


自考本科报考要求 第1篇










电话一吧而一领二期久而衣领扣扣 三期斯尔 易三思久留 高等教育自学考试是中国高等教育的重要组成部分。是个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的,有中国特色的高等教育形式。且参加自学考试的考生不受性别、年龄、民族、种族和已受教育程度的限制,不用经过入学考试,即可根据自己的情况选择相关的专业,参加该专业课程的学习。经过国家组织的统一考试,取得合格成绩。在通过教学计划规定的全部理论和实践课程的考试后,即可取得大学专科或本科的毕业证书。本科毕业生还可以申请学士学位。


























自考本科报考要求 第2篇



自考本科报考要求 第3篇

Self-Study Examination (SSE) is the largest socialized open higher education in the contemporary China.It is administered by the National Self-Study Examination Committee (NSSEC) .The examinations are organized by the Provincial Self-Study Examination Committees (PSSEC) , which choose a university with rich teaching resources to be in charge of the major course exams and drawing up plan of exams and select text books.The exams of all subjects can be divided into the national exams and provincial exams, the former is open to all examinees in each April and October and the latter is open to the SSE Lecture Class (SSELC) students in each January and July.All of the above exams are held in the prefecture-level or even higher level cities.The process of examining and scoring are as strict as the university entrance examination so its public trust is much higher than the National Higher Education Exams for Adults (NHEEA) , Radio and Television University (RT-VU) , Online University (OU) and even the ordinary colleges.[1]

English major is always one of the hottest majors and has a lot of applicants.But since English is not the native language of examinees, many exams are national and provincial exams and the practical assessments (i.e., English Listening, Spoken English and Graduation Proficiency Examination) are very hard to pass, graduation rate of this major is much lower than others.Near 60 thousand people in the Dongguan City (where there is no SSELC) take the SSE each year, [2]among them, more than two thousand examinees choose the English major, nine hundred of them in the undergraduate stage.[2]Only 17 examinees from Dongguan City have got the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree between 2007 and 2012, only three to four people in each year.The annual average graduation rate is less than 0.5%, the undergraduate graduation rate is no more than 1%, that is much lower than the national annual average rate (8%) , and it will take examinees 8 to 10 years or even longer to graduate.[3]

I started to take the SSE in English major of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) as an off-campus examinee (not join in the SSELC and take the national exams in each April and October) at eleven years old.I completely self-studied and took 5.5 years to get the BA in 2009.Because the lack of instructions from teachers and the experiences of self-study and registration, I passed some exams only after took two times.I deeply realized the importance of self-study strategies and experienced the pain and the pleasure of SSE.

A questionnaire survey to 299 examinees (149 BA recipients from GDUFS;SSELC in GDUFS and South China Normal University and off-campus examinees from Dongguan City account for 50examinees respectively) and an in-depth interview with 15 examinees were conducted in July, 2012.The questionnaire survey and interview show that many examinees do not have the self-study and exam strategies and were even delayed several years to graduate.A lot of examinees gave up the SSE after took the exams again and again but still could not pass and took NHEEA, RTVUs or found a job directly instead.Therefore, the self-study and exam strategies are very critical to the graduation of SSE.

2 Difficult Points of SSE English Major

The interview and questionnaire survey find out that the main problems which around 80%of examinees have met are the poor study basis, the difficulties in study, the lack of consciousness and effective time to study (80%of the SEELC students only have three to four hours of study and the off-campus examinees only have one to two hours) .Difficult subjects in the junior college stage are English Reading I&II, Survey of English-speaking Countries, English Grammar, English Listening and Spoken English.The difficult subjects in the undergraduate stage are the Advanced English, Second Foreign Language (Japanese) , Interpretation and Listening, Graduate Proficiency Exam and Degree Foreign Language Exam (Japanese) .Many examinees need to take two to three times to pass these courses and some examinees even give up due to them.

3 Self-study and Exam Strategies

Self-study strategies in the SSE comprise English language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and language knowledge (pronunciation, grammar and words) .Exam strategies consist of the plans of self-study and exam registration.

Only after master the spoken English, grammar, reading and writing, examinees can not only use English in real life but achieve the degree through exams.Therefore, the appropriate specific selfstudy and exam strategies are very important.Most examinees in SSE are the students who failed in the college entrance exam with low high school academic basis, in order to make a high school weak student good at self-study, examinees’ideals and faith in study and attitudes towards life are also very important.Since the low graduation rate of English major in SSE, the number of registrations has decreased year by year.

3.1 Exam registration strategies

The exam registration should follow the order from easy to difficult.It is reasonable to choose one to two major courses and one common course at a time.The exam schedule of SSELC students is arranged by the tutorial schools and usually reasonable, the main problem is some students with low academic basis will be hard to keep up with the rate of progress.The off-campus examinees usually take exam randomly, they register several major courses or political courses at a time, which makes they cannot pass any course and waste a lot of time.

The Comprehensive English I&II and English Reading I&II are usually chosen as the first major courses to take by the off-campus examinees when they join in SSE.However, students without good academic basis need to take these two courses at two times and leave one year span between the two exams.According to the different academic bases, examinees may need 300-500 hours to pass the exam at the first time.If the study time is not enough and examinees take several exams at the same time, they may fail their first exams owing to can not learn the courses thoroughly and their confidence will be discouraged.If their effective study time is still not enough in the second time, it will cause the“half-cooked rice effect”and give them a greater blow.

The Advanced English, English Listening and Speaking are very difficult to pass for most examinees.The reason is many examinees try to use 200–300 hours to pass these courses respectively in just two to three months, which can only lead to failure.

The appropriate strategy is to combine the Spoken English and English Listening as one course.Examinees can only pass the Spoken English, English Listening, Advanced English and Second Foreign Language (Japanese) through 800-1000 hours of study in around one to two years respectively.The Advanced English and Second Foreign Language (Japanese) are arranged in the same morning of October and both of the two courses are very challenging for examinees to pass.The off-campus examinees can only take one of them in one year and usually need two to three times to pass them, so most examinees have to spend four to five years on these two courses.In addition, many examinees choose to take these two courses in their third to fourth year of undergraduate stage, which means actually most examinees can only pass these two courses in their seventh to the eighth year of SSE and will greatly influenced the time length of graduation.Therefore, examinees need to arrange enough time for these two courses, take exam only after already master the courses and try best to pass either one of them in one year respectively.

Major courses such as English Grammar, Survey of Englishspeaking Countries and Lexicology can be arranged to learn in half year but still require around 500 hours respectively (see Table 1) .

The investigation and interview with the 149 degree recipients have found that 5000 hours of study are needed to get the associate degree and the BA respectively and 10000 hours to get both.I used to be one of the off-campus examinees and took 5 years to get the BA.My average daily effective study time was 5.5 hours and studied for about 360 days per year, took 9900 hours to study and got the degree in five years.The SSELC students who study eight hours per day and 360 days per year can get the BA in four years, the offcampus examinees who study 3 hours per day and 330 days per year need eight to ten years to graduate.

3.2 English self-study strategies

Theories of English learning can be divided into different schools, some of them focus on reading and some pay high attention on speaking.Dong Yafen has indicated that the English teaching in China should concentrate on reading and writing[4].Huang Yuansheng has shown his support to learn English through reading and writing.[5]However, Li Yang’s“Crazy English”[6], Hu Degang’s Spoken English Revolution[7]and so on have advocated that“Speaking is the king”and asked students to speak up and blurt out bravely.Pang Jianrong[8], Liu Runqing[9]and so on have proposed to improve English through translation, especially the written translation.Fu Zhonghan’s“Two-way English”[10]and Zhong Daolong’s“Reverse Learning Method”[11]have put the emphasis on writing, speaking, reading and thinking and understand the Chinese and English meaning from sentence to sentence.Du Zhengming’s Natural English Learning Method[12]has demonstrated that the natural process of English learning is not listening, speaking, reading and writing but reading, listening, speaking and writing.Learners can learn English naturally and effectively by taking full advantage of reading and translation of Chinese.Nie Yujing also has explained the benefit of extracurricular English reading to the improvement of examinees’English.[13]

3.2.1 English reading

English reading is a troubling course to many examinees, mainly because the vocabulary in the junior college stage has increased greatly compared with the high school stage, but the examinees’vocabulary is far less than the requirement.Furthermore, many examinees do not have an appropriate learning strategy and still use the study methods such as reading texts silently and practicing exercises that cause failure of the exam.

Actually, “reading is the foundation of language learning”, the“recitation and repetition in reading are the basic skills of language learning”[14].Hu Zhenghui has pointed out that:“More than70%of knowledge comes from reading.Reading level is highly correlated with the self-study level and it is very important to penetrate the 6w (when, where, who, what, how and why) throughout the English reading for the learning of words, grammar, abilities of listening, reading, speaking and the cultivation of language sense.”[15]

“Reading is very useful for the writing technique.Those articles can be model essays.”[16]Many words can be learned through reading, “student can memorize a word only after reading it five times in the different parts of a book.”[17]Both Liu Junkai[18]and O’Malley[19]have shown that during the reading, reader can infer meaning of the word or sentence by context.Goodman has proposed that one needs the following three kinds of language information for fluent reading:grapho-phonic information, syntactic information and semantic information.[20]

Du Zhengming[12], Nie Yujing[13]and so on have indicated that Chinese students should put emphasis on reading when they study foreign languages in order to improve the translating ability during the reading and learn English naturally and effectively on the basis of understanding.Dong Yafen also has suggested that the English education in China should be based on the reading.Even in the English-speaking countries, people need to improve their English abilities by reading newspapers and magazines, otherwise they will be very hard to face competition.[21]

Reading is both the basis of English self-study ability and methods to improve the English self-study ability, both a psychological process and a process of language studying and using.Hu Chundong has reported that reading can foster the following four abilities:Reading Language Aptitude, the reader’s aptitude to understand the form and rules of symbols in the language, it requires the reader not only can recognize the grapheme but master the textual knowledge through the understanding of grammar.Reading Capability, the capability to understand language works.Reading Intelligence, the intelligence to understand the communication.Reading Skill, the skills to learn effective reading methods and cultivate the good habit of reading.

Reading ability includes reading speed and reading comprehension level, the minimum requirement of comprehension level is70%.Hu Jian has pointed out that besides the above two abilities, the reading flexibility also should be included.[24]Reading flexibility refers to adjust the reading speed and method according to the different materials and purposes.Furthermore, the language sense can also be cultivated by reading.The first step of sentence comprehension is the structure comprehension and proficient in sentence comprehension is the prerequisite of effective English reading.The sentence structure can be turned into a train of thought that guide reading and become the language sense in reading to enhance the formation their mental set.Nuttal C.[25], Zhou Xiaorong and Liu Yongbing[26]are also agree with the above argument.

Liu Yichun has argued that learner can only be proficient in the use of language phenomenon in the foreign languages through a large amount of reading.[27]Hu Wenzhong has proposed that learner can improve the ability of grammar and culture understanding by great deal of reading.[28]Hu Cundong has presented the relationship between practical reading and academic reading and indicated that the increase of extensive reading has a potential positive impact on changing the attitudes to read, raising the test scores and providing a better skill for further English learning.[22]

Reading materials should be mainly chosen from the textbooks, but it is not enough to read textbooks only.Examinees need to read a lot of extracurricular reading following the order from easy to difficult.Huang Yuansheng has concluded in his Read More Write More:”Three criteria can decide whether this book is right for you, one is vocabulary, the second is sentence pattern and the last is content.If one page has more than five unknown words and the sentence pattern and content are very difficult for you, you ought to take another book to read.”[29]

Xu Sisi has argued that in order to cultivate the language sense and improve the reading ability, one need to read aloud and do not think the Chinese translation in the meantime[30].Zhang Xinwu and Liu Weihua also have stated that“Do not allow the Chinese translation emerge in the mind but foster the habit of thinking in English.”[31]In her English Strategies, Wen Qiufang has shown that good English learning needs large vocabulary, a large amount of reading is an effective way to increase vocabulary and memorize words through multi-channel can achieve a favorable result.[32]

All the opinions of experts are the effective strategies to learn English reading.As long as the examinees can get down to practice these theories in reading two hours a day and 1000 hours a year, their English ability will be greatly improved and pass the English Reading I&II with high scores.

3.2.2 English Listening and Speaking

Most survey participants believe that the most challenging courses are English listening and speaking.Why so many people have learned English for decades but still cannot understand and speak English?The reason is the problems of study time and methods, the practice is not enough to make perfect.

Hu Degang has indicated that most people learn English for exam but not for practical use, they have forgotten to learn language for using.[7]Wei Zhiguo and Pang Yutao also have agreed with this viewpoint.[33]

Richards has suggested that listening and speaking should be put on the first place of language learning.[34]Rubin J.has argued that the good language learners always have a strong desire to communicate.[35]Vos and Dryden has pointed out that though English has about 550, 000 words, 90%of speech are formed by 2000 words and 65%of writing are composed of 650 phrases.[36]In my opinion, the practice of English listening and speaking need not a very high level of English but requires the bravery to speak out, imitate, lose face and communicate.Zhou Qijia also agreed with this viewpoint.[37]

Many students of English major do not receive enough English speaking practice in class and need much extracurricular practice to improve.[38]Even students in the ordinary universities have to face these problems, let alone those off-campus examinees.Li Yang has indicated that English learning is not mental labor but physical labor, English learning need not think hard but practices crazily.[6]Xu Sisi has concluded that when practice the English speaking or listening, learner ought to close the books and repeat loudly;only after the learner has fully understood a sentence and can retell it entirely.When the learner does not clearly understand, he or she needs to try to think or guess the meaning.[30]

Shichida has argued that good language learners are learning through recitation, which can allow learners become proficient in English within one year.[39]English learning should start from the training of ears to imitating seriously.His“Right Brain Learning Methods”is to“read English loudly again and again without understanding.Therefore, English will get into your hippocampus synapses of the deep brain and make you speak English even in a dream”.[39]

Wu Hongyun has proposed that learners are able to improve the English ability through talk to oneself based on what one have seen in the content of webpages, movies, TV programs and so on.This practicing method can free the learners from the restrictions of time and space.[40]

Cheong Beonyong has suggested that listen carefully when practicing English and speak out loudly when listening.Through studying the newspaper, TV and so on, learners can immerse in the English culture and blurt out English finally.[41]

My experience shows that more than one year, one to two hours per day and 1000 hours of effective study time in total are needed to spend on the English listening and speaking in the junior college stage.I listened the VOA Special English in 200-300hours at first, after fully understood and could speak quicker than the recording, I turned to practice the normal speed English listening.Through immersing in the multimedia language environment created by the English news, original English movies, web pages and so on, examinees can be proficient in listening and speaking after a one-year practice and pass the exam at the first time.After300-500 hours intensive practices, examinees can also pass the Interpretation and Listening in the undergraduate stage.

3.2.3 Translation and writing

The ultimate purpose of English learning is to master English and translate and write smoothly.Pang Jianrong has argued that the translation is a comprehensive embodiment of reading and writing, it needs the learner can understand and translate.[42]The back translation of English-Chinese-English can help to cultivate the English ability greatly.Compare with written translation, interpretation requires higher level of English ability and simultaneous interpretation is the highest-level pursuit and realm of interpretation.High attention to the culture and habits of English-speaking countries, a large number of listening exercises and courage of speaking English are the key points to improve the interpretation.O’Malley and Chamot also agreed with this opinion.[43]

The key point of writing also is to read and write continuously, writing those graceful prose and poems from memory based on recitation will gain many extra scores.

English learning should not only just for a degree but for English proficiency, one’s own English skill and survival ability.“Learn English for survival, changing life and mastering the world common language”.[44]Different purposes will bring different attitudes and results, if examinee’s English ability has been really improved, they need not fear the exam anymore.

In 2004, Xian Fanyi University recruited a hundred of“Dare to Die Corps”to learn English just for practical translation without the SSE degree within five years in an enclosed campus.[45]Only two to three years later, all of these students graduated ahead of schedule.Though they do not have a degree of SSE, they have a high-level translating ability, either study abroad or take the first level certificate in translation and work in the foreign funded companies let them admired by other colleagues.All of the above results are brought by the self-created English environment in an enclosed campus where people only speak English in two to three years.

The core of English study is listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation.[46]If examinees have only the half bravery and vigor of“Dare to Die Corps”, all of them can get the degree.

3.2.4 Second Foreign Language (Japanese) and Degree For-eign Language Exam (Japanese)

Nowadays, most universities that are in charge of exams test Japanese in the second foreign language of English major and the Degree Foreign Language Exam also usually choose Japanese to test.Exam papers of the Degree Foreign Language Exam are designed by the Provincial Academics Degree Office and much more difficult than the exam of Second Foreign Language, in addition, examinees are required to pass this exam within one year after graduation.Many examines can pass the Second Foreign Language (Japanese) but unable to pass the Degree Foreign Language Exam after taking the exam several times and have to give up the degree.The survey shows that 90%of examinees begin to study Japanese one or two years before the undergraduate graduation.Since the Second Foreign Language (Japanese) only has four credit points and its textbook is relatively thin without many contents, many examinees think they can take a few hundred hours in several months to pass the exam easily.However, they cannot.Most examinees did not take enough time and have failed the exam at the first time, then repeated this situation in the second and third year.After they passed the exam finally with near a thousand hours of study and two to three times of exam, their graduation was delayed for one to two years and still cannot speak Japanese fluently.

People usually start to learn English since kindergarten or primary school and already learned thousands of hours in more than ten years till the undergraduate stage, but the results are still not satisfactory.Therefore, how can the examinees become proficient in Japanese with just hundreds of study hours in a few months?The appropriate method is to start learning Japanese during the junior college stage, one hour per day of study can allow the examinees have about 1500 hours of study in three years and will not be hard to pass the exam of Second Foreign Language (Japanese) and Degree Foreign Language Exam (Japanese) .Examinees need another1500 hours of study to reinforce the listening and speaking for really mastering and speaking Japanese fluently.If examinees can try some online volunteer Chinese and Japanese translation tasks like subtitle groups, translations in blogs and forums, etc., they are able to improve their Japanese ability while entertaining.These are experiences of many examinees include mine.

4 Analyses of English Self-study Methods

The survey finds out that more than 90%of examinees choose word memorization, text reading and recitation, practicing exercises, listening and repeating the MP3 and so on as the main study methods.However, only less than 30%of examinees take reading English newspapers or periodicals, surfing English web pages, watching English movies, listening English radio programs and watching English TV programs as study methods.No more than10%of examinees use the methods like English online chatting, talking English to oneself and communicating with other examinees in English to study English.The main reason is the insufficient level of English and the difficulty to find a colleague who can talk with English.When they go out by bus or for shopping, few examinees will listen English through MP3.Most of them are accustomed to sitting in front of the table and study in the long chunks of time, but not good at making use of the scatter time to study.

Many scattered time in each day has been wasted, if the examinees can make use the time of walking or sitting in a bus, control the time for chatting and going out for dating, a lot of time for studying will be saved.Actually, the scattered time is better for language learning.Cui Gang has pointed out that the frequency of learning is more important than the length of learning, study many times a day with each time lasting for a few minutes is better than study several hours continuously.[47]English cannot be mastered in a day, learning English needs a lot of time and energy, examinees cannot believe those so called“shortcut”or“crash course”.In her English Learning Strategies, Zhou Fengyan has indicated that frequently review in the scattered time is better than only once in a long time.[48]

Due to the restrictions of partners to communicate, level of Spoken English, time and environment, many examinees are hard to find a chance to communicate with other people in English.Many postgraduates and teachers of foreign language colleges in China also use Chinese in daily communication and chatting.Even in the universities that take English as the teaching language like University of Nottingham Ningbo China and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, the extracurricular communications of undergraduates and postgraduates are in Chinese.Because even the students are proficient in English, it is still not their mother tongue and cannot be as fluent as Chinese.Indeed, many overseas students also communicate in Chinese, because Chinese students communicate with other Chinese students most frequently, a lot of students still endeavor to learn English after have spent several years abroad.This is what I have really seen.It is not easy to study in an entirely English environment both in China and abroad.Nevertheless, computers and MP4s can be used to create a multimedia language environment for English learning.Repeat loudly while listening and talk English to oneself can be done by each examinee as he or she wants.These methods can allow examinees to practice English speaking at any time at anywhere without restrictions.These are the most economical learning methods, I have used these methods to get 7.5 points for the first time to take IELTS exam after selfstudied and prepared for one and half months.

5 Conclusion

As long as examinees have a clear study purpose and faith in the success of SSE, arrange the self-study and exam strategies reasonably follow the order from easy to hard, prepare enough time for self-study, make good use of the scattered time, create the language environment under the help of new media and spend about ten thousand hours of effective study time in total, they can graduate from both the junior college stage and undergraduate stage and get the BA.

摘要:通过对299名高自考英语专业考生问卷/访谈的调查, 和笔者英语专业高自考5年的亲身体验, 分析总结出该专业主要课程具体的自学与报考策略。并提出考生首先要树立自学必胜的信念, 为每门课程安排足够的自学时间, 善于利用零碎闲散时间, 借助新媒体营造浸泡语境, 只要累计付出1万小时的有效学习时间, 必定可以专本毕业并获学位。

高职院校办自考本科应严格把关 第4篇




自考本科考研的条件和要求 第5篇



自考本科毕业论文的写作要求 第6篇



(二)毕业论文的写作格式: 毕业论文题目下要写明考生的准考证号和姓名。在毕业论文正文前要有以下两项内容:


















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③目录标题左边顶格排版,页码号用阿拉伯数字标 注,右顶格排版。












