


非谓语动词复习要点 第1篇





①在It is adj. for sb. to do sth. 和 It is adj. of sb. to do sth. 句型中。

在前一句型中形容词是表示事物特征的客观性形容词。如:difficult, hard, easy, necessary, rare, possible, important, dangerous 等。在后一句型中,形容词是表示人的品质特征的主观性形容词。如:kind, careful, nice, polite, honest, clever, foolish, wise, lazy等。常可以把这类句型进行改变,因为逻辑主语既是不定式的主语,又与句子的形容词存在着主表关系。

e.g. It is kind of you to come to see me = you are kind to come to see me.

②有三个形容词good, wrong, right 的逻辑主语既可以用of 又可以用for, 但表达的意义不同。

e.g. It is good for you to talk a walk after super. (good 为“对……有好处,益处”)

It is good of you to be always ready to help others. ( good 为“善心,好意)


① 只接不定式的动词:agree, fail, arrange, decide, hope, expect, refuse, manage, promise, pretend, wish, afford, attempt, plan 等。

② 不定式可用在介词but, except, besides, than之后做宾语。在but, except, besides 前有行为动词do时,跟不带to的动词不定式;无行为动词do时,带to的不定式,但在than之后的不定式常无to。

e.g. I have no choice but/except to accept the fact.

Little Tom had nothing to do except wander about in the street.

What do you like to do besides swim.

They thought that there was no way out than climb the cliff.


③ 不定式在下列动词后常作真正宾语:

make/find/feel/consider/think/believe +it +adj./n.+ to do sth.


① 名词受the last, the very, the only, 序数词或形容词的最高级修饰时, 一定用不定式做后置定语。 e.g. He is always the first person to come.

② 在名词之后做定语表动作时,用不定式。这些名词有:effort, failure, promise, desire, attempt 。

e.g. Please make an effort to arrive early.

They had little desire to get rich.

His failure to enter the college made him quite disappointed.

③ 不定式作定语用主动表被动的情况:


e.g. I have a lot of work to do./ I’ll give you something to read.

Ⅱ.在某些形容词之后的状语,又与主语是动宾关系,用不定式的主动表被动。这些形容词有:heavy, light, hard/difficult, easy, fit, convenient, comfortable, good, dangerous, safe.

e.g. The question is easy to answer.

The room is comfortable to live in.

Ⅲ. 在there be 句型中,不定式的主动和被动都可以,意义基本一致。

There is a lot of work to do/ to be done.

但:There is nothing to do. (译为:没事可做)

There is nothing to be done. (译为:没有办法)


① 跟不定式作宾补的动词:get, ask, tell, allow, permit, want, force, invite, persuade, advise, order, cause, encourage, forbid, wish, drive等。

② 不带to 的动词不定式作宾补的动词:五看两听一感觉,外加三个使役词。如:see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, feel, let, make, have。而help是可有可无to 的动词。





It’s no good/ no use doing sth..

There is no doing…. (……是不行的,做……是不可能的)

It’s worthwhile doing sth. (做……是值得的)

e.g. There is no joking about their belief. 拿他们的信仰来开玩笑是不行的。

It’s worthwhile taking the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees.



① 作介词的宾语

② 只接动名词作宾语的动词:enjoy, finish, mind, miss, suggest, advise, appreciate, avoid, imagine, admit, consider, delay, practise, forbid, deny, allow, permit, require, risk, excuse, prevent, complete, resist(抵抗)

③ 只接动名词的短语动词:give up, feel like, be worth, be/become/get used to, lead to, look forward to, object to, stick to, be fond of, pay attention to, be engaged in, put off, keep on, prevent/ keep/ stop…from, set about, can’t stand, get through(完成)等。

④ 在可省略的介词in 之后做宾语:

have difficulty/ trouble/ problem/ fun/ pleasure (in) doing sth.

have a good time/ a hard time (in) doing sth.

spend/waste time/ money (in) doing sth.

be busy (in) doing sth.

There is no use/ no harm/ no hurry/ no point (in) doing sth.

There is no harm in staying up a little later.


有时为了说明动名词的动作是由谁来执行的,通常用名词的所有格或形容词性的物主代词来做动名词的逻辑主语。在口语中,动名词复合结构的逻辑主语也可以用宾格或普通格来做。 如:

Their coming to help us was a great encouragement.

The mother’s worry is her son’s going to bed too late.

Do you mind me opening the door?


① 逻辑主语是无生命的名词时,如:Is there any hope of your team winning the game?

② 逻辑主语是不定代词,指示代词时,如:

Last night he was waked by someone knocking at the door.

③ 逻辑主语是两个或两个以上的单位时:

I still remember you and your father coming to see me many years ago.





e.g. The film is interesting / moving.

He is well educated.

75% of the surface of the earth is covered with water.

使役动词所转变而成的形容词也常被认为是分词作表语。现在分词形式表某人或某物给别人的感觉;过去分词形式表说话者的主观感受。这些使役动词常有:interest, surprise, frighten, excite, astonish, bore, tire, annoy, encourage, discourage, satisfy, disappoint, inspire, move, please, confuse, amuse, shock, worry, puzzle等。


⑴ 动词的现在分词在句中作前置定语,都表示动作的进行及主动,现在分词短语作后置定语,相当于一个主动的定语从句。如:

a sleeping boy / the changing world / the rising sun

The teacher talking with the students will give us a report.

Most of the assistants working in this shop are young people.


a cleaning woman ( 一位女清洁工)

a woman cleaning (一位正在打扫的妇女)

a dancing girl 一位舞女(永久性)

a girl dancing 一位正在跳舞的女孩 (暂时性)


vi. a returned soldier/ retired teachers/ the risen sun/ a sunken ship

vt. the murdered man/ a finished article/ the stolen bike.


He is the man loved by all.

Your letter dated March 10 has been received.



⑴现在分词通常在句中做以下动词的宾补,表主动及动作的正在进行或持续。如:see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, feel, find, want, catch, smell及这些有“使……”的词,send, leave, set, get, keep, have 等。

e.g. I could smell trouble / danger coming./ His words set me thinking.

He left me lying there alone. / The earthquake sent the glass flying everywhere.

I don’t want people coming in and out all day. ( want一般用于否定句中)

⑵过去分词通常在句中做以下动词的宾补,表被动。如:see, watch, observe, hear, listen to, look at, notice, feel, find, make, have, want, leave, get, wish等。

e.g. I want that letter typed by tomorrow.

I must get the work finished before Sunday.

Who left the door unlocked?

注意:现在分词的完成式和完成被动式及being done结构不在句中作宾补。



The weather being fine, we decided to go for an outing.

`Winter coming, the mountain is covered by snow.

There being no bus, we had to go home on foot.

The telephone number given, we called him at once.

Everything considered, the plan is practical.

⑵现在分词在句中作状语,表主动;过去分词表被动。being done 结构通常不在句中作状语。



e.g.. Having a written examination, I am forced to study hard.

The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, adding that he had enjoyed his stay here.

Seen from a spaceship, the earth looks just like a big blue water ball.

Not having seen her for years, we could hardly recognize her.

Having been hit by the big boy on the nose, the little boy began to cry.

⑸分词的独立形式,即分词作状语,没有逻辑主语,而是修饰整个句子。如:generally/ frankly/strictly/ honestly speaking, judging from/by, compared to/with.

e.g. Generally speaking, he is fit for the position.

Judging from his accent, he is from the south.

Compared with other companies, our staff turnover(人员流动率) is low.





e.g. To do this work is very difficult./ Teaching English is my job.

To see is to believe. / Seeing is believing.(这两个句子的主表位置不能交换)


⑴ like/ love/ continue/ begin/ start 后接to do 和 doing的区别不大,但在以下几种情况时多用不定式(to do ).

① would like / would love + to do sth.

② start/ begin 的主语为it 或物质名词时,用不定式。

e.g. It began to rain./ The ice began to melt.

③ start/ begin 本身为进行时, 用不定式。

e.g.. I’m beginning to talk about it.

④ 当start/ begin后接某些表感觉或心理活动的动词时,用不定式。如:understand, see, realize, feel, find, know,believe等。

e.g. I began to understand the meaning which begins to be clear.

⑵有一些动词接to do 与doing 有明显的区别。

to do 要去做的事

forget/ remember 忘记/记住

doing 已做了的事

to do 遗憾未做的事 to do 设法去做,努力地去做

regret try

doing 后悔做了的事 doing 试着做

to do 打算去做 to do 学会做(已会做)

mean learn

doing工意味着 doing 学习做(不一定会)

to do 继续做另一件事 to do 不能帮助去做

go on can’t help

doing 继续做同一件事 doing禁不住,忍不住做

to do sth. 害怕而不敢做

be afraid

of doing sth. 担心……,害怕做……

to do 停下来做另一事 to do 离开去做另一件事

stop leave off

doing 停止正在做的事 doing 停止正在做的事

to do

need/want/ deserve 需要/ 值得去做

require/ be worth +doing (主动表被动)


⑴ 不定式与动名词在句中作表语的异同。

不定式与动名词作表语都是为了说明主语的内容。它们作表语时,都能与主语换位,其逻辑意义不变。但不定式侧重表示具体的动作或表未发生的动作,动名词则表习惯性、经常性动作。回答 what的提问。

e.g. Our plan is to train the students’ speaking ability.

His wish is to become a famous teacher.

Its full-time job is laying eggs.

⑵现在分词作表语表主语的性质、特征。回答how 的问题;过去分词表状态或已完成动作的状态。

e.g. The problem is puzzling./ The joke is amusing.

The sun is set in the west./ Her necklace was gone.



e.g. Do you have anything to do tonight? 你今晚有什么事要做吗?

I am going to Shanghai tomorrow. Do you have anything to be taken there? 明天我要去上海。你有什么东西要捎去的吗?

I have no pen to write with.我没有钢笔写字。

Please tell me the subjects to be discussed at the next meeting.

Have you read any short stories written by Luxun?

The professor being talked will come here tomorrow.



a sleeping boy = a boy who is sleeping

a sleeping car = a car for sleeping

a dancing girl = a girl who is dancing

a dancing hall = a hall for dancing

⑶既能用不定式又能用of +动名词来修饰的名词:

of + doing


to do

e.g I have no chance of speaking to him/ to speak to him.


现在分词作宾补:宾语和补语之间是主谓关系。其动作正在进行或持续也可使动作具有描写色彩。过去分词作宾补:宾语和补语之间是被动的关系。不定式作宾补: 表一个已完成的动作的全过程或一次性动作也可表事实。

e.g: I saw him open the window. /I saw him opening the window. / I saw the window opened.

I heard the song sung in English. / I heard her sing the song in English.

We saw the sun rise./ We saw the sun rising behind the trees.




e.g. We laughed to see the new book.

We are proud to be young people of New China.

She look happy to hear the good news.

Being ill, he was unable to go to school.

Not knowing her address, we couldn′t find her.

Having seen the film before, I didn′t go to see it last week.



e.g. He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.

He arrived at the station to be told the train had gone.

Tom fell from a tree, breaking his arm.

They open the fire , killing one of our villages.




e.g. His purpose is serving the people.= Serving the people is his purpose.

He is serving the people.

“The Internationale”(国际歌) is inspiring.

“The Internationale” is inspiring the workers of the whole world.



e.g.. The window was broken by his brother. (被动语态)

The window was broken. (系表关系)

He is well educated. (系表关系)

He has been educated in this college for three years. (被动语态)

非谓语动词复习要点 第2篇



例Recently, these companies have _______ some workers because of the drop in economy.

A. hired B. dismissed

C. refused D. employed

【解析】四个选项都是及物动词,且都可以与worker构成动宾关系,但从题干中的the drop in ?economy可知,只有B项符合题意。



例When his brother was to cross the street, he was knocked down by a truck and badly _______。

A. injured B damaged

C. harmed D. destroyed

【解析】 这四个动词都有伤害,损害之意,但具体用法不同。injure指在意外事故中受伤damage主要指对于物体的不彻底的破坏,这种破坏或因自然灾害所致,或因人为造成,常含可以修复之意;harm用于肉体或精神上的伤害,有时可指引起不安或不便;destroy表示毁坏十分彻底,常含无法修复再用之意。从题意来看,答案为A。



例 With modern equipment, many mysteries have _______ to light in recent years.

A. bought B. come


thrown D. appeared

【解析】 题意为由于有现代化的设备,近年来许多谜团被揭开。揭露,将曝光是come to light,故答案为B。



例How I wish that I could _______ my ideas in simple and wonderful English when chatting on the net.

A. set out B. set off

C. set in D. set up

【解析】分析题意为我多么希望在网上聊天时能用简单而又漂亮的英语表达我的思想啊。由题意可知,空缺处应该是表达;解释之意,而四个选项中只有set out有此意,故答案为A。



例When I was twenty, I had to _______ before graduation and work in a clothes shop to help support my family. A. drop out B. come out

C. leave out D. stay out

【解析】分析题意为在20岁时,我不得不辍学到一家服装店工作以帮助养活我的家人。从题意可知,空缺处应该是辍学之意,四个选项中,只有A项的drop out有此意,故答案为A。

例Take care during the holidays! Drinking too much can _______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. contribute to B. relate to

C. attend to D. devote to

【解析】分析题意为节日期间要当心!喝酒太多会导致心脏病和引起高血压。由题意可知,空缺处应该是导致之意,四个选项中,只有A项contribute to有此意,故答案为A。



例The society today offers the young generation more chances to _______ their talent and skills.(合肥质检)

A. give out B. take in

C. show off D. carry on


【精选试题】 名校模拟题及其答案

1.(高二第一学期期末六校联考,英语,30)How lovely these children are!

Yeah.They______ memories of my childhood.

A. called out B. called for C. called up D. called on

【解析】call out出动, 向叫喊, call for 需要,要求, call up召集, 使想起, 提出, 打电话给, call on号召, 呼吁, 约请, 访问。此句意思是他们引起了我对童年的回忆。因此选C。


2. (2008度高二第一学期期末六校联考,英语,33)Many kids ________ the net bar, and _____had a bad effect on their studies.

A. are addicted to; it B. get engaged in; which

C. are related to; what D. are addicted to; which

【解析】be addicted to 意思是对上瘾,符合题意。And 是一个并列连词,后面应该是并列句,而不是从句,因此排除B和D。be related to与有关,不符合题意,因此排除。



After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane her job as a doctor

in the countryside.

A.set out B.took over C.took up D.set up

【解析】set out出发, 开始 take over接收, 接管take up从事 set up设立根据题意,应选C。


4. (江苏省扬州中学2008-20度高一第二学期3月月考,英语,34)Though we _________serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.

A. give away B. affect with C. suffer from D. deal with

【解析】give away分发, 放弃, 泄露, affect影响及物动词, suffer from遭受 ,deal with处理。从 we are sure to overcome all difficulties.这句话可以推断出前半句的意思应该是尽管我们遭受着严重的自然灾害,因此应选C。


5. (重庆市十二校2OO9年高三第一次质量调研抽测试卷,英语,32) The shop assistant was fired as she was _________ of cheating customers.

A.accused B.charged C.blamed D.caught

【解析】be accused of 被控告 accused与of 搭配,符合题意。 be charged with被控告charge 和with 搭配。 blame 责备。


6.(河南省实验中学08-09学年下期高三第二次月考,24) Asked suddenly about the matter ,he couldnt an answer at once.

A. come up with B. look for C. put up with D. answer for

【解析】come up with得出答案 look for寻找 put up with提出 answer for负责根据题意,应该选A.



My daughter is not sure what to_______ at the university; she cant make up her

mind about her future.

A. take up B. make up C. pick up D. build up

【解析】句意:我的女儿在大学里不知道学什么,对自己的未来他心里还没有底。take up开始学;开始从事。make up组成,构成;编造;pick up拾起;学到;获得;build up逐步建立;增强。


8.(杭州二中高三年级第五次月考,英语,6)His colleagues ______ him though he himself didnt think he had done anything special.

A. thought highly of B. looked up to

C. sing high praise of D. show great respect for

【解析】think highly of 固定搭配,译为对评价高符合题意。Show great respect 后应用介词to, C 说法错误,look up to 向上看,不合题意。


9.(大庆市高三年级第一次教学质量检测试题,英语。33)Hard work and lack of sleep have her beauty and youth in recent years.

A. worn out B.tried out C made out D.sent out

【解析】worn out耗尽,筋疲力尽; tried out试验, 考验, 提炼;make out书写, 填写, 拼凑, 进展, 说明, 设法应付, 理解, 辨认出; sent out发出。


10.(厦门市高中毕业班质量检查,英语,23)Its obvious that the Beijing Olympic Games a great seccess.

A.kept B.showed C proved D.remained

【解析】show sb sth 出示某物给某人看;keep保持;prove证明是;符合题意,remain仍然。


11. Before the war broke out, many people ______in safe places possessions they could not take with them.

A. throw away B.put away C.gave away D.carried away

【解析】 句意:战争爆发前,好多人把一些不能带走的东西存放在安全的地方。put away存储,存放;throw away扔掉;give away 泄露,赠送;carry away拿走。


12. The company is atarting a new advertising campaign to ______new custumers to its stores.

A.join B. attract C.stick D.transfer

【解析】 句意:为了把新的顾客吸引到店内,公司开始了一场新的广告战。Attract吸引;transfer 转让,转移。


13. Modern plastics can ______very high and very low temperatures.

A. stand B.seeking C.finding D.looking for

【解析】 句意:新型的塑料袋能够承受很高和很低的温度。stand承受,经受,经得起。hold支撑,carry 运载 support 支撑,养活。


14. It was already past midnight and only three young men ______in the house.

A.left B.remained C. delayed D. deserted

【解析】 句意:已过午夜,只有三个青年那字还在茶馆里。leave,离开,使保留;desert,抛弃,舍弃。A 项应用被动语态, C 和D不合句意。


15.In this seaside resort,you can __________all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.(山东)







16.We ________the last bus and didnt have any money for taxi,so we had to walk home.(全国 Ⅰ)







17(福建卷,33)The news of the mayors comong to our school for a visit was ______on the radio yesterday.

A. turned out B.found out C. given out D.carried out


【解析】 句意:新市长要求来我校参观的消息已于昨日通过广播公布了。A项意为结果是,制造生产 B项意为查清,弄明C项是分发,散发D项为履行,实施

18(20湖北卷,27)If we can ______our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.

A. cone across B. get over C. come over D. get off


【解析】 句意: 如果我们能克服目前的困难,一切都会很顺利的。come across 偶遇;get over克服,越过;come over 过来,顺便来访;get off 下车,使动身。

19 (2007山东) Its the sort of work that__________a high level of concentration.

A. calls for B. makes up

C. lies in D. stands for


【解析】call for要求make up弥补,编造,组成lie in在于stand for代表。句意是正是这种工作要求精力高度集中。故正确答案为选项A。

20. (2007浙江)We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It only__________violence.

A. runs into B.comes from

C. leads to D. begins with


【解析】run into撞上,陷入come from来自于lead to导致,引起begin with以开始。句意是我们坚信战争不会解决任何问题,它只会引起暴力。故正确答案为C。

21. The teacher has a peculiar way of ______her students nervousness when then speak English.

A. breaking down B. going over C. taking off D. giving away

【解析】A 句意:这位老师有一种疏导学生在说英语时产生的紧张情绪的独特方法。 Break down :to separate something such as an idea or statement into smaller parts in order to make it easier to understand or deal with .go over 复习; take off脱下,起飞;give away分发,赠给,泄露(秘密)。

22. In the cross-lake swimming race, a boat will be ____in case of an emergency.

A. standing by B. turning on C. getting on D. running on

【解析】A 句意:有船只严阵以待,预防紧急情况。stand by 为不及物短语:to wait and be ready for action if needed 准备行动;待机;turn on 打开;get on进展;run down撞倒。根据句意,B 、C、D 三项均不符合。

23. You _____only half the price ,how would the seller sell the jacket to you ?

A. spent B. paid C. charged D. offered

【解析】D句意:你仅出半价,店员怎么会把这件夹克卖给你呢?offer: to say that you will pay a particular amount of money to buy something 出价六万英镑买这所房子。 Charge(收费)不符合题意。抚讲价(offer)而后才能药费(spend)或支付(pay)帮A、B两项不合常理。

24. He _____the problem _____in his mind for a whole week before he did anything about it.

A. switched; on B. kicked; up C. turned; over D. took; on

【解析】C句意:在采取措施之前,他在脑中将这个问题反复思考了一个星期。turn over :to think about carefully仔细考虑;switch on把开关打开;kick up引起;take on呈现、雇用、承担。

25. At times the balance in nature is ______ , resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.

A. troubled B. confused C. disturbed D. puzzled

【解析】C trouble主要指遇上难解决的问题而使人苦恼、忧虑;puzzled 指人是困惑的,因此将A、D两项排除;根据句意,自然的平衡本身并不是混乱的(confused),而不受到了人为的干扰(disturbed),才会导致不可预见的影响。因此选择C项。

26. So, how is your new roommate ?

She really ____. She always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her , she always makes rude remarks.

A. turns me over B. turns me down C. turns me off D. turns me out

【解析】C turn sb.over :把移交,把交给;turn sb. down:拒绝;turnsb.off :使对(某人)感到厌烦、使不感兴趣;turn sb.out:驱逐,赶走。根据句意她总是在午夜弄出很大的响声,我提醒她时,她还总是说些粗鲁的话,由此可知她是使我烦透了,选择C项。

27. People have planted a great many trees in order to ____wind and sand in the desert.

A. hold down

B. hold up C. hold back D. hold out

【解析】C hold down压制,限制;hold up推迟,耽搁;hold back阻挡,抑制;hold out提供,提出。句意:人们种了大量的树,为了阴挡风和沙尘。由此可知答案为C项。

28. Would you like to go to Paris with us next year ?

Id like to, but my mother ______ that I am too young.

A. is against B. opposes C. objects D. explains

【解析】C前三项意思相同,都可以表示反对(做)、某事:be against(doing)sth.:oppose(doing) sth.; object to(doing) sth.。但是objiet还可接宾语从句,这时它为及物动词,意思为提出异议。前一句邀请对方一起去Paris,答话人说他很愿意去,但是妈妈提出异议说他年龄太小。D项explain虽然也可执着that 从句,但是它的含义为解释不能明确地说明妈妈的态度是赞成还是反对。

29. Theres no bear left and the pubs are shut so youll have to _______.

A. go out B. go off C. go without D. go through

【解析】C go out外出,熄灭;go off爆炸,中断;go through通过,完成,经历;go without忍受某事物的缺乏。句意:啤酒卖完了,酒吧也都关门了,所以你只好将就一下了。

30. The film World without thieves ______ a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema.

A. appreciated B. enjoyed C. won D. seized

浅谈非谓语动词 第3篇


一,它不能当谓语,因此在同一句子中一定还会另有谓语动词。如“I running in the morning every day.”“He named Lip-ing.”就是没有谓语动词的错误句子。


1.“为了健康,他天天喝牛奶。”“为了健康”是目的,是次要动作,“喝牛奶”才是唯一的谓语动词。译为:To be more healthy, he drinks milk every day.

2.“喝牛奶对他有好处,他爱喝牛奶。”这两处的“喝牛奶”明显地不是具体的“喝”,而是概括抽象的一件事。“喝牛奶”在此处就近似地相当于名词“牛奶”,应用“Drinking milk”动名词来表示。

3.“我喝牛奶肚子痛。”“喝牛奶”在此处虽然是具体动作,但它和“肚子痛”有内在逻辑关系,它表示的是原因,是从属地位,“肚子痛”才是主要的谓语动词。可以用“Having drunk some milk, I have some trouble with my stomach.”来表示,也可以用从句“Since I have drunk some milk, I have some trouble with my stomach.”。

4.“喝牛奶,人健康”,“喝牛奶”与“健康”有逻辑联系,它显然是条件,可以用“Drinking milk every day, one will get more healthy.”来表示。

5.“我喝牛奶呛着了。”“喝牛奶”和“呛着”也有逻辑联系,它表示时间,可以用“Drinking milk, I choked.”来表示。

6.“他坐在那里喝牛奶。”“坐”是稳定的长背景动作,应作谓语动词,而“喝牛奶”却是变动不稳定的伴随动作,是补充说明,可用非谓语动词:“He sat there, drinking some milk.”



7.“The girl standing there was crying.”“standing”就是“the girl”的定语。

8.“I found him running in the street.”“running”就是“found”的宾补。


9.The book is tiring, while the film is exciting.

10.The excited audiences were moved at the exciting play.

11.Her job is raising pigs, she finds that living is working.


1.除了独立主格结构外,非谓语动词都没有形式主语出现在它的前面,如出现了多余的主语那反而是错的句子。但主语不出现不等于没有主谓关系。非谓语动词肯定与主句的主语存在着隐含的逻辑主谓关系,如找不出这种关系那一般都是错误的句子。如“从山上看下去,我们的城市很美丽。”主句的主语“城市”不会“看”,不存在逻辑主谓关系,只存在动宾关系。因此不能用“Seeing”,而只能用“Seen from the mountain,...”被动的形式来表示,或用独立主格:“Anybody seeing it from the mountain, the city looks very beautiful.”又比如“听到这个消息,她的眼泪流出来了。”“眼泪”不会“听”,不存在逻辑主谓关系,因此不能像中文一样直译:“Hearing the news, her tears came a-long her check.”应该说:Hearing the news, she had tears coming along her check.

2.非谓语动词不需要because, as, if, when, while等连词,但它已经含有连词的意思。如“Because not having prepared my lesson, I can’t answer the question.”就是错的,应删去Because。

反之,如不用非谓语而用从句,那表示原因、条件、时间、伴随、目的的从句前又必须有连词。而中文却是可以省连词的,如上文的“喝牛奶肚子痛”“喝牛奶,人健康。”“喝牛奶呛着了”都可以加用连词也可以不用连词。因此中国学生往往把表示原因、条件、时间、伴随的从句不用连词,不用句号,却要与主句并列在一起,出现“少连词混淆主次”的错误,如:“I am poor, I can’t buy the house.”“I am poor”显然与后面的句子有逻辑因果关系,应加连词Since或变成“Being poor, I can’t buy the the house.”。

有时中国学生又会犯两个分句都用连词的错误,如:“因为我病了,所以今天我不能上学”译成:“Because I am ill, so I can’t go to school today.”在英语中有连词的句子都是次要、从属地位的从句,如两个分句像中文一样都用连词,那就没有表示句子主要意思的主句了。这便是“多连词导致无主句”错误。同理,如非谓语动词短语后的句子用连词,也等于犯了“无主句”的错误。


1.及物的非谓语动词后要带宾语,是双宾动词还要带两个宾语,像上面的句子如用“Anybody seeing from the mountain,...”就是错误的句子,因为及物非谓语动词seeing没有带宾语。


3.过去分词后不能出现宾语,因主句的主语就是它的逻辑宾语。像“Heated the water, it will turn into stream.”就是错的,“the water”应删去。

当然,带双宾的非谓语动词后还需带一个宾语,如:“Told the students many times, the importance is paid attention to.”



[1]徐广联.大学英语语法.华东理工大学出版社, 2005.

复习非谓语动词需抓住八个要点 第4篇

2007样题:Lessons 39 (learn) in sports can help us in our dealing with other people.

分析:因句中已有谓语can help,可见learn为非谓语动词;由句子结构可知非谓语动词短语应当是作主语Lessons的定语;因Lessons与learn是被动关系,故用-ed形式learned。

2007高考:While she was getting me 34 (settle) into a tiny but clean room...

分析:因句中已有谓语was getting,所以settle为非谓语动词;由句子结构可知,此非谓语动词作宾补;根据settle的搭配要求,表示“把某人安顿于……里”是settle sb. into...,可见me与settle是被动关系,故用-ed形式,用即settled作宾补。

非谓语动词的用法较为复杂,但据笔者估计,高考中的语法填空暂不会考查较复杂的用法,如不定式的被动式(to be done)和-ing形式的完成被动式(having been done)等考的可能性不大;考查的重点仍然是-ed形式、-ing形式的一般式和不带to的动词不定式;当然-ing形式的完成式和带to的不定式也不能忽视。


1. 逻辑主语的确定方法。





2. 非谓语动词作主语与表语。


Swimming is fun in summer.夏天游泳是有趣的事。

To swim in this river is a great pleasure.在这条河里游泳是件非常快乐的事。


Is doing morning exercises good for your health? 做早操对你身体有好处吗?


It’s useless/no good/no use talking to him.找他谈是没有用的。


It took us two hours to get there.去那里我们花了两个小时。

It’s foolish of him to do so.他这样做是愚蠢的。

It is necessary for us to learn English well.我们有必要学好英语。

3. 非谓语动词作宾语。

(1)下列动词或短语动语后只能接不定式:ask, demand(要求), plan, intend, mean(计划), manage, do/try one’s best, make an attempt(努力), learn(学习), wish, hope, desire, expect, long, want, would like, should like, would prefer(希望、愿意), agree, promise(同意), decide, determine, choose, make a decision, make up one’s mind(决定), offer(主动提出), apply(申请), help(帮助), fail(不能、没有), prepare(准备), pretend(假装), refuse(拒绝), happen(碰巧), afford(负担得起)等。如:

I can’t afford to buy a car.我买不起车。

(2)下列动词或短语动词后只能接-ing形式:allow, permit(允许), consider(考虑), suggest,advice(建议), keep(on)(反复; 不停), finish(完成), imagine(想象), practise(练习), understand(明白), appreciate, enjoy(喜欢), miss(错过; 怀念), prevent(阻止), forbid(禁止), escape(避免), include(包括), forgive, pardon, excuse(原谅), dislike(厌恶), discuss(讨论), report(报道), admit(承认), mind(介意), risk(冒险), can’t stand(不能忍受), burst out(突然开始), feel like(想要), insist on(坚持), delay, put off(推迟), give up(放弃), be busy(忙于), be worth(值得)等。如:

She enjoys living in China.他喜欢住在中国。


remember to do(记住去做),remember doing(记得做过);

forget to do(忘记去做),forget doing(忘记做过);

regret to do (遗憾地做),regret doing(后悔做了);

try to do(设法做),try doing(试做);

go on to do(接着做另一事),go on doing(继续做同一事);

mean to do(打算做),mean doing(意味着);

stop to do(停下来去做),stop doing(停止做);

can’t help to do(不能帮助做),can’t help doing(情不自禁做)。

Please remember to post this letter for me.请记住帮我寄信。

I remember posting the letter for you.我记得帮你寄了那封信。


prevent /stop /keep sb. /sth. from doing 阻止……做……

非谓语动词复习要点 第5篇


名称 语 法 功 能

主语 宾语 宾语补足语 表语 定语 状语

不定式 √ √ √ √ √ √

动名词 √ √ √ √

现在分词 √ √ √ √

过去分词 √ √ √ √


(1)不定式作表语与“be + to do sth.”的异同。不定式作表语说明主语的内容或性质。

His job is to guard.(说明内容)

be + to do sth.(表示按计划要做的事)





①动词see、watch、notice、hear、listen to、observe、feel、taste、smell、make、let、have等的宾补用动词原形,变被动时要加to,此时的不定式就是主语补足语。


主语 + ask / require / tell / order / force / get / want / like + sb.to do sth.

③主语 + think / judge / suppose / believe / consider /imagine/

consider / feel + sb. + to be/ to have done

④主语 + call on / upon / depend on / wait for / ask for + sb.+ to do sth.


①下列词语后常接不定式作定语:chance、wish、right、courage、need、promise、time、opportunity、way、the first、the second、the last、the only等。


There is no one to look after her.


She is now looking for a room to live in.


不定式作状语,修饰动词,在句中表示行为目的、结果、原因。only to do表示出人意料的结果。

We hurried to the classroom only to find none there .

in order(not)to,so as(not)to用来引导目的状语,enough,too, so… as to do, such + 名词… as to do作结果状语,如:The girl was so kind as to help the old man off the bus.

I’m not such a fool as to believe that.



The novel was said to have been published.

I regret to have been with you for so many years.

seem、appear、be said、be supposed、be believed、be thought、be known、be reported等动词常用于上面句型。


I’m sorry to keep you waiting for a minute.对不起,请稍等。(说话时还未等)

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。(说话时已等了很久)

②不定式的完成时还可表示“过去本想做某事但未做”的虚拟语气。(A)should like to / would like to / would love to + 不定式的完成时。(B)was / were to + 不定式的完成时,表示该做某事或想做但未实现。(C)expect / hope / mean / promise / suppose / think / want/ wish + 不定式完成时,表示过去未曾实现的愿望。



I want to finish my homework and go home.

I’m really puzzled what to think or say.

特例:To be or not to be,this is a question.

He is better to laugh than to cry.(表示对比)


What he did was lose the game.

③句中含有动词do时,but、except、besides、such as等后面to可省略。即“前有do,后省to”。

Don’t do anything silly, such as marry him.

④主句含有不定式,后面有rather than, rather than后省to。

⑤Why not、had better、would rather、can’t but等词后省to。如:

He could not but walk home.



Susan is not what she used to be.

-You came late last night. You ought to have finished your


-I know I ought to have.

常见的有:I’d like / love / be happy to.



①下列动词后只能接动名词:suggest, finish, avoid, stop, can’t help, mind, enjoy, require, practise, miss, escape, pardon, advise, consider, imagine, keep, appreciate, eacape, permit。

②下列动词短语接动名词:leave off, put off, give up, look forward to, feel like, have trouble / difficulty(in) doing sth. devote to, get used to, pay attention to, be fond of, be worth。

③介词后要接动名词。what about、how about、without、be fond of、be good at等介词后接动名词。注意on / upon doing sth. = as soon as 引导的从中。作此意讲时on / upon后也可以接名词。如on his arrival…。


begin, start, continue, like, love, dislike, hate, prefer, can’t stand

例 句 解 析

1. It began to rain. It began raining.

2. It was beginning to snow.

3. I love lying (to lie)on my back.

4. I like listening to music, but today I don’t like to.

5. I don’ t prefer to swim in the river now.

1. 意思无差别,但谓语动词用进行时,后面只跟不定式。

2. 表示一种倾向多接动名词作宾语,如果表示某一特定的或具体的行动,多接不定式。

remember, forget, regret, try

例 句 解 析

1. I remember to meet her at the station.

I remember seeing her once somewhere.

2. I forgot giving it to you yesterday.

I forgot to tell you about it. Now here it is.

3. I regret not having working hard.

I regret to hear of your sister’s death.

4. Try knocking at the back door.

We must try to get everything ready.

5. That will mean flooding some land.

I had meant to go on Monday. 1. remember to do sth.记住要做的事

remember doing sth.回顾过去发生的事

2. forget to do sth.忘记要做的事

forget doing sth.忘记做过的事

3. regret to do sth.对将要做的事抱歉

regret doing sth.对发生过的事后悔

4. try to do sth.设法……,试图

try doing sth.试试看,试一试

5. mean to do sth.打算做……,想要

mean doing sth.意味着,就是

want, require, need

例 句 解 析

These desks need repairing.

These desks need to be repaired.

The patient required examined

The patient required to be examined. 1. need doing 需要被做

need to be done需要被做

2. want doing

want to be done

3. require doing

require to be done



①时间状语(分词作状语前面可加when, while等)

Hearing the good news, he jumped with greatjoy.

Not having finished her work in time, the boss fired her.


Seeing nobody at home, he decided to leave them a note


The girls came in, following their parents.


The poor old man died, leaving nothing to his children.

注意:现在分词作状语的几个特性。①时间性。与谓语动词同时发生,用一般时,如发生在谓语动作之前时则用完成式having done。②语态性。与句子的主语之间的关系,是主谓关系或动宾关系。遵循的规则“主动进行,被动完成”。③人称一致性。分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。


S. + be + 动词-ed表示被动,主语是人;S. + be + 动词-ing表示主动,主语是物。分词作宾补不定式作宾补的区别:

感官动词 动词原形→做了某事

S.+ + 宾语 + 现在分词→正在做某事

使役动词 过去分词→做了或被做




Tired by the trip, he soon feel asleep.

= Because he was tired by the trip, he soon fell asleep.

Lost in thought , he almost ran into a car.

=As he was lost in thought, he almost ran into a car.


Seen from the hill, the city looks like a garden.

=When the city is seen from the hill, it looks like a garden.


Given more time, I would have worked out the problem.

=If I have been given more time, I would have worked out the problem.


The teacher came in, followed by some students.

=The teacher came in and was followed by some students.


Her grandfather being ill, she had to stay at home looking after him.



1. __________such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.(NMET )

A.Having suffered B.Suffering C.To suffer D.Suffered

解析:答案为A。本题考查分词短语作状语的用法。分词作状语,其逻辑主语必须是句子的主语,而本句的主语看似是it,其实它为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式,而不定式省略了逻辑主语for people,所以应用现在分词,又因already,应用完成时。

2. One learns a language by making mistakes and _______ them.(春季高考)

A.correct B.correcting C.corrects D.to correct

解析:答案为B。本题考查动名词作介词宾语的用法。介词by意为“通过……,凭……”,后面常接动名词,形成“by+ v. –ing ”结构,表示通过做某事而得到某种结果。本题中只有correcting符合。

3. The picture _________ on the wall is painted by my nephew.(春季高考)

A.having hung B.hanging C.hangs D.being hung



1.-I’d like to buy an expensive sports car.

-Well,Mike,we have got several models .

A.to be chosen from B.to choose C.to choose from D.for choosing

2.In the busiest season the farmers are seen their tractors from morning till night.

A.to have;working B.have;work C.have;working D.had;worked

3. the meeting room,he found all the parents a1ready there.

A.To enter;sitting B.Stepping into;to seat

C.Entered;seat D.Entering;seated

4.I spoke to my friend in a very 1ow voice by anybody else.

A.so as not to be heard B.so as to not to hear

C.so not to hear D.so as to not be heard

5.Did you notice anyone my room just now?

A.enter into;Nobody B.entering;None

C.to enter;None D.enter.N0 one

6.The boy pretended when his mother entered.

A.reading B.to read C.to be reading D.being read

7.When medicine,please follow these instructions carefully.

A.to take B.taking C.taken D.he takes

8.The classroom is so dirty that it needs badly.

A.clean B.to clean C.being cleaned D.cleaning

9.This is one of the experiments in our laboratory.

A.being made B.making C.to make D.having make

10.Do you remember me somewhere before?

A.to meet B.met C.meeting D.meet

11. more time,the job can be done better.

A.Given B.Giving C.To give D.To be given

12.The meeting this evening is of great importance.

A.holding B.held C.to hold D.to be held

13.In spite of his broken English,he can make himself

A.understood B.understanding C.understand D.to understand

14.The speech was very ,and we were to tears.

A.moved;moved B.moving;moving C.moving;moved D.moved;moving

15.Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer.

A.to invent B.inventing C.having invented D.to have invented

16. ,I went to the railway station to see my friend off.

A.After eating quickly my dinner B.After my qujckly eating dinner

C.After eating my dinner quickly D.After eating my quickly dinner

l7.Mr Smlith wanted his daughter after drinking.

A.never to drive B.to never drive C.never driving D.never drive

18.My son isn’t feeling well,so I’ll get him in the hospital.

A.examined B.examining C.to examine D.examine

19.The secretary worked late into the night, a long speech for the president.

A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.was prepared

20.I can hardly imagine Peter across the Atlantic 0cean in five days.

A.sail B.to sail C.sailing D.to have sailed

21.-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?

-The key the problem is to meet the demand by the customers.

A.to solving;making B.to solving;made C.to solve;making D.to solve;made

22.John was made the truck for a week as a punishment.

A.to wash B.washing C.wash D.to be washing

23.Little Jim should love to the theatre this evening.

A.to be taken B.to take C.being taken D.taking

24.-I usually go there by train.

-Why not by boat for a change?

A.to try going B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going

25.I would appreciate back this afternoon.

A.you to call B.you call C.your calling D.you’re calling

26. a reply,he decided to write again.

A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received

27.“Can’t you read?”Mary said to the notice.

A. angri1y pointing B.and point angrily

C.angrily pointed D.and angrily pointing

28.How about the two of us a walk down the garden?

A.to take B.take C.taking D.to be taking

29.The computer centre, last year,is very popular among the students in this schoo1.

A.open B.opening C.having opened D.opened

30.The man on now is my brother.

A.to be operated B.being operated C.operated D.been operated

31.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, that he had enjoyed his stay here.

A.having added B.to add C.adding D.added

32.The first textbooks for teaching English as a foreign 1anguage came out in the

16th centry.

A.have written B.to be written C.being written D.written

33.Let the work as soon as possible.

A.was done B.be done C.to be done D.is done

34.The 0lympic Games, in 776 B.C,did not include women players until 1912.

A.first played B.to be first played

C.first playing D.to be first playing

35.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door, “Sorry to miss you;will call later.”

A.read B.reads C.to read D.reading

36.I’ve worked with children before.so I know what in my new job.

A.expected B.to expect C.to be expecting D.expects

37.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see the next year.

A.carry out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carrv out

38.Do you know such problems?

A.how to deal with B.what to deal with C.how to do with D.to do with

39 The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the .

A.20 dollars remained B.20 dollars to remain

C.remained 20 dollars D.remaining 20 dollars

40.He spent me an E-mail, to get further information.

A.hoped B.hoping C.to hope D.hope

41.It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows .

A.it what to do with B.what to do it with

C.what to do with it D.to do what with it

42.Be careful when you cross this very busy street.If not,you may run over by a car.

A.have B.get C.become D.turn

43.We thought of selling this old furniture,but we’ve decided to it.It might be valuable.

A.hold on to B.keep up with C.turn to D.1ook after

44.-Mummy,can I put the peaches in the cupboard?

-No,dear.They don’t well.Put them in the bridge.instead.

A.keep B.fit C.get D.last

45.His mother had thought it would be good for his character to from home and earn some money on his own.

A.run away B.take away C.keep away D.get away


l-5 CADAD 6-10 CBDAC 11-15 ADACD 16-20 CAABC 21-25 DAADC 26-30 CACDB

非谓语动词复习要点 第6篇




动词不定式 动词的_ing形式 过去分词

一般式 主动 to do doing 动词的过去分词只有一种形式即done。及物动词的过去分词常表示被动和完成,而个别动词(多数是不及物动词)只表示完成

被动 to be done being done

完成式 主动 to have done having done

被动 to have been done having been done

进行式 to be doing ×

完成进行式 to have been doing ×

2. 非谓语动词在句子中的功能:

主语 宾语 表语 定语 补语 状语 同位语

不定式 √ √ √ √ √ √ ×

_ing形式 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

过去分词 × × √ √ √ √ ×

第二节 非谓语动词的时态和语态

一. 动词不定式的时态:


1. When I spoke to him, he pretended ___________(look) for something here and there.

2. He looked tired. He seemed ______________(work) all night.

3. Charles Babbage is generally considered ___________(invent) the first computer.

4. I would love _________ (go) to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

5. He ordered the man __________ (go) there at once.

二. 动词不定式的语态:


(1).在easy, difficult, hard, heavy, light, fit, nice, comfortable等表示性质特征的形容词之后的不定式或用这些词修饰一个名词后跟的不定式常用主动表示被动;

(2).少数动词如blame(责备), let(出租)等的不定式作表语时常用主动表示被动。

6. This sentence is easy ___________ (understand).

7. I can’t go out with you today, as I have a lot of clothes_________ (wash).

8. “Have you any clothes __________ (wash) today?” asked the maid (女佣).

9.Our school is a nice place _________ (visit).

10. I found the chair comfortable _________ (sit) in.

11. I think the question difficult ________ (answer).

12. It’s I who am ________ (blame).

13. The officer ordered the soldiers ________ (fire) the guns.

14. The officer ordered the guns _________ (fire).




15. ________ (Walk) through the park, I saw some lovely flowers.

16. He was praised for __________ (teach) for 60 years.

17. I heard him __________ (sing) when I passed his room.

18. _________ (Finish) the work, he went home.

19. He insisted on _________ (join) the army.



主动;若它们之间是动宾关系,-ing动词就要用被动。但在动词need, want, require,及形容


20. He won’t come without __________ (invite).

21. The flowers in the garden need _______ (water).

22. Thank you for _________ (give) us so much help.

23. The building ________ (build) now will be a hospital.

24. ________ (give) such a good chance, how could she let it slip?

25. The book is well worth ________ (read).

第三节 非谓语动词的用法比较




26. ________ (refuse) him is not easy this time.

27. _________ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both the young and old.

28. ________ (teach) English is my job.

29. ________ (be) a teacher is her greatest wish in the future.


30. ______ (see) is to believe.==________ (see) is believing.

31. ________ (say) is easier than to do.

32. ________ (speak) a foreign language is more difficult than reading it.



It + be + 形容词或名词+ (for / of sb.) + to do sth.

It + take + sb. +some time / sth. + to do sth.

It + be + no use / no good / useless / a waste of sth. / worth + doing sth.

There + be + no + doing sth. (做某事是不行或不可能的)

33. It was foolish of you _________ (give) up what you rightly owned.

34. There is no ________ (hold) back the wheel of history.

35. I think it’s no good _______ (argue) with your parents.



(1)、有些及物动词后只能接动词不定式作宾语,不能接-ing形式,常见的有:hope, wish, expect, decide, promise, offer, agree, manage, pretend, plan, refuse, fail 等等。

(2)、有些及物动词后只能接动词的_ing形式作宾语,不能接不定式,常见的有:enjoy, imagine, risk, appreciate, suggest, advise, admit, miss, practise, forbid, avoid, resist, escape, delay, finish, permit, allow, mind, keep, consider, excuse 等等。

(3)、有些动词后既可以接不定式,也可以接-ing形式作宾语,意义相同,常见的有:begin, start, continue, intend, bear, attempt等等。但要注意,begin, start 如遇下面三种情况时接不定式为最佳:

A. 句子的主语是物而不是人时,如:The ice began to melt.

B. 当begin, start 用了进行时态时, 如:He’s beginning to understand it.

C. 当begin, start 后作宾语的动词属于心理活动、精神状态类动词(如realize, understand, love, like, know 等等)时,如:It began to rain and I began to realize I should go home.

(4)、有些动词后既可以接不定式,也可以接-ing形式作宾语,意义有细微差别,常见的动词有:like / love / prefer / hate to do sth.(表示一个特定的、一次性的、将来的动作)

like /love / prefer /hate doing sth. (表示一般的、习惯性的、或正在进行的动作)

36. I like _________ (swim) but I don’t like _______ (swim) today.

37. Would you love ________ (go) to the zoo with us?

38. I felt like _______ (cry) at the news.


39. We must try ________ (finish) the work on time.

Let’s try _______ (work) out the maths problem in another way,

40. I remember ______ (see) her somewhere before.

You must remember _______ (post) the letter for me.

41. He forgot ______ (pay) and asked to be paid again.

Don’t forget _______ (turn) off the light when you leave.

42. I regret _______ (miss) such a good chance.

I regret _______ (say) that I can’t lend you so much money.

43. Doing like that means _________ (cheat).

I didn’t mean ________ (hurt) your feeling that day.

44. I can’t help ________ (do) housework today. I’m busy preparing a report.

I couldn’t help _________ (think) of my childhood while seeing the film.

45. When the teacher came in, the students stopped _______ (talk).

As he was very busy that day, he didn’t stop _______ (talk) with me.

46. Though it was raining, the peasants went on ________ (work) in the fields.

After listening to the text, we went on _______(read).

47. The baby needs ______ (look) after. =The baby needs ________ after.

You don’t need _______ (look) after the baby today.

48. Our school is well worth ________ (visit).

Our school is well worthy ________ (visit).= Our school is well worthy of _________.


49. I have no choice but _______ (wait).

50. He gave me some advice on how _______ (study) it well.

51. He has no idea of what _______ (do) next.

52. I was about ______ (go) out when it began to rain.

注意:A. 下面短语中的to是介词,后面要接动词的-ing形式而不接不定式。

devote---to---, look forward to, pay attention to, prefer---to---, lead to, be close to, refer to, belong to, as to, get down to, owing to, be / get /become used to(习惯于------),等等。

B.有些短语中介词经常省略,这时要注意接动词的-ing形式,如:be busy (in) doing sth., spend money /time (in) doing sth., have difficulty /trouble / problems (in) doing sth., prevent / stop ---(from) doing sth.,等等。


主语+ make / feel /think /find /consider, etc. + it + adj. / n. + (for / of sb.) + to do sth.

主语+ make /feel /think /find /consider, etc. + it + no good /no use /useless + doing sth.





(3)、过去分词作表语通常表示主语所处的状态,常具有被动含义(主要是一些表示感情情绪的词,译为“感到……的”),这样的动词常见的有:surprise, move, excite, interest, shock, tire, bore, touch, encourage, disappoint, invite, inspire, amuse等等。如:

53. No one is ______ (leave) this building without the permission of the police.

54. My job is ______ (teach) English and my wish is ______ (be) a lawyer.

55. The president is ______ (visit) our country next month.

56. The speech was very _________ (move) and we were all _______ (move) to tears.




A. 一个发生在谓语动词之后的动作。如:

The building to be built next month will be a hospital.

B. 被修饰的名词与用作定语的不定式之间可能是逻辑上的“主+谓”关系,也可能是逻辑上的“动+宾”关系。如:

Do you have anyone to help you? (“主+谓”关系)

I have nothing to write. (“动+宾”关系) 我没有什么东西可写。

C. 如果是“动+宾”关系,动词不定式之后有时需要添上适当的介词,而在名词time, place, moment, way等之后的不定式所带的介词可以省略,如:

I have nothing to write on. 我没有什么东西可以上面写字。

I have nothing to write with. 我没有什么东西可以用来写字。

I have no time to rest.

注意:这种带介词的不定式短语常可以转换为“介词+which / whom+不定式”的结构。例:They had only a cold room to live in.==

They had only a cold room in which to live.

D. 下列情况常用不定式作定语:

当句子中的谓语是一些特定的动词,如:be, find, get, give, have, need, want等,它们后面的名词(宾语或表语)常用不定式修饰。

当名词前有特定的定语,如:first, last, next, only, second以及形容词最高级时,其后常用不定式作定语。

在There be句型中,主语之后常用不定式作定语。

有一些特定的名词之后常用不定式作定语,常见的有:time, chance, right, promise, wish, plan, means, ability等。

例:You have no right to speak here.

He is the only person to know the truth.

There is nothing to worry about.

My parents had no chance to go to college.


A. 被修饰名词的用途,如:a sleeping car, a waiting room, a walking stick, etc.

B. 被修饰名词的性质特征,如:exciting news, a moving story, etc.

C.被修饰名词正在进行的动作,如:a falling leaf, a burning stick, boiling water, etc.


A. 被动,如:He is a man loved by all the people.

B. 完成,如:The building built last year is our classroom building.

a fallen leaf, a developed country, boiled water

C. 被修饰名词所处的状态,如:an excited boy, the disappointed parents, surprised eyes, etc.




目的:to do sth.; in order to do sth.; so as to do sth.

结果:so + adj. /adv. + as to do sth.; such + n. + as to do sth.; enough to do sth.; too…to do sth.; only to do sth.

原因:be happy / glad / sorry / sad ,etc. + to do sth.


57. He raised his hand ________ the taxi stop. (have)

58. _______ from the top of the hill, our school looks more beautiful. (see)

59. The parents died, _______ him an orphan. (leave)

60. ______ to college, he works very hard. (go)

61. I’m not such a boy as ______ him. (believe)

62. _______ ill, he was sent to a hospital. (be)

注意:A. 非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语通常是句子的主语,如:

(×)Being a fine day, we went out for an outing.

(√)As it was a fine day, we went out for an outing.

(√)It being a fine day, we went out for an outing.

(×) Hearing the news, tears came to my eyes.

(√)Hearing the news, I burst into tears.

(√)When I heard the news, tears came to my eyes.


to tell (you) the truth, to be honest, (老实说)

to make things worse (更糟糕的是)

to begin with / start with (首先)

generally / strictly / exactly speaking (一般/严格/准确地说)

judging from / by (根据/从……判断)

talking of (谈到…… )

considering (考虑到……)

including (其中包括……) compared with / to… (与……相比)



(1)、有许多动词,如:ask, tell, allow, force, cause, encourage, 等之后都可以接不定式作宾语补足语。

(2)、在感官动词notice, observe, feel, hear, listen to, see, watch, look at之后可以接三种非谓语动词作补语,其区别在:_ing作补语表示与谓语动词同时进行的动作,如果这个动作与宾语是被动关系,还要用其被动形式being done;过去分词作补语常表示一个完成被动的动作;不定式作补语可以表示一个全过程、一个具体的、将来的、或经常性的动作。如:

63. I saw the classroom ________ (clean) when I passed by it.

64. The missing children were last seen ______ (play) by the river.

65. I often hear him ________ (sing) in the next room.

66. I saw the room _________ (clean). Everything was put in order.

67. I saw him ________ (open) the door, _______ (walk) into the room, and ______ (sit) down at the desk.


A.have sb. do sth.==get sb. to do sth. “请/叫/让某人做某事” 与宾语的关系是主动的。

B.have sb./ sth. doing sth.“使某人一直做某事/容许某人做某事”,强调主动和进行。

C.get sb. doing sth.“使某人开始做某事”。

D.have sb./sth. done ==get sb./sth. done“使某人/某物被……或使……遭受……”,表示被动

E.make /let sb. do sth.表主动。

F. make /let sb. /sth. /oneself done 表示被动。

(4)、有些动词后不能接非谓语动词特别是不定式作宾语补足语,常考的动词有:agree, refuse, hope, suggest, demand, etc.

(5)、有些动词后需要接_ing作宾语,而接不定式作宾语补足语,常见的动词有:advise, allow, permit, forbid, encourage等。

例:68.You’d better have someone else _______ (help) you. I’m too busy.

69.He already had his eyes ________ (examine) in the hospital yesterday.

70.The speaker explained it again to make himself _______ (understand).

71.We don’t allow _____ (smoke) in our classroom.

72.He didn’t allow his son _____ (play) computer games.



His habit, studying at night, remains unchanged.

The gesture for “OK”, making a circle with one’s thumb and index finger, has different meaning in different countries.

第四节 非谓语动词的几种特殊结构

一、 否定结构:


例:Excuse me for not coming back in time.

Not having received a reply, He decided to writer again.

He advised me never to go out alone at night.

二、 动词不定式的复合结构


(1)、for sb. to do sth.(侧重动作), 可以用于各种句子结构中。

(2)、of sb. to do sth.(侧重对逻辑主语品行的评价),这种结构主要用于下列形容词之后:bad, brave, careful careless, clever, foolish, cruel, kind, rude, polite, stupid等。

73.It’s very important ____ us to learn English well.

74.It’s very foolish ____ you to believe him. == You are very foolish to believe him

75.There are a lot of difficulties ____ them to overcome.

76.I stepped aside ____ her to pass.

三、 动名词的复合结构





Would you mind opening the door? (You open the door.)

Would you mind my / me opening the door? (I open the door.)


His being ill made us very sad.


Can you hear the noise of the machine running.

Is there any hope of him and his sister winning the prize?

四、 独立主格结构


77.All the work_______ (do), he had a rest. (时间状语)

78.Weather ________ (permit), we will go outing tomorrow.(条件状语)

79.The boy stood there, his right hand _______ (raise). (伴随情况)

80.He _____ (be) ill, we sent him to a hospital. (原因状语)

81.There ______ (be) no buses, we had to walk home.(原因状语)

(2)、由“with/without +名词/代词宾格+动词_ing /过去分词/不定式/介词(短语)/形容词/副词”等构成,在句子中可以作状语或定语。如:

82.The murderer was brought in, with his hands _____ (tie) behind his back.

83.With a lot of work ____ (do), I can’t go to the cinema with you.

84.He left without anybody ______ (know).

五、“连接词+ to do”,“when/while/though/unless/if, etc. + done /doing”结构的区别

(1)、“连接词+to do”相当于一个名词的作用,在句中作主语、宾语和表语,常可以转换成由该连词引出的从句。

(2)、“when/while/though/unless/if, etc. + done/doing” 在句子中只能作状语,主句的主语是此结构中doing和done的逻辑主语,如果它们之间的关系是主动的,就用doing,是被动的就用done。

85. Please tell me what _______ (do ) next. ==Please tell me what I should do next.

86. The problem is whether _______ (go) by bus or by plane.

87. When ______ (start) the project hasn’t been decided yet.

88. Be careful when / while ________(cross) the street.

89. When________ (heat), ice will melt.

90. He won’t go to the party unless _______ (invite).

第五节 动词不定式的两种省略情况

一、 省略不定式符号to的情况:

(1).不定式在感官动词notice, observe, feel, hear, listen to, see, watch, look at, 和使让动词have, make, let 之后作宾语补足语时,符号to必须省略。但是当这些动词用于被动语态时,动词不定式变为主语补足语,符号to不能省略。

例:We often hear him sing the song at home.→ He is often heard to sing the song at home.


(3).两个或两个以上的不定式由连词and / or / than / but 等连接时,从第二个不定式起的符号to常常省略。

例:The students are taught to read, write and do many other things.


例:It’s more difficult to do than to say.

The teacher came not to punish you but to help you.

I wondered whether to stay or to leave.


What we want to do now is (to) lie down and rest.

The first thing she did was go up to her trainer and thank her.

(5).在why或why not引起的表示建议或责问的省略问句中不能带to。

Why quarrel with your mother? Why not join us?

(6).在一些类似情态动词的词组如:had better, would rather … than … , can’t (help / choose) but 等之后的动词不带to。

(7).不定式作but或except的宾语时,若前面有实意动词do / does / did / to do等形式,不带to。如:

I did nothing but / except do my homework last night.

She had nothing to do but wait.

(8).当助动词do / does / did用来加强语气或构成倒装句时,其后的动词不能带to。如:

Seldom does he go home this term. I did tell him the news.


She didn’t dare (to) ask the teacher.

(10).在美国口语中,用在祈使语气中表示目的,在动词come / try / go / run等之后的不定式可以不带to。如:

Come tell me if he arrives. Go tell your mother. Try open the door again.

二、 省略to之后的动词部分的情况:


号to,此时省略的成分相当于do so,这种结构一定要有上文或一定的语境。如:

_ Will you go with me? _ Well, I’d like to.

_ Why didn’t you bring an umbrella with you? _ I meant to, but I forgot about it.

The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to.

He can’t eat as much as he used to.

注意:当不定式内容是助动词be / have时,to后要保留原形的be / have。如:

He hasn’t succeeded in the exam, but in fact he ought to have.

She is no longer what she used to be.

第六节 非谓语动词综合练习

1. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when _______ at the meeting by my boss.

A. questioning B. having questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned

2. Helen had to shout _______ above the sound of the music. (2004 Ⅲ)

A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear

C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard

3. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _____ in making the earth a better place to live. ()

A. to have played B. to play C. to be played D. to be playing

4. When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person ______ .()

A. to send B. for sending it C. to send it to D. for sending it to

5. Victor apologized for ______ to inform me of the change in the plan. (2004)

A. his being not able B. him not to be able C. his not being able D. him to be not able

6. _ Mum, why do you always ask me to eat an egg every day?

_ ______ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. (NMET)

A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting

7. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ______ it more difficult. (NMET1999)

A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make

8. European football is played in 80 countries, ______ it the most popular sport in the world. (NMET). A. making B. makes C. made D. to make

9. Don’t leave the water _______ while you brush your teeth. (2004)

A. run B. running C. being run D. to run

10. With two exams _______ , I have to work really hard this weekend. (2004)

A. worrying about B. worried about C. to worry about D. to worry

11. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _______ in your mind instead of before your eyes. (2004)

A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed

12. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you won’t have time to ______ before the party. (2004)

A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change

13. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _______ in the kitchen. (2003)

A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked

14. Alice returned from the manager’s office, _______ me that the boss wanted to see me at once. (2004). A. having told B. tells C. to tell D. telling

15. _______ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. (2004) A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have wait

参考答案:1~5 CDBCC 6~10 CBABC 11~15 CABDC


第二节:1. to be looking 2. to have been working 3. to have invented 4. to have gone

5. to go 6. to understand 7. to wash 8. to be washed

9.to visit 10. to sit 11. to answer 12. to blame

13. to fire 14. to be fired 15. Walking 16. having taught

17.singing 18. having finished 19. joining 20. being invited

21. watering 22. giving 23. being built 24. Given

25. reading

第三节:26. To refuse 27. Walking 28. Teaching 29. To be

30. To see; Seeing 31. To say 32. Reading 33. to give

34. holding 35. arguing 36. swimming; to swim 37. to go

38. crying 39. to finish; working 40. seeing; to post 41. being paid; to turn 42. missing; to say 43. cheating; to hurt 44. to do; thinking 45. talking; to talk

46. working; to read 47. looking/to be looked; to look 48. visiting; to be visited/being visited 49. To wait 50. to study 51. to do 52. to go 53. to learn

54. teaching; to be 55. to visit 56. moving; moved 57. to have 58. Seen

59. leaving 60. to go 61. to believe 62. Being 63. being cleaned/cleaned

64. playing 65. sing 66. cleaned 67. open; walk; sit 68. help

69. examined 70. understood 71. smoking 72. to play

第四节:73. for 74. of 75. for 76. for 77. done 78. permitting

79. raised 80. being 81. being 82. tied 83. to do 84. knowing
