


地震简介英文 第1篇


来自: 贡献人:Alex

创建时间:2010-07-26 11:28 冯小刚导演拍摄的《唐山大地震》电影上映,于此同时又让我们回到了1976年

The China Earthquake of July 28, 1976(The Tangshan Earthquake)No other earthquake in this century has been as catastrophic or has claimed as many lives as the great earthquake that struck the city of Tangshan, in Northern China, on July 28, 1976.Tangshan, a thriving industrial city with one million inhabitants, is located only about 95 miles east, and slightly south, of Beijing.Although the region had experienced moderate seismic activity in the past, the city of Tangshan has been built on unstable, alluvial soil.To make matters worse, The city is located in the center of an area with major crustal faults on four sides.Furthermore, a 25-mile long fault passes through Tangshan, where only few of its structures are earthquake-resistant.In the early morning hours of July 28, while the city was asleep, the magnitude 8.0 earthquake with its epicenter right on the city broke a five-mile section of the fault.Along the west side of the fault the land moved five feet northward in relation to the land on the east side.The east block tipped downward at the northern end of the break, and upward toward the south end.Over a four-by-five mile area the devastation of the city was nearly total.The force of the quake motions were so strong that people reported being thrown in the air.Within seconds, thousands died.Property destruction was unbelievable.Bridges, railroads, homes, factories were completely leveled.In the harbor city of Tientsin, 60 miles to the southwest, and in Beijing to the west, the quake jolts forced thousands of frightened people into the streets seeking refuge from aftershocks.中文翻译: 1976年7月28日特大地震(唐山大地震)

在本世纪,没有任何其他大地震能与发生在1976年7月28日中国北方的唐山市所造成的巨大灾难或死亡人数相比的特大地震。唐山位于北京东部偏南95英里,人口一百万,是一个繁荣的工业城市。过去该地区曾经历过中度地震活动,唐山市的地基不稳定,土壤为冲积土质。更为糟糕的是,唐山正 好处于四周为主要的地壳断层的区域中心。此外,25英里长的断层带正好通过唐山,唐山的建筑物结构很少具有抗震性。

7月28日清晨,整个城市还在睡梦中,突然爆发了8.0级特大地震,震中在断层的5英里处,正好是唐山市的中心位置。与东侧相对而言,沿着断层的西 侧整个土地向北移动了5英尺。在裂缝处北端东部,地块北向下倾斜,南边翘起。整个唐山几乎全部夷为平地。有报道说,地震的威力之强大把人都抛到了空中。顷 刻间,数千人丧失了生命。财产的损失更是难以置信。桥梁、铁路、房屋、工厂完全夷为平地。在西南60英里以外的港口城市天津,及西面的北京,大地震动迫使 数以千计受到惊吓的老百姓在后来的多次余震中露宿街头寻求安全。

地震简介英文 第2篇

Mavis Mrs.Bertrand Advanced English Writing November 13, 2012

The earthquake in 2008 What is the earthquake? It is the brutal earth movement which causes a catastrophe to human beings.As a horrible natural disaster, an earthquake always takes people’s lives away, destroys people’s living environment and creates a tremendous economic loss.In other words, earthquakes are big threats to our lives.Have you experienced an earthquake? Yes, I had in 2008.May 12th in 2008 was a special date that has been carved in my mind deeply.We were preparing to have our class but the floor, desks and chairs began to shake.Someone shouted “earthquake”, and then we all ran to the play yard.Fortunately, we were not in the centre of the earthquake, and the centre was in Wen Chuan, a city of Sichuan province the neighboring province of us.It was reported that about seventy thousand people died from it.A lot of people were buried by collapsed buildings;children lost their parents and parents lost their babies.People suffered the death of their relations and families.The happy life was destroyed within a day.After the earthquake, people did not have home to live in.Buildings were collapsed or full of crevices in the walls.Thousands of people had to live in tents.All roads were broken off, thus, that beautiful city became an isolated miserable place.People were desperate about their life, miserable for the loss of families and worried about their future.The city filled up with tears and misery.With regard to economic loss, the 2008 earthquake caused 800 billion RMB economic losses, which was a huge cost for our country.These monies were mainly spend on providing emergency supplies to local people, sending policeman and soldiers to rescue people and rebuilding the earthquake attacked city.After four years’ efforts, the city has been built again and people have lived a tranquil life in their hometown.And also people have been free from their miserable and horrible experience of 2008.In short, an earthquake is disastrous for it will destroy our lives, leave a painful experience to us and also cause a huge economic loss to our country.

简介地震的里氏震级 第3篇

20世纪30年代, 里克特 (Richter C F) 制订了一种表明地震能量大小的尺度, 就是使用测震仪衡量地震能量的等级, 地震能量越大, 测震仪记录的地震曲线的振幅就越大, 这就是我们常说的里氏震级, 其计算公式为

其中, A是被测地震的最大振幅, A0是“标准地震的振幅” (使用标准地震振幅是为了修正测震仪距实际震中的距离造成的偏差) .

假设在一次地震中, 一个距离震中100千米的测震仪记录的地震最大振幅是20, 此时标准地震的振幅是0.0001, 则这次地震的震级是


5级地震给人的震感已比较明显, 但可以计算出7.6级地震的最大振幅大约是5级地震的最大振幅的398倍:

由公式M=lg A-lg A0, 得

百度百科对"里氏震级"的解释是 (见http://baike.baiducom/view/1048360.htm) :

里克特的震级, 本质上反映了地震释放的能量大小.里氏震级M与地震波释放出的能量E (单位:J) 之间的关系是:

结论:里氏震级M每增加k个单位, 相对应的地震能量E变为原来的101.5k倍, 地震的最大振幅A变为原来的10k倍.

2008年5月12日, 中国四川汶川发生了里氏8.0级地震, 而在1923年日本发生了里氏8.9级地震.因为震级增加了0.9, 所以地震能量变为原来的101.5×0.9≈22.4倍, 最大振幅变为原来的100.9≈7.94倍.

地震简介英文 第4篇

关键词元话语 分类 交际元话语 互动元话语


1 引言

语言是交际的一种手段,而交际不仅涉及信息、物品或服务的交换,而且涉及交际双方的个性、态度和观点。而元话语则可以帮助我们了解说话人或作者对语篇内容和读者/听话者(以下合称“受众”)的态度。什么是元话语?元话语一词最早由Zellig Harris 提出, 早先常常被称作“关于话语的话语”和“关于谈话的谈话”(Hyland, 2005),到现在它被定义为“用来协商语篇互动意义的自我反省表达形式,能帮助作者/说话人表达观点,与作为社会成员的读者进行交际。(Hyland, 2008)”。

语言包含两个层面:基本话语 (primary discourse) 和元话语(metadiscourse)。Hyland和T se(2004: 157)认为,对元话语的理解有狭义和广义之分,狭义的观点是,强调话语的组织篇章的功能;广义的观点是,元话语体现了作者在篇章中所表现出来的运用语言和修辞的方法以及把话语组织和话语含义结合起来的方法。元话语的分类存在许多不同意见,使人莫衷一是,但大多数分类都是基于由Vande Kopple(1985)的分类上。目前,中国社会科学院语言所的徐赳赳将元话语分为了三大类词语元话语、标点元话语、视觉元话语。


2 元话语分类及讨论



对元话语分类的讨论主要集中在词汇类,从目前研究来看,主要有三种分法: (1)篇章元话语(textual metadiscourse)和人际元话语( interpersonal metadiscourse); (2)交际元话语( interactive resources)和互动式元话语( interactional resources); (3)内部篇章元话语( intra-textual)和外部篇章元话语( inter-textual)。我们现就第二种分类来进行分析。

根据Hyland(2008)交际元话语包含:过渡语(transitions),框架标记(frame markers)回指标记(endophoric markers),言据标记(evidentials)、语码注释(code glosses);而互动元话语包含:模糊语(hedges)、增强语(boosters)、态度标记(ttitude markers)、自称语(self mentions)、介入标记(engagement markers)


But it is not just longevity and global reach过渡语

However, you can ask students and professors about their research. Also, displays of various projects are posted on the walls of most departments. 过渡语


据不完全统计,北京大学的校友和教师有400多位两院院士 言据标记



you are visiting for more detailed instructions 介入标记

we hope you have a day to spend in Cambridge 自称语、介入标记

There are labs you might not have heard of, activities that you might expect, and others that will surprise you. Let us show you around. 模糊语、介入标记

Caltech students are very friendly and approachable. They also are refreshingly honest. Most will be happy to tell you about their classes,增强语

we do not offer tours of or access to the labs.(自称语)

Perhaps the best way to get to know Caltech is to soak up(模糊语)

we are delighted that via this website you are joining that long tradition.态度标记

That is why we believe that the greater we can make Oxford, the greater its contribution to the well-being of the world you and I share. 自称语通过使用第二人称代词、评价性评语等互动话语能使作者(本文中即学校)参与到文本中从而更清晰地表达信息并激发读者参与的激情。然而,在中文学校简介中几乎很少看到有互动元话语。也这可能主要是因为中国人写文章讲求严谨,客观性,而少有考虑到与学生的互动。


在书面文本中,各种各样的标点符号及版面排版等,例如:下划线、首字母大写等也能表明文本的重点和作者的态度。(Crismore et al 1993)Hyland和Tse (2004: 157)认为,通过使用元话语,作者就可以把单调的、零散的篇章组成相互关联的、读者所喜爱的篇章,元话语还可把篇章跟语境联系起来,表达作者的人际意义,提高篇章的可信度,提高读者的阅读兴趣。从这个角度看,元话语是属于功能的范畴,因此,有些标点、句子排列的次序等都可列入元话语的范畴。在中英文学校简介中有例:

They would love the challenge!







3 结语




[1] yland,K.Metadiscourse:ExploringInteractioninWriting[M].London:Continuum,2005.

[2] Hyland,K.Metadiscourse.2008.

[3] 徐赳赳.关于元话语的范围和分类[J].当代语言学,2006(4):345~353.

地震慰问信「英文」 第5篇

And I’m very sorry to hear that this earthquake was the greatest disaster after 1949. And there are 40075 people who are found dead in the disaster till now and there have been more than 500 million people who are homeless. The floor was ripped through, many blocks and houses were seriously damaged, and even were as flat as a pancake. I’m deeply moved by the volunteers and the international rescue teams who are in the frontline. I, standing for my school, comfort your victims and survivors with our warm heart. Moreover, we contribute a large amount of money to you. And our school will try our best to help you. Last but not the least, I hope we all have the confidence to rebuild your home after the disaster.

Only when we have the perseverance can we defeat the natural disaster. Good luck and best wishes to you!

Yours sincerely

英文地震慰问信 第6篇

On the 12 of May in 20xx, an incredible and unknown earthquake suddenly happened in Wenchuan, Sichuan province. Almost half of China was affected. It was a huge calamity to Chinese people.

Until now, there are nearly 50 thousand people who died in this earthquake and more people injured. Many people lost their relatives and fell into the deep sorrow. And they also lost their homes and hometowns. A large number of buildings were damaged. What’s more, many children and students lost their lives because of the collapse of schools. And their parents who suffer from this big calamity can’t accept the fact until now.

All of the Chinese people begin to act and do everything they can when they hear the news. Almost every one of us contributes a great number of money and goods which people in Sichuan need. As students, we don’t have enough money to donate, but we should do all that we could do. What’s more important, we consider that we can help Sichuan people rebuilt and their home and
