


英语专八写作总结 第1篇


1. In general, I don’t agree with...

2. In my opinion, this point of view doesn’t hold water.

3. The chief reason why..., is that...

4. There is no doubt that...

5. It is not true that...

6. It can be easily denied that...

7. We have no reason to believe that...

8. What is more serious is that...

9. But it is a pity that...

10. Besides, we should not neglect that...

11. But the problem is not so simple. Therefore....

12. Others may find this to be true, but I believe that...


1. Perhaps I will question why...

2. There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to...

3. Though we are in basic agreement with..., but...

4. What seems to be the trouble is...

5. Yet differences will be found,that’s why I feel that...

6. It would be reasonable to take the view that...,but it would be foolish to claim that...

7. There is in fact no reason for us to believe that...

8. What these people fail to consider is that...

9. It is one thing to insist that...,it is quite another to show that...

10. Wonderful as A is, however,it has its own disadvantages too.

11. The advantages of B are much greater than A.

12. As advantage sounds ridiculous when B,s advantages are taken into consideration.


1. It has increased by three times as compared with that of .

2. There is an increase of 20% in total this year.

3. It has been increased by a factor of 4 since 1995.

4. It would be expected to increase 5 times.

5. The table shows a three times increase over that of last year.

6. It was decreased twice than that of the year .

7. The total number was lowered by 10%.

8. It rose from 10 -15 percent of the total this year.

9. Compared with ,it fell from 15 to 10 percent.

10. The number is 5 times as much as that of 1995.

11. It has decreased almost two and half times, compared with...

英语专八写作总结 第2篇

1、注重写好文章的框架 文章的框架很重要,例如连词的活用,英语句子很讲究逻辑,所以要活用连词

2、句型的多样化 不要老是用简单的主从复合句,要多用一下其他句子,像倒装句,无人称主语的there be句,非谓语动词

3、基本句型包括Ⅰ.主谓句;Ⅱ.There be;Ⅲ.主系表结构的句子;Ⅳ.被动语态

4、复杂句型 包括Ⅰ.并列句;Ⅱ.从句(定语,状语,名词性,非谓语)






英语专八写作总结 第3篇

英语专业八级考试听力部分的难点, 是第一部分mini-lecture:由一个900个单词的讲座和一项填空任务组成。要求学生边听边做笔记, 然后在10分钟之内完成填空任务。它要求考生在没有看到题目, 无从把握重难点的情况下, 适当做笔记, 然后凭自己的记忆和笔记来填空, 因而增加了考试的难度。


只要研究一下历年的真题, 考生不难发现, 专业八级听力部份给出的讲座极具条理性, 脉络分明, 而要求填空的词也是一些明显的关键词, 即讲座的主要内容。

针对讲座的这个特点, 我们应该把注意力放在把握讲座的核心内容, 记下与中心意义相关的词或短语上面。实践证明, 在听讲座的过程中, 利用讲座的语篇结构, 以及说话人话语转折的标志性词汇和重音变化, 能帮助学生迅速识别讲座的中心意思和重难点, 从而提高笔记的有效性。

1 语篇结构

我们通常用语篇来泛指一个完整的语言材料, 它包括一切形式的语言交往和一切文体的语言材料。不论哪一类型的语篇, 都在长期使用中形成了一种特定的模式。因此, 在我们听材料过程中, 对各类语篇模式进行分析, 能帮助学生处理好句子, 句群, 段落和语篇的关系, 实现全面, 准确理解的目的。请看下文:

Good morning.Today's lecture will focus on how to make people feel at ease in conversations.There are four steps.

First of all, good talkers ask questions.Almost anyone, no matter how shy, will answer a question.

Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen for answers.

Next, good talkers are not afraid to laugh.If you think of all the people you know who make you feel comfortable, you may notice that all of them laugh a lot.

Finally, good talkers are ones who cement a parting.That is, they know how to make use of parting as a way to leave a deep impression on others.

Okay, just to sum up.Today, we've talked about four ways to make people feel at ease in conversations.

可以看出, 这类语篇的基本特点是:讲话人开门见山, 一开始便点出将要在讲座中谈论的问题, 这是全文的核心。然后对跟这些问题有关的方面逐一进行详细论述。具体分为三个部分:a.开场白:介绍了讲座的主题是关于如何成为谈话高手。b.具体介绍四种谈话技巧。c.结束语。讲座的第二部分是重点, 虽然讲述的具体主题有所不同, 但它们分别只表达了中心思想的某个方面, 文章提到的四种技巧之间呈现出并列关系, 它们在更大的主题范围内又是统一的共同构成一个完整的语篇。

---------Topic:Conversation skills:4


1.Skill to ask question

2.Skill to listen for answers

3.Skill to laugh

4.Skill to part

------Sum up

针对这个特点, 我们记笔记的时候可以通过分行记录重点词汇, 使之更具条理性:

2 转折词汇

转折词汇, 指在同一话题中, 一个命题的结束和另一个命题开始的标记。比如上文中“First of all”, “Second”, “next”, “finally”, 标志不同层面主题的开始, “Thus”标志该层面主题的结束。另外, 副词“Well”“But”的语用功能远远超过它的字面意义, 也可以作为话语的界限标记, 例如:“Well, as to the second prob-lem, ..”.“, But at the same time a number of other technological appeared...”。我们在记录过程中, 可以利用这些词汇把握不同主题之间的切换, 抓住中心大意。

3 话语特征

我们还可以通过分析语段的开头和结尾所具有的不同话语特征, 如语段开头用重读音结尾常用降调, 句尾停顿较长等特点, 来预先判断另一个层次的话题的开始, 例如:

上文中, 开头句引出了主题---关于谈话技巧的问题。我们可以看出, 该讲座的主题及其各个层次的主题都是由具有引导性的句子或词, 通过重读音表达出来的。比如“Today's lecture will focus (重读) on how to make people feel at ease (重读) in conversations.”该句作为讲座的导语, 引出了整个讲座的主题。而各个语段的结尾, 讲话人常用一个总结性的话语表达, 并在句尾用降调, 伴随较长的停顿, 比如:“Okay, just to sum up (降调, 较长时间的停顿) ”。此句作为该语段的结尾, 暗示讲座的主题总结。


通过实践, 我们发现, 对各类语篇模式进行分析, 掌握语篇发展的基本规律, 可以帮助学生:a.掌握构成各类语篇的基本要素, 准确辨认关键信息, 有关信息和无关信息;b.熟悉各种语篇组织篇章的模式, 掌握材料的线索、脉络, 在听力理解过程中, 尽可能地跟言者的思维保持一致, 从而把握中心意义, 有效地提高听力理解能力, 在英语专业八级考试的小讲座题型中取得好成绩。

摘要:通过对历年专八真题的研究和实际教学实践, 发现通过分析专八听力小讲座的语篇特点, 如结构层次, 转折词语以及把握词汇重音变化, 能帮助学生快速准确把握讲座的重难点和中心意思, 提高笔记有效性, 提高专八小讲座的得分率。



[1]王得杏.英语话语分析与跨文化交际[M].北京:北京语言文化大学出版社, 1998:218.

[2]王全智.论语篇的使成条件[J].外语与外语教学, 2001 (9) :17-19.

[3]张德禄.论语篇连贯[J].外语教学与研究, 2000 (2) :103.

[4]张德禄.衔接力与语篇连贯的程度[J].外语与外语教学, 2001 (1) :9-15.

[5]李丽君.小议话语标记语及其语用功能[J].科技信息2007 (5) .

英语专八写作总结 第4篇

【关键词】专八听力 讲座 训练方法






1.复述训练。专四听力的听写部分更多地检验了学生有没有听懂单词的发音从而写出正确的单词,但专八着重考查学生是否理解了音频材料,所以专八听力部分被称作listening comprehension(听力理解)。检验学生理解材料与否的一个重要方式是复述,当学生听完音频后能用自己的话把材料复述一遍,说明该生确实是在理解材料后把它变成了自己的东西。若听力后只记下零零散散的笔记而不能复述,可能就出现了上述第一个问题,说明学生在短时记忆、笔记及理解上还存在问题。







[1]陈吉棠.英语专业八级听力教学训练探索[J].外语电化教学. 2003(4).

专八英文写作策略 第5篇

学英语会有一个定势,那就是背很偏很难的单词。但是了解那些“高级”单词固然必 要,可任何一门语言中应用最广泛的还是那些简单的基础词汇。我们自己看中文的时候会很痛恨拐弯抹角不说人话的作者,英文也一样。老外自己不喜欢看故作艰深 的东西,所以我们在写作的时候就放心大胆地使用简单词汇吧,只要意思表达清楚、有条理、语法通畅就是好文章。

What is good writing?


It depends on what country you’re from. We all know what’s considered “good writing” in our own country. We grow up immersedin the cadencesand sentence structure of the language we were born into, so we think, “That’s probably what every country considers good writing; they just use different words.” If only! I once asked a student from Cairo, “What kind of language is Arabic?” She said, “It’s all adjectives.”

这取决于你来自何处。我们都知道在自己的国家好文章是什么样的。我们从小到大,已经熟知我们 母语的抑扬顿挫和句子结构,于是我们认为,其他国家所谓的好文章也应该是这样,只不过用的语言不同。要是这样就好了!我有次问一个来自开罗的学生:“阿拉 伯语是什么样的语言?”她回答说:“都是形容词。”

Well, of course it’s not all adjectives, but I knew what she meant: it’s decorative, it’s ornate, it’s intentionally pleasing. But all those adjectives and all that decoration would be the ruin of any journalisttrying to write good English. No proverbs, please.


Spanish also comes with a heavy load of beautiful baggagethat will smotherany journalist writing in English.

西班牙语也一样,有太多 不利于英文写作的修饰语。

English is not as musical as Spanish, or Italian, or French, or as ornamentalas Arabic, or as vibrantas some of your native languages. But I’m hopelessly in love with English because it’s plain and it’s strong. It has a huge vocabulary of words that have precise shades of meaning; there’s no subject, however technical or complex, that can’t be made clear to any reader in good English—if it’s used right. Unfortunately, there are many ways of using it wrong. Those are the damaging habits I want to warn you about today.

英语不像西班牙语、意大利 语或者法语那样富有音律美,也不像阿拉伯语那样华丽,可能也不像你们的母语那样生动鲜活,但我就是无可救药地热爱英语,因为它平实有力,拥有海量意义鲜明 的词汇。描述一样事物,不管多高科技多复杂,在标准英语中读者都看懂——如果描述准确。不幸的是很多人都不能正确使用英语。以下就是我希望大家避免的一些错误习惯。

First, a little history. The English language is derived from two main sources. One is Latin, the other is Anglo-Saxon. The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangleand suffocate everything you write. The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free.

首先,了解英语的历史。 英语来源于拉丁语和安格鲁-撒克逊语。来自拉丁语的.单词是我们的宿敌——它们会使你的写作佶屈聱牙。安格鲁-撒克逊语才能解开你的束缚。

How do those Latin words do their strangling and suffocating? In general they are long, pompousnouns that end in -ion—like implementation and maximization and communication (five syllableslong!)—or that end in -ent—like development and fulfillment. Those nouns express a vague concept or an abstract idea, not a specific action that we can picture. Here’s a typical sentence: “Priorto the implementation of the financial enhancement.” That means “Before we fixed our money problems.”

拉丁词语是怎么束缚你的 文体的呢?一般来说都是些长并华而不实的单词,以ion结尾,像implementation、maximization、communication(五个音节那么长!)或者以ent结尾,像development和fulfillment。这些词语描述的都是一个模糊或抽 象的概念,不是我们能够明确说明的行动。一个典型句子就是:财政强化计划实施之前。其实就是说:解决钱的问题之前。

Believe it or not, this is the language that people in authority in America routinely use. They think those long Latin words make them sound important. It no longer rains in America; your TV weather man will tell that you we’re experiencing a precipitation probability situation.

不管你信不信,这些就是 美国的高层人士常用语。他们认为这些长长的拉丁单词能突显自己的身份。美国已经没有下雨这一说了,天气预报员只会提到降水概率这个词。

I’m sure all of you, newly arrived in America, have already been driven crazy trying to figure out the instructions for ordering a cell phone or connecting your computer, or applying for a bank loan or a health insurance policy, and you assume that those of us who were born here can understand this stuff. I assure you that we don’t understand it either.

★ 专八答案

★ 英语专八作文范文

★ 法语专八复习计划

★ 专八考前冲刺作文及参考

★ 英语专八真题作文范文

专八英文写作策略 第6篇

学英语会有一个定势,那就是背很偏很难的单词。但是了解那些“高级”单词固然必 要,可任何一门语言中应用最广泛的还是那些简单的基础词汇。我们自己看中文的时候会很痛恨拐弯抹角不说人话的作者,英文也一样。老外自己不喜欢看故作艰深 的东西,所以我们在写作的时候就放心大胆地使用简单词汇吧,只要意思表达清楚、有条理、语法通畅就是好文章。

What is good writing?


It depends on what country you’re from. We all know what’s considered “good writing” in our own country. We grow up immersedin the cadencesand sentence structure of the language we were born into, so we think, “That’s probably what every country considers good writing; they just use different words.” If only! I once asked a student from Cairo, “What kind of language is Arabic?” She said, “It’s all adjectives.”

这取决于你来自何处。我们都知道在自己的国家好文章是什么样的。我们从小到大,已经熟知我们 母语的抑扬顿挫和句子结构,于是我们认为,其他国家所谓的好文章也应该是这样,只不过用的语言不同。要是这样就好了!我有次问一个来自开罗的学生:“阿拉 伯语是什么样的语言?”她回答说:“都是形容词。”

Well, of course it’s not all adjectives, but I knew what she meant: it’s decorative, it’s ornate, it’s intentionally pleasing. But all those adjectives and all that decoration would be the ruin of any journalisttrying to write good English. No proverbs, please.


Spanish also comes with a heavy load of beautiful baggagethat will smotherany journalist writing in English.

西班牙语也一样,有太多 不利于英文写作的修饰语。

English is not as musical as Spanish, or Italian, or French, or as ornamentalas Arabic, or as vibrantas some of your native languages. But I’m hopelessly in love with English because it’s plain and it’s strong. It has a huge vocabulary of words that have precise shades of meaning; there’s no subject, however technical or complex, that can’t be made clear to any reader in good English—if it’s used right. Unfortunately, there are many ways of using it wrong. Those are the damaging habits I want to warn you about today.

英语不像西班牙语、意大利 语或者法语那样富有音律美,也不像阿拉伯语那样华丽,可能也不像你们的母语那样生动鲜活,但我就是无可救药地热爱英语,因为它平实有力,拥有海量意义鲜明 的词汇。描述一样事物,不管多高科技多复杂,在标准英语中读者都看懂——如果描述准确。不幸的是很多人都不能正确使用英语。以下就是我希望大家避免的一些错误习惯。

First, a little history. The English language is derived from two main sources. One is Latin, the other is Anglo-Saxon. The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangleand suffocate everything you write. The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free.

首先,了解英语的历史。 英语来源于拉丁语和安格鲁-撒克逊语。来自拉丁语的.单词是我们的宿敌——它们会使你的写作佶屈聱牙。安格鲁-撒克逊语才能解开你的束缚。

How do those Latin words do their strangling and suffocating? In general they are long, pompousnouns that end in -ion—like implementation and maximization and communication (five syllableslong!)—or that end in -ent—like development and fulfillment. Those nouns express a vague concept or an abstract idea, not a specific action that we can picture. Here’s a typical sentence: “Priorto the implementation of the financial enhancement.” That means “Before we fixed our money problems.”

拉丁词语是怎么束缚你的 文体的呢?一般来说都是些长并华而不实的单词,以ion结尾,像implementation、maximization、 communication(五个音节那么长!)或者以ent结尾,像development和fulfillment。这些词语描述的都是一个模糊或抽 象的概念,不是我们能够明确说明的行动。一个典型句子就是:财政强化计划实施之前。其实就是说:解决钱的问题之前。

Believe it or not, this is the language that people in authority in America routinely use. They think those long Latin words make them sound important. It no longer rains in America; your TV weather man will tell that you we’re experiencing a precipitation probability situation.

不管你信不信,这些就是 美国的高层人士常用语。他们认为这些长长的拉丁单词能突显自己的身份。美国已经没有下雨这一说了,天气预报员只会提到降水概率这个词。

专八写作热点话题预测 第7篇





People used to regard college life as most carefree days, but now depression, anxiety and even suicide are creeping onto campus.How should college students react to this change? Write an essay of about 400 words entitled: How to Survive College Life In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details.In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.【范文呈现1】

How to Survive College Life

The college life should be joyful and colorful, but on campus you can also see the sights: some students are extremely embarrassed when it’s time for them to pay the tuition;some students may have difficulty in going to sleep, when it’s time for them to have final exam or hand in term papers;some freshmen are on the verge of breakdown because of loneliness or homesickness.Maybe you are suffering from one of these troubles.Do you want to get rid of it and enjoy a more pleasant and rich college life? Here is my advice about how to cope with financial, academic and emotional problems.First of all, there are several ways to reduce your financial pressure.The best way is to take a part-time job, such as being a tutor or a part-time cleaner.By doing so, you can increase both your income and experience.Next, if

have no extra spare time to take one, you can try to apply for a loan fund from government.The good news is that it is usually interest-free and you are allowed to pay back by installment after graduation.Then besides earning money, you should learn to spend carefully and wisely.Set priorities and avoid unnecessary expenses for luxuries such as new clothes or snacks.Besides, to release academic pressure, you can take the following suggestions into account.First, you can ask teachers for help directly when you have difficulty in understanding lessons.Most often, the teachers can not only help you solve the problem but also help you improve learning methods.Second, you should relax yourself after long time study.You can do some exercise, or listen to music to release your physical

you must keep a positive attitude toward your studies.Don’t feel frustrated when you fail an exam;stay confident and be eager to learn when facing excellent competitors.Above all, set yourself long-term goals and fix your eyes on them, which enable you to go ahead despite temporary setbacks.When it comes to the problem of homesickness, here are a few tips for freshmen.Obviously, you can write to your family or call home every few days.Meanwhile, you should adapt to the new environment as soon as you can by making new friends, joining some clubs, taking part in all sorts of activities.In addition, cultivating a hobby is another effective way to shake off the loneliness and enrich your life.Life is a journey full of stumbling blocks, dangerous traps and unexpected

as part of it, college days are no exception.However, those who survive and succeed are not lucky people who slide by, but tough nails that react bravely and positively.So, be tough, take right actions, and you will free yourself from the present predicament soon.【范文呈现2】

How to Survive College Life

Many high school graduates cheerfully receive university admissions, painting a rosy picture of college life in mind.However, after stepping onto campus, they are confronted with all sorts of problems and haunted by depression and anxiety.Therefore, it takes both a positive attitude and proper actions to lead a happy college life.Many freshmen, suddenly falling into a

frustrated to realize that their living and learning habits in high school are no longer practical at college.They have to manage their life and plan spare time on their own, while in high school almost everything is assigned by teachers and supervised by parents.This change may puzzle them for a short time, but certainly can be overcome with a little effort.In daily life, they should learn to do chores such as washing and shopping either by calling home or by consulting experienced roommates.In their studies, they should set up a busy schedule in order not to waste time, exchange ideas with juniors and seniors so as to improve learning methods, talk to teachers voluntarily when having questions or dissatisfactions.By following the above advice, a first year student can

adjustment.Money shortage also inflicts pain on a large number of undergraduates.Some may be tightfisted due to their family conditions;some may encounter a financial problem because of poor management of their pocket money.What can those students do? Both should try to balance between earning and spending.The former can do part-time jobs such as a private tutor or a salesperson of McDonald, or obtain a scholarship by studying hard, or get a bank loan.Yet, the latter ought to make better use of their money, spending only on necessities and cutting down expenses on luxuries.In addition to the above matters, many students suffer depression for unrequited love.Some become obsessed with his or her crush;some feel

there is a few who have tried murder or suicide at the time of breakup.How should they relieve themselves from such pain? An effective remedy is to pour out to closed friends, who can always listen to their worries, share their frustration, give rational advice and heal their confidence.In the meantime, they can divert their attention by developing more hobbies and engaging in various healthy social activities such as charity or recreational programs.Few expect to face so many problems in a short period of 4 years, but once it happens, provided one has enough confidence, courage and will to change, he can still achieve what he wants.Besides, as the old saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining.Looking back, he may even treasure and thank for

him strong and prepared him for his future.【范文赏析】


从选词造句的角度来说,二者都大量运用了平行结构和排比句,这样既加强了列举事例的简洁性,又突出了语言的节奏感,例如:第一篇文章的首段中on campus you can also see the sights: some students are extremely embarrassed when it’s time for them to pay the tuition;some students may have difficulty in going to sleep, when it’s time for them to have final exam or hand in term
