


专科英语复习资料2 第1篇

gain a good command of English 精通英语Seize opportunities to speak 抓住机会说

Write regularly 经常写old dream of going round the world 周游世界的夙愿

human beings 人类blood is thicker than water 血浓于水 a primary school 一所小学

current social problems 当前社会问题high divorce rate 高离婚率

the generation growing up with television 伴随电视长大的这一代人

Have you ever complained about you memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning?你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆太差

Listening to English on a regular basis will not only improve you ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills 经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力而且有助于培养你说的技能

After resting in Sydney for a few weeks, ChiChester set off once more in spite of his friends attempts to dissuade him 在悉尼休息几周之后,他不顾朋友们的多方劝阻再次扬帆出航

after all ,eighty was a special birthday ,another decade lived or endured just as you chose to look at it.毕竟,不管怎么说八十大寿非同一般——你又活了十年或者说你又熬过了十年,是活是熬全在于你怎么看了

A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour 每晚清净这么一小时可以造就出文化程度较高的一代新人1、2、3、4、5、’t do any revision.6、7、8、’s share of the market.9、10、11、safety of the child12、13、14、1、Though she is nearly 65, Mary doesn’

2、3、I’4、5、6、7、8、union9、’t even apologize or give any explanation10、11、to prove that India could be reached by sailing west12、13、14、15、1、’t have to sit up all night before the exams.2、3、4、5、6、Let’s go to he park.It’

7、Prof.Smith is not a stranger to us.We’

8、9、They’10、11、12、He hasn’t got enough clothes on-look, he’13、14、To the old lady’1、2、3、4、5、’s the nation’s most important city.6、’s illness that he could no longer concentrate on his studies.7、8、9、10、Einstein once said:“”11、12、13、14、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、Sometimes it’

10、If there’11、12、I’m sorry I haven’13、14、15、You’16、17、’ve just said18、19、’t sent us his report20、21、22、You’23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、We’36、37、38、39、40、The baby’41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、’t send her a real present for her eightieth birthday.50、51、52、53、“Couldn’”said Mary to her husband.“It’s too difficult for Johnnie.”

54、He can’55、56、’t like pop music at all.57、58、59、60、61、worker.62、

专科英语复习资料2 第2篇


(一)、从下列各组中,找出与前面的单词的划线部分读音相同的单词(每小题1分,共计10分):()1.salt A.half B.almost C.alcoholic D.postal()2.receive A.recent B.rebuild C.recovery D.recitation()3.maps A.meals B.hands C.desks D.eyes()4.says A.say B.saying C.said D.pays()5.brought A.thought B.though C.through D.enough

(二)从下列各题的A、B、C、D中选出一个划线部分发音与其他三个不同的选项:()6.A.earn B.early C.heard D.heart()7.A.think B.with C.thirsty D.worth()8.A.climb B.expensive C.arrive D.lifetime()9.A.is B.his C.this D.these()10.A.Christmas B.church C.French D.charge

第二节:词语解释 从下列各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与句子中划线部分意思相近的选项(每小题1分,共计15分)

()11.We have a lot of things to consider before we can decide.A.remember B.think about C.do D.discuss()12.I shall call on my English teacher this Saturday morning.A.need B.telephone C.visit D.write a letter to()13.Students are required to go home and ask their fathers to give up smoking.A.stop B.offer C.keep doing D.let on()14.Don’t worry.The doctor will be here in no time.A.in a little time B.no longer C.in some time D.at once()15.It’s too cold to go swimming today;in addition, it’s beginning to rain.A.beside B.besides C.except D.expect()16.Thanks to the help of our teacher, we have made great progress in maths.A.For B.As C.Because D.Because of()17.My younger brother is no more than seven years old.A.not more than B.not older than C.only D.over()18.The last class will be over before long.A.long before B.soon C.not longer D.long ago()19.Do you care for black tea, Mr.Smith? A.fond of B.take care of C.look after D.like()20.There are a number of students on the playground.A.a lot of B.lots C.much D.the number of()21.Mr.Smith left his office so late that he couldn’t catch the last bus.A.lost B.missed C.did not see D.did not hear()22.How much did you spend on these books? A.pay on B.pay C.take on D.pay for()23.The teacher tries her best to do well in everything.A.be well at B.do good in C.be good at D.be good in()24.Look out!Don’t stay there.The train is coming.A.Be careful B.Look out of C.Look round D.Look at()25.We saw her on the way to the library just now.A.right now B.just a moment C.already D.a moment ago

第三节:语法知识 从下列各题的A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(每小题1分,共计25分)

()26.---Can I borrow your dictionary?---.A.Yes, help yourself B.No, you can’t

C.Yes, you can borrow D.Yes, go on()27.His mother didn’t him to go to the party, but he still went out.A.let B.get C.agree D.allow()28.He will die the doctors operate at once.A.if B.but C.because D.unless()29.---Have you ever been to Guangzhou?---Yes, I there once when I was a child.A.went B.have been C.would go D.allow()30.I found speaking really in English though I can do a lot of reading.A.easy B.hard C.well D.good()31.I will him about it as soon as he comes back.A.say B.speak C.tell D.talk()32.---I don’t have much knowledge about country music for my paper.---Why not get some from Internet? A.instruction B.information C.message D.advice()33.We have had the TV set for ten years.Shall we change it a new one? A.to B.into C.for D.with()34.Is there a shop near here I can buy some postcards? A.where B.which C.when D.if()35.---Why don’t we go out for a drive this weekend?---.A.Yes, please B.I think so C.Yes, that’s all right D.That’s a good idea()36.He was sure that Mathilde lost her necklace in the palace on her way home.A.both, and B.not only, but also C.whether, or D.either, or()37.I’m sure he will come to see me before he abroad.A.go B.goes C.is going to D.will go()38.We together when we were young.A.were used to swim B.are used to swimming C.have been used to swim D.used to swim()39.---“ does Mr.Lee go to Shanghai on business?”---“At least twice a year.”

A.When B.How soon C.How often D.How long()40.Excuse me, Mrs.Jones.Would you mind me a favour? A.making B.doing C.to make D.to do()41.It is difficult to carry on the discussion with all this around us.A.voice B.noise C.sound D.nonsense()42.Some meat got rotten easily, ? A.didn’t they B.didn’t it C.wasn’t it D.weren’t they

()43.Every clerk finds pleasant to work under such a great and wise manager.A.that B.it C.this D.to be()44.You’d better.A.to have cut your hair B.to have your hair cut C.have your hair cut D.had cut your hair()45.She spoke too quickly.A.to understand B.to be understood C.not to understand D.not to be understood()46.“ I be home before supper?” “No, you needn’t.”

A.May B.Can C.Must D.Ought to()47.Yu must hand in your report tomorrow.A.two-thousand-word B.two-thousand-words C.two-thousands-word D.two-thousands word()48.He decided to visit the family Friday night.A.at B.on C.in D.over()49.Father gave him on how to choose his favorite specialty.A.an advice B.some advice C.advices D.the advice()50.Looking about the classroom, Petty was surprised to find she didn’t know of the students there.A.some B.any C.none D.every


第一节:完形填空 阅读下面的短文,并从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(每小题1分,共20分)

Once you have reached London , you can go 51 in taxis, buses, or by 52.I myself like the 53 , as it is rapid, easy and cheap.There are so many cars and buses in London that one 54 drive along the roads quickly 55 many stops.The underground is therefore usually quicker than taxis or buses.If you do not know London 56 , it is very difficult to find the bus you 57.You can take a taxi, but it is much more expensive 58 the underground or a bus.59 the underground you find good maps 60 tell you the names of the stations and 61 you how to get to them, so that it is easy to find your 62.Let us 63 that I have just arrived 64 London from France.My train stops at Cambridge.I, therefore, have to get from Victoria Station to Liverpool Street Station.If I have a lot of things to carry, I have to take a taxi, 65 , as I have already said, is much more expensive than a bus or the underground.If I have not many things to 66 , I can go 67 some stairs from Victoria Station to the underground station, 68 an electric train there and go 69 under the ground to Liverpool Street Station, where I will again come out 70 the light of day to continue my trip.()51.A.forward B.on C.ahead D.about()52.A.underground B.a underground C.an underground D.the underground()53.A.former B.earlier C.later D.latter()54.A.can B.cannot C.doesn’t enable to D.is able to()55.A.have B.haven’t C.with D.without()56.A.very good B.very well C.very little D.very many()57.A.take B.get C.want D.like()58.A.rather than B.to C.then D.than()59.A.On B.At C.Onto D.Into()50.A.which B.on which they C.in which they D.from which they()61.A.answer B.show C.teach D.explain to()62.A.street B.road C.way D.address()63.A.think B.suggest C.propose D.suppose()64.A.for B.to C.on D.in()65.A.what B.which C.that D.where()66.A.carry B.carrying C.be carrying D.carried()67.A.down B.downward C.down in D.down on()68.A.enter B.enter in C.enter on D.enter onto()69.A.to B.at C.along D.from()70.A.for B.onto C.at D.into 第二节:阅读理解 认真阅读以下五篇短文,阅读后,请选出各篇短文后试题的正确答案(每题2分,共50分)

(1)In the United States, 30 percent of the grown-up population has a “weight problem”.To many people the cause is clear: we eat too much.But scientific

experiments do little to support this idea.Going back to the America of 1910, we find that people were thinner than today, yet they ate more food.In those days people worked harder physically, walked more, used machine much less, and didn’t watch television.Several modern studies, besides, have shown that fatter people do not eat more on average than thinner people.In fact, some research work, such as 1979 study of 3,545 London office workers, reports that fat people eat less than thinner people on the average.Studies show that thin people are more active than fat people.A study by the research group at Standford University School of Medicine found the following interesting fact;The more the man ran, the greater body fat he lost.The more he ran, the greater was his need for food.Thus, those who ran the most ate the most, yet lost the greatest amount of body fat.()71.What kind of physical problem do many grown –up Americans have? A.They are too thin.B.They work too hard.C.They are too fat.D.They lose too much body fat.()72.Based on the information given in this article, suppose there are 500 Americans, about how many of them will have a weight problem? A.30 B.50 C.100 D.150()73.Are there scientific facts to support that eating too much is the cause of the “weight problem”?

A.Yes, there are plenty of them.B.Of course, there are facts to show this is true.C.There are hardly any scientific facts to support this.D.We don’t know because the information is not given.()74.Compared with the grown-up Americans today, the Americans of 1910 A.ate more food and had more physical activities.B.ate less food but had more activities.C.ate less food and had less physical exercise.D.had more weight problems.()75.What have modern medical and scientific researchers reported to us? A.Fat people eat less food and are less active.B.Fat people eat more food and are more active.C.Fat people eat more food but are less active.D.Thin people run less, but eat more food.(2)Geriatrics is a new branch of medicine that studies diseases of older people.In the past one hundred years medical science has become successful in conquering many diseases that used to kill large numbers of people.As a result many more people are living today in the older age groups.These large groups of older people have

their own medical problems, and the study and treatment of these is called geriatrics(老年病学).The doctor who specializes in them is a geriatrician.Of course older people have many of the same diseases as younger people, but they are more likely to get some diseases and less likely to get others;so the geriatrician specializes in the diseases that older people are most likely to have trouble with.These are diseases that have something to do with parts, or organs(器官), of the body which may gradually wear out.Mainly it is the veins(静脉)and arteries(动脉),or blood vessels(血管), that wear out in such places as the heart(causing heart trouble), or the brain(causing cerebral hemorrhage, or bleeding within the brain).Cancer(癌)is another disease studied by geriatrics because it is often caused by long wear and irritation in different parts of the body.Also, there is mental disease that can be caused by the wearing out of blood vessels of the brain in older people.It is like mental disease in younger people except that they usually cannot remember things, or think clearly.In all disease of geriatrics older people need much care and attention.()76.Geriatrics is.A.the study of the illnesses that affect old people and the methods of treating them B.the medical problems of old age C.a kind of diseases of old people D.a kind of new medicine()77.In the second sentence, “conquering” means.A.getting control of B.studying C.discovering D.fighting against()78.Cerebral hemorrhage is.A.serous bleeding from broken blood vessels inside a person’s brain B.a disease caused by bleeding within the brain C.a mental disease D.a cancer()79.who get mental illness usually cannot remember things.A.Younger people B.Older people C.Women D.Men()80.From this article we can know that.A.organs of older people may wear out easily B.the wearing out of the organs can be easily broken C.the wearing out of the organs can cause a lot of diseases D.diseases of older people are mainly caused by organs of the boby.(3)One cold afternoon is 1937 a football game was taking place.The players were students at Harard University, near Boston, in the United States of America.American football is a rough game in which it is easy to get hurt.The players are usually strong, solid young men, but on this occasion one player was tall and thin.He wasn’t really strong enough for football.But he was keen to succeed in spite

of that.He loved outdoor games and played most of them well.Whatever he did, he did with all his heart.He was John Fitzgerald Kennedy.Twenty-three years later he would become President of the United States.()81.The players are easy to get hurt in American football game because.A.the game is very rough B.the players are young C.the weather is cold D.some players are not strong()82.The following statements are true about Kennedy except.A.he was interested in outdoor games B.he once studied at Harward university C.he was tall and strong enough to be a football player D.he was once elected president of the U.S.()83.According to the passage, and young men seemed to be more fit to be football players.A.tall, thin B.strong, solid C.short, fat D.heavy, keen()84.The sentence “he was keen to succeed in spite of that” means.A.he was sharp and quick to succeed though he was tall B.he was brave and strong to succeed though he was thin C.he was important and clever to succeed though he was not strong D.he was active and eager to succeed though he was not heavy()85.When the author says “Whatever he did, he did with all his heart.” He wants to imply(暗示)Kennedy was a man.A.warm-hearted B.serious C.active D.quiet

(4)Jack Hawkins was the football coach at an American college, and he was always trying to find good players, but they weren’t always accepted by the college.One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the dean(教务长)of the college and asked for admission(可以进入)without taking an examination.“Well,” the dean said after thinking for a while, “I’d better ask him a few questions first.”

Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, but the student didn’t know any of the answer.At last he said, “Well, what’s five times seven?”

The student thought for a long time and then answered, “Thirty-six.” The dean who was very serious and strict in his work, threw up his hands and looked at the coach hopelessly, but the coach said earnestly(认真地)“Oh, please let him in, sir!He was only wrong by two.”

()86.In this passage the writer told us that.A.none of the sportsmen is not good at arithmetic B.though the player was good at sports, he was too poor at arithmetic C.it was always difficult for best sportsmen to enter colleges

D.the coach was very strict in his work()87.It is true that.A.the college would accept all the students who came out at the top in sports B.the coach didn’t think the player made a great mistake C.the dean completely agreed to the coach’s suggestion

D.the coach hoped the player could graduate from the college without an exam()88.“The dean threw up his hands….” suggests that.A.he wanted to stop the talk B.he could not help the coach any more C.the player had already passed the examination D.the player’s answer made the dean unhappy()89.What do we know about the coach? A.He had little knowledge of arithmetic.B.He was an excellent football coach.C.He was strict with his players.D.He was satisfied with the player’s answer.()90.Which of the following might have happened after that? A.The coach succeeded in accepting the player.B.The player was thankful to the coach for his help.C.The dean could do nothing but give in.D.The student failed to enter the college.(5)My father, at the death of his father, was six years old, and he grew up without education.He moved from Kentucky to Indiana when I was seven.We reached our new home about the time the state came into the Union.It was a wild area, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods.I grew up there.There were some so-called schools.but what was required of a teacher never went beyond “reading, writing, and adding.” If a stranger supposed to understand Latin happened to.Live for a time in the area, he was looked on as a wizard.There was simply nothing to excite a desire for education.Of course, when I grew up, I did not know much.Still, somehow, I could read, write, and add, but that was all.The advance I have now made is upon this store of education, which I have picked up under the pressure of necessity.()91.When the writer was a child,.A.his grandfather died in the state of Kentucky B.his family settled down in the country of Indiana C.Kentucky joined the Union as a member state D.his family had to move from place to place()92.When the writer was seven , his family moved to an area where.A.educated people were greatly respected B.only a few had a knowledge of Latin

C.people were often attacked by wild animals D.the land had yet to be farmed()93.The schools in the area.A.were of poor quality B.offered many kinds of subjects C.respected those who knew Latin

专科英语复习资料2 第3篇



为了适应我国经济建设和社会发展的客观需要, 结合自学考试开放灵活、适应性强、费省效宏、多层次、多类型考试并举等特点, 同时发挥大专院校的教科研优势, 组织高中同等学历学生参加高等教育自学考试应用型专业自学考试, 有利于提高这部分学生的学历层次与综合素质, 增强其就业竞争力与适应性。2012年3月, 内江师范学院开始招收自考大专生。然而, 作为该校英语教学的新兴领域, 传授对象和班级规模的变化使得两年制自考大专生的英语教学面临诸多困境, 这直接影响着教学质量和教师信心的提高。综观全国高校两年制专科英语教育, 亦是如此。因此, 如何解决两年制自考大专生的大学英语教学问题, 改进其教学形式将成为提升高校大学英语教学质量的关键。


“3+2”模式下的自考大专是顺应社会发展和需要的产物, 是符合国家现代化建设需求的。但是, 两年制专科大学英语教学中凸显出来的问题非常严峻。无论是作为教学主体的学生, 还是作为教授主体的教师, 都存在明显的不足。

(一) 学习主体

两年制自考大专生作为学习主体, 具有其特殊性。绝大部分学生存在英语基础薄弱的问题。不仅如此, 由于大部分班级属于合班教学, 所以上课班级的人数众多, 这与追求高效的英语教学模式的意愿相悖。

从内江师范学院2015级两年制自考生英语摸底测试来看, 学生水平良莠不齐、两极分化现象较为明显。60分以下的学生占总人数的58%, 61~70分的学生占总人数的27%, 71~80分的学生占总人数的11%, 80分以上的学生占总人数的4%。究其原因, 主要因为学生缺乏学习动机, 学习目标不明确。主要表现为:缺乏自信心、自尊心, 没有进取心和理想, 对学习缺乏兴趣, 态度散漫, 怕吃苦, 怕失败, 有破罐子破摔的心理倾向 (姬梅珍2015) , 众多因素导致教学目标难以达成。

(二) 教授主体

目前, 高校英语教师数量虽然处于饱和状态, 但师资队伍水平不稳定。承担普通大学英语教学的教师人员充足, 但缺乏针对两年制专科生的专门教师和专门的教学体系 (高洁2012) 。相关数据表明, 目前高校普遍采用传统的大学英语教学形式, 全国74.8%的高校采取“讲授—提问—反馈”的模式, 而沿海地区43.2%的高校采用“15分钟课堂” (指45分钟一堂课, 教师讲授时间为15分钟, 剩余30分钟学生自己整理、消化知识点) 讲授模式, 其中课堂提问占据相当的比例 (秦阿蕾2009) 。以内江师范学院2015级两年制专科生为例, 该学习群体英语底子薄、学习态度不端正, 对于教师提出的传统大学英语教学中的一般水平的问题几乎没有反馈。创新式“15分钟课堂”留给学生自主学习的时间较长, 学生显得无所适从, 课堂缺乏积极的反馈和师生互动, 这对英语课堂教学有着较大的影响。


大学英语两年制专科教学主体现状没有得到改善, 随之产生的客观问题比传统的大学英语教育更加明显, 对教学质量的提升有较大影响。这些问题主要表现在以下两个方面:

(一) 英语教材筛选应用不当

两年制专科大学英语教材的选择通常与全日制专科一致。大部分高校选择的教材是外研社《新一代大学英语综合教程》, 该教材的教学计划每8个课时为一单元 (每4周学习一单元) , 每个单元包括两个完整的部分, 即两篇文章, 每篇文章约1500词, 生词量共30个左右, 导入部分采用视听说教学模式。

对于全日制专科学生来说, 该英语教材内容多、阅读量大、词汇量和英语视听说能力要求高, 课文主题涉及面广, 包括政治、经济、文化、教育和哲学等。文章主题较高的抽象性导致两年制自考大专生不易掌握, 缺乏兴趣。该教材课后练习基本属于语言点习题 (Building your language) , 与自考大专生的英语水平不吻合, 难度较大, 容易挫败学生的自信心, 使其产生畏难情绪。目前, 大部分全日制专科教材难易程度、教学目标以及课程设置都不利于培养两年制自考大专生的英语语言运用能力, 甚至还会打击学生学习的积极性, 使其产生厌学情绪 (刘松林2010) 。所以, 选择一种适合自考大专生的大学英语教材非常重要。

(二) 考核方式陈旧

测试考核是检验学生学习效果的有效途径。在我国大部分高校中, 两年制自考大专生的大学英语水平测试方式依然停留在笔头考核上。以内江师范学院2015级大学英语专业的一套标准英语测试题来看, 测试内容主要包含:听力 (Listening) , 单项选择 (Multiple choice) , 搭配 (Matching) , 阅读 (Reading) , 完形填空 (Cloze) , 翻译 (Translation) 和写作 (Composition) 。听力占总分值的15%, 单项选择占总分值的15%, 搭配占总分值的10%, 阅读占总分值的25%, 完形填空占总分值的10%, 翻译占总分值的10%, 写作占总分值的15%。通过分值比例可以看出, 常规题型着重考查学生的英语语法掌握程度 (单项选择、搭配完形填空) 以及词汇量 (阅读) , 口语表达能力却很难考核到。

然而, 对于非英语专业的学生而言, 学习英语的最终目的是与他人沟通交流, 运用在实际生活与工作中, 而非纸上谈兵, 应付笔试。尽管大部分高校在期末考核成绩中加入了平时课堂表现考核这一项目, 也无法让每一个学生都参与教学和实践环节, 基础较差的学生则经常采取能逃则逃的学习态度。如果缺乏一种高效且创新的大学英语考核方式, 就不能有效地对教学效果进行测试, 形成良性的教学反馈, 因此, 要推进大学英语教学改革, 就必须对考核方式进行创新。


(一) 提高学习动机

加德纳 (Gardner) 认为, 英语学习动机应包括四个方面:目的 (goal) 、学习的努力程度 (effortful behavior) 、达到学习目的的愿望 (a desire to attain the goal) 和学习态度 (attitude) (Maslow 1974) 。克拉克 (Clark L) 也曾说, 由于每个教师都有有价值的商品要卖给有时是不情愿的“顾客”, 因而对教师来说, 找出相应的办法来激励学生的学习动力就显得格外重要 (Richards 1986) 。

兴趣是最好的老师。两年制自考大专生普遍对英语学习不感兴趣, 教师应该在课前了解、掌握学生的兴趣爱好, 并在课堂教学当中融入学生感兴趣的内容, 以此作为提高学生学习动机的切入点 (赵彦昱2009) 。例如, 在讲解阅读课文时, 如果教师直接讲解生词, 分析课文, 学生肯定会觉得枯燥无味。教师不妨先将文本分析放一放, 先找出与该文章主题相关的课外内容, 充分利用互联网搜集相关的知识背景, 并力求突出趣味性和实用性。

英语教师可以通过课外的中文文章提高学生的学习兴趣, 帮助学生找到学习动力, 然后以此作为“桥梁”, 把英文课文主题同中文课外类似主题相联系, 同时把英文阅读课文同中文课外文章进行结合与分析。对于学有余力的学生, 在最后阶段, 教师可以将两部分文章进行比较阅读, 让学生找出其中的异同及原因, 这有助于大幅度提升学生掌握课堂知识和实际运用的能力。

(二) 建设专门的教师队伍

目前, 高校教师普遍存在“上去了, 下不来”的窘境, 习惯于“灌输”难度较高的知识, 在教学中容易凭着感觉走。因此, 针对两年制专科大学英语教学, 高校应该建设一支专门的教师队伍。高校在招聘专职教师时, 应该考虑其是否有过基础教育的经验, 是否熟悉此类学生的知识掌握水平等。在具备了一些基本素质的前提下, 高校可以对教师进行培训, 培训内容与普通大学英语教师应稍有不同, 应该以自考大专生的心理健康发展和职业需求为主。

针对两年制专科英语教师队伍的使用, 建议采用“从一而终”模式。由于本身学制较短, 频繁更换教师不利于学生高效学习, 其在短时间内也很难适应新的教学风格。“适合的才是最好的”, 这放在大学英语教育中也同样适用, 一支专门的教师队伍基本是适用的队伍。这样的教师队伍才可以培养出适应社会发展与需求、对社会有用的学生。

(三) 精心选择英语教材

高校在选择大学英语教材时, 应该针对不同层次的学生, 选择难易程度不一样的教材。“一刀切”虽然省时省力, 但是教学效果不佳。高校大学英语教育应该恪守因材施教这一点 (Buestyn 1977) 。

两年制自考大专生的大学英语教材应具有趣味性、实用性, 能充分与社会需求接轨;内容应贴近学生生活, 有现实意义, 能让学生在学习过程中产生共鸣。

在使用英语教材的过程中, 教师可以根据教材中每个单元的主题和学生的实际水平自主设计教学环节及目标, 充分利用网络资源, 将学生的兴趣与主题相结合, 采取中文与英文相结合的授课模式, 这样才能做到有的放矢。如果遇到教学内容或编排不适合该班学生水平的情况时, 教师可以采取替代、补充、改编和删除等方法对教材进行加工。总之, 教师应谨慎选择大学英语教材中的内容, 用心设计每一单元的讲解, 争取让学生学有所得。

(四) 创新考核模式

传统的教学考核分为过程性考核和终结性考核两部分。过程性考核主要内容为出勤、课堂表现和课后作业完成情况 (Shaelwitz 1996) 。针对两年制自考大专生, 教师可以适当创新过程性考核模式。例如, 采用“任务型”教学模式, 围绕所学主题给学生布置适当的课后自学任务, 课后学习任务内容需与学生兴趣、教学目标相结合, 以提高学生的学习自主性。同时, 教师应及时对学生的课后自学任务成果进行考核, 可以让学生在课堂上以小组为单位, 分角色进行成果汇报和体会分享 (顾潇2010) 。值得注意的是, 小组汇报必须以英文的形式呈现, 小组的所有成员必须用英语表述该小组的任务结果。这样的创新考核模式可以有效提高基础薄弱的学生英语学习的主动性, 使其对英语学习逐渐产生兴趣, 同时也能改善传统考核模式中口语考核缺失和低效的情况。这种既是兴趣培养又是测评方式的创新型英语水平考核模式可以更加客观地反映学生的动态学习过程。


当前新形势下, 改善两年制自考大专生的大学英语教学对于整体提升我国大学英语教育质量有着举足轻重的作用。但是, 由于生源质量、教学方法等方面的问题, 两年制自考大专生的英语教学未能与时俱进。本文以此为切入点, 就当前高校英语教学中存在的问题和应对策略进行分析和探索, 以期对提高高校英语教学效率有所帮助。


刘松林.2010.高职课程有效性研究[D].上海师范大学.姬梅珍.2015.大学英语 (3+2) 课程教学改革探索[J].亚太教育 (外语教学) , (11) :187.

高洁.2012.大学英语教学现状与应对策略[J].科技信息 (外语论坛) , (9) :221.


秦阿蕾.2009.大学英语大班教学的现状分析及其改进途径[J].和田师范专科学校学报 (汉文综合版) , (3) :83-84.

赵彦昱.2009.浅谈五年制高职教育英语教学现状及对策[J].科技信息 (高校讲坛) , (10) :583.

Buestyn, J, Santa, C.1977.Complexity as an Impediment to Learning:A Study of Changes in Selected College Textbooks[J].Journal of Higher Education, (48) :5.

Maslow, A.H.1974.A Theory of Human Motivation[M].Psychological Review.

Richards, M.D.1986.Setting Goals and Objectives[M].Zded St.Paul:West.

专科英语复习资料2 第4篇


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专科英语复习资料2 第5篇

?The world is not only hungry, it is also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75% of the earth#39;s surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea-water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% --the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes, underground, and other sources. ____1____, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted.

At the moment, his small amount of fresh water is still enough for us. However, our need for water is increasing rapidly. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now, can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on. One of the useful steps we can take is to stop unlimited use of water. ____2____, however, would have a bad effect on agriculture and industry.

In addition to stopping wasting our precious water, one more useful step we should take is to develop ways of reusing it. ____3____, but only on a small scale.

Today, in most large cities, water is used only once and it eventually returns to the sea or runs into underground storage tanks. ____4____ that has been used to a purifying plant. There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again just as if it were fresh from a spring.

___5____, we still would not have enough. Where could we turn next? To the oceans! All we#39;d have to do to make use of the vast amount of sea-water is -remove the salt. This salt-removing process is already in use in many parts of the world.

So if we take all these steps, we#39;ll be in no danger of drying up!

A. A limited water supply

B. But it is possible to pipe water

C. It is possible to purify large amounts of sea water

D. But even if every large city purified and reused its water

E. And we cannot even use all of that

F. Experiments have already been done in this field



Looking to the Future

?When a magazine for high-school students asked its readers what life would be like in twenty years, they said: Machines would be run by solar power. Buildings would rotate so they could follow the sun to take maximum advantage of its light and heat. Walls would ”radiate light“ and ”change color with the push of a button.“ Food would be replaced by pills. School would be taught ”by electrical impulse while we sleep.#39;#39; Cars would have radar. Does this sound like the year 2000? Actually, ________ and the question was, “what will life be like in 1978?”

The future is much too important to simply guess about, the way the high school students did, so experts are regularly asked to predict accurately. By carefully studying the present, skilled businessmen, scientists, and politicians are supposedly able to figure out in advance what will happen. But can they? One expert on cities wrote: _______, but would have space for farms and fields. People would travel to work in “airbuses”, large all-weather helicopters carrying up to 200 passengers. When a person left the airbus station he could drive a coin-operated car equipped with radar. The radar equipment of cars would make traffic accidents “almost unheard of”. Does that sound familiar? If the expert had been accurate it would, because he was writing in 1957. His subject was “The city of 1982”.

If the professionals sometimes sound like high-school students, it#39;s probably because _________. But economic forecasting, or predicting what the economy will do, had been around for a long time. It should be accurate, and generally it is. But there have been some big mistakes in this field, too. In early 1929, most forecasters saw an excellent future for the stock market. In October of that year, _______, ruining thousands of investors who had put their faith in financial foreseers.

One forecaster knew that predictions about the future would always be subject to significant errors. In 1957, H.J. Rand of the Rand Corporation was asked about the year 2000, “Only one thing is certain,” he answered. “Children born today _______. ”

A. the stock market had its worst losses ever

B. will have reached the age of 43

C. the article was written in 1958

D. Cities of the future would not be crowded

E. the prediction of the future is generally accurate

F. future study is still a new field



Marriage and Children

Many single Americans today are waiting longer to get married. Some women and men are delaying marriages and family ___(1)___; others want to become more established in their chosen profession. Most of people eventually will marry. One survey showed that only 15 percent of all single adults in the United States want to stay single. Some women become more interested in getting married and starting a family as they enter their 30s.

One positive result may come from ___(2)___. People who get married at later ages have fewer divorces. Along with the decision to wait to marry, couples are also waiting longer before they have children, ___(3)___. Rearing a child in the United States is costly.

Some couples today are deciding not to have children at all. In 1955, only one percent of all women expected to have no children. Today more than five percent say they want to remain childless. The ability of a couple to choose ___(4)___ means that more children ___(5)___ are very much wanted and loved.


A) whether they will have children

B) sometimes in order to be more firmly established economically

C) no matter how late they marry

D) men and women marrying late

E) who are born in the United States

F) because they want to finish school or start their careers



Don#39;t Mind if I Smoke

The French surprised even themselves when they banned tobacco ads three years ago, and created smoke-free zones in public spaces. Even then, ___(1)___ seemed a little too American. Now some French lawmakers are preparing to end the act as reform that simply can#39;t work in a country __(2)___.

Law or no law, smokers and nonsmokers mingle __(3)__, whose owners generally ignore requirements to create separate no-smoking sections. French smokers __(4)___, in hospitals and directly under no -smoking signs. There are stiff fines for violating the smoke-free areas, but they are never imposed. “We have more important things to do”, says a Paris official.

The 1992 law#39;s most controversial provision is the tobacco-ad ban. An exception has been made for motor sports, which are underwritten by tobacco firms. And fans shouted angrily when French TV blacked out a soccer game from abroad because of “secondary” tobacco and liquor ads at the local stadium. Still, those __(5)___ credit the ad ban for a 15 percent drop in smoking among French teens in the last three years.


A) without apparent friction in Paris café and restaurants

B) light up in train stations

C) doing great harm to the smoker#39;s health

D) the attempt to legislate good health

E) who are against smoking

F) that has always aided life#39;s petty vices




The most common kind of consolidation today is the merger. A merger occurs ____(1)____.

With the deregulation of natural gas, the nation#39;s 20 interstate pipeline companies became fearful of cutthroat competition. Some felt that they could increase their efficiency and improve their market flexibility by merging. In 1985 Internorth of Omaha paid $2.3 billion for Houston Natural Gas Corporation, ____(2)____. The system connected markets from coast to coast and raised sales to $10 billion.

On occasion, mergers have occurred between smaller companies in an industry dominated by a few giant firms. These smaller companies claim that they need to merge to become more efficient and effective in competing against the biggest corporations. They maintain that such action increases competition instead of reducing it. The Antitrust Division of the Justice Department has not always agreed with them.

Four major waves of mergers have taken place in this country. The first started in 1887, just prior to the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act, and ended in 1904. It involved such giants as United States Steel and Standard Oil trying to create monopolies in their industries. From the end of World War I until the 1930s, large firms swallowed smaller firms to create oligopolies. The monopoly had no chance and the oligopoly little chance of succeeding today under present antitrust policy.

The third major merger movement began in the 1960s, reached a peak in 1969, ____(3)____. Many of the acquisitions involved giant firms in one industry buying up large companies in totally unrelated industries. Such mergers are called conglomerate mergers. A classic example is Mobil Oil Corporation#39;s purchase of the huge retail chain Montgomery Ward & Company.

Mergers in the last ten years were in the thousands. More important is the value of the transactions, which has risen sharply. The number of mergers and acquisitions apply ____(4)____. The petroleum industry had mergers and acquisitions valued at closed to $80 billion between 1981 and 1984. Other industries ____(5)____ were banking and finance, insurance, mining and mineral, processed foods.

A thereby gaining control of the world#39;s longest pipeline

B and then gradually declined

C experiencing large takeovers

D resulting in combinations of small firms

E only to those valued at $100 million or more

F when two or more companies get together to form one company



The Dollar in World Markets

According to a leading German banker, the U.S. dollar is “the most frequently discussed economic phenomenon of our times.” He adds, “…the dollar#39;s exchange rate is at present the most important price in the world economy…”. Because the dollar acts as a world currency, ___(1)___. The central banks of many countries hold huge reserves of dollars, and over half of all world trade is priced in terms of dollars. Any shift in the dollar#39;s exchange rate will benefit some and hurt others. Some people suggest, therefore, ____(2)___.

The dollar#39;s exchange rate has been too volatile and unpredictable. Several years age the dollar was rapidly declining in value. This made it ___(3)___. The rise in the price of foreign goods made it possible for U.S. businesses to raise the price of competing foods produced here, thus worsening inflation. Foreigners who dealt in dollars or who held dollars as reserves were hurt. People in the United States who had borrowed foreign currencies found that they had to pay back more than they borrowed ___(4)___. The United States lost face in the eyes of the rest of the world.

The dollar went soaring upward, and the situation was reversed. United States exporters found it hard to sell abroad because foreigners would have to pay more for U.S. dollars. People in the United States now bought the relatively cheaper foreign goods, and U.S. manufacturers complained that they could not compete. Job losses were often blamed on the “overvalued” dollar. Poor nations ___(5)___ found it difficult to repay both the loans and the interest because they had to use more and more of their own currencies to obtain dollars. The solution to this problem is to end the system of floating exchange rates and return to fixed rates. We might even return to the gold standard.

Fixed exchange rates did not work in the past. Currency values should be determined by market conditions. A drop in the exchange value of a nation#39;s currency means that it is importing too much, that it is too inefficient to compete in world markets, that it is permitting a high rate of inflation which makes its goods too expensive, that it is going too deeply in debt, or that others have lost confidence in the nation#39;s stability. A nation should bring its exchange rate back up by addressing these problems, not by interfering with the money market.

A. that had borrowed dollars

B. that the dollar#39;s value should be more tightly controlled

C. because the declining dollar would buy fewer units of the foreign money

D. its value affects many nations

E. difficult for Americans to purchase foreign goods and services

F. that have a lot of U.S. dollars



Mobile Phones

Mobile phones should carry a label if they proved to be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no more mobile phone transmitter towers should be built until the long-term health effects of the electromagnetic radiation they emit is scientifically evaluated, he said. “Nobody#39;s going to drop dead overnight but we should be asking for more scientific information,” Robert Bells said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation .“If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, ____1____until proper shields can be devised,” he said.

A report widely circulated among the public says that up to now scientists do not really know enough to guarantee there are no ill-effects on humans from electromagnetic radiation. According to Robert Bell, there are 3.3 million mobile phones in Australia alone and they are increasing by 2,000 a day. By the year 2000 it is estimated that Australia will have 8 million mobile phones:___2__

As well, there are 2,000 transmitter towers around Australia, many in high density residential areas. For example, Telstra , Optus and Vodaphone build their towers ___3___and disregard the need of the community. The electromagnetic radiation emitted from these towers may have already produced some harmful effects on the health of the residents nearby.

Robert Bell suggests that____4___ the Government should ban construction of phone towers from within a 500 metre radius of school grounds, child care centres, hospitals, sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage of children. He says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults. He adds that there is also evidence that if cancer sufferers are subjected to electromagnetic waves _____5_____.

Robert Bell calls on the major telephone companies to fund adequate research and urges the Government to set up a wide ranging inquiry into possible health effects.

A. until more research is completed

B. nearly one for every two people

C. they should carry a warning label

D. mobile phones should be radiation-free

E. where it is geographically suitable to them

F. the growth rate of the disease accelerate



Financial Risks

Several types of financial risk are encountered in international marketing; the major problems include commercial, political, and foreign exchange risk.

Commercial risks are handled essentially as normal credit risks encountered in day-to-day business. They include solvency, default, or refusal to pay bills. The major risk,__1__ which can only be dealt with through consistently effective management and marketing. One unique risk encountered by the international marketer involves financial adjustments. Such risk is encountered when a controversy arises about the quality of goods delivered, a dispute over contract terms, or__2__. One company, for example, shipped several hundred tons of dehydrated potatoes to a distributor in Germany. The distributor tested the shipment and declared it to be below acceptable taste and texture standards. The alternatives for the exporter were reducing the price, reselling the potatoes, or shipping them home again, each involving considerable cost.

Political risk relates to the problems of war or revolution, currency inconvertibility, expropriation or expulsion, and restriction or cancellation of import licenses. Political risk is an environmental concern for all businesses. Management information systems and effective decision-making processes are the best defenses against political risk. As many companies have discovered, sometimes there is no way to avoid political risk,__3__.

Exchange-rate fluctuations inevitably cause problems, but for many years, most firms could take protective action to minimize their unfavorable effects. Floating exchange rates of the world#39;s major currencies have forced all marketers __4__. International Business Machine Corporation, for example, reported that exchange losses resulted in a dramatic 21.6 percent drop in their earnings in the third quarter of 1981. __5__, devaluations of major currencies were infrequent and usually could be anticipated, but exchange-rate fluctuations in the float system are daily affairs.


A to be especially aware of exchange-rate fluctuations and the need to compensate for them in their financial planning

B any other disagreement over which payment is withheld

C however, is competition

D so marketers must be prepared to assume them or give up doing business in a particular market

E Before rates were permitted to float

F After serious consideration



Price Planning

A price represents the value of a goods or service for both the seller and the buyer. Price planning is systematic decision making by an organization regarding all aspects of pricing.

The value of a goods or service can involve both tangible and intangible marketing factors. An example of a tangible marketing factor is the cost savings__1__. An example of an intangible marketing factor is a consumer#39;s pride in the ownership of a Lamborghini rather than another brand of automobile. For an example to take place, both the buyer and seller must feel that the price of a goods or service provides an equitable value. To the buyer, the payment of a price reduces purchasing power __2__. To the seller, receipt of a price is a source of revenue and an important determinant of sales and profit levels.

Many words are substitutes for the term price: admission fee, membership fee, rate, tuition, service charge, donation, rent, salary, interest, retainer, and assessment. No matter what it is called,__3__: monetary and non-monetary charges, discounts, handling and shipping fees, credit charges and other forms of interest, and late-payment penalties.

A non-price exchange would be selling a new iron for 10 books of trading stamps or an airline offering tickets as payment for advertising space and time. Monetary and non-monetary exchange may be combined. This is common with automobiles, __4__. This combination allows a reduction in the monetary price.

From a broader perspective, price is the mechanism for allocating goods and services among potential purchasers and for ensuring competition among sellers in an open market economy. If there is an excess of demand over supply, prices are usually bid up by consumers. If there is an excess of supply over demand,__5__.


A a price contains all the terms of purchase

B obtained by the purchase of a new bottling machine by a soda manufacturer

C where the consumer gives the seller money plus a trade-in

D available for other items

E prices are usually reduced by sellers

F price means what one pays for what he wants



What is a Profit

Entrepreneurship is directly responsible for production. The business person (entrepreneur) takes a cue from consumers in deciding what they want - or, in the case of a new product, __1__.

Profit means different things to different people. According to some public opinion polls, many people are not sure what it is, but they are sure __2__. Workers may look at profit as an unfairly large payment to the entrepreneur that deprives them of a higher wage. The business person thinks of profit __3__. During negotiations before the settlement of the second baseball strike in August, 1985, the Players#39; Association claimed the owners had made profits of $91 million, an accounting firm said owner profits were $43 million, and the owners insisted they had lost $9 million. The truth was that all three were correct. The disparity in the figures was due to the fact that each group was defining profit differently. Let us now see if we can develop a more exact definition of what profit is.

Gross profit is the difference between what a business firm sells its product for and what it costs to produce that product. The merchant buys $200,000 worth of merchandise during the year and sells it for $270,000. His gross profit is $70,000. The percentage difference between his cost and the selling price is 35 percent, and he calls this markup.

Net profit is __4__--rent, wages, and interest-and setting aside money to allow for the loss due to depreciation (wearing out) of capital. Our merchant has to subtract from his gross profit his payments for rent ($6,000), wages ($20,000), interest on money borrowed ($1,000), repairs and upkeep ($1,000), taxes ($1,000), electricity and other expenses $1,000. Expenses for operating the business come to $30,000. Gross profit is $70,000, and net profit is $40,000.

Economists have a narrower definition of what constitutes profit. They are concerned with payment for all the resources that have gone into production, __5__, like those listed above, or from inside the business.


A what profit really means

B it is too large and represents too much of the consumer#39;s dollar

C whether they come from outside the business

D as the difference between total revenue and total cost

E what the business person has left after paying expenses

F what they might want

2安徽导游英语面试资料 第6篇

范文: 欢迎大家来到合肥。请允许我作自我介绍,我是你们的全程陪同,我叫XX。



1、Please make the Welcome Speech to the tourists on the way from the airport to the hotel.The contents include the introduction of yourself , the driver and the hotel.Model : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hefei of China.First , please give me a change to introduce myself.I am the national guide.My name is … I come from the China International Tour Agency.The driver serve for us is Mr.Wang , he is a man of rich experiences of driving.Now we are going to the hotel named ____Swan Hotel.I hope you will have a good time in Hefei.2、旅游者在不影响团体旅游计划的前提下要求自由活动时,地陪应做好哪些工作。




2、What do you think a local guide should do when the tourists want to have free activities without affecting the whole travel plan?Model :

A : Remind the tourists of taking the sign or the name card of

thehotel , or write a note with the important things.B :Remind them not go too far away and don’t come back so late.And then remind them something else about their safe.C : The local guide must help the tourists to take a taxi.(Pay the bill himself.)






3、How to recognize the tour groups as a local guide ?Model :

When the tour groups arrived at the exit ,the local guide must try to recognize it at once.A : The local guide should stand at the obvious place next to the exit and raise the sign ,wait the national guide or the travel leader to meet.B : The local guide can assess the situation according to the national feature , costume of the tourists ,or the sign of the travel agency.And the local guide also can make enquiries on his own initiative , ask about the travel leader or the tourists’ name , numbers , nationality ,the name of the tour group and so on.C : You can make sure it is the tour group you’ll meet if meet all the details.4、在车上,清点人数有何技巧?



4、What is the count technique on the bus ?

Model : A : Just count in mind.Don’t count with your fingers.B: Count the vacant seats on the bus.5、在购物导游服务中,地陪应注意哪几个方面?





5、What must the local guide should pay attention to when go shopping ? Model :

A: Abide by the rules of the travel agency rigorously.B: Know the tourists well , and take tide at the flood.C: Be a good guide while shopping.D : Protect the tourists’ benefits actively.6、在游览期间,一名新加坡游客不慎丢失中国护照,导游人员应如何处理?




6、A Singaporean tourist carelessly lost his passport during the trip.How to deal with this problem?

Model :

A :The loser must get a certificate which made out from the travel agency.And then go to the police station to report ,come out a certificate there also.B : The loser must bring the certificate , photos and some documents to apply for a new passport at the Singaporean Embassy in China.C : After getting the new passport , then apply for the new visa at the Entry-Exit Office of the local police station.7、在某景点游览结束后,发现个别旅游者走失,地陪应采取什么措施?







7、If a tourist lost after touring a scenic spot.What a local guide should do?

Model :

A : Ask about the details ,and look for him quickly.B : Report to the office of the scenic spots and ask for some help.C : Give a telephone call to the hotel.D : Report to the travel agency.E : Deal with the rehabilitation works.F : Write down the accident report.8、在住店期间,发生火灾事故,导游人员应采取什么措施?






8、What a local guide should do if meet the fire affairs when stay in the hotel? Model : A : Report it at once.B : Notify the tour leader and all the group members immediately.C : Evacuate the tourists to pass the thoroughfare safety with the staff of the hotel quickly.D : Lead the tourists to save themselves.E : Deal with the rehabilitation works.9、在旅行途中,如发生交通事故,导游人员应采取什么措施?






9.If a traffic accident happened during the trip.What will the tour guide do ? Model :

A :First give the first –aid to the tourists.B :Keep the scene intact and report to the police.C :Report to the travel agency immediately.D :Pacify other tourists.E : Write down the written-report.10、发生旅游者食物中毒事件时,导游人员应采取什么措施?




10、If a food poisoning taken place , what a tour guide should do ?

Model : A: First try to vomit, drinking a lot in order to speed up the metabolism and reduce the toxicity.B : And then take the patient to the nearest hospital.Let the doctor make out a medical certificate.C : Report to the travel agency and find out who is to blamed






11、If a tourist’s bone broken during the trip, what can the tour guide do? Model : A: First, stop bleeding , bind up the wound and put in splints.B : Take the patient to the hospital.C : After that , the tour guide must visit the patient at the hospital.12、在旅行途中,如有旅游者心脏病发作,导游员该如何处理?


12、What will a tour guide do if some one has a heart attack during the trip ? Model : The tour guide must take first-aid measures.Let the patient lie down, ask for some help to the staff ,train man or the ship clerk to look for a doctor.And give an emergency treatment.Notify the next first-aid station or the travel agency to get ready for it.Before arriving at the next station, ask the leader or the relatives to find some medicines in his pocket to feed him and release the condition.13、旅游者因对服务质量不满意提出投诉,导游员应如何处理?



13、What a tour guide should do when a tourist lodge an appeal that is not satisfied with the service ?

Model : A : Talk to the tourist actively.B : Listen attentively to the appeal of the tourist.C : Check up and find out the reason.D : Deal with the matter carefully and make up the fault.E : Try to persuade and mediation of the event.F : Keep on serving the tourists well.14、住双人间的一名游客因与同房游客生活习惯不同,要求住单人间,你作为导游员应怎样对待这一要求?


14、As a tour guide, how to do when a tourist want to stay a single room, the reason is that his way of life is different from the other visitor in the double room.Model : The tour guide should let the travel leader change the room internal.However we can arrange another vacant room,but tell the tourist he must pay the room himself because he wants to change another room.15、交换名片有什么规矩?


15、What are the rules of exchanging the name cards ?

Model : We must use our both hands(use the right hand at least),make eyes contact with others and smiling when you give the name cards to the others.When we receive the name card , we must use double hands and see it first to show our polite.Neither put it in the pocket directly, nor play it in hand.We must pay attention to get along with the westerner.They don’t get used to exchanging the name card casually.16、以翻译的身份赴宴,要注意什么?翻译自行向客人祝酒,可以吗?为什么? 答:以翻译的身份赴宴时要注意:




16、What must pay attention to while going to a feast as a translator ? Model : We must pay attention to

A : Don’t have the secondary replaces the primary.Don’t get the toast arbitrarily.Don’t pick up food for the guests.B : Preparing for translation anytime.Don’t put the bigger or more food in mouth.We’d better not to eat something with bone or thorn.C : Don’t translate and smoke at the same time.17、安徽省主要的粮食作物有哪些?


17、What are the main gain crops in Anhui ?

Model: The gain crops are : soybean , wheat , maize, rice and potatoes and so on.18、请介绍一下安徽省的国家及省级历史文化名城?



18、Introduce the famous historical and cultural city in Anhui ?

Model : The national famous historical and cultural city are

Anqing,Shexian,Bozhou,Shouxian.The provincial famous historical and cultural cities are



19、Introduce the administrative areas of Anhui province ?

Model: There are 17 district cities.They are



20、What are the special crafts and arts in Anhui ?



29.Introduce the climate and precipitation in Anhui ?
