


高考英语交际用语 第1篇



“See you.”道别时用语,同Good-bye;Take care也是道别是用语,但表示“多保重”


“ Nice/Pleased/Glad to meet you.‟‟为初次见面时的礼貌用语;”Nice meeting you.‟‟为初次见面后的告别语。


感谢:Thank you/Thanks/It‟s very kind /nice of you.回答:Not at all;It‟s/That‟s all right;You‟re welcome;It‟s a pleasure;My pleasure;That‟s ok;Don‟t mention it.难点:“My pleasure.‟‟ 同”It‟s a pleasure.‟‟是感谢应答语译作“不用谢‟‟;而”With pleasure.‟‟是请求应答语 作“乐意效劳,非常愿意‟‟


道歉:What a pity/ shame;I‟m sorry.应答:It‟s /That‟s all right;It doesn‟tmatter;Never mind;Forget it;That‟s OK.难点:“Forget it.‟‟ 共有三种意义: ①休想,不可能 ②没关系,别在意.③别提它了,表不愿重复所说之话;Get it.明白了;Make it.干成,做成;Take it.拿去吧


请求:May /Can /Could I…?Would /Do You mind…?应答肯定):Yes/Sure/Certainly;Yes,please;Of course(not);you may/can;Take your time;Yes ,help yourself;Go ahead, please;Not at all;That‟s OK /all right;Not in the least;Not a bit.(否定):I‟d rather you didn‟t;You‟d better not;I‟m sorry you can‟t.难点:“Take it easy.‟‟安慰对方不要生气、紧张不安”Take your time.‟‟安慰对方不要急,慢慢来“Sure, go ahead.‟‟当然可以,干吧、做吧、说吧等;”Yes ,help yourself.‟‟同意对方使用,让对方自己动手取;Not in the least.一点也不--Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?

--Of course,___________,sir.A.Make yourself at homeB.Enjoy yourselfC.It doesn’t matterD.Take your time


Well done!干得好,真棒!用以赞扬对方做得好Congratulations!祝贺对方已取得成功。“Good luck”祝愿对方交好运,反语为:Bad luck!或Just my luck!;”Have fun!‟‟祝愿对方玩得开心,同Enjoy yourself.7.打电话

考点:Is that…speaking?Hold on,please;Just a minute,please.;Hello,who is it /that〈speaking〉?

Hello,this is …speaking;There‟s no Pippa here;Speaking.难点:熟练掌握打电话用语.指对方时用指示代词that/it.指说话者本人时用指示代词this.打电话用语还有:Are you there?你还在接听吗?

---Good morning ,Grand Hotel.---Hello, I’d like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.---_____.A.What can I do for you ?B.Just a minute,please C.What’s the matter?D.At your service8.就餐

Help yourself to some…;I‟m full,thank you;Just a little,please;yes,sir?.提醒注意

考点:Mind your step/ head!Wet floor!;Look out!;Be careful!;Take care!

难点: “Look out!‟‟警告对方有危险;.“Take care ”警告对方做事要小心,还可作道别时用语, 译为“请多保重‟‟;1

与look 相关的交际用语还有:Just have a look.随便看看.Look what you ‟ve done!看看你干了些什么!---_______for the glass!

---It’s OK.I’m wearing shoes.A.Look outB.Walk outC.Go outD.Set out


请求:Can/Could/ Would you please…?应答:No/ Less noise ,please.What for?

难点:与what相关的交际应语:“what for?‟‟为什么‟‟,还可表示‟‟为何‟‟;“Guess what!‟‟ „‟你猜猜发生了什么事?‟‟用于说出令人感到惊讶的事情前;而“What‟s up ?‟‟有啥事? “So what?‟‟ 表示“是······又怎么样‟‟;‟‟那有什么了不起‟‟ “与我有什么关系‟‟ “What‟s wrong?‟‟ 表焦虑;“What a shame!‟‟ 表遗憾;“What is it?‟‟ 是什么;“What about…?‟‟ 表劝告或建议;“What a surprise!‟‟表惊讶.---Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer?

---_________.A.What forB.What is itC.How is itD.How come

11.同意和不同意No way.没门儿;No chance.决不可能,即说话者确信某事不可能发生;I couldn‟t agree more.我非常赞成或我再同意不过了。比较级用于否定句中表最高级。又如:It can‟t be better/worse;Far from it.远不是,差得远呢,表远非达到某种程度,视具体语境,译法灵活。如:Do you think he is a good worker ?Far from it.“I will.‟‟表允诺、同意,译作”我会的‟‟;I should think so.表强烈赞成,译作“当然‟‟.I should think not.与之相反,译作”当然不‟‟


It depends.“视情况而定‟I have no idea.”不清楚、不知道”;It‟s up to you.“你看着办吧”


考点:I hope so /not.;I would rather not tell you;I believe so /not.I guess so/ not.难点:I(don‟t)guess/ believe/think /suppose so /not.但不可说I don‟t hope so.14.表扬和鼓励

考点:Well done/Good work!Come on!You can do it!You‟re doing fine!难点:“Come on!‟‟有多种意义:①表敦促,译作”快点‟‟。②表鼓励、煽动,译作”加油,打呀,高兴点‟‟等。


---Now , where is my purse?

---____!We’ll be late for the picnic.A.Take your timeB.Don’t worryC.Come onD.Take it easy


考点:That‟s nice /wonderful/great/lovely!How nice/wonderful!I‟m glad/pleased /happy to…

难点:I‟m glad to hear that.此句是考查热点,表高兴或喜悦。

—Guess what!I came across an old friend at the party last night.--_____.I’m sure you had a wonderful time.A.Sounds good!B.Very well.C.How nice!D.All right


Guess what!“你猜猜发生了什么事!”用于说出令人感到惊讶的事情前。What?则表对方介绍一种情况,说话者觉得难以置信,希望对方重复部分内容。No wonder.表因果,前一原因导致后来结果,译作“难怪,不足为奇‟‟。How come ?“怎么会呢? 

真题—Brand was Jane’s brother!

--_____he reminded me so much of Jane!

A.No doubtB.Above allC.No wonderD.Of course


1.No way 没门,决不可能;No problem(回答请求)没问题;No comment.无可奉告;No wonder.难怪

2.Forget it(应答道歉)忘掉它吧,算了吧;Got it懂了,知道了;I mean it我是认真的That‟s it.正是这样

3.Not likely!不可能,不行;Not in the least一点也不;Far from it一点也不;Not really不全是,不会吧;Not exactly!不完全如此;Come on.快点;加油;得了吧;Why not?好哇,干嘛不(同意建议);Help yourself.随便吃,自己拿

4.How come?怎么会呢?(惊讶);So what?那又怎样?What for?为了什么;What if? 如果…将会怎样?

5.It‟s a deal.成交;It‟s a bargain.便宜货;Let‟s go Dutch.AA制;It‟s my treat.我请客

6.I can‟t agree more.完全同意;It depends.看情况,视…而定;(It‟s)up to you.由你决定;Absolutely.完全可以 By all means当然可以,尽一切办法,务必;Go ahead.开始吧,请吧,用吧,继续

7.Take it easy.别急,别烦恼;Take your time.慢慢来;It‟s nothing./Think nothing of it.没什么(回答感谢);Never mind.不要紧,没关系,不用担心;It doesn‟t matter.没关系,不生气,不介意

8.Me too.我也是;Me neither.我也不是;It‟s a piece of cake.小菜一碟;Cheer up.振作些;Cheers./Drink to one‟s health.(为健康)干杯;Better play it safe慎重,别冒险;You can‟t be serious!Are you kidding? 开玩笑

9.Pardon me.对不起;Just in case.以防万一;Yes?我在这儿,有什么事?(A : Waiter!B: Yes, sir?)

10.So far so good.目前为止,一切都好;That‟s not like him.那不像是他的风格;It‟s better than nothing.总比什么都没有好;Good luck.祝你好运;Just my luck.真倒霉,真不走运;You bet!当然;Drop me a line.写信给我11.I‟ll keep my ears open.我会留意的;You‟re the boss.听你的;If I were in your shoes如果我是你的话

12.That‟s all right = That‟s OK不用谢;没关系;That‟s great /Good idea太好了;It couldn‟t be better 这再好不过了;I‟d rather you didn‟t 我宁愿不要…;Hold the line,please别挂电话;Don‟t mention it/you‟re welcome不用谢

13.Please remember me to your mum 请代我向你的妈妈问好

14.A pleasure.=My pleasure=It‟s a pleasure.意为“不用谢”,当别人表示感谢时用它来回答;With pleasure.意为“非常乐意”,当别人请自己帮忙时,自己爽快的接受(伴随着快乐)

15.Never mind用于当别人为某事烦恼或向你道歉时;Help yourself 随便拿/吃…;you guessed it 你猜对了;Great,/exactly,/definitely/absolutely表示同意和赞成 20.That‟s very nice of you 你真好;That‟s for sure 当然;Thanks anyway不过,还是得谢谢你;It depends视情况而定;Not really不全是,并不是真的/真的不行(礼貌的拒绝);I‟m glad that you like it so much(别人夸奖你的服务等你表示感谢的用语)

高考英语交际用语 第2篇


a.Good morning/afternoon/evening.


How are you?

b.Fine,thank you.And you?

Very well,thank you.


a.This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms…/These are…and they are…

b.How do you do?

Nice/Glad to see/meet you.

c.My name is…Im a student/worker etc.


a.I think its time for us to leave now./Im afraid I must go now.


See you later/tomorrow.(See you.)

Good night.

[注]晚上见面时,只能说Good evening,睡觉前要用Good night来告别。

4.打电话Making telephone calls

a.Hello! May I speak to…?

Is that…(speaking)?

b.Hold on,please.

This is…speaking.

He/She isnt here right now/at the moment.

Can I take a message for you?

c.I called to tell/ask you…


5.感谢和应答Thanks and responses

a.Thank you(very much)。

Thanks a lot.

Many thanks.

Thanks for…

b.Thats very nice of you.

Its very kind of you to say so/do it.

Thank you all the same.

c.Not at all.

Thats all right./Its my pleasure.

Youre welcome./Thats OK.

6.祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishes,congratulations and responses

a.Good luck!

Best wishes to you.

Have a nice/good time.


Happy birthday to you.

b.Thank you.

[注]回答对方只是对自己某一方面时,用Thank you.而共有的节日要用The same to you.

c.Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

d.The same to you.


Im going to…

I will…

Id like to…

I want/hope to…

8.道歉和应答Apologies and responses

a.Im sorry.(Sorry.)

Im sorry for/about…

Excuse me.

b.Thats all right.

It doesnt matter.

Thats nothing.

Never mind.

9.遗憾和同情Regrets and sympathy

What a pity!

Im sorry to hear that.

10.邀请和应答Invitations and responses

a.Will you come to…?

Would you like to…?

b.Yes.Id love to…

Yes.Its very kind/nice of you.

c.Id love to.But…

11.提供帮助和应答Offers and responses

a.Can I help you?/May I help you?

What can I do for you?

Here,take this/my…/Here you are.

Let me…for you.

Would you like some…?

b.Thanks.That would be nice/fine.

Thank you for your help./Thank you for helping me.


c.No,thanks/thank you.

Thats very kind of you,but…

12.请求允许和应答Asking for permission and responses

a.May I…?

Can/could I…?


Yes,do please.

Of course(you may)。

Thats OK/all right.

c.Im sorry,but…

Youd better not.

13.表示同意和不同意Expressing agreement and disagreement

a.Certainly/Sure/Of course.


Yes,I think so.

Thats true.

All right/OK.

Thats a good idea.

I agree(with you)。

b.No,I dont think so.

Im afraid not.

I really cant agree with you.


You may be right.

14.表示肯定和不肯定Expressing certainty and uncertainty

a.Im sure.

Im sure(that)…

b.Im not sure.

Im not sure whether/if…


15.喜好和厌恶Likes and dislikes

a.I like/love…(very much)

I like/love to…

b.I dont like(to)…

I hate(to)…

16.谈论天气Talking about the weather

a.Whats the weather like today?

Hows the weather in…?

b.Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainy…

Its rather warm/cold/hot etc.today,isnt it?


a.What can I do for you?May/Can I help you?

b.I want/Id like…/Let me have…kilo/box…

How much is it?

Thats too much/expensive,Im afraid.

Thats fine.Ill take it.

c.How many/much do you want?

What color/size/kind/do you want?

d.Do you have any other kind/size/colour?

18.问路和应答Asking the way and responses

a.Excuse me,which is the way to…?

Excuse me,can you tell me the way to…?

How can I get to…?I dont know the way.

b.Go down this street.

Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.

高考英语交际用语专题讲练 第3篇



[考例1]—Let's go to the New Year's Eve party,shall we?

—______I guess it will be fun.(2015年陕西卷)

A.Forget it!B.No way!C.Why not?D.What for?

解析:C。由“I guess it will be fun.”可以推出答话者接受对方的建议,因此应选C,表示“为什么不呢?”。

[考例2]—I can drive you home.

—______,but are you sure it's not too much trouble?(2015年重庆卷)

A.That would be great B.Don't bother C.I'm afraid not D.Take care

解析:A。由“but are you sure it's not too much trouble?”可以推出答话者同意对方主动提出的帮助,因此应选A,表示“那太好了”。

[考例3]—Sorry,I forgot to lock the door.

—______.Mike can do it later.(2015年四川卷)

A.No way B.Take your time C.Nothing serious D.You're welcome

解析:C。由“Mike can do it later.”所示的轻松口吻可以推出答话者认为对方的行为没有大不了的后果,因此应选C。

[考例4]—Can you come to a party on Saturday,Peter?

—Oh,______I'm already going out,I'm afraid.(2015年安徽卷)

A.what a pity!B.don't ask!C.how come?D.so what?

解析:A。由Oh和“I'm already going out,I'm afraid.”之间的逻辑关系可以推出答话者对自己不能出席晚会感到很遗憾,因此应选A。

[考例5]—Jack,you seem excited.

—______?I won the first prize in the English speech contest.(2015年天津卷)

A.Guess what B.So what C.Pardon me D.Who cares

解析:A。由“I won the first prize in the English speech contest.”所示的惊喜口吻可以推出空档应选A,表示“你猜怎么着”。

[考例6]—Jim,can you work this Sunday?

—______?I've been working for two weeks on end.(2015年江苏卷)

A.Why me B.Why not C.What if D.So what

解析:A。由“I've been working for two weeks on end.”可以推出答话者拒绝做对方所提之事,因此应选A,表示“为什么是我。”

[考例7]—I got that job I wanted at the public library.

—______!That's good news.(2014年陕西卷)

A.Go ahead B.Cheers C.Congratulations D.Come on

解析:C。由“That's good news.”可以推出答话者在祝贺对方获得工作,故应选C,意为“祝贺”。

[考例8]—How long have you been learning English?

—About four months.

—_______!Your English is so good.(2014年天津卷)

A.You can't be serious B.You got it C.I couldn't agree more D.I'm stuck

解析:A。由“About four months.”和“Your English is so good.”之间的逻辑关系可以推出答话者认为对方在开玩笑,因此应选A。

[考例9]—Why not stay here a little longer?.

—______,but I really have to go.(2014年重庆卷)

A.Never mind B.I'd love to C.Pleased to meet you D.I can't find any reason

解析:B。由“but I really have to go.”可以推出空档表示“我想这么做”,故选B。

[考例10]—What shall we do tonight then?

—______.—whatever you want.

A.Help yourself B.It's a deal C.No problem D.It's up to you

解析:D。由“whatever you want”可以推出答话者自己不做决定而由对方做决定,故应选D。

[考例11]—The Modern Art Exhibition in the City Museum has been cancelled.


A.It's a pity B.It doesn't matter C.I knew it already D.It's not interesting at all


[考例12]—The trip shouldn't take more than an hour.

—______.It is at least two hours.

A.I guess so B.That's it C.You must be joking D.It depends

解析:C。由“It is at least two hours.”可以推出答话者认为对方的观点离奇,因此应选C。

[考例13]—What are you going to do this weekend?

—______.If time permits,I may go to Shanghai with my friends.

A.Don't mention it B.It doesn't matter C.Forget it D.It depends

解析:D。由“If time permits,I may go to Shanghai with my friends.”可以推出答话者认为本周末做什么要看情况而定,因此应选D。

[考例14]—We need three single rooms for the first week in June.

—______.The hotel's not busy then.

A.No problem B.Don't bother C.Never mind D.It doesn't matter

解析:A。由“The hotel's not busy then.”可以推出答话者对满足对方所提的要求有把握,因此空档应选A。

[考例15]—Is it all right if I keep this photo?


A.No,you don't B.No,it shouldn't C.I'm afraid not D.Don't keep it

解析:C。问句表示征求对方许可,因此可用“I'm afraid not.”来加以委婉拒绝。

[考例16]—Would she mind playing against her former teammates?

—______She is willing to play against any tough players.

A.I think so.B.I'm not surprised.C.Of course.D.Not likely!

解析:D。由“She is willing to play against any tough players.”可以推出答话者认为对方所提之事不可能发生,所以应选D。

[考例17]—According to my grandma,it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.

—_______________,scientists agree with her.

A.Sooner or later B.Once in a while C.To be exact D.Believe it or not




[考例]—Sorry,Liz.I think I was a bit rude to you.

—______,but don't do that again!(2015年天津卷)

A.Go ahead B.Forget it C.It depends D.With pleasure

解析:B。由“but don't do that again!”可以推出答话者要求对方别把所提之事放在心上,因此应选B。



[考例1]—______!Somebody has left the lab door open.

—Don,t look at me.(2014年江苏卷)

A.Dear me B.Hi,there C.Thank goodness D.Come on

解析:A。由“Somebody has left the lab door open.”和“Don,t look at me.”之间的逻辑关系可以推出答话者对所提之事感到惊讶,故选A。

[考例2]—Could I use this dictionary?

—______.It's a spare one.(2014年江西卷)

A.Good idea B.Just go ahead C.You're welcome D.You'd better not

解析:B。由答句“It's a spare one.”可以推出空档表示“请便”,故应选B。如将“You're welcome.”理解为“欢迎”就会误选C。

[考例3]—Sorry I'm late.I got stuck in traffic.

—.You're here now.Come in and sit down.

A.You are welcome B.That's right C.I have no idea D.Never mind

解析:D。前句为道歉用语,因此可用“Never mind.”回答。不能认为“Never mind.”表示“不介意。”而将其排除。

[考例4]—I don't think I'll be able to go mountain-climbing tomorrow.


A.And how B.How come C.How's it going D.How about it

解析:B。前句为让答话者感到意外的内容,因此可用“How come?”回答。

[考例5]—Professor Johnson,I'm afraid I can't finish the report within this week.

—______.How about next week?

A.Good for you B.It won't bother me C.Not at all D.That's OK

解析:D。前句表示道歉,可用“That's OK.”回答,表示“没关系”。不能将“That's OK.”理解为“好”而将其排除。



[考例1]—Sir,could I hand in my homework a bit late?

—______,since you've been unwell these days.(2015年陕西卷)

A.You can't be serious B.I'm afraid not C.Good idea D.Well,all right

解析:D。由“since you've been unwell these days.”可以推出答话者同意对方的请求,因此应选D,all right表示“行”。

[考例2]—Thank you for the flowers.

—______.I thought they might cheer you up.

A.That's right B.All right C.I'm all right D.It's all right

解析:D。根据“Thank you for the flowers.”可知,应选D,表示“不用谢”。如果弄不清“That's right.”“All right.”和“That's/It's all right.”之间的区别就会造成误选。

[考例3]—I'm sorry I broke the vase.

——Oh,______.It wasn't very expensive.

A.you'd better not B.I'm afraid not C.as you wish D.that's all right.

解析:D。由“It wasn't very expensive.”可以推出答话者认为打破花瓶的事没关系,因此应选D。不能将D选项理解为“对”或“行”而将其排除。



[考例1]—You have to believe in yourself.No one else will,if you don't.

—______.Confidence is really important.

A.It's not my cup of tea B.That's not the point

C.I don't think so D.I couldn't agree more

解析:D。由“Confidence is really important.”可以推出答话者非常赞同对方的观点,因此空档应选D。A、B、C所示内容语言直露不礼貌,违背了交际用语的礼貌性原则,为错误选项。

[考例2]—Are you going to take part in the speech contest?

—______It's too good an opportunity to miss.

A.No problem!B.That's for sure.

C.Why me?D.Why bother?

解析:B。由“It's too good an opportunity to miss.”可以推出答话者肯定了自己的未来计划,因此空档应选B。C、D所示内容语言粗鲁,态度不恭,不符合交际用语的礼貌性原则。



[考例1]一Hello Jenny,can I see Ms.Lewis?

—______.I'll tell her you're here.(2015年重庆卷)

A.With pleasure B.Never mind

C.You're welcome D.Just a minute

解析:D。由“I'll tell her you're here.”可以推出答话者同意对方的请求,因此应选D,表示“稍等一会儿”。不能因为A、B、C所示内容委婉、客气、礼貌而错误地加以选择。

[考例2]—I love the Internet.I've come to know many friends on the Net.

—______.Few of them would become your real friends.

A.That's for sure B.It's not the case

C.I couldn't agree more D.I'm pleased to know that

解析:B。由“Few of them would become your real friends.”可以推出答话者认为情况不像对方所说的那样,因此应选B。A、C、D所示内容虽然客气礼貌,但不符合语境需要,不能成为正确答案。

[考例3]—I'm going to San Francisco for a couple of days.

—________.I wish I could get away for a while.

A.It doesn't matter B.Forget it

C.I really envy you D.I can't agree more

解析:C。由“I wish I could get away for a while.”可以推出答话者很羡慕对方能去旧金山,因此空档应选C。A、D所示内容虽然客气礼貌,但不符合语境需要,不能成为正确答案。

[考例4]—Don't worry,Mum.The doctor said it was only the flu.

—______!I'll tell Dad there's nothing serious.

A.What a relief B.Congratulations C.How surprising D.I'm so sorry

解析:A。由“I'll tell Dad there's nothing serious.”可以推出答话者认为医生所说内容是令人宽心的事,因此应选A。B、D所示内容虽然客气礼貌,但不符合语境需要。


1.—Shall I post the letter for you when I pass by the post office?

—Thank you.______.

A.It couldn't be better B.It's up to you

C.Of course you can D.You're welcome2.

—My mother is cooking something delicious.Let's go to taste it.

—_____.Your mother is really good at cooking.

A.I think so B.I'd love to

C.I'm sure D.I hope so

·3.—Lily,would you be kind enough to do some housework for me?I'm really so busy.


A.Go ahead B.That's OK

C.Never mind D.With pleasure

4.—Mary,did you enjoy yourself when you visited that place of interest?

—______It kept raining heavily all the time.

A.Oh,great!B.You're right.

C.Not really.D.Yeah,why not?

5.—Kate,______,but you play your radio really too loud.

—Oh,I'm very sorry.I'll turn it down immediately.

A.I'd like to talk with you B.I'm really tired of this

C.I hate to say this D.I need your help

6.—It is said that this exam will be very difficult,so I'm afraid that I can't pass it.

—_____!You're sure to pass it,because you're well prepared for it.

A.Come on B.You're welcome

C.Not at all D.It doesn't matter

7.—Mary,shall I help you to carry these bags upstairs and put them in your room?


A.I don't need your help B.I can manage myself

C.you can't do it yourself D.but thank you all the same

8.—How beautiful the skirt you bought yesterday!


A.Thank you!B.Is it so?

C.It isn't so beautiful.D.It's really beautiful.

9.—John,would you mind my reading the storybook on your desk for a while?


A.Of course B.Never mind

C.That's right D.Not at all

10.—Kate,can I have a look at your new watch which you bought yesterday afternoon?


A.Thank you B.Go ahead

C.Never mind D.That's all right

11.—May I open all the windows and doors of our house to let in some fresh air?

—______!I feel it is necessary to do so,too.

A.Go ahead B.Hold on

C.Come on D.Take care12.

—Tom,will you go to visit that mountain village with your workmates the day after tomorrow?

—______.It just depends on the weather.

A.Well,maybe B.Sure,I will

C.I hope so D.It's hard to say

13.—My son won the first place in the writing competition held last week.


A.Good luck B.Cheer up

C.Thank you D.Congratulations

14.—Mary,help yourself to some fish in the bowl;it is really very delicious.


A.Not at all B.Don't mention it

C That's all right D.Yes,just a little,please

15.—When shall we discuss the important matter concerned with the low-carbon economy?

—______.It's all the same to me.

A.It's up to you to decide B.That's all right

C.You're welcome D.It just depends

16.—Kate,I regret to inform you that the party to be held tomorrow has been called off.


A.Terrible B.What a pity

C.What a shame D.Not at all

17.—Thank you very much for giving me so much help in the past few months.


A.All right B.Never mind

C.Not at all D.It's very kind of you to say so

18.—Bob,I'm afraid I can't learn English well,because it is so difficult.

—______.Tm sure that you can learn it well.

A.You're welcome B.Take your time

C.Cheer up D.It doesn't matter

19.—I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting in the rain for so long.


A.That's all right B.You're welcome

C.I'm glad to hear that D.Thanks a lot

20.—!______The street leading to the station is narrow and covered with thick ice.

—Thank you,I will.

A.Come on B.Look up

C.Take care D.Take action

21.—Excuse me,but can I use your English-Chinese dictionary to look up a word in?


A.Go away B.Thank you

C.That’s all right.D.Help yourself

22.—Wanglu,how much do I owe you for such a rich lunch?

—______.It's really nothing.

A.Forget it B.You're welcome

C.With pleasure D.That's right

23.—Merry Christmas,ladies and gentlem'en!

A.Thank you!B.The same to you.

C.That's all right.D.You're welcome!

24.—Mary,do you think you can solve this problem?

A.I don't like.B.I will not do it.

C.Don't mention it.D.Sure,why not?

25.—I usually watch TV and chat with my friends at weekends,but this Saturday and Sunday I'll do something different.


A.Help yourself.B.Take care.

C.Congratulations!D.Like what?


—I said you should listen to your teachers attentively in class.

A.I beg your pardon B.What do you mean

C.Who do you mean D.How do you do

27.—Today is my birthday,and I'll have a party this evening.Will you come?

一______!I will have to do something important this evening.Thank you all the same.

A.What a pity B.Good luck

C.Never mind D.Not at all

28.—Mary,would you like to help me with my maths after school?


A.I have no time B.I can't myself

C.I’d like to,but I will be very busy D.I won't help you

29.—My grandmother met with a traffic accident and her left leg was seriously.hurt.


A.Oh,really?B.I'm sorry to hear that.

C.Terrible.D.I don't believe it.30.

—Would you like to stop singing in such a loud voice?

—______.Am I affecting you?

A.I'm sorry B.Take it easy

C.It depends D.Not a bit


—This is Kate speaking.

A.Who is it B.Who are you

C.Who is speaking D.Who's that speaking

32.—Who can explain the meaning of the text?It is a bit difficult.


A.I don't like B.No problem

C.Let me have a try D.It doesn't matter

33.—Let's walk a bit faster,or we can't get to the station in time to catch our train.

—______.There is enough time left.

A.Never mind B.Take your time

C.Not at all D.You're welcome

34.-I'm told the meeting to be held next Sunday will be called off because of a much more impor-tant activity.


A.I was looking forward to it B.I hope so

C.I'm afraid not D.It doesn't matter

35.—I think you'd better type the plan again before your boss sees it.


A.Who cares?B.No problem.

C.I don't mind at all.D.Is it as bad as that?

36.—When can you afford some time to have a word with me?

—I don't know for sure.______.

A.Take your time B.It just depends

C.Help yourself D.It's up to you

37.—Dad,I keep coughing and I have a headache.


A.Better go to see a doctor B.I have no idea

C.Don't touch me D.Never mind

38.—John,when will you pay a visit to that place of interest?

—I can't decide at present.______.

A.It just depends B.It's up to you

C.Take your time D.I beg your pardon

39.—Poor Mary!I didn't recognize her when I saw her a moment ago.

—______.She has changed too much.

A.No problem B.Never mind

C.Not at all D.Me neither

40.—Shall we go to see a film at eight o'clock this evening?


A.You are right B.It must be funny

C.That sounds great D.Have a nice time

41.—A 1,000-Li-journey begins with the first step.


A.I'd love to B.I'm with you on that

C.It's up to you D.It's my pleasure

42.—Hello!May I speak to Kate?


A.My name is Kate B.I'm Kate

C.This is Kate speaking D.Kate is me

43.—Is Mary there?

—______,please.I'll go to see whether I can find her for you.

A.Hold out B.Hold up

C.Hold on D.Hold off

44.—Kate,would you like to join us in our discussion now?

—Thank you,______

A.but I'd rather not.B.but why not?

C.and I won't.D.and I'll join.

45.——Would you like to have dinner with me this evening?


A.With pleasure B.You're welcome

C.Never mind D.Not at all


1. A。对方主动提出帮助自己时可用“It couldn't be better.”回答。

2.B。由“Your mother is really good at cooking.”可以推出回答者很想去品尝美味的菜肴,因此该空应选B。

3. D。问句表示求助,可用“With pleasure.”回答。

4. C。由“It kept raining heavily all the time.”可以推出该空表示“真的没有”,因此应选C。

5. C。由but的转折性语境逻辑可以推出作者不愿意批评别人,因此该空应选C。

6.A。由“You're sure to pass it,because you're well prepared for it.”可以推出回答者在鼓励对方自信起来,因此该空应选A。

7. D。面对对方主动提出的帮助即使拒绝也应表示感谢。

8.A。面对对方的夸奖可用“Thank you.”“It's very kind of you to say so.”或“I'm very glad you like it.”回答。

9.D。对方询问自己是否介意……时可用“Not at all.”“Of course not.”“Certainly not.”“Not a bit.”来同意对方请求,也可用“I'm afraid you'd better not.”或“I'm afraid you can't.”来委婉拒绝对方的请求。

1 0. B。面对对方提出的看物请求可用“Go ahead.”回答。

1 1. A。由“I feel it is necessary to do so,too.”可以推出该空表示“请便”,因此应选A。

1 2. D。由“It just depends on the weather.”可以推出该空表示“很难说”,因此应选D。

1 3. D。听说了对方的重大喜事应用“Congratulations.”表示祝贺。

1 4. D。对方劝自己吃菜时可用“Yes,just a little,please.”来接受劝告。

15.A。由“It's all the same to me.”可以推出该空表示“由你决定”,所以应选A。


17.C。面对对方的感谢可用“Not at all.”“That's all right.”“You're welcome.”“Don't mention it.”“It's a/my pleasure.”回答。

18.C。由“I'm sure that you can learn it well.”可以推出答话者要求对方振作起来,故应选C。

19.A。面对对方的道歉可用“That's all right.”或“Never mind.”回答。

20.C。由“The street leading to the station is narrow and covered with thick ice.”可以推出该空表示“当心”,所以应选C。


22.A。“It's really nothing.”暗示该空要求对方别把欠饭钱之事放在心上,因此应选A。

23.B。圣诞节为双方都拥有的节日,故该空应用“The same to you.”对其祝贺用语进行回答。

24.D。由问句内容可以推出答句必须回答自己是否能解决这个问题,故应填“Sure,why not?”


26.A。由答句中的I said可推断问句要求对方重复自己的讲话内容,所以空选A。


28.C。面对对方的求助即使拒绝也应使用“I'd like to,but I'll be very busy.”“I'm afraid I can't,because I'm busy.”等之类的委婉用语。

29.B。对方祖母遭遇交通事故是不幸的事件,故听说后应用“I'm sorry to hear that.”表示同情。




33.B。“There is enough time left.”暗示该空表示“从容进行”,所以应填“Take your time.”。


35.D。“Oh,dear!”暗示该空表示“有那么糟糕吗?”,因此应填“Is it as bad as that?”或“Is it as serious as that?”

36.B。由“I don't know for sure.”可以推出该空表示“要看情况而定”,因此应选B。


38.A。“I can't decide at present.”暗示该空表示“要看情况而定”,因此应选A。

39.D。由“She has changed too much.”可以推出答话者刚才也没有认出Mary,故该空应选D。

40.C。面对对方提出的建议可用“That sounds great.”“It sounds great.”“Good idea.”“Wonderful.”“I can't agree more.”等进行肯定回答。


42.C。打电话时自我介绍可用“This is...speaking.”。

43.C。“I'll go to see whether I can find her for you.”暗示该空表示“别挂”,因此应选C。

44.A。问句表示邀请,可用“Thank you,but I'd rather not.”回答。

高考英语交际用语 第4篇






— !I??lltellDadthere??snothingserious.

A.Whatarelief B.Congratulations

C.Howsurprising D.I??msosorry



—Oh,itjumpedoff. .

A.Nevermind B.Allright C.Noproblem D.Takecare




1.认真研读历年高考真题 总结积累常见交际用语





— .Thehotel??snotbusythen.

A.Noproblem B.Don??tbother C.Nevermind D.Itdoesn??tmatter



A.Nothingmuch. B.Nothingserious. C.Neveragain. D.Nevermind.


2.养成勤查字典的好习惯 活学活用常见交际用语







4.摒弃简单的汉语思维习惯 体会交际用语的文化内涵



英语口语日常交际用语 第5篇

It drives me crazy. 它使我快要发疯了。

It isn’t much. 这是微不足道的。

It really comes in handy. 有了它真是方便。

It slipped my mind. 我不留神忘了。

It takes time. 这需要时间。

It will come to me. 我会想起来的。

It will do you good. 这会对你有好处。

It won’t happen again. 下不为例。

英语口语日常交际用语 第6篇

What do you recommend? 你推荐什么?

What do you think of my new car? 你觉得我的新车怎么样?

What do you think of it? 你觉得怎么样?

What is it about? 这是关于什么的。

What is it like there? 那儿怎么样?

What makes you say so? 你怎么这么说呢?

What’s going on? 发生了什么事了?

What’s on your mind? 你在想什么呢?
