


英文摘要常用句型集 第1篇



1)This is a general discussion today about the issue of … those who criticize… argue that… They believe that… But people who advocate… on the other hand, argue that… quite a few believe… 这是当今对于某事的普遍讨论……那些持批评意见的人……觉得…… 他们认为…… 但是那些支持者……则从另一方面,认为…… 他们中相当多的人认为……

This is a much debate nowadays over/on the problem of… those who object to… argue that…They believe that… But people who favor… on the other hand, argue that…

近来对于某某问题的辩论比较多见……那些反对……的人认为……他们相信…… 但是那些赞成的人……则相反,认为……

This is a public controversy present days as to the issue of …


2)When it comes to… most / many people think / argue that…,but other people think of(view / regard)as …


3)In recent years these is a general awareness of…..近些年来人们普遍意识到……

In the past few years there has been a widespread realization of …


In recent years there is a growing feeling towards…


4)Now people in growing(significant)numbers are beginning(coming / getting)to believe(realize/ be aware)that …


5)Now it is commonly(widely / generally)believed(thought/ felt/ accepted)that …


6)In the past … years there has been a sudden(dramatic / sharp)rise(increase)in …



1)From what has been discussed above, we may safely reach the conclusion that…


Taking into account all these factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that…


Judging from all evidence offered, we may safely reach the conclusion that…


2)All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that …


All the analysis justifies an unshakable conclusion that…


All the evidence confirms a just idea that..所有证据都证实了一个想法……

3)It is high time that we placed great emphasis on the improvement of …


It is high time that we put special emphasis on the development of …


It is high time that we put considerable emphasis on the increase of…


4)There is little doubt that serious(special / immediate/ considerable)attention must be called(paid / devoted)to the problem of…


5)It is necessary(essential)that effective(quick / proper)actions(steps/ measures)should be taken to correct(end / prevent)the tendency(situation/ phenomenon).为纠正(终结、抑制)这种倾向(局面、现象)而采取有效(快速、适合)的措施(步骤、手段)是有必要的(非常重要的)。


1)The advantages of … outweigh any benefit we gain from …


The advantages of … carry more weight than those of …


The advantages of … are much greater than …


2)When the advantages and disadvantages of … are carefully compared, the most striking

finding(conclusion)is self-evident(obvious)


3)Although everyone believes that … I doubt(wonder)whether the argument bears close

examination / much analysis.尽管大家都认为……,我仍然怀疑这些辩论是否能经受住细致的考验(更严格的分析)

4)Contrary to widely(commonly/ generally)held(accepted)belief(ideas / views), I believe

(argue)that …


5)Although it widely accepted(commonly held/ generally agreed)that…, it is unlikely to be

true that…


6)It is true that…, but this is not to say that…


7)Too much attention paid to … may overlook other facts…


Too much importance attached to … may neglect other facts…


8)What these people fail to consider is that…


9)At first thought , this may seem a sound idea ,but on second thoughts, we find that …


At first thought, this may seem an attractive solution, but carefully weighing on the mind, we find that…



1)Among the most convincing(important)reasons given(cited/ offered)by people for …, one

should be stressed(emphasized/ mentioned)…


2)One may regard(view / think of)the trend(phenomenon)as a sign(result)of …


3)The failure(change/ success/ increase)in … mainly(largely / partly)results(arises)from the

fact that…


4)There are many(several)causes(reasons)for this dramatic(significant)growth(decline/

increase/ change)in… First…Second…Third…


5)A number of factors could account for(contribute to / lead to / result in)the change(success

/ development/ increase/ decrease)in …


6)It is no easy task(simple job)to find the reason for this complicated phenomenon which

involves several factors.找到这个涉及到很多因素的复杂现象的原因并非易事(简单的工作)


1)We may cite(quote / mention)a single(common)example of…


2)A recent(new/ nationwide)study(survey/ poll)conducted(taken)at a university

indicates(reveals/ suggests/ proves)that …


3)According to figures(situations)released by the government…


As can be seen in the findings(data)provided by an institute…


There is(no)good evidence to show that…


There is little evidence against…


There is strong proofin favor of …

有强有力的证明支持…… 4)

英文摘要常用句型集 第2篇

It is my pleasure / a great honor for me to invite you to ...

I am sure that you will enjoy yourself here.

I hope that you won’t decline my invitation.


It was kind and generous of you to do this for me and I do appreciate it more than I can say.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for ...


I am terribly sorry that I have done ...

I hope that the settlement of the matter will meet your wishes.

I regret to inform you that I am unable to do ...


I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain ...

I shall be grateful if you can offer me the information about ...

I would like some detailed information about ...


I wish to apply for a position with your company.

I am very interested in exploring a position as a ... with your company.

I trust myself that I have the appropriate qualifications and experience for this post.


I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with / at ...

英文道歉信常用句型 第3篇


I.I must apologize to you for... (being late/my absence) 我必须为… … 向你道歉 。

2.l am terribly sorry for what l have done 我为我做的事感到非常抱歉

3. It is very inconsiderate of me to do... 我 因欠考虑而做…

4. Please forgive me. 请你原谅我 。

5.I owe you an apology我向你道歉 。

6.l have to say sorry to you 我 向你道歉。

7.I regret to inform you that l am unable to do…我很遗憾告知您我不能……

8.It is my fault 这是我的过错。

9.I am sure you can understand this 我保证你会理解这件事 。

1O.Please pardon/excuse/forgive me请你原谅我 。

11. Please accept my apologies for…once more/again 请再一次接受我为… 的歉意 。

12.I express my regret at being unable to do… 对未能做… … ,我表示遗憾 。

13. l will try my best not to make such kind of mistakes again 我将尽量不再犯此类错误。


Dear Miss Morgan,

I am sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to attend the lecture on American history tomorrow afternoon. Now I am writing you this letter to show my deep regret. I do hope you can understand me and excuse me for my absence.

I will be very grateful if you are kind to listen to my explanation. The reason for my absence is that my uncle is returning home from France,

and I have promised to meet him at the airport at 3:30 tomorrow

afternoon./(that I have to pick up a friend from airport. It is the first time that my friend has come to our city so I will go to airport to pick him up so that he will not lose his way.)

机场报关常用英文词汇句型 第4篇


麻烦请给我你的护照, May I see your passport, please?

这是我的护照。 Here is my passport / Here it is.

旅行的目的为何? Whats the purpose of your visit? (移民)(观光)(公务)。 (Immigrant)(Sightseeing)(Businese).

随身携带多少现金? How much money do you have with you?

大约10,000元。 I have 10,000 dollars.

祝你玩得愉快。 Good. Have a nice day.

谢谢。 Thank you.


我在何处可取得行李? Where can I get my baggage?

我找不到我的行李。 I canfind my baggage.

这是我的行李票。 Here is my claim tag.

是否可麻烦紧急查询? Could you please check it urgently?

你总共遗失了几件行李? How many pieces of baggage have you lost?

请描述你的.行李。 Can you describe your baggage?

它是一个中型的灰色绅耐特皮箱。 It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and its gray.


It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag. Its dark blue.

它是一个茶色小旅行袋。 Its a small ovemight bag. Its light brown.

我们正在调查,请稍等一下。 Please wait for a moment while we are investigating.

我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告。 We may have lost some baggage so wed like to make a lost baggage report.

请和我到办公室。 Would you come with me to the office? 多快可找到? How soon will I find out?

一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭店。 Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as youve located it.

若是今天无法找到行李,你可如何帮助и? How can you help me if you cant find my baggage today?

我想要购买过夜所需的用品。 Id like to purchase what I need for the night.

三、机场报关常用英文: 海关 申报

请出示护照和申报单。 Your passport and declaration card, please.

是否有任何东西需要申报? Do you have anything to declare?

英文科技论文写作常用句型 第5篇

a)如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性,通常在叙述了前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,比如 However, little information..little attention...little work...little data little research or few studies few investigations...few researchers...few attempts...or no none of these studies has(have)been less done on...focused on attempted to conducted investigated studied(with respect to)Previous research(studies, records)has(have)failed to consider ignored misinterpreted neglected to overestimated, underestimated misleaded thus, these previus results are

inconclisive, misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial..Uncertainties(discrepancies)still exist...这种引导一般提出一种新方法,或者一种新方向。如果研究的方法以及方向和前人一样,可以通过下面的方式强调自己工作的作用: However, data is still scarce rare less accurate there is still dearth of We need to aim to have to provide more documents data records studies increase the dataset Further studies are still necessary...essential...为了强调自己研究的重要性,一般还要在However之前介绍自己研究问题的反方面,另一方面等等比如: 1)时间问题

如果你研究的问题时间上比较新,你就可以大量提及对时间较老的问题的研究及重要性,然后说(However),对时间尺度比较新的问题研究不足 2)物性及研究手段问题


首先总结相邻区域或者其它区域的研究,然后强调这一区域研究不足 4)不确定性

虽然前人对这一问题研究很多,但是目前有两种或者更多种的观点,这种uncertanties, ambiguities,值得进一步澄清 5)提出自己的假设来验证

如果自己的研究完全是新的,没有前人的工作进行对比,在这种情况下,你可以自信地说,根据提出的过程,存在这种可能的结果,本文就是要 证实这种结果。

We aim to test the feasibility(reliability)of the...It is hoped that the qutestion will be resolved(fall away)with our proposed method(approach).提出自己的观点 We aim to This paper reports on provides results extends the method..focus on The purpose of this paper is to Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, we will also discuss...c)圈定自己的研究范围

前言的另外一个作用就是告诉读者包括(reviewer)你的文章主要研究内容。如果处理不好,reviewer会提出严厉的建议,比如你没有考虑某种可能性,某种研究手段等等。为了减少这种争论,在前言的结尾你就要明确提出本文研究的范围: 1)时间尺度问题 如果你的问题涉及比较长的时序,你可以明确地提出本文只关心这 一时间范围的问题。We preliminarily focus on the older(younger)...或者有两种时间尺度的问题(long-term and short term),你可以说两者都重要,但是本文只涉及其中一种 2)研究区域的问题

和时间问题一样,明确提出你只关心这一地区 d)最后的原场

在前言的最后,还可以总结性地提出,这一研究对其它研究的帮助。或者说,further studies on...will be summarized in our next study(or elsewhere)



在提出自己的观点时,采取什么样的策略很重要。不合适的句子通常会遭到reviewer的置疑。1)如果观点不是这篇文章最新提出的,通常要用We confirm that...2)对于自己很自信的观点,可用We believe that...3)在更通常的情况下,由数据推断出一定的结论用,Results indicate, infer, suggest, imply that...4)在及其特别的情况才可以用We put forward(discover, observe..)..“for the first time”.来强调自己的创新。

5)如果自己对所提出的观点不完全肯定,可用 We tentatively put forward(interrprete this to..)Or The results may be due to(caused by)attributed to resulted from..Or This is probably a consequence of It seems that..can account for(interpret)this..Or It is possible that it stem from...连接词与逻辑


1)句子上下要有连贯,不能让句子之间独立常见的连接词语有, However, also, in addition, consequently, afterwards, moreover, Furthermore,further, although, unlike, in contrast, Similarly,Unfortunately, alternatively, parallel results,In order to, despite, For example, Compared with other results, thus, therefore...用好这些连接词,能够使观点表达得有层次,更加明确。比如,如果叙述有时间顺序的事件或者文献,最早的文献可用AA advocated it for the first time.接下来,可用Then BB further demonstrated that..再接下来,可用Afterwards, CC..如果还有,可用More recent studies by DD..如果叙述两种观点,要把它们截然分开 AA pput forward that...In contrast, BB believe or Unlike AA, BB suggest or On the contrary(表明前面的观点错误,如果只是表明两种对立的观点,用in contrast),BB..如果两种观点相近,可用AA suggest Similarily, alternatively, BB..Or Also, BB or BB allso does..表示因果或者前后关系,可用 Consequently, therefore, as a result, 表明递进关系,可用furthermore, further, moreover, in addition,当写完一段英文,最好首先检查一下是否较好地应用了这些连接词。



...Therefore, there are three aspects of this problem have to be addressed.The first question involves...The second problem relates to The third aspect deals with...上面的例子可以清晰地把观点逐层叙述。

Or, 可以直接用First, Second, Third...Finally,..当然,Furthermore, in addition等可以用来补充说明。



如果文章用了很多的Abbreviation, 两种方法加以解决 1)在文章最好加上个Appendix,把所有Abbreviation列表

2)在不同的页面上,不时地给出Abbreviation的含义,用来提醒读者。总之,写文章的目的是要让读者读懂,读得清晰,并且采取各种措施方便于读者。一定要注意绝对不能全面否定前人的成果,即使在你看来前人的结论完全不对。这是前人工作最起码的尊重,英文 叫做给别人的工作credits.所以文章不要出现非常negative的评价,比如Their results are wrong, very questionable, have no commonsense, etc.遇到这类情况,可以婉转地提出:

Their studies may be more reasonable if they had considered this situation.Their results could be better convinced if they...Or Their conclusion may remain some uncertainties.讨论部份还包括什么内容? 1.主要数据特征的总结

2.主要结论以及与前人观点的对比 3.本文的不足

第三点,在一般作者看来不可取。事实上给出文章的不足恰恰是保护自己文章的重要手段。如果刻意隐藏文章的漏洞,觉得别人看不出来,是非常不明智的。所谓不足,包括以下内容: 1.研究的问题有点片面 讨论时一定要说,It should be noted that this study has examined only..We concentrate(focus)on only...We have to point out that we do not..Some limitations of this study are...2.结论有些不足

The results do not imply, The results can not be used to determine be taken as evidence of

Unfortunately, we can not determine this from this data Our results are lack of...但是,在指出这些不足之后,随后一定要再一次加强本文的重要性以及可能采取的手段来解决这些不足,为别人或者自己的下一步研究打下浮笔。Not withstanding its limitation, this study does suggest..However, these problems could be solved if we consider

外企面试自我介绍英文常用句型 第6篇

在外企,对英语是有需求的,但英语并不是重点,最重要的还是在公司的工作能力,但是在面试求职之前要做好应对准备,例如一份英语的面试自我介绍,还是很有必要的。面试时最重要的部分是谈你的experience and qualifications。qualification包括你所受过的教育和培训,而experience就是你曾经做过的、与你要申请的工作有直接或间接关系的工作经历。另外,针对你所在的外企行业,不同的销售行业根据面对的客户群体的`不同而有差异,下面介绍一些英语面试常用句型。


2、I am ?years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education.


3、My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/


4、I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on.


5、Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing. I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… . Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training.



6、In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend most of my time on study. I have passed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice.


当谈你受的教育时,可别忘了提起你参加过的培训、得过的证书和选过的一些和这份工作有关的课程。例如你要应聘国际贸易类的工作就一定要提correspondence courses, BEC Certificate等等。如果你的工作要求你用英语沟通的话,你还得特别提到你英语的娴熟程度或告诉对方你是如何在这方面做努力的。同样对于使用其他语言的工作也是如此。

英文摘要常用短语 第7篇


……was synthesised from。。。

……has been synthesised starting from the。。。in +steps and inoverall yield.2.考察了。。。对****反应的影响

The effect of。。。on****was(were)examined.3.最佳反应条件为:

The optimium reaction condition were(found)as follow:

反应时间reaction time


真空度vacuum dree


With。。。as catalyst.5.收率高达?%

The reaction yield was up to ?%


The structure of product was identified by IR….The product was charavterized by IR and 1H NMR.7.。。。and ……的关系曲线

Relation Curve betweenand


演讲高手常用十五个英文句型 第8篇

1.I appreciate„„我感谢„„

I really appreciate your making time in your schedules to attend today。


2.Thank you for„ 感谢您„„

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak about myself in this special occasion。


3.It is/was my honor„ 我很荣幸„„

It is my honor to introduce the president of our company, Mr.Jones。


4.On behalf of„ 代表„„

On behalf of our entire company, I want to thank you for inviting us to such an enjoyable Christmas party。


5.I’d be happy to„我很高兴„„

I’d be happy to tell you about my experiences。我很高兴和你们分享我的经验。

6.What I am going to talk about today is„ 今天我想讲的是„„

What I am going to talk about today is the energy conservation issue。


7.How can we„? 我们怎样才能„„?

How can we work more efficiently?


8.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for„我从心底感谢„„

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today。


9.So long as„只要„„

So long as we work together we can achieve great results。


10.Working together„ 一起努力„

Working together, we can make the future better。一起努力,我们将把未来变得更加美好。

11.I should like to pay tribute to„ 我想对„„表示敬意

I should like to pay tribute to the dedication of all the professionals who worked on this project。我想对参与这个项目的所有专家的奉献表示敬意。

12.I want to leave you with„ 我想留给你们„„I want to leave you with one final word to remember, “teamwork”。


13.We sincerely hope„我们衷心希望„„

We sincerely hope that you will have a wonderful time tonight。


14.I look forward to„ 我期待„„

I look forward to seeing you again。


15.Best wishes for„ 对„„致以良好的祝愿

Best wishes for a very successful exhibition!祝贺展览会圆满成功















上一篇:立人为本 创业为民下一篇:办公设备报废制度