


通过阅读学词汇CET-61 第1篇


Unit Three

Beauty Is Meaningless

A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond. It is difficult for any of us in moments of intenseaestheticexperience to resist the suggestion that we are catching a glimpse of a light that shines down to us from a different realm of existence, different and, because the experience is intensely moving, in some wqy higher. And, though thegleamsblind anddazzle, yet they do convey a hint of beauty andserenitygreater than we have known or imagined. Greater too than we can describe, for language, which was invented to convey the meanings of this world, cannot readily be fitted to the uses of another.

That all great art has this power of suggesting a world beyond isundeniable. In some moods, Nature shares it. There is no sky in June so blue that it does not point forward to a bluer, no sunset so beautiful that it does not waken the vision of a greater beauty, a wision which passes before it is fully glimpsed, and in passing leaves an indefinable linging and regret. But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life avulgar flareamid the coolradianceof the stars, and existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries, if these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humour born of indigestion, or whimsies sent by the devil tomockand madden us , if, in a word, beauty means something, yet we must not seek to interpret the meaning. If we glimpse the unutterable, it is unwise to try to utter it, nor should we seek to invest with significance that which we cannot grasp. Beauty in terms of our human meanings is meaningless.

通过阅读学词汇CET-61 第2篇

Unit Twenty


Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon equipment, or through hiring it, the total expense can be far less than the cost of hotels.

That the equipment of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated is an entertaining paradox for the cynic, a brighter promise for the hopeful traveler who has sworn to get away from it all. It also provides C and some student sociologist might care to base his thesis upon the phenomenon C an escape of another kind. The modern traveler is often a man who dislikes the Splendide and the Bellavista, not because he cannot afford or shun their material comforts, but because he is afraid of them. There is no superior “they” in the shape of managements and hotel hierarchies to darken his holiday days.

To such motives, yet another must be added. The contemporary phenomenon of motorcar worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails. To this pleasure camping gives an exquisite refinement.

From one’s own front door to home or foreign hills or sands and back again, everything is to hand. Not only are the means of arriving at the holiday paradise entirely within one’s own command and keeping, but the means of escape from holiday hell ( if the beach proves too crowded, the local weather too nasty ) are there, outside C or, as likely, part of C the tent.

如何通过阅读习得词汇 第3篇



词汇积累是英语学习的关键。词汇在语言学习中的重要性已是众所周知。英国著名语言学家D.A.Wilkins (1972) 曾说过:“没有语法, 人们不能表达很多东西, 而没有词汇, 人们则无法表达任何东西。”Murcia Rosensweig也曾提出这样的看法:“掌握了最低量的结构, 同时也拥有大量的词汇比掌握了几乎所有全部结构但只有少量词汇的人在阅读理解和最基本的语言交际中更为有利。” (1979) 这都说明了词汇量的重要性。而从历年教学实践看, 非英语专业大学生在英语学习过程中, 普遍存在的一个难题是词汇量严重不足, 由此在很大程度上影响了他们其他方面, 即听, 说, 读, 写以及译的能力的提高。因此, 扩大大学生的词汇量, 已成为他们在英语学习中需解决的主要问题。而此问题产生的主要原因不是他们没花费时间去记单词, 而是方法不恰当。大部分学生延用初中和高中时的学习方法, 机械地死记硬背, 花了大量的时间, 短时间内记住了大批单词, 却发现那些好不容易记住的单词, 根本不知如何去用, 在一段时间后就被遗忘了。当老师让他们用英语去表达时, 他们会用的词汇根本满足不了想表达的内容。久而久之, 就会使他们失去学习英语的兴趣。所以, 传统的机械记忆法在英语学习中的效果并不好, 如何用行而有效的方法去习得词汇, 使记忆的词汇转化成他们自己可以随时运用的工具, 由此激发他们的英语学习兴趣, 而不是纯粹地应付考试, 对目前大学生来说是非常重要的。现就如何通过阅读来学习并运用词汇做一下简单的探讨。

1 理论依据


“词汇附带习得”是由Nagy, Herman和Anderson (1987) 在研究儿童学习母语词汇时提出, 即学习者在把注意力放在完成其它任务如阅读, 听歌, 复述大义时并非有意去记单词却附带习得了其中的词汇。[1]Joe (1998) 认为学习者大部分学习者的大部分词汇习得均属附带习得, 相对于有意识的背单词, 查词典等有意识学习者来说, 附带习得是由Laufer (1998) 提出的定义。[2]她认为“词汇附带习得”是相对于刻意学习而言的, “刻意学习”指学习刻意地背记单词, 如通过背词汇表或者做词汇联系来记忆单词;而附带习得则是学生在进行其他学习任务时, 附带习得了单词。[3]Nation又将词汇学习分为直接学习和间接学习, 前者指将注意力集中在词汇上的学得, 后者即指注意力集中在言语传递的信息上以附带习得词汇[4]。

2 影响因素

有些学生也曾尝试过通过阅读去记忆单词, 但时候效果却不尽人意。因此, 怎样通过阅读记忆单词, 有很多因素需要考虑。

2.1 学生自身的词汇量

试想让一个没有词汇储备的人去读一篇文章, 他肯定获得不了任何信息, 更别说习得词汇了。因此, 如果想通过阅读习得词汇, 首要条件是, 他必须有一定的词汇储备。同样的一篇文章有的同学完成词汇习得的效果很好, 而有的同学却可能不知道文章的大意, 更别说习得词汇了。所以要根据自己具体情况, 选择难易适度的阅读材料。最好控制生词量在全文总词量的比例不超过2% (Laufer 1997) [5], 这样才能有好的效果。

2.2 生词的出现频率。

一篇文章中如果某个生词反复出现, 则被阅读者注意并记住的可能性就大。如果某个生词只出现一遍则被记住的可能性就很小, 除非阅读者花费更多的精力。

2.3 语境线索。

一个生词的出现在一个语篇中一定有它的语境, 而语境线索的充分与否直接关系到对生词的猜测和理解。如果某些语境是人们熟悉或经历过的, 那么猜测和理解起来就更容易, 正确率就越高。例如:John took out a collapsible bicycle, unfolded it and rode to school.从句子中的“unfolded”一词和“rode to school”这个动作就能比较准确地猜出collapsible的实际意义是“that can be folded flat or made into a smaller shape that uses less space”——“可折叠的”。

2.4 猜词能力。

Rubin发现学习成绩优秀的学生通常都具备较高的猜词能力, 而语言基础薄弱的学生猜词能力要差很多[6]。学生的猜词能力与他的词汇储备和语篇的难易及语境线索的充分与否也有直接关系。Knight研究了只遇到一次的生词被成功习得的几率, 以及对比研究了阅读过程中不同学生的猜词能力和对生词的保持力, 她发现, 基础好的学生在测试中表现出更好的猜词能力, 词汇的保持力和保持量也优于差生[7]。因此, 较高的猜词能力对英语词汇习得有着积极的作用。

2.5 语篇体裁和学生兴趣。

在教学实践中, 可以发现一个规律, 记叙文较其他文体可被学生理解的几率要大, 而且学生对此类文体的兴趣大, 阅读的主动性强。因此, 生词在记叙文中被记住的可能性大于其他文体。

2.6 阅读任务。

不同的阅读任务对在阅读过程中词汇习得的效果也不同。有研究证明如果阅读一篇文章的目的仅是为了完成文后的几个题, 那么对生词的习得是非常肤浅的, 可能再次碰到只是有印象而已。但如果读过一篇文章后能完成复述的任务, 并且能用上碰到的生词, 那么, 生词被记住并再次运用的可能性就大。

3 实际运用

基于上面叙述到的几大影响因素, 就学生如何在实际阅读中习得词汇提出以下几点建议:

3.1 积累基本词汇。

非英语专业四级要求掌握领会式单词4200个, 其中掌握复用式单词2500个。而根据现行高中英语教学大纲要求, 学生需学习和掌握的总词汇量是1940个, 其中要求达到掌握即活用式词汇为1200个。因此, 大学生在大学期间最基本的要求就是扩充2000多个单词。在此过程中, 学生可以在原有的单词储备基础上, 通过一系列方法尽可能扩大词汇量, 才能阅读更多的材料, 不止局限在简单的读物, 也只有这样才能接触并记住更多的生词。这是一个良性的循环, 就像滚雪球一样, 越滚越大, 学生掌握的词汇量也会越来越大。词汇量的扩大不仅可以扩大学生的阅读范围, 在此基础上还可以在一定程度上提高学生通过语境线索猜词的能力。

3.2 选择合适的阅读材料。

阅读材料的选择, 关系到词汇习得的效果。如果选择了过易的材料, 则碰不到生词;如果选择了过难的材料, 生词量远远大于2%, 则影响对生词的理解, 因此就会影响单词的习得。因此要根据自己的情况选择生词量小于2%的, 并且自己感兴趣的语篇。

3.3 设定恰当的任务。

不同的阅读任务对词汇习得有不同的影响, 因此, 自己设定比较有挑战的任务, 而不是仅为了完成阅读问题或读懂大意。学生可以找到一个英语水平不错的学生, 向他利用尽可能多的生词复述文章, 并让他指出错误, 给出适当的建议。

3.4 多次运用。

任何词汇都是人们进行交流的工具, 所以词汇的习得不是仅仅局限在当时当篇文章, 而要在今后的交流中把此次习得的词汇有意并多次运用, 直至变成自己能随时运用的词汇。

结语:当然这里对词汇的探讨还要求学生对语言有基本的基础, 比如简单的语法知识, 对句子结构的分析能力, 这些都是语言学习的基础, 在此基础上才可以谈通过阅读来习得词汇。总之, 英语教学的目的和学生学习的目标都是为了通过词汇的积累减少学生在英语学习过程中, 在听, 说, 读, 写, 译方面的困难, 从而增强英语学习的兴趣, 从整体上提高学生的语言综合运用能力, 真正实现英语语汇学以至用的目的。


[1]Nagy, w·E, R·C.Anderson&P·A.Aerman.learning word meanings from context during normal lead-ing[J].American education research Journal, 1987 (24) :237-270.

[2]Jeo·A.what effeits do tekt-bauod tasks promot-ing generation hame on inudental vocahilary al-guisition[J].Annhe Linguuisties, 1998 (19) :357-377.

[3]Laufer, B.thodeuehpmetnt of passine and actine vocatulary in second language:same or different[J].annlied linguistica, 1998 (19) :255-271.

[4]Nation P.Teaching and Learning Vocabulary[M].New York:Newbury House Publishers, 1990.

[5]Laufer, B.1997.What s in a word that makes it hard or easy:Some intralexical factors that affect the learning of words[A].InN.Schimitt&M.Mccarthy (eds) ..Vocabulary:Descriptive, Acquisition, and Pedagogy[C].Cambridge:CambridgeUniversity Press.

[6]Rubin J.Learner Strategies:Theoretical As-sumptions, Research History and Typology[A].In Wenden A, Rubin J.Learning Strategies in Lan-guage Learning[C].New York:Prentice Hall, 1987.

通过阅读学词汇CET-61 第4篇

【关键词】自然拼读法 词汇学习 阅读能力



1.通过韵律歌谣感知字母。大量研究表明,从小培养学生的韵律感对形成学生的语感非常重要,我们需要通过大量的输入来形成学生对语言的感知和运用能力。初学字母,教师可以先通过有关字母的歌谣,有的是关于letter name的,有的是关于letter sound的,尤其是letter sound的歌谣要大量输入,有了大量的输入,才能输出。

2.设计情境,掌握字母组合的发音规律。语言的运用离不开一定的情境,我们学习任何知识都要以文本为载体,并切合情境而学。单个字母及字母组合的发音,尤其是字母组合的发音一定不要孤立学习,和情境相联系,既能提高学生学习的效率,又可激发学生兴趣。情境中的学习,容易记忆,并且遇到相似的情境学生可脱口而出,提升学习英语的自信心和成就感。如在学习sc和sk字母组合发音时,老师通过图文并茂的故事让学生自然的接受并掌握了字母组合sc和sk的发音。Scarlet is wearing a scarf,she is skating on the skateboard. When she is skating, her scarf is flying in the sky, the blue sky looks like a big screen.



1.通过字母学习引入自然拼读法。学生在学习字母时发现,字母有个音,一个是letter name,一个是letter sound。我们更注重的是letter sound。因为,有了letter sound,我们就可以很轻松的学习词汇了。学生学会了letter sound 之后,我们会教给学习如何运用letter sound来学习词汇。有的学生看到英文单词就像读天书,一点兴趣没有了。通过自然拼读法让学生知道拼读单词就像拼读汉字一样简单。音和字母是对应的,拼音和汉字是对应的。如like这个单词,l就相当于汉语拼音中的声母l,和后面的字母音i拼读起来就是lai,在加上后面k音,就很容易的拼读出来了,类似的单词bike,ride等。


单词是由字母组成的,掌握了字母的发音规律,在把音和字母组合起来就是单词了,所以要让学生了解单词是由音组成的。自然拼读法很好的利用了学生已学过的拼音及汉字的拼读规律,让学生在已有知识的基础上生成新知识,而不是从零开始学习单词。自然拼读法很好的解决了传统教学中的死记硬背等现象,让学生在轻松愉快的体验中学习词汇。经证实,小学80%以上的词汇是可以用自然拼读法来学习的。我们在学习字母的过程中,除了学习了单个字母的letter sound外,我们也渗透了很多字母组合的发音,这对学生学习词汇有很大的帮助。小学教学词汇中,魔法e的单词非常多,掌握了这一规律这类单词很容易掌握。另外有的字母组合在单词中出现的频率非常高,教师们可以为学生总结出来,如ir,er,ea组合等。



通过阅读学词汇CET-626 第5篇

Unit Twenty-six

The Success of Eastern Asia’s Economics

Outsiders have contemplated the success of eastern Asia’s economies with admiration, wonderment and sometimes hostility. Scholars long sought to pinpoint the secrets behind the achievements of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. More recently, they have turned their attention to the emerging “tigers” of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Hard work and entrepreneurial flair were obvious elements.

If a country is rich in a certain natural or human resource, its government should make sure nothing gets in the way of entrepreneurs who want to develop it,be they local or foreign. By allowing the latter a piece of the action, a nation benefits from the multiplying effects of investment, technology transfers and increased employment. And all the better if heavy tariffs or other forms of preferential treatment could be avoided.

In most cases, government’s main job should be to get out of the way of business. Heavy-handed intervention in industrial policy generally does not work.It tends to create inefficiencies and artificial barriers to wealth. Governments should concentrate instead on liberalizing their own trade laws and pushing the same cause internationally. Freeing commerce allows natural, human and capital resources to flow into endeavors where they are mot efficient. Governments should keep interest rates and taxes as low as possible and make sure the national bureaucracy is capable and relatively clean.

通过阅读学词汇CET-624 第6篇

The Function of Education

Benjamin Rankling, to whom this University owes so much, realized too that while basic principles of natural science, of morality and of the science of society were eternal and immutable, the application of these principles necessarily changes with the patterns of living conditions from generation to generation. I am certain that he would insist, were he with us today, that it is the whole duty of the philosopher and the educator to apply the eternal ideals of truth and goodness and justice in terms of the present and not terms of the past. Growth and change are the law of all life.

Yesterday’s answers are inadequate for today’s problems C just as the solutions of today will not fill the needs of tomorrow.

Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless They have fresh meaning for every new social situation.

It is the function of education, the function of all of the great institutions of learning in the United States, to provide continuity for our national life C to transmit to youth the best of our culture that has been tested in the fire of history. It is equally the obligation of education to train the minds and talents of our youth: to improve, through creative citizenship, our American institutions in accord with the requirements of the future.

We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.

It is in great universities like this that the ideas which can assure our national safety and make tomorrow’s history, are being forged and shaped. Civilization owes most to the men and women, known and unknown, whose free, inquiring minds and restless intellects could not be subdued by the power of tyranny.
