



酒店客房常用英语 酒店客房常用英语


1. May/Can I help you?我可以帮你吗? 2. What else can I help you ?还有什么可以为你效劳的吗? 3. May I have your room key /number,please?请问你的房卡/号? 4. I’m glad to meet you !很高兴见到你!



5. Just moment ,please .请稍等。

6. Good bye .Have a nice /good day !再见。祝你愉快!

7. Good morning /afternoon !May I do/make up your room now?早上/下午好,我现在可以清理您的房间吗?

8. Would you have some laundry today?请问您今天要洗衣服吗?



9. I’m sorry .May I come to your room and have a look?对不起,我能去您房间看一下吗?

10. Welcome to Haiyatt Garden Hotel !/Welcome to our hotel!欢迎到海悦花园大酒店!欢迎到我们酒店。

11. Just a minute .I’ll bring it to you .请稍等,我马上为您送来。 12. We hope service to you again.Good bye.希望能再次为你服务。再见。 酒店客房常用英语


13. They will be back within 4 hours.四小时之内会送来。 14. It’s free of charge.这是免费的

15. We’ll send it to you right away.我会马上送来。 16. Good bye and have a good day .再见!愿您今天开心。



17. I’m sorry .I’m afraid I can’t understand about that .May I call duty manage.请原谅,我恐怕不是很明白您的意思。我可以让值班经理回复你吗?

18. You’re welcome and I hope you have a good dream .不用谢,祝您有个好梦。 19. I’m afraid your room will be ready in a few minutes .We are sorry for the inconvenience.您的房间还需要几分钟才能收拾好,给您带来的不便我们表示歉意。 20. Let me adjust the air conditioner for you .让我为您调节空调。 酒店客房常用英语


21. If we have we send it to you right away .如果我们有,我会马上送来。 22. If there is anything I can do for you .Just let me know .如果有什么能够帮上您的,尽管告诉我。

23. Here is a telegram for you .这儿有一封您的电报。

24. If you have anything else ,please dial the extension number “7700”.如果您还需要其它服务,拨内线“7700”。



25. We are very glad to service for you .我们非常乐意为您服务。

26. Sir ,your room is at the end of the corridor.先生,您的房间在走廊的那一边。 27. I can contact the reception desk to arrange it for you .我分联系前台来为您安排。

28. There is sone repair work on the uper floor .But it will stop during the rest time ,I hope you can understand.上面楼层在维修,但在休息时会停止,我希望您能理解。 酒店客房常用英语


29. Is there anything else I can do for you ?您还需要我再做些什么吗? 30. I’m afraid we don’t have this kind of sevice .我恐怕不能提供这种服务。 31. If you need to chean your room .Put the clean card on door .如果你需要清理房间,把“清洁牌”挂门外。

32. Our guest are always pleased by the our Houskeeping .我们的客人对我们的服务感到满意。



33. I’re hotel has very good Housekeeping service.我们酒店有很好的客房服务。 34. I’ll report it to my supervisor immediakly .,we’ll let you know as soon as possible.我会马上报告我们主任,找到就通知您。

35. I’m sorry we have to charge you for the dewage acdrding to the hotel’s regulation.根据酒店规定,我们必须收一定的钱。

36. Please wait a minute I’ll let you know as soon as possible.请稍等,我会马上让您知道。



37. I’m sorry for security reasons we can’t open the door.很抱歉,为了安全理由,我们不能开门。

38. I’d like to have my clothes here .I’ll pick them up later.我想把衣服留在这里,我以后再来靠。

39. It’s probably the satellite signal .It’s cloudy today.Something when the weather’s bad the signal’s not chear.可能是卫星信号的关系,今天有云,有时当天气不好的时候,信号就不好。

40. May I come in and check the housekeeper’s work?我能进您房间检查一下服务员清理房间的情况?








air-conditioned 有空调设备的

armchair 扶手椅

ashtray 烟灰碟

attendant 服务员

balcony 阳台

bar 酒吧间

basement 地下室

bath towel 浴巾

bath tub 浴盆

bathrobe 浴衣

bathroom 浴室

bayonet-type bulb 卡口灯泡 bedside lamp 床头灯

bedspread 床罩

bench 条凳

bill 账单

billiard-room 球房

blanket 毯子

bookcase 书橱

bookshelf 书架

broom closet 杂物室

built-in wardrobe, closet 壁橱 bulb holder 灯头

bulb 灯泡

carpet 大地毯

cellar 地窖

central heating 暖气

chandelier, pendant lamp 吊灯 chest of drawers 五斗橱

cloak-room 存衣处

clothes-hanger 衣架

cold and hot water taps 冷热自来水龙头cotton terry blanket 毛巾被 curtain 窗帘

cushion 垫子

desk clerk 值班服务员

desk lamp 台灯

desk 书桌

dining-room, dining hall 餐厅 door-mat 门前的擦鞋棕垫

double bed 双人床

double room 双人房间

dressing table 梳妆台

easy chair 安乐椅

electric fan 电扇

electric iron 电熨斗

floor lamp 落地灯

fluorescent lamp 日光灯 folding chair 叠椅

frosted bulb 磨砂灯泡

hat rack 帽架

hotel register 旅客登记簿

information desk 问讯处

lace curtain 挑花窗帘

ladies’ room 女盥洗室

lampshade 灯罩

lounge 休息厅

manager 经理

mat 席

mattress 褥子

men’s room 男盥洗室

mirror 镜子

newsstand 售报处

opal bulb, opaque bulb 乳白灯泡 peg, hook 衣钩

pillow 枕头

pillowcase 枕套

plug 插头

postal service 邮局服务处

quilt 被子

radiator 暖气片

reception office 接待室

registration form 登记表

rent 租金

rocking chair 摇椅

roof garden 屋顶花园

room key 房间钥匙

room number 房间号码

rug 小地毯

sash window 上下开关窗

screen 屏风

screw-type bulb 罗口灯泡 sheet 床单

shop 小卖部

shower bath, shower 淋浴

shutters 百叶窗

single bed 单人床

single room 单人房间

sitting-room, living-room 起居室 smoking set 烟具

socket 插座

sofa, settee 长沙发

sponge 海绵

sprinkle-nozzle, (shower) nozzle 喷头 stool 凳子

suite 套房

switch 开关

swivel chair 转椅

tea table 茶几

telephone 电话

thermometer 温度计

toilet roll, toilet paper 卫生纸 toilet, lavatory, washroom 卫生间 towel rail, towel rack 毛巾架 towel 毛巾

transom, transom window 气窗 twin beds 成对床

waiter (餐厅)服务员

waitress (餐厅)女服务员

wall lamp 壁灯

wardrobe 衣柜

washbasin 洗脸盆

waste-paper basket 废纸篓 water closet,抽水马桶

W.C. 厕所;

wicker chair 藤椅

windowsill 窗台


两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平:http://m.meten.com/test/fayin.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:出国旅游常用酒店英语

出国旅游常用英语,主要是讲与出国旅游定酒店相关的英语,分一下三个部分: 一 出国旅游常用英语之预定酒店

Can I reserve a hotel room here? 我能预订一个房间吗?

I’d like to reserve a hotel room for tonight. 我想今天晚上预订一个房间。

Do you have a hotel guide? 你有酒店指南吗?

Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive? 你能推荐一个经济点的酒店吗?

Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars a night? 这有一个低于每晚50圆的酒店吗?

Could you recommend a hotel in the city centre? 你能推荐一个在市中心的酒点吗?

I’d like to stay at a hotel near the station. 我想住在火车站附近的酒店。

Can I have a wake-up call, please? 你们有电话叫早服务吗?

Can I have a room overlooking the river / castle / park / cathedral, please? 可以给我一个看得到河、城堡、公园、教堂的房间吗?

Does the hotel have a swimming pool? 你们酒店有游泳池吗? (a restaurant / bar / gym 餐厅、酒吧、健身房)

I’d like a room with bath 我想要一间有浴室的房间。

How much is the room charge? 这间房间收费多少?

How much is a single room with a bath? 带浴室的单人间收费多少?

I’d like a room with a shower. 我想要一个可以冲凉的房间。

I’d like a twin room 我想要一个双人间

I’ll take that room 我想要那间房

I would like to stay for…nights, please. 我要住……晚。

How much is it per night? 每晚多少钱?

Does it include tax and service charge? 这包括税和服务费吗?

Is breakfast included? 包括早餐吗?

Do you need a deposit? 需要押金吗?

Is there a discount for staying several days? 多住几天有折扣吗?

Can you recommend another hotel? 你能推荐另一间酒店吗?

Do you know any cheaper hotels? 你知道有便宜点的酒店吗?

Where is the hotel? 这个酒店在哪里?

How can I get there? 我怎么到那里?

How long does it take on foot? 步行需要多长时间?

Is there a youth hotel here? 这有青年旅社吗?

Can I have a youth hotel list? 能给我一张青年旅社的清单吗?

I’ll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我会晚到,但请保留我的预订。

二 出国旅游常用英语之入住酒店 My name is ABC 我是ABC

I have a reservation for [name]. 我用……的名字预订了房间。 Here is my confirmation slip. 这是我的确认信

Check in, please 登记

What is the check-out time? 退房时间是几点?

I have no reservation. Do you have a single room available? 我没有预定,请问还有单人间吗? (twin room=双人间、双床房,double room=大床房) Can I get a room for tonight? 我想要今天晚上的房间

I’d like a quiet room. 我想要一个安静的房间

I’d like a room on the upper level. 我想住在上层的房间

I’d like a room with a nice view( a balcony) 我想要一个有阳台的房间

Is there a TV set? 这个有电视吗?

Is hot water available any time? 全天提供热水吗?

May I see the room? 我可以看看房间吗?

Do you have any bigger (better/cheaper)? 你有间更大的(更好的,更便宜的)吗?

Would you fill in this registration form? 你能填一下这个注册表吗?

Do you accept credit card (traveler’s check)? 你们接受信用卡(旅行支票)吗?

May I have the key, please? 能给我钥匙吗?

Would you have my baggage sent up? 你们收到我的行李了吗?

Can you keep my valuables? 你能帮我保管贵重物品吗?

Where is dining room? 餐厅在哪里?

Is there also a cafeteria? 这里有自助餐厅吗?

What time does the dining room open? 餐厅几点开门?

What time can I have breakfast? 早餐几点开放?

Can I have breakfast in my room? 我可以在房间吃早餐吗?

Is there a beauty salon (barbershop) 这里有美容院(理发店吗)?

Does someone here speak Chinese? 这里有人说中文吗?

Could you keep this baggage until 4 o’clock? 4点之前你能保管我的行李吗?

May I have my baggage back? 我可以取走我的行李吗?

Can I have a card with the hotel address? 能给我一张有酒店地址的名片吗?

Can I get a ticket for the sightseeing bus here? 能给我张观光巴士的票吗?

Where is the nearest subway station? 最近的地铁站在哪里?

How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi? 从这里乘出租车到飞机场需要多长时间?

Could you make reservations for a restaurant (tour/musical) for me? 你能帮我预订个餐馆(观光/音乐会)?

What time do you close the front door? 你们几点关前门?

I’ll be back late tonight 我今晚会晚回来

Are there any letters (massages) for me? 这有给我的信(口信)吗?

Do you have room service? 你有房间服务吗?

三 出国旅游常用英语之酒店客房服务

This is room 316. I’d like a blanket, please 这是316房,请给我一张毛毯。

I’d like a wake-up call, please. 请给我一个起床提醒

What time? 几点?

7 o’clock tomorrow morning 明早7点

Your room number, please 你的房间号码

I’d like a pot of boiled water 我想要壶开水

Please bring me some ice cubes and water 请给我一些冰块和水

Hoe long does it take? 需要多长时间?

As soon as possible, please. 越快越好

I’d like shampoo (hair conditioner/a drier/a bath towel/a match) 我想要洗发液(护发素/吹风机/浴巾/火材)

I’d like to order breakfast for tomorrow 我想订明早的早餐

What would you like to have for breakfast? 你早餐想要点什么?

I’d like orange juice, two eggs, over easy, with ham and French fries, and Coffee, please 我想要橙汁,两个鸡蛋,两面煎,和火腿,法国菜和咖啡

About what time shall we bring it? 大约几点我给你送去?

My breakfast still hasn’t arrived. Please bring it right away 我的早餐还没有到。请立刻送来

Good morning. Here’s a menu, sir 早上好,这是菜单,先生

Please bring me a pot of coffee. 请给我一壶咖啡



Restaurant 酒店里面的称为餐厅,酒店外的可以叫饭馆或者餐馆都可以 B&B: bed and breakfast 家庭式酒店(含早餐的酒店) Boutique hotel 精品酒店

Resort 度假村

King-size 特大号床 Queen-size 大号床 Twin beds 双床房 Single bed 单床房 Double room 双人间 Single room 单人间 Suite 套房

Studio suite (room) 公寓套房

Adjoining room 相邻房

Connecting room 连通房 Executive Floor 行政楼层 Bellboy 行李员 Concierge 礼宾

Receptionist 前台接待 I will leave a message to the ~.(a girl in who works in front desk)

Reception/Front desk 前台

Coach 旅游大巴(a bus used for travel)

Reservation 预订(不是预定)

Doorman 门房 门童

Housekeeping staff 客房清洁人员

Room service 客房服务,有时特指客房送

餐服务 Ground 花园 Tip 小费

Service charge 服务费

Turn down 开夜床服务(指的是傍晚的时候再次整理房间,使客人晚上睡的舒服) Executive room 商务房 Shuttle bus 班车

Do Not Disturb Sign /DND sign请勿打扰牌Please Make Up sign /PMU sign 请收拾


check-out 退房

check-in 登记入住 lobby 大堂

Owner response: 业主回复


Hotel Concierge酒店礼宾部 Procurement Manager; Purchasing Manager采购部经理

Food & Beverage Manager; Catering Manager餐饮部经理 Table Hostess餐桌女服务员 Kitchen Hand; Kitchen Help; Kitchen Worker厨工 Cook; Chef厨师 Head Chef厨师长 Cook炊事员

Assistant Manager大堂副理 Lobby Manager大堂经理 Tourist Guide导游 Sauce Cook调味汁厨师 Restaurant Manager饭店经理 Rooms Division Manager房务部经理 Second Chef副厨师长

Second Waiter副领班

Trainee Manager见习经理


Bar Operative酒吧服务员

Hotel Accountant酒店会计 Chief ccountant; Financial Controller酒店主管会计;财务总监

Housekeeping Manager客房部经理 Executive Housekeeper; Head Housekeeper客房部主管 Chambermaid客房女服务员 Head Waiter ;Captain领班 Floor Attendant楼层服务员 Travel Agent 旅游中介 Doorman门童 Pantryman配餐员

Front Desk Manager前台经理 Front Office Supervisor前台领班 Front Office Manager前厅经理 Assistant Front Office Manager前厅副理


Food Checker食品检验员

Vegetable Cook蔬菜厨师


Materials Manager物料经理

Western-Style Restaurant Manager西餐部经理

Executive Assistant Manager行政副经理

Assistant Banquet Manager宴会部副经理

Banquet Manager宴会部经理

Night Manager夜班经理

Hotel Greeter迎宾员

Reservation Manager预订部经理

Chinese-Style Restaurant Manager中餐部经理

Resident Manager驻店经理 Front Clerk; Reception Clerk总台接待员

客房预定 room reservation

客 满

fully booked

房间种类 types of rooms

双 人 房 double room

标 准 房 standard room

双 床 房 twin room

高 级 房 superior room


deluxe room 商务房

executive room 套 房


普通套房 junior room 高级套房 senior suite 总统套房 Presidential suite 朝南的房间 a room facing south 公寓套房 studio room


connecting room


adjoining room

没有按预定抵店 no show

确 认 信 letter of confirmation 服 务 费 service charge 额外费用 extra charge 全 价 full price


shuttle bus

折 扣 价 discounted price

标 准 价 rack rate

优 惠 价 special price

免 费 complimentary rate


king-size bed


queen-size bed

推 迟 postpone

空 房 Vacancy/vacant


取消 cancel/cancellation 更改 change 预定 book/reserve

自动门 automatic door 包间

private room 菜单

menu 套餐

set menu 定满了 fully booked 租

rent 登记入住 结帐 一件行李 背包 纸箱 手提箱 汽车行李箱送行李 填写 名牌 夜床服务


稍稍整理 洗衣项目 laundry items 加快服务 核对 check in check out a piece of baggage/luggage

shoulder bag cardboard box briefcase

send up

fill out

name tag turn—down service

make up tidy up

express service


计划表 schedule 推举 recommend


adapter 连接器

brief ease 公文包

out of order 坏了

coupon奖券 Food Mall


Ancient Culture Street古文化街 fire sprinkler 灭火喷淋

coat hanger 大衣架

pillow 枕头heating control 加热控制

ice tongs 冰夹

chair 椅子

bedside table 床头桌

ceiling light 顶灯

luggage stand 行李架

luggage trunk

swimming bag游泳袋

power socket 电源插座

note pad 记事簿

shoe basket鞋篮

ice bucket 冰桶

security latch安全门

dry cleaning docket 干洗单

breakfast menu 早餐菜单

light switch 灯开关

air conditioner vent 空调排风口

pillow case枕套

coffee table 咖啡桌

wall paper 壁纸

hair dryer 吹风机

standing lamp 地灯

valet stand 衣物架

switch 开关

desk chair (与书桌配套的)椅子laundry docket 洗衣单

Do Not Disturb Sign 请勿打扰牌

DND sign请勿打扰牌

chest of drawers 带抽屉的柜厨

sheer curtains 纱窗帘

desk lamp 台灯

television cabinet 电视柜

single bed 单人床

double bed 双人床

desk书桌 dusting 去尘

toilet brush 马桶刷子

refuse bag 废物袋

mopping 拖地

scrub 檫洗

dustpan and brush 簸箕和刷子detergent 清洁剂

vacuum cleaner 吸尘器

mop 拖把

shampoo 洗发水

soap 香皂

bath foam 浴液

sewing kit 针线盒

moisturizer 润肤露

shower cap 浴帽


shoe shine檫皮鞋

Bedside lamp 床头灯

smoke detector 烟感器

wardrobe 衣柜

television guide电视指南

Please Make Up sign 请收拾房间牌PMU sign 请收拾房间牌


drapes 布帘


Laundry docket 洗衣单 window sill 窗台 shopping bag 购物袋

bookshelf 书架

ground floor (英)底,层,一楼

cabinet 橱柜

switch 开关

Venetian blind 百叶窗帘

curtain 窗帘

wastebasket 字纸篓

tea trolley 活动茶几

night table 床头柜

first floor (英)二楼,(美)一楼

folding screen 屏风

hanger 挂钩

plug 插头

wall plate 壁上挂盘

Chinese painting 国画

elevator, lift 电梯

drawer 抽屉

second floor (英)三楼,(美)二楼 spring 弹簧

cushion 靠垫,垫子

socket 插座,插口

sitting room 起居室 voltage 电压 floor 楼层,地板

carpentry (总称)木器

tea table 茶几

bedclothes 床上用品

quilt 被子

mattress 床垫

thermos 热水瓶

transformer 变压器


market price 市价

cashiers desk 兑换处

coin 硬币

accounting desk 帐务处

check-out time 退房时间

voucher 证件

price list 价目表

check, cheque 支票

sign (动)签字

interest 利息

form 表格

reservation 预订

reception desk 接待处

tip 小费

reservation desk 预订处

luggage office 行李房

spare (形)多余的

postpone (动)延期

cancel (动)取消

travelers cheque 旅行支票 pay (动)付款

fill (动)填写


note 纸币

registration desk 入宿登记处

lobby 前厅

luggage rack 行李架

visit card 名片

identification card 身份证

rate of exchange 兑换率

conversion rate 换算率

charge (动)收费

bill 帐单

change money 换钱

procedure 手续、程序

information desk 问询处

luggage label 行李标签

overbooking 超额订房

reasonable (形)合理的

cash (动)兑换

keep (动)保留、保存

bank draft 汇票

accept (动)接受 procedure fee 手续费 fill in the form 填表


Designed hotel 设计酒店 boutique hotel 精品酒店

certified hotel for tourism 旅游定点旅馆

family hotel 家庭旅馆

B&B: 经济型酒店

resort hotel 度假区酒店



市场营销部sales & Marketing Division

销售部Sales Department

公关部Public Relation Department

预订部Reservation Department

客务部Room Division

前厅部Front Office Department 管家部Housekeeping Department

餐饮部Food & Beverage Department 康乐部Recreation and Entertainment Department

工程部Engineering Department 保安部Security Department 行政部Rear-Service Department 商场部Shopping Arcade


Oriental Plaza: 东方新天地

Forbidden city:故宫

High-speed wireless internet: 高速无


Owner response: 业主回复 Expatriates/ expats:外籍人士/外籍员工 F&B:餐饮

Mansion/ service-apartment:酒店式


English tea:英式红茶/英式下午茶 CTS:中国旅行社 Prepaid cell: 预付型手机 Toiletries: 洗漱用品 Morning call 唤醒服务

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