


三年级6班学级表 第1篇



七年级三班的学生对“意志”的 内涵认识并不深刻,有必要让学生对意志有更深刻的认识.另外,现在大多数学生是独生子女,生活条件相对优越,缺乏应有的锻炼,心理承受能力较弱,意志品质水平较低.因此,我们有必要引导学生认识意志和锻炼意志。



三年级6班学级表 第2篇

【Teaching Contents】Story time of Unit 6 Colours.

【Teaching Objectives】

1.Knowledge objectives:

(1) vocabulary:orange, green, yellow, brown, red, black, blue, white.

(2) sentences:What colour is…now?It’s…

2.Ability objectives:

(1) Students can master the words:orange, green, yellow, brown, red, black, blue, white.

(2) Students can use the sentences:What colour is…now?It’s…

(3) Students can understand the whole text of Story time.

3.Emotion objectives:

(1) Students can be highly-motivated in learning English, willing to speak English and communicate with others in English.

(2) Students can learn that colours make our world beautifull and we should love our life.

【Teaching focus】

1.four-skilled words and sentence patterns.

2.understanding of the whole text of Story time.

【Difficult points】four-skilled words and sentence patterns.

【Teaching aids】Promethean Whiteboard/word cards/pictures

【Teaching procedures】

Step1:Warming up (热身)

1.Enjoy a song:The Rainbow Song. (利用白板“插入链接文件”功能插入歌曲)

2.T:Boys and girls, do you like the rainbow?


T:I like the rainbow, too.Because the rainbow has many colours.It’s nice.So today we will learn Unit6 Colours. (出示课题, 学生跟读)

3.T:This is the content of our lesson.

(在该环节中, 我利用白板的显露器工具出示本课的学习单:学习内容和学习方式。让学生明确本课的主要内容和学习方式, 提高学生英语课堂学习的有效性)

T:If you can do well in these parts, you can get stars.Come on!

Step2:Presentation and practice (呈现与练习)

【情境创设巧激趣】语言的学习离不开情境的创设。在课堂教学中借助各种方式创设各种情境, 使教学内容形象、具体、生动, 激发学生的学习兴趣。情境的巧妙创设不仅能够调动学生的智力因素, 也能调动学生的情感、意志等非智力因素, 使学生在不知不觉中融于教学情境, 自然而然运用所学的语言去表达。根据英语新课标精神, 英语的语篇教学应该演绎成故事的讲述、聆听和参与。因此在该环节中, 我创设了逼真的故事情境, 让主角杨玲带着大家一起参加魔术秀, 学生在津津有味的参与过程中不知不觉地掌握了所学的知识。

1.T:This is my friend Yang Ling.Look at her skirt.Is it nice?


T:What colour is it?It’s orange. (Teach the new word:orange)

(1) T:Yang Ling is very happy.Do you know why?Today is her birthday.She has got two presents.Let’s go and have a look.

(利用白板的显示与隐藏功能, 出示两个礼物)

(2) T:Look!What colour is it?It’s… (Teach:What colour is…?It’s…)

S:It’s white. (Teach the new word:white)

T:What’s in it? (利用白板的层, 拖动盒子里的礼物)

S:It’s a hat.

T:What colour is it?

S:It’s black. (Teach the new word:black)

T:It’s a black hat.

(3) T:Dang dang!What colour is it?

S:It’s brown. (Teach the new word:brown)

T:What’s in it?Let’s see.

(利用白板神奇墨水功能制作透视镜, 让学生看见盒子里的礼物)

It’s the cloth.What colour is it?

S:It’s red. (Teach the new word:red)

2.T:Let’s chant. (复习刚刚所学的四个颜色单词)

Black, black, stand up.

Orange, orange, sit down.

White, white, touch the ground.

Brown, brown, turn around.

3.T:Yang Ling is very happy.She has worn the black hat and the red cloth.Look, just like a magician.She wants to take part in a magic show in the school.But she is lost her way to the school.Can you help her to finish the board game?

T:Congratulations!Yang Ling can go to the school and play the magic.

【游戏辅助激趣味】小学生听觉灵敏, 善于模仿, 具体形象思维好, 活泼、好动, 注意力持续的时间较短, 在课堂教学中, 如以传统单一的教学模式教学, 不能很好地根据学生的心理特征发挥作用。而且任何年龄层和不同能力水平的学习者都钟爱游戏, 游戏能激发学习的兴趣, 使学习过程充满乐趣。因此在该环节中, 我利用白板链接功能制作了棋盘游戏, 通过掷骰子的方式进行问和答, 既复习了之前所学的四个单词和句型, 又新授了三个新单词。

4.T:If you can do well in the first part, you can stick a star on the paper.

【多元评价促发展】Ticking time是自我评价和互评板块, 第1到第3项是自评板块, 第4到第5项是互评板块。本课以ticking time为主线贯穿整堂课, 引导学生了解自己对本单元所学主要内容的掌握情况, 体验进步与成功, 反思和调控自己的学习过程。因此在该环节中, 利用白板的拖动副本功能, 拖动五角星进行自评。学生则根据自己的表现在学习单上贴五角星, 在自评中学生能更好地认识自己的进步和不足, 是成功的学习者必须具备的学习策略和认知能力, 也是英语教学的发展目标之一。
