


圣诞节的故事英文 第1篇

On the 24th of December every year, children around the world put out milk and cookies in the hopes of luring a magic fat man into their home who will leave presents behind before sneaking into the house next door.


How did such an odd tradition begin?


You can pretty much blame Northern Europe, where the winter weather is cold and dark and depressing. And the coldest and darkest and depressingest day is the Solstice on December 21st to 22nd when the sun only gives a few weak hours of light if any at all.


These sun-deprived people invented magical characters to visit them and lighten the mood by bringing gifts and celebrations. These characters ranged from elves to Gods to goats, but there are two of particular interest to the modern story.


The first is Saint Nick, in The Netherlands. Saint Nick is thin and perhaps a bit stern, but still brings presents to children in early December. He dresses like a bishop in red and white with a staff and rides on a horse named Amerigo, for whom Dutch children are encouraged to leave out a carrot. Saint Nick is called Sinterklaas in Dutch.

第一个是荷兰的Saint Nick。Saint Nick很瘦,可能还有点严苛,但还是会在12月初带礼物给孩子们。他穿着像主教一样的红白衣服,拿着权仗并骑着一匹名为Amerigo的马,荷兰的孩子们被鼓励留给一支红萝卜。Saint Nick的荷兰文叫做Sinterklaas。

The second character is Father Christmas from England. Father Christmas is a big, jolly pagan dressed in green with a holly wreath on his head. Traditionally he is less concerned with children and gifts than he is with food and wine and celebration and is perhaps best known for being one of the three spirits of Christmas who terrorize Scrooge.

第二个角色是从英国来的Father Christmas。Father Christmas是个身材魁梧、快乐的异教徒,穿着绿色衣服,头戴冬青花环。传统上,他跟孩子们及礼物的关系,还不及于他和食物、美酒和庆典的关系,而且也许他最出名的身分可能是三个圣诞节精灵之中,会恐吓Scrooge(吝啬鬼)的那一个。

When Europeans settled the colonies, Saint Nick and Father Christmas and the other characters began to mix together. This explains why the U.S. version has so many names.

当欧洲人安顿好殖民地后,Saint Nick、Father Christmas及其他角色开始融合。这解释了为什么美国的版本有这么多名字。

Santa Claus is the Americanization of Sinterklaas, but he’s also called Saint Nick and Father Christmas and Kris Kringle which comes from Germany. In the old world these were different characters, but in the new world over time they evolved into one which you can see happening in older stories.

圣诞老人是经美国化的Sinterklaas,但他同样也被称为Saint Nick、Father Christmas还有从德国来的Kris Kringle。在旧世界(欧亚非大陆)这些是不同的角色,但在新世界(美洲大陆),他们随着时间合而为一,你可以在较古老的故事中目睹。

For example, the poem “The Night Before Christmas” came out in 1823 in New York, which established that Santa lands on the roof and fills stocking with toys. But this Santa is an elf, much like those from the Nordic Countries. He’s small and drives a miniature sleigh with tiny reindeer, which makes a lot more sense for someone whose job description includes fitting down chimneys. Also, the word “Santa” appears nowhere in the poem. The original title is “A visit from Saint Nick”.

举例来说,「圣诞节前夕」这首诗是在1823年的纽约诞生的,它表明了圣诞老人会降落在屋顶上,并将袜子塞满玩具。但这个圣诞老人是个精灵,很像那些从北欧国家来的。它身材短小,驾着小型雪橇和迷你驯鹿,这对于一个工作内容包括钻进烟囱的人来说合理多了。同样的,「Santa」这个字在诗里任何地方都没有出现。原本的题目是「Saint Nick的探访」。

As the 1800s continued, a fat, human looking immortal Santa evolved into the standard among American authors. It was in the States that he gained both his elvish workforce and a wife.


By about 1900, Santa had developed into his current iconic style. It should be noted that, contrary to popular belief, Coca-Cola didn’t change his colors to their corporate scheme, but instead used the conveniently red-and-white Santa in 1931 to help sell more soda during their off season. Though Coke didn’t create him, their omnipresent ads probably did brand this as the One True Santa in the minds of millions, helping spread him around the world to many cultures with no traditions of winter gift-givers.


This American Santa in turn influenced his relations in Northern Europe to become more like him, although not always to the pleasure of the locals. In particular, the British Father Christmas has been completely assimilated into the Santa collective, to the point where many Britons don’t realize they were ever separate. In the Netherlands, however, Saint Nick is still successfully holding his own as a distinct character.

这个美国版圣诞老人反过来影响了他在北欧的亲戚们,让他们变得更像他,虽然当地人并非总是对此感到开心。特别是英国的Father Christmas已完全被圣诞老人系列给同化,以致于到了许多英国人并没有意识到他们曾经是不同的地步。然而,在荷兰,Saint Nick还是成功地坚持住自己与众不同的特色。

The one last detail about modern Santa that’s still up for debate, at least between countries, is exactly where he lives. In the late 1800s, his home was the magnetic North

Pole, centered under the aurora borealis.


While this would be the most diplomatic option for Santa, Magnetic North has since moved off the Polar Ice Sheet and into the ocean ― a rather inconvenient place to set up a toy factory.


So Canada claims his workshop is somewhere in Nunavut and has given Santa a post code and ― no joke ― official Canadian citizenship. The American response is that the North Pole doesn’t refer to the obviously inhospitable sheet of non-domestic ice but rather to the little town of North Pole, Alaska. Denmark claims he lives in their former colony of Greenland. And Greenland, not surprisingly, agrees.

所以加拿大声称他的工作坊是在Nunavut某处,并提供圣诞老人一个邮政编码,还有C没在开玩笑C正式的加拿大公民身分。美方的响应是,北极指的并不是明显荒凉、不适宜居住的冰层,而是阿拉斯加的一个小镇,North Pole镇。丹麦声称他住在他们的前殖民地格陵兰。而格陵兰,不意外的,也同意这说法。

The Nordic countries quarrel about his exact location, but Finland is the clear winner of this argument with his workshop in Rovaniemi on the Arctic Circle. For the evidence inclined, you can actually go visit Santa and see the elves, toys, reindeer and post office, which makes Finland’s claim pretty strong. Santa is even available during the off-season.


But no matter where he might be based, Santa still manages to get around the world in just one night to deliver all those presents… and eat all those cookies.



圣诞节的故事英文 第2篇


Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.No one knows the exact date of Christ’s birth, but most Christians observe Christmas on December 25.On this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services.During the Christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmas trees.The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ.The story of Christmas comes chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.The history of Christmas dates back over 4000 years.Many of our Christmas traditions were celebrated centuries before the Christ child was born.The 12 days of Christmas, the bright fires, the yule log, the giving of gifts, carnivals(parades)with floats, carolers who sing while going from house to house, the holiday feasts, and the church processions can all be traced back to the early Mesopotamians.Many of these traditions began with the Mesopotamian celebration of New Years.The Mesopotamians believed in many gods, and as their chief god-Marduk.Each year as winter arrived it was believed that Marduk would do battle with the monsters of chaos.To assist Marduk in his struggle the Mesopotamians held a festival for the New Year.This was Zagmuk, the

New Year’s festival that lasted for 12 days.The Persians and the Babylonians celebrated a similar festival called the Sacaea.Part of that celebration included the exchanging of places, the slaves would become the masters and the masters were to obey.The ancient Greeks held a festival similar to that of the Zagmuk/Sacaea festivals to assist their god Kronos who would battle the god Zeus and his Titans.The Roman’s celebrated their god Saturn.Their festival was called Saturnalia which began the middle of December and ended January 1st.With cries of “Jo Saturnalia!” the celebration would include masquerades in the streets, big festive meals, visiting friends, and the exchange of good-luck gifts called Strenae(lucky fruits).The Romans decked their halls with garlands of laurel and green trees lit with candles.Again the masters and slaves would exchange places.”Jo Saturnalia!” was a fun and festive time for the Romans, but the Christians thought it an abomination to honor the pagan god.The early Christians wanted to keep the birthday of their Christ child a solemn and religious holiday, not one of cheer and merriment as was the pagan Saturnalia.Some legends claim that the Christian “Christmas” celebration was invented to compete against the pagan celebrations of December.The 25th was not only sacred to the Romans but also the Persians whose religion Mithraism was one of Christianity’s main rivals at that time.The Church eventually was successful in taking the merriment, lights, and gifts from the Saturanilia festival and bringing them to the celebration of Christmas.The exact day of the Christ child’s birth has never been pinpointed.Traditions

say that it has been celebrated since the year 98 AD.In 137 AD the Bishop of Rome ordered the birthday of the Christ Child celebrated as a solemn feast.In 350 AD another Bishop of Rome, Julius I, choose December 25th as the observance of Christmas.The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee.The virgin’s name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph.Before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.Joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly.While he thought about these things, Gabriel, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take Mary as wife.And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall call his name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.Before Jesus births, Joseph and Mary came to Quirnius was governing

圣诞节的故事英文 第3篇

1 Christmas Making Spirituality and Materialism Compatible

According to the Bible,the holy book of Christians,God decided to allow his only son,Jesus Christ,to be born by a human mother and live on earth so that people could learn to love each other more.Christmas—meaning celebration of Christ—honors the time when Jesus was born by a young Jewish woman named Mary.Christmas,as the birthday of Jesus Christ and an originally religious celebration day,is closely related with another figure,Saint Nicholas.He became the indispensable part of Christmas due to his generosity and love-giving practice,which are advocated by Christian religion.Christmas represented by its two symbolic personages—Christ

Child and Santa Claus fully demonstrated love,peace,generosity and warmth.The Americans get the idea of human rights and dignity,freedom,democracy and rule from the Almighty God Therefore,when Christmas comes,it is the time for American people to reaffirm their faith by honoring Christ Child whom God had sent to be the Savior of the world.Christmas actually serves as a holiday of spirituality.

Christian believes in Jesus and take Christmas as a mos important day for honoring this important man.However,fas growing business industry and frequent commercial intercourse arouse Americans'strong desire for material wealth.Sponso commercials made full use of Santa Claus.They encourage people to buy presents at Christmas under the guise of image o Santa Claus.Therefore,business elements penetrate slowly into this holiday.Today Santa Claus does not only symbolize the generosity,charity,kindness and benevolence,but also become a valuable sign for the consumption season.Gradually Santa Claus has taken on the aspects of conspicuous consumption and becomes more and more non-religious.

We know from the above that Christmas represents both a symbolic spiritual sustenance and a commercial festival in which the two different values co-exist.Therefore,two different American values emerged in one holiday—Christmas.This festiva combines people's desire for both spirit and material and harmoniously makes these two conflicting values compatible.

2 The Harmonious Unity of Individualism and Group-consciousness in Christmas Time

Americans look on individualism as a rooted value in thei society.They greatly value freedom,independence and competition.They remain loose relationship with family members.Mos of them prefer to live outside rather than stay with their own parents because they see freedom important and do not allow thei privacy to be interrupted.Americans'character of individua freedom can surely promote self-improvement,but it separates individuals from the outside world and confines people to a limited space.When people feel more and more lonely and they cannot get over it,this strong sense of loneliness would drive them home when a proper time comes,that is,Christmas.It is Christmas that provides chances for individuals to go back home and spend merry moment with family members so that the sense of loneliness and the heavy burden of competition work can be driven off.The family provides love,affection,security,safety,morality and identity to its members.

To some extent,Christmas balances Americans'individualism and togetherness.Christmas is the time during which the individuals return to the home and reinforce the ties of the family solidarity.While enjoying the reunion and collective warmth they still keep their value of individualism,which push them forwards for individual success after the holidays.

3 Conclusion

As one of the most popular festivals in the Western world Christmas Day not only conveys its religious traditions,but also shows its influence on American values.During Christmas time Christmas seems to be a balance.At this time,with the help of the Christmas rituals,spirituality,materialism,self-centered individualism,and family-consciousness in American values can be balanced.In short,in American culture,Christmas has gone beyond its originally meaning and has become the perfect combination of the religion with the reality,of materialism with spiritualism,and of individualism with group-consciousness.







圣诞节英文祝福 第4篇


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year.


Warm greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!


Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season.


It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas?to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.


May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you.


A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. Have a beautiful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season. Hope things are going all right with you.


Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success.


Christmas comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer.


A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!


May you have the best Christmas ever.


Much joy to you in the upcoming year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.


A Christmas greeting to cheer you from your daughter.


At Christmas and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.


May the joy of Christmas be with you throughout the year.


Peace and love for you at Christmas from all your students.

圣诞节的英文介绍 第5篇

december 25th is the day of celebration and of fun and frolic. as the long awaited winter holidays arrive, christmas spirit builds up. the lovely snowflakes, our dear santa, decorated homes complete with whole range of christmas star, mistletoe, the good-luck plant, ivy, laurels and not the least the beautifully decorated and illuminated christmas tree are some of the inseparable parts of the picture. the soft music of the christmas carols and children eager to open their gifts certainly lend unique warmth to the coldest day of the year.

the birth of christ is perhaps the most popular festival around the world. the dark night sky, the chilly winters all just provide the perfect backdrop for the reigning red and green colors that cheer up the entire scenery. people visit their families and arrange some of the most lavish parties. the most awaited festival, the christmas signifies love and kindness, joy and happiness. the holiday spirit of the season in one word is - infectious!


圣诞节的英文介绍 第6篇


This was an English tradition which started centuries ago. On Christmas eve, plum porridge was served to the people. As years passed, various other things like dry fruits, honey and spices were used. Soon this porridge got replaced with the Christmas cake. Christmas cakes are made using eggs, butter, confections, fruits, etc. Today a Christmas cake is an integral part of a Christmas menu.


Decorating the Christmas tree


This refers to the tradition of decorating a pine tree using lights, tinsels, garlands, ornaments, candy canes, etc. Today, a Christmas tree is an indispensable part of Christmas celebration.


Lighting up the Christmas candle


This refers to the tradition of placing a lighted candle outside houses during the Christmas season. A candle signifies hope as it brings light even to the darkest room. In the earlier times, when Christians were persecuted, they were not allowed to practice prayers. Hence, a single candle used to be placed outside the house as a sign that Christian prayers were being conducted inside.


Distributing Christmas candies


This is one of the most wonderful traditions of all. Christmas candies are distributed to neighbors during the Yuletide season. On the day of Christmas, all misunderstandings and grudges are forgotten and the community comes together to celebrate the birth of Christ.
