


兴致的英文词语及句子 第1篇


oleic acid


Of or relating to oleic acid.

油酸的或与油酸有关的There is approximately 1.5 times more oleic in the sn - 1 than in the sn - 2position.

位于sn-1位的油酸约比sn-2位的多1.5倍。The emulsifiers in all examples are mono-and diglycerides of fat-forming fatty acids or sorbitan monooleate


a. 油的,自由采取的.

There is approximately 1.5 times more oleic in the sn - 1 than in the sn - 2position.




2.[U] 酸味物质



2. 酸的;酸味的


The somewhat acid flavour is caused by the presence of lactic acid.

这种微酸的味道是因为含有乳酸造成的。Acids in the stomach destroy the virus.

胃酸能杀死病毒。 suffer from acidity of the stomach

患胃酸过多. Neutralization is the interaction of a base and an acid.

中和作用是碱和酸的相互作用。 neutralization is the interaction of a base and an acid


兴致的英文词语及句子 第2篇

(n) free hand


This padlock is held in fee simple.

继承者对这片土地享有全权,可任意处置。Mr. Lodge will give Miss King a free hand in preparing the dance.

洛奇先生将让金小姐以全权筹备舞会To bestow absolute power on one

赋予全权Invest sB. with full power

授予某人全权an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary

特命全权公使I think I will leave it up to you.

我想让你全权做主。I was given a free hand in designing the syllabus.

我获准全权制订教学大纲。He invested his lawyer with complete power to act for him.

他授权律师全权代他诉讼。 The minister was given plenipotentiary powers in the trade negotiations.

该部长获有全权进行贸易谈判.I invested my lawyer with complete power to act for me.


adj. 自由的;免费的;空闲的.;任意的;免税的;游离的

adv. 免费地;自由地

v. 释放;免除;使自由,解放

Freedom is not free.

自由不是无偿的。Be covered by free Medicare / be entitled to free medical care

享受公费医疗It depends on free oxygen or air.

它依靠大量的氧或者空气。He walked with a free gait.

他走路步态潇洒。 the free end of a flag

兴致的英文词语及句子 第3篇

The world is full of colors, so are languages.To preserve the colors in the original language, it is required that the translators should understand the facts that the color words have not only their own physical properties, but also their own cultural connotations.

Facial expressions of color words

First, color words can obviously express feelings.Red is used to express excitement, ashamedness, anger and so on.White can express anger, nervousness, anxiety, indifference.Purple can describe the look of shame or anger.For example:

see red大怒dirty look (indifferent) 白眼

His wide eyes are burning with disgust, anger and excitement, and his face purpling.

憎恨, 愤怒, 以及过度刺激, 烧得他的脸青中带紫。

From all above, we can say color words have strong countenance function.Watching a person’s every mood can get acquired of people’s age, temperament as well as their psychology.

Social property of color words

1. Color connotation with history

In Chinese traditional conception, yellow symbolizes such cultural meaning as the sacredness, imperial power, honor, loftiness, solemnity, land, territory, etc.For example, Yellow River is called Mother River, and is the birthplace of Chinese civilization.In ancient China, colors of clothes are only chosen by imperial house.The buildings in ancient dynasty have their characteristics:yellow and red can be seen in imperial palace and temple;indigo and blue in prince’s residence;common people’s houses are black, gray and white.Similarly, in western culture, color has its own history background.For example:

to raise to the purple升为红衣主教

to be born in the purple升为帝王之家

2. Color words are closely related with politics.

In China, color has strong political meaning.Red, standing for revolution, Chinese Party, proletariat and socialism system, is a typical one, which was influenced by the October Revolution in 1917.On the contrary, the color white and black means counterrevolution.For example, “红色政权”, “黑帮”, “白色恐怖”, etc.

However, in the west, the political meaning of color seems not so clearly demarcated.It is mainly used in various parties and factions.

Green Beret绿色贝雷帽Red Cross红十字会Yellow book黄皮书

3. Colors in clothing

In ancient China, officials in different classes were in different colors.For example, officials above the fourth level were in purple, officials above the sixth level were in green, ect.In the army, nowadays, the colors of clothes are different, soldiers and junior officers wear light grass-green uniforms, while field grade officers and generals wear dark grass-green uniforms.In the job-career, the colors of clothes are also different.For example:golden-collar workers金领阶层gray-collar workers灰领阶层white-collar workers白领阶层blue-collar workers蓝领阶层

4. Colors in economy

Colors are used to express economy terms.For example:

in red ink 赤字 in the red 亏本 in the black 盈利 black market 黑市

white goods白色货物brown goods棕色货物

5. National psychology’s influence

Because of certain cultural similarities and mutual penetrations, different nations often have the same symbolism in one color.For example, red stands for merriment, green for vigor and white for purity.However, they are different in essence.The Chinese word“红”is usually translated as“red”, it means merriment, envy, favor and so on.But Chinese phrases“眼红”can not be translated as“red eye”, but as“green”for it has meaning of“envy”.Besides, when translating the word“jealous”also meaning“envy”, for example, “红人”, “红得发紫”, “走红”, we can not use the word“red”, but“popular”.

Here are some other examples about yellow:

a yellow dog可鄙的人a yellow livered胆小鬼


兴致的英文词语及句子 第4篇






第一,大量缩略词汇广泛使用。英文报刊对内容要求严格,为了在有限的版面内传递大量信息,故用词简练精辟。各种缩略词汇成为一些事物名称的专用词,其主要有三种形式:其一为首字母缩略词,这种词汇以两个或多个单词开头字母进行组合,便于缩短行文、凝练语言,如IOC(国际奥委会)、NBA(美国男子篮球职业联赛)、FIFA(国际足球联合会)等;其二是取词语开头两个字母进行合成,这类词多用于代替比赛项目,如AT(Athletics,田径)、GY(Gymnastics,体操);其三是体育用语将单词首尾字母去掉缩写成词,如Bull vs Lakers,其中“vs”源自versus,champ(冠军)去掉了“ion”。

第二,专业体育术语的大量使用。英文体育报刊在报道体育赛事的过程中,必然要使用体育术语。体育爱好者读到这些技术语言时会产生莫名的亲切感,进而激发他们的阅读热情。以英文体育报刊在排球报道中使用的体育术语为例:SGL (一次), DBL (二次),ROTN (转体), AT (田径),VB (排球)。这些专业词汇的大量使用,更凸显该篇排球报道的专业性。


第四,俚语、俗称的使用。英文体育报刊除了有英式的严谨特色,还有着浓浓的英式幽默。这种表现形式的运用,使英文体育报刊活泼生动,有着很强的亲和力和表现力。在英文体育报道中很多世俗俚语被巧妙运用,这就使一些读者难以触及的体育赛事变得更贴近群众生活。俚语本是社会底层流行的一种语言,英文体育报刊对俚语的使用使专业的报道变得通俗易懂,更易被大众接受。比如在欧洲杯曼联击败阿森纳这场比赛的报道中:“Manchester United beat Arsenal pants off in the first leg of European Cup.”其中“Beat the pants off”就是俚语,意思是取得大胜,羞辱了对手。这种英式幽默贴近生活,对两支传统强队之间的恩怨进行了调侃,增强了报道效果。再如调侃状态低迷上不了赛场的足球运动员时用“benchwarmer”(坐冷板凳的人)、“clear the final hurdle”(越过最后一道跨栏)、“jump on the gun”(抢跑)等表达,极大调动了读者兴趣。

第五,体育撰稿人即兴创造新词。随着人们生活方式改变、思想理念不断更新,一些新的词汇不断产生。在潮流媒体传播过程中,这些新鲜词汇总是最早见诸报端,一旦被人熟知,就会被大众认可。在很多赛场上,英文体育报刊撰稿人会被赛场气氛感染,即兴创造新词。这些词极具个性,有现场气息,多数在特定文章段落中出现,这些词的含义需要对上下文的内容进行揣摩才能明白。如“Forget rugby, here comes drugby.”“rugby”和“drug”分别指橄榄球和违禁品,根据两种含义,作者即兴杜撰出“drugby”,暗示橄榄球运动员服用了兴奋剂。这种生造的新词十分符合媒体需求,读者也能从文章内容中读懂词语含义。在现代体育不断发展的今天,新兴体育种类不断出现,随之产生许多新鲜词汇,如bungee jumping(蹦极跳)、 High altitude gliding(高空滑翔)、 hydro speeding(快速漂流)、 To confirm (闯关)、 aerobics(有氧运动)等。这些新鲜词汇融入了新兴体育特征,具有时代特色。同时,一些具有民族特色的体育项目直接音译成词,也是新词的来源,如Taijiquan(太极拳)、gossip(八卦)、sumo(相扑)、 Tae Kwon doe(跆拳道)等。这些词语词意模糊,但在体育比赛中更符合实际。因赛场信息变化和信息及时传播的需要,记者往往在无法预测比赛结果的情况下进行赛事报道。本着科学求实的职业操守,这些有着模糊印记的词汇在报道中被广泛使用,成为英文体育报刊的报道特色。


英语体育报刊的句型活泼生动、独具魅力。一些句子大量出现省略成分,成为有模糊语意的短句。这种句式多在标题中出现,比如,“One for the Liverpool”这个标题的意思是利物浦队先胜一局。按照句式特点,这个短句应有系动词来衬托表达。记者在这里将系动词省略不用,同样能将整个句子意思表达清楚。在标题“Go awards or go home”中,为了引发读者对体育事件的思考,记者在标题中使用祈使句,以暗喻形式激励球队取得好成绩,对比赛起到警示点睛的作用。对于一些体育比赛过程的精彩描述,定语从句往往在表述中出现,其作用是让读者能更全面领悟相关信息。如介绍棒球在美国历史和个人纪录中的片段:“However, just as baseball game did not begin as a wholly US enterprise, it did not end the 20th century as one either. Baseball’s all-time home-run champion is a man named Sadaharu Oh, who hit 868 during a legendary career in baseball-mad Japan. The national team of Cuba overpowered the Baltimore Orioles of the US major leagues 12-6 in a 1999 exhibition game.”在这段话中,作者介绍棒球历史时提到美国霸主地位已经遭到冲击,优势不再,以此向读者传递棒球势力在世界各地崛起的事实。






2015年6月引起世界体坛震荡的国际足联丑闻事件就是一例:A bribery scandal led to two senior FIFA executives being suspended - Bin Hammam and Vice-president Jack Warner.President Blatter denied FIFA was in crisis and rejected suggestions that the vote for the 2022 World Cup - controversially awarded to the oil-rich Gulf state of Qatar - should be held again amid mounting allegations of bribery involving the bid.其中文翻译:一场贿选丑闻导致国际足联两位高官——亚足联主席哈曼及国际足联副主席沃纳被停职。国际足联主席布拉特否认国际足联已陷入危机……在这则英文体育报道中,“bribery”意思是贿赂,“bribery”与 “scandal”衔接体现出贿选的作用。“scandal”这个词是指违反道德、让人震惊的事情,与“scandal”相关的短语有public scandal(众所周知的丑事),sex scandal(桃色、性丑闻),从而映射出国际足联贿选丑闻带给世界体坛的严重冲击。


由于现代社会信息传递快速,无法预知的新闻事件,往往令新闻工作者很难对整个突发事件有清晰明确的判断。在这种情况下,新闻工作者应发扬职业精神,以客观角度报道事件,在不能提供准确数据的前提下,借助模糊词语来描绘事件的发生以及发展状态。这种不明真相前提下采用的模糊词汇,不但不会影响新闻报道效果,反而更能增加新闻可信度。在美国波士顿马拉松爆炸案发生后,美国《时代周刊》对这一体育突发事件进行报道:The federal bureau of investigation announced that led the investigation of the Boston marathon serial bomb attack, saying it is "potential terrorist activities may survey".On Monday (April 15) of the attack has killed three people and injured more than 100. Several of 17 seriously injured were amputation……在这则体育报道中,记者对袭击目的定性并不清楚,以潜在恐怖活动之名进行报道;对伤者数量进行说明,提供了相应数据,使报道内容并没有出现人为定性。在没有警方权威调查结果前使用这样的报道方式是尊重事实的体现。


[1]陈冬纯. 选择就是意义——英语新闻标题的特点分析[J]. 西安:西安外国语学院学报,2002(2):5-9.

[2]马建国. 英文报刊导读[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002:10-30.

[3]王瑶. 谈谈模糊语言在东西方新闻写作中的应用[J]. 新闻记者,2000(10):78-80.

[4]张健. 报刊英语研究[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2007:546-560.

总结战报的英文词语及句子 第5篇

battlefield report


aster and Hoban had their heads bent over a sketch for the battle account


n. 战场;斗争的领域

The sight of the battlefield was horrible.

战场的情景令人毛骨悚然。The battlefield is full of the army.

军队布满了战场。The room resembled a miniature battlefield.

这个房间很像一个缩小了的战场。The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage.

战场完全是一片大屠杀的.惨象。The battlefield was a scene of appalling bloodshed.


v. 报告,报道;记述;公布;告发,举报

n. 报告,报道;成绩报告单

confirmation of the report

传闻的证实 His report and your report disagreed.

他的报告与你的报告不一致。The auditing report and the evaluation report shall be announced to the public.

审计报告和评估报告应当向社会公告。The reporters peppered her with questions.

记者们向她接二连三地提问。 The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.

于印花的英文词语及句子 第6篇




printed wallpaper


印花的式样,花纹装饰的式样Material dyed in batik way

用蜡防印花法印染的.花布Small decorative sticker like a postage stamp,esp one sold in aid of charity

印花贴签(尤指出售以捐助慈善事业的)Print a flower design on cotton fabric.

在棉织品上印花卉图案。The sofa was adorned with a gay print slipcover.

沙发上罩了一个鲜艳的印花套子。 Your insurance card is insufficiently stamped.

你的保险卡未贴够印花。“chintz:a printed and glazed cotton fabric, usually of bright colors.”

摩擦轧光印花棉布:一种通常为鲜亮颜色的轧光印花棉织物. A soft, lightweight, usually printed fabric made of wool, cotton, or rayon.

印花薄织物由羊毛、棉花或人造纤维做成的一种轻便柔软的通常印花的织物It is that the Stamp Act be repealed absolutely, totally, and immediately.

印花税法必须绝对地、完全地、立即地废除。 printing是什么意思:

n. 印刷(术)

v. print的现在分词

Anastatic printing: A relief printing process used by artists to produce prints.

艺术凸版:艺术家用用板画的凸版印刷方法Their dictionary was printed last month.

他们的字典已于上个月出版发行。daily prints;rushes;dailies

工作样片 Roman print or typestyle.

罗马体字体或正体字 The printed or positive reproduction of a microphotograph.


n. 邮票;特征;印章;印花;跺脚

v. 贴邮票于;盖章于;跺(脚);标出

They are stamp collectors. They often trade stamps with each other.


A stamp or seal meant to be impressed.

图章用来盖戳的图章或印章 This machine perforates the sheets of stamps.

这台机器在这整版邮票上面穿孔。The official stamp is on the desk.

公章在书桌上。All of these stamps are from China.

总结置于的英文词语及句子 第7篇


put (at or in a position)


bracket a word

把一个字置于括弧内To place in proximity;juxtapose.

把…置于近处;使并列The diplomat was placed under police surveillance.

外交官被置于警察的监视之下。cocoa mat

椰子树片编织物;置于门口的)席垫Place(a golf ball)on a tee

将(高尔夫球)置于球座上.Give medical research a high-priority rating

把医学研究置于高度优先的地位.They give medical research a high-priority rating.

他们把医学研究置于高度优先的地位。We might put a sealed container of water in a constant-temperature bath.

我们可将一个盛水的密闭容器置于恒温槽内。Prepare to play(a golf ball)by placing it on a tee

(将高尔夫球置于球座上)准备击球.To respond to an incoming telephone call by placing a telephone device in the off-hook state


n. 住所;座位;场所;地方;名次;社会地位;位;职位

v. 放置;投资;任命;名列前茅

To place on or as if on a blacklist.

把…列入或似把…列入黑名单 A place for everything, and everything in its place.

物物齐备,井井有条。The soupspoon is placed on the right - hand side of the place setting .


v. 放,置,使处于;表达,说明

put a crimp into

妨碍|束缚 Put on the screw

施加压力strike [ put on ] a pose of

装出...面貌[样子] position是什么意思:

n. 位置,方位;姿势;职位,工作;状态;态度

v. 安置;把…放在适当位置;给…定位

Moon is a positive.

月球是个实在的事物。It is the positive of the battery.

这是电池的阳极accessible position

总结长远的英文词语及句子 第8篇




In the long run; in the long term

从长远的观点来看;终于Doing maintenance on the car will save a lot of money in the long run.

从长远的观点来看,维修车子将能省下许多钱。He had something he must say to her before he bade her a long farewell.

他有一桩心事必须在和她长远别离之前对她说出来。Hip is short term and earnest is long term.

时髦是短暂的,真诚是长远的。In the long run, your integrity will pay off.

从长远的观点来看,你的.正直会有报偿的。 We must have a long term point of view and not seek quick success and instant benefits.

我们要有长远观点,不要急功近利。They were much more realistic about its long term commercial prospects.

他们对它的长远商业前景更为现实。 But in the long run, the pace of reform should not be too slow.

但从长远来说,改革的步伐不能太慢。And ultimately we shall move on to communism.

从长远说,最终是过渡到共产主义。There are prospects for reducing solid booster costs to make them financially more competitive


adj. 长的;长时间的;冗长的;长音的

adv. 长久地,长期地;始终

n. 长时间,长时期;长音节

v. 渴望

abbr. 经度,经线

But perhaps not for long.

但这并不会持续太长时间。It will take a long time to read through this long story.

要读完这长篇故事要花相当长的时间。propagation of long and very long wave in the ionosphere


n. 期,期限;学期;任期;条款;项;条;术语

v. 把…称为,把…叫做

It is a contradiction in terms.

这在措词上是自相矛盾的。Hip is short term and earnest is long term.

时髦是短暂的,真诚是长远的。extreme term of proportion

比例外项 range是什么意思:

n. 一系列;排,列;山脉;类别;幅度;等级;范围;射程;射击场;牧区;炉灶

v. 排列;归类于;射程达到;漫游;延伸;变化;涉及

the range of the nightingale

夜莺的生长区 range the hills, countryside, etc

漫游山地、 乡村等. range crane fly

总结热望的英文词语及句子 第9篇



A thirst for knowledge

求知的热望Aspire to become an author

热望成为作家They seem to have lost their desire for life.

他们似乎已丧失了对生活的热望。He has beautifully voiced this longing in one of his poems.

他在一首诗里美妙地表达了这种热望。At length the path becoming clearer and less intricate, brought them to the eager desire to run to him

看到她们长得如花似玉,满了好奇和急于向他扑过来的热望。The plan we were all sop enthusiastic about seems less attractive when viewed in the cold light of day.


v. 渴望;追求;立志

They aspire to freedom.

他们渴望得到自由。 Aspire to inspire before you expire.

断气之前,随时追求新的`生命力。He is an aspirant to the presidency.

他是个争当总统的人。Reunification of the motherland is the aspiration of the whole nation.

实现国家统一是民族的愿望That is not something I particulary aspire to at this moment.

总结运动方式的英文词语及句子 第10篇

mode of motion


Walking, running, rowing and cycling are all healthy forms of sports.

走路,跑步,划船和骑自行车都是有益于健康的运动方式。 Of or resembling an amoeba,especially in changeability of form and means of locomotion.

变形虫的变形虫的,象变形虫似的,尤指在形状变化和运动方式方面Cardio Cross Everyone knows that cross training is important. Try this exciting fitness cocktail.

有氧交叉操在一堂课程中融合有氧操、板及哑铃操等不同运动方式。能更大程度上的.消耗身体多余的热量。 mode是什么意思:

n. 方式;模式;风格,时尚

Hypolydian mode

亚里底亚调式 Hypophrygian mode

亚弗里季亚调式 Mode switch. This control is used to select the desired transmit mode. The modes available are

模式开关,这个控制旋钮能选择你要求的发射模式,可选模式有:。Imprinting is not possible in the following modes: print off mode and reset mode.

在下列模式下不能进行影印:不影印模式、重新设定模式。A method of operation;for example,the binary mode,the interpretive mode,the alphanumeric mode.


n. 运动;动作;提议;动机

v. 以姿势向某人示意

The train was in motion.

火车开动了。The motion was withdrawn.

那项动议被撤销了。 The backwards motion is the anticipation, the throw itself is the motion.

这个向后的动作就是预备动作,投掷就是动作本身。The motion was lost by a majority of two.

动议以两票之差被否决了。 object motion perception

总结七千的英文词语及句子 第11篇


In the Philippines alone there are more than 7, 000 islands and islets

仅菲律宾群岛就包括大小岛屿七千多个。Chinese ancestors began to make lacquer ware about 7,000 years ago.


num. 七

n. 七,七个

Seven is my lucky number.

七是我的幸运数字.Please awaken me at seven.

请于7点唤醒我。It has grown in the past seven years.

在过去七年中,它已经增长了。There are seven of us, inclusive of the servants.

抱括仆人在内,我们一共有7人。These brothers are always at sixes and sevens.


n. 一千;一千个;无数

adj. 无数的

Tens of thousands

成千上万The town has a population of ten thousand.

这个镇有一万人口。 A thousand people attended the conference.

一千人参加了会议。Not a single miss in a thousand times

万无一失Thousands of people jammed the stadium.

总结七千的英文词语及句子 第12篇

seven thousand


In the Philippines alone there are more than 7, 000 islands and islets

仅菲律宾群岛就包括大小岛屿七千多个。Chinese ancestors began to make lacquer ware about 7,000 years ago.


num. 七

n. 七,七个

Seven is my lucky number.

七是我的幸运数字.Please awaken me at seven.

请于7点唤醒我。It has grown in the past seven years.

在过去七年中,它已经增长了。There are seven of us, inclusive of the servants.

抱括仆人在内,我们一共有7人。These brothers are always at sixes and sevens.


n. 一千;一千个;无数

adj. 无数的

Tens of thousands

成千上万The town has a population of ten thousand.

这个镇有一万人口。 A thousand people attended the conference.

一千人参加了会议。Not a single miss in a thousand times

万无一失Thousands of people jammed the stadium.
