


标书中英文翻译 第1篇



1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。价格表(表中项目除价格数字外都要填写)及报价说明三份(一正二副)和投标人银行保函应分别单独密封,随投标文件一同递交。

Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation.The Quotation(all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices)and three copies(one Original and two Duplicates)of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.1.2 在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样。同时提供单独密封的价格表电子版本一份(WORD格式)。The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of „Original‟, „Duplicate‟ and „Item Price‟ and „Confidential‟ must be written.An e-version of the Quotation(in WORD format)that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.2.投标报价Tender Offers

2.1 投标人应在投标报价汇总表和投标分项报价表上标明本合同拟提供货物的单价(如适用)和总价。

On the tender offer summary sheet and the item tender offer sheets, tenderers shall indicate clearly the unit price(if applicable)and the total price of the goods planned to be provided according to the Contract.2.2 投标分项报价表上的价格应按下列方式分开填写:

Prices on the item tender offer sheet shall be filled out in the following manner:

2.2.1从中华人民共和国提供的货物:Goods provided from the People‟s Republic of China:

1)货物交到现场价,包括出厂价(含增值税),工厂至现场的运输费、保险费和伴随货物交运的有关费用,其他杂费。Price of delivering goods to the site, inclusive of the EXW(inclusive of VAT), transportation cost from factory to site, insurance premium, costs generated because of the delivery of goods, as well as other incidental expenses.2)技术服务及培训的费用Cost for technical services and trainings

本项包括:This item includes:

A)卖方人员技术服务费用:Cost for technical service provided by the Seller‟s personnel:


Expenses for on-site installation instruction, debugging, and inspection


Expenses for training the personnel of the Buyer


In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall include the unit prices of the attached parts and components, special tools and instrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications.The price of these goods shall be included into the tender sum, and shall be deliberated at the tender evaluation.4)投标人应将满足设备正常运行的推荐性三年备品配件单独列出并报出单价。这部分货物由业主选择购买,其费用评标时供招标机构参考。

5)Tenderers shall list separately parts and components that satisfy the recommended three years‟ normal operation, and quote their prices.The owner has the option to purchase these goods, and their expenses will be referred to at the tender evaluation.2.2.2从中华人民共和国境外提供的货物:Goods provided outside the People‟s Republic of China:


Shanghai CIF berth terms(the price is inclusive of the packaging cost of equipments and documents, as well as unloading expenses in the destination).When offering, tenders may obtain insurance services from an eligible country of origin that is to the satisfaction of the People‟s Republic of China or the Buyer.2)技术服务和培训的费用

Expenses for technical services and trainings

本项包括:This item includes:


Expenses for technical services provided by the Seller: costs for on-site project installation instruction, debugging, and testing


Training expenses for the Buyer


The above A)and B)clauses refer to the expenses of the Seller itself and do not include the cost for Buyer‟s personnel for traveling abroad.投标人须在投标分项报价表后单列、报出买方人员出国参加设计联络会、工厂检验和买方人员在国外接受卖方培训的人日费用。以上三项单列的费用,供买方在签订合同时参考,不包括在投标总报价中,目的是为方便买方对最终合同价的组成进行选择和比较,这并不限制买方采用任何一种报价或几种报价组合而签订合同的权力。

Tenderers shall list and offer separately after the item tender offer sheet the cost per person per day for Buyer‟s personnel to attend designing communication meetings and factory inspection outside China and to receive

trainings from Seller outside China.Expenses of the above three items will serve as references for Buyer when the Contract is signed, but will not be included into the tender sum.It is to make it convenient for Buyer to compare and choose from the combinations of the final contract price.It does not restrict the rights of Buyer to choose one quotation or the combination of several quotations to sign the Contract.3)投标人应在投标价格表中报出技术规范中所列的必备的备品配件、专用工具及仪器的单价。这些货物的价格应包括在投标总价中,评标时计入该费用。

In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall list the unit price of the required parts, components, special tools and instrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications.The prices of these goods shall be included in the tender sum for tender evaluation.4)投标人应将满足设备正常运行的推荐性三年备品配件单独列出并报出单价。这部分货物由业主选择购买,其费用评标时供招标机构参考。

Tenderers shall list and quote separately parts and components that satisfy the three years‟ recommended normal operation.The owner has the option to purchase these goods, the price of which will serve as reference for Tenderee at tender evaluation.2.3 出厂价(EXW)、到岸价(CIF)和“运费、保险付至……”价(CIP)等术语。应根据巴黎国际商会二OOO版本的《国际贸易术语解释通则》(Incoterms 2000)的规定来解释。

Ex works(EXW), CIF, „carriage and insurance paid to‟(CIP)and other technical terms shall be construed according to the 2000 Paris version of International Chamber of Commerce Terms(Incoterms 2000).2.4 投标人根据本须知第11.2条的规定将投标价分成几部分,只是为了方便招标机构和买方对投标文件进行比较,并不限制买方以上述任何条件订立合同的权力。

According to Clause 11.2 of the Notice, tenderers shall divide the tender price into several parts, the sole objective of which is to make it convenient for Tenderee and Buyer to compare the tender documents, but will not restrict Buyer‟s rights to conclude the Contract according to any of the above terms.2.5 投标人所报的投标价在合同执行期过程中是固定不变的,不得以任何理由予以变更。根据本须知第24条的规定,以可调整的价格提交的投标文件将作为非响应性投标而予以拒绝。

A tender price offered by a tenderer shall remain unchanged during the performance of the Contract, but shall not be modified because of any reasons.According to Clause 24 of the Notice, tender documents containing any adjustable prices will be rejected as non-responsive tenders.3.投标货币Tender Currency


Goods and services to be provided by tenderers shall be quoted in the currency of US dollar.4.投标保证金Tender bond

4.1 投标人应提交金额为不少于投标报价总价2%的投标保证金,并作为其投标的一部分。

Tenderers shall submit a tender bond that is no less than 2% of the total sum of the tender offer.It shall be part of the tender.4.2 投标保证金是为了保护招标机构和买方免遭因投标人的行为而蒙受损失。招标机构和买方在因投标人的行为受到损害时可根据本须知第15.7条的规定没收投标人的投标保证金。

Tender bond is designed to protect Tenderee and Buyer from losses because of any actions of tenderers.In case Tenderee and Buyer suffers any losses because of any actions of tenderers, the tender bond will be confiscated according to Clause 15.7 of the Notice.4.3 投标保证金应用投标货币并采用以下形式:

The tender bond shall be in the tender currency and shall be in the following form:


A bank that enjoys good reputation in or outside the People‟s Republic of China issues a letter of guarantee and an irrevocable stand-by letter of credit in the form provided by the tender invitation documents or in a form that is acceptable to Tenderee, the valid period being thirty(30)days more than the valid period of the tender;

4.4 凡没有根据本须知第15.1和15.3条的规定随附投标保证金的投标,应按本须知第24条的规定视为非响应性投标予以拒绝。

Tenders to which a tender bond is not attached according to Clause 15.1 and 15.3 of the Notice shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders according to Clause 24 of the Notice.4.5 未中标的投标人的投标保证金,将尽速并不晚于按照本须知第16条规定的投标有效期满后三十(30)天原额退还投标人。

Tender bonds of tenderers who fail in the tender will be returned to tenders in full amount as soon as possible and no later than thirty(30)days after the expiration of the valid period of the tender as provided in Clause 16 of the Notice.4.6 中标人的投标保证金,在中标人按本须知第34条规定签订合同并按本须知第35条规定交纳了履约保证金后予以退还。

The tender bond of the successful tenderer will be returned after the tenderer signs the Contract according to Clause 34 of the Notice and submits the performance bond according to Clause 35 of the Notice.4.7 下列任何情况发生时,投标保证金将被没收:

Tender bond will be confiscated in case:


Tenderers withdraw their tenders within the valid period of the tender as provided in the tender invitation documents;or

2)中标人在规定期限内未能根据本须知第34条规定签订合同;或The successful tenderer fails to sign the Contract within the prescribed period according to Clause 34 of the Notice;or

3)中标人在规定期限内未能根据按投标人须知第35条规定提交履约保证金。The successful tenderer fails to submit the performance bond within the prescribed period according to Clause 35 of the Notice.5.投标有效期Valid period of tender

5.1 根据本须知第19条规定,投标应在规定的开标日后的180天内保持有效。投标有效期不满足要求的投标将被视为非响应性投标而予以拒绝。According to Clause 19 of the Notice, a tender remains valid within the 180 days after the prescribed tender opening date.Tenders with an ineligible valid period shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders.6.因买方的便利而终止合同

Termination of Contract for Buyer‟s Convenience

6.1 买方可在任何时候出于自身的便利向卖方发出书面通知全部或部分终止合同,终止通知应明确该终止合同是出于买方的便利,并明确合同终止的程度,以及终止的生效日期。

Buyer may send a written notice to Seller at any time for its own convenience to terminate all or part of the Contract.The termination notice shall indicate clearly that it is for Buyer‟s convenience that the Contract is terminated, the scale to which the Contract is terminated, as well as the effective date of the termination.6.2 对卖方在收到终止通知后三十(30)天内已完成并准备装运的货物,买方应按原合同价格和条款予以接收,对于剩下的货物,买方可:

Buyer shall receive according to the original contract price and terms goods that Seller has completed and prepared for shipping within thirty(30)days after it receives the termination notice.For the rest of goods, Buyer may:


Accept only part of goods according to the original contract price and terms;or


Cancel the purchase to the remained goods, and pay Seller the amount agreed by both parties for part of the goods and services completed as well as materials and parts Seller has purchased.7.争端的解决Dispute Settlement

7.1 合同实施或与合同有关的一切争端应通过双方协商解决。如果协商开始后60天还不能解决,争端应提交仲裁。Both parties shall aim to settle any disputes concerning the Contract or the execution of the Contract through

consultation.In case any dispute cannot be settled within 60 days after the consultation begins, it shall be brought to arbitration.7.2 仲裁应由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC)按其仲裁规则和程序在北京或中国的其他地点进行。除非双方另行同意,仲裁的官方语言应为英语。

Arbitration shall be held in Beijing or some other place within China by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee(CIETAC)according to its arbitration rules and procedures.Except where both sides otherwise agree, the official language for arbitration shall be English.7.3 仲裁裁决应为最终裁决,对双方均具有约束力。

The arbitration award shall be final and has legal binding forces to both sides.7.4 仲裁费除仲裁机关另有裁决外均应由败诉方负担。

The cost for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party if it is not otherwise ruled by the arbitration authority.7.5 在仲裁期间,除正在进行仲裁的部分外,本合同其它部分应继续执行。

During arbitration, except for the parts of the Contract that is under arbitration, other parts of the Contract shall continue to rule.8.合同语言Contract languages

8.1 除非双方另行同意,本合同语言为中文和英文,以中文为准。双方交换的与合同有关的信函应用合同语言书写。Except where both sides otherwise agree, the Contract languages shall be Chinese and English, and the Chinese version shall prevail.Correspondences between both sides concerning the Contract shall be written in the Contract languages.9.适用法律Applicable law


The Contract shall be construed according to laws of the People‟s Republic of China


报价 quotation、采购 procurement、撤标 withdrawal of bid、承包商 contractor、澄清要求 requests of clarification、迟到的标书 late bid、采购代理 procurement agent、采购公告 procurement notice、采购计划 procurement plan、采购决定 procurement decision、付款方式 methods of payment、工程范围 scope of works、工程量清单 bill of quantities、工程量清单报价 priced bill of quantities、工期 days for construction、公开招标 open tendering、固定总价 fixed lump sum、分包商 subcontractor、封标 sealing of bid、货物清单 list of goods、计划完工日期 intended completion date、每投标人一标 one bid per bidder、评标标准 evaluation criteria、潜在的投标人 potential bidder、施工机械 construction equipment, construction plant、实质性响应 substantial response, be substantially responsive to、事后情况说明 debriefing、事后审查 post review、事前审查 prior review、适用法律 applicable law、授予合同 award of contract、替代方案 alternative solution、替代建议 alternative proposal、两步法招标 two-stage bidding、履约保证金 performance security、合格标准 eligibility criteria、合格的投标人 eligible bidder、合同价格 contract price、合同金额 contract amount、核标 examination of bid、初步描述 preliminary description、初步设计 preliminary design、错误纠正 correction of error、单一招标或局限性招标 single or restricted tendering、通用条款 general terms and conditions、土建承包商 civil construction contractor、完工日期 date of completion, completion date、完税后交货 Delivered Duty Paid, DDP、违约赔偿 liquidated damages、现场参观 site visit、现场查勘 site survey、现场管理人员 site management personnel、现场技术人员 site technical personnel、响应性 responsiveness、项目评估文件 Project Appraisal Document, PAD、项目时间表,项目计划 project schedule、修改标书 modification of bid、选择性招标 selective tendering、询价采购 shopping、银行保函 bank guarantee、应标 response to the bidding documents、有限国际招标 Limited International Bidding, LIB、招标代理 bidding agency、招标附录 appendix to tender、招标公告 notification of bidding, tender notice、招标号 bidding no., tendering no、招标文件澄清 clarification of bidding documents、招标文件修改 amendment of bidding documents、招标资料表 bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet、招投标范围 scope of bid、争端解决 settlement of dispute、政府采购法 government procurement law、政府采购协议 government procurement agreement、政府采购指令 government procurement directives、直接签订合同 direct contracting、中标标准 award criteria、中标通知 notification of award, award of tender、注册地点 place of registration、专用条款 special terms and conditions、准备投标书 preparation of bid, preparation of tender、资金来源 source of fund、资质信息 qualification information、自营工程 force accounting、技术规范 specifications、监理 supervisor、建筑工程 construction works、交货时间 delivery time、接受函 letter of acceptance、截止时间 deadline、截至日期 deadline、解释要求 requests of explanation、局限性招标 limited tendering、开标 bid opening, tender opening, opening of tender、开标地点 place of bid opening、开工日期 date of commence、联营体 joint venture、投标保证金 bid security, tender security、投标保证金 bid security、投标费用 cost of bidding、投标函 bid letter、投标价格 bid price、投标书澄清 clarification of bid、投标书的提交 submission of bid, submission of tender、投标书有效期 validity of bid、投标书有效期延长 extension of validity of bid、投标书语言 language of bid、投标书组成documents comprising the bid、投标邀请 invitation for bids, invitation to tenders、投标有效性 bid availability、投标人合格性 eligibility of bidder、投标人须知 instruction to bidders, instruction to tenderers、投标人资质 qualifications of the bidder、投标书 bid, tender

标书中英文翻译 第2篇

北京世联标书翻译有限公司: 朝阳区奥运村天创世缘B2座25层,邮编:100012 世联翻译公司建筑翻译成功案例-中国土木工程集团标书翻译

中国土木工程集团有限公司 一.基本情况介绍



中土集团公司拥有特级工程总承包资质,是以铁路工程为特色,以承包工程、设计咨询、劳务合作为主业,房地产开发、进出口贸易、实业投资、酒店管理等多业并举的大型企业集团,连续多年入选全球最大225家国际承包商行列并位居前70名之内。China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation I.Brief introduction China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation(hereinafter referred to as CCECC)was established in 1979 according to the approval of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China.As one of the pioneers performing international contracting and economic cooperation, CCECC has been developed from the earlier Foreign Aid Department of the Ministry of Railway(with the experience of executing the biggest foreign-aid project of China, the TAZARA)into a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Railway Construction Corporation after being incorporated into China Railway Construction Group in 2003.After the reorganization, CCECC Overseas Group fulfills management function on overseas business with unified management, organization and coordination of operations with head office in overseas markets, and undertakes foreign affairs management for head office.China Railway Construction Corporation is an especially large group with Super Grade Qualification for project contracting, is mainly responsible for design, construction, equipment manufacture and installation, project supervision, technical advice and construction management of railways, environmental protection, water, electricity, urban rail transport, airports, ports, mines and civil construction projects, and conducting diversification covering investment and financing at the same time.CCECC has accomplished railway over 27,000 km, constructed 13,760 km expressway, contracted to build more than 140 urban underground works, track works and large-scale water conservancy, electric power, airport projects to the end of 2004.The annual turnover was 13 billion U.S.dollars.CCECC is a large enterprise group with Super Grade qualification for project contracting, characteristics of railway engineering, main industry of contract engineering, design consulting, labor service cooperation and simultaneous multi-industry of real estate development, import and export trade, industrial investment, hotel management etc.It is ranked the world’s largest 225 international contractors for consecutive years and listed top 70.标书翻译 工程项目总承包管理(二)

7.3项目总承包管理措施 7.3.1实行项目经理负责制











建立周工程例会制度,协调各专业施工工序和作业条件,确定周各专业工作内容及进度、质量要求、各单位需要相关专业提供的施工配合条件、工程验收移交的时间、内容和方式。每周召开有雇主、设计、监理和总承包以及各施工分包、主要材料和设备供应商参加的例会,解决可能影响施工进度的问题,定出时间和责任单位,进行落实。7.4总承包与雇主、监理、设计、政府部门及周边单位配合协调 7.4.1与雇主的关系处理



















7.3 The Measure of General Contractor’s Management of the Project 7.3.1 Practice the Project Manager Responsibility System The project general contract department, which carries out the management by receiving the commission of corporate juridical person, is the representative of the business entity in the project to fulfill the duty and obligation of the contact.Taking the project manager responsibility system as core, we will implement the management of whole phases and all respects.7.3.2 Perfect the Rules and Regulations 1.If we have the honor to be the bid winner, we will assume the responsibility to realize the comprehensive management purpose and complete the general coordination and control.So we will establish management purpose with high standard(i.e.“with the standardization, criterion, conforming to procedure and scientific management method, fulfill the contact signed for employer in high efficiency and good quality”).The general project contract department will compile construction organization design and main construction scheme according to the management purpose and project characteristic, establish the Quality Design and Safety Design meeting the operational rule of the project according to the purpose and different phases, and define the deal solution, requirement, standard and responsibility under different condition.2.We will sign corresponding economic contracts with all attached construction teams, and sign general contract agreement with all subcontractors according to Economic Contract Law and the Manual for General Management of our Group, in order to standard and restrict the economic and management action of related parties.3.Aim at the characteristic of this project, we will establish and issue the site management files recorded by the employer and the supervisor, and implement uniformly.For our own construction teams, nominated subcontractors and the contractors contracted by the employer directly, we will establish Management Manual of the Subcontractors Team, and use as the management basis and standard.Besides, we will adopt the management standard of “for every task there must be someone presided by, some regulations to abide by, some basis to check and someone to supervise”.7.3.3 Based on Plan Management, Realize the Purpose of Overall Project Progress 1.Establish the comprehensive fitting plan: in order to manage the project according to the control plan strictly, we will establish a set of fine project fitting plans together with employer, designer, supervisor and subcontractors.In the detailed description of the plan, the necessary construction condition and requirement shall be explained and implemented.Through the plan, we will find out the key link and main line, in order to provide scientific basis for project management, and ensure the purposes of different phases complete on time.2.Reasonably adjust the plan in time: for controlling the time limit of the project, we will adopt the rolling track system.Before establish the plan of next season, month or work week, we will track the completing condition of last plan, analyze the reason of the error exist in last phase, find out their influence on the later construction and adjust the plan and key line in time.7.3.4 The Leading Role for Attaching Importance to Organization Design and Working Scheme.1.For the project, we will build the technical management security system with the working organization general design compiled by the general contractor as leading role, with various working scheme as security and with the construction technical measure as complementarity.Before construction, edit sub-construction organizational design and working scheme, according to which the technical measure will be established.2.Strictly practice the “Three Grade Technical Disclosure System”: after being completed, the scheme and drawings must pass to the construction workers, especially the key technical documents and the technical requirements, operation procedure and techniques, and quality control of special joints and so on must be handed down accurately in time.The technical disclosure shall directional and exercisable, in order to decrease unnecessary rework and quality problems.7.3.5 Create Regular Meeting System, to Deal With the Coordination Difficulty on Site Create the weekly regular meeting, to coordinate the working procedure and operational condition, define the week work content and progress, quality requirement, the necessary construction matching condition provided by various specialized teams, and the time, content and mode of works acceptance.Convene a meeting presented with the employer, designer, supervisor, general contractors, subcontractors of various projects and the suppliers of main materials and equipments, to settle the problem which can impact on the construction progress, define the time and responsible units and implement.7.4 The Cooperation and Coordination between the General Contractor and the Employer, Supervisor, Designer, Government Sector and nearby Units 7.4.1 Relationship Management with Employer The relationship between general contractor and employer is contractual relationship, which means the general contractor should be responsible for employer according to the contents of contract.1.The whole contractor staff of project should establish the service idea of “employer is customer”, aim the construction period and quality as core purpose, to build top-ranking buildings and make employer satisfied.2.The general contractor should control the overall situation of project;seriously undertake the responsibilities required in items of contract, to serve the employer actively, carry out all the instructions and strategies given by employer and solve problems happened during the construction process under the guide of employer.Besides, it should provide assistance for the employer to communicate with design department, governmental watchdog, and governmental functional department and so on.3.The general contractor should organize the construction in a scientific and reasonable way, and finally complete the duty and meet all the requirements of employer.4.Regularly report the project programming to employer, respond the project progress according to the facts and tell employer those problems needed to solve by employer itself and actively provide assistance for employer.7.4.2 Work in Accordance with Supervising Engineer Entrusted by employer, the supervising unit should supervise the construction in an objective and fair way according to the national and local laws and regulations.The supervising unit should communicate with the general contractor before construction, draw up supervising plan and send it to the general contractor.The general contractor should work in conjugation with supervising engineer as follows: 1.Provide good working conditions for supervising unit at site, and guarantee them undertake works smoothly.2.Submit the construction organizing plan and overall programming plan to supervising engineer for approval, report the construction preparation information in writing, and start construction after being approved by supervising engineer.3.Provide such complete written materials as goods on-site acceptance, subcontracting inspection, project inspection and acceptance in time strictly according to the supervising regulations, let the supervising unit fully understand every progress of this project in time, to make complete and effective supervision for project constructing.4.Report the on-site information of all the inspection equipments and key electromechanical devices to supervisor;attach the annual survey qualifications or equipments certifications.5.When sampling and inspecting the required material at site, the general contractor should invite the representatives of supervising unit or employer to witness aside.6.If the supervising engineer doubts about some construction qualities and asks for re-inspection, the project department of general contractor should give quick responses and offer convenience for using detecting instruments.7.Submit the divisional and partial construction quality inspection materials and relevant material tests and certification documents.The approval materials and application for on-site inspecting and accepting should be submitted to the supervising engineer in advance, in order to save enough time for supervisor to undertake normal acceptance and approval procedures.8.Actively organize all departments and subcontracting units of general contractor to attend regular supervising meetings, listen to supervising engineer’s opinions for construction, and seriously carry out the requirements given by supervising engineer.9.Summarize and correct the on-site problems discovered by supervisor in time, avoid occurring the same problems.Ask all staff, including general contractor, staff of subcontracting units, to respect the supervisors, and work actively in conjugation with them, meet their instructions and requirements.10.If any quality accidents happen, report to supervisor and employer in time;handle these problems strictly according to the design and proposal approved by supervisor or employer.11.After completely finishing the construction and making serious self inspection, submit the inspecting and accepting application to supervising engineer.Then after being re-inspected and confirmed by supervisor, submit the application to employer, and organize formal final acceptance.标书翻译 工程项目总承包管理(三)7.4.3与设计等协作单位的合作关系























四、施工用水、用电 总包在施工期间在现场周围布置若干供水接口,以便于专业分包单位用水方便。专业分包施工前提出施工用电计划,总承包审核后提供用电接口位置、数量,以确保其用电方便。在设备测试、调试、试运转期间,总承包按照专业分包提出的要求,提供其所需的水压、电压及容量要求,保证相应专业测试、调试及试运转正常进行。



功能目的论视域下的商务标书翻译 第3篇

功能翻译理论 (Functionalist Translation Theory) 又称“功能目的论” (Skopos Theory) 。1971年, 德国的莱斯 (Katharina Reiss) 首先提出“把翻译行为所要达到的特殊目的”作为翻译评价的新模式。1984年她在与费米尔 (Hans J.Vermeer) 合写的General Foundation of Translation Theory书中声称:译者在整个翻译过程中的参照系不应是“对等”翻译理论所注重的原文及其功能, 而应是译文在译语文化环境中所预期达到的一种或若钟交际功能。在弗美尔的“目的论”基础上, 贾斯塔・赫利・曼塔莉 (Justa Holy Manttari) 进一步研究功能派翻译理论。她用信息传递来指各种跨文化转换, 视翻译为一项为现实特定目的的复杂活动。20世纪90年代初, 德国学者克利斯蒂安·诺德 (Christiane Nord) 进一步拓展了译文功能理论。她根据已有的功能翻译理论, 写成《目的性行为――析功能翻译理论》, 提出“忠诚”原则来完善功能翻译理论。她强调译文与原文的联系, 但这种联系的质量与数量由译文的预期功能确定。根据译文语境, 原文中的哪些内容或成分可以保留, 哪些需调整或改写, 该由译文的预期功能确定。


目的原则能在译入语情境和文化中, 按译入语接受者期待的方式发生作用。翻译行为所要达到的目的决定整个翻译行为的过程, 即结果决定方法。连贯性原则是指译文必须符合语内连贯的标准, 即译文具有可读性和可接受性, 能够使接受者理解并在译人语文化及使用译文的交际语境中有意义。忠实性原则指原文与译文之间应该存在语际连贯一致。

2 标书翻译的需求及现状

在中国加入世界贸易组织后, 国内翻译市场开启了新的篇章。据资料显示, 目前全球年翻译产值超过130亿美元, 亚太地区占30%, 中国市场约为127亿人民币。美国权威机构对世界翻译市场的调查显示, 翻译市场的规模将在2005年达到227亿美元, 而中国将达到200亿元人民币的销售额。2008年北京奥运会增加了国内外的交流, 翻译公司如雨后春笋般涌现。标书翻译作为翻译市场的一部分, 同时也随着翻译市场的发展也在完善中。现如今, 各类翻译公司提供的标书翻译服务种类以及翻译质量良莠不齐。作为翻译市场下的一个部分, 标书翻译市场的现状如下:大部分翻译公司将标书翻译作为服务种类的其中一种, 小部分有成立以标书为主导的翻译公司。标书的翻译常常因为各种客户的要求差异较大、从事翻译的人员数量不稳定、所翻译的标书文本质量难以保证等原因, 在公司业务中占有比例并不是很多。

2.1 商务标书翻译的误区和不足

标书翻译是法律翻译和商业翻译的结合, 这就要求翻译者不仅要有夯实有效的翻译能力, 更要对法律和商业知识有一个完整、系统的了解, 熟练掌握法律和商业文本的基本格式。因此, 为遵循标书翻译的基本原则, 以及确保投招标活动有序顺利地进行, 该文将列举当前商务标书翻译的一些基本误区和不足之处:

2.1.1 过分依赖词典

Turnkey Contract在招标文件中是指“总包工程招标文件”, 而《英汉技术词典》释义为“整套承包 (合同) ”。如果译员过度依赖词典, 将会造成文本翻译偏差, 甚至错误。

2.1.2 术语使用不一致

在起草或翻译标书时, 一旦某一术语被选用, 该术语必须在全文中被重复使用。例如“bid”和“tender”在采购合同中是很容易产生困惑的。“bid”在《朗文英汉双解词典》中的解释为“an offer to pay a certain price esp.at an auction”;“tender”指“to make a formal offer to do (a piece of work) at a certain price”, 两者都可以理解成为“投标”或“标书”。在“Standard Bidding Documents”中, “招标人”用的是“tenderee”。而在WTO Agreement on Government Procurement中, 同样“投标人”, 却用“tenderer”一词。因此, 一旦某一同义词在文中被单次引用, 可能造成文本阅读者对该同义词功能的混淆。

2.1.3 乱用情态动词

在所有的法律文件翻译中, 情态动词的选用都是非常谨慎的。选择适当的情态动词, 能清晰界定合同各方的权利和义务。该文将着重强调“shall”和“will”的作用。根据《朗文当代国际英语词典》, “shall”:used in official documents to show a law, command, promise etc.It imposes a compulsive duty or obligation on a legal subject in the imperative sense with legal authoritativeness.”可见, “shall”有“应该, 必须”之意, 用法较“shall”古老和正式, 一般用于法律或半法律的正式文件中。在投招标活动中, 对于招标方提出的要求, 译员应使用带有强制意义的“shall”或“must”等词;而在谈到自身责任和义务时, 应倾向于使用程度较轻的“will”或“should”。

3 标书翻译的技巧与标准

标书翻译在整个投标过程中扮演着很重要的角色。标书翻译必须表达出投标人全部意愿。标书翻译不是简单的商务翻译, 其中还包含了法律翻译和科技翻译。因为在大部分标书中都带有法律要约性质的各种邀约和承诺, 一些科技类企业的标书中还会涉及到公司的专业技术词汇, 在这种情况下, 为了全面介绍自己和赢得投标方的信任和好感, 需要同时使用严谨的法律用语极富影响力的商业用语。所以在标书翻译的过程中, 译者在使用一些翻译的技巧的同时必须要遵循一定的标准。

3.1 商务标书翻译的技巧

3.1.1 尽量使用国际通用术语

商务标书中普遍会出现一些通用语, 译者在翻译商务标书之前应当做足相应的准备工作, 调查该份标书中所涉及到的企业文化和相关行业的知识, 确保在翻译过程中对通用语和专业术语的翻译忠实于原文, 与此同时, 查阅相关资料, 了解通用语的翻译。

3.1.2 谨慎选择易造成歧义的词语

商务标书翻译的过程中, 常常会因为同义词使用不当而导致意思模棱两可甚至词不达意的情况, 而商务标书的翻译是相当严谨的, 一丁点的小错误往往会影响到整份标书的失效, 同时会损害到相关公司的利益。因此, 译者要充分的了解并掌握易混淆或易造成歧义的词语之间的区别。

3.1.3 商务标书归类

译者可从两个方面归类商务标书:从公司的所属行业分类, 把相同类型的公司的常用翻译术语做总结;从标书是英译汉或汉译英分类, 总结各国不同的文化习俗和语言的表达方式, 并且掌握英译汉和汉译英的技巧。

3.1.4 商务标书中时间和数字的翻译

商务标书中肯定会涉及到时间和数字的翻译, 由于时间或者数字都有很多种翻译形式, 并且这些形式都是正确的。译者在翻译的过程中应从一而终, 选择自己最适合的翻译形式, 不要多种形式混用以至于发生错误, 而且读者在阅读的过程中也会比较吃力。

3.2 商务标书翻译的标准

商务标书翻译不同于一般的文学作品的翻译, 严复提出的“信、达、雅”的翻译标准在标书的翻译中就不太适用。标书的翻译不需要华丽的辞藻, 他需要译者绝对的忠实于原文, 德国的Skopos Theory所提出的的目的原则、连贯性和忠实性原则和忠诚原则则比较适用于标书的翻译。

标书标书是招标工作时采购当事人都要遵守的具有法律效应且可执行的投标行为标准文件。因此在标书翻译的时候, 一定要遵循标书的本质, 不能前后矛盾, 摩棱两可。在一些专业术语和法律词汇的翻译中, 一定要透彻的理解原文的精神实质, 通篇保持一致的译法, 对原文的意思不歪曲不随意增减。与此同时, 译者需要有极其专业的素质, 翻译时不仅要在语言上符合专业术语和法律词汇的要求与规律, 还应该注意译文语言的词句结构, 使译文条理清晰, 确保能够完整的呈现出标书所要表达的内容。

4 总结

商务标书翻译是在商务翻译的基础上所延伸出来的一种有针对性的翻译。投标书是招标工作时采购当事人都要遵守的具有法律效应的文件, 因此逻辑性要强, 不能使得前后矛盾, 模棱两可, 用语要精炼, 要用简短, 对政策法规的准确理解与执行, 有利于标书制作者剔除歧视性条款, 是对采购人的“出钱想买什么就买什么”传统观念的强力阻击。投标书是整个招投标过程中最重要的一个环节。标书必须表达出使用单位的全部意愿或承诺, 不能有疏漏。标书也是投标商投标编制投标书的依据, 投标商必须对标书的内容进行实质性的响应, 否则被判定为无效标 (按废弃标处理) 。标书同样也是评标最重要的依据。如今的商务标书翻译市场潜力大, 但是也存在着许多不规范, 该文只是就商务标书普遍存在的问题进行了探讨, 不足之处请多谅解。


[1]徐勤.英文招投标文件的文体特征及翻译[J].中国翻译, 2005 (26) :79-82.

标书文本语言特征分析及翻译对策 第4篇



(福建工程学院外语系,福建福州 350108)



一 引 言


下面笔者将在 Guidelines Procurem ent Under IBRD Loans And IDA Credits(2004)(《国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷采购指南》,简称《世界银行采购指南》)、Agreem ent on Governm entProcurem ent(《世贸组织政府采购协议》,简称WTO GPA)、《欧盟政府采购指令》、《中华人民共和国政府采购法》(2002)、《中华人民共和国招标投标法》(1999)①等国内外招投标相关法律、法规的基础上,结合实际经验,探讨标书的翻译。

二 招投标基本知识

在不同的法规体系下,对招标方式(type of tendering)的规定不尽相同,这里根据几大法律文件归纳如下:

1)《世界银行采购指南》重点定义了“国际竞争性招标”(international competitive bidding),然后指出在国际竞争性招标不是最经济、最有效的时候,还有其他几种更加适宜的采购方式,如“有限国际招标”(limited international bidding)、“国内竞争性招标”(national competitive bidding)、“询价采购”(shopping)、“直接签订合同”(direct contracting)、“自营工程”(force account)等。

2)《世贸组织政府采购协议》定义了 3类招标方式,即:“公开招标”(open tendering)、“选择性招标”(selective tendering)以及“局限性招标”(l imited tendering)。

3)《香港特别行政区政府采购》定义了 4类招标方式,即“公开招标”“选择性招标”“资格预审招标”(prequalified tendering)以及“单一招标或局限性招标”(single or restricted tendering)。


招标类型不同,对投标方的要求也不同。图 1是基于“公开招标”要求的一般招投标基本流程。

了解整个招投标流程,对于翻译来说非常重要。现实中标书翻译与流程密不可分。比如说某一中国公司需要面向国际进行一项大型的招标,那么在“标书制作”这一环节,该公司必须提供英文(或法文、西班牙文)版本,随着招标进程不断推进,还需要作出相应公告,针对投标人提出的问题对标书条款进行澄清 (clarification)等[1]。在整个国际招标过程中,标书的翻译成为不可或缺的重要部分。

图 1 招投标流程图

三 标书文本的语言特征

从图 1可以看到,招投标完成后,无论是招标文本,还是投标文本,都是一种商业合同,具有法律效力,须严格执行,一旦遇到纠纷,这些文本就是法律依据。因此,招投标文本具有一般法律文本以及商业合同的基本语言特征,如措词精当、结构严谨、术语专业、思维缜密、文体正规、语意明确。下面对此进行简单叙述。


招投标文件使用的专业术语近似于行话,尽管具有国际通用性,有明确的特定含义,但一般辞书中往往查不到,不了解招投标业务的译者很难准确理解和翻译。如 procurement不是一般意义的“获得”,标书中应该理解为“采购”(如 government procurement“政府采购”);pre-qualification表示“对投标人进行的投标资格预审”;pre-qualification documents是“投标资格预审文件”;post-qualify是“对投标人进行的投标资格后审”;base bid price不是普通意义上的“价格”,而是招投标过程中非常重要的“标底”。


在招标采购过程中,招标方在对投标人提出要求时总倾向于使用带有强制性含义的情态动词与命令词,如 shall或 must。有学者专门探讨了法律英语中 shall的翻译[3-5]。shall并不是简单的助动词,不是日常生活的“应当”“适宜”或“应该”(should),而是“必须”“要”等。值得注意的是,招投标双方的文本对情态动词使用有别,招标方对自己应履行某种义务时,总是极力轻描淡写,淡化语气强度,较多选用will和 should,甚至用may,表“愿意”或“可以”。

3.多用大词、古语词以及外来词 (尤其是拉丁语)

招投标文本多使用书面用词,包括大词、古语词和外来词,以体现其权威性和严密性。用复杂短语代替简单介、连词;用笨重动词代替轻灵动词,如encourage—urge;用冷僻用词代替日常用词,如 prior to—before,expiry—end;大量使用 (here-,there-)复合词,如 hereinafter,hereby,hereto,hereof,therefrom,therein,thereafter,thereinafter,thereby;古语词、外来语,如 null and void(无效),nota bene(注意), vis a vis(面对面),assumpsit(承诺履行)等[6-8]。





四 标书翻译策略



招投标过程中,招标方与投标方作为两个相对应的实体,许多术语的理解需要谨慎,如“投标文件应当对招标文件提出的实质性要求和条件作出响应”应该译为:The bid documents shall respond to the substantial requirements and ter ms put forward in the tender documents.



“corrupt practice”is the offering,giving,receiving or soliciting,directly or indirectly,of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party.(“腐败活动”意指直接地或间接地提供、给予、收受或要求任何有价财物来不适当地影响另一方的行为。)

“fraudulent practice”is any act or omission,including a misrepresentation,that knowingly or recklessly misleads,or attempts to mislead,a party to obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation.(“欺诈活动”意指任何行为或隐瞒,包括歪曲事实,任何有意或不计后果的误导,或企图误导一方以获得财物或其他方面的利益,或为了逃避一项义务。)

“collusive practice”is an arrangement be tween two or more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose,including to influence improperly the actions of another party.(“串通活动”意指由双方或多方设计的一种为达到不当目的的安排,包括不适当地影响另一方的行为。)

“coercive practice”is impairing or harming,or threatening to impair or harm,directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions of a party.(“施加压力”意指直接地或间接地削弱或伤害、或威胁削弱或伤害任何一方或其财产以不适当地影响该方的行为。)



在翻译标书的长句时,最好的解决办法就是将这些长句在适当关节处断开,分解为意义完整的组件,让每个意群单独成句,然后按照从普遍到特殊,从主要到次要的顺序对各个组件重新排列组合,先叙述要点,再补充细节,最后提示可能发生的误解,如:Firms of a country or goods manufactured in a country may be excluded if,(i)as a matter of law or official regulation,the Borrower's country prohibits commercial relations with that country,provided that the Bank is satisfied that such exclusion does not preclude effective competition for the supply of goods or works required,or(ii)by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter V II of the Charter of the United Nations,the Borrower's country prohibits any import of goods from,or payments to,a particular country,person,or entity.可译为:一个国家的公司或在一个国家制造的货物,如果属于下列情况,则可以被排除在外:(i)根据法律或官方规定,借款国禁止与该国有商业往来,但前提是要使世行满意地认为该排除不会妨碍在采购所需货物或工程时的有效竞争; (ii)为响应联合国安理会根据联合国宪章第七章做出的决议,借款国禁止从该国进口任何货物或对该国的个人或实体进行任何付款。③


当前标书翻译还是一个较新领域,存在大量术语翻译不统一的问题,这也是当前国内科学翻译的现状[9],如 force account有人翻译成“自办工程”,正确的翻译应该是“自营工程”;joint venture并非一般意义上的“合资企业”与“联合体”,应该是“联营体”。要做到专业术语的统一,要求译者勤学好问,多向专业领域内专家请教。此外,还应重视标书翻译词汇手册或字典的编制,以适应时代所需。

五 启 示



①查阅这些法律文献可以在线访问:世界银行主页 http://www.worldbank.org/中国政府采购招投标网 http://www.ztbw.org.cn/中国政府采购网 http://www.ccgp.gov.cn



[1]Thai K V.International Handbook of Public Procurement [C].New York:Taylor&Francis Group,LLC,2009:323 -340.


[3]陈忠诚.法窗译话[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1992:32-36.

[4]孙喜民.浅谈 shall在法律、合同文件中的译法[J].中国翻译,1995(4):57-58.







Language Characteristics of Tender/Bid Documents and the Translation Strategies

DA I Guangrong

G ene ra lly,tende r/b id docum ents have bas ic linguis tic fea tures of lega l texts,such as p rec ise w ords,s tric t s truc tures,p rofess iona l te rm s,ca reful thinking,form a l s tyle,c lea r sem antic,e tc.This p ap e r d iscusses thelanguage cha rac te ris tics of these docum ents,and p uts forw a rd som e sugges tions on the trans la tion s tra teg ies.

tende r/b id docum ent,language cha rac te ris tics,trans la tion s tra teg ies





教育部全国高等学校教学研究中心“十一五”国家级课题项目 (F IB070335-A15-11);国家精品课程——综合英语教程支持项目(高等教育出版社)(ZH09-004);福建工程学院科研基金重点项目(GY-S0827)

韩语标书翻译公司 第5篇




标书 bidding documents

标书是招标工作时采购当事人都要遵守的具有法律效应的文件,因此逻辑性要强,不能前后 矛盾,模棱两可,用语要精炼,要用简短...对政策法规的准确理解与执行,有利于标书 制作者剔除歧视性条款,是对采购人“出钱想买什么就买什么”传统观念的强力阻击



















中英文翻译 第6篇

and ap, fD,p, ϕp, and τp are the amplitude, the Doppler frequency, the phase, and the propagation delay, respectively, associated with path p, p = 0,..., Np − 1.The assigned channel transfer function is

The delays are measured relative to the first detectable path at the receiver.The Doppler Frequency

depends on the velocity v of the terminal station, the speed of light c, the carrier frequency fc, and the angle of incidence αp of a wave assigned to path p.A channel impulse response with corresponding channel transfer function is illustrated in Figure 1-2.The delay power density spectrum ρ(τ)that characterizes the frequency selectivity of the mobile radio channel gives the average power of the channel output as a function of the delay τ.The mean delay τ , the root mean square(RMS)delay spread τRMS and the maximum delay τmax are characteristic parameters of the delay power density spectrum.The mean delay is


Figure 1-2 Time-variant channel impulse response and channel transfer function with frequency-selective fading is the power of path p.The RMS delay spread is defined as Similarly, the Doppler power density spectrum S(fD)can be defined that characterizes the time variance of the mobile radio channel and gives the average power of the channel output as a function of the Doppler frequency fD.The frequency dispersive properties of multipath channels are most commonly quantified by the maximum occurring Doppler frequency fDmax and the Doppler spread fDspread.The Doppler spread is the bandwidth of the Doppler power density spectrum and can take on values up to two times |fDmax|, i.e.,1.1.3Channel Fade Statistics The statistics of the fading process characterize the channel and are of importance for channel model parameter specifications.A simple and often used approach is obtained from the assumption that there is a large number of scatterers in the channel that contribute to the signal at the receiver side.The application of the central limit theorem leads to a complex-valued Gaussian process for the channel impulse response.In the absence of line of sight(LOS)or a dominant component, the process is zero-mean.The magnitude of the corresponding channel transfer function

is a random variable, for brevity denoted by a, with a Rayleigh distribution given by


is the average power.The phase is uniformly distributed in the interval [0, 2π].In the case that the multipath channel contains a LOS or dominant component in addition to the randomly moving scatterers, the channel impulse response can no longer be modeled as zero-mean.Under the assumption of a complex-valued Gaussian process for the channel impulse response, the magnitude a of the channel transfer function has a Rice distribution given by

The Rice factor KRice is determined by the ratio of the power of the dominant path to thepower of the scattered paths.I0 is the zero-order modified Bessel function of first kind.The phase is uniformly distributed in the interval [0, 2π].1.1.4Inter-Symbol(ISI)and Inter-Channel Interference(ICI)The delay spread can cause inter-symbol interference(ISI)when adjacent data symbols overlap and interfere with each other due to different delays on different propagation paths.The number of interfering symbols in a single-carrier modulated system is given by

For high data rate applications with very short symbol duration Td < τmax, the effect of ISI and, with that, the receiver complexity can increase significantly.The effect of ISI can be counteracted by different measures such as time or frequency domain equalization.In spread spectrum systems, rake receivers with several arms are used to reduce the effect of ISI by exploiting the multipath diversity such that individual arms are adapted to different propagation paths.If the duration of the transmitted symbol is significantly larger than the maximum delay Td τmax, the channel produces a negligible amount of ISI.This effect is exploited with multi-carrier transmission where the duration per transmitted symbol increases with the number of sub-carriers Nc and, hence, the amount of ISI decreases.The number of interfering symbols in a multi-carrier modulated system is given by

Residual ISI can be eliminated by the use of a guard interval(see Section 1.2).The maximum Doppler spread in mobile radio applications using single-carrier modulation is typically much less than the distance between adjacent channels, such that the effect of interference on adjacent channels due to Doppler spread is not a problem for single-carrier modulated systems.For multi-carrier modulated systems, the sub-channel spacing Fs can become quite small, such that Doppler effects can cause significant ICI.As long as all sub-carriers are affected by a common Doppler shift fD, this Doppler shift can be compensated for in the receiver and ICI can be avoided.However, if Doppler spread in the order of several percent of the sub-carrier spacing occurs, ICI may degrade the system performance significantly.To avoid performance degradations due to ICI or more complex receivers with ICI equalization, the sub-carrier spacing Fs should be chosen as

such that the effects due to Doppler spread can be neglected(see Chapter 4).This approach corresponds with the philosophy of OFDM described in Section 1.2 and is followed in current OFDM-based wireless standards.Nevertheless, if a multi-carrier system design is chosen such that the Doppler spread is in the order of the sub-carrier spacing or higher, a rake receiver in the frequency domain can be used [22].With the frequency domain rake receiver each branch of the rake resolves a different Doppler frequency.1.1.5Examples of Discrete Multipath Channel Models Various discrete multipath channel models for indoor and outdoor cellular systems with different cell sizes have been specified.These channel models define the statistics of the 5 discrete propagation paths.An overview of widely used discrete multipath channel models is given in the following.COST 207 [8]: The COST 207 channel models specify four outdoor macro cell propagation scenarios by continuous, exponentially decreasing delay power density spectra.Implementations of these power density spectra by discrete taps are given by using up to 12 taps.Examples for settings with 6 taps are listed in Table 1-1.In this table for several propagation environments the corresponding path delay and power profiles are given.Hilly terrain causes the longest echoes.The classical Doppler spectrum with uniformly distributed angles of arrival of the paths can be used for all taps for simplicity.Optionally, different Doppler spectra are defined for the individual taps in [8].The COST 207 channel models are based on channel measurements with a bandwidth of 8–10 MHz in the 900-MHz band used for 2G systems such as GSM.COST 231 [9] and COST 259 [10]: These COST actions which are the continuation of COST 207 extend the channel characterization to DCS 1800, DECT, HIPERLAN and UMTS channels, taking into account macro, micro, and pico cell scenarios.Channel models with spatial resolution have been defined in COST 259.The spatial component is introduced by the definition of several clusters with local scatterers, which are located in a circle around the base station.Three types of channel models are defined.The macro cell type has cell sizes from 500 m up to 5000 m and a carrier frequency of 900 MHz or 1.8 GHz.The micro cell type is defined for cell sizes of about 300 m and a carrier frequency of 1.2 GHz or 5 GHz.The pico cell type represents an indoor channel model with cell sizes smaller than 100 m in industrial buildings and in the order of 10 m in an office.The carrier frequency is 2.5 GHz or 24 GHz.COST 273: The COST 273 action additionally takes multi-antenna channel models into account, which are not covered by the previous COST actions.CODIT [7]: These channel models define typical outdoor and indoor propagation scenarios for macro, micro, and pico cells.The fading characteristics of the various propagation environments are specified by the parameters of the Nakagami-m distribution.Every environment is defined in terms of a number of scatterers which can take on values up to 20.Some channel models consider also the angular distribution of the scatterers.They have been developed for the investigation of 3G system proposals.Macro cell channel type models have been developed for carrier frequencies around 900 MHz with 7 MHz bandwidth.The micro and pico cell channel type models have been developed for carrier frequencies between 1.8 GHz and 2 GHz.The bandwidths of the measurements are in the range of 10–100 MHz for macro cells and around 100 MHz for pico cells.JTC [28]: The JTC channel models define indoor and outdoor scenarios by specifying 3 to 10 discrete taps per scenario.The channel models are designed to be applicable for wideband digital mobile radio systems anticipated as candidates for the PCS(Personal Communications Systems)common air interface at carrier frequencies of about 2 GHz.UMTS/UTRA [18][44]: Test propagation scenarios have been defined for UMTS and UTRA system proposals which are developed for frequencies around 2 GHz.The modeling of the multipath propagation corresponds to that used by the COST 207 channel models.HIPERLAN/2 [33]: Five typical indoor propagation scenarios for wireless LANs in the 5 GHz frequency band have been defined.Each scenario is described by 18discrete taps of the delay power density spectrum.The time variance of the channel(Doppler spread)is modeled by a classical Jake’s spectrum with a maximum terminal speed of 3 m/h.Further channel models exist which are, for instance, given in [16].1.1.6Multi-Carrier Channel Modeling Multi-carrier systems can either be simulated in the time domain or, more computationally efficient, in the frequency domain.Preconditions for the frequency domain implementation are the absence of ISI and ICI, the frequency nonselective fading per sub-carrier, and the time-invariance during one OFDM symbol.A proper system design approximately fulfills these preconditions.The discrete channel transfer function adapted to multi-carrier signals results in

where the continuous channel transfer function H(f, t)is sampled in time at OFDM symbol rate s and in frequency at sub-carrier spacing Fs.The duration

s is the total OFDM symbol duration including the guard interval.Finally, a symbol transmitted onsub-channel n of the OFDM symbol i is multiplied by the resulting fading amplitude an,i and rotated by a random phase ϕn,i.The advantage of the frequency domain channel model is that the IFFT and FFT operation for OFDM and inverse OFDM can be avoided and the fading operation results in one complex-valued multiplication per sub-carrier.The discrete multipath channel models introduced in Section 1.1.5 can directly be applied to(1.16).A further simplification of the channel modeling for multi-carrier systems is given by using the so-called uncorrelated fading channel models. Fading Channel Models for Multi-Carrier Systems These channel models are based on the assumption that the fading on adjacent data symbols after inverse OFDM and de-interleaving can be considered as uncorrelated [29].This assumption holds when, e.g., a frequency and time interleaver with sufficient interleaving depth is applied.The fading amplitude an,i is chosen from a distribution p(a)according to the considered cell type and the random phase ϕn,I is uniformly distributed in the interval [0,2π].The resulting complex-valued channel fading coefficient is thus generated independently for each sub-carrier and OFDM symbol.For a propagation scenario in a macro cell without LOS, the fading amplitude an,i is generated by a Rayleigh distribution and the channel model is referred to as an uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channel.For smaller cells where often a dominant propagation component occurs, the fading amplitude is chosen from a Rice distribution.The advantages of the uncorrelated fading channel models for multi-carrier systems are their simple implementation in the frequency domain and the simple reproducibility of the simulation results.1.1.7Diversity The coherence bandwidth of a mobile radio channel is the bandwidth over which the signal propagation characteristics are correlated and it can be approximated by

The channel is frequency-selective if the signal bandwidth B is larger than the coherence bandwidth.On the other hand, if B is smaller than , the channel is frequency nonselective or flat.The coherence bandwidth of the channel is of importance for evaluating the performance of spreading and frequency interleaving techniques that try to exploit the inherent frequency diversity Df of the mobile radio channel.In the case of multi-carrier transmission, frequency diversity is exploited if the separation of sub-carriers transmitting the same information exceeds the coherence bandwidth.The maximum achievable frequency diversity Df is given by the ratio between the signal bandwidth B and the coherence bandwidth,The coherence time of the channel is the duration over which the channel characteristics can be considered as time-invariant and can be approximated by

If the duration of the transmitted symbol is larger than the coherence time, the channel is time-selective.On the other hand, if the symbol duration is smaller than , the channel is time nonselective during one symbol duration.The coherence time of the channel is of importance for evaluating the performance of coding and interleaving techniques that try to exploit the inherent time diversity DO of the mobile radio channel.Time diversity can be exploited if the separation between time slots carrying the same information exceeds the coherence time.A number of Ns successive time slots create a time frame of duration Tfr.The maximum time diversity Dt achievable in one time frame is given by the ratio between the duration of a time frame and the coherence time, A system exploiting frequency and time diversity can achieve the overall diversity

The system design should allow one to optimally exploit the available diversity DO.For instance, in systems with multi-carrier transmission the same information should be transmitted on different sub-carriers and in different time slots, achieving uncorrelated faded replicas of the information in both dimensions.Uncoded multi-carrier systems with flat fading per sub-channel and time-invariance during one symbol cannot exploit diversity and have a poor performance in time and frequency selective fading channels.Additional methods have to be applied to exploit diversity.One approach is the use of data spreading where each data symbol is spread by a spreading code of length L.This, in combination with interleaving, can achieve performance results which are given for

by the closed-form solution for the BER for diversity reception in Rayleigh fading channels according to [40]

Whererepresents the combinatory function,and σ2 is the variance of the noise.As soon as the interleaving is not perfect or the diversity offered by the channel is smaller than the spreading code length L, or MCCDMA with multiple access interference is applied,(1.22)is a lower bound.For L = 1, the performance of an OFDM system without forward error correction(FEC)is obtained, 9

which cannot exploit any diversity.The BER according to(1.22)of an OFDM(OFDMA, MC-TDMA)system and a multi-carrier spread spectrum(MC-SS)system with different spreading code lengths L is shown in Figure 1-3.No other diversity techniques are applied.QPSK modulation is used for symbol mapping.The mobile radio channel is modeled as uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channel(see Section 1.1.6).As these curves show, for large values of L, the performance of MC-SS systems approaches that of an AWGN channel.Another form of achieving diversity in OFDM systems is channel coding by FEC, where the information of each data bit is spread over several code bits.Additional to the diversity gain in fading channels, a coding gain can be obtained due to the selection of appropriate coding and decoding algorithms.中文翻译 1基本原理





图1-2时变信道冲激响应和通道传递函数频率选择性衰落是权力页的路径均方根时延扩展的定义为 同样,多普勒频谱的功率密度(FD)的特点可以定义

在移动时变无线信道,并给出了作为一种金融衍生工具功能的多普勒频率通道输出的平均功率。多径信道频率分散性能是最常见的量化发生的多普勒频率和多普勒fDmax蔓延fDspread最大。多普勒扩散是功率密度的多普勒频谱带宽,可价值观需要两年时间| fDmax|,即

















经典的多普勒频谱与均匀分布的到达角路径可以用于简化所有的频道。或者,不同的多普勒谱定义在[8]个人频道。207信道的成本模型是基于一个8-10兆赫的2G,如GSM系统中使用的900兆赫频段信道带宽的测量。造价231[9]和造价259[10]:这些费用是行动的延续成本207扩展通道特性到DCS1800的DECT,HIPERLAN和UMTS的渠道,同时考虑到宏观,微观和微微小区的情况为例。空间分辨率与已定义的通道模型在造价259。空间部分是介绍了与当地散射,这是在基站周围设几组圆的定义。三种类型的通道模型定义。宏细胞类型具有高达500〜5000米,载波频率为900兆赫或1.8 GHz的单元尺寸。微细胞类型被定义为细胞体积约300米,1.2 GHz或5 GHz载波频率。细胞类型代表的Pico与细胞体积小于100工业建筑物和办公室中的10 m阶米室内信道模型。载波频率为2.5 GHz或24千兆赫。造价273:成本273行动另外考虑到多天线信道模型,这是不是由先前的费用的行为包括在内。

CODIT [7]:这些通道模型定义的宏,微,微微蜂窝和室外和室内传播的典型案例。各种传播环境的衰落特性是指定的在NakagamiSS)的不同扩频码L是长度,如图1-3所示的系统。没有其他的分集技术被应用。QPSK调制用于符号映射。移动无线信道建模为不相关瑞利衰落信道(见1.1.6)。由于这些曲线显示,办法,AWGN信道的一对L时,对MC-SS系统性能有很大价值。

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