


选修六英语虚拟语气 第1篇

Period5 Grammar and Usage

Teaching Objectives:

1.Use unreal conditionals of the present, past or future time.

2. Improve students’ ability of using unreal conditionals

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Lead-in

Look at the two sentences

1.If it were Sunday, I would go hiking.2. If I were a bird, I could fly.

Think about the questions

1,If it were Sunday, what would you do?2.Is it real that it is Sunday today?

3.Is it possible for you to be a bird?

Step2 Presentation


1) 概念


2) 在条件句中的应用


e.g. If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it .


If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park.



条件从句 从 句 主 句

与现在事实相反 动词的过去式(be的过去式一般用were) would/ should/ could/ might + 动词原形

与过去事实相反 had + 过去分词 would/ should/ could/ might + have + 过去分词

与将来事实相反 1.动词过去式

2.should + 动词原形

3.were to + 动词原形 would/ should/ could/ might + 动词原形



If I were you , I would go at once.

e.g. 要是我哥在这儿,一切都没问题了。

If my brother were here, everything would be all right.



e.g. If he _______ time, he ________________________ with you.


e.g. If I ________ you, I _________________________ him the truth.



e.g. If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would/could/might have met the famous singer.


e.g. If I had had the money last week, I should /would/could/might have bought a car.




e.g. If she ____________ five minutes earlier, she ______________the early bus.


e.g. If you _________here, he____________________ you yesterday.


e.g. If it were sunny tomorrow, I would come to see you.


If it should rain, the crops would be saved.


If it were to snow this evening, they would not go out .




在书面语中,如果虚拟条件句中有were, had或should,可以把if省略,而把这几个词放到主语之前,构成主谓倒装。

Were I you (If I were you ), I would not do it


Should he come(If he should come),tell him to ring me up.


( 2 )用介词短语代替条件状语从句

Without air (If there were no air), there would be no living things.


But for your help(If it hadn’t been for your help)I couldn’t have done it.


Step3. Practice

Do the exercises on Page 40 and 41.

Step4. More practice

Ex1. Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in the brackets in their proper forms.

1.You didn’t let me drive. If we ____________(drive) in turn, you ________________(not get) so tired.

2.__________it ________(not be) for your help, I couldn’t have made any progress.

3.--Has Mr. Smith recovered now?

--Yes. Who____________(think) that such a serious illness could be cured?

4.____________it _____________(rain) tomorrow, the match would be called off.

5.Most of the students felt rather disappointed at the English party. They said that it _____________________(organized) better.

6.Jean doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if ____________________(get) a job, she probably wouldn’t be able to see her friends very often.

7. Much labour would have been saved if electronic computer _________________(invent) before.

8.-------Well done, Jack!

-----Thanks. But given more time, I________________(do) it better.

Ex2. Choose the right answer.

1. Everything if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade.

A. will be destroyed B. will have been destroyed

C. would be destroyed D. would have been destroyed

2. The business is risky. But , we would be rich.

A. should we succeed B. we should succeed

C. might we succeed D. would we succeed

3. What would have happened, ________, as far as the river bank?

A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk farther

C. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther

4. I _____ you some money, but I hadn’t any on me then.

A. would lend B. would have lent C. could lend D. may have lent

5. ______ today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Was he leaving B. if he leaves

C. Were he to leave D. if he is leaving

6. Supposing this ship ,do you think there would be enough life jackets for all the passengers?

A. were to sink B. has sunk C. was sinking D. sunk

7. I don’t think he’ll attend the party, and ______ he attend it, what would he wear?

A. were B. had C. did D. should

8. -- My boss often made me work day and night.

-- If I _____ you, I ______ the job.

A. am, will give up B. had been, would have given up

C. were, would give up D. had been, would give up

9. -- You can ask your brother for help.

-- He isn’t at home. If he _____, I ______.

A. were, would B. is, would C. is, will D. were, will

10. -- Are you thinking about going to Dalian for the vacation?

-- No, but if I ________ time, I _________ very glad to go there.

A. have, will be B. had had, would have been

C. had, would be D. had had, would be

11. --Sally finally got here from Chicago.

-- If she_______ earlier, we ______ her to the party then.

A. came, would take B. had come, would have taken

C. comes, will take D. had come, would take

12. If you _______ George, would you please tell him to ring me?

A. saw B. were to see C. had seen D. see

Keys: 1. had driven, wouldn’t have got 2. had, not been 3. would have thought

4. Were, to rain / Should, rain 5. could / might have been organized 6. were to get/should get/got 7.had been invented 8.could/would/might have done

Keys: 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.B 12. D

选修六英语虚拟语气 第2篇

Help the students to use the subjunctive mood correctly in different situations.2.Ability Aim

To learn the subjunctive mood freely and properly in speaking and writing.3.Emotional Aims 1)Encourage the students learn more about the grammar.1)Help the students to form the good habit in learning.2)Encourage the students to do more exercise consolidate the knowledge.Teaching Important Point

Enable the students to use the correct form o f of the subjunctive mood Teaching Difficult Point

To know the differences between the attributive and the predicative.Teaching Methods: Summarizing, comparative method;practicing activities Teaching Aids

Multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools Teaching Procedure StepⅠ Greeting Greet the whole class.StepⅡ Dictation StepⅢ Homework checking StepⅣ Grammar 虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)这一语法项目是各类英语考试中心测试的重点之一。虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说的话并不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。判断是真实条件句还是非真实条件句。只有在非真实条件句中才使用虚拟语气。通过句子意思,看假设的条件是否能够实现,能够实现是真实条件句,不能使用虚拟语气;假设的条件不能实现则是非真实条件句,要用虚拟语气.判断这个假设是与哪个事实相反。通常有三种情况:①与过去事实相反。②与现在事实相反。③与将来事实可能相反 I:虚拟条件句: 1.虚拟现在时表示与现在事实相反的假设,其if 从句的谓语形式用动词的过去式(be 一般用were),主句用would/ should/ could/ might +动词原形。

If places were a like, there would be little need for geographers.如果各个地方都一样,就不需要地理学家了。

2.虚拟过去时是表示与过去事实相反的假设,if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去

分词,主句用would / should / could / might + have +过去分词。

If he had known your address yesterday, he would have telephoned you.3.虚拟将来时是表示对将来实现的可能性很小的或不确定的假设。If从句的谓语形式用一般过去式或用were to / should +动词原形,主句用would / should/could/ might +动词原形。

If he were to leave today, he would get there by Friday 4.省略if 采用倒装语序的条件句。有时可以把含有助动词、情态动词、be或have的虚拟条件句中的连词if省去,而将had , should, were 等词提到主语之前,即用倒装结构。

Had he worked harder, he would have got through the exams.Were he to leave today, he would get there by Friday.Were I in your place, I wouldn’t do that.5混合虚拟语气


If you _____ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be so sleepy.A.haven’t watched

B.didn’t watch

C.hadn’t watched

D.wouldn’t have watched 答案选C。

Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he would be our chairman now.混合虚拟语气还有一种情况就是事实和虚拟假设的混合句,这样的句子不仅仅是时间的不同,而重要是事实和假设的混合。

I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but I was fully occupied the whole of last week.该句前半部分是假设虚拟,而后半部分是事实的陈述。

Your math instructor would have been happy to give you a make-up examination had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.该句前半句用的是假设虚拟,后半句主句也用的是假设虚拟(如果你去并且解释的话),但是后半句的从句用的是事实语气,因为“父母病了”是客观事实,故不需要用虚拟形式had been。



(1)介词或介词短语,如but for, but that, without, in case of, under more favorable condition等。

Without the leadership of the party, we could not be living a happy today.=If there hadn’t been the leadership of the party, we could not be living a happy today.A.In spite of

B.But for

C.Because of

D.As for 答案选B。

(2)连词,如:so that, unless, in case, supposing, lest, provided(倘若……),for fear that(唯

恐),in order that, on condition that, if only(要是……就好了)等。

She listened carefully in order that she might discover exactly what he wanted.=if she listened carefully, she might discover exactly what he wanted.If only I had more money, I could buy a car.(注:lest, for fear that 和 in case 引起的从句中谓语动词多用should+动词原形,但可以不用虚拟语气,而用动词的陈述语气形式。)例如:

The foreign teacher spoke slowly in case we misunderstood him.这位外籍教师说得很慢以免我们听不懂。

Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow should occur.在使用此法时要小心谨慎,以免会发生溢流现象。

II: wish 后的 that 从句中: 1.表示现在或将来的愿望,从句中过去式.I wish I knew his address.I wish I were young.2.表示过去没有实现或不可能实现的愿望, 从句用过去完成式或would, could, might + have + 过去分词.I wish you had written to him.I wish I could have slept longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.3.如果将wish改成wished, 其后that 从句中的动词形式不变.4.如果that 从句中用would , 一般表示 对现状不满或希望未来有所改变或请求

选修六英语虚拟语气 第3篇

虚拟语气是英语语法中的一个重要部分, 在各类语法书中都给出专门章节去讲解。由于英语虚拟语气中的谓语形态搭配在汉语语法中的缺失, 造成了中国学生学习这一语法的困难, 而由于大多数语法书, 甚至一些国内的权威语法书, 比如像《薄冰英语语法》 (2007) , 《张道真大学英语语法》 (2013) , 等都过分强调虚拟语气的“语法性”——或者是展示虚拟语气形态搭配或者是要求记忆特定虚拟句型, 而不去挖掘其形态搭配的根源, 所以常常使得中国学生在学习这一语法是感觉难上加难。事实上, 虚拟语气是一个能在很大程度上反映英语语言形合的语法项目, 由于英语语言的形合特征, 所以虚拟语气的特征主要体现在谓语动词的形态搭配上, 这一形态搭配总的来看属于同直陈语气相比较而言的偏离, 这是从虚拟语气形态上去探讨;从意蕴上来看, 虚拟语气之所以虚拟, 是因为从现在、过去和将来这三种时间上来看, 它内在隐含的是同现在和过去事实相反和将来动作发生的可能性很小的语气。本文首先从虚拟语气的含条件句的基本句型的谓语搭配的形态谈起, 指出其谓语形态发生的时态偏离及其降格现象, 然后又探讨了虚拟语气之所以虚拟的内在的两种意蕴, 然后在下一部分我们通过分析虚拟语气常见的句型中谓语的形态搭配和意蕴, 认为我们可以把虚拟语气中谓语形态的“降级”形态和两种“意蕴”推广开来, 最后指出, 认识到虚拟语气的这些特征将极大地有利于学生对虚拟语气的理解和掌握。


虚拟句型中谓语的时态, 从主、从句来看主要有以下三种情况, 我们通过例句说明如下:

(1) If Lu Xun were here, he would (should) be glad for that progress now.

汉译为:现在要是鲁迅先生在这里的话, 他会对那样的进


(2) If I had worked hard, I would (should) have passed the exam last term.

汉译为:上个学期要是我好好学习的话, 那我就能通过考试了。

(3) If you were to come here, I would (should) go there tomorrow.

汉译为:明天要是你来这儿的话, 我就要去哪儿了。

通过以上三个例句的英语表达和汉译我们很容易看出, 以上三个英语例句都是虚拟表达, 事实上, 我们知道同汉语相比英语是一种非常形合的语言, 所以从句子内部的形式来看, 它有特定的时态和语态等搭配, 尤其对于像虚拟语气这样的语式, 我们更有必要探讨其内部的时态构成, 这里我们从主句和从句的谓语时态来看, 我们很容易发现, 不论是主句还是从句, 它们普遍的都发生了时态上的偏离。我们知道在英语中, 时态标志词 (time-marker) 是英语句子谓语变化的重要的依据之一, 比如例1, 有表现在的时态标志词“now”, 按正常情况, 我们主从句中谓语中应该用表现在时态的谓语搭配, 然而这里谓语时态却明显的发生了偏离, 从句用的是一般过去式, 而主句用的却是过去将来时 (或者也可以理解为情态动词的用法搭配) ;类似地, 例2、例3也是如此, 例2中有表过去时态标志词“last term”, 但在句子中同样也没有用一般过去时的搭配, 而相反地, 在从句中用了过去完成时, 主句中用了过去将来完成时 (或者也可理解为情态动词的用法搭配) ;例3中虽然有表将来的时态标志词“tomorrow”, 但是从句却用的是过去将来时, 主句也用的过去将来时 (或者也可以理解为情态动词的用法搭配) , 那么谓语时态为什么会发生时态偏离呢?我们可能会回答说, 那是因为这里是虚拟语气。那么我们又有可能会问, 为什么这里你能看出是虚拟语气呢?我们又可能会这样回答, 那是因为这里谓语动词发生了时态偏离。很明显, 这是一个循环问、答, 对于我们学习虚拟语气意义不是很大, 事实上我们探讨虚拟语气的偏离现象的意义在于, 通过探讨找出英语这一特定虚拟语法上谓语搭配上的“形”的规律, 这种形的规律, 简单来讲就是从句中谓语同正常的直陈语气相比普遍地发生了降级现象, 而主句最主要体现的是情态动词would (should) 表推测的用法。我们做图表如下:

由以上我们可以看出, 这种虚拟语气时态的偏离是有章可循的, 尤其是在从句的谓语时态搭配中, 也即:对现在的虚拟, 谓语动词从一般现在时 (do) 降级到一般过去时 (did) , 表现在的过去;对过去的虚拟, 谓语动词从一般过去时 (did) 降为过去完成时 (had done) , 表过去的过去;对将来的虚拟, 谓语动词从一般将来 (be to) 降为过去将来时 (be to) 形式, 明白了这一点, 虚拟语气偏离的时态搭配就好理解了, 至于主句中的谓语动词都是情态动词would (should) 表推测“可能”的用法, 也就是在所有的主句中都隐含着一种可能的内在涵义, 虽然有时我们不把它明译出来, 比如:上边例句可分别译为:

例1:现在要是鲁迅先生在这里的话, 他 (可能) 会对那样的进步非常高兴的。

例2:上个学期要是我好好学习的话, 那我就 (应该) 能通过考试了。

例3:明天要是你来这儿的话, 我 (或许) 就要去哪儿了。

这样我们就能从一个理解的角度去理解虚拟语气中谓语时态的偏离现象了, 避免了我们经常陷入的机械记忆的误区, 而这样的偏离我们可以扩展到其他的虚拟句型的应用上, 所以具有重要的意义。


事实上, 对虚拟语气中谓语时态的偏离的探讨, 我们解决的是虚拟语气句型“形”的问题, 形的问题, 同汉语相比, 是虚拟语气在英语中的一种独有现象, 所以对中国学生来说相对难些, 我们已经进行了具体的探讨, 至于虚拟句型“义”的问题, 我们理解起来还是容易一些的, 因为古今中外所有的语言不论它的形式如何, 它们的“义”是可以交汇的, 所以我们有不同民族间语言的翻译和不同时期语言的翻译。谈到英语中虚拟语气的“义”, 也就是在什么样的语义情况下我们在英汉互译理解时采用虚拟语气的理解。我们最主要分为两种情况:一种是英译汉时的理解, 一种是汉译英时的理解。英译汉时, 我们最主要通过观察谓语动词的形式, 如果谓语动词的形式同直陈语气相比, 发生偏离了, 那么我们就要在英译汉时就要尽可能地把虚拟语气的情态翻译出来, 如果是汉译英时, 我们一定要采取谓语动词偏离的形式去翻译, 那么什么时候我们应采用呢, 这也就是我们作为一个汉语使用者应该搞清楚的问题, 大致有两种情况:一种是与事实相反, 一种是事情发生的可能性很小, 与事实相反这是我们通常谈到的, 事情发生的可能性很小实际上也是我们在理解虚拟语气时的一个重要依据, 否则的话那就应当用直陈语气了, 再讲的透彻一些, 第一种情况经常应当属于对现在和过去的虚拟, 因为只有在是现在和过去时才能说是与事实相反, 而在将来那就应当是发生的可能性很小了。还是通过以上我们列举的三个句子来说明:

(1) 现在要是鲁迅在这里的话, 他会对那样的进步非常高兴的。

英译为:If Lu Xun were here, he would (should) be glad for that progress now.

(2) 上个学期要是我好好学习的话, 那我就能通过考试了。

英译为:If I had worked hard, I would (should) have passed the exam last term.

(3) 明天要是你来这儿的话, 我就要去哪儿了。

英译为:If you were to come here, I would (should) go there tomorrow.

例 (1) 和例 (2) 很显然是表达一种与事实相反的状况, 因为鲁迅很明显不可能在这里, 而且上个学期我肯定也没有好好学习, 而例 (3) 同前两个例子相比则有些微妙的差异了, 因为是对将来 (明天) 情形的虚拟, 所以说明你来这儿的可能性极小极小, 要是大的话就用直陈语气了, 即“If you come here, I will go there”.

所以从意蕴的方面来讲, 虚拟语气的“义”就表现在两种情况:即与现在和过去发生的事实相反和从将来的角度来看动作发生的可能性很小, 当然刚才我们只是从三个典型例句来分析虚拟语气中的形上的时态偏离和义上的两种意蕴, 那么是否可以推广到虚拟语气中的其他句型, 我们将要通过更多的例句进行探讨说明。


以上我们对于虚拟语气“形”和“义”的探讨, 最主要是英语虚拟语气中最常见的含条件句的主从复合句之中, 那么我们所提出的时态偏离和两种意蕴是否适合于其他虚拟式句子呢, 我们最主要是通过选取一些英语的典型的句子来看看, 首先我们把这些句型分为以下几类, 每一类我们给出2-3个典型句子:[1]


He ordered that all the books (should) be sent at once.

She insisted that she (should) go to the south for her holiday.


It is essential that all the facts (should) be examined first.

It is necessary that he (should) come back without delay.


It is time we went to bed.

If only I were not so nervous.

If only I hadn’t been so nervous.

I am told they are going by bus, but I would rather they went by train.

He didn’t attend the meeting.I would rather he had been present.

He behaves as if he owned this place

She was sitting quietly in the garden as if nothing had happened to her.

I wish I didn’t have to go to work today.

I wish I hadn’t eaten so much last night.

I wish you wouldn’t smoke in public places.


Long live the People’s Republic of China!

God bless you!

He will remain here if need be.

以上第一和第二类that从句中的谓语动词很显然涉及到将来的动作, 由于其动作的发生本身不决定用主句中句子的主语, 所以在这里用虚拟表示从理据上来说就是应当的, 也就相应的从句子谓语形态上发生了时态偏离, 用动词原形或者情态动词should+动词原形。

第三类句子里包含了一些特定的词语和句型, 我们通过“形”和“义”分析, 也是符合我们提出的理论的。这里简要分析“It is time that…”句型和含“would rather (that) ”句型的例子。It is time we went to bed. (我们该睡觉了) , 主句用的是一般现在时谓语动词而从句却用了一般过去时, 而显然发生了时态的偏离, 从这句话的意义上来讲也只是一种建议, 动作的发生也不取决于说话人的意见, 所以也是应该用虚拟语气的。再看would rather例句, 很显然第一个例句表示对现在的虚拟, 第二个例句是对过去的虚拟, 它们都发生了时态偏离, 而且意义上都是与所发生事实相反, 如果我们有耐心去分析其他组的例句也同样符合我们的结论。

第四类里是一些所谓的公式句, 事实上是人们在日常生活中句子常用的简练浓缩, 也是表达祝愿, 必要等意图, 所以也就相应的用了虚拟, 形式上发生了偏离, 比如在“God bless you!”当中, 虽然“God”在数上属于第三人称单数, 但是谓语动词绝对不能用第三人称单数形式, 因为这是由于内在的虚拟所致。


我们知道人类的言语虽然有其特定的法则, 但是无论从共时还是历时的角度来看, 言语都是动态变化的, 它会在它的机制内部产生一些或者消失一些言语的词类和运用, 反映到与其相对应的语言上, 我们也可以说是动态变化的, 所以任何的语言法则, 即使是最严谨的语法系统都不能真正的包罗下一切语言现象, 我们今天谈到的虚拟语气更是如此, 虽然本文结论般的从虚拟语气的“形”和“义”两方面提出了虚拟语气中的“时态偏离”和“两种意蕴”, 但目的并不在于为虚拟语气下定论, 或者论证这一结论在虚拟语气这一语法系统下, 放之全部都皆准, 而在于帮助中国学生能更好地的掌握这一英语语法现象, 同时也希望和同行交流, 以更好地促进中国学生对虚拟语气的理解和学习。

摘要:虚拟语气是英语语法中的一个重要部分, 由于它的谓语形态搭配在中国语法中的缺失, 所以造成了中国学生学习这一语法的困难, 本文拟从虚拟语气的“形态”和“意蕴”两个角度展开讲解, 以挖掘虚拟语气之所以为虚拟的根源, 从而摆脱许多语法书所强调的对虚拟语气形态搭配机械记忆的窠臼, 最终帮助学生更好地学习和理解英语虚拟语气。



[1]张道真.张道真大学英语语法[M], 合肥:安徽人民出版社, 2013年。

[2]薄冰何政安.薄冰英语语法[M], 北京:开明出版社, 2007年。

高考英语虚拟语气五大考点 第4篇




15. John went to the hospital alone. If he________

me about it, I would have gone with him. (2010年天津卷)

A. should tell B. tells

C. told D. had told

【解析】题干的意思是:“约翰独自去了医院。如果他当时告诉我的话,我早跟他一起去了。”前面独立的句子是陈述语气,交代了整个事件发生在过去。后面主句would have gone说明是与过去事实相反的假设,故if从句中应使用had done形式,故正确答案为D。


30. Maybe if I________science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help. (2011年北京卷)

A. studied B. would study

C. had studiedD. was studying

【解析】题干的意思是:“如果我那时学的是科学而不是文学,也许我现在就能给你更多的帮助了。”主句用的是would be able to do,表示对现在情况的虚拟,但由从句中的then可知, if引导的状语从句表示与过去事实相反的假设,故从句应用had done形式,故正确答案为C。


10. Had I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy________ (2010年浙江卷)

A. would have been savedB. had been saved

C. will be savedD. was saved

【解析】题干的意思是:“如果我早知道这个电脑程序,就可以节省大量的时间和精力了。”根据句子的倒装特征判断此处是省略了if的虚拟条件句,补上if并还原题干为正常语序:If I had known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy________ 由此可判断if引导的从句表示对过去事实的虚拟,故主句应用would have done形式;又因为time and energy和save之间存在着被动关系,故正确答案为A。


含蓄条件句即不出现if字眼,而是通过上下文或without、otherwise、but for、even if/though等词(组)来表示虚拟的条件从句。如果与现在或将来事实相反,这时动词用would/could/should/might + do;如果与过去事实相反,这时动词用would/could/should/might + have done。例如:

22. I________through that bitter period without your generous help. (2011年陕西卷)

A. couldn't have goneB. didn't go

C. wouldn't goD. hadn't gone

【解析】题干的意思是:“没有你慷慨的帮助,我就不可能度过那段艰难的时期。”此时并没有明显的虚拟词if出现,但通过题意我们能明显感觉到without your generous help表含蓄的条件,“度过那段艰难的时期”说明事情发生在过去,“不可能”则明显与过去事实相反,因此主句谓语应使用couldn't have done形式,故正确答案为A。

28. We________John's name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury. (2011年江西卷)

A. will putB. will have put

C. would putD. would have put

【解析】题干的意思是:“要不是因为约翰近来受了伤,我们昨天早就把他的名字列到参赛名单中了。”根据but for判定此题考查含蓄条件句,题干中所阐述的情况与过去事实相反,因此主句谓语应用would have done形式,故正确答案为D。




28. —Where are the children? The dinner's going to be completely ruined.

—I wish they _________ always late. (2011年北京卷)

A. weren'tB. hadn't been

C. wouldn't beD. wouldn't have been


考点4:would rather宾语从句中的虚拟

词组would rather后接从句时,从句的谓语用did表示与现在或将来情况相反的事实,用had done表示与过去情况相反的事实。例如:

34. George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I'd rather he _________ more on its culture. (2010年江苏卷)

A. focusB. focused

C. would focus D. had focused

【解析】题干的意思是:“乔治打算谈论自己祖国的地理状况,但是我宁愿他多讲讲它的文化。”题干中would rather之后的从句应用虚拟语气,表示与将来情况相反的事实,用动词的过去式,故正确答案为B。


在表示“建议、要求、愿望、提议”等词(如advise、recommend、command、demand、desire、insist、order、propose、request、require、suggest、urge)之后的宾语从句中,谓语都用(should) do表示虚拟。例如:

29. Teachers recommend parents________their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety. (2010年福建卷)

A. not allow B. do not allow

C. mustn't allow D. couldn't allow

【解析】题干的意思是:“老师建议父母为了安全起见应不允许12岁以下的孩子骑自行车去上学。”动词recommend表示建议,其后宾语从句的谓语应使用(should) do的形式表示虚拟,故正确答案为A。

76. Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention ________ (讨论) at the meeting. (discuss) (2010年湖北卷)

【解析】题干的意思是:“约翰逊先生坚持要求在会议上讨论这个值得大家注意的问题。”动词insist表示“坚持”,其后的宾语从句谓语要用(should) do的形式表示虚拟,又因为problem与discuss之间是被动关系,故答案应为(should) be discussed。


选修六英语虚拟语气 第5篇


If I accepted it, I would regret in future.


现在时态 → 过去时态形式,将来时态 → 过去将来时


If she had known it, she would not have made the mistake.


过去一般时 → 过去完成时, 过去一般将来时 →过去将来完成时


If it should rain tomorrow, we would stay at home.


将来一般时 → 过去将来一般时,将来一般时 →过去将来一般时


If they/I/he/we were you, …

He ordered that the barrier/barriers (should) beremoved.


Long live Mother! our parents! all the parents in the world!


Long live Mao!

英语教案范例,虚拟语气 第6篇

一. 教材分析

本单元选取了学生平日生活中经常出想的一些假设的情况,用一些非常熟悉的场景进行相应的训练。虚拟语气对学生来说是个全新的语法,掌握好虚拟语气的用法关系到整个第一单元的学习。所以虚拟语气的掌握对本单元的学习起着重要的作用。要通过多层面的展示让学生提高听、说、读、写的水平。二. 学情分析

初四的学生经过四年的学习掌握了一定的基础知识,本单元的内容对他们来说不是很难,而且本单元的内容是一些虚构的东西让他们感到很新鲜,并且非常贴近生活,让学生感到亲切、真实,让他们从不同的角度去理解问题,增加学生的情感,让他们把所学到的知识运用到日常生活中。三. 教学目标


3.学会表示与现在情况相反的虚拟语气。4.学会用虚拟语气表述自己还没有实现的愿望。四. 教学重点、难点 1.重点词语:million, pimple, energetic, confident, tie, medical research

2.学会运用表示现在与将来情况的虚拟条件句 If+主语+动词的过去式,主语+would+动词原形

3.语言结构:If I were you, I would take a shower at first.If I had time, I would certainly go.五. 教学准备


六. 教学过程

Step 1 Warming up

1.Ask some questions about everyday life, such as “How was your vacation?” “What kind of sports do you like?” 2.Review the new words we learned yesterday.Step 2 Study the new language

1.ask two questions and ask some students to answer a.Do you love money? Do you want to have a lot of money? b.If you had a lot of money, what would you do?

I’d „ The students may give many different answers.Then let’s listen and do 1b.Listen and number the pictures(1-4)in the order they

hear.And then ask some questions about the material.T: What did the old man do if he had a million dollars? S: He would„

T: What did the first boy do if he had a million dollars? S: He would„

T: Why would he second girl put the money in the bank? S: Because she’d „

T: Why would the second boy give the money to the medical research?

S: Because he’d„

Then make conversation according to 1a and 1b.What would you do if you had a million dollars?


Step 3 Practice(Listening 2a and 2b)

First explain the picture : The boy is going to somewhere and he is feeling a little nervous.His sister is telling him what to wear.Then listen and answer why Larry is nervous and circle the reason.Next listen and do 2b: listen again.Check the four things Larry’s sister says to him.Ask some questions according to 2a and 2b.T: Where is Larry going ?

S: He’s going to Tom’s party.T: Why is he nervous ?

S: Because he doesn’t know what to wear?

T: What else does he worry about” S: He worries about the present.T: Does his sister give him some advice? S: Yes.

Step 4 Production(pair work)


1.I’m really hard-working, but I can’t study English well.2.I don’t want to go to my friend’s birthday party, but I don’t know how to tell her or if I need to buy her a present.Step 5 Production(Group work)

提供情景 我是老师或我是校长 操作建议:





If I were the teacher / headmaster, I would„

Step 6 Summary



Step 7 Homework
