


大学生求职面试英文版自我介绍 第1篇

Good examiner, today can stand here for an interview, have the opportunity to ask you the examiner and learning, I feel very honored. Hope that through this interview can show you myself, I hope you remember me. My name is... This year,.. . At the age of the han nationality, bachelor of law. I like reading and Internet browsing information. My character more cheerful, easy-going.

Can anything around the relationship, and relatives and friends can get along, and full of confidence for life. I worked as an intern in * * * before, so has certain practical experience. In the four years studying in the field, I developed strong character, this character made me overcome some difficulties in my study and life, positive in. Be a sports teacher is my strong desire for a long time.

If I have the opportunity to be hired, I think, I will be able to work in a workout and realize their own value. At the same time, I also recognize that the relationship between work and is built on the basis of self-awareness, I think I have the ability to also have the confidence to do the job. Sports teacher is a sacred and noble profession, hope everyone can recognized me, give me this opportunity

大学生求职面试英文版自我介绍 第2篇

I’m glad to introduce myself to you. My Chinese name is,but you can callme Cathy,my English name. I was born and raised in Guangdong,so I speak bothCantonese and Mandarin.

I’ll soon graduate from Zhongshan University,majoring in accounting. Ithink you may have interviewed quite a lot of students from our school,so youknow this major prepares us for CGA and most courses are taught in English. MyGPA is 3.6,it ranks number 9 in the 115 students in my grade. And I’ve passed15 exxams in CGA,I anticipate I will get the CGA qualification in 20xx.

Besides having good academic performance,I was actively involved instudent activities. I was in charge of Student Welfare in my class,and in theStudent union of our school. I enjoyed this position because what I did was veryimportant to everybody,although it was mostly small details.

I had a three-month internship in Guangdong Zhengzhong Accounting Firm. Idid the inventory check and helped the accountants to make the auditing reports.My boss was pleased with my performance and he asked me to remend my classmateto join our team.

大学生求职面试技巧 第3篇


面试前, 一定要备齐各种有关的资料、物品, 包括身份证、毕业证、照片、个人简历、各种等级证、职业资格证等;还应携带笔、笔记本。

对参加应聘的学生来说, 这些资料、物品琐碎平常, 面试前往往被忽视, 或者准备不齐全。但对于招聘者来说, 却是面试者学历、能力、经历等的资证材料, 往往要求面试者出示。忘记带上这些资料不仅失去了证实自己能力的机会, 而且可能使招聘者产生面试者办事不严谨的印象。即便招聘者没有要求面试者出示, 面试者也应该在适当的时机、或者创造机会出示这些有利于自己的资料, 以证实自己的能力, 获得加分。


首先应树立信心。有道是“天生我才必有用”, 学生对自己的实力应有充分的估计。其次, 应具有竞争意识。所谓竞争意识是, 既要敢于竞争还要善于竞争, 敢于竞争即应树立明确的人生目标, 充分树立自信心。而善于竞争, 就是要学会扬长避短。再则, 要有顽强的意志, 要有韧劲, 提高自己经受挫折的承受力。学生事前要有这样的心理准备:经过多次面试后才获得一个就业机会是常有的事, 不要因一次面试失败而失去求职的信心。这次失败了下次再来, 应把每一次面试都当作是一次难得的学习和锻炼的机会。同时, 要树立先就业再择业的观念。随着时代的发展, 社会的进步, 人才流动已成为一种趋势。应转变以往“一次定终身”“一步到位”的就业观念。大学生就业不能只想“我想干什么”, 更应考虑“我能干什么”。刚毕业的大学生没有工作经验, 缺乏社会阅历, 应树立从基层干起, 从小事做起的思想。最后, 克服恐惧心理。面试时的恐惧心理通常包括“群体恐惧”———因考官人数较多而产生恐惧;“陌生恐惧”———在陌生的环境与陌生人交流所至;“高位恐惧”———即考官职务或职称较高所造成的恐惧。

对此, 可采用以下方法来克服面试时的消极心理:选择相应得体的服装以提高自信心, 还可通过做深呼吸, 以放松自己, 增添勇气。另外, 亲切有神地与考官进行目光交流, 以此来消除紧张的情绪, 还可坦诚地告诉考官自己确实很紧张, 通常会得到考官的鼓励, 有利于使自己放松。


1、遵时守约, 不迟到。

是否守时最能反映一个人的素质高低。在面试的过程中, 求职者首先应做到不迟到。迟到是求职面试的大忌, 迟到会使考官对你的可靠性、自律性及工作效率产生怀疑, 从而影响面试的结果。同时, 迟到也会使面试者产生愧疚的消极心理, 影响面试者的发挥, 也不利于面试成功。据国外研究求职的专家统计, 如果求职者面试时迟到, 获得录用的可能性只是准时到达者的一半。因此, 面试者应提前15-20分钟到达面试地点。但是, 不迟到也并非越早越好。应注意, 不要早于30分钟以上到达指定地点 (若到得太早, 可在面试地点周围或车上自己做准备) 。过早到也不符合礼仪的要求, 还会让人感到你很焦急, 也会妨碍考官们的工作安排。

2、礼貌进入, 规范入座。进入指定的面试地点时,

一定要先敲门通报, 经得允许后方可进入。敲门以轻叩二、三下为宜, 不可急促使劲地敲门, 否则会留下缺乏修养的印象。进入后主考官示意坐下再就坐, 就坐一定要规范, 通常应从椅子的左侧入坐。女性坐椅子面的前三分之一, 不可超过二分之一。男性可适当往后坐。入坐后女性两腿应并拢, 男性则两腿自然分开, 都要保持上体正直。面试时不要叠腿 (翘二郎腿) 更不能出现“4”字形的叠腿。正式的面试虽未开始, 但此时考官已在关注你的表现, 并会对面试的结果起着重要的作用。


得体的着装对面试成败起着至关重要的作用。面试时, 着装应力求庄重、正规、简洁、大方, 不应追求时尚, 不宜张扬个性。面试时以正装为首选, 男士西装, 女士套裙。着装的选择还应与应聘单位的企业文化相吻合, 让服装的款式和风格符合所聘职业的性质。如应聘公务员、教师、事业单位、金融系统的工作, 应着正装, 以体现严谨、规范的职业特点, 而IT类、广告策划、文艺创作的着装可随意一些。但都应避免穿牛仔裤、沙滩服、圆领体恤、运动装、夹克衫去面试。

4、端庄的仪表, 得体的举止。

求职者在面试时应注意自己的仪表、举止。端庄的仪表、得体的举止, 传示着你良好的生活态度和积极向上的精神面貌。面试时要保证头发清洁, 避免出现头皮屑。女性的发型应注重端庄、大方、利落, 若是长发应将其束好, 不应选择时尚前卫的发型。男性通常要求前发不附额、侧发不掩耳、后发不及领, 还应及时剔理胡须, 修剪鼻毛, 以保证面部整洁。女性可适当化妆, 但只能化淡妆, 切忌浓装艳抹。表情应稳重自然, 面带微笑。面试时一定要杜绝一切不清洁、不雅观的小动作, 诸如抠鼻孔、掏耳朵、揉眼睛、挠痒痒、打喷嚏等。不可将双臂互抱于胸前或做一些夸张的动作和表情, 因这些都是失礼的。

案例:涂某, 会计学专业, 本科, 07年应届毕业生, 学习成绩优良。毕业后有机会参加一家银行系统的应聘, 面试时身着园领T恤衫, 脚穿凉鞋前去应聘。尽管专业知识比较熟悉, 但最终没能被录用。后来, 他又准备参加一家证券公司应聘。面试前, 专门来找笔者咨询面试的注意事项。当谈到着装时, 笔者提出, 若是参加证券公司的面试应着正装, 即西装。这位同学为难的说:“我从来都没穿过西服, 一直都穿运动装或休闲服, 也只习惯穿运动鞋。如果让我穿西服, 再穿皮鞋, 可能都不会走路了, 感觉太别扭了。”笔者强调说, 如果是参加证券公司的面试, 还是应选择西服。后来他专门准备了西服、衬衣、皮鞋去参加面试, 结果顺利通过面试被录用了。


良好的开端是成功的一半。心理学著名的“首因效应”告诉我们, 对某人形成印象时, 首先注意到的属性要比后来注意到的属性影响大。即第一印象会在对方脑海中成型并影响以后的评价。自我介绍是正式面试的开始, 有时, 一个自我介绍甚至能决定整个面试的成败。因此应对自我介绍做充分的准备。

自我介绍一定要力求简洁, 以半分钟左右为佳, 通常不要超过1分钟。应用普通话与考官交流, 语速不要太快。自我介绍要用最简短的语言, 传达更多的信息, 特别应提供与应聘“职位”相关的信息。在介绍自己的情况时, 应突出介绍自己的知识、能力、专长、经验、兴趣等, 并可适当举例说明, 如在大学期间发表的论文、参加过的科研课题、获得的奖励、承担的社会工作或某些工作经验。总之要突出自己的优势和闪光点。最后还可强调一下自己与应聘岗位的符合性, 比如“我认为我在推销方面的能力较强, 也有相关的经验和良好的成绩, 我非常符合贵公司的岗位要求”, 这样不仅是继续提醒考官注意你这方面的能力, 也表达出了你良好的自信和加入公司的愿望。


成功的面试应有适当的时间限制, 交谈时间短了不行, 长了更不行, 时间长了只有对面试者更不利。通常, 面试的时间在10至20分钟左右。面试时, 择机离场也是面试者需注意的环节。一般在高潮话题之后或在考官暗示之后, 面试者就应主动告辞。考官常常会用以下话语暗示面试的结束, 如“谢谢你对我们招聘工作的关注。”“我们决定后会及时通知你”等。面试者听到暗示后, 应主动起立, 面带微笑, 向考官致谢告辞, 并礼貌退出面试地点。注意, 面试者一般不应主动与考官握手 (不符合握手的礼仪要求) 。

案例:吴某, 国际贸易本科毕业。在一次外贸公司的应聘中顺利通过了初试、复试。在最后一关的面试中, 前半部分表现也不错, 几位考官对他的印象以及专业知识水平也比较满意。此时, 他心中暗喜, 感觉此次面试已胜券在握, 较为得意, 便不断和考官套近乎并反客为主的不停提问, 问公司的规模、待遇等各种情况。最后, 考官不得不提醒他“对不起, 后面还有其他的面试者在等待。”遗憾的是, 吴某最后未被录用。

求职面试时, 切记言过其实、自卑、自负、哀求、恭维, 这些表现都不利于求职成功, 相反, 谦虚、诚恳、自然、亲和、自信的态度会让求职者在任何场合都受到欢迎。面试中, 要拥有良好的心态, 积极向上的个人形象, 注重展示自己的能力和才华, 准确应用面试的礼节及技巧, 才可能会在日益严峻的就业形势下取得成功, 实现自己的人生价值。

摘要:提高大学生就业率是各高校学生工作的一个重要环节。其中, 帮助学生了解和掌握求职面试技巧, 对提高他们面试成功的几率有很大的帮助。本文就面试时的几个环节, 包括面试前基本准备、心理准备、面试时的基本礼节及着装的基本要求等, 做了重点阐述。笔者在阐述的同时, 辅以教学中的典型案例加以说明, 以帮助学生在求职面试时赢得就业机会。






面试中的自我介绍及答题技巧 第4篇





































求职英文面试自我介绍 第5篇

Strengths: Highly-motivated and determined

I don’t know whether you have watched a film named The Pursuit of Happiness. It is a very touching movie acted by Will Smith. I love this movie very much. Because I find myself in this movie and I got a lesson from it. In this movie, the main character never lost hope and was devoted to his job and family, being passionate about life and future, and being calm while facing adversities. I can still remember what the father said to his son. You got a dream, you gonna protect it. I am like him, full of motivation and determination, being strong and calm while facing difficulties.

求职面试英文自我介绍 第6篇

时候,为了考验面试者的英语水平,考官通常会要求应试者用英语进行自我介绍.那我们应该如何应对呢?首先,要先写好英语自我介绍的稿子,好让心里有底,把一些关键的内容熟记,但是切勿死记硬背,那样只会让自己难堪,因为会让人很容易看穿的.毕竟英语的自我介绍没有规律和顺序,你只要把要点说出即可,无需按照一定的顺序来进行.下面有一个,大家可以参考一下.Hello everyone, my name is Lee.This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make good performance today.Now I will introduce myself briefly.I am 20 years old,born in Guangdong province, south of China, and I am a senior student at Guangdong **University.My major is English.And I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June.In the past four years, I spent most of my time on study.I passed CET4 and CET6 with a ease and acquired basic theoretical and practical knowledge of Language.Besides, I have attended several Speech competition held in Beijing, which really showed our professional advantages.I have taken a tour to some big factories and companies, through which I got a deep understanding of English for application.Compared to developed countries, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1998, our packaging industry is still underdeveloped, messy and unstable, and the situation of employees in the field is awkward.But I have full confidence in its bright future if only our economy can be kept at the growth pace still.I guess you may be interested in why I choose this job.I would like to tell you that this job is one of my lifelong goals.If I can work here,I will work hard.As to my character, I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident.Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading and listening to the music, but I am not lonely, for I like to chat with my classmates about almost everything.My favorite pastime is to play volleyball, to play cards or to surf online.From life at university, I learn how to balance study and entertainment.By the way, I was an actor in our amazing drama club.I have a few glorious memories on stage.That is my pride...

老师面试英文求职自我介绍 第7篇

This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London fromApril 5 to mid April on business.

We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.

Yours faithfully,

面试求职英文自我介绍二 第8篇

Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is sunhao,i am 18 years old .i come from wuhan ,a very beautiful aicent city.

Generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.

Ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.

外企求职面试英文自我介绍 第9篇



my name is___________.there are 4 people in my family.my father is a chemistry teacher.he teaches chemistry in senior high school.my mother is an english teacher.she teaches english in the university.i have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.i like to read english story books in my free time.sometimes i surf the internet and download the e-books to read.reading e-books is fun.in addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the

advanced technology and the vivid animations.i hope to study both english and computer technology because i am interested in both of the subjects.maybe one day i could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.外企求职英文自我介绍


1、“work experience”is the type of work you‘ve done in the past.if you haven‘t started working yet you can say “right now i‘m still a student.” or “i‘m a recent grad and ihaven‘t started working yet.” in the second sentence, “recent grad” is short for ”recent graduate” and means that you have just finished school.请告诉我你过去的工作经验,工作经验就是你过去所做的工作。如果尚未开始工作,就可以回答“right now i‘m still a student.”或者说“i‘m a recent grad and i haven‘t started working yet.”“recent grad”是“recent graduate”的缩写,意思是刚刚毕业。

2、second one: what‘s your greatest weakness?

this is a popular question that western employers like to ask to make candidates nervous!in fact, they ask this to know how you respond to a difficult question.you shouldn‘t answer by telling your greatest weakness since you might not get the job!instead, you can tell them something that isn‘t directly related to the job position.你最大的缺点是什么?西方老板特别爱问这个问题,让面试者感到很紧张。事实上,他问这个问题是看你对棘手问题的反应。你没必要如实回答你的


3、third one: why do you feel you are qualified for this job?

this question is a good opportunity to brag a little bit.you should talk about some extra skills you have that maybe wasn‘t included in your resume, or talk about your greatest strength in more detail.你为什么觉得自己胜任这份工作?这时候你要充分发挥你的“自夸”本领。你可以讲述一些简历资料里面没有包括的技能;或者是再详细强调一下你的特长。

4、fourth one: what kind of salary did you have in mind?

salary is how much money you earn, usually per year.when asked this, it‘s best to answer with a salary range or approximation and not an exact figure.this shows that you are familiar with the

industry if you know what the approximate salary should be.你期望的薪水是多少?“salary”就是你赚多少钱,通常是年收入。回答这个问题时,最好说出一个大致范围,而不是一个确切的数字。如果你能说出这个工资范围,那就说明你对此行业非常了解。

5、fifth one: if hired, when could you start work?

when answering this it‘s best not to say you can start right away.this might make you seem very desperate for a job.a safe answer would be “i can start at the beginning of next month.”

如果雇佣的话,你什么时候开始工作?回答这个问题时。一定要注意!不要说我马上可以工作。那会让对方认为你非常迫切地需要这份工作。一个非常保险的回答可以是“i can start at the beginning of next month.”

6、sixth one: what kind of work

does the posi-tion involve?

you can ask this to clarify exactly what kind of work you‘ll be doing.这个职位包括哪些工作?通过问这句话,你可以清楚地了解到你的工作内容。


my name is___________.there are 4 people in my family.my father is a chemistry teacher.he teaches chemistry in senior high school.my mother is an english teacher.she teaches english in the university.i have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.i like to read english story books in my free time.sometimes i surf the internet and download the e-books to read.reading e-books is fun.in addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.i hope to study both english and computer technology because i am interested in both of the subjects.maybe one day i could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.外企面试之万能的英文自我介绍

i bear hardships and stand hard work, has the good team cooperation spirit, in many job seekers, i may not be the best, but the academic progress, both hands diligent, steadfast i set is the most hard, i am not a high iq , but i am high eq , may my road to success with your spur and encourage, at the same time i also confident can give your enterprise to bring a good employee.nowadays the famous brand not graduate college graduates have is numberless as the sand, but as one of the ox hair root, i always clinging believe, not highly educated and famous university aura shine, i have is in the school and society honed good self perception ability,the ability to inspire others, build relationships ability, adaptive ability, communication ability, prospective ability, control ability, the ability to grasp the professional line, found that the problem to solve the question ability.willing to help people really need help, can do a blood, in cold blood.hope i can be a honesty, strong, dare to dream of the rich!in the young season, i would rather endure hardship involved, as a beginner, i have good learning ability and willing to learn, dare to innovate, constantly pursuing excellence;as the participant, i have honest and credible character, full of team spirit。

as a leader, i have things capable and decisive style, good communication and interpersonal coordination ability.a system of education and design related professional knowledge training, there are a number of units and the school internships and part-time experience;have

very strong endurance, willpower and bear hardships and stand hard work quality, the work is responsible earnestly, positive enterprising, individual character optimistic clinging, and the courage to face the difficulties and challenges.if i happiness be your unit employed, i will at least guarantee for the expensive unit continuous work for 5 years!

参考:中山易搜人才网 september, 2014

re: application letter

dear sirs or madams,my name is xxx, 29 years old, obtained a bachelor’s degree majored in english from beijing university.i passed tem-8 in the university and i learned finance and securities after i started work.i worked as an executive assistance in shaanxi mingxiang group for 3.5 years and as a secretary of an uk lawyer for 3.5 years, which make me become the office

professionals, with good problem-solving skills and capability of handling with ordinary and urgent administrative affairs.motivated, diligent, organized and loyalty are the words my former employers always comment me.i am not a big person, but secretary is a big position that bears a variety of duties, i believe, the 7-year-experience has made me to be a competent secretary.i am looking forward to meeting with you.best regards

应聘职位面试求职英文自我介绍 第10篇

you.My name is Lin YA Qian,I‘m **years old,I come from *****,and I‘m an

outgoing **,I like philosophy and sport.Oh yes,I hope that I can do

something for the *****.If you give me the great chance,I won‘t let you

disappoint.Ok,that‘s all.I hope that you are satisfied with me,thank


Dear Sir or Madame:

Hello ! I ‘m XX ,I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your

company. I’m ** years old and in good health. After graduation from

******school, I have studied IT for many years. I am a better ***.Do well

in personal responsibility ,I am good at both operating a **,I like

palying *****.**** and listening to the music.I’m interested in the

position .

I want very much to be accepted by your company. I’ll work hard if I

大学生求职面试英文版自我介绍 第11篇

Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning!

My name is ANYJOB, from ANYJOB university.I am a mechanical

professional bachelor degree, with strong mechanical professional

theoretical knowledge and practical force.Four year university life for my life added a lot of color, also let me know a lot in the society of knowledge can not understand.I love my professional, also understand in order to adapt to the intense competition of society will be all-round development, digging their own potential, so I took an active part in the extracurricular activities, reading some useful books, improve self-cultivation, pay

大学生面试自我介绍英文版 第12篇

good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have thisopportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, andi hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in thisprestigious university in september.

now i will introduce myself piefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiangprovince ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing xxuni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degreeafter my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time onstudy,i have passed cet4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge ofpackaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attendseveral packaging exhibition hold in beijing, this is our advantage study here,i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have adeeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developedcountries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinaryprogress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess,unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have fullconfidence in a pight future if only our economy can keep the growth pacestill.

i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my planduring graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one ofmy lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue mymaster degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hardin thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study indepartment of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i amoptimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listeningto music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talkeverything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online.through college life

大学求职英文自我介绍 第13篇

dear sir:

thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you。 my name is…,born in 1980, …city, …province。 i major in ……and i will graduate from the…… medical university in july, 20XX。 hope a chance to work and develop in your department。 during the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor ……in college of ………, i have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about ……

with the help of my supervisor, i have successfully finished the subject “……… ” and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, dna extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, …… i passed the cet band 6 test in, after that, i tried my best to learn medical english and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary。

i am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing。 i can manipulate computer proficiently and master microsoft office software, also be familiar with spss and photoshop, etc。 during three—year study in research, i studied hard and strived for excellence in our field。 i benefit from working together with excellent colleague。 i developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty。 my internship in college of 。

could qualify me for this job, and i believe i can be fit for the position quickly。 i am looking forward to working in your department。 if i am admitted, i will be thankful and try my best to work for you。
