


管理专业英文自荐信 第1篇

Dear Sir/Madam:

In the capacity of the former dean of “Kellogg Management School” of North-western University(NWU), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Mr.Caleb to your esteemed university.I got to know him personally when he was taking the course--Methodology of Management Research(or Methods of Management as stated in his transcripts), a course I taught, concerning basic research methods, especially quantitative approach to management research.Then he took one of my other courses--Advanced Strategic Management.Mr.Caleb showed great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five.Undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate study.To my knowledge, Mr.Caleb is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activities.He was the captain of the soccer team of graduateschool of NWU and led the team to play in the soccer league of our university for two successive years.He was also one of the main founders of the first academic club--“Management Forum” of the “Kellogg Management School” of NWU.After I left NWU, he still keeps in touch with me from time to time and I am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability in both research and teaching position.Therefore I feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program.I am confident that Mr.Caleb will contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in the NWU.please don t hesitate to contact me if you need more information.Truly, yours

管理专业英文自荐信 第2篇

dear leaders:

hello! first of all, please allow me to work hard to extend your deep respect, and bring to you my sincere greetings and best wishes! thank you for your busy schedule for taking the time to read my job material!

my name is xxx, guangxi college of finance and economics of the economic information department of information management and information system professional graduates a year. and good humor, optimism, generous, strong and confident, studious, has a strong team spirit and sense of responsibility. i firmly believe that the “sweat and post-harvest is the most loyal partners, vision and hard work is the most intimate lover.”

information management and information system requires us to study and master the economic, management, quantitative analysis methods, information resources management, computer and information systems, the basic theory and basic knowledge, to accept to engage in the development and application of information technology, information systems, management of basic training, research and development with the basic ability of information systems, master literature search, data query, the basic method of collection, with a certain degree of scientific research and practical work.

years of university life cast of my knowledge and self-confidence. i study hard, seek all-round development has laid a solid foundation of knowledge and systems expertise, able to vf, c language, sql-server, java and visualbasic simple software such as information management systems design and analysis; familiar with the basic concepts of erp , working principle, enterprise operating procedures and business processes; also by learning linux system administration, master of the linux system installation, basic operation and use of standing orders. in addition, i use after school hours learning and the professional knowledge related to the application of flash mx, dreamweaver mx, frontpage create personal web sites and flash animation design, will use photoshop, coreldraw for graphic design, application of auto cad drawing decorative map proficiency in office to office software, but also self-study of the accounting profession, and has more solid theoretical basis of accounting.

i strive to integrate theory with practice, practice activities, will be able to quickly apply the knowledge learned in practice, be self-training, self-perfection. while studying at the school during the holidays in the western high-tech city of a western dragon electronic technology sales technical work done for a variety of hardware and software very well, and can skillfully conducted on pc assembly and maintenance; participated in the training XX.7-XX.9 technology pioneer centers and the national ic industry XX.7-XX.9 center set up computer networks and integrated wiring project, by participating in these projects, i can take an integrated wiring project work, to grasp a variety of computer hardware and network and application performance, but also network debugging, and i work on the skills of pds has been further improved; XX.5.28-XX.9.1 decorated in xian lan hai budget and graphics company, XX.4.10 to XX.5.20 bo is decorated in shaanxi company secretarial office; XX.6.10-25 to participate in the formation of local area network training school activities, and have achieved good results.

i sincerely hope to join your company, i will be with full enthusiasm and tenacity of character to work hard and cooperate with colleagues for the development of your organization to make its own modest. convinced that training in the future, the positive, optimistic, pragmatic and i will quickly accommodate this large group in! urge accepted reply is hope, the good news waiting for you.


管理专业英文自荐信 第3篇

1 简历自荐信的文本特点及其预期功能

1.1 简历自荐信的文本特点

自荐信是在简历的基础上, 简介自己与应聘有关的信息, 内容一般包括学历、专业、所申请的工作岗位、成就荣誉、实习或工作经历、专业技能和个人特长、联系方式等。自荐信用词应明确具体、客观可信, 不夸大其辞, 不用笼统模糊的字眼;在概述与应聘职位相关的专业领域问题上, 多用行业惯用语或专业用语。行文语气应自然恳切, 所述内容要简明扼要, 突出重点, 与应聘无关紧要的说明应尽量避免。格式上要符合信件的写作规范和格式要求。

1.2 简历自荐信的预期功能

德国功能语言学家Karl Buhler提出语言有三个基本功能, 分别是informative function (信息功能) 、expressive function (表达功能) 、appellative function (诉求功能) 。简历自荐信材料主要是简介自身情况并表达求职愿望, 最终目的是希望通过自我举荐得到招聘方的认可和接纳, 从而应聘成功。因此, 自荐信译文的预期功能主要体现在传播其信息功能和诉求功能, 信息功能要求着重传播译文读者所感兴趣的概要信息, 诉求功能则要求译者尊重译文读者的阅读习惯, 以读者熟悉的或喜闻乐见的话语方式, 向读者推介求职者的个人能力和形象, 以求达到成功应聘的目的。

2 中英文简历自荐信平行文本比较





本人系X大学经济管理学院的应届毕业生。因读到贵公司x月x日在x上的招聘广告, 得知贵公司在招聘财务助理, 特致函应聘这一职位。通过四年的努力, 我在不断的学习和实践中, 提高自己, 把自己塑造成为一个专业功底扎实、知识结构完善、适应能力强、富于协作精神的时代青年。

在学习方面:我努力认真地学好每一门功课, 基本掌握了从事财务会计以及相关工作的能力, 同时, 我非常注重英语和计算机方面能力的培养, 分别通过了计算机省二级和国家二级、英语国家四级统考。此外, 我还自学了WINDOWS、OFFICE (WORD、EXCEL) 系列软件, 并熟悉了一些财务软件的使用。为自己能力的提高打下了坚实的基础。由于学习成绩优秀, 曾多次获二、三等奖学金。

在工作方面:自入校以来, 我一直担任本班生活委员, 积极同大家协作, 为所在班级荣获“市优秀班级”和“校优秀班级”的光荣称号做出了努力。在X学年曾获校优秀学生。我还参加了校党校学习, 结业合格, 在思想上提高了自己。

在课余方面:我更注重自己能力的培养和完善自己的知识结构, 积极参加了多次社团活动和社会实践并获得奖励。为了拓宽视野, 我大量阅读了管理、经济、法律等方面的书籍, 选修了各种相关课程, 成绩优秀。另外, 我辅修了第二本科专业经济法, 学习了包括民法、诉讼法、合同法、税法、票据法在内的十三门课程, 基本具备了用法律思维工作和解决问题的能力。

所谓飞鸟择良木而栖, 经过慎重考虑和选择, 我认为加盟贵单位, 能够为贵单位贡献一份力量的同时, 也能实现自己的人生价值。

十分感谢您们会将我的自荐予以考虑, 真切希望能够融入您们之中去开创属于我们的未来。




Dear Mr./Ms.Last Name:

I am writing in reply to the classified ad seeking to fill the position of Graduate Student Advisor for the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies degree program.

I have been awarded the degree of Master of Arts from XXXX so I understand the need for academic advisement and program planning in a nontraditional higher education environment.I have also experienced, first-hand, the comforting effect of being able to contact an adviser who genuinely cares for the success of students.

During my career as an electrician I was elected Chairman of the Executive Board which sat as the union’s representatives to the apprenticeship advisory board.In this capacity I was able to be an effective advisor to apprentices who were experiencing scholastic problems which threatened their future in the industry;especially to older apprentices who were seeking a career change and had problems adjusting to the obligations of work, school and family life.

I believe my educational background in nontraditional postgraduate education and my work related duties of counseling and advising students enrolled in learning programs qualifies me for consideration for the position of Graduate Student Advisor.I look forward to discussing how my skills can be of value to XXX as it prepares to move into the new millennium.


Your Signature

Your Typed Name

2.1 话语内容对比

中文自荐信正文共651字, 第一段首先概述毕业院校及专业、招聘信息来源和个人目标。第二、三、四段分别详细介绍求职者在校期间学习方面、工作方面、课余方面的经历, 这也是中文自荐信中常见的叙述顺序及内容。其中, 第二段介绍个人技能和在校学习情况;第三段介绍在校担任职务和获得的荣誉称号;第四段介绍课余生活, 包括社会实践、辅修第二专业等。第五段表明求职愿望, 最后一段结束语。可见, 二、三、四段为全文的核心内容, 在个人能力及所获荣誉上罗列较为具体, 但与工作或实习经验的表述粗略, 少有列举、数字等客观信息证明。

英文案例正文共210字, 信的主体部分开门见山, 言明自己对这份工作的兴趣。第二段简述自己毕业院校及专业和个人资质。第三段详述工作经历, 最后一段结束语表达个人能胜任所应聘工作的资质, 如教育背景和实习经历, 最后一句表达求职愿望。与汉语语篇不同, 英文案例正文字数约为中文案例的三分之一, 文本实质性信息突出, 注重描述客观事实, 所述内容与应聘职位密切相关。

2.2 诉求手段对比

中文自荐信中, 内容充实, 结构安排有序明了, 行文语气彬彬有礼, 如“贵公司”等。文中“时代青年”、“所谓飞鸟择良木而栖”等词句, 符合汉语受众预期的语言文采。汉语语篇还喜用四、五字修辞结构, 如“专业功底扎实、知识结构完善、适应能力强、富于协作精神”, 字数一致, 读起来朗朗上口。总的说来, 全文与求职相关的非实质性信息较多, 哪些个人技能和实习经历切合应聘职位的资质说明上较为笼统。

英文自荐信中, 措辞直截了当, 结构紧凑, 用词平实具体, 言简意赅。第一段描述个人资质上, 用词平实却不失说服力, 且紧扣职位特点, 如“experienced, first-hand, the comforting effect”。英文案例中, 以“读者”为中心, 所述内容与应聘职位密切相关, 多描述哪些背景及资质符合职位招聘要求, 更多提供了读者所感兴趣的主要实质信息, 客观真实的向受众推介了求职者自身的能力和形象。这样, 有利于顺应目标读者 (招聘方) 的阅读期待, 包含有个人简介、实习经历和个人资质等内容简短的自荐信, 不仅节约人事方的时间精力, 且言简意赅的行文风格也能展现求职者专业、不拖沓的处事态度, 易于取得招聘方的好感。

3 基于平行文本对比的翻译调适

3.1 增加话语内容的可信度

首先, 要有译语受众意识, 要考虑到目的语读者的阅读期待。对一些冗余的、华而不实的非实质性内容, 用受众熟悉的表达方式做“淡化”处理, 甚至适当删减和改写, 以增加译文可信度。例如:

所谓飞鸟择良木而栖, 经过慎重考虑和选择, 我认为加盟贵单位, 能够为贵单位贡献一份力量的同时, 也能实现自己的人生价值。

译为:I feel confident of the skill I can bring to your opening.

十分感谢您们会将我的自荐予以考虑, 真切希望能够融入您们之中去开创属于我们的未来。

译为:Thank you in advance for your consideration.I look forward to discussing how my skills can be of value to your company.

3.2 借鉴平行文本, 调适诉求手段

合理借鉴平行文本, 采用译语受众熟悉的表达方式, 以保证译文表达地道规范, 从而达到目标文本的诉求功能。汉语喜用“在XX方面”结构来分清层次, 如本文“在学习方面”“在课余方面”等。汉语还喜用排比和五字结构, 如“专业功底扎实、知识结构完善”, 但译成英语, 若不摆脱原文结构, 逐字逐句翻译, 译文会有翻译腔, 且表达生硬毫无感染力。例如:

在学习方面, 我努力认真地学好每一门课程, 基本掌握了从事财务会计以及相关工作的能力;在在课余方面, 我更注重自己能力的培养和完善自己的知识结构, 积极参加了多次社团活动和社会实践并获得奖励。

译为:I studied hard and have been competent in working as a financial accountant and other relevant jobs.And I tried to culti-vate my abilities and perfect my knowledge structure by taking partin the extracurricular activities andsocial practices.

通过四年的努力, 我在不断的学习和实践中, 提高自己, 把自己塑造成为一个专业功底扎实、知识结构完善、适应能力强、富于协作精神的时代青年。

译为:The four-year campus life has shaped me into an adaptable and cooperative youth with professional and comprehensive knowledge.

3.3 有效传达原文实质性信息

由于我国社会特有的国情, 中文语篇中常提及入党、党校学习经历, 以表明思想上要求进步, 在校期间个人表现积极向上。但在西方受众眼里, 加入党派是个人行为, 且政治活动与求职无关。若按照原句原原本本翻译出来, 译文不仅是对读者 (也就是招聘方) 无用的信息项, 不符合读者的阅读期待, 而且还与读者价值观不符, 容易引起文化误读。因此, 这类带有意识形态色彩的话语不宜译出。在篇幅有限的情况下, 应尽可能多的展示求职者的实质性信息, 采用符合译语读者阅读预期的话语方式, 译文才更具说服性。例如:

在工作方面, 自入校以来, 我担任本班生活委员, 积极同大家协作, 为所在班级荣获“市优秀班级”和“校优秀班级”的光荣称号做出了努力。在第三学年曾获校优秀学生。我还参加了校党校学习, 结业合格, 在思想上提高了自己。

译为:Since admission to X university, I have been in charge of the daily life of my classmates and made efforts for our class to win the honors of Municipal Excellent Class and University Excellent Class and won the title of Excellent Student.

4 结束语

本文结合简历自荐信的文本特点及其预期功能, 从话语内容和诉求手段上对中英文自荐信进行对比分析, 总结这类文本的翻译策略。作为一种实用文体, 简历自荐信在翻译过程中, 不仅要有效传达与应聘求职的实质性信息, 还要有受众意识, 对不符合受众阅读期待的非实质性内容进行适当删改。借鉴平行文本的表达方法, 用译语读者熟悉惯用的方式进行组句谋篇, 以更好地达到自荐信的预期效果。

摘要:该文选取实用范文网和jobsearch网站自荐信范文为案例, 从话语内容和诉求手段上对中英文自荐信进行对比分析, 在此基础上探讨自荐信翻译策略调适。译文应充分考虑到自荐信文本的文体特点及预期功能, 有效传达自荐信中与应聘求职有关的实质性信息, 真实有效的向受众推介求职者的能力和形象, 以切合目的语读者的阅读期待, 从而提高这类文本的翻译效果。



[1]陈小慰.汉英文化展馆说明文字的修辞对比与翻译[J].上海翻译, 2012 (1) .

[2]陈小慰.新编实用翻译教程 (增订版) [M].北京:经济科学出版社, 2011.

[3]范勇.跨文化交际视角下的国内高校英文网页中“文化性翻译失误”研究[J].北京第二外国语学院学报, 2010 (8) .

[4]李长栓.非文学翻译[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2011.

如何提高专业英文阅读能力 第4篇

1990年4月至7月初,我在依阿华州Ames小镇的Iowa StateUniversity度过了初到美国的前三个月,其中大部分时间在Herbert Fromm教授的实验室做轮转,跟随刘峰和董群夫妻两人做研究。当时感觉最困难的就是读专业论文。有一次,Fromm教授要求我在组会上讲解一篇《Journal of Biological Chemistry》的文章,我提前两天开始阅读,第一遍花了足足六个小时,许多生词只能依靠英汉词典,文章中的有些关键内容还没有完全读懂,当时的感觉是JBC的文章怎么这么长、这么难懂?!真有点苦不堪言。为了能给Fromm教授和师兄师姐留下好印象,第二天又花了好几个小时读第二遍,还做了总结。第三天我在组会上的表现总算没有给清华丢脸。但是,前前后后,真搞不清楚自己为了这一篇文章到底花了多少时间!

1990年7月我转学到约翰霍普金斯大学以后,与本科来自北大的虞一华同在IPMB program。虞一华大我一岁,来巴尔地摩之前已经在夏威夷大学读了一年的研究生,对于科研论文的阅读比我强多了。他常常在IPMB的办公室里拿着《科学》和《自然》周刊津津有味地阅读,看得我很眼馋,也不理解其中那些枯燥的文章有什么意思。他告诉我:他在读很有意思的科学新闻。科学新闻能有什么意思?虞一华给我讲了好几个故事:洛克菲勒大学校长诺贝尔奖得主David Baltimore如何深陷泥潭、人类基因组测序如何争辩激烈、HIV病毒究竟是谁发现的,等等。我还真没有想到学术期刊上会有这么多我也应该看得懂的内容!从那时起,每一期新的《科学》和《自然》一到,我也开始尝试着阅读里面的新闻和研究进展介绍,这些内容往往出现在“News & Comment”“Research News”“News & Views”“Perspectives”等栏目,文笔平实,相对于专业的科研论文很容易读懂。有时,我还把读到的科研新闻讲给我的同事朋友们听,而同事的提问和互动对我又是更好的鼓励。除了《科学》和《自然》,我也常常翻看《科学美国人》(“Scientific American”)。

与《细胞》(Cell)、《生物化学期刊》(JBC)等非常专业的期刊不同,《科学》和《自然》里面有相当一部分内容是用来做科普教育的。《科学》周刊的“Perspectives”和《自然》周刊的“News & Views”栏目都是对重要科学论文的深入浅出的介绍,一般1~3页,读起来比较通俗易懂,较易入门。读完这些文章后,再读原始的科学论文,感觉好多了!而且可以把自己的体会与专家的分析比较一下,找找差距,有时甚至也能找回来一点自信!





如果该科研论文有“News & Views”或“Perspectives”来介绍,请先读这些文章,这类导读的文章会提炼问题,就好比是老师事先给学生讲解一番论文的来龙去脉,对学生阅读原始论文有很大帮助。










每一个博士生必须经过严格的科研论文阅读的训练。除了你自己的习惯性阅读外,你应该在研究生阶段选修以阅读分析专业文献为主的一至两门课,在实验室内也要有定期的科研论文讨论(Journal Club)。如果你的实验室还没有这种讨论,你们学生可以自发地组织起来。

8.前面几条都是讨论如何提高科研论文的阅读能力,但是一旦入了门,就要学会critical reading。



我从1990年对学术论文一窍不通到96年博士后期间的得心应手,还常常帮助同事分析,自以为水平了得。但是有一件事让我看到了自己的严重不足,颇为羞愧。1996年,是SMAD蛋白发现及TGF-β信号转导研究的最激动人心的一年,哈佛医学院的Whitman实验室在十月份的《自然》杂志上以“Article”的形式发表了一篇名为“A transcriptional partner for MAD proteins in TGF-β signaling”的文章。读完之后,正好遇到TGF-β领域的著名学者Joan Massague,我对Joan评论说:“我不是很确定为什么这篇论文能够在《自然》杂志上以论文形式发表,他们只不过是找到了另一个SMAD蛋白相互作用而已,并且数据质量堪忧。”完全出乎我的意料,Joan马上回应道:“我不同意!这篇论文把细胞质SMAD蛋白质和细胞核联系了起来,并且发现了作为相互作用蛋白的转录因子。这就完善了整个TGF-β的信号传导过程。这是一篇相当美妙的《自然》论文!”这件事对我触动极大:原来大师的视野和品位远远在我之上。从那以后,我也开始从整个领域的发展方面来权衡一篇文章的重要性,这件事对我今后为国际重要学术期刊审稿、自己实验室选择研究课题都起到了相当重要的作用。

工商管理专业英文自荐信 第5篇

Dear leaders:

Thank you for your busy schedule to read this material I, and wish your organization the prosperity and bright future!

My name is XXX, the XX School of Business Administration

Department of the college graduates in XX.I am studying in school, pay attention to ideological and moral cultivation, strict demands on themselves, to participate actively in the party school classes and actively participate in the study of political theory to explore, at the same time, I am positive side to the party organizations have joined the Chinese Communist Party.Actively participate in social practice activities, good academic performance.Four years of university study, I systematically studied the theory of business administration and related professional knowledge, with a strong theory and in practice the process of combining theory and practice, has a certain ability to integrate theory with practice.In order to further improve the knowledge

structure, to broaden knowledge, I carefully study the professional courses and strive to improve the level of theory and practice of professional skills to the depth of theoretical knowledge.Proficient in English, four have already passed national examinations in English, took part in spoken English training.In addition, I adhere to the enterprise management, marketing expertise at the core, and actively involving knowledge check.In order to adapt to the needs of development and self-loving, I self-study related to computer knowledge, able to skillfully operate a computer, familiar with DOS, Windows98, Windows XX, Windows XP,such as Red Flag Linux operating system, Microsoft Office series of office software, ASP, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, FrontPage, Photoshop and other web design software, can be skilled with Visual Basic, FoxPro, C, such as computer programming, has been through the National Computer Rank Examination(II), took part in XX Chinese computer software professional and technical proficiency test(programmer level).I am cheerful character, honest and warm.While studying at the school study, I actively participated in basketball, table tennis and other sports, exercise my strong physique for the future work of laying a solid foundation;long-term as student leaders, former members of the study, organization members, the party constitution

study group, hospital and other key post of head of the student group.I work hard passion for work, the actual wide, in order to learn

their book knowledge with practical application of the combination, I also used to carry out various forms of holiday activities in social practice, and achieved remarkable results, the accumulation of a number of social work experience.Respect for the leadership of the new century as a fresh

university graduates, I admit: I lack many of the inexperienced experience.However, I firmly believe that: through the efforts, I will arrive as quickly as possible the forefront of the times, the future I will move to prove his ability to test their will and accept all the new challenges in order to return your organization to my The知遇之恩.I sincerely hope that your organization can give me a

chance, let me have a space to show self, I will sincerely cooperate with colleagues for the development of your organization to make its own modest.Please write or telephone interviews, I would like to further echo.Sincerely,Salute!

工商管理专业英文自荐信 第6篇

Hello, Im honored resume can be your concern, thank you for your use of valuable time pay attention to my application letter!

My name is * * * *, from guangdong, this year is 21 years old, height 8 meter, will be in 2 * * * graduated in July in XXX university, honest, reliable, bears hardships and stands hard work, It is careful to do things, have patience and love.To the life, work positive enterprising;proficient inputer daily operation, in college numerous awards, and take an active part in colleges and universities activities of the organization, has the good life style and the height of the organization to remember discipline, consciousness consciousness is higher, can very good implementmand, team consciousness is strong, style of work hard, does not fear endures hardship, dare to try.Work a strong sense of responsibility, ready to help others, the superior given task highly motivated, good at studious, to belong to own work can bear hardships and stand hard work, there are certain basic management experience.I am a XXXX years on X graduate from university undergraduate student, my name is XX, once in university period holds the post of the cadre institute, and the result is outstanding, obtained the leadership and the students consistent high praise, is evaluated many times the courtyard excellent leader, and during the period of school into the party, in the internship period, to the specialty is closely related with the enterprise, in the resume in detail.My major is business enterprise management, but I do not stand on professional place is restricted, to all walks of life is full of confidence and love.Of course, out of work, I like to do best, is reading and physical exercise.I like to see some inspirational books, like leisure for basketball, football and ball activities!I think, the work is no good physical condition to make the backing no, no flexible mind is not!

I was born in our beautiful XX province XX city, hometown feel great changes, especially the rapid development of economy.As a party members I especially know, great efforts should be made to do more contributions for home, so I decided to go back to hometown to work, and strive to realize their talent!As a already out of college, and carry the construction the motherland, the burden of the construction of hometown, so I especially the hope for his hometown to make an own efforts, hope to be able to play their own ability, for thepany to create wealth, and at the same time to benefit human!
