


旅游景点名称翻译 第1篇



作 者:常亮 王治江 CHANG Liang WANG Zhi-jiang  作者单位:河北理工大学,外国语学院,河北,唐山,063009 刊 名:河北理工大学学报(社会科学版) 英文刊名:JOURNAL OF HEBEI POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION) 年,卷(期): 8(3) 分类号:H315.9 关键词:景点名称翻译   功能观   目的论   存在问题   处理方法  

旅游景点名称翻译 第2篇










品牌名称翻译中虽然有一些语义等值的情况,如Ap-ple(苹果)、Beauty &Health(美丽健)等,但更多的翻译是撇开了语义等值这一基本前提:Coca-cola(可口可乐)、Canon(佳能)、Rejoice(飘柔)、Kisses(好时)之类,翻译后的名称改变了原品牌名称的语言意义;OMO(奥妙)、Areal(碧浪)、Dumex(多美滋)等原语言中没有意义的名称翻译为有词汇意义的名称;而Idea(艾迪雅)、Triumph(黛安芬)、Dove(德芙)等原语言中有词汇意义的名称翻译为没有多少意义的名称。可见品牌名称翻译中,名称的原语言意义降到了相对次要的位置,而在一般翻译中可以忽略的原语言语音因素,却被提升到重要的地位。不论是以传统语言学为框架的翻译理论,还是以语用学和跨文化交际学为基础的翻译理论,在品牌名称翻译问题上都显得捉襟见肘。

品牌翻译是一种特殊的翻译,这是由品牌名称的特殊性决定的。首先,品牌兼有专名和通名的特点。品牌名称是商品的语言文字符号,是区别于其他商品的标记,从这一点讲,它是专名,但它指称的又不是个体事物,而是许多个具有共同属性和特征的商品事物,这又使它成为代表同类个体的普通名词。其二,品牌名称作为商品的记号,一种语言的名称记号转写为另一语言的名称记号,“名无固宜,约定俗成谓之宜”,可以按照不同民族的命名方式和命名习惯转写,不一定追求语言的“全真”转换。Benz和Yves Saint Laurent作为人名翻译为“宾士”和“伊夫·圣·洛朗”,而他们创造的品牌名称翻译为“奔驰”和“伊夫·圣罗兰”,体现了专名与品牌名称在翻译上的差别。

从语言学上讲,名称翻译也不外乎音译、意译和音意兼译这几种方式。按通常的汉语翻译习惯,专名(如人名、地名)主要用音译,追求原专名与译后专名之间语音上的相似性,通名通常用意译或音义兼译,追求原通名与译后通名语义上的一致性。品牌翻译既有类似专名的音译,如Volvo(沃尔沃)、Sassoon(沙宣)等。也有类似于通名的意译,如Apple(苹果)、Beauty & Health(美丽健)、Ivory(象牙)等,当然也有像Goldlion(金利来)、Truly(信利)之类音义兼译的情况,而品牌翻译中更多的是像Feather(飞逸)、Ports(宝姿)、Benz(奔驰)、Signal(洁诺)、Crest(佳洁士)、Master(万事达)、Canon(佳能)之类,在尽量保持原语言品牌名称语音特征的情况下,翻译具有目的语意义的名称,这些意义不同于原名称的意义。它们不是纯粹的音译,也不是音义兼译,更不是意译,因此通常的音译、意译或音意兼译这几种方式不能涵盖品牌翻译的全部。

品牌名称翻译是商品记号的转写,因此许多品牌翻译只是翻译名义下的重新命名,译者有发挥能动性和创造性的巨大空间。同名品牌可以有截然不同的翻译,如婴儿日化用品品牌Johnson’s翻译为“强生”,而日化企业名称Johnson译为“庄臣”;巧克力品牌Dove译为“德芙”,而香皂品牌Dove翻译为“多芬”;内衣泳装品牌Triumph译为“黛安芬”,而同名汽车品牌译为“凯旋”,等等。另一方面,原语言中很不相同的品牌名称可以翻译为目的语中相似的名称,如照相机品牌“美能达(Minolta)”与饮料品牌“美年达(Mirinda)”,小家电品牌“博士(Bose)”与隐形眼镜品牌“博士伦(Bush & Lomb)”。品牌翻译的几种策略




我国的命名传统中,不论人名、地名还是商品牌号,有鲜明的民族文化特征,“托名言志”是汉民族强烈的命名倾向,或寄托某种期望,或表现时代、地域的某些特征。从这一点讲,中国化的品牌翻译应是“积极意义化”的翻译。如“吉百利”(Cadbury)、“舒洁”(Scott)、“舒肤佳”(Safeguard)、“百事”(Pepsi)、“飘柔”(Rejoice)、“果珍”(Tang)、“玉兰油”(Oil of Ulan)等等,这些译名都是中国化的品牌名称,其词汇意义或表达消费者对产品的某种心理期望,或展示产品的某种属性。理想的中国化的品牌翻译是在尽量与原品牌保持语音相似的情况下,译成有积极意义的名称,“可口可乐”译名可谓典范。

外国化是将品牌翻译为一个外国的名称。汉语中有一些字(语素)或音节经常用于外国名称翻译,如“埃”“奥”“戴”“迪”“尔”“戈”“列”“罗”“卡”“柯”“克”“曼”“妮”“诺”“娜”等等,外国化的品牌翻译是用这些字或音节,如“吉列”(Gillette)、“诺基亚”(Nokia)、“伊卡璐”(Clairol)、“欧珀莱”(Aupres)、“莱尔斯丹”(Le Saunda)、“戴比尔斯”(De Beers)等等,使人一看或一听,就能感受到外国品牌的“洋味”。从语言上讲,外国化的品牌翻译要求译后品牌与原品牌语音逼似,但要避免译后品牌名称在字面上有明显的意义。这正好与中国化的翻译相反。




语义相关策略的品牌翻译大致有语义直译、语义衍译两种。语义直译是根据原品牌的词汇义翻译成汉语名称。一个品牌名称在语言上往往有好几个义项,一个义项也往往有几个释义的词语,译者选取其中一个汉语词语作为译名,如Shell———壳(牌)、Nestle———雀巢、Apple———苹果、Green Giant———绿巨人,等等。语义衍译是沿着原品牌的语言意义衍生拓展,翻译为意义相近或相关的名称,如seven up。up本身意为“向上,昂扬,激扬”等,将up翻译“喜”并不死扣字面意义,而是依据它相关的衍生含义或联想意义。悲、喜在汉民族观念中是两种不同方向的情绪活动,悲是低落趋向情绪,喜是高扬趋向情绪。seven up译作“七喜”,既出乎意料,又在情理之中。电池Energizer译为“劲量”、Head & shoulders译作“海飞丝”、Smart译为(醒目)等,也属于语义衍译。



以上几种策略是就品牌翻译的切入角度区分的,它们之间不是完全对立或矛盾的。相反,它们有的是可以并用的,如许多公认的优秀品牌翻译,如“可口可乐”“奔驰”“强生”“舒肤佳”、女装品牌“宝姿(Ports)”、纸尿布品牌“帮宝适(Pampers)”等,都是语音相关策略和产品相关策略并用而产生的佳作。品牌翻译的原则 我们上面指出,品牌翻译不同于一般的语言翻译,在许多情况下是一种创造性的再命名。这并不是说品牌翻译可以随心所欲不受任何约束,相反,品牌翻译有其制约性原则,只是这些原则与一般语言翻译的原则有所不同而已。







有些品牌的译名在这方面欠缺一些。如Lux译为“力士”,“力士”产品主要是香皂、洗发露等日化用品,目标市场是中高收入女性,它的广告一直以著名女影星作为形象代言人,品牌却被译成一个类似男性保健品的名称,没有体现产品属性,而且容易误导。又如世界著名公司P&G(Procter & Gamble)在台湾译为“宝碱”,进入大陆后译做“宝洁”。P&G是日化用品企业,现在市场上有香皂、洗衣粉、牙膏、洗发液、卫生巾、纸尿布等产品,显然“宝洁”更能反映产品的属性,体现产品的功效,给人愉悦的联想。

3.符合目标市场心理原则。国外产品进入中国市场,都有明确的定位(positioning),译者应针对目标消费者的心理特征,采取相应策略,翻译成迎合特定群体心理的名称。如新生代青少年追求现代时尚,对西式快餐、西方音乐、洋品牌饮料、服装以及西方的价值观念和生活方式表现出浓厚的兴趣,以这一群体为目标市场的品牌采用外国化的翻译策略会更有吸引力。例如“麦当劳”“肯德基”译名符合青少年的趋洋心理,而“必胜客(Pizza Hut)”这中国化译名倒不如“比萨屋”更有魅力。品牌名称表现出一定的风格,或西或中,或实或虚,或雅或俗,或古典或时尚,或平稳或险奇……不同群体有不同喜好和语言习惯,品牌名称翻译成何种风格,应考虑目标市场的群体心理、兴趣爱好、愿望追求和语言倾向。

4.品牌可延伸原则。一个品牌在成长过程中积累了无形资产,企业利用现有品牌的无形价值,用于其他产品,使原品牌延伸,形成一个品牌家族(brand family),许多著名品牌大都经历了这样的发展过程。品牌翻译时要考虑品牌的延伸问题,要了解企业的性质和品牌的可能发展方向。

旅游景点名称翻译 第3篇

Macau Historic Centre is the product of over 400 years of cultural exchange between the western world and the Chinese civilization.There are lots of extraordinary architectural heritages mixed with original city constructions like streets and squares.It concludes the oldest European architectures in China as well as typical Chinese traditional constructions.These two widely different buildings embody sharp contrast between Chinese culture and the western culture, but add a harmonious aesthetic feeling to the city.Every name of a streetscape, a piazza and a building in the Centre tells a story, so the translation of these site names seems very important.The author thinks that reflecting cultural connotation is the foremost principle while translating such site names.As an international tourist city, translation of site names in Macau should make tourists experience the unique history and multi-cultural connotation of Macau and get to know the city through reading culture behind site name translation.

This essay aims at pointing out that reflecting cultural connotation is the foremost principle of site name translation through analyzing translations of site names in Macau Historic Centre.Site name translation belongs to communicative language, and is a kind of reflection of special and local culture.It shows culture specific references because it contains the background information, even legends of scenic spots and historic sites it stands for.However, the original name may be replaced with a certain concept or word which is different from the original but reveals cultural equivalence.For example, St.Dominic’s Square, its literal translation is“圣多米尼克广场”, but the actual Chinese name is“板樟堂前地”.The difference between the original name and the translation is obvious, but these two names coexist harmoniously and share popularity among people from different countries.

This essay mainly analyzes two questions: (1) Why is reflecting cultural connotation the foremost principle of site name translation? (2) How do the translations of site names in Macau Historic Centre reflect cultural connotation?Two terms-communicative translation and semantic translation will be applied in this essay to analyze and discuss translation methods and characteristics of these site names.

According to Newmark, “communicative translation addresses itself solely to the second reader, who does not anticipate difficul-ties or obscurities, and would expect a generous transfer of foreign elements into his own culture as well as his language where necessary” (46) ;while in semantic translation, “the translator attempts, within the bare syntactic and semantic constraints of the target language, to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the author” (22) .Semantic translation complies with the source language culture and the original author, reproduces thinking process of the original author, and pays more attention to semantic analysis of words and sentences.“Newmark proposes that we should regard semantic translation and communicative translation as an integrated one.We often combine them two not absolutely one while translating a piece of writing” (Fang 97) .

Methods are needed while translating terms or words of culture specific references such as site names.As early as the 1950s, Loh Dian-yang, a Chinese Professor, put forward five methods for translating words or terms.Nowadays his methods are in fact still being used in translating cultural nouns between Chinese and English.Following are the five methods suggested and examples given by Loh:

1) pure transliteration (e.g.chocolate into巧克力) , (2) pure semantic translation (e.g.airplane飞机) , (3) combination of transliteration and semantic translation (e.g.utopia乌托邦) , (4) transliteration with semantic translation at the beginning or at the end (e.g.beer啤酒) , (5) symbolic translation with a semantic explanation at the end (e.g.cross十字架) .Loh also suggested“coinage of new characters”when translating technical terms (e.g.oxygen氧) . (47-50)

Site name translation contains rich cultural connotation, thus they are in fact internalized culture.Culture or cultural connotation is the common core of tourists, especially of site names.Nowadays the mainspring of tour is that people want to join in other different cultures to experience and read foreign cultures.Therefore, site name translation seems of great importance.The sites in Macau Historic Centre in this essay are products of over 400 years of multi-coexistence and cultural exchange between the western world and the Chinese civilization.This Centre is the biggest and oldest historic one in China which preserves the fullest and the most intensive buildings of Chinese and the Western features.According to the research, the author found that three methods are used in translating these site names:transliteration, communicative translation and semantic translation.The site names involved in this essay come from the brochure of the“Macao World Heritage”which can be downloaded from the Macao Government Tourist Office website:http://www.macautourism.gov.mo/.

Thereinafter, the three translation methods will be used to analyze how the translations of site names in Macau Historic Centre reflect cultural connotation.Owing to limited space, this essay mainly discusses three aspects of cultural connotation as western missionary culture, Chinese traditional culture and language culture.

Since the middle of 16th century, European missionaries came to Macau in succession in merchant ships.As religion is an important part of culture, the missionaries coming to Macau to preach their religion in early times also constitute a part of culturalexchange where they played a significant role in this communication.The missionaries brought western science, culture and art to China.However, the gap between these two kinds of civilization is so huge that it’s difficult to communicate.So for narrowing this gap, the missionaries learnt Chinese and Chinese etiquettes, even proposed and developed a flexible policy of preaching.Among lots of knowledgeable missionaries of Chinese culture, Robert Morison and Matteo Ricci are two outstanding ones.Morison compiled the first EnglishChinese dictionary and firstly translated the Bible into Chinese.Matteo Ricci used Chinese to compile a set of terms of Catholic Theology and etiquettes.He also made the first world map named Great Universal Geographic Map in the history of China.“Therefore, it is widely believed that many of the names of those western style buildings were initiated and translated by the western missionaries” (Zhang 215) .

From the translations of site names in Historic Centre, we could find following translations of buildings of western style emphasize on the original culture:St.Lawrence’s Church (圣老楞佐教堂) , Cathedral (大堂) , St.Augustine’s Church (圣奥斯定教堂) , St.Anthony’s Church (圣安多尼教堂) and Protestant Cemetery (基督教坟场) .These translations contain the original culture, so they belong to semantic translation and transliteration.Evidently, Chinese names above sound unfamiliar to local Chinese, but they keep the print of western missionary culture at maximum.“It is said that St.Anthony’s Church is the first church in Macau whose major fete is St.Anthony that is well known by Portuguese.In the past, every June 13, people would hold a celebration to pray for his bless” (Liu 67-68) .St.Lawrence’s Church is one of the oldest churches in Macau and its fete is St.Lawrence, the sea god in Catholicism and the patron saint of voyage of Portuguese.The main principle of translation above is that“when the building is named after a person, the person’s name is translated according to its pronunciation;when the building is given a proper name with common concepts such as‘the protestant’, ‘bishop’, semantic translation is adopted” (Zhang211) .No matter these site names translated according to the pronunciation of semantic meanings, original characteristics of language and culture are kept.In particular, the translation of St.Dominic’s Church (玫瑰堂) use communicative translation not the semantic one, but“玫瑰堂”also retains missionary cultural feature.“Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima”who is the favorite worship of Portuguese is consecrated in the church.Every year on May 13, people will parade, commemorate the goddess, and pray for world peace.That’s why St.Dominic’s Church gets its Chinese name.Although the translating methods used are different, translations of these western-style buildings reflect deep cultural meanings of the western religion.Translators preserve and transmit western religion culture into target language culture via comprehensible words.

“From time immemorial, Macau has been an inalienable part of China’s territory.Macau culture belongs to Chinese culture and is rooted in Chinese society” (Zha 319) .Because of the free cultural policy adopted by Portuguese government, keeping Chinese own religious faith, life style and customs were permitted, most people in Macau nowadays still believe in Chinese religion and preserve temples of hundred years in good condition.“Chinese in Macau keep own cultural traditions in most time, such as Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Mazu, Guan Gong and Lu Ban.The fact that Chinese language and national customs are popular in Macau reflects Chinese culture is still the cultural tradition of Macau Chinese” (Tang 66) .Some that disappeared in mainland exist in Macau now, and keep very well, like the marriage custom of kowtow to eldership.Therefore, translators should be very careful while translating site names with Chinese cultural features, and they should take the cultural connotation into account.

Following translations of site names in Macau Historic Centre fully embody Chinese traditional culture:Chinese-style buildings like A-Ma Temple (妈阁庙) , Na Tcha Temple (哪咤庙) , Sam Kai Vui Kun Temple (三街会馆) , Lou Kau Mansion (卢家大屋) and western-style ones such as Lilau Square (亚婆井前地) , Ruins of St.Paul’s (大三巴牌坊) .Semantic translation is used in translation of Chinese-style buildings and communicative translation in that of western-style buildings.Both methods completely reflect traditional cultural characteristics.A Ma Temple is one of the oldest temples in Macau and it’s also an architectural complex of Chinese features.“More than 500 hundred years ago Mazu culture and religion sprouted and emerged, and gradually mix with society, folk-custom and people’s livelihood” (Wu et al.471) .“Officers and citizens in Macau both value Mazu culture, especially its kindness and cohesiveness for hundreds of years” (Wu et al.469) .Thus, we could find that the influence and popularity of Mazu culture in Macau, and translation of A Ma Temple should embody this tradition.“A Ma”is transliterated from“阿妈”which Macanese call Mazu.“Temple”is translated from“庙”, which contains Chinese religion feature and makes readers informed of its function.This method combining of transliteration and semantic translation well reflect the long-standing culture and faith.“Ruins of St.Paul’s”is a landmark site of Macau which was the affiliated church of Colégio de São Paulo.“三巴”is transliterated from“São Paulo”and the left front wall looks like the Chinese traditional memorial archway, so local people call it“大三巴牌坊”.In this way, the translator translated a name of rich western culture into a term of Chinese characteristics and made it easy to remember.

Macau is a multilingual society with complicated and special language culture.“The Basic Law of the Macau Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China composed that Chinese and Portuguese are both legal languages being used in administration, legislation and judicature” (Cheng 183) .Though not the official one, English has gradually been an important language in daily communication these years, and it’s very popular in commerce and tourism.Macau is ideal for analyze language and culture.“It’s beneficial for not only preserving cultural features of Macau, but formulating right policies and scientific plans of language and culture to retain this‘language laboratory’” (Cheng 421) .Site names in Macau Historic Centre are mostly of these three languages.Thus, while translating, translators should take language culture into consideration, or may cut off communication between tourists and multi-culture of Macau.

The English translations of following site names all embody language cultural features of Macau:Lilau Square, Na Tcha Temple, Sir Robert Ho Tung Library, Lou Kau Mansion, Guan Tai Temple, and Casa Garden.“Lilau Square”is translated from“亚婆井前地”, and translator add Portuguese“Lilau”which means“mountain spring”into English version.Here is the main source of water, so there’s a famous ballad singing, “one who drinks from Lilau never forgets Macao;one either makes it home, or will come back again” (Zhang 216) .We can see that this well is of great importance to Portuguese and other westerners in Macau.Therefore, “Lilau”reflects this cultural characteristic, and“亚婆 (grandma) ”means nothing to them.What’s more, most Chinese in Macau speak Cantonese, so some Chinese site names are transliterated into English according to the pronunciation of Portuguese.For example, “哪吒庙”is translated into“Na Tcha Temple”, different from Mandarin“NéZhāTemple”, and“关帝庙”into“Guan Tai Temple”not“Guān DìTemple”.These translations show people a deep feeling of Chinese features in Macau.As to“Sir Robert Ho Tung Library (何东图书馆大楼) ”, the English version adds“Sir Robert”, a familiar name to English readers, to embody English culture in Macau.

This essay analyzes the translations of site names in Macau Historic Centre and finds that some translations are loyal to the source text on pronunciation and semantic meanings, while some comply with target language readers by using communicative translation.No matter what kind of method is used, the translations of site names of Macau World Heritage all reflect rich cultures of missionaries, Chinese tradition and multi-language, and provide tourists with an access to know the culture, history and personality.While translating site names, one should has applied ability of controlling languages as well as abundant knowledge of different cultures, and thoroughly understand two or even more than two kinds of social customs and local conditions, so that he or she could allow fully play to the sustaining of history and culture of those unique names to achieve equivalent effects.


[1]Meifang, Zhang.Reading Different Cultures through CulturalTranslation[J].Bable, (2012) 58, 2:205-219.

[2]Macau Government Tourist Office[J].Macao World HeritageNov.2012.Web.Dec.2012.

[3]Newmark, Peter.Approaches to Translation[M].Hemel Hemp-stead:Prentice Hall, 1981.

[4]程祥徽.澳门人文社会科学研究文选 (语言翻译卷) [M].北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2010.

[5]方梦之.译学词典[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2004.

[6]刘托.澳门历史城区[M].北京:中国水利水电出版社, 2006.

[7]陆殿扬.翻译原则和技巧[M].北京:时代出版社, 1958.

[8]吴志良.澳门人文社会科学研究文选 (历史卷) [M].北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2010.

旅游景点名称翻译方法浅析 第4篇




旅游景点以人名来命名时或者与某些历史人物相关联时,我们常常对这些人名采用音译法。如,“李白”译为“Li Bai”,“周恩来”译为“Zhou En-lai”“毛主席纪念堂”被译为“Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall”里面的毛主席就被直接音译成人名,对这个历史景点的译名也采用音译和直译相结合的方法。总的来说,对人名的翻译使用该种方法是比较直接有效的。

以本地地名来命名的旅游景点,一般按汉语拼音字母来直接音译命名。如“北京”译为“Beijing”,“桂林”译为“Guilin”,“乾清宫”译为“Qian Qing Gong”。一些城市的名称直接采用音译法比较容易理解,朗朗上口,但是有历史典故和深厚文化渊源的旅游景点,音译法在传递信息和文化输入功能上就很弱。


当景点的名称中包含了有人名和地名等专有名称又包含了通用名称,我们会采用逐字翻译,以单个汉字为单位进行的翻译,也就是直译的方法。这种方法也是汉译英时常常选用的最基本方法。翻译的英译名都基本保持了景点中文的语言形式,通顺易懂,是一种被广泛运用的翻译方法。“黄河三峡景区”被译为“The Yellow River in the Three Gorges Area”,“郁金香园”被译为“Tulip Garden”,“青龙寺”译为“Green Dragon Temple”,“黄鹤楼”译为“Yellow Crane Tower”,“鼓楼”译为“Drum Tower”,“大冰瀑布”译为“The Grand Ice Fall/The Great Frozen Waterfall”,“碑林”译为“Stone Forest”。当然也有音译和直译相结合的情况,如“张家界风景区”就被译为“Zhangjiajie Scenic Spot”,“杜甫草堂”就被译为“Dufu Cottage”。当源语言和目标语言有相对应的词汇表达时,源语言和目标语言能够有所对应,这种方法对旅游景点名称的翻译就最直观,能让外国的游客更容易理解。同样的,虽然直译法比音译法的实用范围还要更大,但它和直译法一样,对于有历史典故和文化底蕴深厚的旅游景点的名称翻译,文化的传播功能也不够强。


很多旅游景点都有其丰富的文化历史背景,有很多历史典故和文化渊源,在翻译此类旅游景点的名称时,简单明了的直译法不能够满足表达出景点历史文化内涵的这个深层次的需要。为了使国外的游客更深刻地感受到中国历史文化,突出各个旅游景点的不同特点,对于这类旅游景点我们多采用意译,不拘泥于名称的某一个字或者词的翻译,而是从整体和旅游景点背后隐藏的历史文化出发,进行深层次的理解和翻译,争取成功地表达出文化内涵,消除文化差异。如“颐和园”被译为“Summer Palace”,景点“郭岗顶”,地形如莲花宝座,故英译名为“Guogangding Lotus Peak”。如收藏了藏传佛教各家各派的经典书籍印版的“德格印经院”,英译名为“Dege Scripture Printing lamasery”或“Dege Buddhist Sutra Printing House”,译文都有效地传达出了源语言信息并且能够最大限度上去突出所译景点的特点和历史背景,意味更加深远。


一般旅游景点的名称,从语法结构上分析大都由专有名称加上种类名称的偏正词组形式构成,基本上也都以词组或者短语的形式出现。在对这类旅游景点名称进行翻译时一般对专有名词采用音译法,即对景点的名称直接用汉语拼音标注,在后面附加括号内加注英文翻译的方法。这钟翻译方法不仅能弥补单纯音译不能够表达深层次文化内涵的缺点,又可以避免了一些较难翻译的词语在直译时出现的语意误解、词不达意、表达累赘等弊病。如“花港观鱼”被译为Hua Gang Guan Yu(Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor),“孤山”被译为 Gushan(Solitary Hill)“断桥残雪”被译为Duanqiao Canxue(Melting Snow on BrokenBridge)。这样包含的信息量大且意味更加深远。

课程名称翻译 第5篇

大学生思想道德修养 academic morals and ethics

计算机基础 Basis of Computer Engineering

体育 physical training

大学英语 College English

法律基础 Fundamentals of Law

综合英语Comprehensive English

马克思主义政治经济学 Marxist Political Economy

计算机基础与运用 Foundation and Application of Computer

英语阅读English Reading

英语口语 Spoken English

英语听力 English Listening Comprehension

大学音乐 Music

计算机网络 Computer Networks

毛泽东思想概论 An Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought

英美概况 British & American Culture and Society

英语演讲与辩论 Public Speaking and Debating in English

邓小平理论概论 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory

英语语言学概论 Introduction to English Linguistics

英汉翻译 English-Chinese translation

第二外语 Second Foreign Language

高级英语 Advanced English

美语教学法 methodology of teaching American English

西方文化 Western Culture

英语语法 English Grammar

大学语文 The University Language and Literature

英语教学法 English Teaching Methodology

视听说教程 Learning to Speak: An English Video Course

英国文学 English Literature

翻译理论和技巧 Technique & Theory in Literary Translation

英语商务谈判 Business English For Negotiation

英语词汇学 English Lexicology

外国报刊选读 Selected Readings from Foreign Newspapers and Magazines跨文化交际 intercultural communication

英语应用文写作 English Practical Writing

品牌公司名称翻译 第6篇


AtlanticContainerLine 大西洋集装箱海运公司

HawaiianairLines 夏威夷航空公司


TheAustinadvertisingAgency 奥斯汀广告公司

ChinaOceanShippingAgency 中国外轮代理公司


GreatUniversalStore 大世界百货公司(英)



BritishNuclearAssociates 英国核子联合公司



MutualBroadcastingSystem 相互广播公司(美)

MalaysianAirlineSystem 马来西亚航空公司


3MChinaLimitedGuangzhouBranchOffice3M 中国有限公司广州分公司 ChinaBooksImportandExportCorporation(HeadOffice)中国图书进出口总公司


Africa-NewZealandService 非洲—新西兰服务公司

TropicAirServices 特罗皮克航空公司


AmericanManufacturersForeignCreditInsuranceExchange 美国制造商出口信用保险公司




1.ConsolidatedCoalCompany 联合煤炭公司(美)

2.UnitedAircraftCorporation 联合飞机公司(美)


4.IntegratedOilCompany 联合石油公司

5.FederatedDepartmentStores 联合百货公司

6.UnionCarbideCorporation 联合碳化合物公司(美)

7.AssociatedBritishPictureCorporation 英国联合影业公司



1.ExportCreditInsuranceCorporation 出口信贷保险公司(加)

2.ExportFinanceandInsuranceCorporation 出口金融和保险公司(澳)

3.FederalInsuranceCorporation 联邦保险公司(美)

4.FederalDepositInsuranceCorporation 联邦存款保险公司(美)

5.ExportPaymentsInsuranceCorporation 出口支付保险公司(澳)

6.FederalSavingsandLoanInsuranceCorporation 联邦储蓄贷款保险公司(美)



9.AmericanInternationalUnderwritersCorporation 美国国际保险公司 企业名称的翻译方法



