


关于时间的英文谚语 第1篇

1) Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.(消磨于恶习或愚行的时间是加倍的损失)

2) Time tries friends as fire tries gold.(时间考验朋友,烈火考验黄金)

3) Time tries truth.(时间检验真理)

4) Time is the father of truth.(时间是真理之父)

5) Time will tell.(时间能说明问题)

6) Time brings the truth to light.(时间使真相大白。或时间一到,真理自明。)

7) Time and chance reveal all secrets.(时间与机会能提示一切秘密)

8) Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.(时间考验一切,经得起时间考验的就为人所信仰)

9) Time reveals(discloses) all things.(万事日久自明)

10) Time tries all.(时间检验一切)

11) There is no time like the present.(现在正是时候)

12) Take time by the forelock.(把握目前的时机)

13) To choose time is to save time.(选择时间就是节省时间)

14) Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.(今日事,今日毕)

15) Procrastination is the thief of time.(拖延为时间之窃贼)

16) One of these days is none of these days.(拖延时日,终难实现或改天改天,不知哪天)

17) Tomorrow never comes.(明天无尽头,明日何其多)

18) What may be done at any time will be done at no time.(常将今日推明日,推到后来无踪迹)

19) Time works wonders.(时间可以创造奇迹或时间的效力不可思议)

20) Time works great changes.(时间可以产生巨大的变化)

关于时间的英文谚语 第2篇

time stays not the fool‘s leisure.


time and i against any two.


time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.


time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.



time undermines us.


time and tide wait for no man.


time cannot be won again.


time is , time was , and time is past.


time lost can not be recalled.


time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.



time tries friends as fire tries gold.


time tries truth.


time is the father of truth.


time will tell.


time brings the truth to light.


time and chance reveal all secrets.


time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.


time reveals(discloses) all things.


time tries all.



there is no time like the present.


take time by the forelock.


to choose time is to save time.


never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.


procrastination is the thief of time.


one of these days is none of these days.


tomorrow never comes.


what may be done at any time will be done at no time.



time works wonders.


time works great changes.


times change.


time is money.


time flies.


time has wings.


time is a file that wears and makes no noise.

关于时间的英文谚语 第3篇



在社会语言学的范畴中,gender一词是区别于sex一词的属于社会范畴的“性别”。因此在语言的范畴内,很多内容都与性别有了关系。谚语作为语言的一种提炼,在很多方面都沾染了“性别之分”这个标签。譬如在英文的谚语中,有一句“Women in state affairs are like monkeys in glass- houses.” – 女人处理国家大事如同猴子闯入玻璃房子摸不着头脑;另一句“A wise man cares not for what he can not have.” – 智者不做非分之想。这两句英文谚语中有明显的性别差异。在第一句谚语中明显贬义的情况下直接提到的是女性,第二句中用“man”来代表整个人类。在英文谚语中还有很多这样的例子 – A woman’s advice is never to seek.(女人的建议一文不值)。A man of straw is worth a woman of gold. (稻草男儿抵得上金玉女子)。这两句谚语中更加赤裸裸的表达了对女子的轻视,这样的谚语在英语课堂上也需要对学生做出相应的说明,都出自于相对古老的英语,在当时的社会,女性比男性处于更明显的弱势地位。语言是文化的载体,而谚语是语言的凝练。语言可以反映一个人的社会地位,阶层以及教育背景。通过千万人认可的谚语也就反映了时代的特征。性别差异(gender difference)和性别歧视(gender discrimination)一直是英语专业课堂上的一个敏感区。因为英语专业男女生比例相差非常悬殊,而女权,性别歧视又是在英美文化中重要的一笔。无论是基础阶段的听力,阅读课, 还是专业阶段的英美概况,英美文学课,学生都会很多次的接触到性别歧视这个话题。学生们都喜欢摘抄谚语,运用到自己的文章中,怎样辨别性的使用这些谚语是老师的一个重要任务。


首先从中国和英国的历史角度来看。这两个国家都经历了相当长的私有制,封建制的社会形态,而在这些形态中女性处于弱势和被轻视的状态。英国妇女在工业革命之前几乎是没有自己的独立人格的。中国有着和英国相似的历史根源,甚至封建的程度更甚,中国女性受压迫受欺凌的时间更长。男尊女卑的思想充斥在汉语和英语的文学作品中,在汉语中有“兄弟如手足,妻子如衣服”这样荒谬的观点,而且这样的谚语还被拿来广为流传。“A woman,a dog,and a walnut tree,the more you beat them,the better they will be.”(拳脚之下出好妻,棍棒之下出义犬)。在这句英文谚语中, 也将妻子和犬相提并论,可见女性地位之低下。尤其是社会地位,女性的社会地位完全依附于男性,很难独立。其次从男女特性来看。女性生性柔弱而男性被认为更加勇敢健壮。 比如在汉语谚语中就有“女人如水”这样的例子,在英语谚语中有“Woman is made of glass”(女人如水)。在性格上女性多愁善感,男性刚毅勇敢,这就造成了语言运用上的诸多偏见。比如英文谚语“woman is made to weep.”(女人生来就爱哭),就具有一定的偏见,不像其他正能量的谚语那样具有指导意义,相反的,具有反面的消极意义,容易产生误导的作用。另一个原因也源于上述两点,就是对女性的固执偏见。 这也是和历史分不开的。有一些谚语中带有迷信的色彩,将一些消极的东西强加于女性身上。更有很多谚语无端的将很多道德枷锁加在女性身上。中文里的“头发长,见识短”就有对应的英文“Women have long hair and short wit”。学生通常会对这样的中英文同理的巧合更感兴趣,而且这样的谚语在生活中被使用的频率也是很高的,无论是男性还是女性都很少意识到这其中的歧视,即使意识到也直接忽略掉。因为谚语相对于普通的语言,有一种“权威”感在里面,大多数人会不自觉的“被动”接受。课堂,作为一个特殊的语言环境,如果不加以提示,学生们会更容易自然的接受这些谚语。谚语提炼自语言,语言来源于生活,短短的精炼的谚语中包含了各种文化的精髓。但是在如此现代的社会,很多谚语已经不适合在正式场合拿出来使用,譬如这些包含着性别歧视的谚语。


谚语是语言的精髓提炼,在现在的眼光来看,有些谚语内容落后,迷信,不合时宜,但是很多学生仍津津乐道,难以用辩证的眼光来对待。从长远的角度来看,引导学生多读名著,引导学生了解西方国家的历史文化背景,都是好的方法。在阅读课堂上加大学生的压力,这种压力来自于课外名著的阅读。例如:强制要求学生读莎士比亚的原著,并写出一篇评论,这个评论需要带有自己的观点甚至可以批判。学生在细读的过程中会有很大收获。莎士比亚在经典作品《哈姆雷特》中有一句台词为“Frailty,thy name is women.”, 学生读到此句是漠然带过,还是产生思考?老师应该在这样的地方稍加提示。或者加上一些有趣的莎士比亚作品中的小故事来引导。除了参照书本来教学外,课外的各种背景知识也应该及时的补充。除了谚语中的性别歧视,在各种语言环境中我们都会遇到语言的歧视。例如,可以和学生们分析一些常见的词汇。例如英语词汇 “history”,学生最为熟悉不过的一个词汇,但是细细观察,发现它来源于两个词, “his”和“story”,也就是说,历史是“男人的故事”, 与女性毫无关联。“在基督教盛行的英美社会,女性的从属地位甚至被“法定化”(李茂莉,周宣丰,2007)。在李茂莉(2007)的文章中还提到美国的《独立宣言》,即便在这样伟大的作品里,其作者托马斯杰佛逊的措辞也是“…that all men are created equal…”.“这样的指代表明了男性是这个世界的主宰,忽略了女性角色的存在。”(李茂莉,周宣丰, 2007)。从这里可以得到一个启发,学生一致认为在旧的中国女性地位低下受歧视,而历史源远流长的英国和象征发达进步的美国同样有着对女性歧视的根源。文化背景的积淀对于学生辨别的能力是非常重要的。




[1]Gerard Van Herk.What Is Sociolinguistics.2012WileyBlackwell.



关于时间的谚语 第4篇

1. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不等人 2. Time flies!光阴似箭

3. Time heals all wounds.时间能够治疗一切创伤

4. He that gains time gains all things.赢得时间的人就赢得一切 5. Art is long, and time is fleeting.艺术长存,光阴易逝

6. Money lost, little lost;time lost, everything lost.丢钱事小,失时事大

7. Time tries friends as fire tries gold.时间考验朋友,烈火考验黄金。8. Time tries all things.时间检验一切。

9. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日毕。10. There is time for everything.凡事皆有时。

11. Do not squander time---that’s the stuff life is made of.不要浪费时间,因生命由它而成。

关于成功的励志英文谚语 第5篇

2. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.预防为主,治疗为辅。

3. A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。

4. As a man sows, so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

5. A single flower does not make a spring.一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。

6. A snow year, a rich year.瑞雪兆丰年。

7. A sound mind in a sound body.健全的精神寓于健康的身体。

8. A still tongue makes a wise head.寡言者智。

9. A stitch in time saves nine.小洞不补,大洞吃苦。

关于时间的格言谚语 第6篇






















关于时间的英文谚语 第7篇

1 The Definition of Errors

An error is defined as“being an instance of language that is unintentionally deviant and is not self-corrigible by its author”(James,2001:78).Corder introduced the distinction between errors and mistakes.“Mistakes are akin to slip of tongue.That is,they are generally one-time-only events...An error,on the other hand,is systematic.That is,it is likely to occur repeatedly and is not recognized by the learner as an error”(as cited in Gass&Selinker,2001:78).Students’shortcomings in their compositions are not only individual.They reflect students’basic linguistic competence.“Corder associates errors with failures in competence and mistakes with failures in performance,making use of Chomsky’s distinction”(James,2001:78).

According to the distinction,the students’weak points in their composition would rather be considered as errors rather than mistakes.The errors show in many aspects.Here they are discussed from the perspectives of grammar,lexicon and text.

In the paper,the data are collected from college students’English compositions,whose English is below the level of CET4.They are given 45 minutes to write a composition on the topic of“time”.

1.1 The errors in grammar

Grammar has traditionally been discussed in terms of morphology and syntax,the former handling word structure,the latter handling structures“larger”than the word.At this time,the latter is the object of discussion and the former is put into the discussion of lexicon.The errors of phrase,clause sentence and even paragraphs are considered as syntax errors.The examples are as follows:

1.1.1 Using more than one predicate in a sentence

1)Talk time ways have many more.

2)There are so many students don’t realize the significant of the time.

1.1.2 Inappropriate collocations

1)Time is valuable and limit for everyone.

2)You must do the master of your life.

1.1.3 Confusing tense

1)We can not predicate what the result will be if they went on treating their college time by this way.

(2)One day,my watch broken and it stops working.

1.1.4 Misuse of complex sentences

1)The reason is they don’t know how to use time.

2)They will spend several midnights to study that belongs to a term learning.

1.1.5 Misuse of voice

1)Time is passed.

1.1.6 Incomplete sentences without a subject

1)Do more things what you want and useful.

2)And not kill time to do something is useless.

1.2 Errors in lexicon

Lexis and grammar are not clear cut morphological aspect of words,which used to be treated as part of grammar,can just as well be viewed as part of the word:vocabulary is very important in Language learning,sometimes equating a Language with its vocabulary Lexical errors are also the most frequent category of error.Richards(as cited in James,2001:144)suggested that there are seven things to know about a word:1)its morphology;2)its syntactic behavior;3)its functional or restrictions;4)its semantic value(s),or denotations;5)its secondary meanings or commutations;6)what other words it is associated with;7)Roughly,how likely the word is to be used,that is,its frequency.James divided the seven categories into two kinds,formals and semantic features.The errors in students’compositions are classified by James’s standard.

1.2.1 Formal errors



2)Malformations:These are errors that produce“word”that are won-existent in the foreign Language.The students coined them.


1.2.2 Semantic errors

Collocations are the other words any particular word normally keeps company with.There are some collocation errors:

increase my level(improve my level)to devote our power for(to)the world

1.3 Errors in texts

James(2001:141)holds that text is sometimes used to refer exclusively to a unit of written language larger than the sentence—for which paragraph might be a suitable term.The basic unit of text is a sentence(Zhang Delu&Liu Rushan,2003:170).Halliday and Husan(James,2001:142)make it clear that text may be spoken or written and is not limited to the larger units.Errors in texts influence the understanding of passages.So cohesion is quite important.Here are several kinds of errors appearing in students’composition.

1.3.1 Students make mistakes of reference

Reference is the set of grammatical resources,which allow the speaker to indicate whether something is being repeated from somewhere else in the text(i.e.we have already been told about it),or whether it has not yet appeared in the text(i.e.it is now to us)(Thompson,2000:148).The second category of reference is demonstratives,including“this”,“that”,“these”“those”,the exam papers show that students use fewer demonstrative pronouns.However,students who use it still make mistakes,e.g.,time is very important for us,the reason for this is that every one of us only has less than 100 years.“This”in the sentences should be replaced by“which”,referring to the former part of the sentence.

Some students use pronouns in their compositions,but they change the person arbitrarily.For instance:“In the whole,we should think about future for ourself.Once you lose your time,you would lose your life because time is life.So just value your time.”In the paragraph,the student changes the person from“we”to“you”.It makes readers alter their objects of attention.The change does not keep pace with their expectation.When readers read the first sentence,they expect it will tell the reason or something like that.In general,he will show something about“ours”.Once he changes the person,readers may think that he will talk another thing.The attention is irregular.So it is unnecessary.

1.3.2 Students are unaware of using substitution

They choose to repeat a word all the time.For instance“as a people,time is very important for us.Because if we have no time,it means that we will die.So we should make full use of the time,to do what we should do”.In this paragraph,the student uses the word“time”three times without any substitution.Actually,it refers to the same thing.So it can be used to substitute“time”in the several or third place to make the paragraph more cohesive.

1.3.3 Students ignore using conjunctive adjuncts

Conjunction refers broadly to the combining of any two textual elements into a potentially coherent complex semantic unit.There are basically two ways of approaching the investigation of conjunction.On the one hand,we can start from the clause constituents which we have already identical asserting a textual function in particular,conjunctions such as“but”and“because”and adjuncts such as“nevertheless”and“therefore”.We might also want to include preposition as textual linkers within the clause.Here only conjunctive adjuncts contribute to cohesion.Students ignore using conjunctive adjuncts or to be exact,they have no aware of using them.A student’s structure is as follows:

“There is an old saying...saying your life”.“Time is limited...take our time seriously.”“We can do some reading...or it is harmful to us.”“Being a student,I will spend it correctly.”The short passage is slack.Although we can understand its meaning,it does not give us a clear structure.We need to recognize its main points after reading.It does not give accord with the style of native writers.A few students use several marked words such as“but,however,and,firstly,secondly”.These words are commonly used.They seldom use other words such as furthermore,moreover.This kind of compositions is monotonous.

1.3.4 Few students use topic sentences

Topic sentences are like eyes.Few students use them.Sometimes,I cannot infer the main idea until I finish reading the whole paragraph.For example:“In my life,I had not many persons,some of them are waiting,waiting for the study end,the term end and so on I think this is not good because if you want to make your life better,you must do the master of your life and your time.You could spend time on doing something what you want to do,or do something quickly in order to save time to do more things.And not kill time to do something is useless,or pass the time in order to let it pass.”Such a long paragraph just wants to tell people to cherish time,control it and do things efficiently.If the student could give the topic sentence,it would help readers save lots of time and make the reading easy.

Too many sentences just express his/her subjective attitudes.There is no relevance among the sentences.

“In my life,I believe time works wonders.I want to make full use of my free time.For example:reading books,listening music and art.In college just have three years.It is very quickly so I must take this optiutea to tell ourselves what I mean to do.I should know about world news.I want to be a guide.But it should know much knowledge.So I must take my free time to increase my level...It is a language and a beautiful language.So I must work hard to study English.”

In this paragraph,we can see“I believe”,“I want”,“I must(4 times)”,“I should”and“it should”.Each sentence is not dependent on others.It does not matter if we delete several sentences from it.

The data above show students’errors in the writing.The errors in grammar,lexicon and texts reflect their low competence of English.No one in the whole class does not make mistakes.They have poor grammatical and lexical knowledge,no awareness of constructing texts.

2 Several Reasons for Errors

2.1 Influence of native language on foreign language writing

Although many scholars challenge the idea of behaviorists,who put out language transfer,the data clearly reflect the influence of native language on foreign language writing.They do not shake off native language’s interference.The errors of many sentences such as“to devote our power for the world”equals to Chinese“为世界贡献力量”.“For”is equivalent to Chinese“为”When the learner acquires the word‘devote’,he can not remember the phrase“devote...to...”.No lexical phrase is in this mind When he uses the word“devote”,Chinese thinking mode misleads him to use the preposition“for”.

2.2 Students make errors in basic knowledge

This reflects that they do not pay much attention to the learning of basic knowledge.This may arise from the ignorance of teaching and learning.Now communicative teaching methods are popular.Teachers and students overemphasize on the importance of communication.As a result,they focus on speaking and listening.Some students even think that a few errors are not important and the most important is to make them understood.

2.3 Students learn words separately

They neither practice words in appropriate context nor compare new words with what they have learnt synonyms.They have very small vocabulary size.They cannot use easy words with high frequency.Their frequency is far away from the standard of CET4and syllabus.In their memory,words are confusing and fuzzy.So there are so many errors in forms and grammars.Because they choose to express one thing in another way when they do not know the exact word,their expressions are so simple.Their words are loquacious because of their low English competence.They are incapable of taking into account of textual style.Writing is of oral characteristics.

2.4 Students do not acquire cultural differences between Eng-lish and Chinese

The differences reflect on their thinking mode.On the one hand,Chinese is paratactic.That is the arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them.In Chinese,the sentences such as the rain fell,the river flooded,the house washed away”are acceptable.Comparatively English is hypotactic.That is the dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives.Conjunctions are needed to combine single sentences.They are unaware of using cohesive strategies.On the other hand,the students seldom use topic sentences.The meaning of one paragraph is not clear.This causes readers to get into trouble.

2.5 Students and teachers take no notice of writing

Before entering college,students seldom write compositions.They have to write one in the exam.So no feedbacks are given to students.They do not know whether their writings have problems Naturally they have no chance to correct their errors.It is no useful for them to improve their English level.After entering college,few students are interested in English writing.They are unwilling to spend time on it because they think that writing skills’improvement cannot be achieved in one day.As a result,their writing skills stay in the period of fossilization.

2.6 Few students have the habit of writing an outline

After the exam,I asked them why they did not write outlines before writing.They told me time was limited.Writing an outline would waste much time.They did not know spending a few minutes in writing an outline would save a lot of time.What is worse,they did not have a clear structure of a passage and did not know what materials would be used in it.They thought about a sentence and wrote it down and then stopped to think another sentence.Certainly,this kind of passage doesn’t have a clear structure.The text is not cohesive.

3 Some Suggestions for Students and Teachers

3.1 Students need to accumulate basic knowledge

Students have low English competence,so they have to accumulate basic knowledge including grammar and lexicon.They need to pay more attention to the specific usage of high frequency words such as collocations and practice them in context.For purposes of description,as well as pedagogy,it is useful to classify them in terms of their structural and functional characteristics(Nattinger&DeCarrico,1992:37).Teachers may give a more detailed account of functions in discourse.

3.2 Teachers need to provide strategies

Teachers need to provide strategies to assist both reading and writing of students in synthesizing meaning in larger segments of text.These strategies must be based on elements that provide both cohesion and coherence in the discourse,and must divert students’attention,whether on the local or global level from individual lexical items to larger lexical phrase form/function composites.If their cognitive resources can be released from such time-consuming surface-level processes as individual word recognition,students would have more time for processing meaning and would find the organization of information in the discourse more obvious.Training would,therefore,essentially involve bringing these already possessed strategies into conscious awareness.Such strategies are of interest in themselves for what they read about the way readers and writers manage their interaction with written text and how these strategies are related to text comprehension in general.

3.3 Teachers should be aware of teaching students to acquire western cultures

It is necessary for teachers to be aware of teaching students to acquire western cultures.Language is a mirror of thought.Thought is also a mirror of culture.The differences between English and Chinese are attributed to the differences of two cultures.“Language is inextricably bound up with culture.Cultural values are both reflected by and carried through language.It is perhaps inevitable,then,that representation of culture implicitly and explicitly enters into second language teaching.”“ESL writing instruction addresses cultural issues most explicitly in efforts to socialize L2 learners into expected cultural norms for academic texts in the target language”(Eli Hinkel,2001:109).To be efficient learners,students need to focus on the western cultures.It is easier to understand different thinking mode from the perspective of culture.Students are aware of acquiring cultures actively.They may try to read literary works.

3.4 Teachers should direct students to write a composition

It is helpful for teachers to direct students to write a composition.Practice makes perfect.So it is better for students to write a dairy or a composition every two days.Feedback is important for a composition.Richards(2003:178)says:“Despite increasing emphasis on the importance of oral response and the use of peers as sources of feedback,teacher written response continues to play a central role in the most L2 writing classes.”Teachers mark the mistakes and students correct them immediately.

4 Conclusion

Writing a good composition is a complex task.It is relatedto students’basic knowledge of syntax,lexicon and semantics.Even if every sentence is correct,the composition can not be con-sidered a good one.They must be connected closely by usingsome strategies such as reference,substitution,conjunctions andso on.Cultural factors influence SLA.The differences betweenEnglish and Chinese require students to give up the thinkingmode of mother tongue and be used to the style of English texts.The data collected from college students’compositions revealthat their basic knowledge is poor and they are not aware of mak-ing texts cohesive.Some suggestions given in Part 3 intend to bebeneficial to student’s learning and teachers’teaching.


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