







Chapter1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.1.1 The Requirement of English Teaching in New English Curriculum Standard

1.1.2 The Existence of“Chinese Cultural Aphasia”

1.1.3 The Importance of Chinese Culture in English Teaching

1.2 Research Purpose and Significance

1.3 Outline of the Thesis

Chapter2 Literature Review

2.1 Key Concepts

2.1.1 Chinese Culture

2.1.2 Infiltration

2.1.3 Intercultural Communication Competence

2.2 Previous Researches on Intercultural Communication Competence

2.2.1 Previous Researches on Elements of ICC

2.2.2 Previous Researches on Ways of Cultivation of ICC

2.2.3 Previous Researches on Roles of Mother Tongue Culture in FLT

2.3 Theoretical Basis

Chapter3 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

3.2 Research Participants

3.3 Research Tools

3.3.1 Questionnaire of Intercultural Communication Competence

3.3.2 Test of Intercultural Communicative Competence

3.3.3 Test of Chinese Cultural English Expression

3.3.4 Journals of Students’Daily Learning

3.4 Research Procedures

Chapter4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Results of Questionnaire of Intercultural Communication Competence

4.1.1 Results of Independent-sample T-test

4.1.2 Results of Paired-sample T-test

4.2 Results of Test of Intercultural Communication Competence

4.2.1 Results of Independent-sample T-test

4.2.2 Results of Paired-sample T-test

4.3 Results of Test Chinese Cultural English Expression in EC

4.3.1 Results of Independent-sample T-test

4.3.2 Results of Paired-sample T-test

4.4 Results of Students’Learning Daily Journals

4.5 Discussion of Results

4.5.1 Effects of Chinese Infiltration on Students’Cognitive Understandings

4.5.2 Effects of Chinese Infiltration on Students’Emotional Attitude

4.5.3 Effects of Chinese Infiltration on Students’Behavioral Skills

Chapter5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

5.2 Educational Implications of the Study

5.3 Limitations and Future Prospect of the Research



Appendix I Questionnaire

Appendix II Test Paper of Pre-test

Appendix III Test Paper of Post-test

Appendix IV Chinese Cultural English Expression Test Paper

Appendix V Students’Learning Journals

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