


历年考研英语二写作 第1篇






背完经典范文后,进行默写。然后对照原文纠错,搞清楚错在什么地方。多数同学在写的时候都会犯小错误,如拼写、单复数、大小写等。这些就是你在写作中的弱点,也是阅卷老师最不能容忍的地方。培根说过:“Writing make san exact man.”(写作使人精确)只有默写下来你才会发现自己常犯哪些错误。



历年考研英语二写作 第2篇


A Blind Zone in Childr-Nutrition

This article reveals a mistaken idea in child-raising which deserves correcting.Most parents take it for granted that children should eat more animal foods such as chicken, meat and fish than grain food because the former are far more expensive and the more expensive the food is the more nutritious it is.However, this is, in fact, a mistaken idea which has lead to malnutrition among many city kids.This is indicated in a survey recently made in Shanghai.What parents don’t know is that carbohydrate in grains, starch and sugar, the main and most inexpensive nutrient for energy supply, is of equal importance in metabolism.The energy it supplies is the main source of calories in human bodies,about 60% of the total amount of calories.If there is a lack of calories provided by carbohydrate, protein and fat will be used up to provide the heat and thus can’t play their original roles in the body.Consequently, it results in a retarded development in the children and even malnutrition.Apparently, the solution to the problem is to provide kids with a well-balanced food containing protein, carbohydrate and many other nutrients, none of which can be done without.Writing Drill 4(98 FATMD)

In the past several years, many Chinese college students have come to accept psychological consultation(PC)they used to reject.In 1994, many students didn’t care to think about the consultation while in 1996, over 90% of 2132 students in a survey answered the related questionnaires carefully.PC is now gradually accepted by college students in China.Surveys indicate that 70-80% college students have psychological problems and 20.3% have such obstacles.There have been reports on many severe cases resulting from misunderstanding and lack of PC.In view of this, many universities in Nanjing have set up psychological healthcare service for students.Many students have corrected their misunderstanding about PC and bravely asked the consultants for help, which has greatly helped them overcome their mental obstacles.Even some military cadets have begun to consult experts for advice.Experts point out that prompt consultation can prevent mental problems from developing into obstacles, mental illnesses and even suicide.University psychological consultation, young as it is, has made remarkable progress and grown into a unique course in universities.Though it contributed to students’ healthy growth, it still has a long way to go to be fully understood and appreciated by both students and faculties.Writing Drill 5 老年健康饮食为先

Aging usually brings about recession in many bodily functions such indigestion, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and other metabolic dysfunctions.However, scientists find that these hypofunctions are actually caused by irrational diets or eating habits.This article discusses this problem and the solution to it.First, balanced diet with more vegetables than animal food is especially good for the old people.Second, less staple food and less salt in food should be suggested for the aged because overconsumption of these two can lead to cardiovascular diseases.Third, more bean food can replace proteins such as eggs and fat as sources of protein.Fourth, light food should be taken in instead of fat and oily foods which usually contribute to cardiovascular diseases.Fifth, doctors always advise people eat more fruit to regulate their digestion, metabolism and cardiovascular balance.In a word, a balanced diet, more vegetable food instead of fat food are of the first significance to the health of the aged and a long life.Writing Drill 6

Recently, more attention has been paid to a behavioral prescription for various and physical diseases.It includes laughter, sports, dancing and even crying.These methods have different functions.Laughter activates over 80 muscles.In laughing, smooth muscles in organs contract and help improve digestion.Crying can give vent to harmful chemicals in the body accumulated by stress.Sports and dancing can relieve chronic illness such as bronchitis, back pain, diabetes, etc.that medication alone can’t do.2013年医学考博英语正确的复习方法:http:///product/PR000082 2013年医学考博英语协议全程班:http:///product/PR000276

历年考研英语二写作 第3篇

自20世纪70年代以来, 国内外大量外语学习策略研究发现, 二语学习策略的使用和学习成绩有着明显的正相关关系。但也有研究发现, 学习策略的选择、使用和效果并不是一成不变的, 往往受学习者的性格、性别、年龄、动机、文化、民族、教育背景、学习内容、学习环境及协调运用学习策略的能力等各种因素制约 (Griffith 2008;顾永琦、胡光伟, 等2011) 。顾世民等 (2015) 回顾了国外语言学习策略研究的发展历程并指出, 进入21世纪以来, 尽管语言学习策略研究进入低潮阶段, 但是国外对具体语言技能相关的学习策略研究却方兴未艾, 且研究内容越来越具体和深入, 这将为突破语言学习策略整体研究所遭遇的瓶颈起到积极的促进作用。

写作能力是构成二语水平的重要组成部分, 是学习者个体运用书面语言进行交际的能力体现。现在, 二语写作教学研究的中心已由传统的“成果法”模式转变为“过程法”模式, 这为我们研究写作策略的使用提供了很好的机遇;与此同时, 写作策略的确定也展示了学习者的写作过程。从某种程度上说, 写作者使用写作策略的情况决定了其写作能力的高或低 (Flower&Hayes 1981;Raimes 1985;杨淑娴2002;修旭东、肖德法2006;王俊菊2006;赵江葵、敖练, 等2012) 。但是, 国内对写作策略的研究不多, 写作策略研究几乎是空白 (文秋芳2003) 。因此, 对学习者的写作策略使用情况进行摸底调查及探究有效的写作策略培养模式日益成为二语写作研究领域的一个热点问题。

写作策略, 即写作者用来提高其目标语言能力的各种措施, 如, 如何谋篇布局、遣词造句、修改文章等。本次研究拟回答以下两个问题:


问题二:不同水平的二语写作者在策略使用上是否有规律可循?换句话说, 语言水平和写作策略使用之间有何差异?原因何在?


(一) 研究对象

本次研究于2015年秋季学期新生军训后第1周的课堂上进行, 90名受试对象均来自内蒙古自治区某大学2015级非英语专业本科生, 包括社工、电气、电子信息工程、计算机科学与技术、国际经济与贸易、人力资源与管理和信息管理与信息系统等专业。根据分班测试, 他们被分成高、中、低水平三组。

(二) 研究方法

由于国内外对写作策略的定义及写作策略的分类标准不一致, 笔者结合已有的相关文献材料和平时的教学观察, 采用顾永琦等 (2011) 所设计的写作策略问卷, 主要调查八个维度的二语写作策略:动机策略、构思策略、监控/评价策略、反馈处理策略、修改策略、文本生成策略、资源利用策略和社会/情感策略。这些策略由44项具体的写作行为组成, 全部采用李克特5点量表进行测量 (1=从未;2=很少;3=偶尔;4=通常;5=总是) , 利用PASW18.0软件包对问卷调查所得数据进行描述、单因素组间方差分析 (ANOVA) 和皮尔逊r相关分析, 辅以个别访谈定性分析, 旨在研究大学新生对各写作策略的使用情况及其与二语水平之间的关系。


(一) 写作策略的使用情况

表1是非英语专业大一新生在写作过程中经常使用的写作策略的描述统计量。统计显示, 八大类策略组得分均超过2.1, 说明非英语专业大学新生在写作过程中都会使用某种策略。笔者认为这可能与《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准 (实验稿) 》的实施有关, 该标准要求学生掌握调控策略、认知策略、交际策略和资源策略等各种学习策略。在八大类策略中, 经常被使用的写作策略有:反馈处理策略和构思策略 (M=3.0678, SD=0.88099;M=3.0611, SD=0.65988) 。各种写作策略的具体使用频率次序为:反馈处理策略>构思策略>文本生成策略>监控评价策略>资源利用策略>社会情感策略>修改策略>写作动机策略。

反馈处理策略包括4个题目:我会记录下别人的建议以备后用;我会认真考虑别人的建议;如果老师要求我修改作文, 我会问清楚修改原因;我会认真检查被老师修改后的作文。构思策略主要包括动笔写之前先讨论所写主题, 仔细阅读题目, 写提纲, 思考要写的内容, 组织所用的词、短语和句式, 读者意识, 体裁意识等。通过访谈发现, 受试者使用反馈处理策略频率最高的原因之一是大一新生刚经历过高考, 受中学教师的影响较大, 很重视教师的作文批改意见;但同时也反映出高中写作教学习惯于成果法教学, 忽略了重视写作过程中学生的构思活动, 以及以学生逻辑思维能力和批判思维能力培养为主的过程教学法。构思策略被频繁使用这一发现和杨淑娴 (2002) 的研究一致, 说明非英语专业的大学新生已意识到二语写作准备阶段的各个策略及其合理使用的重要性, 也验证了“三思而后行”的必要性。通过访谈发现, 部分受试者表示构思时主要是动脑不动手, 这个可能和限时写作有关, 因为有研究发现, 写作时间是影响写作过程和作文成绩的重要变量之一 (吴红云2006) 。但动脑与动手两种不同的构思方式对写作成绩具有何种影响值得进一步研究。

同时, 二语写作动机策略最低 (M=2.3422, SD=0.60726) 这一发现说明大一新生写作动机不足, 缺乏二语写作的内在兴趣, 很少主动写文章或寻找好文章来读和模仿, 也很少主动和教师、同学讨论写作技巧和方法。通过访谈发现, 受试者普遍反映在高中课堂上教师只是一味地传授知识, 学生被动地听课;尽管学生想要提高自己的书面表达能力, 但其单词量有限, 语法基础薄弱;对于作文的书写, 总是一句话反复说好几遍, 凑字数, 意思表达不清楚, 语法错误和用词不当现象频频出现;自学能力很差, 不会自己发现和思考问题, 也不愿意主动回答问题, 课堂积极性不高。对此, 赵江葵等 (2012) 探讨了融入“目标教学”要素的“以学习策略的分步习得模式”, 这为提高英语专业学生二语写作水平和动机提供了一个有效且切实可行的方法, 但是, 其对大学非英语专业学生是否适用尚待研究证实。

(二) 不同水平学生写作策略使用的特点

单因素组间方差分析 (ANOVA) 结果显示 (见表2) :不同二语水平的写作动机策略、构思策略、监控评价策略、反馈处理策略、修改策略、文本生成策略、资源利用策略有显著差异 (P<0.05) , 只有社会情感策略无显著差异 (P>0.05) 。

事后差异检验 (见表3) 发现, 高水平与中水平及低水平之间的构思策略、监控评价策略、反馈处理策略、文本生成策略使用差异显著 (P<0.05) , 中水平与低水平之间无显著差异 (P>0.05) ;此发现验证了杨淑娴 (2002) 的结论:写作成功者比不成功者在准备阶段和起草阶段均多使用构思策略, 但本研究也发现了写作成功者较多使用的其他几项策略。高水平与中水平之间的修改策略和动机策略使用差异显著 (P<0.05) , 高水平与低水平及中水平与低水平之间无显著差异 (P>0.05) ;此发现和杨淑娴 (2002) 的结论基本一致, 从数据上更加具体地展示了高、中、低不同水平的学习者在上述策略使用中的不同特点。资源利用策略的使用在高水平和低水平之间存在显著差异 (P<0.05) , 高水平与中水平及中水平与低水平之间无显著差异 (P>0.05) ;社会情感策略在高水平、中水平及低水平之间均无显著差异 (P>0.05) , 但数据显示高水平与中水平及中水平与低水平之间均呈负相关;说明学习者在写作遇到困难时, 普遍缺乏向教师、同学、家人请求帮助的意识, 这可能和学生的“丢面子”负面情感有关。因此, 教师应该在写作教学中注意培养学生敢于“犯错误”的精神, 在不停地尝试中取得进步。

皮尔逊r相关分析发现构思策略 (r=0.397, p=0.000) 、监控/评价策略 (r=0.233, p=0.027) 、反馈处理策略 (r=0.295, p=0.005) 、修改策略 (r=0.218, p=0.039) 和二语写作水平有显著正相关关系, 说明学生的写作水平越高, 倾向于使用这四种策略的可能性就越大。文本生成策略 (r=0.140, p=0.188) 、资源利用策略 (r=0.040, p=0.706) 、社会情感策略 (r=0.018, p=0.863) 和动机策略 (r=0.128, p=0.228) 与二语写作水平无显著相关关系, 说明这四种策略的使用和学生的写作水平关系不大。此发现和前人的结论不完全一致, 例如, 王俊菊 (2006) 发现学生使用写作策略的频率随着二语水平的提高而逐步减少, 而本研究的发现正好相反:学生写作策略的使用整体而言呈上升趋势。分析原因, 首先, 本研究以写作成绩作为自变量而王俊菊 (2006) 以语言综合水平为自变量;其次, 和研究工具不同有关, 王俊菊 (2006) 的结论以有声思维法通过复杂的编码系统演绎归纳而得, 本研究以量化问卷为主, 更多地探讨学习者“写作学习策略”和“写作过程应用策略”, 未加关注他们在具体写作过程是否能够且容易地应用这些策略 (修旭东、肖德法2006) ;再次, 和参加实验的受试者水平及其回答每个题项的认真态度有关。


本研究探讨了非英语专业大学新生在二语写作策略意识上的使用情况, 研究结果不仅丰富了二语写作的研究文献, 而且有助于一线教师更有针对性地帮助学生更好地运用各种写作策略, 形成有策略地处理解决某些学习、生活及工作中遇到的各类问题的习惯, 从而提高二语写作教学的质量, 实现“全人”教育的最终目标。

本研究的不足之处:一是所使用的调查问卷尽管经过实践证实可信有效 (Gu, Y 2007) , 但并没有涵盖所有的写作策略 (如:母语策略) ;二是受试数量尽管达到了统计学上的最低要求, 但样本数量整体偏少, 且没有考虑学习者的个性差异、性别差异、情感差异等因素, 其研究发现的适用性有待进一步验证;三是本调查研究主要针对大一新生, 随着学习的不断深入, 其二语写作策略的使用可能会随之发生变化。希望这些问题能在今后的研究中得以解决。

摘要:对内蒙古自治区某大学2015级90名非英语专业大一新生的二语写作策略意识情况进行调查的结果表明:在八大类策略中, 经常被使用的写作策略是构思策略和反馈处理策略。各种写作策略的具体使用频率为:反馈处理策略>构思策略>文本生成策略>监控评价策略>资源利用策略>社会情感策略>修改策略>写作动机策略。不同水平的二语写作者在策略使用上具有差异性:高水平的二语写作者多使用各种写作策略, 而中、低水平写作者较少使用。



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顾永琦, 胡光伟, 张军, 白蕊.2011.英语教学中的学习策略培训:阅读与写作[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.

王俊菊.2006.二语写作认知心理策略研究[J].山东大学学报 (社会科学版) , (6) :61-66.

文秋芳.2003.中国英语学习策略研究20年[A].英语学习策略实证研究[C].文秋芳、王立非 (编) .西安:陕西师范大学出版社.

吴红云.2006.时间限制对EFL作文成绩的影响[J].外语教学与研究, (1) :37-43.

修旭东, 肖德法.2006.英语写作策略、八级写作认知过程及成绩关系的结构方程模型研究[J].外语教学与研究, (6) :460-465.

杨淑娴.2002.英语写作成功者与不成功者在策略使用上的差异[J].外语界, (3) :57-64.

赵江葵, 敖练, 周艳.2012.大学英语写作策略教学的实效研究[J].外语电化教学, (143) :52-56.

Griffiths, C.2008.Strategies and good language learners[A].In C.Griffiths (ed) .Lessons from Good Language Learners[C].Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press.

历年考研英语二写作 第4篇


考生可以将图表看成一种语言,将图表语言转换成文字语言即是考生在图表作文首段要完成的任务。那么应如何转换呢?笔者向考生推荐如下“两步走”的方法:总体介绍(General Description) +数据支撑(Data Support)。

所谓总体介绍,是指总体上介绍图表描述了什么。数据支撑是指引用图表中的数据以及数据变化对上述介绍进行说明。需要注意的是,如果表中数据较多,考生应选取能说明规律的有效数据,而不是所有数据。比如,线图(line graph)或柱形图(bar chart)中的变量如果呈单调递增或者递减变化,这些变量的起始值和结束值则是有效数据;而如果变量呈现V型或倒V型变化,那么V的顶点对应的数据是有效数据。再比如,表格(table)中的有效数据往往是一行或一列中最大和最小的数据以及呈现明显比例关系的数据。当然,由于作文有字数限制,根据以上规则筛选出的有效数据如果较多,则需要舍弃一些。关于如何正确选取有效数据,笔者将结合真题为考生详细解读。



第一步,总体介绍:The bar chart shows the population change in both urban and rural areas of China between 1990 and 2010.


第二步,数据支撑:During the period, Chinese urban population increased from 300 million to about 670 million, while the rural population of this country decreased from 820 million to around 680 million.

在这一步,考生要将有效数据按照某种逻辑顺序呈现出来。对于这幅图来说,城镇人口和乡村人口成对比关系,因此我们可以用“..., while ...”这类表达对比关系的常见结构来实现。




第一步,总体介绍:The table gives the satisfaction and dissatisfaction rates among a company’s employees of different age groups.


第二步,数据支撑:Of employees under 40, one sixth are satisfied with their work, while one third are dissatisfied. Among those over 50, two out of five are content with their jobs, while one out of ten have complaints. As for the rest, the satisfaction rate is zero, and the dissatisfaction rate reaches 64%.

在这段描写中,笔者用三句话分别描述了三个年龄层次的员工的满意度,选取的数据不包含“不清楚”这一项(一般更关注明确表达满意或不满意的员工)。此外,笔者使用了两种方法来表达分数。第一种:基数词(分子) +序数词(分母,得考虑单复数)。第二种:基数词(分子)+ out of +基数词(分母) +对象。


第一步,总体介绍:The table gives the satisfaction and dissatisfaction rates among a company’s employees of different age groups.

第二步,数据支撑:The satisfaction rate among employees over 50 is the highest (40%), while the figure for the 40s’ the lowest (0%). On the other hand, the dissatisfaction rate among employees during their 40s reaches 64%, while the figures for those under 40 and over 50 are 33.3% and 10% respectively.








The causes of this trend are well known. First, China has undergone unprecedented urbanization during the past twenty years with millions of new work positions created every year. Another fact is that Chinese villagers, traditionally expected to farm, are now more inclined to seek the same diverse career paths as urban residents do. These factors have contributed to the vast population migration from villages to towns and cities.



The population migration from villages to towns and cities has far-reaching social impacts. As for individuals, rural citizens have equal opportunities to follow diverse career paths to pursue their own success. And for the society as a whole, urbanization demands constant supply of manpower. As more people choose to work and live in towns and cities, the migration can greatly promote Chinese urbanization, thereby speeding up our social development.




Since the general level of satisfaction among employees is very important to a company’s development, changes must be made to improve it. Employees who develop a sense of dissatisfaction should express their feelings to supervisors immediately. And companies should also pay more attention to employees’ mental condition by improving work conditions and reward systems.


历年考研英语二写作 第5篇



共两节,30 分。在A 节中,考生根据所给情景写出一篇约100 个词(标点符号不计算在内)

的应用性短文,其中包括私人或公务信函、备忘录、摘要、报告等。考生在答题卡2 上作答。

总分10 分。在B 节中,考生根据提示信息写出一篇160 个单词以上的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。提示信息的形式有主题句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等。考生在答题卡2 上作答。总分20 分。



A 节9―10 分;B 节17-20 分:内容切题,包括题中所列三方面的内容;清楚表达其内


A 节7―8 分;B 节13-16 分:内容切题,包括题中所列各项内容;比较清楚地表达其



A 节5―6 分;B 节9-12 分:内容切题,基本包括题中所列各方面的内容;基本清楚地


A 节3―4 分;B 节5-8 分:内容基本切题,基本包含题中所列各方面的内容;语句可


A 节1―2 分;B 节1-4 分:基本按要求写作,但只有少数句子可理解。

0 分:文不切题,语句混乱、无法理解。


1. 内容切题。审题准、不跑题。文不对题会严重影响成绩,导致写作失败。

2. 表达清楚。语言要简洁、准确,条理清楚;主题明确。

3. 意义连贯。遣词造句得当,表达连贯平稳。论点论据展开合理(以因果,对比,分


4. 句式有变化。采用适当的句式来表达相应的内容。常用句式包括简单句;并列句;



5. 用词有变化。避免重复使用同一词汇,可适当使用代词;同义词;近义词;关联词;


6. 语言规范。符合英语的表达习惯,语法错误少,写出的英语不是中式英语。__


1) 写作题目忌偏忌怪。考研英语写作选题范围都是目前人们最为关注的问题,从子女与父母的关系到健康的重要性,从近年来泛滥的行业“承诺”到世界烟民的现状,从希望工程到电视广告,从环境保护到生物种类趋于灭绝,以及 年和 年的考题所涉及的国际文化交流与青少年思想教育的题目,无不反映了当前社会的`热门话题。在 年真题中的大作文里,命题组专家们又将人们面对工作中的挑战与困难的时候,应该采取什么样的态度提了出来让考生进行思考。面对社会的激烈竞争,人与人之间的交往需要些什么?针对这个人际关系问题,命题组专家在 年的大作文命题中突出了“你一条腿,我一条腿;你我一起,走南闯北。”这样一个有关合作的重要性的主题。在今年年初举行的考研英语中,可以看到命题组专家又将目光投向了我们的生活。网络早已经成为了新世纪高科技的代名词。而利用哲学思想看待问题会使得我们去思考网络于我们的积极与消极两方面的影响。

2) 文体基本上是说明文和议论文。考这类体裁的写作比较符合形式发展的实际需要。在学习,工作和生活中,人们所书写的材料大多也是说明文或议论文。

3) 出题形式在平稳中逐渐趋于多样化。

大学英语四级写作历年真题与 第6篇

1999.1真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic.Don’t Be Afraid to Say“No”.You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:





Don’t Be Afraid to Say “No”

Sometimes we have to say “No” to others when they ask us for help.Why? One situation may be that we are not capable of doing the things they ask us to do.The other situation may be that we are unwilling to do what they ask us to do, because their requests may be unreasonable or even illegal.On both occasions we should say directly to them: “No”.But the case is not always the same in our daily life.Some people are afraid to say “No” when they should say so.On the one hand, they are afraid of losing their faces.On the other hand they don’t want to hurt others, such as their family members, relatives, friends or colleagues.To say “Yes” when you should say “No” will eventually do you some harm.If you say “Yes” but fail to help them in the end because of lack of the ability, they may think you are not worthy of trust.If you help them do something bad or illegal, you will be punished for what you have done.So, don’t be afraid to say “No” if necessary.1999.6真题

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Reading selectively or extensively? You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:





Reading Selectively or Extensively?

Reading selectively or extensively? What is your choice? Perhaps each of us has our choice.Some people think we should read selectively, for there are so many books for us to read.Thousands of new books are published every day.How can we cover all these books in our limited time? Besides, not all the books are worth reading.Some people, on the contrary, choose to read extensively.They think that reading extensively can broaden their horizons.Through reading extensively they can learn something about their ancestors;through reading extensively they can get insight of great men.Reading extensively can also enable us to adapt to the fast developing society.Because we are living in a knowledgeexploding society, if we don’t read extensively, we can’t get enough information about the modern world, and we can’t keep pace with the society.In my opinion, we should read both selectively and extensively.By reading extensively, we can enrich our knowledge of aspects.By reading selectively, we can focus on and learn well the academic knowledge we’ll need in our future work.2000.1真题

Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How I Finance My College Education? You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:




How I Finance My College Education?

Every year, thousands of young men enter universities and colleges.It has been a problem for the students and their families how to finance their college education.In fact, the problem can be dealt with in many ways.The most common way is to get all the money from the parents.If their parents can’t produce the tuition and the fees, students can apply a loan from the bank.There is still another way.Students can finance their education by doing some parttime jobs in their spare time.As for me, my parents can pay the greater part of the tuition and fees for me.So, I won’t have a heavy financial burden, and I can put all my heart into study.I would like to pay the rest by doing a parttime job.Although my parents are able to pay all the tuition and fees for me, I just want to know more about the society by my own working experience.Therefore, I choose this way to finance my college education.2001.1真题

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Succeed in a Job Interview? You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:


2.取得面试成功的因素 [范文]

How to Succeed in a Job Interview?

Nowadays, students must seek jobs by themselves.Job interview is the first step leading to the success of their employment.It is clear that succeeding in a job interview is very important.There are some ways to ensure your success in a job interview.First, you should be well prepared for all the information about you, such as your diploma certification, you credit records, certification about your awards, publications, if there is any, and the last but not the least, a carefullydesigned resume, in both Chinese and English.Second, you must pay much attention to your appearance, including your dress and your behavior.You should dress properly.While talking with the interviewer, you should listen to him attentively, accompanied with proper eye contact and a timely nod of head.Third, you must be confident about yourself.Your smiling face is the best way to show your confidence and friendliness.You should be also honest, especially when talking about yourself.2001.6真题

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter.Suppose you are Zhang Ying.Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the weeklong holiday.You should write at least 100 words according to the suggestions(given in Chinese)below:




A Letter to A Schoolmate;June 23, 2001;Dear Xiao Wang;Yours, Zhang Ying


A Letter to A Schoolmate

June 23, 2001 Dear Xiao Wang,I am glad to hear that you will come to see me during the week long holiday.It has been three years since we graduated from our university.I miss you very much.I even can’t wait to see you.I’ve made a plan for this holiday.As this is the first time you come to Beijing, I think we’d better have sightseeing around it.We can visit some famous scenic spots and historical sites, such as Summer Palace, The Forbidden City, The Great Wall, etc.We can do some shopping together.There are many splendid markets and plazas in Beijing.The State Library is also a good place for us to go.By the way, since lots of people will go traveling in this holiday, it must be crowded on the train.So you should take care of your luggage.Bring more clothes with you because Beijing is much colder than Kunming at this time.And don’t forget to tell me when you will arrive.I’ll pick you up at the airport.Miss you!

Yours,Zhang Ying


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus.You should write at least 100 words ,and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。January 12th, 2002 Dear Mr.President,Li Ming


A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus

January 12th, 2002 Dear Mr.President,I am a student of computer science in our university.I am writing this letter to you to show about the canteen service on campus on behalf of some students of our department.Firstly, we feel we need more varieties of foods served to the students, which means every student can get the food that he thinks suitable for his taste and his pocketmoney allowance.Secondly, we find it essential to prolong the opening hours of the canteen.A student from a class that ends at 12:00 noon may reach the canteen no sooner than 12:30.However, the fact is that the canteen is closed when he gets there.Thirdly, we are greatly concerned with the dining environment.We feel that student diners are entitled to a better dining environment than what they are having now.We do hope that the university authority will look into the problems and solve them.Yours Sincerely,Li Ming


Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Student Use of Computers.You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given below:





Student Use of Computers

Students tend to use computers more and more nowadays.Reading this chart, we can find that the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week has increased sharply.In 1990, it has less than 2 hours;and in 1995, it increased to almost 4 hours, and in 2000, the number soared to 20 hours.Obviously computers are becoming more and more popular.There are several reasons for this.First, computers facilitate us in more aspects of life.Also, the fast developments of the Internet enlarges our demands for using computers.We can easily contact with friends in remote places through the Internet.Besides, the prices of computers are getting lower and lower, which enables more students to purchase them.However, there still exist some problems, such as, poor quality, out of date designs and so on.And how to balance the time between using computers and studying is also a serious problem.Anyhow, we will benefit a lot from computers as long as we use them properly.2002.12真题

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:It Pays to Be Honest.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:




命题作文,题目是It Pays to Be Honest。其中 “pay to”意为 “有利、值得”。因此文章应围绕“做人诚实非常值得”这一主题展开。在指令中给了中文提纲,所以按照提纲,第一段应介绍当前社会存在着许多不诚实的现象,如商人卖假货欺骗顾客,学生考试作弊欺骗老师等等,同时在这一段应表明自己对这种现象的反感。



It Pays to Be Honest

From the mass media and also with our own eyes, we know much dishonest behavior existed in our society.For example, businessmen sell fake products to cheat their customers;students copy others’ homework or download illicit papers from Internet to cheat their teachers;and even worse, some people produce fake medicine that harm the patients.Seeing our society is filled with so many dishonest phenomena, I can’t help asking myself what’s wrong with us.When we were very young we were taught the importance of being honest.I am sure everyone must still remember that story “A wolf is coming”.In the story the child kept cheating other people that a wolf was coming, but when the wolf really come, nobody trusted his words and he finally suffered his own dishonesty.Also we have heard many stories that people benefit from their virtues of honesty.So since we have already known being honest benefit both ourselves and other people.Why are many of us still dishonest? I hope everyone must bear in mind that being honest is the basic quality of human beings and then we won’t be afraid of any “wolf”.2003.6真题

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an eyewitness account of a traffic accident.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:






An EyeWitness Account of a Traffic Accident

My name is Liming.I am studying at college.A week ago I saw a traffic accident, which is still vivid in my mind.It was at about 9:00 on Saturday morning, June 15th, when I went out of the university to visit a friend of mine at another university.I was walking leisurely on the sidewalk when I heard a loud crash of two vehicles just at the Tjunction about 10 metres away.Two taxis crashed together.It was a traffic accident.I went up and found that the two taxis were badly damaged.Both hoofs were out of shape.One door of a car was knocked off and lying on the road.One driver was bleeding and another was shut in the taxi.Some people were trying to help the driver get out of the damaged car.One man was calling the traffic policeman station.A lot of cars were jammed on the road.From the stopping track on the road, it is clear that the two taxis were driving too fast.But it is just one of the reasons.In my opinion, the taxi drivers are eager to take more passengers and make a little more money.On the other hand, both drivers don’t show concern for one another.Both of them wanted to run in front of another.Therefore, the accident is inevitable.So far, we should let the drivers keep it in their mind that a little slower, a little safer.Taking care of others’ lives means taking care of your own life.2003.9真题

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Day My Classmate Fell ILL(or Got Injured).You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:




The Day My Classmate Fell Ill

During the SARS period in this spring, the year of 2003, one of my classmates, Liming, was struck down by the virus and was immediately sent to hospital.The news spread quickly on campus.At first, we were terrified and wandered if we were infected too.However, through our government’s publicity on mass media, we gradually conquered the fear and set out to try our best to help her.Some teachers provided daily necessities while some students recorded the English class contents for him so that Liming could not be left behind.With our care and concern, Liming recovered quickly.Such an incident teaches us a good moral.Our society is full of love, warm and peaceful, in which people, from man to woman, from individual to individual, lend others a hand.Just like a famous song goes, “the world will turn into heaven only if everyone contributes a little.” And I do believe that it’s my great honor to live in this lovefilled paradise!


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friend’s inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:





A Letter in Reply to a Friend

December 27th, 2003 Dear,When it comes to which major you should choose, I propose that you apply for the major of English.To begin with, English is the most popular language in the world, which is widely used in all fields such as teaching, translation, and foreign trade and so on.What’s more, it goes without saying that English majors are more likely to find a good job in the tighter and tighter job market.In order to study at English Department, you have to meet the following requirements.In the first place, you have to spend a lot of time on it, just as the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”.In the second place, the basic skills of reading, listening and speaking are necessary, because they are the foundations for your future study.Last but not the least important, you need an intense interest in learning English since “interest is the best teacher.”

As far as the preparation work is concerned, you should first of all review all the required vocabulary.In addition, you’d better spend some time on reading and writing.Only through these measures can you hope to enroll in our university.Yours


Part V Writing(30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction.You should write at least 120 words to the following guidelines:

Your role: a tour guide

Your audience: a group of foreign tourists

Your introduction should include:

1.some welcoming words

2.the schedule for the day

3.a description of the place the tourists will be visiting(e.g.a scenic spot or a historical site, etc.)

You should make the introduction and the arrangements for the day clear to everybody.[范文]

A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beijing.To begin with, I would like to introduce myself: I am the tourist guide from China Travel Service and it’s great honor to stay here with all of you for a whole day.Just as the old saying goes, “It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar”.I wish all of you to enjoy yourselves during this trip.The following is a schedule of the day.The first spot we are going to visit is the Great Wall, the grandest fortification in ancient China.The next sight to look around is the Ming Tombs, which is one of the bestpreserved tombs for 13 emperors in Ming Dynasty more than three hundred years ago.In the afternoon, we will go for the Summer Palace, the royal park for Chinese ancient emperors.Currently we are on the way to the Great Wall.Dating back to the seven century B.C., the Great Wall is constructed by respective states for fortifying against invasion of neighboring states.By the reasons of long history and its length, it becomes one of the eight wonders in the world and represents the highest wisdom and crafts.From the top of the Great Wall, we can enjoy a magnificent view of continuous, green trees and blooming wild flowers.It is no doubt that one says, “He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man”.Above is my introduction to the Great Wall.If any of you have questions, please feel free to ask me at any time.2005.1真题

Part V Writing(30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a Campaign Speech.You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:




A Campaign Speech
