


英语习小作文给好朋友的一封信 第1篇


Dear Tony

How are you? Yesterday was my birthday. I had a party .Many friend came to my party.I got many gifts .Ben gave me a game.Lisa gave me a toy car.Peter gave me a pen.They were very nice.My dad gave me some lucky money.My mam bought a big cake for me.She also cooked a lot of tasty food.We sang a song we blew the candles.After that,we ate the cake .Then we had a big meal.I had a good time.What a happy day!What about you?Please write to me.Good buy!



英语习小作文给好朋友的一封信 第2篇

I rsqu; glad/ happ/delighted t receive ur letter, and I&rsqu; ver excited t hear the news that u will ce t China next nth. Here is advice.

T start with, what I suggest is that u shuld read se bs abut the custs f China. After all, the custs in China aren&rsqu;t siilar t thse in England . On the ther hand, Chinese peple are fnd f bargaining while buing things. Thus u have t bargain when ging shpping. What&rsqu;s re iprtant is that u are suppsed t learn Chinese well. If u want t learn it quicl, waling a lt is necessar. When waling, u can ae an friends and tal t the freel s as t practice ur Chinese. As fr Chinese fd, it&rsqu;s delicius. Meanwhile, I d hpe u can taste different inds f dishes in China.

I&rsqu; ling frward t hearing fr u as sn as pssible.

urs trul

给远方好朋友的一封信 第3篇



淮安这座古老的城市,已经有一千多年的历史。这里名人辈出呢! 西汉初军事家韩信、《西游记》的作者吴承恩、民族英雄关天培……数不胜数!你知道吗?我们的开国总理周恩来就是淮安人。如果你来到这里,我一定带你去参观他的童年读书处和纪念馆,一睹伟人风采。

淮安的风景名胜也不胜枚举:趣味十足的楚秀园、果实累累的日月洲、古色古香的清宴园、碧波万顷的洪泽湖……都是放松娱乐的好去处。我最喜欢去钵池山公园游玩了。一进大门,就能看到一个大大的口子湖,中间矗立着音乐喷泉。夏天的夜晚灯光闪烁,音乐声伴着喷泉的起伏,飘进人们的耳中。泉水随着音乐的旋律不断地变换着形状: 刚才还是五彩缤纷的小飞龙,时而俯冲湖面,时而飞向天际;转眼间又变成了仰望苍穹的花尾凤了。每到这时,湖边一棵棵婀娜的垂柳,也如醉了一样,随风飘舞。不远处的沙滩更是孩子们的乐园。白天,太阳把沙滩照成碎金;傍晚,这里就成了欢乐的海洋。许多孩子赤着双脚, 拿着沙滩玩具堆城堡,开渠引湖水。天色越来越晚,胆子大一点儿的, 穿着泳衣,打着电筒,拿着网兜,背着大人,偷偷走进湖中,四处搜寻, 捕捉鱼苗……笑声,叫声,欢呼声,追着人们跑。湖中还有“三座仙岛”, 东面还有身披红衣的钵池山。山水相依 ,真是美轮美奂!




2015 年 4 月 11 日



给朋友的一封信 第4篇












给朋友的一封信英语作文 第5篇

Dear Lily

I am very glad to hear from you. I am very busy this term. I get up very early every day. After having breakfast, I go to school by bus.Class begins at half past seven. We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. There are lots of different after-school activities. I like playing basketball so I take Basketball Club. I often play basketball with my friends for about an hour at school. I always get home at 5:30. After dinner I do my homework and then I surf the internet and read books

给朋友的一封信英语作文 第6篇

How are you? Now I’m in Beijing, China. The Chinese people are very kind. I have some good friends . We often eat out. I like Chinese food very much. My favorite food is jiaozi. I likeBeijing Roast Duck, too. It is very nice. I can visit the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. I can visit Tian’anmen Square, too. I’m glad to be here.

Would you like to visit Beijing? I look forward to your visit next year.

★ 给朋友写一封信

★ 给朋友的一封信

★ 作文给朋友的一封信

★ 给朋友写一封信作文700字

★ 给最好的朋友的一封信作文

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★ 作文:给陌生朋友的一封信

★ 给幼儿园朋友的一封信

★ 给雅安朋友的一封信

给外国朋友的一封信英语作文 第7篇


The Senior High School Entrance Examination is ing. In order to make a success in the exam I think it’s high time for us to relax a little. Or we’ll be too nervous to work well in the exam.

In order to relax ourselves, we can turn to some of our hobbies, different students have different ways --- Some watch TV, some listen to music… But for me I enjoy taking exercise most. Whenever I feel tired, I always spend an hour (in) walking or jogging in the park. Besides, I also play table tennis with my friends after class. In my opinion, taking exercise can not only rest our brains and eyes but also help build our bodies. I think it’s really helpful to both my health and my study. I hope all of my classmates can join me in getting relaxed. I wish you all every success in the ing examination!
