


西城高二优秀作文 第1篇






西城高二优秀作文 第2篇











高三期末西城作文 第3篇





高三英语作文西城 第4篇

①Today I will tell you some information about Sichuan Province’s travelling. Sichuan Province, ②whichcapital city is Chengdu, lies in the southwest of china and covers an area of about 485,000 square kilometers.

It is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of ③interests, such as Jiuzhaigou and the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. ④Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, whose water is so clear that you can see the bottom of them.⑤The otherattraction is the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project, which was built over 2,000 years ago and is ⑥still playingaimportant part inirrigation today.

⑦In a word, the nice weather, convenient transportation and the variety of famous hot food can also⑧make your trip even more enjoyable.

西城二模作文 第5篇

范文(西城区提供)Dear Mr.Smith,I’m writing on behalf of my class to extend our welcome to you.Here are some of our expectations for your English class.First, we’d like t to have topics in class about Western culture.We are all very interested in knowing about culture behind the language.Besides, we’d appreciate various activities to get everyone involved in speaking English.Last but not the least, please give us some guidance and training in our pronunciation, because we all hope to speak English fluently and clearly just as you native speakers do.Thank you very much.Looking forward to meeting you.Yours, Chris

Dear Mr.Smith, It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially to extend our warm welcome to you on behalf of my class.I would be more than grateful if you can take our expectations for the class into consideration.As English is not our mother tongue, we constantly end up confused when learning it due to our lack of knowledge on western culture.We would appreciate it if you can introduce some topics about western culture.In addition to that, it would also be of great help if various kinds of activities can be organized in class as it is a good method to keep every individual involved.Last but not least, would you please offer us some suggestions on how to enhance our oral English as we are in anticipation of improving our pronunciation in order to speak English more fluently.We are sure to follow your steps.I am genuinely honored to express my great expectations for the class and I am looking forward to your class.Yours, Chris


Dear Mr.Smith, We welcome you to be our new foreign English teacher.We sincerely hope that we can get along with each other.Below are some expectations of students to foreign English classes.Since we have strong desire to be exposed to western culture, it will be nice of you to introduce western culture to us.Besides, to make the classes more attractive, various class activities are appreciated.We also expect you to pay attention to our pronounciation.We really want to speak English in a more native way and need your help.We are expecting to improve our English levels under your guidance.Wish you a pleasant teaching experience here.I’m looking forward to your reply.Yours, Chris


Dear Mr.Smith, Nice to meet you!We are so glad and grateful to have you as our new foreign teacher.As I’m the monitor, it’s my pleasure to share some of our students’ expectations towards our English class with you.First and foremost, western culture is quite attractive to every student.We will appreciate it if you can introduce as much western culture as possible to us.In addition, in our opinion, organizing various activities can help every student participate in the class more actively, which will increase the class efficiency a, t the same time.What’s more, we would like you to focus on our pronunciation, for the instruction from the foreign teacher whose native language is English cannot be better!We warmly welcome you and extremely look forward to our brand new English class!Thank you!Yours, Joe.刘智昕(14分)



Last Saturday, I went to the Olympic Forest Park with my parents to take part in an activity called “I Walk, and I’m Fit.”

Arriving early in the morning, we were surprised to find many participants of different ages already waiting excitedly at the registration place.We joined them.Then we gathered at the starting point, stretching arms and legs to prepare ourselves for the coming long distance walking.Soon , a signal was given and off we went along the walking route, which ran around the park.Some people walked briskly, while others just took their time to enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful natural scenery.After more than one hour’s walking, we finally reached the finish line.The 5km journey was challenging but really enjoyable.My parents and I cheered each other for our success.Regular activities like this not only keep us fit, but also help get us closer to each other and to nature.Last Saturday, I went to the Olympic Forest Park with my parents to take part in an activity called “I walk, and I’m Fit”.This slogan hanging over the register desk drew our attention when we entered the park.A crowd of people were gathering around the desk, chatting and smiling, which indicated their anticipation and excitement for the activity.Intrigued by this scene, my parents and I made up our mind to sign for it without hesitation, and we got a register card from the officers.After listening to the rules, we were led to the starting line on the road in the forest.My family and other participants were doing some warming-up there.Shortly afterwards, the activity started.My father took the leading position,followed by my mother and I.With the gentle breeze and green trees along the road, I felt that the more distance I covered, the more refreshed I was.The flowers by the road were so attractive that someone even slowed down to appreciate them.After 5 Km’s walk, we eventually reached the destination.Tired as I was, I felt a sense of pleasure surging into my heart, not only because of my victory, but also because of healthy activity I joined in.So I, along with other participants, did victory gestures to celebrate our success.Since walking in the forest was so enjoyable, I determined to take this activity into a usual habit in the future!


Last Saturday, I went to the Olympic Forest Park with my parents to take part in an activity called “I Walk, and I’m Fit”

After knowing this activity, our family were appealed to it so that we went to the register center in no time.So crowded was the register center that it was obvious that more and more people had realized the importance of doing physical exercise.Several minutes later, we got to the starting point and did some warm-up in order to be ready for the walk.No sooner had we finished the warm-up than we started our walk.I was in the front with my father and mother following me.Beside the path stood many trees and flowers, which gave us a sense of refreshment.With the breeze touching my softly, I couldn’t feel fatigue any more.Five-Kilometer journey passed by very quickly and eventually we arrived at the terminal together.All the participants, including my family, celebrated our success with our spirits soaring high!This experience not only gave me an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of nature but also let me do some exercise comfortably.I believe I won’t miss any in the future!


Last Saturday, I went to the Olympic Forest Park with my parents to take part in an activity called “I walk, and I’m fit”.The experience turned out to have left a deep impression on me.It was a Monday afternoon on my way back home that a stall which was surrounded by people attracted my attention.Learning from the leaflet that a salutary activity was to be held, my parents and I signed up for it without hesitation.Soon came the day when we would walk 5 km without a break.Having prepared for several days, we all felt confident to finish the whole journey.Before walking, we participants were asked to take warm-up exercise at the starting point.No sooner had the signal gun shot than we set out enthusiastically.The sunshine was warm, the birds were twittering, and the trees were brimming with life.Inspired by the amazing scenery, some stopped to observe the bloomy flowers, while others kept walking with pleasure.Half an hour later, the terminal finally was around the corner!Tired as we were, we passed the final line, cheering for our success.We couldn’t help applauding while I felt a wave of pride surged through my heart.The activity was so meaningful that it not only strengthened my body but also toughened my willpower.As exercising dose benefit us a lot, we should always contribute to keeping fit.张昕琦----(18分)

Last Saturday, I went to the Olympic Forest Park with my parents to take part in an activity called “I walk, and I’m fit”.We enrolled in the activity at the registration centre, where many people queued to sign up with passion.After our enrollment, we warmed up our bodies and the starting place.To avoid being hurt accidently, we prepared carefully.Then the walk began in our expectation.We walked along the path of the park while enjoying the beautiful scenery alongside.Flowers blossomed and casted shadow on the path.Tired as the long walking was, we kept going without quitting.Finally, the “5 Kilometre” sign was in sight which meant we reached the finishing line.We cheered for our perseverance.A sense of accomplishment surged my heart.From this experience, I felt the happiness of doing physical exercise.I will make doing exercise my hobby in the future.林尊惠---18分

Last Saturday, I went to the Olympic Forest Park with my parents to take part in an activity called “I walk, and I’m fit.”

Early in the morning, we set off for the Forest Park with our spirits soaring high.Upon our arrival, we were delighted to find many participants of various ages gathering up for registration.After signing up for the activity, we stood at the starting line waiting excitedly.In order to warm ourselves up we did some stretching, which added some energy to our body.When we finally started the long walk, everyone’s face was brightened up, showing a sign of enthusiasm.It was a bright day brimming with life and the fascinating scenery in the park was beyond words.Walking through the woods briskly was a remarkable experience as the gentles breezes brought a comfortable feeling and we took our time to enjoy the fresh air.Tiring as it might have been, we eventually overcame our fatigue and made it to the finishing line, which marked the end of our five kilometer walk.Exhausted yet excited, my parents and I cheered for ourselves.As is often quoted, exercising imparts new vigor to our lives.It was not until the walk in the park that I thoroughly understood its meaning.Such deeds can not only keep us fit, but also provide us with the chance to get close to the nature.(17分)---陈一铭

Last Saturday, I went to the Olympic Forest Park with my parents to take part in an activity called “I Walk, and I’m Fit.”

透明北京西城高三作文 第6篇


正睡得香呢,忽然听到:“田野,快起床了,快点,不然一会来不及了。”我迷迷糊糊地睁开眼睛,原来是妈妈,看一下表,啊,才四点啊。“快起来去看升国旗了。”我勉强睁开眼睛跟着妈妈往外走,一出酒店门, 凉 风吹来一下子清醒了好多。不一会就走到了天安门广场,好大啊,天安门正中挂着大大的毛主席的画相,好庄严啊,两边有高高的像柱子一样的华表,广场上已经人山人海,怎么挤都挤不到前面去,看来人们都期盼看到升国旗的这一刻,我们只能站在远处看了,正在我担心看不到时,突然,嘹亮的音乐从广场上响起,只见一队威武的军人从天安门城楼下走出来,一个个挺拔魁梧,第一个人扛着国旗,走路时整齐统一,真是太帅了!走到了广场上,前面三个军人走上了升旗台,嘹亮的国歌响起,只见第一位军人帅气地一扬手,国旗就高高地飘扬起来,不一会儿就升到了放旗杆顶端。所有的人们都仰头向上看,眼中充满崇敬和激动,我听着国歌声觉得全身的血液都在沸腾,老师说,国旗是烈士的鲜血染红的,我一定要好好珍惜现在的美好生活。

看完升国旗,我们去了龙庙 ,这是一个佛教圣地,让人们来求神拜佛的地方,听导游讲,这里一共有七十八座佛像,还有三十六个貔貅。一进寺庙就觉得好安静啊,内心也不自觉得平静下来,跟外面的喧闹相比真的好像世外桃源一样。我看到好多人虔诚地拜佛,闭着眼睛,嘴里念念有词,我觉得好奇怪,难道那个佛真的能保佑人们吗?不过我们来好巧,正赶上貔貅开光日的最后一天,我们就买了两只貔貅,听说貔貅是吸财的,它的样子看起来很凶恶,有三颗大大的牙齿,最奇怪的是貔貅的身体只能进食不能出,是不是很神奇?妈妈说把它带回家,希望我们能发大财,我们又买了一些别的东西然后才依依不舍的离开龙庙。

透明北京西城高三作文 第7篇







透明北京西城高三作文 第8篇







北京西城高三语文作文 第9篇




