


合同管理综合练习论文 第1篇














4.G公司承包了一处建设工程,在工程建设过程中,由于大量的事件发生,使得工程的费用大量增加,于是G公司提出了索赔,要求业主支付。业主基本同意G公司的请求,但对公司的索赔中包含利润部分表示了异议,认为索赔只有补偿,不包含利润。G公司与业主协商不成,遂诉至法院,法院支持G公司的部分利润要求,驳回了大部分。G公司表示不理解。请问:在什么情况下的费用索赔应包括利润? 什么情况下不包括利润?



































合同管理综合练习论文 第2篇

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.

1. My teacher praised me because I had made ___ .

A. great progresses B. great progress C. a great progress D. little progress

2. The ____ is just around the corner. I don’t think you will miss it.

A. bicycles’ shop B. bicycle shop C. bicycles shop D. bicycle’s shop

3. I don’t think there is ____ else for me to do here now.

A. everything B. anything C. something D. each thing

4. ____ people can live to be 150 in the world.

A. Few B. A few C. A little D. Little

5. This road is ____ that one.

A. three times longer than B. as three times long as

C. longer three times than D. as long three times than

6. There were ____ people in the meeting hall yesterday.

A. three thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine.

B. three thousand and seven hundred and ninety-nine.

C. three thousands seven hundred and ninety-nine.

D. three thousands seven hundreds and ninety-nine.

7. To make a living, he had tried ____, and many other jobs, but had failed in all.

A. to write B. writing C. write D. written

8. They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least two years since I ____ a good drink.

A. had enjoyed B. was enjoying C. enjoyed D. had been enjoying

9. The next day, she ____ her father what ____ when her brother came in.

A. told, happened B. was telling, had happened

C. had told, happened D. had told, had happened

10. Rather than ____ the classroom, he always prefers ____ the playground.

A. sweep, to sweep B. sweep, sweep C. sweeping, sweep D. to sweep, sweeping

11. It was the discovery ____ the Curies had made ____ enabled them to be awarded a Nobel Prize.

A. that, what B. What, that C. that, that D. that, which

12. ____ that the necklace wasn’t a real one, things would have been entirely different.

A. Had she known B. If she knew C. She had known D. she knew

13. He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows, ____ hadn’t been cleaned for at least one year.

A. most of which B. most of them C. most of these D. most of what

14. The curious girl didn’t believe the fact ______ thought______.

A. most of them…to be ture B. as most of them…true

C. that most of them…it to be true D. what most of them…was true

15. After ______ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

A. being interviewed B. interviewing C. interviewed D. have interviewed

16. You see the lightning _____ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.

A. the instant B. for an instant C. on the instant D. in an instant

17.This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen _____ comfortably.

A. is worn B. wears C. wearing D. are worn

18. With the development in science and technology man can make various flowers

______before their time.

A. be bloomed B. bloom C. bloomed D. blooming

19.There are signs_____restaurants are becoming more popular with families.

A. in which B. which C. that D. whose

20.______she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist.

A. That was from Stephen B. It was Stephen whom

C. It was from Stephen that D. It was Stephen that

21. When they will start out hasn’t been decided yet,______?

A. will they B. won’t they C. hasn’t it D. has it

22. I have kept that portrait ______ I can see it every day, as it always reminded me of my university days in London.

A. which B. where C. whether D. when

23.______that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites.

A. Such construction robots are clever B. So clever the construction robots are

C. So clever are the construction robots D. Such clever construction robots are

24.The computerized tests are said to______ the traditional paper test.

A. take place B. take the place C. in place of D. substitute for

25.The manager gave him _____ because he was often late.

A. a warning B. an advice C. a threat D. a suggestion

26. Half his money_____ for food and clothes.

A. costs B. spends C. goes D. pays

27. If you are planning a sightseeing, you’ll have to take the weather into ______.

A. conclusion B. construction C. consideration D. connection

28.If you suspect that the illness might be serious you should not _____ going to the doctor.

A. put off B. put aside C. hold back D. hold up

29. It is not rare in ______ that people in _____ fifties are going to university for further education.

A. 90’s…the B. the 90’s…/ C. 90’s…their D. the 90’s…their

30. Several dictionaries are available in paperback edition _____range of most students.

A. well within the price B. the price within well

C. within well the price D. price within well the

31.Tony realized it important to learn computer .______he is taking a computer course during the holidays.

A. Because B. As C. Therefore D. And

32.One more week, ______we will accomplish the task.

A. or B. so that C. and D. if

33.---Didn’t the guard see him breaking into the back?

---No, he ______in the other direction.

A. was looking B. had looked C. looked D. is looking

34.Two hundred and forty dollars _____too much for that low quality TV set.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

35.It’s wonderful for the fact ______the Chinese team won an unprecedented 28 gold medals in Sydney,12 more than its previous best.

A. that B. / C. which D. because

36.In their______ to reduce crime the government strengthen the police force.

A. effects B. efforts C. powers D. means

37.We need someone really ______ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.

A. informative B. efficient C. emotional D. independent

38.These boxes are much of ______ size, but the one under the table is four times______

size of them.

A. a…the B. the…the C. a…a D. the…a

39.It______three months or so before we______ school.

A. is…will finish B. will be…will finish C. is…finish D. will be…finish

40. His experience caused ______ to realize that there is something wrong with the


A. himself B. him C. it D. he

41.Some paintings, ______ this new self-portrait, are so recent that the paint is barely dry.

A. as B. like C. with D. for

42. He ran fast and soon left the other runners______.

A. back B. away C. behind D. far

43.The movements of a clock are _____ and that is why we can use it to measure time.

A. regular B. punctual C. smooth D. continual

44.Fat people should ______ the temptation to eat a lot of sweet things.

A. resist B. disobey C. cancel D. deny

45.She had gone out to ______ a job, for she had two children to support.

A. find B. look for C. search D. search for

46. Each year 1 million smokers quit, but only 3 to 5 percent ______ stay off cigarettes for a year or more.

A. succeed in B. manage to C. stick to D. keep on

47.The coach said that he couldn’t teach______ children aged only four to play football.

A. so much B. so little C. much many D. such little

48. We are only glad to do anything we can her.

A.too; to help B.very; help C.too; help D.very; helping

49.The doorway is low, so _____ your head when you go in.

A. attend B. mind C. protect D. guard

50. The traffic is very _______.It’s quicker to walk.

A. noisy B. heavy C. smooth D. narrow

合同管理综合练习论文 第3篇

合同能源管理(EPC——Energy Performance Contracting)是一种新型的市场化节能机制。其实质就是以减少的能源费用来支付节能项目全部成本的节能业务方式。这种节能投资方式准许用户使用未来的节能效益为工厂和设备升级,以及降低目前的运行成本。或者节能服务公司以承诺节能项目的节能效益、或承包整体能源费用的方式为客户提供节能服务[1]。


2 合同能源管理项目风险评价指标体系















3 模糊层次分析法合同能源管理项目风险模型

3.1 设M为目标层,p为判据层(有m个元素),z为指标层(有n个元素),则可建立层次评价模型如图1所示。




3.2 Ak的一致性检验和各评价指标权重值的确定




4 模糊层析分析法在合同能源管理项目风险评价中的应用



4.1 由AHP可得到如下判断矩阵Mk,Pik



4.2 指标层各指标权重的确定根据ubci=∑ucibjuabj可得到:

4.3 投标工程项目风险等级的评价由各组专家给出的等级隶属度评定值可得如下权重矩阵:


ai=(0.333 0.330 0.3327)


5 结论









建筑施工企业合同综合管理探讨 第4篇

关键词:建筑施工企业;合同综合管理;企业内部管理;合同管理制度;建筑行业 文献标识码:A

中图分类号:TU723 文章编号:1009-2374(2015)22-0170-02 DOI:10.13535/j.cnki.11-4406/n.2015.22.084


1 建筑施工企业合同管理的现状

1.1 签订合同的主体不恰当,没有进行资信审核


1.2 合同内容不规范,表里不一


1.3 合同监督不到位,缺乏专业性人才


2 建筑施工企业合同综合管理的措施

2.1 建立健全合同管理制度


2.1.1 制定规矩,明确职责。要真正解决“合同多头管理,实则无人管理”的现状,明确各部门的职责、职能以及严格规定管理流程和惩罚措施,加强对各部门的监管,一旦发现有违背企业合同内容的情况,就严厉打击,做到“有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究”,确保企业内部各部门都严格按照合同办事。

2.1.2 制定适合企业实情的管理办法。合同管理涉及的环节众多,因此需要各个环节都制定出适合该企业发展情况且操作性强的管理条例,如合同履行监控管理的具体办法、合同档案管理办法以及合同纠纷处理的具体办法等。但值得注意的是,要将企业合同综合管理的办法与各个细节管理之间完美结合,既能防范风险,又能提高企业的工作效率。同时还应加强对企业合同综合管理部门人员的教育培训工作,让他们对自己所工作的内容有更为直观的了解,制定出简明扼要的工作流程图,以确保合同综合管理的各个环节都能落实到实处。

2.2 制定合同标准文本


2.3 代表授权委托


2.4 加强合同文本的评审


2.5 加强合同情况的监管


3 结语



[1] 杨伟终.对提高建设工程项目合同综合管理能力的探讨[J].科技创业月刊,2013,(3).

[2] 何中伟.浅谈建筑施工企业合同综合管理[J].合作经济与科技,2014,(18).

[3] 宋丹.通信企业合同综合管理系统需求分析[D].北京邮电大学,2010.

[4] 邓军.浅谈建筑施工企业合同的综合管理[J].中国科技信息,2007,(10).

[5] 孙晓兵.建筑施工企业合同的综合管理[J].网络财富,2010,(23).

合同管理综合练习论文 第5篇

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.

1. The radio says that rainfall has been above ________ this July.

A. normal B. common C. ordinary D. usual

2. No matter how much money you have, it can not ______ a healthy body.

A. match B. fit C. defeat D. compare

3. I haven’t seen you for a couple of days. What have you been up _______?

A. in B. to C. with D. for

4. I advise you to take school more seriously, otherwise you’ll have to go out and work ________.

A. as a result B. now and then C. in a word D. at that moment

5. It _______ as if the suit was made _______ his own measurements.

A. is said; with B. sounds; on C. seemed; to D. looked; by

6. I _______ pay Tracy a visit, but I’m not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.

A. should B. might C. would D. could

7. _______ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.

A. While B. Sine C. As D. If

8. She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her last book _________ 50 million.

A. have reached B. has reached C. are reaching D. had reached

9. Tom often _______ meals and his brother, Jim ________ the dishes after meals.

A. brings in; pick up B. brings on; picks up

C. brings on; picks out D. brings up; picks off

10. We have to ________ the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.

A. get away B. get across C. get through D. get in

11. No matter where he goes, he would like to _______ the best upon mind.

A. impress B. let C. take D. put

12. You must get up earlier to catch the first train, _______?

A. needn’t you B. mustn’t you

C. will you D. won’t you

13. Many families in the USA are doing everything they can, so that they can fight the ________ of living.

A. cost B. income C. standard D. price

14. After 2 hours’ driver, the visitors reached _______ they believed to be the place they’d been dreaming of

A. where B. what C. which D. that

15. The old lady, ________ killed in the war, was given help by the government.

A. all of her children were B. whose children

C. all of whose children D. all of her children

16. Who is it up _______ decide whether to go or not.

A. to to B. to C. for to D. to for

17. There will come a day when people of the whole country ________ a happy life.

A. live B. will live C. will have lived D. are living

18. ---_________ he open the door? ----Yes, please.

A. Shall B. Will C. Can D. Would

19. He will come to see my father _______ three o’clock.

A. in B. after C. by D. until

20. They are going to return some of the milu deer to the wild, ________ their number increases year by year.

A. so B. for C. therefore D. and

21. ---You must get there before six p.m. Can you make it?

---________. I’ve got a car.

A. Out of the question B. Without question

C. Absolutely certain D. I hope so

22. The people to be invited to the party were allowed to dress _______ they please.

A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whoever

23. ----David had an accident and lost his leg. ----________?

A. Since when has that been? B. For how long has been that?

C. When has that been? D. How long ago was that?

24. Boris is always so ____; he can arrange and plan his things very carefully and effectively.

A. organized B. controlled C. fixed D. arranged

25. It took quite a long time before we felt we ______ in the city.

A. impressed B. constructed C. belonged D. created

26. She is looking _______ for an article of _____ for her husband.

A. forward, clothes B. up, clothing

C. on; cloth D. out, clothing

27. Our teacher has a _________ for thinking up ways ________ his speeches attractive.

A. gift; of making B. gift; to make

C. knowledge; of making D. knowledge; to make

28. ----Look at the clouds. It _____ soon.

----Sure. If only we _______ out!

A. is raining; didn’t come out B. is to rain; won’t start

C. will rain; haven’t come D. is going to rain; hadn’t started

29. There is no doubt ______ the truth of the fact.

A. about B. with C. as to D. A or C

30. Books are the most important records we keep ______ man’s thoughts, ideas and feelings.

A. up B. of C. for D. on

31. ____________ working tirelessly for the hungry, the homeless and the sick, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

A. Because B. Owing to C. Thanks for D. As

32. To our greatest joy, he has ________ his long illness.

A. got through B. gone through

C. pulled through D. put forward

33. ____ days going on, our homeland will become richer and richer, stronger and stronger.

A. As B. With C. By D. To

34. Shanghai has a larger population _________.

A. than that of Beijing B. than that in Beijing’s

C. than Beijing D. than Beijing’s

35. ---Shall I help you with that suitcase? ----_________.

A. It’s all right, thanks B. Yes, go ahead please

C. I don’t want to trouble you too much D. No, please don’t do it

36. ---They are having a meeting.

---Maybe they will be through _______.

A. at present B. presently C. later D. for the present

37. Fred didn’t marry again. He never _______ the shocks of losing Jane.

A. smoothed away B. made out of

C. got rid of D. got over

38. One of the advantages of living on top floor of a high rise is that you can get a good ____.

A. sight B. scene C. view D. look

39. His brother lost his life ________ the field of the battle.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

40. You may _______ remember some idioms in the texts but you couldn’t _______ remember all words in them.

A. probably; possibly B. possibly; probably

C. likely; possibly D. probably; likely

41. The _____ street was the only _______ to her house.

A. dead-end; access B. dead-ending; way

C. dead-end; enter D. dead-ended; access

42. A family can hardly manage _______ $ 5000 a year.

A. in B. on C. with D. to

43. It is said that he _____. He _______ a gift _______ art.

A. is born artist; has, for B. is a born artist, shows, in

C. was borne an artist, has, for D. was born an artist, shows, for

44. Though poor in health, he _______ attending today’s meeting.

A. insisted B. made a point of

C. made it a point to D. had expressed, that

45. He felt as if he alone ________ what had happened.

A. be responsible to B. should be responsible for

C. had been responsible for D. were responsible for

46. There are two big reading rooms in our new library, _______ about three hundred students in all.

A. sit B. sitting C. seating D. seated

47. He kept a little notebook, in which _______ the names and addresses of his friends.

A. wrote B. writing C. was written D. were written

48. When doing the repair work, workers often carry their building materials __________ the end of long poles.

A. in buckets, at B. with buckets, at

C. using buckets, in D. inside buckets, in

49. The watch he sent me last year keeps good time ________ the minute.

A. to B. in C. at D. with

50. If you _______ your belief, you promise to succeed finally.

A. hug B. stick up for C. keep up with D. hold out

合同管理综合练习论文 第6篇

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.

1. The engineer told everyone about the place he would ________ the boss.

A. take B. take of C. give for D. give of

2. I’ll thank you _______ my affairs alone.

A. leaving B. to leave C. for leaving D. not to leave

3. The women carrying babies, come in first, _______?

A. will you B. will they C. don’t they D. don’t you

4. Mary doesn’t think that ring ________ its price.

A. is worth of B. being worth of C. is worthy of D. being worthy of

5. Mary doesn’t ______ the life there. She is often ill.

A. fit in with B. go with C. fit for D. like

6. For a long time they walked without saying ________ word. Jim was the first to break ________ silence.

A. The; / B. a; the C. a; / D. the; /

7. They will ________ you even though you don’t succeed.

A. stand for B. stand up C. stand against D. stand by

8. There will come a day when all of us will be living in cities quite different from _______ of the present.

A. that B. ones C. those D. the ones

9. To support the family, Tom takes on much more work than ______ good for him.

A. is B. to be C. which is D. that is

10. His fear of flying was ______ she always managed to travel by train or by boat.

A. such that B. such as C. so that D. so as

11. -Excuse me. Can you spare me a few minutes?

- _____.

A. What’s on? B. What’s up?

C. What’s more? D. What is it?

12. Not that John doesn’t want to help you, _____it’s beyond his power.

A. but that B. for that C. and that D. in that

13. -How could I thank you enough?

-Don’t mention it. Any other man _____ that.

A. would do B. will do

C. would have done D. had done

14. ----How do you like Mr Li’s paintings?

----To tell you the truth, no one paints _______ .

A. terribly B. worse C. the worst D. badly

15. You ____ pay too much attention to your English learning, as it is so important.

A. should B. must C. cannot D. needn’t

16. John told you that there wasn’t anyone in the room at that time, _____?

A. was there B. wasn’t there

C. didn’t he D. did he

17. It matters little _____ a man dies, but ____ matters much is _____ he lives.

A. how; what; how B. how; it; how

C. why; it; why D. that; what; that

18. -So you have to leave now.

-Yes, I ______.

-How nice it would be if you could stay a bit longer!

A. have to B. ought to C. do D. have

19. -Sorry to have hurt you.

-_______. You didn’t mean to, did you?

A. Forget it B. No problem

C. All right D. Don’t say so

20. You must attend carefully _____ these instructions.

A. in B. for C. on D. to

21. The train was ten minutes late, so I _____ have run all the way from my house to the station.

A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t

22. “Bill, keep the things _____ here secret, will you?” said the manager after the meeting.

A. discussed B. being discussed

C. to be discussed D. having been discussed

23. -Did you blame the accident on him?

-Yes, but I’d _____it.

A. better not do B. rather not do

C. better not have done D. rather not have done

24. Tom is coming. With him _____me, I’m sure I will finish the work on time.

A. helping B. to help C. helps D. help

25. -Watch out! A car is coming down the bridge.


A. No, you needn’t remind me of that

B. Thank you. I’ve already noticed that

C. Oh, it doesn’t matter

D. Thank goodness you mentioned that

26. -How do Americans like to be called?

-Most of them don’t object _____ them by their first names.

A. that I call B. for calling

C. to my calling D. to call

27. Human beings are different from animals ____ they can use language as a tool to communicate.

A. in that B. for that

C. in which D. for which

28. We happen to be of _____ age, and we all go in for _____ American football.

A. the same; the B. /; /

C. an; / D. an; the

29. We _____ trying to get all the information we need before the end of the week.

A. rushed around B. looked out

C. hurried out D. came away

30. -I thought you were all proud of the work I _____.

-I’m afraid not. You’d better change it for another.

A. do B. had done

C. did D. would do

31. --- I want to ask you a question, sir?

--- _____?

A. What B. What for

C. What about D. How about

32. ---- What is the matter with you?

---- After the long walk, my legs _____ and I couldn’t go any further.

A. gave out B. gave off

C. gave in D. gave up

33. ---- Don’t forget to take the message to my teacher.

---- _____.

A. Yes, I will B. No, I won’t

C. I don’t think so D. Sorry, I don’t

34. I haven’t seen you for ages. What have you been up _____?

A. in B. to C. with D. for

35. ----- Mum, it is nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon.

----- Don’t you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _____ your weight?

A. stand B. bear C. catch D. take

36. ---- Look! Someone has spilt coffee on the carpet.

---- Well, it _____ me.

A. isn’t B. wasn’t

C. hasn’t been D. hadn’t been

37. The party was successful, but we thought it a pity not __ you.

A. invite B. to invite

C. inviting D. to have invited

38. ---- How would you like your coffee?

--- __________________.

A. It’s well done

B. Very nice. Thank you.

C. One cup. That is enough

D. The stronger, the better

39. --I believe whoever gets the job will be well paid.

--Then why don’t you take it ?

--Well, I _____ about it .

A. just think B. am just thinking

C. just thought D. was just thinking

40. Do you expect _____ to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture that we need?

A. there B. that C. one D. it

41. Tom, I shall never forget the wonderful days _____ we worked together before

we left the country.

A. that B. which C. what D. when

42. -Would you mind if I used your telephone?

-______.A. Yes, do please. B. Go ahead C. Of course D. All right

43. When you read the book, you’d better make a mark_____ you have any questions.

A. at which B. at where C. the place where D. where

44. -How long have you stayed in this hotel?

-Not long, just ____ the Monday.

A. on B. until C. after D. since

45. -Do you regret paying five hundred dollars for the painting?

-No, I would gladly have paid _____ for it.

A. twice so much B. twice as much C. as much twice D. as twice much

46. Cold chicken is delicious _____ salad.

A. when to eat with B. when eaten with

C. when to be eaten with D. when eating with

47. A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a work force of 400 Cambodians,____.

A. most of them women B. most of whom women

C. and most of whom are women D. most of them are women

48. _______ is that the population of China is the largest.

A. It is well known B. As is well known

C. Which is well known D. What is well known

49. Those to be invited to the party were allowed to dress _____ they pleased.

A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whoever

50. The young mother saw her baby fall to the ground, ______ brought her heart to her mouth

A. and which B. which C. it D. this
