


物理学留学申请书 第1篇


Dear _,

I have always been fascinated by the world around me and although it seems sometimes that the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know, by studying Physics at university I aim to understand more of the phenomena observed in the universe. The size of the cosmos has always astounded me, vast scales that I will probably never truly be able to appreciate. I wonder what role humans have in this immense space and whether we shall ever find a theory of everything.

As well as studying Physics at school my enthusiasm for the subject has come through reading various books by physicists such as Feynman and Hawking. A Brief History of Time and The Universe in a Nutshell were very compelling to read and introduced me to many ideas such as special relativity. But it was Feynman’s book on Quantum Electrodynamics that really made me passionate about physics. The ideas seemed counterintuitive as they are not observable in every day life, which was what impressed me so much as it is down to enormous creativity that models of the universe such as those of QED have been devised.

Throughout my time at Watson’s I have been awarded various prizes from the school. I received a school scholarship at the beginning of secondary school and since then have gone on to get many prizes in maths and the sciences. At the end of last year I was awarded the 5th year Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Technology prizes as well as the prize for the Dux of the 5th form.

As well as success within the school I have also done well in a variety of National Maths Competitions. In both the UK Maths Challenge and the Scottish Maths Challenge I have attained Gold certificates for the past 6 years. In S4 and in S5 I achieved the best mark in school in the Senior UK Maths Challenge and qualified for the British Maths Olympiad. As well as these individual competitions I was also part of a winning team in the “Enterprising Mathematics in Scotland” competition in which four school pupils compete in a variety of events from solving problems as a team, to a maths relay.

In June , I attended the Senior Physics Challenge Summer School at Cambridge University. The week was very enjoyable and confirmed that Physics was the subject for me. I was intrigued by the lectures on Special Relativity and enjoyed solving relativistic mechanics problems. I was compelled to look into General Relativity which was fascinating even if a little bit hard to comprehend! During the week I found that I particularly enjoyed the predictive power of Physics and felt that the problems we were set were an enjoyable application of Mathematics.

This year I am leading the school’s pupil run Science and Engineering Society as well as attending Mathletes, a school club for the most able mathematicians in each year where we tackle UK Maths Trust questions. I currently play hockey for East of Scotland U18 as well as the school 1st XI who won the Scottish Schools Cup in 2008. I am a member of the school 1st XI cricket team as well as the captain of the school’s 1st V squash team which has helped me gain skills in organisation as I arrange teams to play in matches against other schools.

From the time of the great Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle our understanding of the world has come a long way. For hundreds of years people used Newton’s law of universal gravitation as it held up so well against observation. But in the early 1900s all of that changed with Einstein’s theory of General Relativity. Science on a smaller scale has also advanced hastily in the last 100 years and as the Large Hadron Collider has just been turned on hopefully our knowledge of subatomic physics will be increased further. The advancements that are being made in our understanding of how the world works are phenomenal and it is for this reason that I am drawn to Physics as it will be down to people like me to continue walking into the unknown and to uncover the workings of the universe.

Yours sincerely,




























物理学留学申请书 第2篇

Dear _,

The desire to know more about the nature has motivated me to step into the broad world of science. I have cultivated my great interest in physics and a lot of related fields since I was very young. I was armed with strong foundation in physics due to my three years’ time in Tianjin Nankai High School (one of the most famous high schools in China).

In the September of 2000, I entered University of Science and Technology of China and became a member of physics department since then. During the period of hard trying to adapt the new life, both my knowledge and my maturity have remarkably grown and I finally got overall GPA 3.5/4.0, and major GPA 3.8/4.0. My hard working finally earned me the Outstanding Student Scholarship in 2003.

My two years’ research in Structure Research Laboratory of USTC has brought me to a more extensive and practical field of physics. Served as an undergraduate research assistant in Professor Xianhui Chen’s group, I have devoted most of my time to the research and my knowledge in condensed matter physics and its related field have greatly increased. I have obtained all the basic experimental skills in a very short time and in order to keep with the pace of the latest achievement in my research field, I have spent a large amount of time in reading related journals, such as Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys., Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Solid State Chem. and so on.

At the beginning of 2003, I began my systematical work in exploring the growing method and transport property investigations in hole-doped single crystal BSLCO (Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO4+y) series and electron-doped NCCO (Nd2-xCexCuO4-y) series. My work was focused on the single crystal preparation and physical property measurement, especially the transport property and magnetic properties. After so many times of attempt of method, I successfully grew a great deal of single crystals with high quality. Moreover, I have spent so many days and nights together with my colleagues in lab measuring the resistance of the samples. We finally obtained plenty of meaningful data and by analyzing the normal state property. Later, I have submitted a paper titled “Field-induced log (1/T) diverging resistivity deviation from normal state in superconducting cuprates” to Europhys. Lett. in 2003 as the third author. However, my work was not stopped and with further investigation in the 2D weak localization system is still given. Meanwhile, I have got several papers submitted to the international journals this year.

Besides, through the work, I obtained almost all the skills of manipulation of the corresponding instruments from physical preparation to characterization. What’s more, I can skillfully use software, (GSAS and etc), to analyze the structure of the material through X-ray diffraction data. Actually, the happiness I gained from the cooperation with others and the approach of the physics science was greater. I often have discussion with other members in my group on the current encountered problem and new ideas for research. During the weekly group meeting, we exchanged our views on our current research project and I have learned a lot through this communication.

Meanwhile, I never give up searching for more extensive and challenging field. Actually, some of my present work is from my own idea. For instance, I have grown some single crystals of highly efficient thermoelectric materials, such as Bi2Sr2CoO6+y, Ca3Co4O9.......,aimed to find the relationship between the misfit structure of CoO2 layer and the high thermoelectricity, magneto-resistance and magneto-power. What’s more, I have paid extra attention to the update technique in synthesizing the nanowires and nanoparticles. I grasped a number of methods, such as micro-emulsion, hydrothermal method, sol-gel and other soft chemical ways to synthesize the nano scale materials. Under the available condition, I am synthesizing the nano scale superconducting material YBCO and nanowires of magnetic materials, such as La0.5Ba0.5MnO3.

During my exploring of the novel polycrystalline Co1212 and Fe1212, I realized the importance of cooperation. Because of the limitation of experimental condition, our samples can not become superconducting. In order to solve the problem, we cooperated with Institute of Physics of China Academic Science to obtain the extreme pressure. I realized the cooperation within and without a group equally important, and sometimes accomplishment is gained under several groups of people. We also have done some work in YBCO thin film transport property, collaborated with professor C. L. Chen of Superconducting Center Texas, U.S.A.

In addition, I have also attend some of other sub-group’s research project, such as using sol-gel method to grow Ru1212, NaCoO2 transport property investigation and colossal magneto resistance materials preparation. What’s more, I have also attended the 7th National Superconductivity Conference and National Annual Conference of Physics in 2003.

Research interest and future plan

I have accumulated a large amount of knowledge in condensed matter physics. I am greatly interested in the low dimension system, highly correlated electron system. The past work on nanostructure materials and thin film also amazed me to do further research in these areas. Also, I have been looking forwards to reach a wider field in physical science. After two years’ research experience in Structure Research Lab, my experimental ability has been greatly developed and my potential for research has also been proved. I believe the appropriate areas for me to take research work may be more extensive. My experience both in physics and chemistry should do well to my advanced study. I believe I fit for other related fields, such as particle physics, high energy physics, as well as biophysics.

Hope to be a member of University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame is world famous for its outstanding faculty and reputation. It has a dynamic present and promising future, and I believe it is the best place for me to continue my future study. The department of physics, with so many distinguished scholars and researchers, and so broad research areas, has impressed me a lot. Besides, the broad scientific fields and high level graduate programs ensure me that University of Notre Dame is the best choice for my future education. I am looking forwards to be a member of University of Notre Dame in the near future.

Yours sincerely,






























留学生医用物理学实验教学探讨 第3篇

1 完善英文实验教材

由于各所高等医学院校物理实验室的仪器配备情况不同, 所能开设的实验项目五花八门, 所以适合本校留学生教学的英文实验教材几乎没有, 加之留学生刚来第一年就需学习医用物理学课程, 而他们的汉语基础相当薄弱, 这就要求教师必须用英语授课。针对每次实验内容, 用英语讲清楚实验目的、实验原理、实验内容以及实验仪器的操作和注意事项, 并让留学生理解和记住这些讲述内容, 已经是一件非常困难的事情, 更不用说和学生互动, 活跃课堂气氛, 激发学生学习兴趣, 进行提问式和探究式教学。所以, 要上好留学生的物理实验课, 一本好的英文医用物理学实验教材是必不可少的, 是留学生了解和掌握实验项目的前提。

目前, 通过3年的实验教学实践, 笔者和教研室的同事根据我校留学生的状况, 制订了医用物理学实验的教学基本要求和教学大纲, 并精心开设了9个和医学内容相关的医学项目。我们让教师利用互联网查阅和自己所开设的物理实验项目相关的资料, 并完成自己负责实验的讲义编写工作。由于可借助的英文资料很少且英语水平参差不齐, 讲义中难免出现英文词语表达不准确、不完善、不清楚的现象, 所以每位教师编写的讲义内容可能并不全面。针对这个问题, 我们经过这3年的教学, 不断和学生进行讨论, 结合学生的建议, 编写了适合我校留学生的英文实验教材讲义。

2 合理设计实验教学内容

由于各个国家的教育体制不同以及文化差异, 留学生的文化素质、知识背景也与中国学生截然不同, 而且来我国留学的门槛较低, 这使得留学生的综合素质差异尤其明显[1]。另外我们还发现, 和我国学生相比, 留学生的数学基础尤其薄弱, 这对他们进行实验数据处理影响较大。

针对留学生的这些特点, 我们首先在医用物理学实验教学之前, 组织留学生和各位教师进行座谈, 了解留学生的数学和物理知识背景以及他们各自国家的教育制度和要求。通过了解这些信息, 教研室认真组织集体备课, 集思广益, 对每次的实验进行讨论, 设计适合留学生的教学方案。其次, 针对留学生数学基础普遍较差的问题, 我们在编写实验讲义和制作课件时, 尽量把复杂难解的公式去掉, 而对于不可避免的复杂实验数据的处理问题, 我们在教材中适当举例或在每个课件中示范该实验的数据处理过程, 引导留学生从模仿开始, 从简单到复杂, 让留学生掌握实验数据的一般处理方法。

除此之外, 留学生的实验兴趣比中国学生强烈, 善于在实验中不断提出问题, 进行讨论探究。所以, 我们所设计的9个实验项目尽量和他们以后的医学课程相联系, 比如液体表面张力系数的测定、液体黏滞系数的测定等实验。

3 采用合适的教学策略

我校留学生主要来自于印度、尼泊尔等亚洲国家, 他们的英语发音具有浓重的地方口音, 我们这些习惯美式英语和英式英语的教师很难听懂他们要表达的意思。另外, 教师的语言水平也参差不齐, 以前的实验教学教师多侧重自身英语水平的提高, 忽略了一些教学内容的设计。鉴于这种情况, 今后我们在教学过程中应优化教学策略。

思维导图是英国人托尼·巴赞创造的, 它能够直观地、有层次地显示出文章的组织结构、连接方式以及一些重要的观点, 具有层次性、联想性、开放性等特点, 是一种先进的思维工具和一项重要的学习技能[2]。教师在进行实验教学时, 可以给每位留学生提供一张关于本次实验项目内容的思维导图, 从实验目的出发, 到实验的设计思想和所需要的具体公式, 再到实验仪器的操作以及数据的记录和处理, 最后介绍该实验和医学相关联的地方。留学生按照这样的导图就可以比较容易地理解教师所讲的内容。若留学生提出问题, 教师通过课前的备课也可以大致知道留学生想要问的问题, 这无疑大大克服了师生之间语言交流的障碍。除此之外, 在思维导图上留适当的空白, 让留学生在实验过程中和完成实验之后, 在原有的认知基础上对思维导图加以调整和延伸, 从而达到梳理思路、融会贯通的目的。

4 合理评定实验成绩

“分儿分儿, 学生的命根”, 这句话对留学生来说也是管用的, 因为课程的成绩有时候是决定他们能否获得奖学金的关键因素。因此, 合理的实验成绩评定方法可以很好地提高实验的教学效果。留学生的实验成绩评定方法是不同于中国学生的, 他们的实验成绩大致由以下几部分构成:出勤成绩 (10%) 、课堂简短交流 (10%) 、实验操作 (30%) 、数据处理 (30%) 、实验小结 (10%) 以及思维导图完成情况 (10%) 。这样的评分标准就可以让留学生准时到教室, 同时也能认真做实验, 认真思考问题和总结实验过程, 从而提高留学生的教学质量。

留学生的教育工作是我校的一项重要教学任务, 能否高质量地完成该项教学任务直接关系到学校的社会影响和国际声誉。我校的留学生医用物理学实验教学还处在起步阶段, 对许多问题还需要进一步探讨和研究, 因此, 教师需要努力去完成该项教学任务, 在今后的教学实践中不断提高自身素质。


[1]仇康.医学留学生医用物理课程教学的探讨[J].卫生职业教育, 2012, 30 (14) :8-9.

申请季,热门留学国申请时间备忘 第4篇











开学时间:澳大利亚大部分大学在每年的2月和7月开学,部分院校增加了1 1月入学。



签证周期:电子签证周期目前在4周内,普通签证周期在1 2周左右。澳大利亚学生签证的申请过程一般要历时1至3个月。











2011年9月27-28日,博闻中国(UBM China)旗下营销与广告创新技术展示会暨研讨会(TFM&A China)在上海世贸商城隆重举办,同期举办2011电子商务解决方案展示会暨研讨会(eCommerce Expo China)及ACCE中国国际呼叫中心管理大会暨呼叫中心解决方案展示会暨研讨会(ACCE China&Call Center Expo China)。本次活动得到了腾讯网、腾讯微博、人人网、SAP、MediaV聚胜万合、Datatrade信达聆、Gridsum国双、Admaster精硕科技、Selligent塞智、adSage、Radica Systems雷克、达闻营销等近百家展商的支持,以及来自谷歌、渣打银行、淘宝网、阿里巴巴、易传媒、1号店、易迅网等知名公司的高层领导主题演讲,共吸引了4000多名营销专业人士到场。

继去年在中国上海成功举办后,TFM&A China又相邀众多市场营销专业人士相在上海世贸商城再聚首,展示最新的整合营销解决方案,热议2011互联网、数字营销新动态并探讨未来趋势。借由今年中国电子商务的大热,博闻中国将旗下另两个欧美知名活动——电子商

务解决方案展示会暨研讨会(eCommerce Expo China)及ACCE中国国际呼叫中心管理大会暨呼叫中心解决方案展示会暨研讨会(ACCE China&Call Center ExpoChina)带到中国,同期同场为观众带来更多国际领先专业营销、电子商务及客户服务的“一站式”解决方案。







物理学专业个人留学申请书 第5篇

Dear _,

From a very early age I remember pondering questions that were, to me, seemingly unanswerable: what existed before the Big Bang? Why is a paperclip attracted to a magnet? Now that I am older and have a wider knowledge of current physics, I can contemplate other, more involved questions. How is it possible that a cat can be alive and dead at the same time? What exactly is holding an atom together? I am fascinated by these ideas and am hungry to learn the theories needed to attempt to explain them. I welcome the prospect of spending time and effort working with the scientific community to achieve a wider appreciation of the world we live in and trying to attain a level of understanding as high as is possible in a single lifetime.

My main interest within physics lies in quantum mechanics. About two years ago I was shown a video on the Internet by an astounded friend that explained the results of Young’s double slit experiment (using electrons) in relatively simple terms. I was stunned to see that a single electron can pass through two slits at once, but as soon as its path is observed it ‘decides’ to act in a completely different manner! My ignorance of the topic created a desire for me to learn more about this astonishing idea and so I read ‘Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed’ by Jim Al-Khallili. From this brilliant book I learnt about the way in which the electron transforms into a probability wave or “wavefunction” and interferes with itself after diffracting out of the slits. The book then introduced me to complex applications of this experiment and, along with various magazine and Internet articles, I clarified for myself intricate ideas such as Schrodinger’s cat and quantum entanglement. I also read ‘The Trouble with Physics’ by Lee Smolin in which he describes previous attempts at unification of various ideas in physics, such as the successful unification of electricity and magnetism, or the unsuccessful unification of light and sound. He then goes on to explain one of the current attempts at the unification of all known forces and particles – string theory. I feel that reading on these topics has prepared me well for undergraduate physics and I am excited at the prospect of studying at a higher level.

To familiarise myself with how physics can be used practically, I requested a visit to the Quantum Optics and Laser Science Research Group at Imperial College London. I assisted a PhD student and his supervisor every day for three weeks in their ion-trapping project that aimed to shed light on quantum computing. My main job was to build a circuit to power an electron beam. The beam was used to form ions from calcium atoms, as ions are more easily manipulated. However, the circuit had to be built in such a way that it would automatically adjust the intensity of the beam to form just the right number of ions.

In my spare time, I am generally found playing the drum kit. After passing Grade 8 with distinction I have taken up teaching and play in four different music groups: a concert band, a jazz group, a brass band and my own funk fusion band. I enjoy performing in and around London and annually touring European countries with the school concert band. To keep fit I play football and table tennis with friends. Competitively, I have represented my school on a number of occasions in football, rugby and athletics competitions.

Studying all three sciences and maths at A-level has given me the opportunity to explore a wide range of different theories, techniques and problems and has provided me with a broad scientific training base from which I wish to develop further. All of these subjects pose exciting challenges, but my main passion is for physics. I very much look forward to immersing myself in the subject in future years whilst enjoying other challenges of university life.

Yours sincerely,









第一、出国留学学历公证书 :























地理学留学申请书 第6篇

Dear _,

I am interested in pursuing a Geography course at University. Studying Geography will provide me with a better understanding of topical issues that affect the world around us, and also improve my presentational skills and independent learning skills. I am currently studying A-Levels Geography and Drama, which has provided me with a keen interest in current affairs; therefore I am interested in areas such as development and environmental issues

I feel that these subject areas will provide me with a sound background to build a degree

My interests in Drama started early in College where I found that I enjoyed many of the techniques used within Drama. This gave me the confidence to take part in college productions, I have also developed my knowledge of Greek Tragedies, Physical Theatre and Monologues, and whilst studying an A-Level in Performing Arts I have developed my leadership skills and confidence to a mature standard

During my work experience I had the opportunity to work with a professional and extremely dedicated armourer. I used these two weeks to great advantage by broadening my knowledge in a diverse trade, which requires skill and extremely good technique. These two weeks helped me develop many skills such as concentration and independent working, work experience has also provided me with experience in a trade which can be used to fall back on, due to the fact that this is a family trade I therefore I have a platform in which to start up

Within college I play an active role within college and also within my tutor group. I was elected student Council Representative, which has not only developed my communications skills but furthered my organisation skills. Within my tutor group I interact as much as possible by taking part in the tutor football team, and helping out my tutor with international dimensions week, which consists of helping younger students to develop skills they can use in the future. I have also worked with the P.E department by refereeing sports day football

As part of my personal development personal development, I helped in a Year 7 Drama class and used my own skills to help students out with plays, this taught me qualities of leadership such as motivation and patience

My hobbies include a wide range of sports, most notably rugby where I play at club level and county level, I hope to use this sporting background to play in a University team. I also take a great interest in football, golf and occasionally play tennis, I work part time within the College itself working in the Site Team, which has developed my reliability and communications skills

I regard myself to be an extremely friendly and hard working person. I have become very determined and independent as a result of pursuing my A-Levels; and hope this provides a good background for University. I look forward to the challenge of University life and the opportunities that will arise as a result.

Yours sincerely,




挪威位于欧洲大陆北部的斯堪的纳维亚半岛西海岸,南与丹麦隔海相望,西挪威海,东部和北部与瑞典和芬兰接壤。挪威海岸线长近二万公里,领土南北狭长,海岸线异常曲折,沿海岛屿很多,多达 15 万个,挪威又称“万岛之国”。挪威国土面积约 38 万平方公里,人

口约 490 万,主要分布在西南、南部和东南部沿海一带,其中四分之三的人口生活在离海不到 15 公里的地带,城市人口约占总人口 71%,北部寒冷的广大地区无人居住。北部的特罗姆瑟地区,位于北极圈内。揶威风景异常优美,风靡全球的《冰雪奇》就取于挪威。夏令时比北京时间晚 7 个小时。




挪威官方语言是挪威语,但大多数挪威人都能与璃典人、丹麦人很好地沟通交流,且有超过 90%的挪威人能讲非常好的英语。挪威自七十年代在北海发现了大量的石油和天然气储备以来,经济得到了快速发展。目前挪威人均 GDP 很高,达到七万多美元,是世界上最富裕的国家之一,也是世界上最适宜居和居民幸福数非常高的国家。在造船、石油勘探和开采、石油和天然气相关技术、水产养殖等方面走在世界的最前列。






货币:挪威使用货币为挪威克郎,一挪威克郎约合人民币 1 元。



是挪威的大学,成立于18,已经有超过两百年的历史,是名副其实的百年,学校内部设施齐全, 能够提供综合性极强的教学服务。



位于挪威名城卑尔根,在1946年正式成立,其前身是建立于1825年的卑尔根博物馆,拥有非常丰富的藏书资源和文化底蕴,是Coimbra Group成员之一。






