


英国礼仪文化英文介绍 第1篇



英国人的餐饮礼仪相当讲究。 如果你被邀请到别人家做客,就要考虑这样几个情况。比如,该在什么时候到主人家?如果不是谈正经事,只是个社交聚会,早到是不礼貌的。女主人正在做准备,她还没完全准备好你就到了,会使她感到非常尴尬。晚到10分钟最佳。晚到半小时就显得太迟了,需要向主人致歉。






值得注意的是,在正式的宴会上,一般不准吸烟。进餐吸烟,被视为失礼。 英国人喜爱喝酒,苏格兰威士忌和琴酒都是众有皆知的。在英国当地,会有许多爱好喝酒的人士,主要是因为它本身也是个产酒国家。














握手礼是欧美最常见的礼节,在世界许多国家都通行。行礼时距对方约一步,上身稍前倾,伸右手,四指并齐,拇指与之分开伸向受礼者。饭店客房服务中 须注意,客人先伸手时,方能握之,切忌一脚门里一脚门外与人握手,尤忌四人交叉握手。和初次见面的女人通常不握手,只行鞠躬礼。同男人握手越紧,表示友情越深,和女人握手则须轻些。他们不像东欧人那样常常拥抱。随便拍打客人被认为是非礼的行为,即使在公务完结之后也如此。





7. “女士优先”



英国商务礼仪被誉为商务界的礼仪典范,现世界通行的礼仪几乎都是以英国的商务礼仪为模范的。 职业感强烈,是英国人的一大特性。选择了一种职业,就一定要让自己的业务精益求精。












大家都知道法国是个浪漫的国家,而在英国,婚俗礼仪不仅浪漫而且带有自己传统而奇特的色彩。 英格兰人的婚俗丰富多彩,从求婚到度蜜月均按自己的传统方式进行。在英格兰北部约克市求婚方式颇为奇特,继承了古代民间遗风,女孩子成熟以后,需要出嫁了,便穿上不同颜色的紧身服饰,向男性示意。







英国礼仪文化英文介绍 第2篇

英国家庭素有把餐桌当成课堂的传统:从孩子上餐桌的第一天起,家长就开始对其进行有形或无形的进餐教育,目的是帮助孩子养成良好的用餐习惯,学会良好的进餐礼仪,具备各种值得称道的素质或性格。 鼓励孩子自己进餐:孩子长到一周岁至一周岁半时,开始喜欢自己用汤匙喝汤吃菜。绝大多数英国家长认为,孩子想自己进食,标志着一种对人格独立的向往,应给予积极鼓励。


学习用餐礼仪:英国孩子一般两岁开始系统学习用餐礼仪,四岁就能学到用餐的所有礼仪。 让孩子帮忙做事:稍大一些(五岁左右)的孩子都乐于做一些在餐前摆好餐具、餐后收拾餐具等力所能及的杂事。这一方面可以减轻家长的负担,另一方面也让孩子有一种参与感。

英国礼仪文化特点与成因浅析 第3篇


当我们谈到文化时, 我们一方面会想到艺术、音乐、文学等高雅的文化, 另一方面, 我们也会将文化和文明联系在一起。确切地讲, 文化是特定的群体或社会所持有的在精神、物质、知识及情感方面的态度, 这包含了艺术、文学、生活方式、群居方式、价值观、传统及信仰。不同的国家有着不同的文化。而礼仪则是人与人之间交流的规则, 是一种语言, 也是一种工具。由于形成礼仪的重要根源――宗教信仰――的不同, 使得世界上信仰不同宗教的人们遵守着各不相同的礼仪。因此, 礼仪文化也反映了一个民族所特殊的行为、态度和兴趣。中国的礼仪, 始于夏商周, 经过数千年不断地发展变化, 逐渐形成了众多习俗和有别于西方各国的礼仪文化。而英国社会是在经过了漫长的发展与变迁之后孕育了资本主义和现代文明并产生了现代科技和文化。因此, 中英两国的礼仪文化存在非常巨大的差异。随着我国跨国交际活动的不断增多, 中英两国人民接触的机会也越来越多, 然而, 由于种种原因, 中英礼仪文化的差异却并没有因此而减少, 相反, 这种差异往往成了彼此交流与沟通的拦路虎。那么, 中英礼仪文化中有哪些较为明显的差异需要我们了解?又有哪些好文化习俗值得我们尊重和借鉴?

众所周知, 英国是个十分注重礼仪的绅士之国。尤其是在正式场合, 英国人特别注重礼节和风度, 总能让人感觉到他们的“绅士风度”。这种风度不仅表现为英国人对妇女的尊重与照顾等方面, 而且也见于英国人的仪表端庄整洁、言谈举止文明得体。英国人文明礼貌, 注重修养是举世闻名的。在有些国家, 穿着睡衣在小区里散步遛狗或穿着睡衣去菜场买菜似乎已经成为一件大家习以为常的事情, 不过, 大部分英国人却认为睡衣是只有伴侣才能看见的衣物, 穿睡衣出门则被认为是一种不文明和粗俗的行为。他们不但自己注重外表, 讲究礼貌, 同时也要求别人对自己有礼貌。无论你是哪个国家的, 只要你去过英国, 你都会被这个国家浓浓的融洽和礼貌谦和的气氛所感染。在英国的公共场合, 比如说电影院、飞机场或地铁里, 人们很少听见有人高声喧哗或大声说话。他们一般都是很安静的坐着, 一边品茶或喝咖啡一边看书、看报纸。一般而言, 年轻人在公共场所玩弄各类电子产品、大声接打电话或进行微信聊天的人并不多见, 最常见的就是年轻人带着耳机、耳塞听听音乐或闭目养神。与别的国家不同的是, 英国人一般不会在公共场所发出很响的声音去影响他人, 也不会因为你是英国伦敦市长, 在乘坐地铁时就会给其特殊照顾或给其让座。当然, 对于有人有意或无意的大声喧哗、说笑或打闹或做出任何不雅的动作, 他们定会表现出不满或反感, 甚至会给出提醒或严厉呵斥。在有些国家随处可见的插队现象, 在英国, 这样的行为不但被视为非常不礼貌, 而且还会让英国人严重的不满或受到他们的批评与指责。另外, 在跟英国人交谈时还要注意自己的身体语言, 不要用手来指着他人, 因为在英国, 这样的行为被认为是不友好的动作。英国人说话时一般不会靠对方太近, 也非常不喜欢猛烈拍打别人后背。而在公共场所翘起“二郎腿”或随便席地而坐都是英国人眼里失礼的动作。

隐私对我们每个人来说都十分重要, 对英国人也是如此。不同的是, 个人问题, 例如年龄、恋爱关系、婚姻、有无孩子、个人经济状况、健康等涉及私人的话题在我们国家似乎是人们家常便饭或套近乎常用的话题, 然而, 在英国, 在彼此相互不熟识的情况下应当尽量避免, 英国人尤其忌讳别人问有关年龄、家庭或个人的收入以及经济状况。看到朋友戴了漂亮的项链或戒指等私人物品, 最好不要问购买的价格或值多少钱。在外购物要看清价格, 不要和英国人随意讨价还价, 否则, 对方认为你很庸俗且粗鲁。英国人比较慢热, 相处初期往往会显得比较寡言, 但是经过一段时间相处会逐渐健谈。在英国, 最为保险的话题则是讨论天气。因为, 在英国各地的天气往往变幻无常, 从而成了人们不可避免而又最为保险的话题。英国人很有幽默感, 有时他们在调侃的时候, 可能看起来很严肃, 但实际上他们很善于自嘲, 但绝不会对别人的遭遇幸灾乐祸, 而你也千万不要拿他们的不幸当笑话谈论, 更不要以王室的事情作为谈笑的资料, 切忌谈论带有讽刺英国皇家的话题。

在文化交往中, 人们还会遇到一些无形的束缚, 那就是各国的禁忌。在英国, 有些禁忌也是比较特殊的。例如, 大多信奉基督教的英国人常常视自杀为罪恶, 因此, 在交往中要尽量忌谈自杀。在这个国家, 13是个非常不吉利的数字, 无论工作还是生活中, 人们都尽可能避免用这个数字。如果不得已而用到, 人们往往会忧心忡忡, 有人甚至会因此而生病。人们之所以忌讳这个数字, 一方面是基于《圣经》中的故事, 另一方面是源于希腊神话中的说法。另外, 有些英国人认为, 在吃饭时如果用刀叉碰响了水杯, 而任其发响不止, 便会带来不幸, 因此, 在与英国人一起进餐时, 要尽量避免刀叉器皿撞击声。当然, 英国各个教派中也有许多禁忌, 有的教派规定禁止制造和敬拜一切偶像, 有的教派则不允许崇拜其他宗教的神。还有的则规定信徒不可跟非信徒结婚等等。

不难看出, 英国的诸多文化习俗与禁忌跟我们文化中的东西有比较大的区别。其原因是各国的文化习俗都是一个民族在特定的历史条件和地理环境中发展和承袭下来的, 是一种文化体态的象征和体现。因此, 习俗带有明显的民族特点。英国的这些礼仪文化既有别于东方文化, 同样也有别于美国等其他西方国家。这是因为处在一个与欧洲大陆相隔离的群岛上的英国有着独特的、较为孤立的地理位置, 这就使得英国人与其他欧洲人接触的机会相对较少, 从而使大部分英国人的思维与其他欧洲人、美国人, 特别是东方人的思维有很大的差异。而英国又有一个较美国或其他欧洲国家更长的历史, 有着世袭贵族和十分森严的等级制度, 这与大多数西方国家提倡开放、自由和追求平等观念有着巨大的差异。长期的封建统治使得英国人更具容忍性和包容性的同时也更安于现状。另外, 在维多利亚女王在位的六十年里, 一系列严厉甚至近乎苛刻的国法与家规得以制定与完善。女王本人在仪表、修养和行为举止等方面的高贵、典雅、节制和苛求无论是对其后代还是英国中产阶级都产生了极为深刻的影响和相仿。在女王的领导下, 英国其他方面的发展也取得了令全世界瞩目的成绩并在其发展的鼎盛时期渐渐成了闻名于世的“礼仪之邦”。

总之, 礼仪是人与人之间交流的一种工具。由于形成礼仪的原因各不相同, 使得世界上信仰不同宗教的人们遵守着各不相同的礼仪。一个礼仪缺乏的社会, 往往是不成熟的社会。但是, 只知道自己国家的礼仪和禁忌在当今国际交往日益增多的环境里是远远不够的。了解、尊重英国的礼仪文化和禁忌, 不但有助于我们这样不同的文化族群在交流和接触时不产生各种各样的文化冲突和误解, 同时也有助于我们学习并借鉴英国文化中好的东西, 使我们在认清中英礼仪文化差异的同时能够将各自的礼仪文化精髓进行有效合理的融合, 从而让中国原有的优秀文化体系得以进一步的发展和完善。


[1]胡文仲.中英文化习俗比较[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 2010.

[2]Martin Boyle (英国) .英国原来是这样[M].外文出版社, 2009.

英国的用餐礼仪介绍 第4篇

































英国礼仪文化英文介绍 第5篇

【英国留学生就业前景】英文面试自我介绍 英文面试自我介绍范文



I’m very glad to join in the interviw.First,let me introduce myself to you.My name is xxx,I’m 20 years old,I come from Zhe Jiang,and I’m an outgoing girl,I like philosophy and sport.Oh yes,I hope that I can do something for the Beijing Olympics.If you give me the great chance,I won’t let you disappoint.Ok,that’s all.I hope that you are satisfied with me,thank you!各位领导,给位招聘官,大家好!很高兴能参加这次面试,首先让我做个自我介绍,我叫xxx,今年20岁,来自浙江,曾经做过网管的工作,学到了很多东西。我是一个很活泼开朗的女孩,喜欢哲学和运动。这次北京举办奥运会,我很希望能做点什么,如果贵公司给我这个机会,我想我不会让你失望的。简单介绍到这,希望能我今天的表现能令您满意,谢谢!


How are you, I call XX.This year is 22 years old.Graduate from XXXX college.The profession is a calculator multimedia.I am one is bright, optimism, there is the person of responsibility.A fondness for plays basketball, computer, listen to music, 海归求职网()-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务

etc..Thankful your company gives me this the opportunity of the personal interview!你好,我叫XX。今年22岁。毕业于XXXX学院。专业是计算机多媒体。我是一个开朗,乐观,有责任心的人。爱好打篮球,电脑,听音乐,等。感谢贵公司给我这次面试的机会!


Hello!I ’m XX ,I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company.I’m 22 years old and in good health.After graduation from XXXXa middle school, I have studied IT for many years.I am a better man.Do well in personal responsibility ,I am good at both operating a PC,I like palying basketball.computer and listening to the music.I’m interested in the position.I want very much to be accepted by your company.I’ll work hard if I can be a member in your company.面试英文自我介绍范文四:很高兴做自我介绍,我出生在辽宁,专业是国际贸易,毕业于南开大学,我的兴趣是音乐,读书,尤其是经济类的书。很荣幸应聘贵公司,希望能在贵公司实现我的梦想,希望能给我一次机会,谢谢。


I am very happy to introduce myself here.I was born in Liaoning Province.I graduated from Nankai University and majored in International Trade.I like music and reaing books,especially economical books.It is my honor to apply this job.I 海归求职网()-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务

hope I can realise my dream in our company.Please give me a chance.Thank you very much.我很高兴在这里做自我介绍,我是辽宁省出生的,毕业于南开大学,主修国际贸易。我喜欢音乐和读书,尤其是经济类的书。申请这项工作是我的荣幸。我希望我能在我们公司实现我的梦想,请给我一次机会,谢谢。

看过以上的 英文面试自我介绍范文 之后,大家赶紧学起来吧。

西餐礼仪英文介绍 第6篇


Admission, call the owner, that is to start eating.

Take food, not sung too much. After eating food, if not, can be taken. If the greeter at the dish, to be added, to be sent when the receptionist again. If I can not eat or not eat the food, or serve as the master greeter Jia Cai, do not refuse, on the desirability of a small amount of disk, and said “Thank you, enough.” Taste of the dishes are not, do not show An embarrassed expression.

To eat refined. Chewing shut up, do not drink soup, not to eat sounds. Such as soup, hot dishes, cold wait before eating, not to blow his mouth. Inside the mouth of the fish bone, the bones do not directly outside the spit, Yanzui napkins, hand (can be used chopsticks to eat Chinese food) out, or lightly fork in the spit, vegetables on tray.

The leftovers of food, utensils used toothpicks should be placed on disk, not to put their table.

Mouth with food, not to speak. Tiya, napkin or hand over the mouth


Both for the owner, or Peike guests, and the table should talk to people, especially around next to him. Not only with a few acquaintances or two of the same words. If the neighbor did not know, introduce myself first.


As the guest of honor at the banquet to participate in foreign, should be used to understand each others toast, that is why people toast, when the toast, and so on, in order to make the necessary preparations. Clink, and the owner of the guest of honor first touch, many people may indicate a toast at the same time, not necessarily clink. Toast careful not to cross when the clink. And the master chief guest at the speech, toast, the meal should be suspended, to stop talking and pay attention to listen, and do not like to take this opportunity to smoke. Stood when the national anthem is played. The master and guest of honor, then finished with VIP guests clink staff, often to Teachers sprinkle the other table, should an emergency occur, rose to toast. Clink, to pay tribute to each other by sight.

Dinner toast each other, said the friendly, lively atmosphere, but bear in mind that excessive drinking. Drinks too easily slip of the tongue, and even loss, it is necessary to control himself in less than one-third of those who have.


In social occasions, no matter how hot the weather can not solve the buttons off his clothes in public. Small informal dinner, and invited guests, such as the masters of undress, gentlemen can take off his jacket in the back.


(Or coffee) tea, coffee, plus get milk, sugar, cup self to join with small mixing teaspoon, teaspoon back into the still small dishes, usually milk, sugar are in full bloom with separate utensils. Drink at the right hand is holding the Cup, the left hand side small dishes.


Chili, Apple, do not bite with a whole should be cut into four with a fruit knife, 6, and then peeled with a knife, nuclear, and then eat with their hands, peeling knife-edge when North Korea, cut inside from the outside . First banana peel, cut into small pieces to eat with a knife. With a knife and cut into pieces to eat oranges, orange, lychee, longan and so on can eat Bole Pi. The rest, such as watermelon, pineapple, etc., usually go into skin yuan, can be used when eating a fruit knife and cut into small pieces with fork food.

Shui Yu

In the banquet, the chicken, lobster, fruit, in some cases sent a small Shui Yu (Tongpen, crystal bowls or Boli Gang), a floating rose petal water or lemon slices for the use of hand-washing (some people have mistaken for beverages, As a result become a joke). Wash hands when they take turns damp fingers gently Shuanxi, and then use a small napkin or towel dry.

Memorial items

Some of the master for each person attending or have a small souvenir of flowers. At the end of the banquet, call the owner to bring guests. In such, it can be said that it commended the 12 small gifts, but do not have to solemnly said. In some cases, foreign visitors, the dinner menu is often taken as a souvenir, and sometimes I please with those who signed the menu as a souvenir. In addition to the special master to indicate things as souvenirs, a variety of entertainment products, including candy, fruit, cigarettes and so on, are not taken away.


Sometimes in the private sector attended the banquet activities, often my business card or memo said.

Will buffet, cocktail buffet vegetables take, cocktail reception, greeter serve, not to get a gun, I have to be sent to the front of the airport project. Did not get around the first time, not to rush to get their second. Do not dish around the table next to the check End Tuikai that, in order to let other people get.

The use of tableware

Chinese food is the major bowls, chopsticks, is the Western knives, forks, plates. Dinner is usually a foreigner to eat Chinese food, Chinese food is also for the West to eat more, before we go, knife and fork set. The knife and fork is the use of his right hand with a knife, hold the left hand fork, cut into small pieces of food, and then sent a cross inside the mouth. Europeans do not use changing hands, from cutting food were sent to hold the left hand fork. Americans, after cutting, put down the knife, fork right hand holding the entrance to send food. When dinner knife and fork in accordance with the order from outside access inside. After each course, emissions will be set within feet close together and knife and fork to eat that. If finished, then put into a character or a cross placed, knife-edge to inside. Chicken, lobster, indicated by the master, can be torn by hand to eat, or can be cut meat knife and fork, cut into small pieces to eat. Cut with bone or hard shell of meat, meat fork must fork in prison, knife-edge close to cross under the cut, so as not to slide open. Vegetable, be careful not to hit too much force plate and sound. Is not easy to cross the food, or food is not easy on the fork, gently push it available Dao fork. In addition to the soup, do not have to spoon feeding. With deep soup plate or small bowl full bloom, when to drink with a spoon scoop from the inside out into the mouth, is about to do drink, can be set to hold out a little. Eat with the smell of food, such as fish, shrimp, game, etc. equipped with a lemon, juice will hand out food in the drip, to smell out.

Are involved in an accident case

Banquet in progress, due to carelessness, the occurrence of unusual circumstances, such as too much force, knife and fork so that the impact plate, audible, or drop utensils on the floor, or knock over drinks and so on, should not have to worry calm. Tableware out of touch sound, a small sitting next to (or host) say “I am sorry.” Tableware can be dropped to send a greeter to pay. Spilling drinks spilled next to him who should apologize to help dry; as the other women, as long as the clean handkerchief or napkin and handed to her own dry.

(1) 餐巾Napkin

(2) 魚叉Fish Fork

(3) 主菜叉Dinner or Main Course Fork

(4) 沙拉叉Salad Fork

(5) 汤杯及汤底盘Soup Bowl & Plate

(6) 主菜盘Dinner Plate

(7) 主菜刀Dinner Knife

(8) 鱼刀Fish Knife

(9) 汤匙Soup Spoon

(10) 面包及奶油盘Bread & Butter Plate

(11) 奶油刀Butter Knife

(12) 点心匙及点心叉Dessert Spoon and Cake Fork

(13) 水杯Sterling Water Goblet

(14) 红酒杯Red Wine Goblet

英国礼仪文化英文介绍 第7篇

Etiquette is the process and means to show respect to each other in interpersonal relationship by certain, common procedures The Etiquette can be said to be a person’s external appearance of inward cultivation and quality.Inviting and leave-taking are the two main etiquette in social etiquette culture.Owing to the different value orientations between the two countries, Chinese and Americans vary greatly in giving invitings and leave-takings in daily communication In order to avoid the cultural confilction as much as possible, it’s neccessay for both Chinese and Americans to aware the difference clearly.

2、Comparison of Chinese and American ways of Inviting and Leave-Taking in the Etiquette Culture

A、Differences in Inviting

Inviting in American can be devided into two kinds:one is real inviting and the other is unreal inviting.A real invting should be very sincere in American culture.It is an agreement between the host and the invitee because both sides should be available so that they could arrange their schedule properly.So an inviting should be decided by both sides that will make sure about the time, place and event.The invitees really mean to call first to make sure the time is convenien and they should not be late.When the invitee receives an invitation he should say thanks to the host.If the invitee is not available to visit or arrive on time or can’t go to the appointment due to an emergency, it is polite and necessary to explain and apologize to the host.It is also quite common, however, that an American give the sentences which seem like the inviting.For instance, “We can have a dinner some time.I will call you.”, or“Let’s get together some time.”Those sentences are actually not a real inviting.

In China, it is not necessary to make an appointment before a visit.Chinese can be invited anytime and can visit their friends anytime.If someone is invited, it’s a kind of honor.Therefore, the time of a visit is determined by the host.When a inviting is giving to a Chinese, it is common to get no certain response such as“Yes let’s talk about later.”or“Ok, I’ll try to cone.”Those uncertain responses will make Americans feel confused.While in Eastern culture the conversation between the host and the invitee is often full of formula which is a fixed way to show respect.

B、Differences in Leave-taking

Leave taking is also filled with the fixed sentences.Chinese express respect and concerns in leave taking while Americans stress more on appreciation and wishes.The differences of leave taking between China and America can be shown in three aspects as follows

First, Chinese people would like to express thanks in leave taking and Chinese way of expressing thanks is to lower himself/herself and higher others.It is a symbol of politeness and modesty such as“Thank you for your advice today and I have learned much from you today.”In America, people prefer to say something abou the contact so as to show great pleasure of the meeting, such as“Nice talking to you!”etc.

Secondly, Chinese people usually feel guilty for taking up the host’s time.So they always excuse themselves for bothering the host like“Since you are so busy, I won’t spend your time now.Make your business.”Americans apologize for leaving for that they have their own business to do so they have to leave right now.

Third, Chinese usually see friends as their own relatives and they often remind the leaving visitors many times“Be careful on the road!”, “Take care!”.While in America, people pay more attention to respect the individual and“Goodbye”is the frequently used wish language in leave taking.In addition, both Chinese and Americans will express the desire of the next meeting.But the meaning is totally different.As for Chinese people, it’s just a way to show politeness and respect and what they say is just the cliché.It cannot be treated seriously.The hearers may just express their thanks for the inviting.

3、Main Cause of the Differences in Inviting and Leace-taking

Lenell Davis had put it in her book Doing Culture:Crosscultural Communication in Action that“The difference between high and low-context communication is one of the the major sources of confusion, frustration and misunderstanding in crosscultural communication.”According to Lenell’s view, context in communication contains high context and low context.High-context communication brings people together.Low-context communication is more impersonal.The difference in context leads to two completely different value orientations in Chinese and Americans—Collectivism and Individualism.

Chinese people, as high-context communicators, believe that one should immerse into the whole society to exist.China’s strong emphasis on the group, cooperation and coordination, in the process of social development, has built up their group-oriented value.Therefore, in China, collectivism is more important, so team-work is advocated.Harmony is much more important.That’s why Chinese people like to be modest.Being modest means great respect to others in China rather than showing individual achievement.

Americans, as low-context communicators, take everyone’s privacy very seriously.They are confident and worship individual struggle.Americans respect individualism so they yearn for freedom and are not willing to get restriction.The unique experience of American history has determined the formation of their concept of individualism, the basis of American ideology.

4、Inspirations for Communication Between Chinese and Americans

A、Respecting the Etiquette Culture Each Other

Getting to know oneself is crucial to improve intercultural communication, though the idea of knowing oneself is common.One should begin with the analysis of his/her own culture Culture is not of birth;It is learned through communication and helps control communication.If people tend to show their patience and calmness but appear rushed and anxious, then they will have a hard time understanding why others respond to them as they do.Through knowing oneself and others, both Chinese people and Americans can avoid most of the embarrassed situations and understand each other without obstacles.

B、Seeking Common Points While Reserving the Differences

It is an important aspect to be flexible and adaptable in each communication situation.Adaptability requires the ability to adjus oneself to cultural differences as well as a new culture.To develop this ability, you need to learn how to respond to new conditions people, and situations.In order to reach the level of good mutual understanding, efforts should be made to identify these cultural differences and make necessary adjustments in personalized communication style.

摘要:礼仪是在人际交往中, 以一定的、约定俗成的程序方式来表现的律己敬人的过程。邀请语和告别语是社交礼仪文化当中最主要的两种礼仪。由于中美两国受不语境文化和价值取向的影响, 两国人民在日常交际中的邀请语和告别语中存在着诸多差异。为了尽可能地避免两国交流中的文化冲突, 了解这些差异尤为必要。



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