







Chapter1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.1.1 The Importance of English Reading

1.1.2 Requirements of the English Curriculum Standards for Senior High School

1.1.3 The Current Situation of English Reading Teaching in Senior High School

1.2 Research Purpose and Questions

1.3 Research Significance

1.4 The Overall Structure of the Thesis

Chapter2 Literature Review

2.1 Reading and Reading Models

2.1.1 The Definition of Reading

2.1.2 The Models of Reading

2.2 Research of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching

2.2.1 Research of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching Abroad

2.2.2 Research of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching at Home

Chapter3 Related Concept and Theoretical Basis

3.1 Schema Theory

3.1.1 The Definition and Development of Schema

3.1.2 The Classifications of Schema

3.1.3 The Functions of Schema

3.2 Constructivism Theory

3.2.1 Overview of Constructivism

3.2.2 Viewpoints of Constructivism

3.2.3 Relationship between Constructivism and Schema

Chapter4 Research Design

4.1 Research Questions

4.2 Research Hypothesis

4.3 Research Subjects

4.4 Research Instruments

4.4.1 Questionnaires

4.4.2 Tests

4.4.3 Interviews

4.5 Research Procedures

4.6 The Application of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching at Senior HighSchool

4.6.1 Activating Schemata by Prediction before Reading

4.6.2 Constructing Schemata by Information Processing during Reading

4.6.3 Consolidating Schema by Integration after Reading

4.7 Teaching Samples

4.7.1 Teaching Sample in Experimental Class

4.7.2 Teaching Sample in Control Class

4.7.3 Summary

Chapter5 Data Analysis

5.1 Analysis of Questionnaires

5.2 Analysis of Tests

5.2.1 Results of the Pre-test in the EC and CC

5.2.2 Results of the Post-test in the EC and CC

5.2.3 Results of the Pre-test and Post-test in the EC

5.2.4 Results of the Pre-test and Post-test in the CC

5.3 Analysis of Interviews

5.3.1 The Results of the Interview with Teachers

5.3.2 The Results of the Interview with Students

5.4 Discussion

Chapter6 Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings

6.2 Pedagogical Implications

6.3 Research Limitations and Further Prospects


Appendix A 前测问卷 高中生英语阅读现状调查问卷

Appendix B 后测问卷 高中生英语阅读现状调查问卷

Appendix C 前测试卷

Appendix D 后测试卷

Appendix E

Appendix F 访谈提纲


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