆流速度)÷2 浓度问题







利润率=利润÷成本×100%=(售出价÷成本-1)×100% 涨跌金额=本金×涨跌百分比



高考英语语法填空题解题技巧 第3篇



1.代词。在语法填空题中当一个句子缺主语或宾语时,我们一般要填一个代词。名词也可以充当主语或宾语,但考查名词的情况主要在完形填空题中。在该题中,如果要填一个代词时,还要结合上下文看该空指代的是人还是物,是男还是女,还要考虑单数还是复数。当然,除了填人称代词以外,还有可能填不定代词。形式主语或形式宾语it也有考查。例如:(2014年辽宁卷)Raise your leg and let _it_ stay in the airfor seconds.

2 . 冠词。冠词一般是用在充当主语、宾语和表语的名词前或者是形容词+名词前。例如:(2011年广东卷) I satnext to the man and introduced myself.We had _an_ amazingconversation.

3.介词。名词和代词常用作主语、宾语和表语,如果不用作主语、动词的宾语和表语,就是作介词的宾语。这时候名词和代词前面就要填一个介词。这个介词由具体的意义或者固定搭配来决定。例如:(2014年辽宁卷)Don’t laugh __at__ me.

4.连词。在语法填空题中常用连词来连接两个句子或者相同成分。表示并列、转折和承接关系时常用并列连词;引导从句用从属连词。例如:(2014年广东卷)We were told thatour rooms hadn’t been reserved for that week,__but__ for theweek after.



1.谓语动词。当提示词给出的是动词时,如果句子缺少谓语动词,那么该题填入的词就应该是谓语动词。所填的谓语动词要考虑三个方面:时态、语态和主谓一致。例如:(2014广东卷) We _were told_(tell)that our rooms hadn’t beenreserved for that week,but for the week after.

2.非谓语动词。提示词是动词,但句子中已经有谓语动词,所填的词又不是并列谓语,那么要填入的词就是非谓语(2011年广东卷)I noticed a man _sitting_(sit) at the front.

3.形容词和副词。形容词和副词是该题型的热门考点。当提示词是形容词,根据语境可能填一个副词;也可能填一个形容词。如果该空填的词还是形容词,那么答案有两种情况:一种是填该词的比较级或者最高级;另一种是填该词的反义词。例如:(2014年辽宁卷)Bend your knees slightly and reach outyour arms like tree branches,naturally and _softly_(soft).

4.词类转化。根据语境分析,所填的词和提示词不同词类的时候,就要进行词类转化。一般而言,修饰动词和形容词用副词;修饰名词或作表语用形容词:作主语或宾语常用名词。例如:(2014年广东卷)She was _surprisingly(surprise).



成考英语语法题 第4篇

【关键词】行动导向 英语语法 运用










如以欣赏英文电影来作为学习引入点,结合电影内容主题,让学生以某种特定语法语句来表达自己所观看的大致故事情节内容,该教学方式不仅能够有效激发学生的学习兴趣,还能扩大成考英语语法的教学范围,使教学内容更具灵活性。例如,教师在教学英语语法中的定句与从句阶段时,教师可通过播放《Resident Evil》这部电影来作为教学引入点,在学生欣赏完电影片段后开展语法竞赛,要求学生以定句与从句来表达对电影的观后感,教师在学生表达过程中需针对错误语句进行纠正,以辅导的方式来促进学生学习语法。在成考英语语法教学中融入学生感兴趣的影片或话题能够增进学生的学习兴趣,使学生通过兴趣话题潜移默化的学习语法并掌握语法知识。










英语中考复习语法训练题 第5篇

冠 词

1. ―What’s the matter with you? ―I caught ___ bad cold and had to stay in _____ bed.

A a ; / B a ;the Ca ; a D the; the

2. ― what’s behind ____ iron door ? I can’t open it. ― Let me see. Oh , there’s a chair.

A a B an C the D /

3. If you don’t mind , pass me ___ apple, please.

A a B an C the D /

4. ―Have you got ___ E-mail address? ― Oh, yes, mine is


Athe Ban C a D/

5. ____ interesting the news is!

A How an B What an C How D What

6. ―How do you get home from _____? ―By bus?

―No, I walk. ____ isn’t very far.

A school; The school B the school ; The school C the school ; School D school ; School

7. ―Have you seen ___ pen? I left it here this morning. ―Is it _____ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A a ; the B the; the C the ; a D a ;a

8. ____ sun is bigger than _____ earth.

AA ; the B A ; an C The; an D The; the

9. ____ India and China are of ____ same continent.

A /; the B The; the C /; / D / ;a

10. This is ____ empty bottle. Could you give me _______ full one?

A a ; a B an ; a C the ; the D /; a

11. ___ Greens are on _______ visit to a beautiful city in China.

A /; a B A; the C The ; a D The ; /

12. Linda put _______ orange on the table half _______ hour ago.

A an; a B an; an C a ;a

13. ―Did you do well in _______ English test? ―Yes, I got _______ “A”.

A the; the B an; an C the; a D the; an

14. We cant see _______ sun at _______ night.

A a ; / B a ; the C the ; / D the ; the

15. There is _______ useful dictionary on the desk.

A the B an C a

16. ―Have you seen _______ book? I left it here a moment age.

―Is it _______ new English book? I saw it was taken away by John.

A a ; a B a ; the C the ; the D the; a

代 词

1. ―Would you like _______ coffee? ― Yes, please.

A some B a few C much D little

2. ―____ school is much larger than _______. ―Really?

AOur ; your B Our ; yours C Ours ; yours D We ; you

3. ―The exam was very easy, wasn’t it? ―Yes, but I don’t think _______ could pass it.

A somebody B anybody C nobody D everybody

4. We decided to go for a field trip with some friends of _______.

A us B our C ours D ourselves

5. ―May I use your pen? ―Yes, here are two and you can use _______ of them.

A both B every C any D either

6. We usually do _______ homework in the evening.

A we B one’s C me D our

7. I am looking for a house. I’d like _______ with a garden.

A one B it C that D this

8. I’m hungry. I would like to have _______ nice to eat.

A any Banything C something D some

9. If you don’t want to go swimming, I wont, _______.

A too B also C either D neither.

10. In a football game, nine players are not enough. _______ are needed.

A Other two B Two else C Two more D The other two

11. That place is not interesting at all. _______ of us wants to go there.

A Neither B Both C All Some

12. The problem is too difficult. _______ can work it out.

A A few students B Somestudents C Many students D Few students

13. His hobby is _______ taking photos _______ collecting stamps. It’s growing flowers.

A either , or Bboth ; and C not only , but also D neither , nor

14. ―Is _______ here? ―No, Bob is ill at home.

A anybody B somebody C everybody D nobody

15. If you want a ticket for a round-trip, sir, you’ll have to pay _______ $80.

A another B other C each D more

16. We couldn’t buy anything because _______ of the shops opened at that time.

A all B some C any D none

17. This machine is very easy to use. _______ can learn to use it in a very short time.

A Somebody B Anybody C Nobody D Few people

18. I can _______ swim _______ skate. Will you please teach me?

A either , or B not only ; but also C both; and D neither; nor

19. They were all asleep. _______ of them heard the sound.

A Both B All C Neither D None

20. The father wished the twins to be doctors, but _______ of them liked to study medicine.

A both B neither C either D none

21. There are many tall green trees on _______ side of the street.

A either B both C all D every

22. Bill’s parents are _______ good at swimming.

A both B all C each D either

23. ―The exam was very easy, wasn’t it? ―Yes, but I don’t think _______ could pass it.

A somebody B anybody C nobody D everybody

24. There is _______ knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.

A nobody B somebody C anybody D everybody

25. I don’t like the colour of the T-shirt. Would you show me _______ one?

A other B the other C another D others

26. The old woman kept one black dog and two white _______.

A one B ones C those D one’s

27. ―Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening. ―OK. Let’s give him _______ to eat.

A something different B different anything C anything differentD different something

28. That’s your bag. _______ is over there.

A My B Mine C Me

29. It’s too hot today. Please give _______ a bottle of orange.

A mine B he C her D our

30. My bike is under the tree. Where is _______ ?

A you B your C yours D yourself

31. ―Is it your ticket? ―No, _______ is in my pocket. It’s _______.

A mine; her B my ; his C mine ; hers D my ; hers

情 态 动 词

1. ―Must I get up early tomorrow? ―No, _______.

A you mustn’t B I don’t think you have to C you cant D you need

2. ―It nearly took me an hour to walk here. ―Have a drink, then. You _______ be thirsty.

A should B can C will D must

3. ―Could I borrow your dictionary? ―Yes, of course, you _______.

A must B need C can D will

4. ―The room is so dirty. _______ we clean it? ―Of course.

A Will B Would C Do D Shall

5. ―May I change the film here? ―No, you _______ do that in the sunshine.

A needn’t B wouldn’t C don’t have to D cant

6. You _______ go and ask Meimei. She _______ know the answer.

A must; can B must ; may C need ; can D can; may

7. ―Must I finish the work before five o’clock. ―No, you _______.

A needn’t B mustn’t C have to

8. Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem. So it _______ be very difficult.

A may B must C can D need

9. ―____ the man there be our maths teacher? ―He ____ be, but I’m not sure.

A May; can’t B Can ; can’t C Can; may D May; mustn’t

10. ―Don’t forget to pass this letter for me, please. ―No, I _______.

A don’t B won’t C mustn’t D can’t

11. ―Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?

―I’d love to. But I’m afraid I _______. I have too much work to do.

A can’t B mustn’t C needn’t D may not

12. ―Can you go swimming with us this afternoon?

―Sorry, I can’t. I _______ take care of my bike sister at home because my mother is ill.

A can B may C would D have to

13. John _______ go there with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure about it.

A must B can C will D may

14. Sandra didn’t come to school today. I think she _______ be ill.

A shall B can C must D should

15. Cars and buses _______ stop when the traffic lights turn red.

A can B need C may D must

16. ―Is Mr. Huang in the classroom?

―No, he _______ be there. He is waiting for me at the school gate.

A mustn’t B may not C can’t D isn’t able to

17. ―Can you write letters in English now? ―No, I _______.

A may not B mustn’t C needn’t D can’t

18. ―Can you answer my question? ―Sorry, I _______. I know _______ about it.

A can’t; little B can; little C can’t ; some

19. ―May I go out for a walk, Mum? ―Yes, you may, but you _______ finish your homework first.

A can B may C must


1. Let’s enjoy the song Yesterday Once More . It sounds _______.

A well B sadly C nice D bad

2. ―Can I just have a try? ―Sure. It doesn’t _______ if you give a wrong answer.

A matter B trouble C mind D care

3. They will _______ Guangzhou tonight.

A arrive B get C reach D go

4. Ted _______ ten dollars on the shirt yesterday.

A cost B spent C paid

5. I’m sure our football team will _______ the team from No. 3 Middle School.

A. win B fail C lose Dbeat

6. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive _______ Paris _______ the morning of July 9.

A at ; in B in ; on C in ; in D at ; on

7. Hong Kong is _______ the south of China, and Macao (澳门) is _______ the west of Hong Kong.

A in;to B to ; to C to ; in D in ; in

8. The _______ of an air ticket from Dalian to Guangzhou is about 1800 Yuan.

A price B money C pay D use

9. ―You’d better got go out now. It’s raining.―It doesn’t matter. My new coat can keep _____ rain.

A in B of C with D off

10. ―Can you use MSN to _______ messages on the net?

―Sorry, I cant. Will you show me how _______ it?

A send ; to use B take; to send C give ; I use D make; I do

11. ―Where is Tom? ―He’s left a _______ saying that he has something important to do.

A excuse B message C exercise D news

12. We all agree _______ you. Let’s start at once.

A to B for C with

13. Many of them heard about that film, but _______ had time to see it.

A few Ba few C little D a little

14. An apple a day is good _______ your health.

A at B for C in D with

15. He had got a chair to sit _______, but nobody to talk _______.

A on ;to B /; with C on ; / D /; to

16. Mr. Green _____ the bus at the bus stop near the supermarket, and then he went home _____ foot.

A on ; by B to ; on Coff ; on D off; by

17. ― One more satellite was sent up into space in China in May.

― Right. The government spoke _______ that.

A highly to B highly of C well of D highly of

18. ―Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata? ―Yes, it _______ really beautiful.

A feels B sounds C listens D hears

19. She sent her friends a postcard _______ a birthday present.

A on Bas C for D of

20. Where’s Lily? We are all here _______ her.

A beside B about C except D with

21. There is a big shop _______ the other side of the road.

A in B on Cat

22. It’s nothing serious. You’ve just caught _______ a cold.

A a bit B a bit of C a little D a little of

23. ―Did you _______ what the teacher said? ―Not really. He spoke a little too fast.

A prefer B listen to C catch D learn from

24. ―Do you _______ English? ―Only a little.

A say B tell C talk D speak

25. What would you like to _______ us about your hometown?

A speak B talk C say D tell

26. It’s time for supper now. Let’s _______ it.

A stop having B stop to have C to stop to have D stopping to have

27. Stop _______ so much noise! Father is working at the desk.

A to make B making C to hear D hearing

28. He has caught a bad cold, and he doesn’t feel like _______.

A to eat B eating C eats D ate

29. We should keep _______ in the reading-room.

A quite B quietly C quiet D quickly

30. I think this is _______ useful dictionary.

A very a B very an C quite a D quite an

31. Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to _______ there are no mis-takes.

A look for B make sure C find out D think about

32. ―what’s the police station’s telephone number?

―I can’t remember . _______ in the telephone book, please.

A Look it for B Look it over C Look it up D Look at it

33. She looked _______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she got it right.

A for B up C after D over

34. ―Cindy, is it OK to _______ you at home by yourself?

―I think it’s OK, Mum. I can look after myself _______.

A leave; good B put ; good C leave ; well D put ; well

35. There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and _______ around, but she _______ nothing.

A looked; saw B saw ; saw C watched ; looked D looked ; find

36. We could see nothing because the lights suddenly _______.

A went on B went over C went down D went out

37. Be careful, Jane. Don’t _______ your hands dirty.

A get B keep C have D let

38. Taiwan is part of China. It is _______ the southeast of our country.

A to Bon C in D at

39. It’s very nice _______ you to get me two tickets _______ the World Cup.

A for ; of B of; for C to ; for D of ; to

40. He suddenly returned _______ a cold rainy night.

A on B at C in Dfor

41. If you like the chicken, you may have as _______ as you can.

A much B many C more D little.

42. I’m sorry I’ll have to _______ my office. I’ve had a wonderful time here.

A get to B return C leave for D reach

43. ―Mr. Black, some boys are going to fight.―You’d better _______ the police.

A send for B send to C look for D look over

高中英语情态动词语法题 第6篇


1.I was really anxious about you.You______ home without a word.A.mustn’t leaveB.shouldn’t have leftC.couldn’t have leftD.needn’t leave

2.----Is John coming by train?

----He should, but he ________ not.He likes driving his car.A.mustB.canC.needD.may

3.A left-luggage office is a place where bags _______ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.A.shouldB.canC.mustD.will

4.----Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

----No, it _______ be him-----I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.A.can’tB.must notC.won’tD.may not

5.You ________ be tired-----you’ve only been working for an hour.A.must notB.won’tC can’tD.may not

6, I often see lights in that empty house.Do you think I _______ report it to the police?


7.Mr.White _________ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t show up.A.should have arrivedB.should arrive

C.should have had arrivedD.should be arriving

8.----Tom graduated from college at a very young age.----Oh, he ________ have been a very smart boy then.A.couldB.shouldC.mightD.must

9.----Who is the girl standing over there?

----Well, if you ________ know, her name is Mabel.A.mayB.canC.mustD.shall

10.Children under 12 years of age in that country ________ be under adult supervision when in a public library.A mustB.mayC.canD.need

11.“The interest ________ be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge.A.mayB.shouldC.mustD shall

12.----I don’t mind telling you what I know.----You _______.I’m not asking you for it.A.mustn’tB.may notC.can’tD needn’t

13.I _______ pay Tracy a visit, but I’m not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.A shouldB.mightC.wouldD.could

14.----I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.----You _________ her last week.A.ought to tellB.would have toldC.must tellD.should have told

15.----Excuse me.Is this the right way to the Summer Palace?

----Sorry, I am not sure.But it _______ be.A mightB.willC.mustD.can

16.----Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.----You _________ have my computer if you don’t take care of it.A shan’tB.might notC.needn’tD.shouldn’t

17.----Mum, I’ve been studying English since 8 o’clock._______ I go out and play with Tom for a while?

----No, I am afraid not.Besides, it’s raining outside now.A Can’tB.Wouldn’tC.May notD.Won’t

18.Tom, you _______ leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

A.wouldn’tB mustn’tC.needn’tD.may not

19.John, look at the time.________ you play the piano at such a late hour?

A MustB.CanC.MayD.Need

20.I ________ have been more than six years old when the accident happened.A.shouldn’tB couldn’tC.mustn’tD.needn’t


1.He ________ have completed his work;otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.A.shouldB mustC.wouldn’tD.can’t

2.There _________ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.A.mustn’tB.shan’tCshouldn’tD.needn’t

3.----I’ve taken someone else’s green sweater by mistake.----It ______ Harry’s.He always wears green.A could beB.will beC.mustn’t beD.has to be

4.He paid for a seat, when he _________ have entered free.A couldB.wouldC.mustD.need

5.----The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.----Oh, dear!She ________a lot of difficulties!

A.may go throughB.might go through

C.ought to have gone throughDmust have gone through

6.The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it _____ be very slow.A.shouldB.mustC.willD.can

7.----Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.----Thanks.You ________ it.I could manage it myself.A.needn’t doBneedn’t have doneC.mustn’t doD.shouldn’t have done

8.This cake is very sweet.You ________ a lot of sugar in it.A.should putB.could have putC.might putD.must have put

9.----Tom is never late for work.Why is he absent today?

----Something _________ to him.A.must happenB.should have happened

C.could have happenedD must have happened

10.----Do you know where David is ? I couldn’t find him anywhere.----Well.He _______ have gone far----his coat’s still here.A.shouldn’tB.mustn’tC can’tD.wouldn’t

11.----Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.----She _________.I’ve already borrowed one.A.can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’tD.shouldn’t

12.Helen ________ go on the trip with us, but she isn’t quite sure yet.A.shallB.mustC.mayD.can

13.There’s no light on----they ________ be at home.A can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’tD.shouldn’t

14.We hope that as many people as possible _________ join us for the picnic tomorrow.A.needB.mustC.shouldD.can

15.----What’s the name?

----Khulaifi.__________ I spell that for you?


16.Black holes ________ not be seen directly, so determining the number of them is a tough task.A.canB.shouldC.mustD.need

17.We _________ have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.A.needn’tB.may notC.shouldn’tD.mustn’t

18.----Mr.Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don’t you forget it!----OK, I _________.A won’tB.don’tC.willD.do

19.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I ______the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.A.should have takenB.could have taken

C needn’t have takenD.mustn’t have taken

20.----Could I have a word with you, mum?

----Oh dear, if you ________.A.canB.mustC.mayD.should


1.As you worked late yesterday, you ________ have come this morning.Aneedn’tB.mayn’tC.can’tD.mustn’t

2.If it were not for the fact that she ______ sing, I would invite her to the party.A.couldn’tB.shouldn’tCcan’tD.might not

3.The workers will go on strike if the demands they _________put forward are turned down.A.couldB.wouldC./D.had

4.----I think I’ll give Bob a ring.----You _______.You haven’t been in touch with him for ages.A.willB.mayC.have toD should

5.----May I smoke here?

----If you ________, choose a seat in the smoking section.A.shouldB.couldC.mayDmust

6.----Must he come to sign this paper himself?

----Yes, he ________.A.needB mustC.mayD.will

7.Some aspects of a pilot’s job __________ be boring, and pilots often _______ work at inconvenient hours.A.can;have toB.may;canC.have to;mayD.ought to;must

8.----Is Jack on duty today?

----It ______ be him.It’s his turn tomorrow.A.mustn’tB.won’tCcan’tD.needn’t

9.----How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?

----It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.A.willB.wouldC shouldD.must

10.In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you ________ take care of your luggage.A.canB.mayC.mustD.will

11.----Guess what? I have got A for my term paper.----Great!You ________ read widely and put a lot of work into it.A.mustB.shouldC must haveD.should have

12.----She looks very happy.She ________ have passed the exam.----I guess so.It’s not difficult after all.A.shouldB.couldC mustD.might

13.----What do you think we can do for our aged parents?

----You ________ do anything except to be with them and by yourself.A.don’t have toB.oughtn’t toC.mustn’tD.can’t

14.----Turn off the TV, Jack._________ your homework now?

----Mum, just ten more minutes, please.A.Should you be doingB.Shouldn’t you be doing

C.Couldn’t you be doingD.Will you be doing

15.My MP4 player isn’t in my bag.Where ______ I have put it?


16.----My can’s really fat.----You ________ have given her so much food.A.wouldn’tB.couldn’tC.shouldn’tD.mustn’t

17.The biggest problem for most plants, which ________ just get up and run away when threatened, is that animals like to eat them.A.shan’tB can’tC.needn’tD.mustn’t

18.The teacher ______ have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn’t have wasted time on him, I suppose.A.shouldB.canC.wouldD must

19.----Where is my dictionary ? I remember I put it here yesterday.----You _______ it in the wrong place.A.must putB.should have putC.might putD might have put

20.----What does the sign over there read?

----“No person _______ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.”




1-5 BDBAC6-10 AADCA11-15 DDADA16-20 AABAB 第二组

1-5 BCAAD6-10 DBDDC 11-15CCADA16-20 ABACA 第三组

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