


美国电影《假结婚》中英文对白 第1篇

Andrew,hey.Here you go.Your regular lattes.Literally saved my life.Thank you.Thank you.Everyone OK?-Yeah.大家都好吗?-好 Yeah.-Me too.-我 –也很好。Hello,Frank?How’s my favorite writer? 你好,弗兰克?我最心爱的作家你还好吗? Of course you’ve been thinking about our talk 当然你一直在考虑我们之间的谈话

Because you know I’m right.因为你知道我是对的 Frank,people in this country are busy,broke, 弗兰克,这个国家的人又忙,又穷

And they hate to read.They need someone they can trust to say, 而且又讨厌阅读。他们需要跟可以信赖的人讲话 “Hey Don’t watch CSI:Indianapolis tonight.“别看CSI:今夜印第安纳波利斯

Read a book!Read Frank’s book.”And that person is Oprah.读一本书!读弗兰克的书。“此人是奥佩拉” Cuttin’ it close.-One of those mornings.-又夹塞了-与往常一样

Thank you ,Captain Obvious.多谢,显而易见长官 Sweetl…甜心

-Uh, sorry.…Jesus!哦,对不起…我的老天爷!Rub some dirt on it ,brother.弄点土擦擦,老兄 Frank, the truth is allA-plus novelists do publicity.弗兰克,事实上是所有的顶级小说家都在出书

Roth ,McCourt, Russo, and… 罗斯,麦考特,拉索,还有… Frank!Can I tell you what else they have in common?A Pulitzer.弗兰克!告诉你他们另外一个共同点?都是普利策奖的获得者 I need the shirt off your back.Literally.我要你脱下你身上的衬衫,真的 You’re kidding, right?-Yankees,Boston, this Tuesday, 你不是在,开玩笑吧?-美国佬,波士顿,周二

Two company seats for your shirt.You have five seconds to decide.这2家公司的票换你的衬衫。给你5秒做决定 5 4 3 2 1 I know 我知道


Morning, boss.You have a conference call in 30 minutes.早安,老板。30分钟后开会

Yes.About the marketing of the spring books.I know.对。关于春季售书会议,我知道了 Staff meeting at 9:00 员工会议9:00 Did you call, um…What’s her name?你给那个,呃...叫什么来着,打电话了吗? The one with the ugly hands.那个长着一双难看的手的人


Yes.I did call her.I told her that 是的,我打过了。我告诉她了 If she doesn’t get her manuscript in on time 如果他不及时交手稿 You won’t give her a release date.Your immigration lawyer called.您就不给她发行日期。您的移民律师打电话了 He said it’s imperative… 他说有要事...Cancel the call, push the meeting to tomorrow取消电话,把会议推到明天 And keep the lawyer on the sheets.记下律师的电话 Oh, and get a hold of PR,哦,联系一下公共关系部

Have them start drafting a press release.让他们起草新闻发布草案 Frank is doing Oprah.弗兰克正在写奥佩拉 Wow.Nicely done.哇,干得不错

If I want your praise, I will ask for it.如果我需要你的表扬,我会说的 Who is Jillian?这个吉莉安是谁?

And why does she want me to call her?为何她让我给她电话? Well,that was originally my cup.其实,那是我的杯子

And I’m drinking your coffee why?而为什么我在喝你的咖啡? Because your coffee spilled.因为您的咖啡洒了 So, you drink unsweetened cinnamon light soy lattes? 那么,你也喝不加糖的桂皮大豆咖啡拿铁?

I do.It’s like Christmas in a cup.是的。就好像杯子里有圣诞 Is that a coincidence?是巧合吗?

Incredibly, it is.难以置信,确实是

I mean I wouldn’t possibly drink the same coffee that you drink 我的意思是 我不可能跟您喝一样的咖啡 Just in case yours spilled.仅仅为了以防您的被洒掉 That would be pathetic.那就太可怜了

Morning.Miss Tate’s office.早上,泰特小姐办公室 Actually, we’re headed to your office right now.Yeah.事实上,我们正要去你的办公室。对

Why are we headed to Bob’s office?为什么要去鲍勃的办公室

Have you finished the manuscript I gave you?你完成我交给你的手稿了吗? Uh,I read a few pages.I wasn’t that impressed.呃,我读了几页。没什么劲 Can I say something?-No.-我能说几句吗?-不行

I’ve read thousands of manuscripts.我读过成千上万的手稿了 And this is the only one I’ve given you.这是我唯一给你的 There’s an incredible novel in there.里面有一个了不起的小说 The kind of novel you used to publish.你过去经常出版的那种 Uh ,wrong.And I do think you order the same coffee as I do 呃。错了。我的确相信你跟我订的是同样的咖啡 Just in case you spill,which is ,in fact, pathetic.只是以防万一被洒。事实上,真是可怜至极

-Or impressive.-I’d be impressed –或者说感人至深 –我深受感动 If you didn’t spill in the first place.如果你刚开始没有洒掉

Now remember, you’re just a prop in here.现在记住,你在这里就是个摆设

Won’t say a word.无言以对

Ah!Our fearless leader and her liege.Please, do come in.啊!我们无所畏惧的领导和她的臣子。快请进来

Oh.Beautiful breakfront.Is it new?哦。漂亮的书柜。是新的吗? It is English Regency Egyptian revival,built in the 1800s 这是19世纪的英国摄政时期的埃及复古品

But ,yes, it is new to my office.但是,没错,刚到我的办公室的 Witty.妙语连珠

Bob, I’m letting you go.鲍勃,我决定放你走人 Pardon?您再说一遍

I asked you over a dozen times to get frank to do Oprah, and you didn’t do it.我反反复复地要求你让弗兰克写奥佩拉,可你就是没做 You’re fired.你被炒鱿鱼了

I have told you that is impossible.我告诉过您是不可能的

Frank hasn’t done an interview in 20 years.弗兰克20多年都不接受采访了

Well that is interesting, because I just那听着到蛮有趣的,因为我刚 Got off the phone with him, and he is in.跟他挂完电话,他同意了 Excuse me 你说什么

You didn’t even call him,did you?你甚至连电话也没有打,对吧? Frank can be a little scary to deal with.For you.对你来说,弗兰克可能是块硬骨头

Now ,I will give you two months to find another job.现在我给你2个月的时间另谋高就

And then you can tell everyone you resigned,OK? 然后到那时,你告诉大家你辞职了,怎么样? What’s his twenty?他什么反应?

He’s moving.He has crazy eyes.他在移动,眼睛直直的 Don’t do it ,Bob.Don’t do it.别这样,鲍勃。别冲动 You poisonous bitch!你这个老毒婆!You can’t fire me!你凭什么炒我!

You don’t think I see what you’re doing here? 你以为我不知道你在干嘛?

Sandbagging me on this Oprah thing强迫我做什么奥佩拉的事情 Just so that you can look good to the board? 只是为了你在董事会那边出风头?

Because you are threatened by me!因为我对你有威胁!

And you are a monster.-Bob, stop.-还有你这个怪兽-打住,鲍勃 Just because you have no semblance of a life 只是因为你拿这间办公室当幌子

Outside of this office,你根本不懂生活

You think that you can treat all of us你认为你可以把我们所有的人 Like your own personal slaves.当你的私人奴隶

You know what? I fell sorry for you.你明不明白?我真替你难过 Because you know what you’re gonna have on your deathbed? 你知道你临死的时候会怎样吗?

Nothing and no one.床边没有任何东西,也没有任何人 Listen carefully,Bob.鲍勃,给我仔细听着

I didn’t fire you because I feel threatened.No.我炒掉你不是因为你对我有威胁。绝对不是

I fired you because you’re lazy,entitled,incompetent 我炒掉你是因为你懒惰,自以为是和无能

And you spend more time cheating on your wife 并且你花在欺骗你老婆身上的时间

Than you do in your office.比你的办公时间要多得多 And if you say another word,而且,如果你再敢胡言乱语 Andrew here is gonna have you thrown out on your ass,OK? 安德鲁会把你直接扔出去,清楚了吗?

Another word and you’re going out of here再说一个字,你就马上走人 With an armed escort.在武装警卫护送下

Andrew will film it with his little camera phone 安德鲁会用这个小小的手机拍摄这一切

And he will put it on that internet site.并且把公布在互联网上-what was it?-YouTube?-叫什么来着?-视频网站? Exactly.Is that what you want?没错。你想那样吗?

Didn’t think so.I have work to do.我看算了吗。我还有工作呢 Have security take his breakfront out of his office 让保安把书橱抬出他的办公室

And put it in my conference room.把它放在我的会议室 Will do.听命

And I need you around this weekend这周我要你加班

To help review his files and his manuscript.帮忙审查他的文件和手稿-This weekend?-You have a problem with that?-这周?-你有问题吗? No.I „just my grandmother’s 90th birthday,不是。只是...我奶奶要过90大寿

So I was gonna go home and„所以我准备回家而且...„it’s fine.I’ll cancel it....算了。我只能取消了。You’re actually saving me from a weekend of misery anyway, 正好把我从周末的苦海中拯救出来

So it’s„ good talk, yeah.那就是说...一言为定,对 I know,I know.OK, tell Gammy I’m sorry.OK? What„ 我知道,我知道,跟奶奶说,我很抱歉,好吗?什么...Mom.What do you want me to tell you?妈妈,想让我跟您说什么呢? She’s making me work the weekend.她让我周末加班呢 No,I’m not„ no.不,我不是...不

Listen, I’ve worked too hard for this promotion 听着,为了这次升职我历尽辛苦

To throw it all away, OK?-现在放手太可惜了,好吗? I’m sure that Dad is pissed,我肯定爸爸气蒙了

But we take all of our submissions around here very seriously.但是我们在这都惟命是从不敢懈怠

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.回头我再联系您-Was that your family? –Yes.-你的家人?-是的

-They tell you to quit? –Every single day.-他们让你辞职?-每时每刻 Bergen and Malloy want to see you upstairs immediately.卑尔根和马洛伊希望立刻在楼上见到你

OK.Come get me in ten minutes.We’ve got a lot to do.好的。10分钟叫我回来,还有一大堆事呢 Margaret,congratulations on the Oprah thing.玛格丽特,恭喜你为奥佩拉所做的一切

-That’s terrific news.-Thank you,thank you.-真是令人振奋的消息 –谢谢,谢谢

This isn’t about my second raise, is it? Just kidding.这不会是我的第二次晋升吧,是吗?开个玩笑 Margaret, do you remember when we agreed 玛格丽特,你还记得我们之间的协定吗?

That you wouldn’t go to the Frankfurt Book Fair 你的签证正在申办的时候

Because you weren’t allowed out of the country 你不得离境

While your visa application was being processed?不得去法兰克福书展 And„you went to Frankfurt.可是...你去了法兰克福 Yes, I did.We were going to lose DeLillo to Viking.是的。不然我们差点就把唐·德里奥(美小说家)输给维京佬了

So„ really didn’t have a choice, did i?所以...也是事出无奈,不是吗? It seems that the United States Government可是美国政府好像不关心 Doesn’t care much who publishes Don Delillo.谁出版唐·德里奥

We,uh, just spoke to your immigration attorney.我们,呃,刚刚跟你的移民律师通了话

Great.So,we’re all good?Everything good? 太好了。那么,我们都好吧?一切都还好?

Margaret, your visa application has been denied.玛格丽特,你的签证被拒签了

And you are being deported.而且你要被驱逐出境

And apparently there was also some paperwork显然还有一些文书工作 That you didn’t fill out in time.你也没及时填好 Come on.Come on!It’s not like I’m even an immigrant!不会吧,不会吧!我甚至不算是移民!

I’m from Canada, for Christ’s sake.看在上帝的份上,我是加拿大人 There’s gotta be„ there’s gotta be something we can do.应该会有...我们应该会有办法的

We can reapply, but unfortunately 我们可以再申请,但不幸的是至少要等一年

You have to leave the country for at least a year.你得离开美国,至少要等一年

OK.OK, well, that’s not ideal, but,uh„好了,其实,状况很不理想,但,I can, uh„ I can manage everything from Toronto„ 我可以,呃。我可以通过多伦多来处理一切...„with videoconferencing and internet....用电视会议和互联网 Unfortunately,Margaret,不幸的是,玛格丽特

If you’re deported, you can’t work for an American company.如果你被驱逐了,你无权再为美国公司工作

Until this is resolved I’m going to turn operations over to Bob Spaulding.在这个事情解决之前,我得让鲍勃斯博尔丁来运作一切了

Bob Spaulding?The guy I just fired?鲍勃...?我刚刚解雇的那个家伙? We need an editor in chief.我们需要一个主编

He is the only person in the building who has enough experience.他是这座大楼里唯一有资历的人

-You cannot be serious.I beg of you.-Margaret.-您不会是认真的吧。我求您了-玛格丽特

We are desperate to have you stay.我们也诚恳地想让你留下来 If there was any way, any way at all 如果有任何法子,什么法子都行

That we could make this work, we’d be doing it.只要能做到的,我们都会去做

There is no way„可是没有一点办法...I am begging you.我求您了

No,Margaret.Excuse me,we’re in a meeting.不玛格丽特,对不起,我们正在开会

-Sorry to interrupt.-What?-对不起,打扰了 –什么?

Mary from Miss Winfrey’s office called.She’s on the line.温芙蕾小姐办公室的玛丽打来电话,她在线上

She needs to speak with you right away.I told her you were otherwise engaged.她要立即与您通话。我告诉她了您另有安排 She insisted, so„ sorry.可是她坚持,所以...对不起 So 对不起

Gentlemen,I understand, 先生们,我理解 The predicament that we are in.我们现在的困境 I think there’s something that you should know.我认为有些事情你们应该知道

We’re getting married.我们要结婚了

-Who is getting married?-You and I.-谁要结婚?-你和我 You and I are getting married!Yes.你和我要结婚了!没错 Isn’t he your secretary?他不是你的秘书吗?

Executive,uh„assistant secretary.Titles.头衔是高级秘书

But, wouldn’t be the first time one of us fell for our secretaries.但是,我们公司也不是头一次爱上自己的秘书了 Would it,Edwin?不对吗,埃德温?

With Laquisha.Remember?跟拉奇莎。记得吗?

You know, Andrew and I, we’re„ we are just two people 你们知道,安德鲁和我,我们...只是2个

Who weren’t meant to fall in love but we did.不该恋爱的一对,却爱上了彼此

All those late nights at the office and weekend book fairs.那些办公室的深夜和周末的书市

Something happened.Something.就那样发生了,一些事情 Yeah.Tried to fight it and„是的。也试图抗击这种情感可...Can’t, can’t fight a„但是无法,无法阻挡...Can’t fight a love like ours,so uh„ 无法抗拒我们之间的爱,所以

Uh„ Are we good with this? Are you happy?我们这样可以吗?你们高兴吗? Because,well„ we are happy.So happy.因为,其实...我们很高兴非常高兴 It’s terrific.太妙了

Just make it legal.Mmm弄成合法的,嗯?

Yeah,well,then„then that means we„对,也就是说,那么...那么我们...„we need to get ourselves to the immigration office....我们应该先到移民局

So we can work this whole mess out.Right?处理好这一大摊子事,对吗? We will do that right away.我们马上着手办理 What is that about?怎么个意思?

Dragon Lady!Here they come„母夜叉!他们来了。。What is he thinking?他到底怎么想的? Dude,for real.Her? 伙计,真的?跟她?

Married? Didn’t even know they were dating„结婚?都不知道他们在约会 I don’t understand what’s happening.我对这一切感到莫名其妙 Relax.This is for you,too.放松点,这对你也有好处 Do explain.愿闻其详

They were going to make Bob chief.他们要让鲍勃当主编

So naturally I would have to marry you.所以我自然地就要跟你结婚 And what’s the problem? 有什么问题吗? Like you were saving yourself for someone special? 你已经心有所属了吗?

I like to think so.Besides, it’s illegal.我倒宁愿是那样。而且,这是不合法的

They’re looking for terrorists,not for book publishers.他们在寻找恐怖分子,不是出版商

I’m not gonna marry you.-Sure you are.我不会跟你结婚。你当然会 Because if you don’t marry me, your dreams of touching the lives of millions with the written word are dead.你不跟我结婚,你那在写作界成为百万富翁的梦想就会破灭 Bob is gonna fire you the second I’m gone.Guaranteed.我保证,我前脚走,鲍勃就会解雇你

That means you’re out on the street alone looking for a job.那就意味着你得流落街头另觅工作了

That means all the time that we spent together, all the lattes, 我们在一起的日子,所有的拿铁咖啡

.all the canceled dates, all the midnight Tampax runs, 所有取消的约会,所有半夜的卫生棉

.were all for nothing and all your dreams of being an editor are gone.都化为乌有。你那成为编辑的梦想也要湮灭

But don’t worry,after the required allotment of time,别担心,时间一过.we’ll get a quickie divorce and you’ll be done with me.我们就会离婚,互不干涉

But until then,like it or not,但在那之前,不管你愿不愿意.your wagon is hitched to mine.OK? 咱两就是一条腿的蚂蚱。懂吗? This way.Margaret.这边。玛格丽特 Come.The line„过来。要排队。。

Sorry,I just need to ask him something.不好意思,我有事问他 I need for you to file this fianc(?)visa for me,please.请你帮我申请一个结婚签证 Please,come with me.请跟我来

Yes,ma’am, I understand that.We’re backed up„ 是,女士,我明白。我们备份了。。

I have a bad feeling about this.我有不祥预感 Hi.I’m Mr.Gilberstson.嗨。我是吉尔伯森 And you must be Andrew,你一定是安德鲁 Sorry about the wait.抱歉让你们久等了 It’s a,crazy day today.真是,今天忙疯了 Oh,of course,We understand.噢,当然,我们理解

And I can’t tell you how much we appreciate you seeing us on such short notice.非常感激你能在这么短时间内抽空会见我们。

So,I have one question for you.我要问你们个问题 Are you both committing fraud to avoid her deportation 你们是设下骗局,为她谋求美国国籍

So she can keep her position as editor in chief at Coledn Books? 这样她就能继续 在金色书局当主编

That’s ridiculous.Where did you hear that?太荒谬了,你从哪里听来的? We had a phone tip this afternoon from a man named„ 今早有人给我打电话。。

Would it be Bob Spaulding?那人叫鲍勃斯博尔丁? Bob is nothing but a disgruntled former employee.鲍勃只是一个心怀不满的原雇员而已

And I apologize.我道歉

But we know you’re incredibly busy我们知道你非常忙 With a room full of gardeners and delivery boys to tend to.外面全是申请人和递送员

If you just give us our next step 如果你让我们进行下一步 We will be out of your hair and on our way.我们就不会再打扰你了 Miss Tate,please.泰特小姐,请坐

Let me explain to you the process that’s about to unfold.我给你们解释一下流程

Step one will be a scheduled interview.第一步,指定面试

I’ll put you each in a room,and I’ll ask you every little question 我把你们分别放一个房间里,问你们细节性问题

.that a real couple would know about each other.真正的夫妻都能够回答的 Step two,I dig deeper.I look at your phone records, 第二步,更深入。我看你们的通话记录

I talk to your neighbors, I interview your coworkers.跟你们的邻居交谈并和你们的同事见面

If your answers don’t match up at every point 如果你们的回答不相符 You will be deported indefinitely.你会被永远驱逐出境 And you, young man,will have committed a felony„ 而你,年轻人,被判重刑。。

„punishable by a fine of $250,000。。罚金二十五万美元

.and a stay of five years in federal prison.还要入联邦监狱五年 So, Andrew.那么,安德鲁

You wanna„you want to talk to me?你想。。跟我谈谈吗?

(后部分)So 那么

You sure about this?你确定吗?

I mean,I am very appreciative of what you’ve done.我是说,我非常感激你做的一切 But I think that„但是我想...You’d do the same for me.你为我做了同样多 Right 对吧!

Hope everyone is decent.希望每个人都很得体 You need to come with me.你得跟我来

Now,tomorrow is your wedding day.现在明天是你的大喜之日 You have to give the Baby Maker a rest tonight.你得让送子毯休息一晚上 It’s tradition.这是传统

Give your bride a kiss good night.-We’re not gonna„ 给你的新娘一个晚安吻吧。我们没想 „use the Baby Maker.用送子毯

You’ve got your whole lives to be together.你们是要一辈子都在一起的 Ok.Now,come on ,come on好吧。现在来吧

If I don’t go with her,she’s just gonna„如果我不跟她一起去,她会 Come right back.Yeah又回来。是啊 See you in the morning?明早见? Everyone,please be seated.大家请就坐

We are gathered here today to give thanks„今天我们聚集在这感谢

„and to celebrate„庆祝

„one of life’s greatest moments.生命中最辉煌的时刻之一 To give recognition在家人和朋友面前

.to the beauty,honesty,and unselfish ways去赞美.of Andrew and Margaret’s true love美丽,善良,无私的.in front of family and friends.安德鲁和玛格丽特的真爱 For it is their family and friends因为正是他们的家人和朋友.who taught Andrew and Margaret to love.安德鲁和玛格丽特如何去爱 So it is only right that family and friends are all„ 所以唯一正确的是家人和朋友都。

Mi amor.Do you have a question?我的爱人,你有问题吗? Your hand is up.你举手了 It’s not a question.这不是问题

But I do have something I need to say.但我有些事需要说 Margaret.Can it wait till after?能等会再说吗? Hi there.大家好

Thank you all so much for coming out.感谢各位的光临 I have a bit of an announcement我关于婚礼.to make about the wedding.我有些事要宣布

A confession,actually.What are you doing?确切的说,是自白。你在做什么 I’m a Canadian.Yes, Canadian.呃...我是加拿大人。是的 With an expired visa who was about to be deported.签证期满即将被逐出国境的加拿大人

And because I didn’t want to leave然后因为我不想离开.this wonderful country of yours,你们这个美丽的国度 I forced Andrew here to marry me.所以我强迫安德鲁娶我 Margaret,stop it.玛格丽特,别说了

See,Andrew has always had this extraordinary work ethic.你们知道,安德鲁一直都有崇高的工作道德

Something I think he learned from you.我想是他从小耳濡目染的

And for three years I watched him work harder三年里我看他很努力的工作 Than anyone else at our company.比我们公司任何人都努力

And I knew that if I threatened to destroy his career„ 我知道如果我威胁说要毁了他的职业生涯

„he would,he would do just about anything.他会,他会不惜做任何事的 So I blackmailed him to come up here and to lie to you.所以我勒索他来这里对你们撒谎 All of you 你们大家

And I thought it would be easy to watch him do it.我以为看着他这样做很容易 But it wasn’t.但是不是的

Turns out it’s not easy to ruin someone’s life 结果证明要去毁掉别人的生活是非常困难的.once you find out how wonderful they are.尤其当你发现他们的生活非常的精彩

You have a beautiful family.你有一个非常好的家庭 Don’t let this come between you.别让这件事让你们有芥蒂 This is my fault.这是我的错

Andrew,this was a business deal,这只是个交易.and you held up your end,but now the deal is off.你已经履行了你的诺言了,但是现在交易取消了 And ,you, meet me at the dock.那么,我们码头见 You’re giving me a ride to the airport.你送我去机场 What were you thinking?你有何感想? You lied to us.你骗我们

Let me get my head on straight,OK?让我整理下头绪,好吗? I’ll explain everything later.我稍后会解释一切的

You were right.This book is special.你是对的。这本书很特别 I lied because I knew publishing meant 我撒了谎是因为我知道出版将意味什么

I’d lose you as an assistant我将失去你这个助理

but„you have an extraordinary eye,但是...你有独到的眼光.and I’ll make sure we buy this before I leave.我保证在我离开前我会买下它的

Have an amazing life.You deserve it.Margaret.过一个精彩的人生。你值得的。玛格丽特

Well,that was,uh„crazy.呃,那真的是,呃...非常疯狂 You know,people are gonna be talking about this forever.你知道,这会成为人们不朽的话题的 Are you ok?你还好吗

I just feel„You know what the problem is?我只是觉得你知道问题出在哪吗 The problem is that this woman„问题在于这个女人...„is a gigantic pain in my ass....简直是我的心病

First there’s the whole leaving thing.i understand that.起初是离开的那事,我可以理解

It’s a sham wedding.It’s kind of stressful.这是假结婚,令人压抑

But then she goes ahead and she leaves this note.然后她一走了之留下了这个纸条

Because she doesn’t have the decency„因为她没有那么高尚

.the humanity to do it to my face.那么人性地面对我的脸 Three years.Three years I work with this„this terrorist.三年了,我和这个恐怖份子工作了三年

Never once has she had a nice thing to say.她一次都没有好好说过话.and then she goes ahead and she writes this crap!然后她写了这个玩意拍拍屁股走人了!

Andrew.But none of that matters安德鲁。但是那些都不重要 Because we had a deal!因为我们有约定!

Sorry.i’m sorry.i just„对不起,我很遗憾。我只是 She just makes me a little crazy.她简直快把我逼疯了 I can see that.我看得出来

So you’re just gonna let her go?那你就这样认她一走了之? So,what now?那么,现在怎么办?

Well„now that you’re leaving voluntarily,呃...现在你自愿离开 It all becomes very civilized.一下就变得文明起来了

Once we land in New York,you have 24hours to head back to Canada.纽约着陆后,你有24小时返回加拿大

Andrew,what’s happening? I got to talk to her.安德鲁怎么回事? 我要和她谈谈

Why would you do that?Boys!你为什么要那样做?孩子!This has nothing to do with you.不关你的事 Boys,stop it!Stop it!孩子,别这么做!

I’m not gonna let you do this.我不会让你这么做的 I’m not asking your permission here.我没有请求您的批准 I think I’m having a heart attack.我想我心脏病犯了 Easy.Somebody get a doctor!放松。快叫医生!I got it.搞定了

You two need to stop fighting.你们俩别再吵了 You’ll never see eye to eye.你们俩从不正眼看对方 But you’re family.但是你们是一家人

Promise me you’ll stand by Andrew.答应我你会支持安德鲁 Even if„if you don’t agree with him.即使...即使你不认同他

I promise.我答应

Promise me you’ll work harder to be a part of this family.答应我你要努力成为家里的一份子 I will.我会的

Well,then,the spirits can take me.很好,那么,上帝带我走吧 I guess they’re not ready for me.我想他们还没有准备好要带我走 I’m feeling much better,sonny.我现在感觉好多了,宝贝 No need to take us to the hospital.不要带我们去医院了 Take us to the airport.please.拜托,带我们去机场

Mom,what?Are you faking the heart attack?妈妈,什么?你假装犯心脏病? Oh,come on!噢,怎么搞的!

Well,it was the only way I could get you two to shut up and get us to the airport!呃,这是我唯一可以让你们俩闭嘴还有带我们去机场的方法 Ma’am,we’re not authorized to take you to the airport.太太,我们没有带你们去机场的权力

Larry ferris,don’t make me call your mother.拉里费里斯,不要让我叫你妈妈 You got it.明白了

You scared the hell out of me.吓死我了 Yep.You should’ve given up back in New York.是的,你应该放弃回纽约

See,I’m like Eliot Ness.你看,我就像埃利奥特内斯 I always get my man.我总能得到我想要的人 I’m that good.我是那么的棒

Flight 1601,as soon as you’re in position,1601航班,快点就位 You’re cleared for takeoff.你们可以起飞了 Roger that,Chuck.收到,查克 Ok.Come on,come on.好的。快点,快点 Tower.Talk to me.塔楼。请说

Chuck!It’s Drew Paxton.Hey,dude.查克!我是德鲁帕克星盾,嘿,伙计 Hey,uh„I have a little favor I need from you,buddy„

嘿,呃...请你帮我个忙,兄弟...Margaret’s on that plane.I got to talk to her.Can you stop it? 玛格丽特在那飞机上。我要和她谈谈。能让它停下来吗? I heard about your lady bailin’.我听说你女人要脱离困境了 Drag-ola.Chuck!I need you用力-噢啦。查克!我需要你 To stop the plane.Please.把飞机停下来。拜托 I can’t do that.我不能那样做

What’s wrong? Margaret’s on that plane.怎么了?玛格丽特在那飞机上 And he didn’t get to tell her.Tell her what? 他不能告诉她了。告诉她什么? That he loves her.告诉她他爱她

So she could tell him that she loves him,too.让她也告诉他她也爱他

Ok,but how does he„好的,但是他如何„

If she didn’t love him,she wouldn’t have left.假如她不爱他,她也不会走了

Of course not.当然不会

Am I the only one not getting this?我是唯一一个不明细的人吗? Oh,joe!Chuck!Chuck!Look down.查克!往下看 Like„ Oh,there you are!好像„噢,你在那啊!Sorry,man.There was nothing I could do.不好意思,兄弟。我无能为力

I’m sorry,son.I didn’t know how you felt about her.对不起,儿子。我不知道你爱她

Honey,it’s gonna be OK.亲爱的,一切都会好的 Jordan.乔丹

I need for you to send the boxes in my office to„ 我需要你把我办公室的盒子寄到„

„to this address,please.。。寄到这个地址,拜托 This one right here.This address right here.OK? 在这里。地址在这里。行吗?

Can you do that?-Uh,yes.Sure.你能搞定吗?-呃,是的。当然

Good,all right.Thank you.-Miss Tate.很好,很好。谢谢。-泰特小姐 Yes.What? What?是的。什么?什么?

Why are,why are you panting?为什么,你为什么气喘吁吁的? Because I’ve been running.因为我一路跑过来的 Really.From Alaska? I need to talk to you.真的。从阿拉斯加?我要和你谈谈

Yeah? Well, I don’t have time to talk.是吗?其实,我没有时间和谈话 I need to catch a 5:45 to Toronto.我要赶5:45去多伦多的飞机 I need the boxes to go out today.我需要这个盒子今天就寄出去

I want to make sure everything is„我要确保一切事情都。。Margaret!Stop talking!玛格丽特!住嘴 Gotta say something.我有话说

OK.This will just take a sec.好的。只要一小会 Fine.What?好的。你要说什么?

Three days ago, I loathed you.三天前,我还很嫌弃你

I used to dream about you getting hit by a cab or poisoned.我曾做梦想你出门被车撞死或被毒死

Oh,that’s nice.I told you to stop talking.噢,非常好。我叫你别说话 Then we had our little adventure up in Alaska 在阿拉斯加我们有了小小的奇遇

And things started to change.然后事情就开始变了

Things changed when we kissed.当我们接吻的时候事情就变了 And when you told me about your tattoo.当你告诉我你的纹身的时候 Even when you checked me out when we were naked.还有当我们裸体时你看着我的时候

Well, I didn’t see anything„呃,我什么都没看见。。Yeah,you did.不,你看见了

But I didn’t realize any of this until I was standing alone.但我一直没有意识到直到我孤单一人站着

In a barn„ wife-less.谷仓里。。没有妻子的样子 Now, you can imagine my disappointment 现在,你能想象我有多沮丧了吧

When it suddenly dawned on me 当我突然意识到

That the woman I love is about to be kicked out of the country.我爱的那个女人即将被逐出国境 So, Margaret.所以,玛格丽特 Marry me 嫁给我

Because I’d like to date you.因为我希望和你约会 Trust me.You don’t really want to be with me.相信我。你不是真的想和我在一起 Yes,I do.不是的,我想

See,the thing is, there is a reason why 你看,事实是,这必定是有原因的 I’ve been alone all this time.我一直都是一个人 I’m comfortable that way.那样我感觉很自在

And I think it would just be a lot easier而且我觉得那样会更简单些 If we forgot everything that happened and I just left.假如我们忘记所发生的一切还有我离开 You’re right.你是对的

That would be easier.那会简单些 I’m scared.Me,too.我害怕了,我也是

aren’t you supposed to get down on your knee or something? 你是不是应该单膝跪下或者什么的?

I’m gonna take that as a “yes.”我会的 Oh,OK.噢,好的

Yeah!Show her who’s boss, Andrew!很好!让她看看谁是老板,安德鲁!So,let me see if I’ve got this right.那么,让我看看我有没有搞错 You two are engaged again.你们又要订婚了

For real?当真的? You’re sure you want to go through with this? 你们确定你们这次能顺利过关?

Because one wrong answer„ 因为如果一个答错了。。I’m gonna take you down.我就要拒签了 Let’s do it.我们开始吧

When did you first start to date?你们第一次约会是在什么时候? Last week.上星期

That going well? So far it’s great.Thank you.那进展很顺利? 到目前为止是的,谢谢

What kind of deodorant does Andrew use?安德鲁用的是哪种除臭剂? Men’s Speed Stick?男士止汗露?

what flavor? Musk? Alpine? 哪种味道?麝香?原味? Was it love at first sight?是一见钟情吗?no,不是 I loved her from the beginning.我从一开始就爱上她了 What side of the bed does Margaret sleep on?

玛格丽特睡觉的时候睡哪边? She sleeps on the left.她睡左边

What side of the bed do you sleep on?你睡哪边?

Look,are they soul mates? Eeeh.听着,他们是精神伴侣吗?是的 Uh„ Will they kill each other? No.呃。。他们会互相厮杀吗?不会 Are you a good driver?你是个好的驾驶员吗?

Oh, excellent driver.Excellent.噢,优秀的驾驶员。优秀的 In my mind I see her with someone perhaps„ 在我的印象中她好像曾经和某人一起也许。。„more swarthy,darker.更黝黑,肤色更暗

We don’t use the word“Margaret”around Kevin.我们在凯文面前都不说“玛格丽特”的

He still hasn’t warmed up to her.他依旧不习惯她 See? It’s the damnedest thing.看到没?这要竭尽全力 I have never farted in front of him.我从来没在他面前放过屁 Nor will I ever fart in front of him.我以后也不会在他面前放屁

She farts in her sleep.她一般在她睡觉的时候放屁

Would you consider Margaret a good dancer?你觉得玛格丽特舞跳的好吗? You can tell by the way she drinks her soda pop 你只要看她怎么喝苏打水就知道了 That she’s a good dancer.她跳舞很厉害

How is the soda pop relevant to the dancing?苏打水和跳舞有什么关系? I don’t understand this.我不明白

I call him„puppy.-Pumpkin.我叫他。。小狗。南瓜 Kiddo.-Uh„Bird.老兄。呃。。鸟人

Sometimes I call him Rick.有时候我叫他干草堆 How do you spell “Ramone?”你怎么拼读“雷蒙”?

Could you do that again in English,please?请你用英语说好吗? When you say,you know,the position in the relationship„ 当你说到,你知道,男女关系中的地位问题。。Top or bottom?上还是下?

You’re asking me a question about who’s on top? 你就是在问我谁在上面的问题?

You took an oath when you walked in this office.当你走进这个办公室的时候你宣过誓的

I did not take an oath.When did I take an oath? 我没有宣誓。我什么时候宣誓过了?

Laura should’ve done that,but she didn’t.Laura 不会那样做的,但她确实也没有

That’s OK.Who’s Laura?你很好。谁是劳拉? She’s the girl behind you.Don’t look around.站在你身后的那个女孩。不要东张西望

Which of the following numbers是下面数字的那一个-is not a prime?-Seventeen.不是最主要的? 十七

I’m sorry.Let me say the list,please.对不起。拜托,让我读下这个清单I’m sorry?没听清?

He knew your favorite color.他知道你最喜欢哪种颜色

Dark„Maybe like a hunter green?深色的。。比如墨绿? Ok,moving on 断续

What’s her favorite color when she’s not at home? 在户外的时候她最喜欢哪种颜色?

Are you a citizen of this country,Ramone?你是这个国家的公民吗? Yes,I’m a citizen!Are you crazy?是的,我是公民!你疯了吗? What relevance a ball in a net球之于网

.or a Fruit Roll-Up or a Pop-Tart抑或是之于水果卷或者蛋挞。.has to do with my relationship with Andrew? 和我与安德鲁的感情有什么联系吗?

If you’re getting excited„假如你变得兴奋。。Who are you engaged to?你要和谁订婚?

Andrew.Very good.Got one right.安德鲁,很好,对了 And on the wedding day,who will be next to you? 在婚礼上,谁会站在你旁边?

I’m going to marry Margaret Tate.我要和玛格丽特泰特结婚 Final answer? That work? Yeah,final answer.不改了?奏效了吗?是的,不改了

Is this a game show? I don’t understand what„ 这是个游戏节目吗?我不是非常明白。。That’s a great song.那是一首好歌

That was beautiful.That was really beautiful.非常美妙。

美国电影《假结婚》中英文对白 第2篇













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美国电影《假结婚》中英文对白 第3篇

1 英文原版影视剧营造了语言文化氛围

英语学习中十分重要的一个环节就是口语练习, 传统的英语教学主要是以书本为教学工具, 随着信息化时代的到来, 在口语练习的方式上有所变化。利用好英文原版电影这一练习口语的工具, 可以让英语学习者在一种轻松的氛围之下稳步提高口语水平。在我们的日常生活中可以发现很多人尽管没有出国留学, 但是英文口语水准的确很不可思议, 了解后发觉其中大部分人是通过英文媒体获得系统性的口语模仿练习, 优秀的电影电视剧会让他们身临其境地去感受语言的应用氛围。原版的英文影视剧中的语言是最生活化的西方日常语言, 我们常常在跟英语本土语言人士交流时, 对于出现频率较高的词汇, 仍然无法理解其中的含义。与此同时, 当我们在看英文原版电影时也时常发觉这种现象的存在。比如说:《老友记》中的一句话, Here you go和There you go这种类型的语句出现频率很高, 在跟讲英语的本土人士交流时时常会听到, 但是如果我们把它翻译成中文去理解时, 却发现很难找到合适的翻译方式。这两个句子大部分情况下可以在具体的语境中理解其含义, 大部分时候都表示为“情况就是这样而已”的含义。

2 有助于掌握美语口语的灵活性特点

(1) 掌握美语口语的灵活性特点

在英文原版电影中, 能够学习到很多鲜活的词汇以及表达方式, 这点非常重要。在我们以前学习过的句子中, 有些可能已经过时, 或者是在日常的口语交流中并不经常使用, 所以口语表达并不地道。但是通过英文原版电影却可以学习到很多新鲜时髦的词汇, 比如电影中Have you put your foot down?这句话的意思是:你已经决定好了吗?这种表达方式就是非常地道的英语口语。

在《老友记》中, 人物对话比较灵活, 下面说一下词缀的巧妙运用。在剧中有一句话Ross:Mississippi-lessly?在这句话中, 通过missis-sippi后面加了两个词缀, 来表示后面没喷着, 前面喷了两次的现实结果。在后缀中第一个是表示“无, 没有, 缺……”的-less, 另一个是副词后缀-ly。这样一个“mississippi-less-ly”便轻松精准地表达了自己的意思。外加有趣的发音又巧妙地渲染了Ross当时无辜委屈的心情, 通过这样的后缀既能够巧妙地表达出自己的意思, 同时还能够在轻松的环境中渲染气氛, 说明英语口语灵活性的特点, 值得我们学习和借鉴。

(2) 对白中灵活押韵手法的学习

在《老友记》中, 为了缓和Chandler和Joey之间的关系, Ross替Chandler说情, 其中Joey说了这样一句话Come on, do not do the crime if you…can not do the time.这是美国人日常交流时比较常用的用法, 通过灵活的押韵手法, 给人以轻松幽默的感觉, 使气氛比较活跃, 不至于僵持, 并能够让人明显地感觉到人物的性格特点。所以我们在平时的英语口语练习时, 就可以设置情境来模拟这种押韵手法的运用。借鉴这种押韵的表达方式, 既易于表达, 同时练习也比较容易, 并且能够在诙谐幽默的气氛中表达出自己的观点和想法。

3 有助于分辨英语俚语使用的对象和场合

英语俚语是在口语中人们常常使用的、约定俗成的、极具地方特色的非正式语言。因此, 在使用俚语时有很多需要注意的地方, 只有在适当的场合, 面对合适的人, 正确地使用俚语, 才不至显得失礼。俚语没有正式语言那样的书面表达方式, 所以只能在日常生活对话中慢慢地理解和积累。也许, 在刚刚接触俚语时, 并不能快速而准确地理解它具体的内涵, 但是通过长时间的英语口语沟通, 不断积累经验, 就会自然而然地找到它的魅力所在, 并且能够熟练地运用。

在英语口语表达中, 俚语的使用需要注意一定的场合。正如中文中的玩笑或歇后语一样, 使用时一定要考虑到对方的身份以及彼此之间的关系等, 这样才不会尴尬或者造成彼此的不愉快。所以俚语在正式场合不便使用, 在使用时应该考虑清楚。通过英文原版电影的学习, 可以通过当时的情境了解俚语的使用对象和场合。适当地使用俚语, 可以拉近朋友之间的关系, 也可以调节谈话的氛围。比如在《老友记》中就出现过jerk, dump somebody等词, 就是英语口语中比较常见的俚语, Dump somebody表示男女关系之间的一人抛弃另一人。比如在男女朋友分手时, 我们可以用:He dumped me for that young girl.“他因为那个年轻的女人而抛弃了我。”除此之外, 这个短语也适用于十分要好的朋友之间。例如she dumped men。相比较而言, 俚语中的Jerk就有很明确的感情色彩, 在具体的语境中, 可以表示:蠢人、混蛋、做事不经过大脑等等。例如, 一件很容易的事情却被你搞得一团乱麻, 此时就可对自己说:I am such a jerk. (我简直笨死了。) 通过观看英文原版电影, 可以学习到很多俚语, 也能够清楚地了解这些俚语使用的场合和对象, 在日常的英语口语练习时, 可以适当地引入, 慢慢就会领会其中的含义, 并且能够运用自如, 为学习地道的英语口语增添色彩。

4 注重双关语的运用与练习

双关语在中文中也比较常见, 但是要想在英语口语中熟练使用, 必须积累大量的词汇, 对所在国家的文化背景有所了解, 能够明白双关语指代什么意思, 如此才能够清楚地表达出双关语的妙处。在英语口语中, 比较常见的双关语主要有三种, 一是谐音双关, 这需要熟练掌握单词的发音, 并且明白单词所表示的意思。第二种是语义双关, 同样需要在词汇量上有大量的积累, 并且明白一个单词所代表的多重意思。第三种是语义岐解双关, 主要是将词的意思曲解成另外一层意思, 从而表达出不同的效果。双关语在英语口语对话中应用的也比较多, 双关语的学习不仅需要词汇量的积累, 同时还要具有灵活的思维, 能够及时地反应出话语的意思, 为口语交流增添很大的乐趣。

谐音双关 (homophone) 主要是因为英语中一些单词的发音相同或者相近而造成的。其中较为普遍的是同音异义, 也就是拼写和含义均不相同的两个词, 因为发音的相同, 使其所在的句子有了多重含义。比如:有一种字母汤, 里面的面条特意做成字母的形状, 这样在小朋友喝汤的时候, 就可以引导他们用里面的A、B、C等进行拼字游戏。在《老友记》中, 菲比与丽姿的对话中有这样一句, Uh, none but Y.Because people always want to know why.在这句话中, 字母Y和单词why发音完全相同, 因此这句话也就有了两个意思, 不但可以承接上句, 表示人们想了解下字母Y, 而且可以引申为人们总想追根究底, 找到原因。一语双关, 很有意思。

语义双关 (Homograph) 主要是根据一个词本身有多个意思, 这样在适当的情况下, 就可以使所在语句表达多种含义。这样类型的例子在《老友记》中出现的比例也较大, 其中有一句话Right, because they are not only hot, but also hot!We should help them out.在句子中第一个hot表示“热的”, 是散热器故障的缘故, 第二个hot表示“性感的”, 表示夸奖女士性感的意思。通过hot的一词多意, 让这个句子一语双关, 也使大家忍俊不禁。

语义歧解双关 (Twisted Meaning) 主要是通过特意把词的意思曲解, 借题发挥, 以表达另一种含义。《老友记》中的一段对白Monica:I guess it is too soon.Richard:I don’t think so, it is not too soon.I ate lunch at 11.句子中too soon本身想表达的意思是分手没有多久, 但是被另外曲解成吃饭的时间太早了。通过这种机智幽默的表达方式, 可以调节两人之间的关系, 在适当的环境下, 可以缓和气氛。

5 结束语

观看大量优质英文原版影视剧是快速提高英语口语的有效方式, 观看原版英文影视剧可以把自己置身于美式文化氛围中, 可以在具体的语言情景中去交流学习和应用, 增加英美文化知识及理解力。图文声情并茂的英文电影能激发英语学习的兴趣, 更有助于提高听力水平、口语水平及词汇运用的能力。电影反映现实生活, 身临其境、寓学于乐的学习方式使得我们在耳濡目染中实现知识的内化, 进而提高语言的应用能力。所以看英文电影是一种很好的英语学习方式。通过对英文影视剧的赏析, 帮助我们学习到了纯正地道的英语口语, 更重要的是在学习语言的同时, 了解到美国人的风俗习惯、价值观念、思维方式, 培养多元文化意识, 开阔视野, 提高了我们的英语综合素质。


[1]蔡东董.电影与英语听说教学[M].北京:外文出版社, 2000.

[2]杨梅.英文原版电影教学优势及方法研究[J].电影文学, 2007 (16) .

美国电影《假结婚》中英文对白 第4篇

Key Words:Violation ; maxim;Quantity

A violation of the maxim of Quantity occurs when a speaker gives more or less information than the situation requires (高睿,2010).

The following dialogues in the English movies are the cases of the violation of the maxim of Quantity.

Example 1: In the movie Waterloo Bridge, the handsome hero Roy and the beautiful heroine Myra met in the rain. In the romantic rain, Roy got ready to propose to Myra.

Roy: Myra, what do you think we’re going to do today?

Myra: Well, I …I…

Roy: Oh, you won’t have time for that!

Myra: For what?

Roy: For hesitating, no more hesitating for you.

Admittedly, their dialogue have been engraved on people’s heart so to today. However, it is obvious from what they said that their dialogue violates the maxim of the Quantity, for in Roy’s response, he has provided much more information than it is reqiired. But by adding the more information, movie audiences may implicate the attitude that Roy takes to Myra’s strong desire of proposal. Beyond that, audiences could feel the sincere and deep love between Roy and Myra.

To receive this goal, the film producers design enormous similar dialogues in the English movies, trying to use violation of the maxim of Quantity to shape vivid characters and depict poignant love.

In the daily conversations, the violation of the maxim of Quantity is contributed to create humorous film effect. The following example reflects the use of the technique of violating the maxim of Quantity for humorous purpose.

Example2: The following dialogue is between Alice and Absalom, both of which are characters of the famous film Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland.

Absalom: Who are you?

Alice: Absalom?

Absalom: The question is, who are you?

Absalom: Who are you?

Alice: Alice.

Absalom: We should see.

Alice: What do you mean by that? I ought to know who I am.

In this conversation, it is the first time for Alice to meet Absalom. When Absalom asked Alice: “ Who are you?”,Alice did not give a satisfied reply to Absalom. On the contrary, in response to his simple question, Alice provides more information than it is required, thus violating the maxim of Quantity, but from which readers can have a better understanding of the conversation and realize that Alice is confused with her changeable body and she even does not know who she is. However, it is a common sense that everyone should clearly know his or her identity. Thus, the fact that Alice does not know who she is will make audiences cannot help laughing.

Besides, dialogues of the English movies can help viewers have a better and deeper appreciation of the arrangement and development of the movie plot by violating the maxim of Quantity. Then the author takes the movie Princess Diary for example to illustrate this viewpoint.

Clarisse: No, I don’t need a moment. Amelia, I’m so glad you could come.

Mia: Hi, you’ve got a great place.

Clarisse: Thank you. Well, let me look at you. You look so—young .

Mia: Thank you and you look so —clean(严爽, 2009:139).

In their conversation, audience could deeply experience the strained relationship between Mia and her grandmother .It is the first time for Mia to meet her noble grandmother in the Consulate .As the queen of one country ,obviously , it is not hard for Clarisse, the queen, feel disappointed when she is in the face of granddaughter ,who has no any royal temperament .Though Mia does not have any elegant and graceful deportment , her grandmother does not criticize her deportment directly and candidly .On the contrary , the queen evaluates Mia bearing with“young ”.In the conversation, when Mia said:“ Hi, you’ve got a great place” to her grandmother .In response to what Mia said, the queen said: “Thank you. Well, let me look at you. You look so—young .”There is no doubt that the queen observes the maxim of Quality for she not only does not tell lies , but also she does not make Mia embarrassed . Therefore, the queen’s reply violates the maxim of Quantity, because her contribution is not informative as is required. Thus, from the queen’s answer, audiences may implicate that she is satisfied with her granddaughter but with a little reluctance, either. In addition, with one simple “young” ,the image of an elegant and

graceful queen is brought to audience.



[2]严 爽.对电影《公主日记》对白的语用分析[J].浙江科技学院学报,2009.

