


雅思口语话题总结之地点 第1篇





describe a place you visited before makes you learn about past(when you went there, why you went there, what you did)


What do you learn about the history of the places you visited?

Why you think it is attractive?

Questions about historical sites.Where, and through what ways can we learn history?

Is history important for people?

How do children learn about history?

Do you think history is important to children today?

Why people forget what they learn in history class?

Do you think what we have learnt from books is important?

Do you think museum is important? Do you think it should be free of charge?

How do old people and young people relax themselves in cities?



describe a place where you had lunch(where it was, what it looked like,who ate with you,what kind of food it provided)


Where do Chinese people like to have lunch? What about dinner?

What about people in other countries?

Do you like to eat at home or outside?

When do they like to eat outside?

What do people like to have when they eat outside?

What kind of food is healthy?

How do the restaurants attract customers?

Are there popular restaurant in China?

How do you think of junk food?

Which food you think is healthy and why you choose that?

What kind of food would you like best and can you cook it?



Describe a place full of noise


What is the cause of noise?

Why it is harmful?

Why should we reduce noises?

Are all noises harmful?

How can we reduce noises?

Do you think there are more noises than before? Why?

How can we control the noises?

Many people are keeping dogs as pets, do you think the dog barking is noise?

Have they realized the dog barking is also noise?


雅思口语话题总结之地点 第2篇

Flowers are widely used in many occasions and festivals in our country to represent for a blessing, happiness and good luck. Most families have at least one kind of plants or flowers at home.

What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?

A bunch of flowers is considered as a gift for a wide range of occasions for both people to send and receive flowers. For example, in a birthday party, Women’s day, or Valentine’s day, colorful flowers are arranged nicely in a small vase and given to each other.

In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?

Yes, they do. As mention above, flowers play an essential role in different occasions as a special gift for people to show love to one another. People, especially girls, are happy and pleased when they receive their favorite flowers from beloved ones on their birthday.

When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?

雅思口语新话题卡解析 第3篇



Describe a car or vehicle you would like to

have in the future. You should say:

•which you will choose

•what it will look like

•how much it will cost and explain why

you’d like to buy it.




Which will you choose? 你会选择什么代步工具?

要买代步工具的话,你会选择哪一种?针对这个问题,大家最容易想到、也最方便说的就是汽车了。考生可以从汽车的品牌说起,比如Alfa Romeo (阿尔法·罗密欧)、Aston Martin (阿斯顿·马丁)、Rolls-Royce (劳斯莱斯)等。这些牌子大家再熟悉不过了,可顺手拈来。然后再从性能等方面给出理由即可。


In the future I would like to have a BMW. I think BMW makes the slickest car on the road. First, I would choose a car rather than a motorbike or truck because cars are a nice mix between maneuverability and versatility. A big rig like a truck wastes a lot of gas. A motorcycle can get good mileage, but does not work well in snowstorms. (以后我要买一辆宝马汽车。我觉得宝马能制造出道路上最酷的汽车。首先,我选汽车而不是摩托车或卡车,是因为汽车是操控性和功能性的完美结合。像卡车那样的大型车太费油。摩托车省油,但是遇上暴风雪的天气就没法开了。)


slickest = coolest 最酷的

例句:That is a really slick boat. Where did you buy it? 这艘船真酷,你在哪儿买的?

nice mix = good combination 很好的结合

例句:Internet café is a nice mix between work and fun. 网吧是一个将工作和娱乐很好地结合在一起的地方。

mileage = fuel efficiency 油耗

例句:This car gets really poor mileage.



What will it look like? 这辆车会是什么样子呢?

针对这一点,大家可以选择的素材其实很多,无论是motorcycle (摩托车)、taxi (出租车)、coach (旅游大巴)、lorry (货车)、jeep (吉普车)还是van (厢式货车)都可以。请看下面的例文:


I would want to buy a red, mid-sized BMW. I would pick red because it is a color that stands out in a crowd. I would keep it washed and spruced-up all the time so that it would turn the girls’ heads. It is difficult to wow someone with your car if the inside looks like a pigsty. (我想要买一辆红色的中等大小的宝马车。我要选择红色的,因为红色很醒目。我会让它保持清洁干净,这样就可以引起所有女孩子的注意了。如果车里像个猪圈一样,就很难给人留下深刻的印象。)


stand out in a crowd = be noticeable


例句:The tall man really stood out in the crowd.


spruced-up = clean, looking nice 干净的,清洁的

例句:I always keep my room spruced-up.


turn people’s heads = capture people’s attention


例句:The fancy watch turned everyone’s heads.


wow = impress 给……留下深刻的印象

例句:Tom wowed his boss with his presentation. Tom的演讲让他的老板留下了深刻的印象。

pigsty = 猪圈,猪窝

例句:Wow, did you see Rob’s house? It was a pigsty! 喔,你看到Rob的房子了吗?简直是个猪窝!


How much will it cost? 这辆车会花费多少钱?

在这辆车上花多少钱取决于每个人的预算。有些人是汽车迷,买了车之后还会花费很多钱去改装,变成改装车(hot rod);有些人不会在汽车上花费太多,认为这仅仅是个交通工具(transportation tool)。


The car will cost a pretty penny. BMWs are not a poor man’s car. Most people who drive them are really loaded. In light of this, it will probably take some time before I can shell out the money to buy one. (这车会很贵。宝马不是便宜车。很多开宝马的人都很富有。考虑到这一点,要花钱买辆宝马车的话,我还得等一段时间呢。)


pretty penny = expensive〈口〉一大笔钱

例句:Buying a new house costs a pretty penny; it’s expensive.


poor man’s = inexpensive 便宜的,穷人的

例句:It’s a poor man’s beer, but it is my favorite beer. 这是穷人啤酒,但却是我的最爱。

loaded = wealthy 有钱的,富有的

例句:Kim is loaded; she is very rich.


in light of = acknowledging… 考虑到……

例句:In light of gas prices, I suggest we walk.


shell out = spend 花费

例句:I don’t want to shell out 10 dollars for a hamburger.



Explain why you’d like to buy it.


有些人买车是为了方便(convenience),有些人买车是为了配合自己现在的职位(position)或地位(status),多数是用作商业目的(business purpose)。当然,不排除一部分人买车纯粹是为了炫耀一番(show off)。


I would like to buy a BMW because a good car is a mark of pride in China. Not all cars are the same. I really like cars and tend to dote on them. I love the feeling of driving on the open road. I like driving with the pedal to the metal, going as fast as the car will go. I love to go joy riding at night without the lights. It is a heart-stopping experience. I guess I really want the car as a trophy to show off to my coworkers. If I owned a BMW I would be the envy of the whole office. (我要买宝马车是因为在中国,一辆好车是身份的象征。并不是所有车都是一样的。我真的非常喜欢车,愿意把热情倾注在车上面。我喜欢在大路上开车的感觉。我还喜欢把油门踩到最大,全速前进,能开多快就开多快。我喜欢在漆黑的晚上开车去兜风。那是非常刺激的感觉。我想我还希望把这辆车当做战利品去向同事们炫耀。如果能拥有一辆宝马汽车的话,我会是全办公室羡慕的对象。)


mark of pride = an important symbol or respect


例句:Having a good watch is a mark of pride in some European countries.


dote on… = give all attention to…


例句:Kyle loves his children—he is always doting on them and spoiling them.


pedal to the metal = go as fast as possible


例句:Sue puts the petal to the metal when she drives long distances.


joy ride = tool around 开车兜风

例句:Shall we go for a joy ride?


heart-stopping = thrilling, very frightening


例句:Watching the boy fall off the cliff was a heart-stopping experience.


envy of the whole… = the entire…would be envious


例句:He’s the envy of the whole street.



雅思口语话题之家乡 第4篇

关于家乡类的雅思口语话题的常见题型:Where do you come from ?Can you tell me something about your hometown? Do you think your hometown a good place for young people to live? How can you make comparison between Beijing and your hometown?这种雅思口语话题类型的考题我们在回答的时候应该根据考生各自的背景准备一些关于自己家乡的特色,美食或是景点的语料。家乡特色可以着眼于家乡的文化,如entertainment娱乐,high-rise building高建筑,infrastructure基础设施建设,transportation system交通系统,educational situation教育现状等入手。进而积累一些表达be famous for„;„ is unique in...;„ is special for its „;„ is well-known for its „因„而著名„

My hometown is a coastal city,which offers some of the best beaches in China.我的家是沿海城市拥有中国最美丽的海滩。

My hometown is an inland city best-known for the gentle,rolling hills surrounding it.我家是内陆城市,群山环绕。

My hometown is the one,which steeped in time-honored traditions.我家是历史古都,有着久远的历史。


1.What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?

当然你家乡近几年的变化一定有很多,但大家尽量不要试图把所有的变化都说出来,最好只挑出一个最重要的,然后使用我们之前讲过的第二种方法compare & contrast来进行对过去和现在的对比。

Example:I think one of the most important changes that has taken place in my hometown in recent years might be the tall buildings.I remember 20 years ago, my city was just like a small village with small houses everywhere.However, the city now has evolved into a modern metropolis where numbers of skyscrapers have gone up, such as shopping malls, office buildings and apartment buildings.2.Is there something that still needs to be developed in your hometown?(why not?)

“有什么东西在你的家乡仍需要改进的地方”相当于“你对你的家乡还有什么不满意的地方”。对于此题大家可以围绕一个点来谈(cause & effect)或从多个点切入(examples)。

A1: Well, one thing I am not happy about my city is the transportation.There are too many people traveling back and from work or school every day, so in rush hours, buses and subway trains are crowded with commuters.Consequently, daily travel round the city becomes a nuisance!

A2: There are actually quite a few things that I’d like to mention: the heavy traffic, the housing price that is unaffordable to ordinary people, the pollution and poor education.I think the government has a lot to improve!

雅思口语话题之足球运动 第5篇

clearance kick 解除危险的球

to shoot 射门

grazing shot 贴地射门

close-range shot近射

long drive 远射

mishit 未射中

offside 越位

to pass the ball 传球

to take a pass 接球

spot pass 球传到位

to trap 脚底停球

to intercept 截球

to break through, to beat 带球过人

to break loose 摆脱

to control the midfield 控制中场

to disorganize the defence 破坏防守

to fall back 退回

to set a wall 筑人墙

to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势

ball playing skill 控球技术

total football 全攻全守足球战术

open football 拉开的足球战术

off-side trap 越位战术

wing play 边锋战术

shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术

time wasting tactics 拖延战术

Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式

four backs system 四后卫制

four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式

four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式

red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)

雅思口语话题之历史遗迹 第6篇

Machu Picchu in southern Peru is a very interesting historic place and I have a great interest about his historic place. Though I have not visited this place in person, but I would definitely love to be there someday. I mostly learned about this place from one of my friends who visited there and from TV, internet and newspapers.

Machu Picchu is located in Machupicchu District in southern Peru and it is historically connected with the 15th-century Inca civilization. It is located in 2,430 meters or around 7,970 feet area above the sea level. This place lies on top of a mountain and is a very popular destination for the tourist all around the world. This place is referred as the “Lost city of the Incas” and it was named as one of the 7 wonders of the world in . UNESCO nominated it as a world heritage in the year 1983.

This historic place was built as an estate for the Pachacuti emperor of the Inca civilization in around 1450, and is considered as the most significant and familiar icon of the Inca civilization.

A tourist can see the finest work of the Inca civilization there and can learn many thing about this civilization. Apart from the ruins and cultural icons, one can enjoy the great beauty surrounding this place. The sunset time is awesome and eye witnessing the hills is something unforgettable. The Inca bridge is interesting to hike, and the scattered stones in the place is a different experience one can get. The Condor, Steps , Falling stairs, Temples, Sacred Rock, Llamas and other Animals, Inca Trail will all blow your mind and would remind you that you are visiting one of the 7 wonders of the world.

This is an interesting place due to the vast area and iconic meaning of the Inca civilization. There are a lot to see, a lot to do and enjoy and being at one of the 7 wonders of the world is something a visitor will never forget. This place takes us to the past, in the time when Inca nation were there, and taught us how advanced they were as they have been able to build such a place with virtually no technological advancement of modern technology.


An interesting historic place in my country is (...say a name of a historic place...). It is situated at (...area name...) in (...city/town name ...). In my opinion this is a very interesting historic place as it is almost two thousand years’ old and it was discovered in the middle of the last century. This was the center of the (...say a civilization name...) civilization and was one of the most prominent cities of our country. More than several hundred feet had to be dug to discover it.

Now the place has been renovated to reflect the city it once been. There are more than hundred acres of places in this site and most of them are the remaining of the lost civilization and city of that time. There are several old buildings, castles, fortress, monuments, rivers, canons, cryptic houses, under paths and sculptures are there. A museum was built as recently as 10 years ago for the visitors to learn more about this lost city and people. The museum is a really good one in terms of its collection and reflection of that civilization.

To me, this was interesting because of the proof of advancement this civilization had. I have read a lot about this civilization and cultures of these people and visiting this place was a really good experience. The museum was very rich in terms of learning history. The city was more than 2 thousand years old and yet it has many amazing art works, tools, intricate designs, buildings with amazing work, finest canon and many more proofs of their advancement. They had been a flourishing civilization that dominated that part of the country. The idea of our civilization being found by future generation was an interesting idea and this historic place just reminded me that. The museum, the fine airmanship and advancement of that civilization are all amazing historic proof and interesting to explore.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

1. Describe a historical place you have visited

2. Describe a worth visiting tourist spot in your city

3. Describe a famous spot in your country

雅思口语话题之团队合作 第7篇

You should say:

what it was

what you have done

why you have chosen this person(s) to work with

and explain what you did to finish the project.

Just last month we finished a project at the university, it was a research project which involved various entities both here in India and abroad and communication was one of the most challenging aspects of it.

I think there were about 15 people in total in the team. It was coordinated from France by an academic research foundation based there. We were investigating various aspects of environmentally friendly air transport; looking at ways to reduce noise and fuel consumption, and the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The project dealt with researching possible methods of improving current engine technology and involved an in depth study of flight physics as applied to most commercial airliners nowadays, mainly based on lightweight structures and possible changes or improvements which could be made.

The long term aim of the project was to evaluate and then test some completely new types of aircraft structures and concepts.

I think it helped me develop on a professional level more than on a personal level, although I did get a lot of opportunity to interact with different people from various different countries and practice my English a lot. But professionally it was very challenging and very interesting for me. It is the first international research project I have been involved in so it was quite exciting as well.

As I said, there were people from France, Germany, the UK, the USA and some other countries. We used to have regular teleconferences to discuss the progress of the project and any problems we encountered, share research results and information, and discuss possible solutions and areas of further investigation. I was working closely with one of my senior professors here at the university who is very experienced in this field of engineering.

地点类的雅思口语 第8篇



Every town wishes a few enjoyment locations and facilities, like cinemas, theater, parks, sports centers, etc. Right here I would like to speak approximately a leisure facility that I would really like to have in my homeland.

It is a theater for plays and other cultural events. I belong to Ferozpur, which is a small city known for its spare parts industries.

There are many modern facilities in my hometown, but I feel that arts and cultural events have taken a backseat due to the modernization. I have been to the Tagore theater in Chandigarh, where many plays, dance events and other cultural events are organised.I once saw a dance competition there. It was for promoting the traditional dances of India and many students from local schools participated in it. They performed dances from all over India, like Bharatnatyam, Odis i, Hakka, Bhangra and many more such forms of dances.

I was very impressed with the performances and felt proud of our diversity and culture. I think such a facility would greatly benefit the young generation.

Technology had taken over our lives and we are forgetting our roots. Just a facility will not only be a pace of leisure but also keep us connected with our roots and will make the hidden talent come out. Many talented children and youngsters will get an opportunity to showcase their talent.

I hope to see such a leisure facility in my hometown in the near future.


地道用词:locations and facilities

cultural events

modern facilities

participate in

be impressed with

高分句型:There are many modern facilities in my hometown, but I feel that arts and cultural events have taken a backseat due to the modernization.

I once saw a dance competition there. It was for promoting the traditional dances of India and many students from local schools participated in it.

Just a facility will not only be a pace of leisure but also keep us connected with our roots and will make the hidden talent come out.


Describe a leisure facility (cinema, theatre, sports center) you would like to have in your hometown

You should say:

What it is

Where it is

When you go there

And how you feel about it




The theatre I am going to tell you is National Centre for the Performing Arts. It is located at the Center of Beijing, to the west of Tian’anmen Square, with a shape like an egg. You can enjoy a range of elegant music such as dramas, symphonies, and Chinese traditional operas. Many leading musicians from abroad would also choose this place as their major performing stage.

The audiences here are mainly middle-aged individuals, students majoring in music and people who have a deep understanding of melody. Generally speaking, it is not very popular among youngsters. Most people came here because of its top-quality acoustic settings. The floor is supported by ten massive pads. These are constructed from rubber, and so are able to absorb any vibrations from outside and prevent them from affecting the auditorium. The walls are made of several layers of honey-coloured wood. In order to improve the acoustic properties of the auditorium and to amplify the sound, they are not straight, they are curved. The walls also have curtains which can be opened and closed to change the acoustics.

I believe the National Centre for the Performing Arts is a good place to appreciate music. Besides the excellent acoustic experience, you can also meet people with the same interests and make new friends. My girlfriend and I met there. So I love it.


地道用词:a range of

a deep understanding

高分句型:The audiences here are mainly middle-aged individuals, students majoring in music and people who have a deep understanding of melody.

These are constructed from rubber, and so are able to absorb any vibrations from outside and prevent them from affecting the auditorium.

The walls are made of several layers of honey-coloured wood. In order to improve the acoustic properties of the auditorium and to amplify the sound, they are not straight, they are curved.





As a big fan of sports, if possible, I would like to have a sports center as the leisure facility in my hometown.

Right now, there are not many places for people to do sports. Most basketball courts and football playgrounds are limited to students at school. There are some private places for people to play badminton or ping pong, but they have to pay by hour. So a new sports center would be great to the city. A center with open basketball courts, running trails, football fields and spaces for other sports will be very popular among citizens.

Considering the crowded layout at the city center, I think the sports center should be situated at the southern part, where the population is relatively smaller. It is a little far from the populous area, but I think a new sports center will attract more people to move to the southern region. The traffic is not a concern, since we can ride a bike, take the bus, or use the subway to arrive there.

The center will cater for various needs of different age groups. Some open areas can be used for old people to do square dancing in the evening; the running trails ensure visitors to enjoy a good time jogging in the morning; and young people can do the sports they fancy such as basketball, football, volleyball, and so forth.

The primary reason why I like a sports center is that it will provide conveniences for the citizens. As I’ve mentioned, at the moment, people have no easy access to physical exercise. With a sports center, people can do regular exercise, and enjoy a better life. Furthermore, it can be used to host events such as tournaments, concerts and festivals. In this way, the sports center will boost the fame and economy of the city.


地道用词:As a big fan

be limited to

far from

running trails

so forth


A center with open basketball courts, running trails, football fields and spaces for other sports will be very popular among citizens.

Some open areas can be used for old people to do square dancing in the evening; the running trails ensure visitors to enjoy a good time jogging in the morning; and young people can do the sports they fancy such as basketball, football, volleyball, and so forth.

Furthermore, it can be used to host events such as tournaments, concerts and festivals. In this way, the sports center will boost the fame and economy of the city.


You should say:

Where is it?

Who uses it?

Why people go there?




I want to have a very special sports stadium in my hometown. This can be the largest stadium in the city. The surrounding area takes a festive look. The entire city becomes illuminated. The stadium comes with special features and the lighting system is adorable indeed.

It is a multipurpose stadium. And so, it is used for various purposes other than holding only sports competitions. The stadium can hold a good number of local and international cultural events. And the spectators enjoy the events live inside the stadium. Besides, the stadium is a gathering place for the commoners. When any event is organised, they come with groups. The group members contain their relatives, friends and family members. It becomes a happy event for them to be here with the group and enjoy themselves. Besides, the events held here are exciting and enjoyable. It brings a sense of relief among the local people. By the same time, based on the stadium, economic activities also get a boost. It brings some luck for the local people as well. But most of the people come here to enjoy the cultural shows and sporting events that are held annually or on the occasional basis.

This is an important place for the city dwellers for many reasons. Firstly, this is the common ground for entertainment for the local people. They have to remain busy round the week or month. In fact, it is almost impossible for them to be relived without any external source of entertainment. The stadium plays the role of the external source of entertainment. Besides, this is a beauty for the nation and the city of Kathmandu. The place holds many national and international event and people of all strata join here. The entire locality becomes a festival ground which brings a sense of joy and happiness among everyone. So, this place bears a great significance.



a sense of relief

get a boost

The entire city becomes illuminated.

By the same time, based on the stadium, economic activities also get a boost.


Besides, the stadium is a gathering place for the commoners. When any event is organised, they come with groups. The group members contain their relatives, friends and family members. It becomes a happy event for them to be here with the group and enjoy themselves.
