


gre写作的要怎么用 第1篇




gre写作的要怎么用 第2篇



数量大、难度高导致很多同学被GRE单词折磨得心力交瘁,背了后面忘了前面,好不容易背完list C,却发现list A中abandon以下都恍若初见,相近的词傻傻分不清楚,熟悉的词碰上偏僻的义项又是一脸懵逼······



(1)OG 官方指南 & PPII 模考软件

OG 已经出到了第三版,教材包含了 GRE 考试所有的考试题型考点、评分标准、解题策略等等,和之前的第二版内容差异不大。

如果小伙伴们之前购买过老版的 OG ,那么就没有必要再花额外的钱啦。对于刚刚入坑 GRE 的小白们,买一本 OG 回家还是很有必要的哦。

40 美金的价格附带 4 套模考练习(包含 PPII 模考软件),相对于原版进口的教材来说,已经是挺良心的了。

买回来 OG 之后,里边的所有例题和模考题,小伙伴们一定尽量做到全都做过,而且是全都做到烂熟于心。

这些题目相对比较基础,覆盖了大部分的考点和出题套路,是我们备考和研究 GRE 最佳的材料哦。

备考 GRE ,一口吃不成一个大胖子,把所有的基础题的分数都拿到手,即使难题放弃了一部分也能总体得到还不错的分数哦~

所以说,小伙伴们在刚开始一定别把短期目标定得太过难以实现,一步一步踏踏实实地复习,从 OG 上面相对基础的题开始着手练习,分析好自己出错的错因,和每一道题目的出题思路就很好。

模考软件 PPII 和 GRE 机考的界面完全一样,大家在模考模式下做题,还是能够比较真实地反应我们自身的真实得分的。

网络上能够找到开源的 GRE OG 和 PPII 的资源,大家不妨自己去搜搜看哦。不过还是支持正版啦!

PPII 模考软件官方下载地址:

费用:OG + PPII ,40 美金

(2)GRE 150 真题

在众多考生普遍抱怨 GRE 复习资料太少的压力下,ETS 发布了 150 真题,特别适合备考的小伙伴们在强化阶段做精细化练习,有针对性地提高 Verbal 分数。


GRE 官方发布的资料非常稀缺,因此 150 真题的价值不言而喻。如果备考的小伙伴们在刚刚开始准备 GRE 的时候就把这些题目都做掉了,其实是有点浪费了这些珍贵的资料。

脑补自己在中后期复习的阶段,打开 150 真题,惊吓地发现里边题目的答案自己都记住了…这些真题目就等于废掉了,完全起不到自我检测和模考的效果…悲剧…

因此,初期备考以 OG 和 PPII 上的题目为主,中期再用 150 真题来训练强化,查漏补缺。



(1)GRE Kaplan 模考软件

Kaplan 虽然不是官方出题机构,但是在 GRE 复习资料这块影响力非常大,研发的模考软件算是比较权威的 GRE 复习资料。

Kaplan GRE 模考软件相对于 PPII 来说,题量多了很多,而且是免费的!在很大程度上,能够帮助考生去训练 GRE 的答题技巧和思路,同时帮我们查漏补缺、发现自身的知识点漏洞。

Kaplan GRE模考软件官方下载地址


(2)Magoosh 模考软件

Magoosh 真的是准备 GRE 的神器,尤其是对 Verbal 还是很有帮助的。

相对 PPII ,Magoosh 的题量非常充足,并且能够模拟真实的考试环境,还能根据考生做题的情况预估分数,还是具有很高的参考价值的。

Verbal 题目的难度普遍都比 PPII 的题目难,经常会碰到 3000 词之外的偏门词汇。虽然有的题有点奇葩,不过 Magoosh 中的每道题都有非常详细的文字和视频讲解,甚至又不懂的问题还可以发邮件询问,可以说服务非常到位了。

费用:99 美金

三、其他GRE热门资料(可+微信领取:hetaozhihu )


推荐理由: 从词汇书来讲,这两本都收录了 GRE 的核心词汇,任选一本背即可,强烈建议!!不习惯用实体书背单词的小伙伴,也可以从网上扒 PDF 和 EXCEL 版本的资源。

小伙伴们背单词千万别贪多,高频和多次的重复永远是背单词的最佳捷径。下功夫才能见成效。每天 5-7 个 list 大量反复地滚动背诵,两三周左右就能把 GRE 的核心三千词汇背得七七八八了。








推荐理由:这俩货在 GRE 填空界那简直是再经典不过的了~配合 OG 和 PPII 使用,效果更佳!

(5)阅读:杨鹏的 GRE 长难句/新东方绿皮书/ 36 套

推荐理由:长难句和 36 套简直是拯救 GRE 的神器!当年战 G 一个月一战成功全靠这两本,真的很好用,对训练考试策略和建立阅读题感很有帮助。


推荐理由:数学是咱们的强项,在练习完 OG 和 PPII 之后,不妨在用难度更高一个档次的猴哥训练自己用英语做数学的能力。熟悉了猴哥的难度,再回到 OG 和 PPII 真的感觉 so easy !


初始期:OG & PPII 、要你命三千、核桃英语GRE高频词

强化期:GRE阅读240题+GRE填空机经1200题、Kaplan 、新东方绿皮书/陈圣元填空、长难句/ 36 套、要你命三千

进阶期:Magoosh 、猴哥数学、要你命三千


tractable: 易驾驭的; easily led, trained, or controlled; easily handled; malleable

1) easily controlled or guided

2) easily managed (opposite: intractable)

3) easily managed (controlled or taught or molded)

Syn: docile, submissive, yielding; malleable

tractable difficult to control, incorrigible, obdurate, headstrong, obstinate, balky, willfull, pertinacious, intransigent

complaisance : intractable

tractable : lead

tractable : controlled

tame : tractable

tractable : control

He has a tractable dog that learns tricks easily.

The boat was so lightweight it was tractable by one person.

Having a tractable staff made her job a lot easier.


tractable insubordinate=intransigent=recalcitrant

complaisance : intractable = adeptness : maladroit 柔顺不是倔强的=老练不是笨拙的

subtle : overlook = tractable : lead 微妙的容易忽略=温顺的容易领导

tractable : controlled = credulous : convinced (选项有fool: friendly)

tractable : control = testy : annoy 温顺的容易被控制=易怒的容易被使苦恼


stalwart: 坚定的; marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, or spirit

1) having or marked by imposing physical strength

2) firm and resolute; stout

3) strong and sturdy; brave; resolute; a brave, strong person; a strong supporter; one who takes an uncompromising position

constant : stalwart

stalwart lank, irresolute, timid, timorous, infirm, gangling

stalwart : fortitude

recalcitrance : stalwart

stalwart : irresolution


recalcitrant: 顽抗的; obstinately defiant of authority or restraint

1) stubbornly defiant, unmanageable, resistant

2) (adj.) stubbornly rebellious

3) marked by stubborn resistance to authority

Synonyms: disobedient, intractable, uncontrollable

recalcitrant tractable

recalcitrant : authority

1. 尽管这个病人feigned to be compliant with the assigned new treatment, the seasoned doctor detected the ____ in his eyes. (recalcitrant) (.06)

2. The class of third-grade students proved to be recalcitrant to all the demands of the inexperienced substitute teacher.

3. The boy became recalcitrant when the curfew was enforced.

4. The recalcitrant youth dyed her hair purple, dropped out of school, and generally worked hard at doing whatever others did not want her to do.

X?S LYm@v recalcitrant : authority = conservative : innovation 反抗的:权威=保守的:创新

recalcitrant : authority = hidebound : innovation

recalcitrant : authority = reactionary : change

recalcitrant : stubbornness = impudent : brazenness

recalcitrant : stubbornness = resourceful : inventiveness

recalcitrant : resist = consistent : perpetuate

recalcitrant : resist = consistent : perpetual

recalcitrant : refractory = authority : reactionary

recalcitrant : control = impudent : obsequience

resourceful : inventiveness :: philanthropic : geniality

resourceful : inventiveness,选项有recalcitrant :stubbornness 和philanthropic : geniality,我选了前面那个

allay:relief = ?但是我不认为应该选anticipate:expectation!

recalcitrant, refractory : authority :: reactionary : change

abstemious : indulge :: intransigent : acquiesce

recalcitrant amenable, submissive, tractable

recalcitrant tractable 桀骜不驯的温顺的

tractable incorrigible, obdurate, headstrong, willfull, unruly, obstinate, recalcitrant

tractable obdurate, obstinate, recalcitrant, restive, willful, unruly, uncooperative,


clandestine: 秘密的; 暗中的; secret

clandestine : secrecy = harmony : congruity 秘密的:秘密=一致的:一致

clandestine : secrecy = amicable : peaceableness

clandestine open 秘密的公开的


marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy : SURREPTITIOUS

synonym see SECRET

The clandestine plan must be kept between the two of us!


arcane adj.神秘的,秘密的. | clandestine adj.秘密的,暗中从事的 | covert adj.秘密的,隐密的

adj.公开的、非秘密的 | cryptic adj.秘密的,神秘的 | enigmatic adj.神秘的,难解的

esoteric adj.秘传的,神秘的 | furtive adj.偷偷的,秘密的 | inscrutable adj.高深莫测的,神秘的

occult adj.秘密的,不公开的 | sneaking adj.秘密的,不公开的

uncanny adj.神秘的,不可思议的 | runic a 古代北欧文字的,有神秘性的

unearthly a 非尘世的,神秘的,怪异的 | surreptitious adj.鬼鬼祟祟的,保密的

mystique n 神秘性,秘诀


furtively: 偷偷摸摸地; done by stealth : SURREPTITIOUS

1) done secretly or in an underhanded way

furtively candidly, candid, in the open

Synonyms: cunning, sly, stealthy


They stole many furtive glances into the guarded room but saw nothing.


(adj.) secretive; sly

The detective had much difficulty finding the furtive criminal.

【考法 1】adj. 鬼鬼祟祟的;秘密的: done by stealth

【例】a furtive glance at her 朝她投去的隐秘一瞥

【近】 secret, clandestine, covert, stealthy, surreptitious

【反】 aboveboard 光明正大的;candid, forthright 坦率的

gre写作考试练习怎么进行 第3篇




每个评论员都很快地评论你的文章。不可能把每一个细节都看得很仔细。考生应迎合阅卷人的阅卷思维,用最规范的结构和最清晰的表达方式来反映自己的思维:第一段要明确提出自己的观点,gre写作方法, gre备考要多久中间段要打开,每段的开头应该是该段的主题句。









Laws should not be stationary and fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.



Should laws be stable and fixed or be flexible in taking consideration of various factors such as circumstances, times and places? The speaker concludes that instead of being stationary, laws should be constantly changing. The speaker’s claim have merits in declaring that law should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances since adaptation to changing social environment is how the law properly guard the function of social engine and the general welfare of people as a whole. But to some extent, we would not go too much in neglecting to importance of the stability of laws because they are the principles we adhere to in our daily life, if changed too abruptly and constantly, will result in egregious chaos and confusion.

Keeping stability, consistency of laws is indispensable in helping people to make prediction of the consequence of their behaviors and figure out the legal obligation and rights exerted upon them by the legal system. In the personal level, consistency of laws defines the properness and legality of their doings and thus endows people with sense of security and good citizenship. If as the speaker claimed that laws should never be stationary or fixed, people face the threat of being constantly threw into turbid mud of bewilderment and insecurity and finally lose their sight in how to adapt to sudden alternation of in this aspect or another.

Another example that aptly illustrates this is in the field of business. As we know, the ultimate goal of a business is to maximize its profit of shareholders within the framework of laws to define that a enterprises function within this framework, obey its obligation and hamper no interest of the general welfare of the society. In order for a enterprises to thrive, it must carefully study the relevant business laws, including anti-dumping law and torts, etc.Given the choice, most leaders are unwilling to see the prospect that laws are constantly changing since it takes time and effort to build a well-defined frames within companies and overthrow established practice and code would demand another round of revising and reevaluation....



Most people often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it it is unhelpful or harmful to do so. Instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms: we should avoid the tendency to compare it to something else.



In the age of accelerating changes, the eagerness to understand things in an effective and equally efficient way is more than ever. Although all kinds of complex techniques, skills and equipments helpful for understanding and studying the objects are easily accessible to people, the basic strategies stay the same as before: one is starting from similarities and the other from distinction. From my personal point of view, only by using the two in proper proportion and order can one achieve his/her goal to understand a thing.

Looking for similarities is a proper starting point. When we first meet something new,we need to clarify its basic attributes, finding similarites with other familiar things and classify it according to those attributes. Classification according to similaties is of great assistance to provide us with an outline, basic knowledge which we can base further investigation upon. Although things in contemporary age represent themselves in various forms and styles, similarities exist in any pair as long as certain perspective can be found. For instance, Bookcase and window are so different that at first glance, one

may not be able to find the similarities, or even such an effort seems to be meaningless. Yet, they are both part of a house, something that must be taken into consideration when decorating or refurnishing the house. Such a comparison would be helpful for us to realize that “buy” and “sell” are two basic operation we can have upon window even though we have no idea what window is made of, how it is produced or what its function is.What’s more, looking for similarities not only refer to the object itself, but the relationship with others. Similar relationships helps people understand things in groups or pairs using the strategy: analogy. Analogy is especially useful when the charactertistics of a relationship rather than the objects themselves are the focus of understanding and when similar relationships are known and objects unknown. For example, if told that the relationship between window and ASVE is similar to that between book and read, one can safely guess that ASVE is the operation people can take on window although ASVE stays an unknown action.

Definitely, mere similarity usually exclude the distinctive characteristics of a thing. We need to investigate its own terms for deeper understanding. Within the rough outline sketched by similarity, a more detailed and well-articulated picture can be drawn by grasping own terms of a thing. Still take window as an example. From careful observation, we know that it is transparent, it consists of different chemical materials, it performs the function as to protect privacy, to preserve desirable temperature indoor, and sometimes to prevent rains and snows from going inside. Deeper and further understanding of window can only be gained when we take its own terms besides those it shares with bookcase into consideration.

gre考试写作文章结尾怎么写? 第4篇





I caught as many as twenty fish in two hours,but my brother caught many more. Tired from fishing,we lay down on the river bank,bathing in the sun. We returned home very late.



如“I Cannot Forget Her” (我忘不了她)的结尾:

After her death,I felt as if something were missing in my life. I was sad over her passing away,but I knew she would not have had any regr at having given her life for the benefit of the people.



如“I Love My Home Town”(我爱家乡)的结尾:

I love my home town,and I love its people. They too have changed. They are going all out to do more for the good of our motherland.



如“A Day of Harvesting”(收割的日子)的结尾:

Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat,but on every face there was a smile.



如“Should We Learn to Do Housework?”(我们要不要学做家务?) 的结尾。

Everyone should learn to do housework. Don’t you agree,boys and girls?



如“Let’s Go in for Sports”(让我们参加体育运动)的结尾:

As we have said above,sports can be of great value. They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work bettter. A sound mind is in a sound body. Let’s go in for sports.

GRE写作 你没注意但是应该补救的地方


比如,221“The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history.” 正确的关键字决定了写作是否会跑题。


比如,130“How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.” 对于理工科的GF来说,平常的教学中忽视此类文科性知识是比较常见的。现在突然拿到”socialization” “better society“以及”education”,经常会出现大脑断电或短路,接下来的写作又从何说起?!

简而言之,担心自己对一问题会有看法,但不知道怎么去论证这一看法,更不要说让我们的论证persuasive, insightful.





1、使用否定的时候,比如:什么什么对个人不好,对社会也不好。为什么不来个倒装?Never/neither/nor/seldom/rarely/on no account + is…

2、当你想表达“如果怎么怎么样,就是另外一种情况”—虚拟语气。为什么不来个虚拟倒装?Were(Had) it…,something would......

3、强调句的使用:It is people who…/ it is something that…

4、让步句式的使用:“无论什么样的情况下”However[No matter how] whatever[no matter what]等等….

还有一种Cogent as this response is, it has some minor errors. Somewhat reasonable as the issue presents, it does not experience a case-by- case examination.

还有比较常用的although... It should be admittedly that…,however it does not follow that/

5、疑问句。用于开头,来个设问句,在自问自答,提出自己观点;用于段中,比如举设想的例子:Can you imagine that…?/ How can one imagine…?

6、定语从句(这个大家一般用的比较熟练,但是注意不要太罗嗦…society where(in which)…,/ something on which we depend (on which…based)

7、The more…the more…句式的使用。人们越幸福,社会越稳定啦、等等。

8、Not only…but also的使用。很好用的,ETS经典的6分范文:专才VS通才不就用了两个嘛?


10、还有一些比较常用的:There is no denying that…/ there is no doubt that…

11、还有imong的一个句子:So powerful the scandal is that Watergate became the talk of the world.如此..以至于..



随着新GRE改革,新GRE作文的题型经过几年前人的总结,参考不断发布的机经,GRE写作对于考生来说,已经不是最困难的题型了。因为题库是给定的,而大量高频、例文、模板在互联网上随处可见,如果参照的题库一样的,写作水平大部分也是一样的,那么怎么才能在千篇 一律的作文之中脱颖而出,获得考官的信赖?下面新东方GRE频道为大家介绍GRE作文技巧。



