


部门办公室名称中英文翻译 第1篇


总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 营业部 Business Office 人事部 Personnel Department

人力资源部 Human Resources Department 总务部 General Affairs Department 财务部 General Accounting Department 销售部 Sales Department

促销部 Sales Promotion Department 国际部 International Department 出口部 Export Department 进口部 Import Department

公共关系 Public Relations Department 广告部 Advertising Department 企划部 Planning Department

产品开发部 Product Development Department 研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室 Secretarial Pool 销售部 SALES DEPT.会议室(1)CONFERENCE ROOM(1)



综合办 COMPOSITE OFFICE(几个部门的组合大办公室)总务部 GENERAL AFFAIRS DEPT.(人事食堂等事宜)



男洗手间 W.C.(男士头形图)女洗手间 W.C.(女士头形图)男更衣室 LOCKER ROOM(MALE)女更衣室 LOCKER ROOM(FEMALE)供应部 Supplies Dept.采购组 Purchase Section 业务部 Sales Dept.管理部 Admin Dept.电脑课 Computer Dept.工程课 Engineering Dept.市场部 Market Dept.各种企业的英文翻译:

个人独资企业:sole proprietorship enterprise/sole investment enterprise 国营企业:state-run enterprise 国有企业:state-owned enterprise 集体企业:collectively-run enterprise 乡镇企业:township enterprise 公营企业:public enterprise 私营企业:private enterprise

私营工商业:privately owned individual and commercial enterprise 公私合营企业:joint state-private enterprise 合作社企业:cooperative enterprise 合资企业:joint venture

外向型企业:export-oriented enterprise 劳动密集型企业:labor-intensive enterprise 技术密集型企业:technology-intensive enterprise

国有大中型企业:big-and-medium-sized state-owned enterprise 亏损企业:money-losing enterprise 联合企业:conglomerate 工业企业:industrial complex 生产型企业:production enterprise


部门办公室名称中英文翻译 第2篇

1.Personnel Department 人事部

2.Human Resource Department 人力资源部

3.Sales Department 营销部

4.Product Development Department 产品开发部

5.Public Relations Department 公关部

6.Marketing Department 市场部

7.Finance Department 财会部


9.After-sale Service Department 售后服务部

10.Quality Control Department 品管部

总公司 Head Office

分公司 Branch Office

营业部 Business Office

人事部 Personnel Department

(人力资源部)Human Resources Department总务部 General Affairs Department

财务部 General Accounting Department销售部 Sales Department




进口部 Sales Promotion DepartmentInternational DepartmentExport DepartmentImport Department

公共关系 Public Relations Department广告部 Advertising Department

企划部 Planning Department

产品开发部 Product Development Department研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室 Secretarial Pool


Chairman of the Board 董事长

董事长兼总经理 Board Chairman and General Manager

2.President(Am E.)总裁

3.Executive Vice-President 执行副总裁

4.Managing Director 行政董事/总经理

5.Executive Manager,General Manager 总经理

6.Deputy General Manager 副总经理

7.Section Manager 部门经理,科长

8.Sales Manager 销售部经理

9.Assistant Manager 助理经理(副经理)

10.Manager 主任

11.Sales Representative 销售代表

12.Supervisor 总管

13.executive 高中级管理人员

14.clerk 职员




计算机工程师 Computer Engineer高级工程师Senior Engineer





Interpreter 口语翻译

Technical Translator 技术翻译Translator 翻译员

质检员 Quality Inspector

Office Controller

技师 Technician

Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师Manufacturing Worker 生产员工Technical Worker 技术工人

部门办公室名称中英文翻译 第3篇

1. Literal Translation

According to the Webster’s New International Dictionary (second edition) , literal translation is“of translations, transcriptions, etc., representing or following the letter or exact words, not free.”Literal translation is widely used in the field of English film titles translation.Here we take some film titles for example:

Original Sin《原罪》, Saving Private Ryan《拯救大兵瑞恩》, Schindler’s List《辛德勒的名单》, The Lord of Rings《指环王》, The Graduate《毕业生》, Artificial Intelligence《人工智能》, The English Patient《英国病人》.

From these film titles we can see that the biggest advantage of literal translation is that it keeps the linguistic styles as that of the original titles, making the translated Chinese titles to be similar with the English ones to the most extent.Besides, literal translation makes the target language film titles equivalent to the original ones both in their styles and in language habits.

2. Free Translation

Except the literal translation, free translation is also a major means used in translating English film titles.Because of the differences (including geographic difference, history difference, religion difference, etc.) between the languages of English and Chinese, some film titles can not be simply translated into Chinese literally.Under such circumstances, free translation is necessary.

According to the Webster’s New International Dictionary (second edition) , free translation is“departing more or less from faithfulness to the original, not literal or exact”.

The film Ghost was shot in 1990.It’s a beautiful love story between a human-being and a ghost.According to the plot of the film, we can translate it into《人鬼情未了》.If we literally translate it into《鬼》, it will mislead the audience that it is a horror movie.

Other film titles like Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》, The Rock《勇闯夺命岛》, Eraser《毁灭者》, Courage under Fire《生死豪情》, The Mask《变相怪杰》, It’s a Wonderful Life《风云人物》, The Gun《壮志凌云》, Stuart Little《精灵鼠小弟》, The Bone Collector《神秘拼图》, Waterloo Bridge《魂断廊桥》, etc., all adopt the means of free translation.

Free translation to the most extent depends on the translator’s ability to select words and to modify the film titles without losing their meaning.It is also a main method used in translating English film titles.

3. The Combination of Literal and Free Translation

The combination of literal and free translation can be used in the situation when applying literal or free translation does not achieve a best film title.

Here are some translated film titles used the means of the combination of literal and free translation, such as Scream《夺命狂呼》The Fugitive《亡命天涯》, Dr.Dolittle《怪医杜立特》, Seven《七宗罪》, The One《救世主》, A Knight’s Tale《骑士风云录》, Cats&Dogs《猫狗大战》, Chocolate《浓情巧克力》, Tomorrow Never Dies《明日帝国》, Rush Hour《尖峰时刻》, etc.

This means is probably applied to most of English film titles translation.The translator maximizes his imagination based on the literal meaning of original film titles and the plot of films, achieving a balance between original and target language.

4. Conclusion

Film title is the first impression on the audience.How to translate English film titles concisely remains a top priority to a translator Three methods of translating English film titles mentioned in this article should be adopted flexibly in the process of translation.Meanwhile the translator should maximize one’s imagination to make more creative translation.

摘要:随着娱乐产业的不断发展, 电影已成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。英文电影名称是否得到妥善的翻译, 将会影响电影的宣传。本文将探讨三种主要的翻译方法。



宜兴紫砂壶名称的英文翻译 第4篇




1 宜兴紫砂壶总称的英译

紫砂,clay是粘土,泥土,似黏土的东西,陶土制之意。Purple为紫色的意思。所以紫砂壶译为Purple-Clay teapot就比较合适了。

但是, Zisha teapot却是更好的翻译。




③依据对Google和美国Ebay玻璃杯茶壶类别的搜索,Zisha Teapot是最为广泛使用和广为外国人知的翻译方法。

2 宜兴紫砂壶制壶工艺的英译

紫砂壶的制壶工艺得到了创造性的发展,其成形方法不仅有拉坯成形throwing、可塑成形plastic molding、还出现了旋坯成形jolleying。

在清代的繁盛时期内用得较多的紫砂英语主要有:加工(refining)、成形(molding)、装饰(decorating)、烧成(fining)。而由于每种紫砂工序都由一系列的工艺流程构成.其英文词汇又不同其它行业。如陈腐(aging)、揉泥(kneading)、拉坯(throwing)、修坯(trimming)、印模(impressing)、复烧(up side—down firing)和叠烧(up—stacked firing)等术语。

宜兴紫砂壶制壶工艺及其英译由于宜兴紫砂壶装饰技法、制壶工艺的独特,有着它自身的一套用语,其英文词汇也有别于其它行业。如紫砂艺壶有光货(smoothness)、花货(floriation)等之分,其中装饰是最复杂的工序,如陶刻(pottery carving),加彩(glazing),雕(sculpture),琢(drilling),捏(tempering),塑(cubic sculpture),贴花(decal),绞泥(clay-strip forming),堆花(bossed decoration),喷色泥(spraying),泥绘(painting),镂刻(engraving),包漆(coating),嵌(inlay)等方法。

3 宜兴紫砂壶成品的英译


先就花货而言,最接近人们的生活,因其制作形象写实,故最容易被大众所接受。比较著名的有:高建芳的果品小壶(fruit-shape teapot)、高丽君的九头人参茶具(Nine-piece Tea set with ginseng design)、江建翔的硕艳壶(teapot symbolizing ripe fruit and blossoming flower)、徐成权的梅桩什锦壶(Plum-stump teapot)、谢曼仑的大桑宝壶(Teapot with silkworms on lid and body)、汪宝根的合桃壶(Joining-peach teapot)、大生的竹断壶(Bamboo stem teapot)、杨凤年的风卷葵壶(Teapot with design of blown sun flowers)、陈鸣远的松段壶(Teapot in shape of piece stake)、顾惠君的蟋蟀壶(Teapot with crickets)、范洪泉的鱼跃壶(Teapot with swimming fish)。

优秀的圆货作品有:夏俊伟的四时如意(Teapot expressing all-time satisfaction)、王寅春的红串盖壶(Teapot with a loop on lid)、邵友庭的一粒珠壶(Pearl-shape teapot)、万泉的汉扁壶(Han-style flat teapot)、邵大亨的仿鼓壶(Drum-shape teapot)、吕俊庆的春色满园壶(Teapot with spring garden design)、潘俊的涌泉壶(Running-spring teapot)、徐益勤的桥顶壶(Teapot with bridge as knob)、陆君的碗灯壶(Teapot in shape of bowling-like lamp)、范伟群的情满天下(Rich-affection teapot)、马金旺的大富贵(Richness and nobility)。

最后我们再一起看看提梁壶和经囊壶。最富盛名的是:徐达明的桃木情-汉韵紫檀木提梁壶(Pottery-wood affection:Han-style teapot with overhead handle made of sandalwood)、王寅春的裙花提梁壶(Overhead-handle teapot with petticoat design)、吴云根的提梁孤菱壶(Overhead handle teapot)、周桂珍的北瓜提梁(Pumpkin-shape teapot with overhead handle)、杨维高的舞壶(Teapot shaped as a dancer)。吴纯耿的葵花汉扁壶(Han-style flat teapot with design of water caltrop flower)、吴贞裕的劲秋壶(Deep-autumn teapot)。


要想让宜兴紫砂壶走向世界,必须对其制作工艺和作品的文化艺术特色有深刻的理解和认识。就紫砂资料翻译来说,应在先做到信、达的基础上,再力求做到雅,不仅要让世人了解紫砂壶,还要向世人展示紫砂壶的艺术之美。让我们越来越多的人,说出Zisha Teapot,让紫砂艺术走向世界,发扬光大。




部门英文名称[范文] 第5篇

上海行政学院:Shanghai Administration Institute

中共上海市委党校: Shanghai Party Institute

校委委员:Member of School Board

常务副校长:Executive President








副主任:Deputy Director



副处长:Deputy Director



副处长:Deputy Director



副处长:Deputy Director



副主任:Deputy Director

机关党委:Party Affairs CommitteeVice PresidentProvostSecretary GeneralInspectorDeputy InspectorPresident Office Foreign Affairs OfficeLiaison DivisionPersonnel Division Division of Party and Masses’ Affairs


副书记:Deputy Secretary

工会:Trade Union


副主席:Vice Chairman

团委:Youth League Committee


副书记:Deputy Secretary

监察审计室:Office of Supervision & Audit

机关纪委:Party’s Discipline and Inspection Committee书记:Director

副书记:Deputy Director

教务处:Division of Teaching Management


副处长:Deputy Director

科研处:Division of Scientific Research Management 处长:Director

副处长:Deputy Director

研究生部:Postgraduate Division

学历教育处:Division of Higher Education


副主任:Deputy Director

学员工作处:Division of Trainees Management


副处长:Deputy Director

信息化管理处:Division of Information Management


副处长:Deputy Director

调研督查处:Division of Survey & Supervision


对外培训处:Division of External Training


副处长:Deputy Director

后勤管理处:Division of Logistic Management


副处长:Deputy Director

计划财务处:Finance Division


副处长:Deputy Director

安全保卫处:Public Security Division


基建工程管理办公室: Division of Campus Planning


副主任:Deputy Director

哲学教研部:Department of Philosophy


Research Center for Contemporary Marxist Philosophy


副主任:Deputy Director

经济学教研部:Department of Economics and Management

理论经济学研究所: Research Center for Theoretical Economics主任:Director

副主任:Deputy Director

科学社会主义教研部:Department of Scientific Socialism 当代社会主义研究所:

Research Center for Contemporary Socialism


副主任:Deputy Director

党史党建教研部:Department of Party History and Building 政党研究所:Research Center for Political Parties主任:Director

副主任:Deputy Director

公共管理教研部:Department of Public Administration 政府研究所:Research Center for Government


副主任:Deputy Director

社会学教研部:Department of Sociology

城市社会研究所:Research Center for Urban Society主任:Director

副主任:Deputy Director


Research Center for Modern Human Resource Assessment主任:Director

副主任:Deputy Director

校刊编辑部:Journal Editorial Office


副主任:Deputy Director



副馆长:Deputy Director

干部教育信息中心:Information Center of Cadre Training 主任:Director

副主任:Deputy Director


Center for Logistic Service


副主任:Deputy Director

三依实业总公司:Sanyi General Industrial Corporation 总经理:General Manager

副总经理:Deputy General Manager

海兴大厦:Haixing Hotel

总经理:General Manager

公司企业常见英文部门名称 第6篇

总公司 Head Office

分公司 Branch Office

营业部 Business Office

人事部 Personnel Department

(人力资源部)Human Resources Department

总务部 General Affairs Department

财务部 General Accounting Department

销售部 Sales Department

促销部 Sales Promotion Department

国际部 International Department

出口部 Export Department

进口部 Import Department

公共关系 Public Relations Department

广告部 Advertising Department

企划部 Planning Department

产品开发部 Product Development Department

研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)

秘书室 Secretarial Pool 总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 营业部 Business Office

人事部 Personnel Department

人力资源部 Human Resources Department 总务部 General Affairs Department 财务部 General Accounting Department 销售部 Sales Department

促销部 Sales Promotion Department 国际部 International Department 出口部 Export Department 进口部 Import Department

公共关系 Public Relations Department 广告部 Advertising Department 企划部 Planning Department

产品开发部 Product Development Department

研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室 Secretarial Pool

采购部 Purchasing Department 工程部 Engineering Department

行政部 Admin.Department 人力资源部 HR Department 市场部 Marketing Department 技术部 Technolog Department 客服部 Service Department

行政部: Administration

财务部 Financial Department 总经理室、Direcotor, or President

副总经理室、Deputy Director, or Vice president 总经办、General Deparment

采购部、Purchase & Order Department 工程部、Engineering Deparment 研发部、Research Deparment 生产部、Productive Department 销售部、Sales Deparment

广东业务部、GD Branch Deparment

无线事业部、Wireless Industry Department 拓展部 Business Expending Department 物供部、Supply Department

B&D business and development 业务拓展部

Marketing 市场部

Sales 销售部

HR 人力资源部

Account 会计部

PR people relationship 公共关系部

OFC(Office, 但不常见)/ OMB = Office of Management and Budget 办公室

Finance 财务部


R&D(Research & Development)研发部


Administration Dept.管理部

Purchasing Dept 采购部

Chairman/President Office // Gerneral Manager office or GM office 总经理办公室

Monitor & Support Department 监事会

公司企业常见部门名称英文 第7篇

2005-3-6 18:04:54

总公司 Head Office

分公司 Branch Office

营业部 Business Office

人事部 Personnel Department

(人力资源部)Human Resources Department总务部 General Affairs Department

财务部 General Accounting Department

销售部 Sales Department

促销部 Sales Promotion Department

国际部 International Department

出口部 Export Department

进口部 Import Department

公共关系 Public Relations Department

广告部 Advertising Department

企划部 Planning Department

产品开发部 Product Development Department

浅析英文影片名称的翻译方法 第8篇

首先, 对外国电影风格的了解有助于我们更好地理解电影名字。众所周知, 电影分为不同的类型, 我们通过内容可以将电影大致分为以下几类:道德伦理类 (《幸福终点站》) , 战争类 (《偷袭珍珠港》) , 科幻类 (《星际迷航》) , 西部牛仔类 (《老无所依》) , 惊悚类 (《汉尼拔》) 以及浪漫爱情类 (《窈窕淑女》) 等。

对于一部电影来说, 一个好的名字本身就是对影片的宣传, 是一个好的广告。尽管片名不能完全表达影片涵盖的所有信息, 但是一个让人印象深刻的片名却能浓缩影片的精华, 高度概括影片内容和主旨。因此电影片名的地位与功能对于影片是独一无二的, 掌握好影片片名的翻译技巧对于电影片名翻译至关重要。电影片名虽然都比较短, 但是同样要遵守翻译基本原则, 那就是忠实原文。比较早期和现在的片名, 可以看出传统的译法现在仍多用于大部分影片片名翻译。常用的翻译方法有:


以在剧情中其重要作用的主角, 地名或者事件命名的技巧会经常出现在很多影片中。如《阿甘正传》 (《Forrest Gump》) , 《卡萨布兰卡》 (《Casablanca》) , 《泰坦尼克》 (《Titanic》) , 《简爱》 (《Jane Eyre》) , 《哈利波特》 (《Harry Porter》) 。还有一些电影是以主角的绰号来命名, 如蜘蛛侠系列还有教父系列。


直译就是按照忠实原文的原则按照英文影片名来翻译, 对其原语言, 文化特性予以保留。这种翻译方法在不违背电影情节内容的基础上, 准确、生动地再现片名。如《西雅图不眠夜》 (《Sleepless in Seattle》) , 《三个火枪手》 (《The Three Musketeers》) , 《第22条军规》 (《The Catch 22》) , 《雨中曲》 (《Singin'in the Rain》) 和《与狼共舞》 (《Dances with Wovles》) 。


语言是文化的载体, 语言与文化密不可分, 语言的翻译更是离不开文化。由于中英两个民族在历史发展中形成了不同的民族文化和思维习惯, 因此很多富含本民族特色的词汇在汉语中找不到对等语, 此时直译就略显欠缺, 不能完全显示出影片的精髓所在。这是就应采取意译法。在全面综合的了解影片风格, 内容, 文化背景的前提下, 对电影原名加以修饰创造, 对等的汉语表达出来。如《壮志凌云》 (《Top Gun》) , 《飞屋环游记》 (《Up》) , 《无间道》 (《The Departed》) , 《魂断蓝桥》 (《Waterloo Bridge》) , 《七宗罪》 (《Seven》) 。


由于地域文化迥异, 在处理具有浓厚地域文化色彩的影片名称时, 我们可以根据中国人的文化需求进行适当改变, 以期达到观众的审美水平, 最大限度吸引观众。如《Friends》用直译的方法以为朋友, 但是考虑到这一影视剧讲述一群人深厚的友谊, 所以译为《老友记》更能表达影视剧的主旨;再如《Home Alone》译为《小鬼当家》。如果采用直译法, 应译为《独自在家》, 但是相比之下, “小鬼当家”可以反映出影片要刻画的那个聪明又顽皮的孩子。再例如《American Beauty》这部电影, 在中国台湾被译为《美国心玫瑰情》。American beauty是美国一种四季常开的玫瑰, 象征着美丽纯洁还有爱, 因此这部影片的翻译充分传达了影片的爱情主旨。

影片片名的翻译要结合翻译基本原则, 不仅要从观众的审美需求和思维方式出发, 还要考虑片名的艺术性和商业性, 灵活运用多种翻译技巧, 来增强片名的导视作用。随着电影事业的不断发展, 片名的翻译也要在传统的译法上进行创新, 符合观众审美的发展, 找到艺术性和商业性的平衡点。

摘要:电影是集娱乐与艺术为一体的文化产物, 在当今全球化的背景下, 中国的改革开放的程度不断加深, 英文影片的引进更是愈加频繁。那么影片名称的翻译标准更是收到广泛关注。本文主要分析产生差异的原因, 总结翻译特点, 以期是电影片名为广大受众接受。



[1]毛发生.两岸三地外语影片片名的翻译比较[J].西安外国语学院学报, 2002.

[2]刘宓庆.文体与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1995.

[3]何伯雄.奥斯卡完全手册[M].上海:上海画报出版社, 2001.

部门办公室名称中英文翻译 第9篇

银行业务部门名称中英对照 第10篇


Executive Office经理办公室Personnel Dept.人事部

General Affairs Dept.总务部

Co-ordination & Planning Dept.综合计划部International Dept.国际业务部 Overseas Branches Dept.海外部Foreign Exchange Dept.外汇资金部First Credit Dept.信贷一部

Second Credit Dept.信贷二部 Accounting Dept.财会部

International Clearing Dept国际清算部 Banking Dept.营业部

Credit Card Dept.信用卡部

General Auditing Dept.总稽核室 Computer Center电脑部

Training Management Dept.教育部

如何认清公司部门的英文标识名称 第11篇

广告部 Advertising Department

人力资源部Human Resources Department

企划部 Planning Department 出口部 Export Department 进口部 Import Department 公共关系 Public Relations Department

总务部 General Affairs Department 产品开发部 Product Development


财务部 General Accounting Department 研发部 Research and Development


销售部 Sales Department

秘书室 Secretarial Pool 促销部 Sales Promotion Department

怎样用英语表达常见工作职位? 国际部 International Department

无论是在你出国前准备各种材料、办理各种手续,还是在您到达异国需要求职或申请入学,您肯定要经常用到一些职位、职务的名称。找找看,您现在的职位英文怎么说?您想从事的国外职业的中文名称又是什么?(以英语字母为序)Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 记帐员

Airlines Staff 航空公司职员

Accounting Manager 会计部经理

Application Engineer 应用工程师

Accounting Stall 会计部职员

Assistant Manager 副经理

Accounting Supervisor 会计主管

Bond Analyst 证券分析员

Administration Manager 行政经理

Bond Trader 证券交易员

Administration Staff 行政人员

Business Controller 业务主任

Administrative Assistant 行政助理

Business Manager 业务经理

Administrative Clerk 行政办事员

Buyer 采购员

Advertising Staff 广告工作人员

Airlines Sales Representative 航

空公司定座员 Cashier 出纳员

Chemical Engineer 化学工程师

Civil Engineer 土木工程师

Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员

Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书

Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员

Computer Engineer 计算机工程师 Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员

Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理

Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人 Deputy General Manager 副总经理 Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理

Electrical Engineer 电气工程师 Engineering Technician 工程技术员 English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师

Export Sales Manager 外销部经理

Export Sales Staff 外销部职员 Financial Controller 财务主任 Financial Reporter 财务报告人 F.X.(Foreign Exchange)Clerk 外汇部职员

F.X.Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员

Fund Manager 财务经理

General Auditor 审计长

General Manager/President 总经理

General Manager Assistant 总经理助理

General Manager‘s Secretary 总经理秘书

Hardware Engineer(计算机)硬件工程师

Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员 Import Manager 进口部经理 Insurance Actuary 保险公司理赔员 International Sales Staff 国际销售员

Interpreter 口语翻译 Legal Adviser 法律顾问 Line Supervisor 生产线主管 Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师

Management Consultant 管理顾问

Manager 经理

Manager for Public Relations 公关部经理

Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师 Manufacturing Worker 生产员工 Market Analyst 市场分析员 Market Development Manager 市场开发部经理

Marketing Manager 市场销售部经理

Marketing Staff 市场销售员

Marketing Assistant 销售助理

Marketing Executive 销售主管

Marketing Representative 销售代表

Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部经理

Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师

Mining Engineer 采矿工程师 Music Teacher 音乐教师 Naval Architect 造船工程师 Office Assistant 办公室助理 Office Clerk 职员

Operational Manager 业务经理

Package Designer 包装设计师

Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员

Personnel Clerk 人事部职员 Personnel Manager 人事部经理 Plant/Factory Manager 厂长 Postal Clerk 邮政人员 Private Secretary 私人秘书

Product Manager 生产部经理 Production Engineer 产品工程师 Professional Staff 专业人员 Programmer 电脑程序设计师

Project Staff(项目)策划人员

Promotional Manager 推销部经理

Proof-reader 校对员

Purchasing Agent 采购(进货)员

Quality Control Engineer 质量管理工程师

Real Estate Staff 房地产职员

Recruitment Coordinator 招聘协调人

Regional Manger 地区经理 Research & Development Engineer 研究开发工程师

Restaurant Manager 饭店经理

Office Assistant 办公室助理

Office Clerk 职员

Seller Representative 销售代表 Sales Supervisor 销售监管 School Registrar 学校注册主任 Secretarial Assistant 秘书助理 Secretary 秘书

Securities Custody Clerk 保安人员 Security Officer 安全人员 Senior Accountant 高级会计 Senior Consultant/Adviser 高级顾问

Senior Employee 高级雇员 Senior Secretary 高级秘书

Service Manager 服务部经理 Simultaneous Interpreter 同声传译员

Software Engineer(计算机)软件工程师

Supervisor 监管员 Systems Adviser 系统顾问 Systems Engineer 系统工程师

Systems Operator 系统操作员 Technical Editor 技术编辑

echnical Translator 技术翻译 Technical Worker 技术工人 elecommunication Executive 电讯(电信)员

Telephonist/Operator 电话接线员、话务员

Tourist Guide 导游

Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管

Trainee Manager 培训部经理 Translation Checker 翻译核对员 Translator 翻译员

Trust Banking Executive 银行高级职员

Typist 打字员

各类媒体名称中英翻译 第12篇

part i: international news agency




dow jones newswires







6. 美国广播公司

abc news








bloomberg business news

11. 英国广播公司

bbc world service




yomiuri shimbun

14. 朝日电视


15. 日本广播协会


16. 日本电视网



south china morning post



part ii: chinese media


tv and radio media

18. 中央电视台新闻频道 《新闻社区》

cctv news channel xinwen shequ

19.中央电视台第三套 《综艺快报》

cctv-3 entertainment reports

20.中央电视台第一套 《新闻30分》

cctv-1 news 30 minutes

21.中央电视台第六套 《中国电影报道》

cctv-6 china movie news

22. 凤凰卫视中文台 《凤凰快报》

phoenix tv chinese station

phoenix news report


dragon tv

orient news report

24. 北京电视台第一套 《晚间新闻报道》

btv-1 evening news reports

25.北京电视台第二套 《每日文化播报》

btv-2 everyday’s culture reports


the travel channel

27. 中央人民广播电台(第一套——中国之声《新闻播报》栏目)

china national radio


press media


beijing media


xinhua news agency;


chinanews agency

30. 光明日报

guangming daily

31. 经济日报

economic daily

32. 中国青年报

china youth daily

33. 人民日报

people’s daily

34. 中国日报

china daily

35. 环球时报

global times

36. 中国经营报

china business

37. 经济观察报

the economic observer

38. 北京现代商报

beijing business today

39. 国际航空报

international aviation news


business watch


china news week

42. 北京青年报

beijing youth daily

43. 北京晚报

beijing evening news

44. 北京晨报

beijing morning post

45. 北京现代商报

beijing business today

46. 北京娱乐信报

beijing star daily


beijing times

48. 精品购物指南

life style

49. 新京报

the beijing news

50. 北京青年周刊

beijing youth weekly


shanghai media

51. 东方早报

orient morning post

52. 文汇报

wenhui daily



guangzhou daily


southern weekend

55. 21世纪经济报道

21st century business herald


professional amusement media


new cinema


china tv newspaper



web media










部门办公室名称中英文翻译 第13篇

With the fast economic development of China,the merchandise trade between China and foreign countries grew steadily these years.Therefore,more and more foreign products swarm into China;also we have lots of Chinese products exported to foreign countries.In order to compete with others,the enterprises have to take many key factors into account.Besides the excellent quality and the appropriate price,the trademark is an important factor.

Trademark is defined as“a name term,design,symbol,or any other features that identify one seller's goods or service as distinct from those of other sellers.”A trademark is typically a name,word,phrase,logo,symbol,design,image,or a combination of these elements.Here we mainly focus on names,words and phrases.A successful trademark name should be able to attract the consumers'attention and stimulate the purchasing desire.So an appropriate translation is crucial to maintain the same function when the product enters a foreign market.

Actually translation is a complex science with plenty of famous scholars and their outstanding theories.Skopos Theory is one of them.Put forward in“Ground-work for a General Theory of Translation”by Reiss Vermeer,it is believed that the translating purpose decides the translating strategies and methods.Therefore trademark name translation should convey not only the literal meaning of the name itself,but also its cultural connotation and marketing function.

In this way,trademark name translation is more complicated than the general translation which has nothing to do with some economic knowledge and consideration.Moreover it is very importan to know the principles and methods of trademark name translation for knowing this can help translate appropriately.

2 Features of Trademark Names

First,trademark names are often short in form.Many well-known trademark names have two to three words or syllables such as Benz,Chanel,Apple in the west,and海尔,联想,蒙牛in China.Short names are easy to read and remember.

Second,the words of trademark names which have positive meanings or rich implications are symbolic.For example,“联想”,a computer brand of China,means imagination in Chinese.“Using the computer will give you great imagination.”With such kind o thought,consumers will remember it easily.Maybe they will purchase one when they need a computer.Robust,a brand of the mineral water,means physically strong.“Drinking it will make you healthy and energetic”,then who will not like it?

Third,the relation between the product and its trademark name is diverse in different cultures.Some trademark names have the indirect relation with the products.Generally the Chinese trademarks like this kind of relationship.For example,“立白”,a cleansing product brand,means clean and white immediately.When we see the trademark,we know the main function of this product.Other trademark names have zero relation with their products.Numerous English trademarks can be classified into this type.Western products usually use names of celebrities or places,or even numbers as their trademarks,which have no connection with the function of the products.For instance,“Jordan”,a brand of sports wear,is the name of the famous basketball player.“555”is a brand of cigarettes,using numbers as its trademark name.

3 Problems in Trademark Name Translation Con-cerning Cultural Differences

Given the above features of the trademark name,it is obvious that the translation of trademark names is more like a cultural communication between sellers from one country and buyers in another.Because of the diversity of natural environment,religion and culture,people in different countries have different cognitions,values and conceptions.These differences result in some problems and difficulties in trademark name translation.

3.1 Cultural differences on religion

Panda is the national treasure of China.Most of the Chinese people love panda and things related to panda.Many Chinese brands love using“熊猫”as their trademark names or part of trademark names.For example,we have television named“熊猫”,cigarettes named“熊猫”,mobile phone named“熊猫”and security door named“盼盼”which is the name of a famous panda.However panda is not so popular in some Muslim countries,because panda looks like pig in appearance.And we all know that pork is the taboo of Muslim.So if the above products are exported to a Muslim country,the translation should be very careful.

3.2 Cultural differences on language

Language may be the prominent difference of culture.When we do translation,mostly we find out the equivalent word from the target language to correspond to the source language.But sometimes the equivalent words may have different meanings.Something good in one language may not be so good in another one,or even has opposite meaning.For example,“凤凰”,a trademark of bicycle,means elegant and lucky in Chinese culture.When translated into“Phoenix”,things are different.In western culture,phoenix has an association of“reborn”.With this meaning,western consumers can hardly buy it.

Actually even in the west,different countries may face the same situation.A car“Fiera”made by Ford Company is not popular in Spain,because“fiera”means an ugly carline in Spanish.

3.3 Cultural differences on cognition

Cognition is an abstract concept,and it is comprehensive.Take numbers as an example.Every country has numbers.Numbers are mainly same around the world.But people in different cultures always have different comprehension or preference on numbers.The Chinese consider“6”,“9”,“8”as lucky numbers,whereas“6”represents devil in the Bible.The European countries dislike the unlucky number“13”while have a special favor of the number“7”.In Japan,people don't like“4”because the pronunciation sounds like“death”.So when there are numbers in trademark names,we should be cautious about them.

3.4 Cultural differences on history

Every culture has a history.Along the long time,there have been many historical incidents happened.These incidents have carved into the culture and became part of it.Unaware of the history when translating a trademark name will lead to failure.

“Opium”is a brand of perfume.Actually in the western culture,such kind of trademark name is popular,such as Poison,another perfume brand.However in China,“鸦片”has a negative meaning.The Chinese people experienced the shameful history related to opium since 1840,which is the year of the notorious Opium War.Without the consideration of the history,this brand encountered the resistance from the Chinese consumers.Finally,the trademark name“鸦片”was banned in China.

4 Principles of Trademark Name Translation

Trademark names convey not only the commercial information,but also the cultural information.So when translating trademark names from one language into another,the following principles should be taken into consideration.

4.1 Principle of reserving the original cultural elements

There might be something in common in every country or region,but some might also have its unique cultures.So the distinctiveness should be reserved.

Firstly,the translation of a trademark name should remain its main syllables.For example,Hewlett-Packard Co.chose“惠普”for shortness instead of“休利特-帕卡德”.However“惠普”still remain the main syllables of the original pronunciation.A brand of shampoo named Head&Shoulders is translated to“海飞丝”under the same consideration.

Secondly,the translation should reserve its exotic attribute.Such as“Casio”,a brand of watch,is translated into“卡西欧”,just the pronunciation of its name.Through reading,the consumers will know it is a foreign brand.

4.2 Principle of conveying the cultural connotation

Maybe not every trademark name has its cultural connotation.Moreover even a trademark name has its cultural meaning;the original connotation may not be so popular in the new market because of culture diversity.So conveying the suitable local cultural connotation is significant.

Soap“Safeguard”,whose Chinese name“舒肤佳”,is quite a success.“肤”delivers the purpose of the product,“舒”gives people a sense of comfort and clean,and“佳”conveys the effect of the product.The translated name give the product an appropriate connotation in accord with Chinese culture.There are still other examples,such as“Reebok”(锐步),“Umbro”(茵宝),“Contac”(康泰克),and“Extra”(益达).

Moreover a trademark name should be aesthetic.Aesthetics is an important cultural factor.When conformed to people's aesthetic taste,the trademark name can give people a good sense and thus promote sales.So the translated name should contain beauty in both form and content.Such as the drink“Seven-up”,which is translated into“七喜”.In western countries,people have a special favor of the number“7”,for seven means luckiness and happiness.“Up”means refreshment and happiness,so does“喜”in Chinese.In this sense,“七喜”is a successful translation both in form and content.

“海尔”is a famous Chinese brand.Its translated name“Haier”has a similar pronunciation with“higher”.The new trademark name gives consumers a high quality impression.

“Rejoice”is the brand name of a shampoo which is quite popular in China.It is put into“飘柔”in Chinese.The name itself is rather beautiful,and the meaning of the Chinese word“飘柔”also makes the consumers have an active association that using this kind of shampoo will make their hair gentle and smooth.

4.3 Principle of choosing the appropriate words

Firstly,the translated trademark name should be easy to understand.Nobody will have interest of products which they are not acquainted.A successful trademark name should have the trait that customers can learn the categories and characteristics of the product by the first sight.Like“Nike”,the famous American brand of sports wears,is the name of the goddess Victory in Greek myth.According to its pronunciation,it can be translated into“奈姬”or“娜基”in Chinese.However,these two names have no meaning,but even give people a misunderstanding that“Nike”is some products for women.“耐克”is better.“耐”means something durable.As the sport wear,durability equals to good quality.“克”implies that people can finally overcome difficulties and succeed,conforming with the connotation of Victory.These two words in Chinese are easy to understand,and have the similar pronunciation with the original trademark name too.

Secondly,a trademark name should be elegant and beautiful.More important,it should avoid local taboos.Before translating a trademark name,thorough custom and culture investigation is necessary.We should do what the target nation like and abandon what they dislike.For instance,“Goldlion”is put into“金利来”in Chinese,not“金狮”.Because“金狮”sounds like“金失”,losing money cannot be accepted by Chinese consumers.While“金利来”can give people a better association that gold and money coming on the way.

It is known to all that smoking is harmful to our health.Moreover,tobacconists have to put this advice on the cigarette boxes.But they hammer out some trademark names to inspire smokers'interest and curiosity,and then promote the sales.Such as“Kent”(健牌),“Good Companion”(良友)and“Marlboro”(万宝路).

The Chinese language is more complicated than English.With the same pronunciation we usually have many Chinese characters.Some characters have good meaning,while others bad.So when translating into Chinese,characters choosing is also crucial.For example,“Mercedes-Benz”,a famous German car,is translated into“奔驰”.There are many Chinese characters have the same sound“ben”,such as“笨”,“本”and“苯”.But no one can be better than“奔”,for this character has a meaning of dashing or rushing,which is most suitable for a car brand name.

4.4 Other Principles

Besides the principles above,a trademark name should be creative.It should be able to catch customers'attention and give them a deep impression.Moreover if the trademark name have some psychological effects on consumers that would be better.Having the marketing function is also important.But these principles have little connection with culture,so we will not discuss them further.

5 Methods of Trademark Names Translation

5.1 Transliteration

There are a lot of trademark names originated from the names of celebrities or places.It is hard to translate them literally since they may not have an equivalent word or name in other languages.So when translating such kind of trademark names,transliteration is the appropriate method.Transliteration is translating a word on the basis of its pronunciation.This method of translation can better maintain the original names and achieve exoticness at the same time.

One example of trademark name transliteration is“Motorola”(a brand name of mobile phone),which has no actual meaning in English itself.It is translated into“摩托罗拉”in Chinese.“摩托罗拉”doesn't mean anything in Chinese,but it was accepted and popular for a long time partly because of the exotic association by its name.

5.2 Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is another common method in trademark names translation.This method translates a word by its original connotation.It can well present the original intention and wish of the trademark inventor,meanwhile make the original name join into another culture and accepted by new consumers.Such as the Chinese-made bicycle“永久”,when translated to“Forever”,it does not only maintain its original meaning,but also conveys its good quality to foreign consumers.There are some other successful examples:“apple”(computer)to“苹果”,“Apollo”to“太阳神”.

Using the method of Paraphrasing has two conditions.One is the trademark name itself has gorgeous words,elegant implication and distinctive image.The other is its equivalent name in other languages also have the same meaning and implication.Otherwise,using it may lead to a failure.

5.3 Transliteration combined with paraphrasing

Transliteration gives the product an exotic sound,but it has no special meaning.Paraphrasing has some connotation but no exotic association.In order to maintain both the exoticness and the cultural connotation,combining two methods above is favored.It is difficult to work out a translation trademark name since we have to make the pronunciation and the meaning well combined.Then if we do so,the trademark itself is an art work.

There are many trademark names translated in this way.For instance,“Coca cola”,a brand of drink,is put into Chinese as“可口可乐”.The Chinese name“可口可乐”not only maintains the original sound,but also have the positive meaning that the taste of the drink is quite nice and delightful.The drink has become so popular that it now has become the synonym of soda water in China.

French supermarket Carrefour,world's second largest retailer,its trademark“Carrefour”means intersection in French,because it is always set up near the crossroad.Many people do not know this,so it is not suitable to be paraphrased into“十字路口”in Chinese.However,using transliteration,it can be“卡里福”.But it cannot tell what kind of shop it is.Finally“家乐福”works out.It both has the pronunciation and shows that this supermarket can bring fun and facility to families.

“Pentium”,a CPU manufactured by Intel company,is translated to“奔腾”in Chinese.“奔腾”sounds alike“Pentium”,and also indicates the inundant coming of the electronic time vividly.

5.4 Zero translation

With the acceleration of the international communication,more and more famous brand names have been well acquainted before they are introduced in a foreign market.So in this sense,a translated trademark name may need more time to be accepted.As a result,many famous brand names composed of English letters which are easy to read and remember are usually“translated”in a new way–zero translation,or we can call it no translation.

For instance,“IBM”which is popular in China,is just“translated”into“IBM”for the trademark itself stands for the high quality of the products.“SK-II”,the name of well-known cosmetics,is also“translated”in this way for the pronunciation itself represents the good reputation.There are some other trademarks dealt in this way,such as“555”,“AT&T”.

6 Conclusion

Translation is a cross-culture communication connecting both languages and cultures.So when translating,we should take the cultural differences into consideration,especially in trademark name translation.

Trademark name translation is a science as well as an art.It is a process which covers translation theory,aesthetics,linguistics culture,marketing,advertising and consumer psychology.No matter what principle the translators favor or what translation method they choose,in the whole translation process,cultural connotation can never be neglected.In this sense,translators should make the translated trademark name be accepted as well as appreciated by consumers in target market under culture influences.




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