高中英语1篇 牛津版 2200字


高中英语1篇 牛津版 2200字(精选7篇)

高中英语1篇 牛津版 2200字 第1篇

21944 高中英语1篇 牛津版 2200字



关键词:“反思创读、多重循环” 运用;英语阅读;阅读能力;教学实践 在高中英语教学过程中,教师如何指导学生在学习课本知识的基础上强化阅读训练,已经成为广大英语教育者和英语学习者共同关心的问题。然而,目前许多教师在阅读教学中往往忽视对学生阅读兴趣、阅读速度、阅读能力的培养,更多的是在于阅读数量的要求,认为多练多收获。阅读课上仍以教师讲解、学生记笔记为主,即使有提问或讨论,也仅局限于教师与个别学生之间进行,为了打破僵局,寻求突破,提出新的教学方案。接下来将从三个方面去讲解“反思创读、多重循环”在高三英语阅读施教中的运用。



例如在高二英语牛津版模块3中Unit 21 Human Biology的 Lesson 2 Brain Power阅读材料中,教师通过课前将阅读任务交给学生,使学生在课前对该阅读材料的初步的熟悉和了解,大概的知道整篇材料所描述内容和作者所要表达的情感,在做好前期准备的基础上,学生在课堂的学习会更加容易掌握知识点。通过问答的形式,加强学生积极思考,例如1.What new information have you found out about brains?2.Which school subject do you get the most out of ?让学生在学习完课文之后,进行解答,并验证本节课学生的掌握情况。由教师带领学生按照“反思创读、多重循环”阅读教学方案去实施,让学生在课堂中去反复思考阅读材料,抓住其重点和难点,然后不断去理解和感悟,再由教师分享学生思考的结果,在课堂进行讲解,督促了学生更多的思考,强化对阅读的专注力。




例如教师可以通过鼓励学生去阅读国外原文小说诗歌或者外文期刊,去了解外文的组织结构和作者表达情感的思路以及最新研究成果和社会动态,长此以往,学生对于在考试中出现新鲜题型和题材能够很好地面对和解答,也增加了学生的文化底蕴,在写作中也会有更多的素材供学生选择,使其在考试中独占鳌头。例如外文像Daniel Defoe的Robinson Crusoe、Helen Keller的Three days to see和Jules Gabriel Verne的Vingt mille lieues sous les mers这些世界名著,学生可以在课余时间反复阅读其中优美的句子和词汇,了解作者的写作思路和情感,掌握部分句子结构,通过自我的思考并总结,在之后的课堂中,并与其他同学分享自己所得,从另外一方面,学生得到第二次学习。例如像In the pursuit of good people in spite of a loss, they will eventually realize that there are one the right.(Goethe, Faust)这些优美句子的积累,可以适当的应用到写作,可能会起到锦上添花的作用。另外还有外文期刊的引入,使学生开阔自己的眼见,认识世界的魅力,同时也拓展了学生对专业名词的熟悉,对于一些专业类阅读文章具有一定的帮助,例如像cell、science和nature这些世界著名的期刊杂志,都是代表着世界前沿发现。在课堂中,教师可通过对外文名著中所讲述内容与学生进行交流,对部分有理解偏差的内容,可与学生一起去揣摩,去深刻体验作者所要表达的情感。








[2]葛炳芳.《高中英语阅读教学改进策略的思考》.课程·教材·教法, 2012年02期 [3]周海明.《基于新课改的高中英语阅读主题式教学模式》.教学与管理, 2012年21期

高中英语1篇 牛津版 2200字 第2篇

Unit 1 Encyclopaedias

Key phrases

1.in the countryside在乡村;在农村

2.human being人

3.die out灭绝;消失

4.find out了解(到);弄清

5.go for a walk去散步

6.more than多于

7.be born出生

8.learn about学习

9.used to曾经

10.(be)famous for因为……而出名


12.remember to do sth.记得做某事

13.look up(在词典或参考书中)查阅;查检

14.help sb.(to)do帮助某人做某事

15.see a doctor看医生

16.at the end of在……的尽头/末端


Unit 2 Numbers

Key phrases

1.a long time ago很早以前


3.and so on ……等等

4.copy down抄写;誊写

5.would like sth.想要(would like to do sth.想做某事)

6.order sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事

7.make money赚钱

8.teach sb.(how)to do sth.教某人(怎样)做某事

9.follow one’s advice听从某人的建议

10.from then on从那以后

11.all year round全年;整年

12.in a year一年以后

13.use...to do...用……做……

14.instead of 代替

15.promise sb.sth.许诺某人某事


高中英语1篇 牛津版 2200字 第3篇

2. There is going to be a film tonight.

3. What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny.

4. How is the weather today? It’s foggy.

5. Be careful next time. OK, I will.

6. Don’t forget to turn off the light. OK, I won’t.

7. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I will go hiking.

8. If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.

9. The old man lives alone, but he doesn’t feel lonely.

10. I don’t know what to do next.

11. I don’t know how to do it next.

12. Must I finish the work now? No, you needn’t./don’t have to/ don’t need to.

13. Would you mind my smoking here? Oh, you’d better not.

14. Would you mind my using your dictionary? Of course not, go ahead.

15. They got married 10 years ago.

16. They have been married for 10 years

17. They have been married since 10 years ago.

18. It is 10 years since they got married.

19. Would you like some bananas? Yes, please. / No, thanks.

20. Would you like to go fishing with us? Yes, I’d like to. / I’d like to, but I have to finish my homework first.

21. Tom with his friends lives on a farm.

22. Tom and his friends live on a farm.

23. What fine weather today!

24. What a good day today !

25. What hark work!

26. What a hard job!

27. I was walking in the street when I met a friend of mine yesterday.

28. We were leaving school when it started to rain.

29. How many students are there in the classroom? None.

30. How much water is there in the bottle? None.

31. Who’s in the office? Nobody./ No one.

32. What’s in the box? Nothing.

33. Is there anything interesting in today’s newspaper?

34. He is short while his brother is tall.

35. Tom is good at singing while Kate does well in dancing.

36. What do you think of the film? It is very wonderful.

37. How do you like the film? Very much./Not at all./A little.

38. What do you like about China? People and food.

39. What’s happening over there?

40. What happened to you yesterday?

41. What has happened?

42. What will happen to the earth in 100 years?

43. The weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Shanghai.

44. Excuse me, but where’s the nearest post office?

45. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the library?

46. Excuse me, can you show me how to get to the library?

47. I’m too tired, I can’t walk any farther.

48. Lily goes to America for further study.

49. Let’s have a rest ,shall we?

50. Let us have a rest, will you?

51. Be friendly to your classmates, will you?/ won’t you/?

52. Don’t shout at others, will you?

53. There is little water in the bottle, is there?

54. There are two million people in the city, aren’t there?

55. China is a country with a long history.

56. The teacher came in with a smile on his face.

57. He teaches us English.

58. He is English. / He is an English boy

59. When did you arrive?

60. He will call us as soon as he arrives.

61. He will write to us when he arrives.

62. I knew nothing until you told me about it.

63. I didn’t know anything until you told me.

64. The doctor did what he could to save the dying child.

65. We spend half an hour practicing speaking English.

66. One is never too old to learn.

67. There are many trees on both sides/each side/either side of the road.

68. I don’t know what to deal with /how to do with the problem.

69. How often do you watch TV? Twice a week.

70. How soon will he return? In a year.

71. Work hard, and you will pass the exam.

72. If you work hard, you will pass the exam.

73. Hurry up, or you will miss the plane.

74. If you don’t hurry up, you will miss the plane.

75. What’s the price of the coat?

76. How much is the coat?

77. How much does the coat cost?

78. How much do you pay for the coat?

79. How much do you spend on the coat?

80. ---I am going to Paris to have a holiday.

--- Have a good time! / Have fun/Good luck with your trip!

81. Don’t get off the bus until it stops/has stopped.

82. Peter’s name is on the cover. The book must be Peter’s./ The book can’t be Kate’s.

83. We need two more desks. /= We need another two desks.

84. The apples look good and sell well.

85. The number of the women teachers in our school is more than/over 100.

86. A number of tourists come to visit China every year.

87. It takes us several years to learn English well.

88. We spend several years learning English well.

89. Great changes have taken place in the past few years.

90. I wish you good luck./I wish you success.

91. I hope to help more people in the future.

92. I hope I can/ will help more people in the future.

93. I looked carefully, but I found nothing.

94. I listened carefully, but I saw nothing.

95. I often hear hear Lily sing in the next room.

96. Can/Can’t you see him standing outside?

97. There is much work to do.

98. There is a girl mopping the floor.

99. What’s wrong with you?

100. What’s the matter with you?

101. What’s the trouble with you?

102. Help yourselves to some fish, children!

103. Help yourself to some fish, Lily!

104. What about going hiking tomorrow? That’s a good idea!

105. Why not go hiking tomorrow? Sounds great.

106. Shall we go hiking tomorrow? Why not?

107. Let’s go hiking tomorrow? Good idea!

108. Could you lend me your bike? Of course , go ahead.

109. Could I borrow your dictionary ? Of course you can.

110. Bob hurt his leg while playing football. Bad luck./ What a

pity./ I’m sorry to hear that.

111. The Olympic Games are held every four years.

112. Tom is the taller of the two.

113. Can you say it in Enflish?

114. I don’t think he is coming today, is he?

115. He left two years ago.

116. He has been away for two years./ since two years ago.

117. It is two years since he left.

118. The old man died ten years ago.

119. The old man has been dead for ten years.

高中英语1篇 牛津版 2200字 第4篇


1, it is nice of you to do sth

2, bring me the newspaper

3, have lots to eat

4, worry about (not)dong sth

5, be familiar with

6, the 12 animals signs of the Chinese horoscope

7, people in the west

8, learn more about western culture

9, be divided into

10, people born under the same star

11,at times

12,like to be the leader

13,give up easily

14,take care of others

15save money

16,buy sb sth/ buy sth for sb

17,worry too much

18,pay attention to details

19,argue with others

20,love peace

21,keep secrets

22,forgive sb for one’s faults

23,have a good sence of humour

24,travel to different places

25,make and plan things

26,wait without getting angry

27,agree with each other

28,care only about oneself

29,treat everyone equally

30,feel sure about one’s ability

31,spend time /money doing sth

32,explain things to sb

33,show off

34,make such a mess

35,give each of us two gifts

36,the whole birthday cake

37,organize this party for us

38,be patient enough to do sth

39,be on the phone

40,have success at school or work

41,around the middle of the month

42,call Mr zhang on 84166488

43,have a mixture of good luck and bad luck

44,spend money wisely

45,have problems with my bike

46,get lots of rest

47,get sick

48,the same as

49,be suitable for

50,come up with=think of

51,be able to=can

52,have fun in doing sth

53,recommend sb as the new chairperson

54,try to be funny

55,finish all the summer homework

56,get full/good marks

57,forget to do sth

58,be afaid of doing sth

59,make a speech in assembly

60,show sb how to use the libriary

61,try one’s best

62,do extra work

63,get more organized

高中英语1篇 牛津版 2200字 第5篇

8A Unit 1 Friends

Welcome to the unit Reading Vocabulary Grammar(1)

二. 需要掌握的词汇

nothing bowl honest secret joy problem teenager

magazine good-looking musical slim generous willing ready

seat singer wonderful almost poor eyesight smart sense

humour bored unhappy joke fit knock advertisement

true vote thin square handsome cheerful than

height competition test

三. 重点与难点

1. make+宾语 + 宾语补足语, 类似的动词还有find , keep等。

What makes you so sad?

We found the film very interesting.

Keep your dog on a lead.

make sb. do sth.

Don’t make him work ten hours a day.

The glasses make him look smart.

2. share sth. with sb.与某人分享某物

We always share our troubles and joys with each other.

He shares a bedroom with his twin brother.

3. be willing to do sth 愿意做某事

He is willing to stay with us for the holiday.

Many people are willing to live in the country today.

4. help sb. with sth./ help sb (to) do sth.帮助某人做…

Can you help me with my lessons?

I often help mum do some cleaning.

5. because of 后面接名词、代词或动词的ing形式,because 后面接原因状语从句。

They didn’t visit the Great Wall because of the bad weather.

He didn’t catch the train because of getting up late.

=He didn’t catch the train because he got up late.

She went to bed very late because of too much homework.

=She went to bed very late because she had too much homework.

6. have a sense of humour/time/duty/beauty……有幽默/时间/责任/美感

Our teacher has a sense of humour, and often makes us laugh.

He is often late, and he has no sense of time.

7. think of 想到

What do you think of the magazine?

Please think of some words to describe your pet.

He thinks of others more than himself.

The washing machine is so old that they are thinking of buying a new one.

8. say a bad word about sb.说某人坏话

It’s not polite to say a bad word about someone behind him.

He never says a bad word about anyone.

9. keep a secret保密

Nobody else knows it. Keep it a secret.

10. knock over 撞倒

He knocked over the cup on the table.

A bus knocked him over when he crossed the road.

11. in need 需要

People in poor areas are in great need of money.

We ought to help those in need.

四. 语法



放在be 等连系动词后作表语,如:She is very careful. They look smart.

放在所修饰的名词前作定语,如:It is a beautiful school.


形容词原形 比较级 最高级

规则情况 + er +est

以e 结尾的 +r +st

以辅音字母+结尾的 去y +ier 去y +iest

以一个元音加辅音结尾的 双写辅音字母+er 双写辅音字母+est

部分双音节和多音节 前面+more 前面+most



clean-cleaner-cleanest short-shorter-shortest

wide-wider-widest large-larger-largest

easy-easier-easiest heavy-heavier-heaviest

hot-hotter-hottest thin-thinner-thinnest

cheerful-more cheerful-most cheerful

important-more important-most important


many/much-more-most good/well-better-best

bad-worse-worst far-farther-farthest



He is faster than my friend.

Kate is more careful than Jim.

形容词最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较, 如:

I am the shortest of all.

This MP3 is the most expensive in the shop.




1. Of the five pens, this one is _______ (cheap).

2. That question is much_______(easy) than that one.

3. Tim is growing _______ and _______(tall).

4. Hainan is the second_______(large) island in China.

5. This bike is ______(new) of the two.

6. He is _______(good) at English than any other student in his class.

That is to say he is _________(good).

7. You are late again. You must come ________(early) next time.


1. the cheapest 2. easier 3. taller ; taller 4. largest 5. the newer

6. better, the best 7. earlier



1. 保密 2. 一个诚实的孩子

3. 分享快乐 4. 愿意做…

5. 周游世界 6. 长大

7. 说某人坏话 8. 视力差

9. 有幽默感 10. 撞倒

11. 投票选最好的朋友 12. 直的披肩发

13. 给需要的人让座 14. 对…慷慨


late friendly bad early interesting

high often far cold much good


1. Lesson Two is _____ than Lesson Three.

A. more easier B. very easier C. much easy D. much easier

2. How did you become _________ in English?

A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. interests

3. She felt _______ that day.

A. happily B. happy C. to be happily D. to be happy

4. Have you got ______ to tell us?

A. new something B. new nothing C. anything new D. nothing new

5. The lessons in Unit 1 are_____ than ______ in Unit 2.

A. long , that B. longer, those C. longer, them D. long, it


1. 他愿意与好朋友分享所有东西。

He ______ _______ _______ _______ all the things _____ his good friends.

2. 长大后他想周游世界。

He wants to ______ _______ the world when he ______ ______.

3. 因为电脑工作太多,他的视力不好。

He has ______ ______ _______ _______ too much computer work.

4. 我认为她的手表比我的贵。

I think his watch is ________ _______ _______ _______.

5. 他的叔叔是我们村里最富的。

His uncle is ______ ______ in our _______.


一、1. keep a secret 2. an honest child

3. share one’s joy 4. be willing to do

5. travel around the world 6. grow up

7. say a bad word about sb. 8. have poor eyesight

9. have a sense of humour 10. knock over

11. vote for the best friend 12. straight and shoulder-length hair

13. give seats to people in need 14. be generous to

二、later-latest more friendly-most friendly worse-worst earlier-earliest more interesting- most interesting higher-highest more often-most often farther-farthest colder-coldest more-most better-best

三、D A B C B

四、1. is willing to share with 2. travel around grows up

3. poor eyesight because of 4. more expensive than mine

5. the richest village

高中英语1篇 牛津版 2200字 第6篇


I 词性与词形

1. confuse vt. 使迷惑; 混淆→ confusing adj. 令人迷惑的; confused 糊涂的 → confusion n. 混乱;混淆

2. Europe n. 欧洲 → European adj. 欧洲的;欧洲人的 → European n. 欧洲人

3. mix vt. 混合 →mixture n.混合,混合体

4. create vt. 创作;创造→ creative adj. 创造性的;有创造力的 → creation n. 创造; creativity 创造性,创造力; creature(上帝创造的)生物

5. contribute v. 贡献,捐献,促成 →contribution n. 贡献,捐献; contributor 贡献者 → contributory adj. 捐助的,有贡献的

6. access n. 通道;(使用的)机会,权利 vt .进入,使用 →accessible adj. 可(或易)接近的;可(或易)进入的; 可(或易)得到的;可(或易)使用的[(+to)]

7. replace vt. 取代;把……放回原处 →replacement n. 取代;放回原处 → replaceable adj. 能够被取代的

8. serve v. 服务,服役;上(菜等),敬(烟等) → service n. 服务,服役 →servant n.仆人

9. adopt v. 采取,采纳;收养→adoption n. 收养;采纳→ adoptive adj. 收养的;采纳的

10. embarrass vt. 使尴尬,使难堪 →embarrassing adj.令人难堪的 embarrassed adj.难堪的

11. pronounce vt. 发音 → pronunciation n. 读音,发音

12. process vt. 加工,处理 → process n. 过程 → processed adj. 加工过的

13. difficulty n. 困难,难点 →difficult adj. 困难的

14. appearance n. 外观,外貌 appear vi. 出现;显露; 似乎,看来好像

15. simplify vt.简化 simple adj. 简单的 simplified adj. 简化的

16.distinguish vt.区分,辨别 distinction n. 区别,差别

17.convenient adj.方便的 convenience n. 方便,便利

II. 词组

1. stand for 代表

2. all over the world 全世界

3. name after 以…命名

4. be made up of / consist of 由…..组成,构成

5. mix…..with….. 把…..与…..混合

6. pick up 拿起,拣起,中途搭人,偶然间习得,接送

7. contribute to 是……成因之一

make contributions to 对…做出贡献

8. result in 结果, 导致 (lead to)

result from 由于, 因为

as a result of 由于……的结果

9. take control of 控制

10. work as 担当, 担任

work on 致力于,从事

11. mother tongue / language 母语

12. take the place of 取代, 代替

be replaced by/with 被…….取代

13. depend on 视….. 而定,取决与 it all depends 视情况而定

14. relay on 依靠, 依赖

15. come into widespread use 开始广泛应用

16. get along with 进展, 相处

17. up and down 上上下下

18. for the first time 第一次

19. look into one’s eyes直视某人

20. make fun of 取笑

21. in a word 一句话, 总之, 简言之in other words 换句话说

22. differ from….in….. 在….方面和…….不同

23. as a whole 总体上

24. turn into 使…..变成

25. confusing rules令人困惑的规则

26. look forward to sth / doing 希望得到某物, 希望做事情

27. borrow words from other languages 从别的语言借用词语

28. set a standard for sth 为什么制订标准

29. official language 官方语言

30. throughout history贯穿历史

31. official occasions官方场合

32. aside from 除…之外

33. go through 经历;遭受

34. in conclusion 总之

35. show respect for 尊敬

36. in that 因为,由于

37. over time 随着时间的过去,经过一段时间

38. ought to 应该,应当

III 句子

1. In fact, we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today.(虚拟)

2. After the Norman Conquest, high-class people spoke French while common people spoke English. (while 并列连词,表示对照比较)

3. The question of whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer.

(主语﹢be﹢adj. ﹢动词不定式的主动形式作状语)

4. It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying.(It 为形式主语)

5. The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that,instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.

6. Not all characters were developed from drawings of objects

7. While the students found the soldier’s idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical use.(while 引导让步状语从句)

高中英语1篇 牛津版 2200字 第7篇


1. be present at =

2. attend (on) sb照料,看护= take care of sb

3. 参加会交谈 join in our conversation

4. win/ earn respect 受到尊重

show respect for sb 尊重某人

respect oneself 自重

5.平均地 _____ the /an average

___ (the) average 高于平均

an average of +数字平均有….

6. 错过, 逃脱 miss doing sth

7. 一位有经验的老师 an ____ teacher

8. 较平时___usual;照常;与往常一样__ usual

9. 免费地 ___free = free of charge

10. 毫无用处 of no use = useless

11. 了解,听说有关情况 know of /about

12. 放学后______; 毕业,退学 _____

13. 意味着 mean ____; 打算 mean ___

mean sb to do sth 打算让某人做..

14. 有点累/有点以较暖和

a bit/ a little tired/ warmer

not a bit = ______; not a little =______

一点水 a little water = a _____ water

15. 起初 ___ first ; 首先 first ____ all

在学期结束时 ________

16. 准备饭prepare the meal

为…. 做准备 prepare ___

=make preparations for sth

让某人准备做 _______

为…准备好be prepared for

准备好做 be prepared ____

17. 为人民服务____ the people

serve tea 上茶

serve in the arm 服兵役

18吸引某人的主意力 draw /catch/ attract one’s ____

fix one’s attention ___ 集中精力于……

18. 参考,涉及,谈到 refer ___

查字典look up a word in the dictionary

19. 几天前 the ___ day 将来某一天 someday

20. 一完成学业,…____finishing his studies=_________

21. 喜欢A 甚于喜欢B prefer A ____ B


prefer doing __ doing= prefer to do ___ do

=would rather do ___ do

prefer to/ doing sth 喜欢做….

22. 后悔做了…regret ____;遗憾要做regret ___

23. 因某事祥某人道歉 ____ to sb for sth= make an _____to sb for sth

24. cause sb to do sth 使某人做某事

cause sth to be done 使某事被做

the cause of sth 某事的起因

25. (某事)需要做require ____ ;要求某人做 require sb to do sth; require +that 从句应should +动原形

26. compare A____ B 把A与 B相比

compare A ____ B 把A比作B

compared with/ ___ 和….相比(作壮语)

27. 轮流做..take turn ___ sth…in turn 轮流,依次

28. 要完成的事 things _______

29. 发生 take _____ 节省空间 ____ space

30. I find my book ____(不见了).

31. 省去, 漏掉, 不考虑 leave ____

32. relate to _______

33. ______(最好) to make as many ___ as you can 尽可能多的比较.

34. 通知某人做某事 ___ sb of sth =be informed of sth 创办个俱乐部 ____ a club

35. 播放学生唱的歌 play songs ____ by the students

36. 对…负责 be responsible ____

37. 由…构成 _____ of

38. 对…确信,有信心 be _____ of

39. more than +n./adj/v. 不仅仅,不止于

no more than 仅仅,只不过

not more than 不多于,不超过
