


英语演讲稿:英语职业是我最佳的选择 第1篇


On January 13, Jin Weijie, a teacher from Longhua Chinese-English Experimental School in Baoan rushed to save four primary school students and sacrifice herself.

On March 31, a traffic accident happened in Jiangsu Province, once again, a primary school teacher, Yin Xuemei, saved six primary school students’ lives, while losing her own. This touched my heart deeply. Who is the greatest? The teacher! If it was me, if I happened to be there, I would do the same thing, because I am a teacher, too.

Working as a teacher, maybe there is nothing special in their life. But we have a belief deep within, that is --we must protect our students, keep our children safe, we won’t let any of them get hurt. Just as what the commissioner of education in Jiangsu Province said: “The accident happened so quickly, it happened in a flick of an eye, there is no time to think about it or hesitate, saving the others is an instinctive action. She did it only because she was of great stature. She forgot about herself in the heat of the moment. ”

There is no doubt, teachers are worth all respect! Teachers are selfless! They impart knowledge to the students, they offer ways and skills of learning to their students, and they offer their lives with no hesitancy when necessary! So I am proud of being a teacher. I like students, teaching will be my life-time career.

Choosing the right career is very important, most of us spend a great part of our lives doing jobs. Some of us have become very successful. Mainly because they have chosen appropriate careers which match their talents and stimulate their interests . I prefer teaching English. English is my favorite. In my opinion, teaching English is more wonderful than any other subject.

There are thousands of different languages in the world. Which language is the most important? As we know, English is an international language, and it could be used all over the world. English is becoming more and more important and popular in China. We adults learn English, school students learn English, even the babies in the kindergarten learn English. It’s a necessary language if you want to go abroad, It’s an essential quality for the researchers to get the latest information in the world quickly. In an age of fast communication, if we want to learn about the outside world, English is definitely the language we should know.

Let’s take a look at a practical viewpoint, if you’re looking for a job that can provide you a good position and a high salary, understanding English often makes it much easier. It can’t be denied that English is very important if you want to make a good living. English is a very important language no matter what you do or where you go, Millions of people would like to master English, but it’s not a piece of cake.

So being an English teacher is good. I am fortunate that I can express my opinions in English. So I am lucky I can teach English.

Furthermore, Being an English teacher, I am very content. I am so grateful to have a life that is filled with teenagers’ trust and love. When my students answer my questions correctly, when they discuss passionately, when they communicate with foreigners fluently, when I see the slowest in thought make progress, I know I have done a great job. Nothing can replace my pleasure.

So being an English teacher, I have got fantastic pleasure. It is English that makes my life wonderful. It is English that makes me feel confident. It is English that makes me different

If there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, I won’t choose anything except being an English teacher.

I enjoy my job, and I love my life.

英语演讲稿:英语职业是我最佳的选择 第2篇

Education should be equally devoted to enriching the personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers."


英语演讲稿:英语职业是我最佳的选择 第3篇



高职英语教学其本质一方面, 需要进行高等英语知识的教育;另一方面, 也需要进行职业化的教育, 保证高职教育的本质特征。随着教育改革的推进, 高职教育的这种双重属性应该得到重视, 而在具体的教育过程中, 其属性的表现要重视学生能力、素质的教育, 使得高职教育更接近其本质的观念变革。高等职业教育要培养学生应具备的素质应和时代对我们提出的要求一致, 这就是政治素质、科学文化素质、思想道德素质、业务素质和身体心理素质等。其中, 科学文化素质是最基本的素质, 而英语学科的基本素质就是要让学生拥有用英语进行口头交际和书面交流的能力。通过高职教育全面培养英文复合型知识人才, 树立全面的素质教育思想。


应用型人才主要是要通过教育手段积极探索灵活多样的培养模式, 为区域经济和社会发展培养实用型高技能型人才, 是推动高职学院教育持续健康发展基本要求。应用型的人才主要是要求教师必须不断更新知识结构, 自觉转变教育观念, 创新教学方法, 才能应对挑战, 才能为社会培养出生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的高等技术应用型人才。自然在这个过程中, 教师必须要进行自身能力的发展, 定期到企业, 基层, 实地接触毕业生的工作环境, 根据社会的要求培养人才, 使教学不与社会实际脱节。


新世纪职业教育的改革与发展, 奠定了“以就业为目标”教学导向。该教学导向建筑在“以能力为本位”理念基础上。职业主义强调教育与训练要加强与产业的联系, 满足经济发展的要求, 同时注重个人的发展。以就业为目标教学理念指导下, 首先, 高职英语教学改革必须要进行专门用途英语的教学转变。转变过程中, 教师的教学地位要与英语专业用途联系起来, 形成双师型的教学组织者的状态。其次, 要专门开始专门用途的英语教学内容。例如, 将旅游英语、商务英语、会展英语等课程就从书本教学延伸到了岗位教学之中, 保证高职英语教学目标的实现。


高职学生具有一定的英语基础和知识, 但整体水平不高, 学习基础较差, 对英语不感兴趣。面对这种多层次、水平参差不齐、基础较差的学生, 我们原有的教学方法已完全不能适应, 教学内容也偏深, 难找到适合高职学生使用的英语教材。



在教学过程中主要是学生在控制着教学的过程, 没有学生的动机, 语言教学就没有生机, 语言课堂就没有生命。当教学内容的选择过程中教师知道运用一些方法来激发学生的动机时, 教学也就会更让学生感到愉快。为突出英语教学的学习动机的体现, 教学中主要采取活动模拟的措施:

(1) 每次授课结束时, 根据本课的内容进行创造性表演, 或在新课开始前, 对前次课内容通过表演形式进行复习。这样激发了他们创造的欲望, 又锻炼了学生胆识, 能学以致用, 有利于语言的巩固和利用。

(2) 适当删减英美文学、语言学等方面的内容。顺应学生专业发展的需求。在英语教学设计、课堂组织上要迎合学生内在的专业及未来职业发展对英语的需求预期。如对市场营销专业的学生.在英语课堂上可以设计出“我是推销员”的角色扮演活动, 模拟了学生未来真实的工作场景。


高职英语教育要以培养学生的职业能力为核心来构建教学内容和课程体系, 作为高职教师在教学过程中要充当讲师和工程师双重角色, 因此学校要制定教师发展规划, 加强英语教师在教学理论, 提高职业教学能力, 真正成为“双师型”教师。其次, 在教学内容的选择方面学校应该遵循“以服务为宗旨, 以就业为导向, 以能力培养为主线”的高职教育方针。注重学生职业技能的发展, 根据学生专业及其毕业后从事的工作岗位, 积极推进以职业为导向的高职实用性英语教学新模式, 教学内容集中在岗位所需要的能力培养上。


培养学生独立思考自学的能力和自我发展的能力, 是英语素质教育的重要环节。教学内容的选择一定要有助于学生自学能力的培养。著名教育家陶行知提出“社会即学校”, 主张“生活教育与生俱来, 与生同去”。陶行知所说的“教育”要重视高职学生自学能力的培养, 才能使他们在走向工作岗位之后持续进取和不断提高。因此高职英语的教学内容要注重对学生学习方法的指导教学, 使学生能不依赖他人而运用一定的学习方法, 靠自己进行独立思考了解英文文化、知识, 并进行独立的研究。

综上所述, 高职英语教学内容的选择, 要重视高职教育的特点, 在具体的实施过程中要重视培养学生的自学能力, 促进学生应用能力的培养, 重视其学习动机的激发, 全面实现培养社会主义人才的教育目标。


[1]雷智平, 许立信.立足专业特色的化工专业英语教学改革[J].广州化工, 2011, (09) :96-98.

米兰球迷,是我选择的终身职业 第4篇














英语演讲稿:英语职业是我最佳的选择 第5篇

thirty college students across the country attended the tenth 21st century cup national english speaking contest in beijing on april 10.eventually, xia peng, from nanjing university was named the champion.the second and third places went to zhang jing, a sophomore from china foreign affairs university, and zhang a xu, from hong kong polytechnic university, respectively.more than 1000 college students in beijing are lucky birds to listen to the speeches on the spot in friendship hotel.just make to it the finals, they had to get past 60 others speaking on “the impact of globalization on traditional chinese values”.that was at the semi-final on april 8-9.what will chinese college students think about the impact? each contestant had his own take on the subject.xia summed up globalization by saying: “it’s just controversial and hard to say whether it is good or bad.” xia took the old wall of his city, nanjing, as a metaphor.he spoke about the conflict over whether to protect the old walls or tear them down to represent the conflict of ideas.he suggested that people protect the wall as a valuable relic while tearing down the “intangible walls” of their minds that prevent communication.while some other students are more focusing on the impact of globalization on family relations, attitudes towards love, and job-hunting.over the past 10 years, the national english speaking competition has given contestants a chance to speak on a variety of topics closely related to their lives.chinese students become more open-minded and receive various ideas and thinking over the decade.diversity becomes more obvious on campus, students have more opportunities to express and show themselves.it’s not an easy task for the 海量资料分享

contestants to win through the fierce competition.owning to their passion, hard work and persistence, they finally succeeded in the contest.liu xin, the first champion of the national contest, is now an anchorperson of cctv-9.recalling the passion of study on campus, she said: “when you want to express your idea by a foreign language without finding a right way, you’re really upset.then you have to encourage yourself, and after a long term of bitterness, suddenly you find you get the right way with joy.” with the champion title in 21st century cup, liu attended the international public speaking competition in london in may 1996 afterward and got the first prize historically.the winner in XX surprised the audience, since she came from accounting major instead of english major.gu qiubei, then 22 years old, was a senior in shanghai foreign studies university.while being asked whether she had some good methods to learn english, she said: “learn english with passion and enthusiasm.” attracted by the greatness of english language, gu even changed her major from accounting to english in her postgraduate study.the most important issue in english learning process she pointed out is personal interests.only people interested in english benefit a lot from the learning methods and those with passion will finally achieve their dreams.when chief of global media giant viacom sumner redstone gave a speech in tsinghua university on his autobiography a passion to win, he was asked what made him to restart his career at the age of 60, the 81-year-old media tycoon said: “firstly, there’s a self-driving force in my deep heart, which keeps my passion to succeed and surpass others;secondly, i don’t think i’m too old to leave work, actually i love my work very much.”

some of the contestants have achieved their dreams as redstone;still others are 海量资料分享

on the way to their dream.with a passion to win, you will overcome obstacles and succeed at the end.i’m studying in a city that’s famous for its walls.people who visit my city are amazed at the imposing sight of its walls, especially when silhouetted against the setting sun with gold, shining streaks.the old, cracked bricks are covered with lichens and the walls are weather-beaten guards standing still for centuries.our ancestors liked to build walls.they built walls in beijing, xi’an, nanjing and many other cities, and they built the great wall, which snakes across half our country.they built walls to protect against enemies and evil spirits.this tradition has survived to this day: we still have many parks and schools walled off from the public.for a long time, walls were one of the most natural things in the world to me.my perceptions, however, changed after i made a hiking trip to the eastern suburbs of my city.my classmates and i were walking with some foreign students.as we walked out of the city, we found ourselves flanked by tall trees, which formed a wide canopy above our heads.suddenly one foreign student asked me, “where is the entrance to the eastern suburbs?”

“we’re already in the eastern suburbs,” i replied.he seemed taken aback, “i thought you chinese had walls for everything.” his remark set off a heated debate.at one point, he likened our walled cities to “jails”, while i insisted that the eastern suburbs were one of the many places in china that had no walls.海量资料分享
