


沪教牛津英语四年级上 第1篇






本册教材包含了4个模块,每个模块包括三个新授单元和一个复习单元。新授单元主要由这几个板块组成: Listen and say 中的句型是每个单元的教学重点;Look and learn 主要呈现词汇;Say and act是情景对话板块。该板块通过情景会话,着重训练学生的听说技能,提高会话能力。Read a story的任务是培养学生初步的语感、阅读能力和良好的阅读习惯;Learn the letters:本册集中学习5个元音字母的发音;Culture corner: 创设情景感受文化差异,关注中外文化的异同。

与三年级不同的地方: 本册教材在个别单元加了Play a game/Do a survey的环节,作为句型练习的辅助环节。本套教材按“话题—功能—结构—任务”体系编写,设计和安排大量真实语境、语言实践活动,让学生在“做中学”,提高语言的运用能力。










崔慧娟 2017、8、15

沪教牛津英语四年级上 第2篇


I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案)

( ) 1.The vet has __________ MBA(企业硕士管理), Now he wants a doctorate(博士学位).

A. aB. an C. the D.

( ) 2. I saw you put something in your pocket just now. What __________?

A. are they B. is it C. were they D. was it

( ) 3. We can help the homeless dogs __________ sending them to the SPAC.

A. by B. for C. at D. on

( ) 4. Bears often sleep in winter in ___________.

A. garagesB. caves C. water D. jugs

( ) 5. They stopped the elephant _________ running across the busy street.

A. in B. off C. from D. without

( ) 6. Dad was worried all the week. His dog was ___________

A. losing B. missing C. missed D. losted

( ) 7. It is strange that the goose can ___________ our farm.

A. guide B. guard C. hunt D. chew

( ) 8. I had no time to feed my rabbit yesterday evening. I ___________ my homework.

A. was doing B. have doneC. do D. will do

II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空)

1. He forgot where he ___________ (missing) his mobile.

2. The boy showed great ___________ (care) in everything he did.

3. Monica is a warm, ___________ (society) person.

4. ___________ (cruel) to a children or animal is a crime in some countries.

5. He didn’t have breakfast and he is as hungry as a _______________ (hunt).

III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)

1. These lost pets have something to eat and something to drink. (改为否定句)

These lost pets have ___________ food ___________ water.

2. I’d like to buy some special dog food.(就划线部分提问)

___________ _________ you like to buy?

3. My puppy prefers biscuits to cakes. (保持句意基本不变)

My puppy _____________ biscuits better _________ cakes.

4. We should try to keep animals from harm and danger. (保持句意基本不变)

We should try to _____________ animals ____________ harm and danger.

5. China says she will be more open and friendly to the outside world. (保持句意基本不变)

China ___________ _________ be more open and friendly to the outside world.

IV. Reading


Birds are animals with feathers(羽毛) on their bodies. They have many different types of feather. Some are small and fluffy, and others are long and flat. Feathers come in many different colors. Birds have no front legs but instead they have a pair of wings. They use their wings to fly. But the wings of some birds are small and stubby. These Birds cannot fly.

The two back legs of a bird bear a few toes which end in claws. Some birds which swim, such as ducks and swans, have webs of the skin between their toes. There are scales on the legs of birds too. The body of a bird is made up of a head, a neck, a trunk and a tail.

True or False.

( ) 1. Different birds have different feathers.

( ) 2. Birds have wings instead of front legs.

( ) 3. All birds use their wings to fly.

( ) 4. Web here is something to help swim.

( ) 5. Peacocks and peahens(孔雀) have no trunks.


Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage.

Last month we bought a little dog for our four-old daughter. There are not many children of her age in this place and we thought a dog would make her 1. We were right. They play tighter happily all day. Our daughter now smiles and laughs 2 more than before. Now it is 3 two children in the house. Neither of them can keep clean, and they cry when they can’t get what they want. But the dog is 4 to look after my daughter. He always eats his food and we don’t have dirty clothes to wash for him. My wife is also very happy because I have given up smoking. The dog doesn’t like the 5.

( ) 1. A. more lonely B. less lonely C. lonelier D. much lonelier

( ) 2. A. a lot B. so C. very D. quiet

( ) 3. A. like to have B. like have C. like having D. as having

( ) 4. A. harder B. more difficult C. more easily D. easier

( ) 5. A. feel B. taste C. sound D. smell


I. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A

II. 1. missed 2. carelessness 3. social 4. Cruelty 5. hunter

III. 1. no, or 2. What would 3. like, than 4. protect, from 5. promise to

IV. (A) 1. T 2.T 3. F 4. T 5. F

沪教牛津英语四年级上 第3篇

1. 语言知识的扎实把握

应试教育的根本缺陷在于: 它难以解决我们时代面临的问题。儿童所受的痛苦不只是身体上的, 在智力活动方面也受痛苦……毫无童年时期快乐可爱的景象[2]。学生作为活生生的人, 是具有创造性和审美旨趣的。教师只有激发学生的潜能, 使其热爱学习, 才能达到教育的目的。死记硬背会使儿童变得迟钝和愚蠢, 既有害于学生的健康, 又不利于其智力发展[3]。教师应当采取适合自己学生的教学方法, 以新颖的方式, 赢得学生对英语的浓厚兴趣。

( 1) 语境中教学。把生词理解放置在具体语境中, 让学生领会及运用生词语境。如, 先不给“expository”下定义, 而通过课文结构层层解剖得出含义。

( 2) 原型理论模型对教学的启发。词汇的教学应先让学生对基本词有原型的认识, 再引导学生在具体的语境中领悟词的衍生义, 由已知推导未知。如, “get sth across”的含义由“across”这个小品词“越过”的原型义决定。

( 3) 充分激发学生的隐喻思维。Lakoff[4]提到隐喻能力是普遍生活中每个人所具有的认知能力。如“zip”原型义为“拉上拉链”, 但在“A sportscar zipped past us”[5], 将该动作快速的特征运用于新的语境中, 则意为“奔驰而过”。

语言与人类普遍的认知能力密不可分。词汇是与社会文化相互作用后, 经历史的洗涤而成的文化结晶。英语教师把握这一点, 便能很好地激发学生的学习乐趣, 使其不断钻研。

2. 批判性思维的切实培养

在学生的脑力劳动中, 摆在第一位的不是教书, 不是记住别人的思想, 而是让学生本人进行思考[6]。批判性思维的认知技能主要包括解释、分析、评判和解决问题。批判性思维是创新思维能力的关键。教师运用批判性思维释解课文尤为重要。

说明文中教师讲解课文的深度决定学生的思维走向。如, 公益广告与商业广告有无明显界限? 商业广告是否都是陷阱? 此类问题是培养学生批判性思维的关键。阅读科技文时, 技术进步为人类带来更大的利或弊? 科技的创新应怎样做到以人为本? 未来的科技改革发展的方向? 此类问题可培养学生的实践能力和创新精神。

3. 人文关怀意识的培养

教学的艺术不在于本领的传授, 而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞。英语教学过程中要体现这种意识与精神, 爱护学生纯洁美好的天性, 给予学生人文思想的熏陶。广告主题中, 我们必须运用自己的智慧, 不要做广告的奴隶[7]。思考: 公益广告与商业广告的区别何在? 公益广告“益”处何在? 如何在各种商业广告的诱惑中作出理智的选择? 在教育过程中, 如何塑造学生正确的世界观、价值观、人生观?

运动主题中, 学习课文不仅是了解奥林匹克的发展, 更是学习运动员不断挑战自我, 成为一名合格的世界公民。同时, 也可激励学生加强自身修养、肩负振兴祖国的责任。

科技主题中, 由于计算机和网络技术的应用, 人们的学习速度在不断加快, 这要求我们的教育管理模式也要适应新的特点和新的模式。当代学生需要为未来在学习、生活、工作中所面临的挑战做好充足的准备。

教师的教育观决定着教师对课堂的设计和对教育的长远规划。先进的教育观能激发学生学习兴趣, 帮助教师建立以学生为本的思想, 促使教师精心加工语言基本知识, 提升学生思维能力, 传达人文关怀以促进学生成为合格公民。教师不能穷尽知识的海洋, 但能够帮助学生在学习中找到方法, 培育其健全的理智和美丽的心灵, 以应对未来的挑战。


[1]孙俊三, 雷小波.教育原理[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社, 2007.

[2]刘铁芳.教育如何走向哲学[J].教育研究, 2005 (04) .

[3][6] (前苏联) 苏霍姆林斯基.给教师的建议[M].杜殿坤译.北京:教育科学出版社, 1984.

[4]George Lakoff, Mar k Johnson.Met aphors we live by[M].Chicago:University of Chicago press, 2003.

沪教牛津英语四年级上 第4篇

关键词: 《牛津高中英语》    Project    教学设计


Project的目标定位很好,但因教材信息量大、课时紧,且Project活动和高考无直接联系;学生压力大时间少,Project活动的“性价比”不高。其实不然,教师可选择并设计适量Project活动,进而促进英语教学。笔者将以《牛津高中英语》Module 4 Unit 2的Project为例,探讨Project课型各个教学环节的设计。


模块四第二单元的主题是“Sporting events”。教师有必要一开始浏览整个单元,带领学生初步了解单元内容。本单元Project难度低,笔者决定提前进行Project教学,用一课时处理课文,让学生按要求分工、确定课题,提前进入Planning阶段。


在本课导入中,笔者同时呈现Madrid,Istanbul和Tokyo三座城市的申奥照片,提问:“Which city won the bid to host 2020 Olympic Games?”,学生很感兴趣,异口同声地答:“Tokyo!”紧接着,笔者问:“What Olympic sports do you know?”进行奥运会运动词汇的Brainstorming,全班气氛热烈,“swimming,running,long jump”等词泉涌而出。笔者接着呈现生词“power boating,Tae kwon do,rugby”,同时展示相关图片,配以简单英文解释。



Project共两篇文章。处理Passage 1奥运会相关说明文时,笔者分两步:第一步处理文章大意,了解文章梗概;第二步处理局部信息,深入学习文章内容。处理Passage 2这篇与体育精神相关的短故事时,笔者主要处理局部信息。

快速阅读Passage 1,完成选择题,帮学生把握主旨。

Passage 1 talks about ?摇?摇        ?摇?摇.

A.what sports are out from the Olympics

B.what sports are now in the Olympics

C.how a new sport can enter the Olympics

D.what other sports will probably be in

寻找passage 1局部信息,判断对错。

1.Baseball is out because it has become less popular.

2.Rugby has been in the Olympics for many years until now.

3.Tae Kwon do, now popular, was  first  included  in  the Olympics in 2004.

4.Wushu is likely to get into Olympics in the near future.


下面涉及和Passage 2的衔接问题。两篇文章,从文体到内容,看似不太相关。为了能无缝对接上,笔者设计了以下问题:“What is the most important thing in sports?”鼓励学生各抒己见,最后抛出问题:“Is winning the most important thing in sports?”同时展出林丹和李宗伟巅峰对决时的照片,组织学生小组讨论,最后代表发言。这一设计不但从内容上衔接了两篇文章,而且从让学生在读Passage 2前就对体育精神有了较深思考。

处理Passage 2课文时,笔者分两步走。首先,处理浅显局部信息。其次,处理较复杂信息。


How many tournaments are mentioned?

What teams are mentioned?


第一个任务问两次锦标赛各队伍排名;第二个任务分别问:“What is Eagle’s attitude towards winning?”“What is Kangaroo’s attitude towards winning?”最后得出结论:

For Eagles,winning is(everything).

For Kangaroos,winning (isn’t) everything.They found(friendship),(honor) and (respect) finally.(注:斜体部分是要求学生填写的内容。)


(三)如何Make a speech


对于正式英语演讲,很多学生仍然没有概念。笔者给学生做了相关训练,首先给学生提供一个演讲的基本框架,即beginning, body, ending。

Beginning部分,要有招呼、自我介绍、演讲主题等。如:“Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. As a student from High School A, I feel happy to stand here and give a speech about ‘winning isn’t everything’。”

Body部分,要亮出态度,摆事实讲道理。如:“We played a basketball match against High School B.Do you know the result?We failed. We got 58 points,and they got 60 points. However, we still believe winning isn’t everything. Reasons are obvious. I will give three examples...”在讲道理时,要求学生必须引用名言警句,具体数据,并和观众互动。如引用Michael Jordan的一段话:“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”和观众互动方法很多,如眼神接触、向观众提问。这些技巧的使用,无疑让演讲更生动、真实,更能与听众产生共鸣。



第一课时最后,笔者安排了课题的Planning,让学生当场确定分组、确定课题、安排分工。最后笔者以PPT的形式,清楚明确地给出“Make a speech about sport”课题的各方面要求。

二、调研完成课题,妥善利用资源(Preparing & Producing)




展示课题成果方式多元,不是一成不变的。比如“Make a speech about sport”,可以在课堂上做一些简单的成果汇报,也可以举办一场演讲比赛,比赛地点可选择在报告厅。






沪教牛津英语四年级上 第5篇


Module4 The natural world

Unit 3 A day in the park

The third period

Knowledge objectives:

1.Be able to use simple present tense to express interests;feelings and opinions:I like footballs.2.Be able to ask “Wh-“questions to find out the owner: Whose ….is this?

3.Be able to use imperatives: Don’t….4.Be able to express apologies: We’re sorry.Skill objective:

Be able to talk about interests with others.Emotion objective:

Educate the students to obey the rules in the classroom or in the school.I.Pre-task


2.Quick response:

(1)Clean the desk, please.(2)Don’t pick the flowers.(3)I’m thirsty.(4)Hi, I’m Danny.(5)I can sing well.What about you?

(6)Can you fly a kite?

(7)Do you go to school on foot?


(2)Rewrite the sentences:

Here’s a new football.(复数句子)

Here ______ some new _______.Walk on the grass.(否定句)

_____ _____ on the grass.We can climb the trees.(一般疑问句)

_____ you _____ the trees?

They’ve got(划线部分提问)

_____ ______ they got?

That isdress.(划线部分提问)

______ ______ is that?



(1)Guess: It is round ,It is big.It’s black and white.I can play it with my foot.What is it?(footballfoot+ball)

(2)I like footballs.Do you like footballs?

I can play football.Can you play football?

2.What are these?

(1)Show the things: basketball(basket +ball);yo-yo;rope;hoop;ping-pong…

(2)Read after teacher: play_____; skip rope

3.Danny and Peter are classmates.They have got a football.What are they talking about? Listen to the tape.4.True of False:

()Danny has got a new football.()Peter likes footballs.()Peter can’t play football.()They can play football in the classroom.5.6.Listen and follow the tape.Act out the dialogue.7.Make a new dialogue with other things.(yo-yo, rope, hoop and so on)III.Post-task

1.Match the sentences:

(1)Open the door.A.That’s all right.(2)Thank you very much.B.All right.(3)Give me a pen, please.C.That’s right.(4)I’m sorry.D.You’re welcome.(5)We can’t draw on the wall.E.OK.Here your are.2.Choose the best answer:

()(1)We like _______.A.footballB.footballsC.a football

()(2)Don’t play ______ in the classroom.A.footballB.footballsC.the football

()(3)I can play _______well.A.pianoB.pianosC.the piano

()(4)Don’t run.You can run ____ the playground.A.onB.inC.at

()(5)Here_____ some sugar and here_____ some sweets.A.are…areB.is…isC.is …are

3.Rules for our classroom or for our school.Homework:

沪教牛津英语四年级上 第6篇












沪教牛津英语四年级上 第7篇




Hello/Hi ,I’m „

What’s your name?

要求读音正确,语调自然。特别要注意I’m 和name 的正确读音。2.培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。

3.认识五个人物: David ,Liu Tao ,Yang Ling ,Mike ,Nancy.4.能听懂、会说以下八个动物类单词:

a dog, a cat , a bird , a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra , a panda ,an elephant。要求读音正确。5.会唱歌曲 Hello!6.理解冠词 a /an 之间的区别。教学重点:


见教学要求:1、4、6。教具准备: 录音机(带)、动物卡片、人物头饰。课时安排: 共四课时。

第一课时: A

Learn to say.第二课时: B

Look and learn.第三课时: C

Look and say.第四课时: D

Fun house.Unit 1 Hello.The first period: A Learn to say.TEACHING CONTENTS: 1.Vocabulary :David ,Liu Tao ,YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy.2.Pattern : Hi /Hello ,I’m „ What’s your name ?

Good morning.TEACHING AIMS : 1.The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance : Hello /Hi ,I’m..What’s your name? Good morning.2.To know five persons : David ,Liu Tao, YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy.1 3.To encourage the Ss to talk in English.TEACHING AIDS : Cassette ,recorder ,masks(David ,Liu Tao ,YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy)TEACHING PROCEDURES: Step 1: Warm-up

1.Introduce : Allow me to introduce myself.My name is „,You can call me “Mr /Miss ××.”This semester I teach you English.I hope we could get along with each other.First ,let’s say “Hello!”

2.Greetings: Hello!Hi!Good morning/Good afternoon.Step2 Presentation and practice.1.Learn to say :Hi /Hello ,I’m „

a.T: If you want to introduce yourself to others ,you should say : Hi ,I’m „/Hello ,I’m„ b.Read after the T.Hi ,I’m„ /Hello ,I’m„ c.Practice : T& S


Group work.Work in pairs.d.Check.2.Learn to say:What’s your name? a.The teacher wears the mask(David): Hello,I’m David ,What’s your name? The student answers :Hello ,I’m„

b.Read after the T: What’s your name? Pronounce : name [ei]

c.Ask and answer :

What’s your name?


d.Check.Step 3 Break : Listen to the song “Hello!” Step4 Consolidation: 1.The T shows the masks(David ,Liu Tao, YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy): Please introduce yourself to them and ask“What’s your name?” e.g

Hi ,I’m „ ,What’s your name?

Hello, I’m „

2.Play a game: What’s your name? The Ss are divided for several groups.In each group ,the Ss ask and answer one by one.e.g Sa: Hi ,I’m „ What’s your name? Sb: Hi ,I’m „(Sa&Sb clap their hands)Sb :Hi, I’m „ What’s your name? Sc: Hi ,I’m „

2(Sb&Sc clap their hands)3.Listen to the tape and repeat.Step5 Relax :Listen to the song “Hello!”;Try to sing together(老师做简单律动,学生跟做,试唱)Step 6 Homework Listen to the tape and read aloud.Say “Goodbye.”

POSTSCRIPT: Phonetic symbol

The second period :B Look and learn.TEACHING CONTENTS : Vocabulary : a dog ,a cat ,a bird ,a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra ,a panda ,an elephant.TEACHING AIMS: 1.To understand and say the words :a dog ,a cat ,a bird ,a tiger ,a monkey ,a zebra ,a panda ,an elephant.2.To understand what’s the difference between “a.”and “ an.”

3.To encourage the Ss to learn English.TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step 1 Warm-up.1.Greetings: Hello ,everyone!Hello,I’m „What’s your name? 2.Introduce.Please introduce yourself to others(Prtactice in groups).3.Check.Step2 Presentation and practice.1.Learn to say the new word: a dog.a.Show the card(dog)T: Hi ,boys and girls ,I’m Dog.(Please say “Hello”to Dog)Ss: Hello,Dog.b.Practice and check.c.Imitate “Dog”(Use body language)2.Look at the picture and say “Hello ,Dog/Cat /..” 3.听录音做动作。师:Monkey.生做猴子爬山状。师:Tiger.生模仿老虎吼声,并展示自己强壮的双臂。4.小组活动。


5.对比练习:仔细看题板,找出每组词中表示“一”的单词。a cat a panda an elephant.提醒学生注意“a”和“an”的用法不同。Step3 Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.Play a game: Go hunting(Teacher’s Book Page5)3.Workbook : B Listen and draw.3 Step4 Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat 3.Design: Unit 1 Hello 图1

a dog

图5 a monkey 图2

a cat

图6 a zebra 图3

a bird

图7 a panda 图4

a tiger

图8 an elephant.The third period : C Look and say TEACHING CONTENTS : 1.C Look and say : Hi ,„Hello „ I’m

What’s your name? 2.Workbook.A Listen and judge.TEACHING AIMS: 1.The Ss can inquire about someone’s name and introduce themselves.2.The Ss can talk in English.They like to speak in English.3.The Ss can sing a song “Hello!” TEACHING AIDS: Recorder ,cassette ,teaching pictures ,masks.TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step1 Warm up

1.Greetings.2.Free talk.3.Sing“Good morning to you.” Step2 Prsentation.1.Show the masks(animals),Please say “Hello.”to dog /cat /„

2.Ss practice by using “Hi ,„Hello ,„I’m „ What’s your name „ Woof!”

3.Show the teaching pictures(C Look and say)Look at the pictures.Q: 1)How many people are there in the picture ?(Five)

2)Who are they ?(David ,YangLing, Nancy ,Liu Tao ,Bobby)

3)What are they talking about ? 4.Discuss.5.Practice(By using masks)David : Hello ,I’m David ,What’s your name ? YangLing : Hello ,I’m Yang Ling, What’s your name ? Nancy: Hello ,I’m Nancy ,What’s your name? „„

Step3 Learn to sing “Hello!”

1.Listen to the song.2.Read after the T.3.Learn to sing(Sing and dance)Step4 Do the workbook.Page 1 Unit 1 Hello.A Listen and judge.Listen to the tape and look at the pictures.,then mark ,If it’s true ,please draw a smiling face.If it’s false, please draw a crying face.KEY: 1.J


3.J 4 J Step5 Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape.(PartA PartB)2.Read after the tape.3.Sing a song “Hello!” Step 6 ENDING.DESIGN

Unit Hello Hello ,I’m „What’s your name ? Hi ,I’m „

The fourth Period : D Fun house.TEACHING CONTENTS: 1.Listen and circle.2.Act and guess.TEACHING AIMS: 1.Go on learning the new words and the new sentences.2.To encourage the Ss to learn English and use it.TEACHING PROCEDURES :

Step 1 Warm up.1.Sing two songs : 《Good morning to you!》


2.Greetings.3.Do what I do.Singing.crying , drinking ,watching TV, walking ,writing „(学生跟着教师模拟各种动作,把学生带到英语氛围中。)4.Free talk.Step2 Presentation.1.Show the cards(animals).Please say “Hello”to

them.2.Read the words.3.Listen and circle.e.g When you heard “a panda.”

上一篇:二课工作总结下一篇:小小动物园 - 小学生写人作文350字