



锐门波锐音米 敌死卡窝安四 哦咯窝乐窝 西衣兹漏矮子阿狗 吐篓子虎阿服锐 乐满洗耳必K 佛哥疼矮子乐怕死特 阔子黑死特锐为拉死特 锅底衣兹阿狗 为饿窝锐油阿

度油必里五衣特,啃油锐司务一特 锅底衣兹阿狗 为哎窝油四

度油必里五衣特,啃油锐司务一特 锅底衣兹阿狗 好爱窝油里五

度油必里五衣特,啃油锐司务一特 锅底衣兹阿狗 洗衣兹喔里阿狗


瑞慢不瑞迷(瑞是一个男孩子的名字,瑞很慢,对瑞不迷) 得瑟卡我惋惜(瑞很得瑟,很臭美,结果卡着了,她很惋惜) 哦老公我的肉的(神经紧张,肌肉绷紧……) 西死了哪出歌(西是歌手吧) 土豆酥和脆(你说的是薯条吧……) 他慢煽一席(人家瑞慢就煽人家……) 否嘎登来吃的派(嘎登是一个餐馆,那里没有派……) 嘎赛丝土瑞晚来(嘎赛丝土有派,瑞来晚了……) 狗的死歌哦(狗死了要唱歌) 哦爱我有我(汗) 读有比利五诶(读书读到了比利五……) 看有瑞西外诶(又看到了瑞……西不是死了吗?) 狗的死歌哦 哦爱我有谁(我们怎么知道?) 读有比利五诶 看有瑞西外诶 狗的死歌哦 西死轰烈的歌(西死了还有轰烈的歌呢……) 读有比利五诶 看有瑞西外诶 谁忘出伞否太柏林带(谁忘了把伞拿出来,太柏林没有带) 读有搜追文(又读到有搜追文了) 西死红来带(红来带西死???) 给米懒得吹(米懒得吹气球) 西忘兔兔笔(忘记了自己有一支兔兔笔) 啊跑跑卡丁车(网络游戏……) 啊嘎来个米(又叫米干嘛?) 嘎有搜索那个米顶艾斯(嘎有搜索到米把艾斯顶起来了) 撒我撒撒搜柏林踹(撒尿撒不出来柏林踹她……) 大肉梭有云吧否有安米(大肉梭说有云彩吧,没有安米) 啊不要说伞西特来米(……) 狗的死歌哦 哦爱我有我 读有比利五诶 看有瑞西外诶 狗的死歌哦 哦爱我有谁 读有比利五诶 看有瑞西外诶 狗的死歌哦

西死轰烈的歌 读有比利五诶 看有瑞西外诶 ………………


Holiday Lights Holiday lights, shinin‟ so bright. Oh, what a sight this joyous season. Holiday lights, shinin‟ so bright. Oh, what a sight this time of year. Feel the magic in the air. Colored lights shine ev‟rywhere. Feel the magic all around. In the smiles of people in our town.

Holiday lights, shinin‟ so bright. Oh, what a sight this joyous season. Holiday lights, shinin‟ so bright. Oh, what a sight this time of year. Red and green and gold and white. See them sparkle in the night. Green and red and white and gold. Such a lovely sight to be hold.

Holiday lights, shinin‟ so bright. Oh, what a sight this joyous season. Holiday lights, shinin‟ so bright. Oh, what a sight this time of year.


1 Gonna Catch That Santa Santa Claus is comin‟, Comin‟ Christmas Eve Gonna catch a glimse of him, Prove he‟s not just make believe.

Lure him down the chimney with the smell of food. Cookies and a glass of milk, Gonna catch that Santa dude.

Looking for Santa Claus high and low. Listen for Santa Claus “Ho ho ho.”

Searching for Santa Claus left and right. Where could he be tonight?

Here‟s our secretmission, here‟s our clever plan: Meet me by the Christmas tree, Gonna catch that Santa man.

Waiting by the window, watching in the sky, Trying not to fall asleep, Gonna catch that Santa guy.

Listen for the sleigh-bells, hear them jingle-ing. Santa Claus is almost here, Gonna do his Santa thing.

Looking for Santa Claus high and low. Listen for Santa Claus “Ho ho ho.”

Searching for Santa Claus left and right. Where could he be tonight?

When you hear the reindeer and their reindeer paws, Then you know the time has come, Gonna catch that Santa, catch that Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus, That‟s him!


Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming. Christmas is coming Time to go to sleep, „cause Christmas is coming soon.

Now it‟s time to go to bed That‟s what everybody said Brush you teeth, put P. J.s on Wash you face then start to yawn. Now is time to go to bed That‟s what everybody said

Now it‟s time to go to sleep. Close your eyes and count some sheep. When you wake from this long night, Santa will have made his flight. Now it‟s time to go to sleep. Close your eyes and count some sheep.

The Sugar Plums Cant‟s you see those lovely sugar plums, Dancing here, dancing there, dancing all around? Cant‟s you see those lovely sugar plums, jumping here, jumping there, jumping up and down? Cant‟s you see those lovely sugar plums, hopping here, popping there, never make a sound? They‟re so yummy, in my tummy, Nice and gummy, sugar plums.

3 St. Nick At Night Jolly old St. Nicholas, lean your ear this way. Don‟t you tell a single soul what I‟m going to say. Christmas Eve is coming soon, now you dear old man, Whisper what you bring to me, tell me if you can.

Have you heard about St. Nick at night, Trav‟ling all across the world in flight, Carrying a great big sack and deliv‟ring toys in no time flat? Christmas Eve he will be at you house Keeping very quiet as a mouse. Landing right up on your roof, in the morning look for proof?

When the clock is striking twelve, when I‟m fast asleep Down the chimney broad and black with your pack you‟ll creep. All the stockings you will find hanging in a row Mine will be the shortest one; you‟ll be sure to know. That‟s good St. Nick at night.


1 Circle time circle time, circle time ,circle time, c-i-r-c-l-e, circle ,circle time, c-i-r-c-l-e, circle ,circle time.

2 welcome song welcome welcome everyone, now we are in the new hope school ,dancing singing and playing . welcome welcome everyone.

3 let’s make a circle a circle a circle, let’s make a circle, so big and so round. 4 sunny sunny,it’s a sunny day ,唰唰唰唰唰唰,it’s a sunny day。

Raining raining, it’s a raining day,xilili hualala, it’s a raining day. Happy happy, it’s a happy day,xixi haha ,it’s a happy day.

5 bell’s ringing ,bell’s ringing, here I am , here I am, how are you today .very well thank you ,make a circle. 6 Old macdonald had a farm old macdonald had a farm ,yi-a-yi-a-o ,and on the farm he had a cat ,yi-a-yi-a-o with a miaomiao here,and miaomiao there,here miao there miao, everywhere miaomiao.old macdonald had a farm, yi-a-yi-a-o 。

old macdonald had a farm ,yi-a-yi-a-o,and on the farm he had a dog ,yi-a-yi-a-o, with a owow here,and owow there,here ow there ow ,everywhere ow ow , old macdonald had a farm, yi-a-yi-a-o

old macdonald had a farm,yi-a-yi-a-o,and on the farm he had a duck,yi-a-yi-a-o,with a quarkquark here, and quarkquark there, here quark there quark,everywhere quarkquark.old macdonald had a farm, yi-a-yi-a-o,

old macdonald had a farm, yi-a-yi-a-o,and on the farm he had a cow, yi-a-yi-a-o, with a mumu here, and mumu there,here mu there mu, everywhere mumu old macdonald had a farm,yi-a-yi-a-o

Row, Row, Row Your Boat


row row row your boat, gentely down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream.

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star


Twikle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twikle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are

When the blazing sun is gone When he nothing shines upon Then you show your little light Twinkle twinkle all the night Twikle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Twikle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are

儿歌名称:Follow Me:跟我来 Follow me Follow me 跟我来,跟我 Hands up Hands up举起手,举起手 Follow me Follow me跟我来,跟我来 Hands down Hands down 放下手,放下手 Follow me Follow me 跟我来,跟我来 Wave your arms 挥挥手

Follow me Follow me跟我来,跟我来 Bend your knees屈屈膝

手指歌 Finger Song where is thumbkin where is thumbkin here I am here I am how are you this morning very well I thank you run away run away where is pointer weher is pointer here I am here I am how are you this morning very well I thank you run away run away where is tall man where is tall man here I am here I am how are you this morning very well I thank you run away run away where is ring man where is ring man here I am here I am how are you this morning very well I thank you run away run away where is tiny where is tiny here I am here I am how are you this morning very well I thank you run away run away


Ma Ma do you remember, 妈妈你可曾记得

the old straw hat you gave to me, 你送给我那草帽I lost that hat long ago, 很久以前失落了

flew to the foggy canyon. 它飘向浓雾的山岙

Yeh Ma ma I wonder 耶哎妈妈那顶草帽

what happened to that old straw hat, 它在何方你可知道falling down the mountain side 掉落在那山坳

out of my reach like your heart. 就像你的心儿我再也得不到Suddenly that wind came up, 忽然间狂风呼啸

stealing my hat from me yeh. 夺去我的草帽耶哎Swirling whirling gust of wind, 高高卷走了草帽啊blowing it higher away. 飘向那天外云霄

Ma ma that old straw hat 妈妈只有那草帽

was the only one I really loved, 是我珍爱的无价之宝but we lost it. 但我们已经失去

No one could bring it back, 没有人再能找到

like the life you gave me. 就像是你给我的生命


MP3:Scarborough Fair - 斯卡保罗集市 的几个版本


1、Simon/Grafunkel的版本(也就是原版):Scarborough Fair

美国著名影星dustin hoffman 的成名作(1976年)《毕业生》的插曲。这首歌保罗·西蒙和加奋克尔唱得温柔,怀旧,凄美,轻盈,色彩浓郁。他们用沉思在努力回忆起一件旧事,并且从容述说。背景里有森林、花草、坟墓上的露珠、发亮的枪管。据说,这是一个在战争中死去的青年,他的灵魂面对世界的轻诉。缓慢悠闲的低八度旋律,只靠单吉它的细碎伴奏,早晨般清纯自然的声线,如一阕初秋的小令,精致、散逸。更如一声声轻柔、舒长、真切的叹息,沁透着淡淡的忧愁,浅浅的感伤。小小心心吐着词,抒着情,仿佛一不小心便会碰坏了什么。真轻啊,轻得没有重量,只有质量,轻得象是“生命中不能承受的轻”。

2、七合板乐队演唱版 - 斯卡保罗集市


3、莎拉·布莱曼演唱版 - 斯卡保罗集市



Scarborough Fair(斯卡博洛市集)

Are you going to Scarborough Fair: Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Remember me to one who lives there. She once was a true love of mine.

Tell her to make me a cambric shirt. Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Without no seams nor needle work. Then she‘ll be a true love of mine.

Tell her to find me an acre of land: Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme;

Between the salt water and the sea strand. Then she‘ll be a true love of mine.

Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather: Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme; And gather it all in a bunch of heather, Then she‘ll be a true love of mine.

斯卡泊罗集市 / 圣歌





























请代我向住在那儿的老友问好, 她曾经是我最真挚的爱人

I was found on the ground by the fountain about a fields of a summer stride lying in the sun after i had tried lying in the sun by the side

we all agreed that the council would end up three hours over time shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights I was running late, could apply

for another one i guessed after parking stores at best they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay

for another one i guessed after parking stores are best they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay

She was found on the ground in a gown in a fountain filled by the summer
















她在喷水池旁边被发现了,还穿着她的长睡衣 填满夏天味道的一群快乐


valder fields

I was found on the ground by the fountain 被你发现时我就躺在一眼泉水旁

about a field of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地

lying in the sun after i had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时

lying in the sun by the side 便躺在阳光下,小路旁

we all agreed that the council would


end up three hours over-time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多

shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右

i was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚

for another one, i guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐

after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的

they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊

on the temporary pay


she was found on the ground in a gown 她被发现时正穿着睡袍

laying by the field of the summer asleep 躺在一片仲夏夜中

staring at the concrete, trying not to cry 仰望着苍穹,她不哭泣

when somebody left his life 哪怕至爱从此离去

she would never sleep in a gown 她将不再合衣入睡 so she takes his keys to the bedroom door 她拿着他的钥匙开启卧室的门

takes a step outside, by the fountain


gazing at the field, what a view


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