


化工行业中英文工作总结 第1篇



Work Summary

In my opinion, the chemical design is not only of great profession, but also requires a lot of knowledge and skills, covering a wide range.Therefore, since from entering the Chemical Design Institute, I have been seriously study relative software, drawing specification, design methods and standards with an open mind to the leaderships and colleagues for advice.Also I think the study of theory and practical training is closely linked, both of them are very important.For daily work, I have been self-discipline, complying with the relevant rules and regulations in the Chemical Design Institute.At the same time, I try to reach high goals and complete various tasks actively.As a result of the instruction, help and care from the leaderships and colleagues, my professional knowledge and work ability have been greatly improved.They are my role models.I am very grateful to them.工作展望


Work Prospect

In my eyes, the growth of personal relies on Institute’s prosperity, and the development of Institute depends on concerted efforts from every member.Then, on one hand, I should be strict with myself and make sure finishing tasks efficiently.Besides, I will carry on self-supervision all

the time and be serious and responsible for all tasks.On the other hand, I will actively learn from the experienced colleagues and the leaderships to improve my professional skills and other ability, such as dealing with others, so that I am able to meet the challenges of work, opportunities and pressures easily and confidently.In addition, every member ought to be aware of strengthening cooperation and exchanges between the teams.Only in this way, the members will carry out tasks efficiently;the team will keep harmony and cohesion, and the Institute will develop as a fast pace.Then we everyone and Institute will have a better future, which is my deeply expectations.

化工行业中英文工作总结 第2篇

RESUMESong chenxing SHANDONG UNIVERSITY, JINAN IN SHANDONG*** starsong19921111@163.comObjectiveConcentrating on the financial work Skills· Excellent Organizational Skills · Strong Customer Relations Skills · Computer proficiency · Data Entry · English· Telephone Answering, 12-Line System · Word processing and Typing · 10-Key Calculator · Filing · Fluency· Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel,powerpoint, SQL SERVERExperienceHydrological geological data water resources in Shandong province Shandong university community culture festival contact part Shandong university school of economics market research price statistical analysis Jinan Christ church volunteer FENGHERENJIA OLD ApARTMENT in Shandong province duty service Jinan city park compulsory labor

2011to present

The third place of popular Science Knowledge Competition in Jinan city ˎ The first place of Sunflower Cup piano Contest in Shandong province The first place of Jinan Lixia district recitation contest EducationSHANDONG UNIVERSITYundergraduate of economics

论烟草行业公益营销策略(英文) 第3篇

1. Current Status of Tobacco Marketing.

Recently,the regulation for tobacco marketing has become much sterner while tobacco marketers try hard to make their marketing strategy diversified.The tobacco industry’s marketing net is made up of many strands of advertising,sponsorship and public relations strategies,all of which work together to promote and reinforce tobacco use(WHO2).

There is no doubt that advertising is considered as the most effective and efficient way to promote products or services.The advertising strategy of tobacco includes direct advertising and indirect advertising.Since the tobacco advertising ban was implemented,indirect advertising has become the most promising way to promote tobacco.Instead of openly urging consumers to use a tobacco product,direct advertising uses brand names,corporate names,trademarks,emblems or other distinctive features of tobacco products to draw the public’s attention without naming the product specifically(WHO 5).Furthermore,smoking also permeates movies.The scenes of tobacco use in movies also help a lot in marketing.By doing so,this strategy is able to create a positive image in front of publics.

“Sponsorship of sports,entertainment and cultural events is another widespread form that promotes tobacco use as socially acceptable and tobacco companies as legitimate members of the community”(WHO 6).Unlike philanthropy,money spent on sponsorship is a business expense,not a donation,and is expected to show a return on investment.For instance,Marlboro is quite famous for its sponsorship of motor racing,starting from 1972 with its sponsorship of Formula One teams BRM and Iso Marlboro-Ford.Unfortunately,sponsorship will be completely illegal in the European Union in 2011.

2. Significance of Cause Marketing in Tobacco Industry.

Studies have shown that eighty-six percent of consumers are more likely to buy a product associated with a cause or issue,and that eighty-six percent of consumers have a more positive image of a company they believe is doing something to make the world a better place(Joe Marconi 4).

Cause marketing succeeds when customers are aware of the brands and companies.There is an old saying that customer is king.One good comment from a customer is better than hundreds of words of praise from the company itself.That is exactly what cause marketing will bring.The company would establish a good image through cause marketing programs,and there is absolutely no doubt that if a company earns a good name,it will gain a relative advantage among competition,especially in tobacco industry.

Moreover,tobacco is bought as a result of habitual behavior.That is to say,once long-term firm relationships with consumers are established,they will be loyal to the company,and the brand.Cause marketing is the very strategy used to build up the strong emotional connections between brands and consumers.

二、Current Problems in Tobacco Cause Marketing

1. Social Responsibility Disapproved by Customers.

One of the most urgent problems is that tobacco corporate social responsibility is not universally acknowledged.Cause marketing has long been seen as a sign of corporate social responsibility.“Corporate social responsibility is crucial to the tobacco industry for restoring its damaged reputation,improving employee morale and maintaining and increasing the value of company stock(WHO 16)”.However,this tobacco corporate social responsibility has been disputed.For one thing,tobacco is a real danger to one’s health.With the increase of health conception,people are attaching more and more importance to smoking-control,which has become a great challenge to tobacco sales.For another thing,tobacco is a legal commodity,which means tobacco companies would make every effort to boost sales and make profits.It is really an embarrassing situation that tobacco companies continually undermine the public’s health by selling cigarettes,while performing their corporate social responsibility to return to the society through various ways including cause marketing(Tang Yizhi 73).Under this circumstance,the public will definitely cast an eye of criticism at cause marketing in tobacco industry.Thus,it is impossible to win customer’s approval,let alone sales.

2. Absence of Sustainability and Systemization.

One phenomenon which exists extensively is that most of cause marketing campaigns in tobacco industry lack sustainability and systemization.They merely carry out the program on the spur of the moment,rather than on the base of good preparation and rational arrangement.

Sustainability claims that the whole cause marketing program should be sustainable and long-term instead of one-off.Lots of tobacco companies support many of these programs just in the first year alone,when they have high emotions.Usually,this will probably result in a waste of money and time while the public do not remember what they have done.Systemization means that cause marketing should be done by steps not by leaps.Before starting a new cause marketing program,objectives must be very clearly stated.Within doing so,a scientific and systemized plan is needed.In the follow-up stage,perseverance is the key,or else it would be considered as doing good out of self-interest instead of the society.The absence of sustainability and systemization will inevitably lead to failure of cause marketing and result in a backfire.

三、Win-Win Solutions

1. More about Public Good,Less about Company Profit.

Tobacco companies are often regarded as a wolf in sheep’s clothing in that those companies do good out of seeking quick success and instant benefits rather than long-term relationships.Certainly,cause marketing is based on marketing,which aims to maximise a company’s profits.But cause marketing is beyond marketing.Therefore,there is a desperate need to find an equilibrium point of welfare to society and company profits.The best way out is to show more care about public good,and less about company profits through solid action.

suggest to consumers that the donations will indeed make a difference to the cause,not just the company(Jocelyne Daw 67).One excellent example is British American Tobacco(BAT),a leading global tobacco company.In global markets,BAT has launched campaigns of reducing the smoking behavior among teenagers.By contributing funds to the programs held by charitable institutions and health organization,they declare that teenagers should be non-smokers.It is an interesting phenomenon that a tobacco company discourages the public from smoking.Through all this effort BAT has exerted,a more positive image of the brand has been created and acknowledged by consumers.

2. Sustainable and Systematic Development in Tobacco Cause Marketing.

In view of the fact that cause marketing program is usually time limited,immediate profits-driven,sustainable and systematic development strategy is absolutely necessary.

It is quite true to say that“Long-term efforts help attract and build long-term relationships with customers(Anish K.Verrghese122).”Taking the famous tobacco brand Li Qun as an example.“Li Qun Sunshine Realizes Your Dream”project began in 2001,and it is a large scale activity of public service held by Zhejiang Tobacco and mainstream media,by means of donations to schools to help those poor students who perform well both academically and morally to realize their dreams,to establish kindly and friendly friendships and social moralities,and to build up a socialist spiritual civilization and promote coordinated social development.The slogan of the project is that where there is pursuit,there is sunshine.In the past seven years,“Li Qun Sunshine Realize Your Dream”project has contributed 22.2 million yuan and successfully helped more than 4,800 poor students realize their university dream.Today,what Li Qun cause marketing has achieved is not only improved social welfare,but also a perfect brand.It is the very long-term perseverance of Li Qun that brings great success.

Programs should be of sincerity and transparency,which will Works Cited:

[1]Anish,K.Verrghese.Partnerships and Cause Related Marketing:Building brands for the future.The ICFAI Journal of Brand

Management,2006,Vol.3,No.1.Panjagutta,Hyderabad:ICFAI University Press.

[2]Jocelyne,Daw.Cause Marketing for Nonprofits,Partner for Purpose,Passion,and Profits.New Jersey:John Wiley&Sons,Inc,2006.[3]Joe,Marconi.Cause Marketing,Build Your Image and Bottom Line through Socially Responsible Partnerships,Programs,and

Events.New York:Dearborn Trade Publishing,a Kaplan Professional Company,2002.

[4]Karen,M.F.and Russ,A.P.Cause Related Marketing and Corporate Philanthropy in the Privately Held Enterprise.Journal of

Business Ethics,1998,17:1529-1539.

[5]Marc Gobé.Citizen Brand:10 Commandments for Transforming Brand Culture in a Consumer Democracy.New York:Allworth Press,


[6]Philip,Kotler and Nancy,Lee.Corporate Social Responsibility,Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause.New

Jersey:John Wiley&Sons,Inc,2005.

[7]Seymour H.Fine.Marketing the Public Sector:Promoting the Cause of Public and Nonprofit Agencies.New Jersey:Transaction


[8]Wei Tan.The Effects of Taxes and Advertising Restrictions on the Market Structure of the U.S.Cigarette Market.Review of Industrial





[1] Anish,K. Verrghese. Partnerships and Cause Related Marketing: Building brands for the future. The ICFAI Journal of Brand Management,2006,Vol. 3,No. 1. Panjagutta,Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press.

[2] Jocelyne,Daw. Cause Marketing for Nonprofits,Partner for Purpose,Passion,and Profits. New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons,Inc,2006.

[3] Joe,Marconi. Cause Marketing,Build Your Image and Bottom Line through Socially Responsible Partnerships,Programs,and Events. New York: Dearborn Trade Publishing,a Kaplan Professional Company,2002.

[4] Karen,M. F. and Russ,A. P. Cause Related Marketing and Corporate Philanthropy in the Privately Held Enterprise. Journal of Business Ethics,1998,17:1529-1539.

[5] Marc Gobé. Citizen Brand: 10 Commandments for Transforming Brand Culture in a Consumer Democracy. New York: Allworth Press, 2002.

[6] Philip,Kotler and Nancy,Lee. Corporate Social Responsibility,Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause. New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons,Inc,2005.

[7] Seymour H. Fine. Marketing the Public Sector: Promoting the Cause of Public and Nonprofit Agencies. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers,1992.

化工行业中英文工作总结 第4篇


























橱柜行业词汇中英文对照 第5篇

灯线脚线脚线高度Light/lamp kick Toe kick Toe height





结构: 屋顶墙面台面直径后面底部平面立面侧面背面平面图正面图立面图



配同门板色脚线 concolor toe kick 柜子前边缘Carcase Front Edge Basecabinet/Unit 中间开

Center separate


Tallcabinet/Unit 板材: Semi-tall cabinet 原木lumber miscellaneous 实木solid wood light 橡木oak sink 桦木

birch appliances 橡胶木Rubber wood Faucet 贴橡木皮

oak veneer bottle tap 夹板,胶合板Plywood filler panel

爱家板MFC board 2-tier cutlery tray 中纤板MDF Board waste bin

海木板Seawood board cleaning material basket 防火板

Fireproof board

supports 防潮板Damp proof board

flap-up door

刨花板(PB)Particle board / Chipboard transformer for integrated light PVC吸塑PVC Membrane transformer for volatage halogen

pull-out basket平板

flat sheet

finished side波形板roofing sheet mounting track 门板Door Panel pull-out spout 顶板 /天板 Top Panel/Board microwave 面板Faceplate oven 前板Front Panel

chimney hood 侧板Side Panel


背板Back Panel / Rear Panel ceramic hob


Base Panel / Bottom Board 加高侧板The raised Box Side 名牌

Name plate roofing

层板Shelf Board fasade

活板Movable Board Counter top 固定板Fix Board Diameter 补强板Support Board Rear 直边板

Wood end panel

Base 支撑挂板Support Plate

Plan 裙角Bottom Front Board Elevation 桶侧Drawer Side Board Side Elevation 桶尾Drawer Back Board Back Elevation 桶里板

Drawer Inner Board Floor Plan

抽屉面/桶面/桶头 Drawer Front Panel Front Elevation 灯板lamp panel Sectional Elevation 见光Exposed panel 假门Fake Door Panel Dog Ear


Fake panel

薄板,胶合板,镶板 饰面板水晶板柜身板柜身材料人造石高压板门不锈钢背板门: 趟门玻璃门 感应门 滑板门 框线门 百叶门 折叠门 伸缩门 镜面门 模压门 卷帘门 遮阳门


veneer board crystal board Carcase Panel Carcase Material acrylic artificial board High Pressure Laminate Stainless steel back panel Filler


wall-hung boiler water filter

fuel oil filter

food waste disposer


配件: 炉柜

Shelve case

integral kitchen cabinet cabinet combination Tier kitchen Work station Wash Platform Heating Platform Seasoning Platform Preparation Platform Home step chair Pantry Dresser rattan stair mattress Drawer gatter / sink Sink Sink case Wash Basin Wine rack hanging basket Pull-out Basket Sliding Basket radiator

Bottle Carrier Basket door bell

Side Mounted Organizer Plastic rubbish bin

Door mounted Rubbish Bin gas water heater noiseless ventilation fan kitchen wire rack



Sliding Door Glass Door sensor door sliding door framed door Louver Door Folding Door retractile door Door with Mirror molding press door Roller Shutter Door sunshine-shading shed

Display Door

Upturn and Paralleled Motion Door

叠层厨房用具办公台清洗台加热台 调料台

准备台家庭用梯台 食品柜梳妆台 藤楼梯床垫抽屉

陈列式门上翻平移门帘: 百叶帘 垂直帘 天幕帘 屏风帘 罗马帘 卷帘卷帘窗

电器: 冰箱洗碗机 烘碗机 洗衣机 洗衣机 电烤箱 炉头烧烤炉 微波炉

水槽水池,水槽水盆柜 星盆酒架挂蓝拉篮滑篮暖气片 提瓶架

louver vertical blind skylight system panel screen roman blind roller blind rolling window

谐音门铃侧式拉架胶垃圾柜内置垃圾桶 燃气热水器

Refrigerator freezer Dishwasher dish drier Washer dryer washing machine oven

Gas range oven barbeque oven Microwave oven hood

cooker / rangehood cooker&hob


家庭采暖系统home heating system 自动上翻门折叠支架

Automatic Upward-Turning Folding Door Bracket 厨房遥控开降台 Remote Control Lifting Platform 槽Grooves 水漏流槽弯关浴镜浴架

waste Vanner siphon Mirror Shelf


燃气灶gas cooker / gas stove

燃气/燃木/电壁炉gas fired / wood fired / electric fireplace

浴灯皂碟隔断浴柜悬垂衣帽间 浴帘布 浴帘杆 感应灯 落水管 落水器 排水器 下水弯 马桶盖 感应器


Soap dish partition

Bath vanity/case Granite Top Overhang cloakroom shower curtain shower curtain bar Sense Light downpipe waste kits draining pipetrap toilet seat inductor

veneer Vanity

Tall Bath cabinet/tall case Light Valance

rotating clothes-rack illumination switch marble crystal stone quartz

lawn and garden paint and coatings aluminium rack sealant strip

rubber hose rubber gasket

rubber profile material glass frame glass basin tempered glass bended glass Suspension Fittings Dust Seal Rail handle armrail

Carre Handle

96MM亚光月亮抽 96MM Mat Finish Half moon Handle 空心拉杆抽,银色拱桥抽

Hollow handle / bridge shape silver handle 钻孔Drill 滚珠Roll Bearing 灰圆杆灰圆杆接头 花岗石,颗粒 滑轨 ,趟路 曲路滑轨

Gross Galley Rail

Gross Gallery Connector Granite

Runner / slideStraight Rail

Drawer Side with Runner

Bottom Mounting Drawer Runner Two Wheel Guiding Fittings

抽屉侧板滑轨托底式抽屉滑轨 双轮滑动部件


Dimension of Drawer Runner Installation 无声滚珠轴承Silence Ball Bearing 上轨道Top Rail 下轨道Bottom Rail 胶趟路五金(铁)趟路


Plastic Rail Metal Rail Hinge

Sliding Hinge

Material of Hinges Cup Zinc-alloy Concealed Hinge Rolled Hinge Fold Table Hinge

Material of Hinges Arm

Angle Hinge

Rapid Assembly Concealed Hinge Hydraulic-Pressure Buffering Hinge Nut



水晶石石英刚石草坪及园艺 油漆涂料







插销 ,螺钉 螺杆底座预埋螺母定位螺丝自攻螺丝螺钉盖板可拆卸螺丝

BoltScrew Seat

Glued Socket Locating Screw Fastening Screw Screw Cover Board Comb lock screw



防尘条栏杆,扶手 拉手扶手摞抽

水平调节螺丝Depth Adjustment Screw 十字尖头螺丝Cross Nibbed Screw 没有弹弓式的天花螺丝No spring type bolt

明装暗装嵌门式 盖门式

Showing Installation Insert Installation Insert Overlay Type Rapid Installation Half-Overlay

桶条抽Metal Handle 黑底银面凹抽Silver Concave Handle BK Base 扁平抽(平面抽)Metal Plate Handle 银色空心拉杆抽 96MM桥形银抽

Silver Hollow Metal Handle

96MM Bridge Shape Silver Handle





Free Direction Wheel Side Adjustment Depth Adjustment Vertical Adjustment Caster Insert Type Caster Metal Plate Caster Trim Caps Ventilate Trim Caps Bracket Sandblast Support Bar Edge Banding Matt Oxidation Revolver fitting Loading Capacity Buffer

Fixed Seat Glass Clips Clean ability

Wear Resistance Rear Panel Hook Cabinet Adjusting Leg Opening Angle Silence Design Guiding Fitting Cabinet Support Polished Oxidation Full-Stage Damper Carcase Wrench

美背美边侧板孔位钻穿强化纸,普通纸2面贴纸+菲林边 包装尺寸完成后尺寸 单坑箱单坑箱包装

PVC edge: front and back 2 way pin hole for movable BD Hard paper/ normal paper paper in 2 faces and tensha edge Packing size

Finished size

Single ply corrugated box

Packed by 1 PLY corrugated carton

装载量:400套/40柜 Load ability: 400sets/40 两个一套,一个一包

Each in a carton, 2 cartons for 1 completed unit

盐田离岸价FOB Yan Tian 海运差价Ocean freight charge difference 日本主要港口到岸价C&F Japanese main port

拖车仲裁收货人 发货人

Haulage Arbitration


Shipper,Consignor Port of LoadingPlace ofDelivery Local charge

Force Majeure

Act of god usual force majeure Fumigation CertificateInspection Claims

DOC=Direct Operating Cost

透气孔塞托架喷砂驳条封边磨沙转架承重缓冲器 固定座 玻璃夹 耐污渍 耐磨损 背板扣 调节脚

起运港交货地当地杂费不可抗力不可抗力clause 熏蒸证明检验与索赔

机器名称: 三片锯开料锯

热压机 压板机 排钻机 弯边机 包覆机 复合机 封边机

开启角度消音设计导向部件厨柜气撑亮光氧化全程缓冲框架,架子扳手,钳子刹制 /阻尼 金属连接件 偏心连接件 台面升降器 门板孔位图


Three Rip Saw

Material Handling Machine Hot-Presser Veneer Press Boring Machine Bending Machine Sheathing Machine Compound Machine




StopperSteel Joint Connector

Eccentric Connection Part Table Top Elevating Fitting Hole Position of the Door Carrying Capacity of Double Form of Fastness of Rail’s Caput Dowel




Pushing from Top to Bottom Fitting for Sliding Doors

Wire Holder

Two Head Socket One Head Socketheads socket with cable: 1 pc Push Pin

double-sided)传统刨花机电脑成型机 电脑裁板机


N.C Router

Computer Board Cutter Vacuum Membrane Press Multi-Axle Vertical Puncher Auto-Shaper



真空吸塑机多轴水平钻孔机 自动立轴成型机


钣金加工行业名词中英文对照 第6篇

拉孔 broaching

装配 assembling

铸造 found

流体动力学 fluid dynamics

流体力学 fluid mechanics

加工 machining

液压 hydraulic pressure

切线 tangent

机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure

稳定性 stability

Cutting: 切割

socket weld承插焊接

fillet weld角焊,填角焊

branch connection分支接续

fabrication tolerance.制造容差

local heat treatment 局部热处理

threaded pipe螺纹管

seal welding.密封焊接

flange joint 凸缘接头

undercut 底切


conduit outlet电线引出口

seal fitting 密封接头, 密封配件

Screw thread lubricant螺纹润滑剂

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