


高考英语试题 第1篇

我们对高考英语进行研究,就必须了解掌握高考英语发展变化的轨迹,更好地服务于我国中学英语教学。我国自恢复高考以来,高考英语的试题形式一直随着社会的发展在不断地变化调整中,我国高考英语的全面改革于始于1985年, 试卷形式采用所谓的“标准化”,试卷从1989年开始按照标准化的要求进行命制。

改革之初,第一次从国外引进了MET(Matriculation English Test)标准化考试形式。标准化考试属于客观性考试的范畴,在科学性,客观性和有效性方面,达到了前所未有的水平。[1]另外MET相对于以前的题型最大的特点是题量大,覆盖广,对考生答题的速度提出了极高的要求。

在改革发展期间,加大了开发新题型,调整赋分改革的力度,命题的原则是“有利于高校选拔新生,有利于中学英语教学”[2],命题的愿想是体现“试卷总难度基本不变, 题型与命题思路基本不变”[3],在“稳定中求发展,发展中求创新”[4]的指导思想下,逐步培养学生的综合语言的运用能力, 改革产生了显著的效果,并产生了良好的教学效应。




1、试题充分体现考纲和考试说明,考试要求略有变化, 试题题型保持不变

近几年来,山东的《高考英语考试大纲》基本要求,命题依据和要求都几乎没有改变,考试内容改变不明显。考试试卷构成如下:试卷分为一卷和二卷,第一卷由听力、英语知识运用(包括“语法和词汇)”、“完形填空和阅读理解” 四部分组成;第二卷包括两部分:阅读表达与书面表达。




新课程中的三维目标(知识和技能、过程和方法、情感、 态度与价值观)在试卷中得以充分体现,他们之间既有联系又相互渗透。在语言教学中突出三维目标、试题中考查文化意识、情感态度等目标,而在语言测试可以考查学生对英语和英语国家的文化以及人们的日常生活和价值观等方面的了解与认识,对于中国学生了解世界和走向社会奠定了理论和实践基础。


近年高考命题的另一特点是关注能力考查,在试题中着重考查考生的综合语言运用能力,特别重视学生运用语言获取和处理信息以及分析问题和解决问题的能力,高中英语课程的总目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,为此,高考题的终极目标也是以考查学生的综合语言运用的能力。《新课标》中提出的 “应通过理解与表达的任务来检测学生运用语言知识的能力”在高考命题中得以了较好的落实和体现。



《教学大纲》是解决平时老师教什么和怎么教的问题, 而《考纲》则是指导我们如何去把教授的内容通过测试的形式体现出来。《教学大纲》是车,《考纲》是舵,指引着高考的方向。只有在平时深刻了解了两纲的精神,才能自由驾驭高考。


立足语境、强化语用是高考英语对基础知识考查的重要方式。这说明重视语言知识的考查是高考的立足之本,但是更加重视对考生在具体语境下灵活运用语言知识的能力。因此,课堂教学中一方面要让学生建立知识体系,另一方面要培养学生在语境中对所学语法知识灵活运的能力。高三教师在备考和复习过程中要避免简单的重复操练,开展形式多样,全方位的复习备考;同时要调动学生的课堂主人翁意识, 提高语言的综合运用能力。


时代性和时效性是近几年高考试题语言选材的突出特点,语言选择体现时代性和鲜活性。所选文章的题材能够彰显时代性和教育性,紧扣时代的脉搏并且能贴近考生生活实际,满足了情感意识和文化意识的要求。所以,在话题选材反面要做到面宽,可以涉及环境保护、语言、文学、生活、 音乐、影视、科技等等。







湖北高考英语试题 第2篇




例:______ was that the young player performed extremely well in the table tennis

tournament. (delight)


答案:What delighted the fans/made the fans delighted

71. If she had been aware that the muchroom were poisonous,she ___them for dinner.(pick)


72. ___the beef being cooked on the stove,the mother pictured the whole family having meals together.(look)


73. The director,___a dorm-room in the Film Academy, has already make four films.(share)


74. Into the complete silence of the waiting class____, “Good morning,children.”(come)


75.____will not make any difference to our arrangements.(say)


76.We must act as quickly as possible now. Just tell us ___the task or not.(undertake).


77. The professor was delighted to find that two thirds of the project ___by the students independently.(finish)


78.____that they found the long lost sword of the Ming Dynasty .(be)


79._____to only a few people here,his reputation abroad is very great.(know).


80.Many bad habits can be especially difficult to cure because they are likely ___at a very young age.(from).


第二节目 短文写作


Questioning is a brindge to learning. When you begin to doubt something and search for an answer,you will learn.





迎战2009高考英语经典试题 第3篇

A. whyB. thatC. soD. which

注释:答案为B,考查固定结构。仔细分析句子可知去掉it’s…____后,句子适当调整顺序仍然成立,所以属于强调句型。例如:It is what he said that made his mother very upset。句中去掉it is…that…后仍然成立,属于强调句型。这种方法属于判断强调句型的便捷方法。

2. ____ do the pubs stay open?

A. WhenB. WhereC. HowD. Until when

注释:答案为D,主要考察语境的照应。由题干中stay open可知应该属于延续性动作。译文:俱乐部一直开门到什么时候?

3. 10 percent of the workers’ salary was ____ by the employer for no right reason.

A. kept awayB. kept offC. kept backD. kept up


4. When she was awake, she found that she was standing on ____ seemed to be a piece of stone.

A. thatB. whichC. whatD. It

注释:答案为C,测试连词的特殊用法。从结构分析可知试题中含有四套主谓结构,因此需要三个连词来连接句子。但是句子中只有when和that两个,还缺少一个;另外,题干中seemed to be a piece of stone缺少主语,故而所选择的连词应该起双重作用:既引导句子又作句子成分(主语)。例如:What he said is right.

5. ——Your brother is very careful and honest.

——I agree. What he has just done ____ itself.

A. speaks outB. thinks ofC. speaks forD. thinks out

注释:答案为C,主要考查动词的固定搭配。speak for itself/themselves不言而喻,不辨自明,本身就说明问题。例如:There is no need for me to commend his action; it speaks for itself.不必对他的行为进行评价; 它自身就可以说明一切。1994 has been a very good year for us—the figures speak for itself. 1994年对我们是个很好的年头——一看数字便知道。

6. Don’t be discouraged. ____ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.

A. TakingB. To takeC. TakeD. Taken

注释:答案为C,主要测试祈使句的固定结构。通常祈使句可以用于下面的结构:祈使句+and/or+主语+will/can+其它…。例如:Study hard and you will make great progress in English. 努力学习,你会在英语上取得更大进步。Stop stealing or you will end up in prison. 停止偷盗,否则,你早晚会坐监狱的。

7. What limited money the able housewife made full use of ____ such a big family!

A. to supportB. supportC. supportingD. supported


8. Never give a gambler more money than ____.

A. being necessaryB. is necessaryC. it is necessaryD. what necessary

注释:答案为B,主要考查省略。句子中than充当的是关系代词作主语,相当于that或as。例如:You spent more money than was intended to be spent. 你花的钱比打算花的多。句子译文:永远不要给一个赌徒比必须的钱多。

9. ——I wonder why Mr Green hasn’t showed up at the meeting yet.

——I’m not sure, but he ____ in a traffic jam driving here.

A. could be stuckB. might stuck

C. might have been stuckD. must have stuck


10. As he was about to go in, the doors opened and a group of very old people started coming out, ____ the doorway and moving very slowly, helping each other out of the door and down the steps. Ben holds one of the doors ____ for them and stands politely to one side.

A. filled…openB. filling…openedC. filled…openingD. filling…open

注释:答案为D,主要考查伴随状语和形容词表示状态。第一空考查伴随状语。主要应该分清句子结构,找到平行动作。例如:The boys and girls entered the classroom, singing and dancing. 男孩和女孩们唱着跳着走进教室。第二空考查形容词表示状态。

11. Ben reached for the phone book ____ under the pay phone.

A. hangingB. hungC. hangedD. hang

注释:答案为A,主要测试现在分词表示状态。此处,hanging相当于形容词表示状态。例如:He sat there with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth。他坐在那儿,嘴里叼着一根烟。句子译文:本伸手去够挂在公用电话下的电话本。

12. Mrs. Robinson, ____ makes me sick that I said that to you.

A. thatB. itC. allD. this

注释:答案为B,形式主语的测试。句子中make sb. sick意思是:使不高兴,使难过。例如:People like you make me sick. 像你这样的人让我恶心。句子译文:罗宾逊女士,告诉你那件事让我难过。

13. They will act ____ your suggestion today.

A. toB. withC. onD. by

注释:答案为C,主要测试动词的固定短语。act on (one’s) advice/order/suggestion/…按照(某人的)意见、命令、建议等办事。例如:Acting on a friend’s advice, he bought $50,000 of shares in a television company。他按照朋友的意见买了一家电视公司5万美元的股票。

14. The horse was ____ hard to come up from ____.

A. running…behindB. running…the bottomC. pushing…lastD. pulling…back

注释:答案为A,主要考察动词以及介词词义的区别。句子中from behind的意思是:从后面。译文:那匹马努力跑着目的是从后面赶上来。

15. He married ____ himself, but he is happy, and what more is required of a marriage?

A. withB. toC. belowD. above


16. Say that I am ____ with her. Is that so terrible?

A. a friendB. friendC. friendlikeD. friends

注释:答案为D,固定短语的考查,be friends with sb.与某某是朋友。例如:My parents have been friends with the Murkets for twenty years. 20年来我的父母和默克特一家一直是好朋友。译文:假如我和她是好朋友。那有那么害怕吗?

17. To what extent will future scientific discoveries ____ the prolonging of the human life?

A. be made possibleB. make possible

C. make it possibleD. be made it possible

注释:答案为C,主要考查动词的固定搭配。注意分析句子的结构。译文:将来科学的发现使人类的生命延长到什么程度变成了可能?由译文中可以看出正常结构如下:Future scientific discoveries will make the prolonging of the human life to what extent possible.

18. ——Would you like to attend the annual conference with me?

——Yes, ____.

A. I’d likeB. I wouldC. I’d like toD. I do

注释:答案为C,主要考查简略答语。英语中的简短回答应该注意适当省略以及上下文的照应。例如:——Why didn’t you come to my party last night?——I had planned to but I had an unexpected visitor. “昨晚为何没来参加我的晚会?” “我本来计划来的,但是来了一个不速之客。”

19. Lee ____ in the election, but he began to come from behind in the last week and won in the end.

A. was losingB. was lostC. lostD. had lost

注释:答案为A,由答案出发可知本试题主要测试时态。有关时态试题首先应该弄明白其基本定义,另外记住某些时态的特殊之处。过去进行时可以表示过去未实现的愿望或打算。例如:She was coming. 她本来打算来的。He was watching the play yesterday, but he was too busy. 他昨天本来要看那场戏的,但是太忙了。

20. The Nanjing Yangzi River bridge is ____ second ____ railway bridge in our country.

A. a…longB. the…longerC. the…longD. the…longest

浅谈英语高考试题 第4篇

第一题是听力题。听力内容贴近人们生活。听力题要求考生能听懂所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话, 能理解主旨和要义, 获取具体的、事实性信息, 然后对所听内容做出推断。此外听力题也要求考生理解说话者的意图、观点和态度。此题命题特点为情景真实, 表达地道, 无超纲词汇, 以事实细节题为主, 推理判断题次之, 且干扰项词汇多在听力材料中出现, 迷惑性较大, 词数趋向于逐年增加, 语速相对加快。解答此题时应该要注意选项之间的信息差, 题目与录音中的重复词语, but等语义重心标志词等。

例如2012年某高考卷听力第三小题:What are the two speakers mainly talk about?

A.Their friend Jane.B.A weekend trip.C.A radio program.

面对此题, 应首先弄清考题的意图:要考生听出双方谈话的内容。需要理清三个选项之间的信息差才能抓住关键词。关键词为Jane, trip, program。把这三个单词暂时性地记在脑海中, 就可以有针对性地去听了。

第二题是单项选择。此题旨在测试考生对英语语法、词汇知识和简单表达方式的掌握情况, 命题特点偏重词法, 突出动词, 注重语境, 强调语义。例如2012年某新课标高考英语卷单项选择题考查内容如下:交际英语、冠词、时态、复合句、习惯用法、动词或动词词组辨析、独立主格结构、形容词、情态动词、代词、非谓语动词、动词词义辨析等。其中时态、非谓语动词、交际英语、复合句、动词或动词词组辨析、情态动词几乎年年会考, 其他考点不一定。解题时要注意几个线索:结构线索, 即时体照应、词语搭配、主被动关系、句型结构;逻辑线索, 即连接词语、非谓语动词形式、标点符号;语境线索, 即事件的逻辑关系。单项选择这个题型只有15分, 但大多数教师会花很多的时间在这个板块, 学生们也会做大量的专项训练题。我个人认为应适当减少在这个板块上花的时间, 加大学生背诵、阅读和写作训练力度。

第三题是完形填空。体裁以记叙文、说明文、夹叙夹议体裁为主, 短文词数在250词左右。完形填空首句不设空, 通常可根据首句给出的信息来把握全文的基调甚至大致内容。考点以实词为主, 注重词汇语境化, 试题难度用语篇层次的题目进行控制。其实完形填空也是一篇缺词的阅读理解, 可先当成阅读理解快速阅读一遍, 抓住大意, 而后“瞻前顾后”, 根据线索确定答案, 继而重读全文, 以连贯性地检查答案。

第四题是阅读理解。此题要求考生做到几个理解:理解主旨和要义;理解文中具体信息, 根据上下文推断生词的词义, 作出判断和推理;理解文章的基本结构;理解作者的意图、观点和态度。此题命题特点:体裁分布比较均匀, 话题趋向多样化、时代化、生活化;总阅读量1500词左右, 题序与文章内容顺序基本一致, 细节题所占比重最大。相关备考策略:提高阅读速度, 强化原文依据意识。因为此题题材面很广, 涉及文章体裁多样, 题材各异, 选材更趋现代化、生活化、知识化, 突出实用性与时代性, 涉及科普、社会、文化、地理、历史、政治、经济、人文等领域。此题既考查对字面意思的理解, 也考查对深层含义的理解;既考查细节理解, 也考查推理理解;既考查具体事实的理解, 也考查抽象概念的理解。

阅读理解中还有一个七选五的题型, 此题要求考生在理解文章内容的基础上, 联系上下文语境, 选出使全文前后连贯的句子。该题型既考查了考生把握全文脉络的能力, 又考查了语境分析能力, 弥补了传统阅读理解对“理解文章的基本结构”考查偏少的不足, 强化了考生语言表达的衔接意识。此题解题线索:注意篇章结构逻辑关系, 即注意连接词语、同构关系词语重现、指称关系。七选五这个题型和完形填空有共同之处, 也是要注重上下文的联系。

第五题为短文改错。该题型旨在测试考生发现、判断及纠正文章中语言错误的能力, 进而考查考生在词法、句法及语篇行文逻辑等方面的知识基础及准确运用语言的能力。命题特点:每行错误之处最多1处;错误类型通常为1多1少7错;考点多为词法, 其次为句法。此题解题线索:注重时体搭配、词组搭配、连词、指代关系等。此题有格式要求, 所以学生平时训练的时候必须注意格式, 以免造成不必要的失分。

第六题为书面表达。书面表达是高考英语试卷的最后一题。此题要求考生根据题示进行书面表达。要求考生能清楚、连贯地传递信息、表达意思, 并有效运用所学语言知识。此题命题特点:以应用文体为主, 写作任务明确, 要点提示精当, 而且此题通常给出格式。学生书面表达存在的问题如下:结构不清, 要点不全, 句法不正确, 高级词汇和句式不多等。此题答题策略:选用适当的语篇模式;提炼要点, 然后调序删补;采用自己有把握的词语和句式;注意语句间的衔接关系等。

山东高考英语试题作文 第5篇

I came back to school after the summer vacation. As soon as I settled down, I made a phone call to my mother. When I talked to her, I could not hold back my tears. “After all,” I said, “You’re my mother.”

During the vacation, mother and I had a quarrel. After that we were unwilling to talk with each other. She thought I was her sweet daughter and I believed that she did not respect me. Then after few days, I left home. My mother gave me a full package of home-make food and she said to me, “I cook this morning, take this then you can have it on the train.” However, I refuse to take it. I just turned away and slam the door without saying goodbye to my mother. I was still angry about her. “You’re still my good girl.” My mother said in a low voice chocked with sob.

2009年高考英语山东卷试题评析 第6篇






2. Where are the speakers?

A. In a restaurant.B. In a hotel. C. In a school.

分析:这段话的听力原文中出现了两个关键词组“full board (全食宿)”和“half board (半食宿)”,由于考生对两种说法不熟悉,导致无法理解,答题困难。但是,结合前面听到的对话:“M: I'd like to stay two nights, please. W: Do you want full board or half board?”和后面的解释:“Full board includes all meals, and half board includes just breakfast and dinner.”不难判断对话发生的地点在“宾馆里”,正确答案为B。



1. 放松心情,适时调整


2. 抓住重点,有的放矢


3. 集中精力,做好笔记





1. 知识点考查范围广


2. 动词考查仍然是重点


The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________ rising steadily since 1997.

A. is B. are C. has been D. have been

分析:正确答案是C。本题综合考查了动词时态和主谓一致。“the number of +复数名词”作主语时,主语应为“the number (数量)”,谓语动词用单数形式,排除B、D项;根据时间标志词since,应用现在完成时,排除A项。

3. 注重交际语言的考查


—Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now!

—____________. He has changed so much.

A. Never mindB. No problem

C. Not at allD. Me neither

分析:正确答案是D。上一句说“可怜的Steve!我刚才差点认不出他了!”下一句答语的后半部分说:“他变化如此之大。”根据对话背景可知应该回答“我也是(差点认不出他了)”。D项“Me neither”是口语中常用的说法,意思是“我也(不)……”。A项“Never mind”意思是“不要紧,没关系”;B项“No problem”意思是“没问题”;C项“Not at all”意思是“没关系,不用谢,没什么”,都与题干的语境不符,故排除。


1. 夯实基础,重点突出


2. 研读真题,着重运用






1. 词义辨析


David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often 38 (wondered)what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so 39 for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves.

A. modestlyB. naturally

C. inaccurately D. inappropriately



I can still remember he was always 41 a smile and willing to help.

A. expressingB. delivering

C. wearing D. sharing


2. 语篇理解


I smiled in 47 as the last of them hurried out the door.

A. relief B. returnC. vain D. control

分析:正确答案是A。从前文学生们在圣诞节放假前“焦虑(anxious)、激动(excitement)、坐立不安和心神不定(restlessness)”的心情和行为表现可以推断,当学生放假,最后一个学生冲出教室后,老师的心情应该是“in relief (轻松,宽慰)”。


1. 加强综合语言运用能力


2. 着眼全局,忌“断章取义”


3. 加强阅读,培养语感





1. 推理判断


What can we learn from the text?

A. The community of Alto was poor.

B. The summer camp was attractive to the parents.

C. Sandy Van Weelden got a legacy from the Hatches.

D. The Hatches would like the neighbors to follow their example.


2. 细节理解


Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. The court is in charge of removing dangerous product.

B. New products are more likely to be questionable.

C. The production of a device must be approved by FDA.

D. The promoters usually just care about profits.

分析:正确答案是D。由文中“Often such products are nothing more than money-making things for their promoters.”可知,promoters只在乎利润。

3. 词义猜测

C篇论述的是增加烟草税的影响:增加烟草税对于减少吸烟人群,特别是青少年烟民的数量是有效的。当然也有像Hal Rogers这样持反对意见的人士,他们认为增加烟草税只会加重低收入人群的负担,但是总体来看还是利大于弊。第68题是词义猜测题。

The underlined word "deter" in Paragraph 3 most probably means ________.

A. discourageB. removeC. benefitD. free

分析:正确答案是A。猜测词义离不开上下文语境。请看deter所处的语境:“Tobacco taxes improve public health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted.”由此可知,烟草税能够改善公众健康,筹集资金,更重要的是会“阻止”人们在青少年阶段就养成吸烟的习惯。所以此处的“deter”应为“阻止,制止”之意。

4. 主旨大意


What's the main idea of the text?

A. Universities have received more applications.

B. Economics is attracting an increasing number of students.

C. College students benefit a lot from economic uncertainty.

D. Parents are concerned with children's subject selection.



1. 广泛阅读


2. 注重语言积累


3. 处理好阅读速度和理解准确性的关系






阅读表达部分是一篇说明文,阐述“saying hello”的重要性。其难点在于:同义句替换题注重对句式结构进行彻底改造,增加了迷惑性;细节理解题细分成三个要点,作答时需要注意变化动词的形式,增加了灵活性;翻译句子题难度最大,要求考生具有较好的基本功,如果照字面翻译不通,则需要结合上下文,转换成自己的语言。

例如第80题要求考生翻译文中第三段的划线句子,原句为:Whatever the reason, my urban hellos were answered far less often than my rural ones.

分析:应注意灵活处理“urban hellos”和“rural ones”这两个名词词组,翻译时可转换成动词词组“打招呼”,更符合中文表达习惯。




1. 加强阅读,着重理解


2. 认真审题,准确表达


3. 书写整洁,规范答题


4. 勤学多思,注重积累





江苏英语高考试题特征探析 第7篇


江苏高考试卷满分为120 分, 需要用时120 分钟。试卷分客观性选择题和主观性简答题两大类型。客观选择题包括:听力理解, 语言基础知识运用 (语法知识、完形填空) , 阅读理解三大项。主观简答题包括:任务型阅读填空题, 书面表达 (写作) 两大项。题型结构的主体保持稳定, 书面表达略有创新。


从《普通高中英语课程标准》的角度, 江苏高考英语试卷的宏观评价:基于语篇, 突出语用, 注重能力, 联系实际, 较好地兼顾了英语学科的人文性和工具性。



2014年, 听力部分中有10 段听力材料, 前5 段较短, 后5段较长 (共19分46秒) 。话题覆盖面广, 对话内容逻辑清楚, 话语流畅, 语速恰当, 没有生僻词语, 设问涉及多个方面, 多个角度, 考察形式有有效信息捕捉、语音辨析、意图判断、结论推理等题型。


— () !Somebody has left the lab door open.

—Don’t look at me.

A.Dear me B.Hi, there

C.Thank goodness D.Come on

根据句意可知说话者对于实验室的门还开着感到很惊讶。故选择A项。可惜, 许多学生只知道dear表示“亲爱的”, 缺乏英语语言生活感悟及文化底蕴。


完形填空重考查词汇尤其是实词在语篇中的运用。事实上, 完形填空是最能考查学生语言语篇功能的方式。2015年是一篇人生励志类的小短文, 以美国成功学大师戴尔·卡耐基 (Dale Carnegie) 的成功故事告诉读者人生中最重要的是拥有自信, 有了它, 并不断付出努力, 我们就可以实现梦想。人文思想是语言的重要属性。关注生活, 关注思想, 倡导正能量, 对学生进行文化与价值引领, 给他们启迪, 这也是英语教育的使命。


2014年任务型阅读以社会学领域的“同龄人压力” (peer pressure) 为主题, 从概念定义、社会作用、影响类型等角度考察了考生在信息筛选、内容归纳、语言结构等方面的知识与能力。但已不是考查在信息源处的低级检索能力, 而是重点考查考生的概括提炼能力, 要求更高, 挑战极大。


2015年阅读理解题型的设计风格与2014年基本相同, 四篇文章篇幅仍然比较长, 所选的四篇文章材料真实, 题材多样, 生活气息浓厚, 可读性较强, 大部分考生都能读懂。由于阅读量大, 需要学生有较强的基本功和快速阅读的能力, 其中, 第二篇文章较为抽象, 与时间管理和经济学相关, 要求考生具备较为广泛的背景知识和理解抽象概念的能力。第三篇文章包含生理学和医学的专业内容, 难度较高, 需要考生具备快速学习能力和应用已知信息去了解新信息的能力。第四篇文章延续了最后一篇文章的文学性质特点, 语言难度有所下降, 但涉及华裔文化、母女关系等内容, 考生应具备一定的文学理解能力。


2014年江苏的书面表达题:首先, 给出一篇涉及英语流行语进入《现代汉语词典》的两段文字 (略去文本内容) , 然后要求考生用30个左右的词对前面的文字内容进行概括。接着要求考生以120词的篇幅再就所给文字发表自己对汉语中出现外来语的看法———赞成还是反对, 同时陈述理由。该题不仅能很好地考察学生的写作能力, 并且试图让学生从更国际的视野去审视自己民族的语言及背后的文化, 有一定深度。作文题目有“国际范”, 若想得高分, 还需要比较老练地道的表达, 对学生具有较大的挑战。


复习中要重视词类变化的归纳总结, 突出语法在语篇中的有意义表达, 培养学生完整表达的习惯。此外, 周周强化阅读技巧指导, 通过阅读, 迅速拓宽学生的知识面。阅读信息面不能局限于校园, 要关注社会、家庭、科技、历史文化, 增加人生感悟的厚重感。让学生多接触文学作品及评论是相当有益的。

2014年高考英语模拟试题(二) 第8篇

第一部分听力 ( 略)

第二部分阅读理解 ( 共两节, 满分40分)

第一节 ( 共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Ancestry. com has the Internet's largest collection of family history records from around theworld. Come and join us!

Why should we care about our family history? To start with, most people who set out to research their roots find the experience interesting, exciting, and rewarding. Chances are, there aremany remarkable characters—both heroes and villains—in your family line. And understanding ourancestors' experiences is meaningful. Above all, building and maintaining a family tree can ensurecontinuity of our lives, while providing somethingpriceless to pass on to the next generation.

While some Americans are lucky enough toknow their family trees dating back hundreds ofyears, most people only know of a few generations. However, new online services are changingthat for many people. Now there are many newservices that provide ordinary Americans an easyway to research their family histories. The largestand most comprehensive one of these services iscalled Ancestry. com.

Ancestry. com gives you access to all of thedata you need on one comprehensive site. Withmore than one billion searchable digital recordsand thousands of new ones added daily, it's a keyresource for you to search your family history.

The service also provides an easy family-treemodule ( 模块) , so you can build and share yourfamily tree with others. You can also get access tocopies of many original records, such as birth anddeath certificates, newspaper clippings ( 剪报) , and other public records about your family. Thesecan be downloaded and printed. Another funthing you can do through Ancestry. com is to lookup old newspaper clippings from 50, 100, or even150 years ago that mentioned your family members. It also gives you access to experts who canhelp you if needed.

Ancestry. com offers subscription ( 订阅 ) plans that are considerably cheaper than otheronline services. Best of all, Ancestry. com is currently offering new customers a free, 14-day trial.You can begin researching your family tree rightaway and see the amazing amount of informationavailable through the service—all for free.

Discover your family story. Start your freetrial today!

21.The underlined word “ villains ”means________.

A. family members B. famous people

C. bad people D. close relatives

22. Which of the following is the most important reason why we should care about our family history?

A. It is fun and exciting to research ourfamily history records.

B. We may discover some remarkable characters in our family.

C. Understanding our ancestors' experiencesis very meaningful.

D. We can provide our next generation withsomething priceless.

23. According to the passage, what can't we do on Ancestry. com?

A. Searching our family history records.

B. Building and sharing our family trees.

C. Creating your own family-tree module.

D. Obtaining original records about our family.


Most schools in America do not have the latest laboratory equipment. It is just too costly. Butthe eastern state Maryland has found a way tomake such equipment available during some partsof the school year—they put it on a bus!

The 13-meter-long Maryland BioLab is amobile classroom filled with equipment that letsstudents explore many kinds of science. It travelsaround the state visiting schools. Today the bushas stopped at Patapsco High School in the city ofBaltimore. Science teacher Leah Warble is verypleased that her students could perform an experiment using real chemicals. “Today the studentsare able to do an acid-based hydration ( 水合作用) . Normally, they would do it through simulations ( 模拟) on the computer. The BioLab allowsthem to do it in real life, actual time and actuallyapply it to something we use in real life. ”

The mobile lab has been bringing bioscienceeducation to schools around Maryland for morethan a decade. Scientist Angel Mangus, who is incharge of the mobile laboratory, says manystudents finish their experiments and leave the busexcited about the possibility of becoming a scientist. She says their goal is to help create the nextgeneration of scientists.

That made a difference to 15-year-old SedaSinan, who is interested in biology. “It gave memore materials to work with than what I have atschool. It is more interactive. ” Her classmateShenara Jefferson agrees, “We get real-lifeexperience we do not get in a classroom. ”

Back in the school classroom, LeahWarble's students continue working on the resultsof their experiments on the bus. “It does help medo my job. ”Ms. Warble says children usuallydo not know what they are interested in until theyget real-life experience with a subject. “Well, the excitement of feeling like a real scientist, even just a change in what they are wearing, likewearing goggles ( 护目镜) and blue gloves madethem feel more like scientists. They are morelikely to be involved in the science careers in thefuture. ”

24. Which of the following is the best title?

A. Maryland's BioLab helps students to learn more biology.

B. Maryland's BioLab brings science to local high schools.

C. Students are able to do an acid-based hydration in labs.

D. A mobile classroom filled with latest equipment arrives.

25. Most American schools do not have the latest laboratory equipment because________.

A. it is unnecessary

B. it is too advanced

C. it takes too much money

D. it takes up too much room

26. We can infer that________.

A. the city of Baltimore belongs to the state of Maryland

B. the city of Baltimore is situated in the east of Maryland

C. the city of Baltimore is the capital of the state of Maryland

D. the city of Baltimore is the largest city in the state of Maryland

27. How long has the mobile lab been bringing bioscience education to schools around Maryland?

A. Over a year.

B. Over 5 years.

C. Over 10 years.

D. Over 12 years.


The puzzle of how a 120-million-year-oldanimal graveyard ( 墓地 ) in China formed mayhave been solved. Scientists believe that the creatures were instantly killed by volcanic eruptionssimilar to the violent eruption that hit the Romancity of Pompeii.

Lead researcher Jiang Baoyu, from NanjingUniversity in China, said: “Scientists have beencurious for a long time about how these animalswere killed and became well-preserved. ”

The fossil beds of Liaoning Province in northeast China, which date back to 120 to 130 millionyears ago, have long baffled scientists. A largenumber of animals have been unearthed there:they include the first-known feathered dinosaurs, early mammals, birds, fish and insects. The siteis so rich in fossils and well preserved that it haschanged scientists' understanding of this ancientera, throwing light on evolution and the diversityof life at this time. Buried together, they are remarkably well preserved and the apparent victimsof major deadly events.

Now scientists say volcanic eruptions wereresponsible. The forests and lakes where these animals once lived were surrounded by volcanoes, and the researchers believe deadly eruptionswould have sent a surge ( 浪涌) of incredibly hotgas, ash and rock—known as pyroclastic flow—across the landscape. The team says this wouldhave been similar to the eruption of MountVesuvius in 79 AD, which wiped out Pompeii.Like the people who lived in the city, the ancientanimals would have been killed in an instant, andthen buried under dense layers of ash. The creatures are captured mid-movement, with theirlimbs flexed ( 弯曲) and spines extended

The researchers believe the animals werefound together because their bodies were carriedby the force of the explosion and deposited ( 沉积) in the same area.

Commenting on the research Prof Mike Benton, a scientist from the University of Bristol, said: “The new observations confirm what hadbeen suspected. But the authors go a step furtherin suggesting that all the animals were killed, transported and well preserved by the pyroclasticflows. ”

He added: “This is quite a challenge to previous views that assumed most of the animals livedin and around the lakes in which they are found, and may have been transported in by regular riversand other means. ”

28. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Pompeii was wiped out instantly by volcanic eruptions.

B. Chinese scientists may have solved along-time puzzle.

C. Volcanic eruptions probably wiped outChina's ancient creatures.

D. A number of ancient animals have beenunearthed in China.

29.Theunderlinedword “ baffled ”means_______.

A. confused B. attracted

C. encouraged D. blocked

30. What do the ancient creatures and thepeople of Pompeii have in common?

A. Both of them lived 120 to 130 millionyears ago.

B. They were buried instantly by the volcano.

C. Both of them were wiped out at the sametime.

D. Both of them were unearthed at the sametime.

31. We can infer that the ancient animals_______ .

A. were killed in the same area

B. were killed in different areas

C. were buried together by people

D. were brought together by big floods


People often ask me, “How did you raise twotalented artists?”There's no simple answer to thisquestion. From the beginning, children come tous with different personalities. But we parentshave the most important influence on them in theirearly lives.

One aspect of healthy childhood that giveskids a solid footing in life is having lots of childcentered play throughout the early years. Play isthe most important vehicle children have for coping with life and making sense of it. Matt playedpretend games for hours every day for manyyears—making up stories and taking on roles. Notonly did all this play help build a strong sense ofinner security in Matt, it also built up his abilityto imagine and invent new ideas. These years ofchild-centered play helped Matt become an actortoday.

It is of great concern to me that there is lessplay in children's lives today than a generationago. The hours spent in front of screens have replaced playtime outside school, and too muchfocus on academic lessons and testing has eroded ( 侵蚀) playtime inside schools.

Schools are another big influence in ourchildren's lives. Children spend about half theirwaking hours in school and what happens therehas a big part to play in the inner confidence andsocial responsibility they develop. I sent both mysons Kyle and Matt to a public high school wherecommunity participation, respect for differences, learning concern for others were part of dailyschool life. The school had an excellent dramaprogram. Matt's high school drama experiencesgave him a rock solid start in theater. The school'spainting program also helped Kyle shape his futurecareer.

I believe that schools should be places notonly for academic learning, but also where youngpeople build confidence and learn to become responsible citizens. It is a pity that today'sschools, driven by standardized tests, have notime for activities that can't be tested. Schoolshave no time for the arts, play and the social andemotional learning that will help children handlewhat life has in store. We should insist that ourschools focus on not just academic lessons, butthe whole child—so that all our children can become healthy and strong and enter adulthood asresponsible and caring citizens.

32. Which of the following words can beused to describe Matt?

A. Brave. B. Friendly.

C. Generous. D. Creative.

33. According to the passage, which of the following does NOT help Matt become what he is today?

A. Child-centered play in his early life.

B. The high school drama experiences.

C. The high school's standardized tests.

D. Learning concern for others at school.

34. We can infer that Kyle is probably a ( n) ________.

A. teacher B. sculptor

C. doctor D. engineer

35. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Schools have great effects on children'slives.

B. Schools are places only for academiclearning.

C. Schools should focus on the whole child.

D. Children have not enough time for activities.

第二节 ( 共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

A. The idea works badly

B. Marissa Mayer banned employees of Yahoo from working at home

C. you can have more time staying with yourfamily

D. It means working from a distance

E. you can have less time caring foryour children

F. I've been both a home worker and anoffice worker

G. The theory sounds fine

第三部分英语知识运用 ( 共两节, 满分45分)

第一节完形填空 ( 共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

41. A. heading forB. waiting for

C. calling forD. standing for

42. A. comfortableB. hopeful

C. changeable D. serious

43. A. approached B. struck

C. receivedD. arrived

44. A. sailorsB. ice-breakers

C. passengersD. customers

45. A. whenB. though

C. if D. because

46. A. rocked B. trapped

C. greeted D. separated

47. A. rescue B. research

C. voyage D. flight

48. A. above B. within

C. beyond D. over

49. A. hoped B. requested

C. replied D. said

50. A. that B. who

C. whose D. which

51. A. favorable B. bad

C. reasonable D. reliable

52. A. trade B. exchange

C. cooperation D. market

53. A. In turn B. In return

C. In general D. In particular

54. A. resistance B. appearance

C. assistance D. distance

55. A. creative B. great

C. relative D. original

56. A. mutual B. cultural

C. physical D. personal

57. A. French B. Australian

C. German D. Austrian

58. A. driving B. flying

C. sailing D. living

59. A. communication B. celebration

C. conversation D. exploration

60. A. ensure B. promote

C. obtain D. develop


第三部分英语知识运用 ( 共两节, 满分45分)

第二节 ( 共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容 ( 不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

第四部分写作 ( 共两节, 满分35分)

第一节短文改错 ( 共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号 ( ∧) , 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线 ( ) 划掉。

修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 允许修改10处, 多者 ( 从第11处起) 不计分。

After a long wait, I was finally 16, that meant I was old enough to donate blood. Days before my birthday I called the blood center and made the appointment. I arrived the center at 11 am on my birthday, excited and nervous about giving blood.But I am told I was not qualified because my pulse was too fast. At the news, I felt very disappointing.

A few weeks later, I returned back. This time I was neither nervous or excited. When the nurse took my pulse, it was 96. The nurse asked me some question before the donation. Then the blood donation began. I expected a more worsepain. However, it was not. After about ten minutes, the donation was over.

Donating blood is so a nice experience that I can't wait to do it again. If you're eligible ( 合格的) , PLEASE DONATE! Someone needs it.Blood donation can save a life. Your blood can make a difference to other.

第二节书面表达 ( 满分25分)

假设你是李梅, 你的好友Kathy给你发了一封邮件, 请根据邮件内容给Kathy写一封回信。


1. 具体描述一次你勇敢面对挑战的经历;

2. 你的合理建议。

注意: 词数不少于120。短文的开头及结尾已给出 ( 不计入总词数) 。

Dear Li Mei,

I have a problem, and I don't know what to do. Our school is going to hold an English Drama Contest. I am interested in it and I have signed up for it. But now as the contest is drawing near, I feel more and more nervous and anxious and I even want to quit…Have you ever had such experiences? When you face challenges, what do you usually do? I will be very grateful if you give me some advice.



Dear Kathy,

I feel greatly honored to be trusted with your personal affairs________________________________________.


Li Mei

2014年高考英语模拟试题 ( 二) 参考答案

第一部分: 听力 ( 略)

第二部分: 阅读理解




本文为应用文, 是一则家谱网的网上促销广告。

21. C。词义猜测题。bothand之间存在对比关系, 故可判断villains的意思和“英雄”相反, 故villains是“恶棍, 坏人”之意。

22. D。细节理解题。根据“Above all, building and maintaining a family tree can ensur econtinuity of our lives, while providing something priceless to pass on to the next generation”可知, 我们要关注我们的家谱最重要的原因是我们可以给后代提供一些无价之宝。

23. C。细节理解题。根据“With morethan one billion searchable digital records and thousands of new ones added daily, it's a key resource for you to search your family history. ”和“so you can build and share your family tree with others. You can also get access to copies of many original records”等信息可知, 在这个家谱网上我们可以“搜索家史记录”、“构建和分享家庭树”以及“获得家庭成员的原始记录”等。C项没有提及, 故选C。



本文为记叙文。美国马里兰州移动实验室BioLab给当地高中带来了最新的科学设备, 激发了学生对科学的兴趣。

24. B。主旨大意题。本文主要讲美国马里兰州移动实验室BioLab给当地高中带来了最新的科学设备, 激发了学生对科学的兴趣, 故B项最佳。A和C项是文中的细节, 不具有概括性。D项没有提到。

25. C。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句It is just too costly可知, 这些最新的实验设备过于昂贵, 多数美国中学买不起。

26. A。推理判断题。根据“the eastern state Maryland has found a way to make such equipment available”和“It travels around the state visiting schools. Today the bus has stoppedat Patapsco High School in the city of Baltimore. ”可以判断Baltimore市属于马里兰州。其他没有相关信息支持。

27. C。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“The mobile lab has been bringing bioscience education to schools around Maryland for more than a decade. ”可知移动实验室在马里兰州进行生物科技教育活动已持续了10年多时间。



本文为说明文。中国科学家可能解开了辽宁一座1亿2千年前的动物墓地形成之谜: 就像公元79年古罗马庞培城被维苏威火山爆发所埋葬一样, 包括长羽毛的恐龙在内的古生物瞬间被火山爆发所埋葬, 并形成化石。

28. C。主旨大意题。根据本文的主题句 ( 第一段) 可知本文主要讲中国科学家可能解开了一座1亿2千年前的动物墓地形成之谜:它们可能是被火山喷发瞬间死亡埋没并形成化石的。A项和D项是文中的细节, 不具有概括性。B项外延太大, 不具有针对性。

29. A。词义猜测题。前文“The puzzle ofhow a 120-million-year-old animal graveyard ( 墓地) in China formed may have been solved”和“Scientists have been curious for a long time about how these animals were killed and became well-preserved. ”有提示。故baffled是“使困惑”之意。

30. B。细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Like the people who lived in the city, the ancient animals would have been killed in an instant, and then buried under dense layers of ash. ”可知, 这些古代动物和庞培城居民的相同命运是他们都是被火山瞬间埋没的。

31. B。推理判断题。根据第五段“The researchers believe the animals were found together because their bodies were carried by the force ofthe explosion and deposited ( 沉积) in the same area. ”可知, 科学家们认为, 这些动物之所以埋藏在一起, 是因为火山爆发的巨大冲击力将它们带到了同一个地方。故可判断这些动物是在不同的地方死亡的。




32. D。推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第二句“Not only did all this play help build astrong sense of inner security in Matt, it also built up his ability to imagine and invent new ideas. ”可判断Matt是个具有创新精神的人, 故D项最佳。

33. C。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“These years of child-centered play helped Matt become an actor today. ”及第四段中的“learning concern for others were part of daily school life”和“Matts high school drama experiences gave him a rock solid start in theater. ”可知“以孩子为中心的玩耍”、“高中的戏剧经历”以及“在校期间学会了关心他人”等因素造就了Matt今天的成功。C项没有提及, 故选C。

34. B。推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“People often ask me, How did you raise two talented artists?”可知, Kyle是位有才华的艺术家。根据第四段最后一句“The school's painting program also helped Kyle shape his future career. ”可知, Kyle的职业应与绘画有关, 故B项 ( 雕刻家) 最佳。

35. C。主旨大意题。最后一段主要讲学校应培养全面发展的孩子, 故C项最佳。




36. D。根据前面的疑问句可知此处是给居家办公下定义。

37. G。根据本段的内容可知本段讲居家办公的好处。

38. C。整个一段讲居家办公的好处, 故C项符合句意要求。

39. B。本段主要讲居家办公的弊端, 故B项符合句意要求。

40. F。从Charlotte Manning后面讲的话可以判断, 她既在家里办公也在办公室工作。

第三部分: 英语知识运用



俄罗斯科考船Akademik Shokalskiy在南极被海冰冻住, 无法脱身。在南极附近航行的各国船只纷纷冒险前往救援, 在救援的船只中就有中国的“雪龙号”。在南极探险中, 国际合作显得尤为珍贵。

41. B。俄罗斯船上的乘客待在船上, 等待救援。wait for意为“等待”, 符合句意。head for“前往”; call for“要求, 需要”; stand for“代表”。

42. D。前面讲到船上的乘客等待救援, 可见形势非常“严峻”。

43. A。approach在此意为“靠近, 接近”, 符合句意。

44. C。前面“the passengers had to stay on the ship for a week”有提示, 故可判断“中国雪龙号船上的直升飞机把俄罗斯船上的乘客安全地转送到了澳大利亚的船上”。

45. D。后面是一个原因状语从句, 故用because引导。

46. B。第一句“The Russian ship Akademik Shokalskiy became stuck in Antarctic ice on December 25. ”提到俄罗斯的船Akademik Shokalskiy在南极被海冰冻住, 无法脱身。trap在此意为“使……陷入困境”, 符合句意。

47. A。“雪龙号”在完成营救任务之后, 自身也陷入海冰的围困之中, 无法脱身。

48. C。海冰有3到4米厚, 超出了“雪龙号”的破冰能力。beyond意为“超出”, 符合句意。

49. B。协调这次营救行动的澳大利亚政府要求美国派船解救“雪龙号”。request意为“要求”, 后面的宾语从句要求用虚拟语气。

50. D。which引导一个非限制性定语从句。

51. A。借助于有利的天气状况, “雪龙号”得以脱身。

52. C。这次事件是国际合作一次很好的典范。cooperation意为“合作”, 符合句意。

53. A。in turn在此意为“反过来”, 符合句意。in return意为“作为回报”; in general意为“总体上”; in particular意为“尤其是, 特别是”。

54. C。assistance在此意为“援助”, 符合句意。resistance“抵抗”; appearance“出现”;distance“距离”。

55. D。所有船只都推迟了原定的任务。original意为“最初的, 开始的”, 符合句意。

56. A。它有助于培养不同国家间的互信。mutual意为“相互的”, 符合句意。

57. B。前文from Akademik Shokalskiy to the Australian ship Aurora Australis有提示。易误选D项。Austrian指“奥地利人”, 故错误。

58. C。他们非常清楚在南极航行的巨大危险性。

59. D。他们也许来自不同的国家, 但他们都是独特的, 危险的南极探险俱乐部的成员之一。

60. A。他们要合作, 来确保相互间的安全。ensure“确保, 保证”, 符合句意。promote“促进”; obtain“获得”; develop“发展, 培养”。


61. to help。wish后面应接不定式作宾语。

62. who。who引导一个定语从句, 修饰children。

63. poorest。根据句意此处应用形容词最高级形式。

64. does。does在此构成强调句, 强调句中谓语。

65. a。单数可数名词前加不定冠词表示泛指。

66. It。主语从句缺少形式主语。

67. sharing。mean doing sth. 意为“意味着做某事”。

68. must / should。must / should在此表示“必要性”。

69. has become。根据后面的时间状语sofar可知此处应用现在完成时态。

70. like。此处应填介词。like在此意为“像……一样”。

第四部分: 写作


第1处: that→which。后面是一个非限制性定语从句, 先行词是前面整个句子表达的内容, 故用which引导。

第2处: arrive后加at。arrive为不及物动词, 后面要加介词at才能接宾语。

第3处: am→was。此处讲的是过去的事情, 应用一般过去时态。

第4处: disappointing→disappointed。此处应为“感到失望的”, 应用过去分词形式。

第5处: 去掉back。return意为“回来”, 不能再加back。

第6处: or→nor。连词neither…nor…为固定搭配, 意为“既不……也不……”。

第7处: question→questions。此处应用名词的复数形式。

第8处: more→much/far。worse本身就是一个形容词比较级, 故前面加more是错误的。应用可以修饰形容词比较的副词。

第9处: so→such。so后面要求接形容词或副词。后面接名词应用such。

第10处: other→others。此处作宾语, 应用others。


One possible version:

Dear Kathy,

I feel greatly honored to be trusted with your personal affairs. You are not the single person who has had such an experience. I still remember that Monday afternoon two years ago when I participated in a speech contest. When waiting for my turn, I became more and more nervous and anxious, and I even had the thought of withdrawing from the contest. After a painful struggle, I decided to face up to the challenge. And finally Imade it, overcoming my fear and anxiety, and showing my confidence on the stage. You can never imagine how delighted I was then. It was through this challenge that I realized the importance of being brave and optimistic. Without this experience, I wouldn’t be so strong-minded now.

Every challenge is our opportunity to grow, no matter how difficult it is. So my suggestion is that you should face this challenge bravely because we know that on the other side of a challenge, there is always hope. As long as you have tried your best, you are great, whatever the results are.


Li Mei

2015年高考英语模拟试题(一) 第9篇

第一部分: 听力( 略)

第二部分: 阅读理解( 共两节,满分40分)

第一节( 共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Nick Vujicic was born without any arms or legs. His parents were upset because he would forever be unable to walk or hug people. They wondered how he would survive,but Nick was healthy.

Due to his disability,he was not allowed to enter mainstream school in Australia until later, becoming one of the first disabled children to be educated with normal children. He learned to write using the two toes on his left foot. During his school years,Nick had to deal with plenty of bullying and depression because he was different. He felt lonely and often wondered what his purpose was in life. At the age of 8,he think about suicide. But over time Nick realized his accomplishments were inspirational to many.

He learned how to type on a computer,throw tennis balls,comb his hair,answer the phone and shave using a small foot attached to his hip. His foot allows him to type,kick,play football,golf, swim,surf,and everything he needs. He invented new methods to overcome his disability.

After school,Nick obtained a bachelor's degree in Accounting and Financial Planning. He then started practicing motivational speaking,hoping to encourage other people in a special way. “I found the purpose of my existence. There's a purpose for why you're in the fire. ”Nick believes that there is a reason in every struggle we encounter,and that our attitude along with our faith can be the keys to overcoming the challenges we face.

Nick states that a major turning point in his life was when his mother showed him a newspaper article about a man with severe disabilities and how he dealt with it. This led him to realize that he wasn't the only one with major struggles.

Nick has done much more than overcome his disability. At the young age of 27,Nick is the president of a non-profit organization,Life Without Limbs, and he has his own motivational speaking company, Attitude is Altitude. Nick started his first company when he was 17 and started speaking at the age of 19. He has since traveled around the world speaking to millions of people,giving them inspiration,courage,and the hope he's always dreamed of.

21. Nick was not admitted into mainstream schools in the beginning because of____.

A. mental disability

B. illness

C. religious reason

D. physical disability

22. In which order did the following events happened?

a. Nick started his first company.

b. Nick traveled around the world to give speeches.

c. Nick received school education like normal kids.

d. Nick became the president of a non-profit organization.

A. c,a,d,b

B. c,a,b,d

C. a,c,d,bD. a,c,b,d

23. Which of the following words best describes Nick's personality?

A. Stubborn but courageous.

B. Bad-tempered but diligent.

C. Ambitious and persistent.

D. Honest and open-minded.

24. The text is intended to .

A. tell the story of a disabled person

B. praise Nick for his healthy life style

C. introduce ways to overcome disability

D. call on the disabled to learn from Nick


Global demand for gold is putting some of the most remote and pristine ( 原始状态的) tropical forests at risk,scientists warn.

Some 1,680 sq km of rainforest in South America was lost to gold mining from 2001 to 2013,a study shows. University of Puerto Rico researchers say gold mining has become a major threat to ancient rainforests in countries such as Peru and Suriname. Consumers can help by buying only fair-trade gold,say environmentalists.

The research, published in Environmental Research Letters,studied tropical forests across South America below 1,000m,covering Colombia, Venezuela,Guyana,Suriname,French Guiana, Brazil,Ecuador,Peru,and Bolivia.

Satellite images show forest clearance( 空隙) for gold mining accelerated after the international financial crisis of 2007. It was concentrated in four main areas — the Guianan forests; the Southwest Amazon in Peru; the Tapajos-Xingu forest in Brazil; and Magdalena Valley-Uraba in Colombia. Overall,the amount of forest lost was less than 1% but much of it was located in or near conservation areas.

“Although the loss of forest due to mining is smaller in extent compared to deforestation ( 毁林) caused by other land uses,such as agriculture or grazing( 放牧) areas,deforestation due to mining is occurring in some of the most biologically diverse regions in the tropics,”said lead researcher Nora lvarez-Berríos.

Global gold production has increased from around 2,445 tonnes in 2000 to around 2,770 tonnes in 2013,while prices have soared. This has made it profitable to mine in areas such as the soil beneath tropical forests.

The removal of vegetation and development of roads and railways can have long-term impacts, say the scientists. Gold mining can also create pollutants such as mercury,which can enter rivers and the atmosphere.

Dr Susanne Schmitt of WWF called for better mining laws and awareness and training to reduce the impact of gold mining on forests and to improve local people's livelihoods. Consumers could also help when purchasing gold,she added.

“By insisting on fair trade gold when purchasing jewellery of other gold products consumers have real power in ensuring that this unfair and environmentally-damaging practice ends,to be replaced with a longer term industry providing jobs and security to communities without destroying their environment. ”

25. What has damaged ancient rainforests in South America?

A. Growing population.

B. Serious Floods.

C. Gold mining.

D. Global Warming.

26. What do we know from Paragraph 4?

A.More forests have been destroyed since 2007.

B. The amount of forest is not worth our attention.

C. Some conservation areas are being seriously damaged.

D. The financial crisis is the major cause of deforestation.

27. Paragraph 7 talks mainly about____.

A. the harmful effects of deforestation

B. the negative impact of gold mining

C. the potential threats to the environment

D. the importance of environmental protection

28. Which would be the best title of the text?

A. Gold Mining Is Harmful

B. Rainforest in South America

C. Gold Rush in South America

D. Gold rush threat to tropical forests


Many effects of a lack of sleep,such as feeling tired and not working at your best,are well known. But did you know that sleeplessness can also have long-term consequences for your physical health?

One in three Britons suffers from poor sleep, with stress,computers and taking work home often blamed for the lack of quality slumber ( 熟睡) . However,the cost of all those sleepless nights is more than just bad moods and a lack of focus.

It's now clear that a solid night's sleep is essential for a long and healthy life. Regular poor sleep puts you at risk of serious medical conditions including obesity,heart disease and diabetes,and even shortens your life expectancy( 寿命) .

Most of us need around eight hours of good quality sleep a night to function properly, but some need more and some less. What matters is that you find out how much sleep you need and then try to achieve it.

As a general rule,if you wake up tired and spend the day longing for a chance to have a nap, it's likely that you're not getting enough sleep.

A variety of factors can cause poor sleep,including health conditions such as sleep apnoea. But in most cases it's a matter of bad sleeping habits.

Everyone's experienced the fatigue ( 疲乏) , short temper and lack of focus that often follow a poor night's sleep.

An occasional night without sleep makes you feel tired and cross the next day,but it won't harm your health. After several sleepless nights, the mental effects become more serious. Your brain will fog,making it difficult to concentrate and make decisions. You'll start to feel down, and maydrop offduring the day. Your risk of injury and accidents at home,work and on the road increases.

If it continues,lack of sleep can affect your overall health and causes you to suffer from serious medical conditions such as obesity,heart disease,high blood pressure and diabetes.

29. Which of the following is related to sleeplessness?

A. Going to parties.

B. Working late at night.

C. Eating too much meat.

D. Living a fast-paced life.

30. The first three paragraphs talk mainly about____.

A. the reasons for sleeplessness

B. the amount of sleep one needs

C. functions of quality sleep at night

D. the negative effects of lack of sleep

31. If you get up in the morning feeling very tired,you should____.

A. continue to sleep

B. go to see a doctor

C. take a nap during the day

D. take more physical exercise

32. The underlined phrase“drop off”in Paragraph 8 probably means____.

A. fall into a light sleep

C. get off at the wrong stop

B. fall onto the ground suddenly

D. become too exhausted to work


Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew About

Explore a World Heritage Site at Kew Gardens—the world's most famous garden. Stroll a soaring walkway among the shade of trees and wander through extensive gardens under glass reaching up to 27° C. Enjoy a day out with four cafes and restaurants,art galleries,a serene lake and waterlily ponds.

Glasshouses provide hours of undercover discovery for visitors of all ages. Be amazed by giant lily pads in the Waterlily House,wander about an exotic rainforest in the Palm House,and travel through 10 climatic ( 气候的) zones in the Princess of Wales Conservatory.

Step inside Kew Palace to explore a beautiful royal retreat ( 隐居处 )consisting of the princesses' bedrooms, an intimate dining room and the Royal Kitchens.

Important information

Kew Gardens' Temperate House is closed for a five year restoration from August 2013. The largest surviving Victorian glasshouse is under repair and is set to reopen in May 2018.

Prices and Opening Times

Adult Ticket: From £ 14. 50 per ticket

Child Ticket: Free

Concession Ticket( 特惠票) : From £ 12. 50 per ticket

Opening Times: 9. 30am every day,except Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Closing times vary according to season.

Address: Kew Richmond TW9 3AB

Telephone: + 44 ( 0) 20 8332 5655

Email:info@ kew. org

Website:http: / / www. kew. org

Public transport: Tube and London Overground: Kew Gardens Train: Kew Bridge

Book a taxi on + 44 ( 0) 844 556 0706

33. Where can visitors experience different climatic zones?

A. In the Kew Palace.

B. In the Palm House.

C. In the Waterlily House.

D. In the Princess of Wales Conservatory.

34. Why can visitors not visit Temperate House at the moment?

A. It is being restored and decorated.

B. It is usually closed during winter time.

C. There are not many plants worth a visit.

D. The air conditioning system doesn't work.

35.The purpose of writing the text is___.

A. persuade readers to go out

B. introduce a park to readers

C. tell visitors how to visit Kew

D. offer information on gardening

第二节( 共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)


Why is Communication Important?

The most common characteristic which makes humans different from animals is our ability to express ourselves. It can either be written or spoken language. Animals can communicate by using sounds and body gestures but they cannot speak. Communication is very important in the following ways:

Expressing yourself to others.36This is very important if you want others to understand you well. Some people don't know how to express their emotions to others. So they don't have many good friends.

37 It may be with love ones,common friends,colleagues,business partners,clients( 当事人) and customers. In all of these,communication is very important if you want to build and maintain a strong relationship with them.

Receiving Education. It is very obvious that without proper communication,getting information inside schools would be very a problem. The best way to learn something is by understanding and the best way to understand something is through proper communication. Majority of students who fail in school have a problem with communication.38This lack of communication between student and teacher can highly contribute to the student's development in school.

Decision-making.39In a business corporation, every decision must be consulted to each individual who is involved in the project or else,there will be an 80% chance of having miscommunication among you. Owners must communicate with their clients and vice versa as well as employers to employees. In order for a business to stabilize constant communication is very important inside the company.

40 Having strong communication skills can easily help you land a good job. Working with other people greatly requires good communication skills especially when you are working in a team or group division. People who lack in this area are most often the ones who prefer to work alone.

A. Working with other people.

B. Developing links with other people.

C. Showing concern about others is important.

D. You can either express yourself through words or gestures.

E. Whatever you want to say,you should express yourself clearly.

F. Most of them are afraid to ask their teachers when they get into trouble.

G. Communication is very important when it comes to making critical decisions.

第三部分: 英语知识运用( 共两节,满分45分)

第一节完形填空( 共20小题; 每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Last October,I set out to layaway ( 预约购货) goods on my Christmas lists. In the past,the Christmas season was a bit 41 ,but in recent years we have been blessed to be able to 42 our kids.

I had a layaway at a local KMart store,and had a balance ( 余额) left before it was 43 about a week before Christmas. So I went to pick up my layaway. Upon 44 the counter, I handed the clerk my layaway receipts and told her I was there to 45 off the balance and take the items home with me. She grabbed my receipts, and 46 on the computer as if something was 47 . My stomach felt a little uneasy,I was expecting her to tell me my layaway had been misplaced or something of the sort.

48 ,after about ten minutes,she said, “Oh,that's why I can't find it in our system. You should have 49 a phone call a few days ago that your layaway was paid off by a secret Santa. ”I couldn't 50 what I heard! Such a thing only 51 in the news. Why was my family chosen to secretly receive such a blessing?

I was so52that I burst into tears. Immediately I asked the cashier if there was a ( n )53I could leave something for the Secret Santa who randomly paid off my layaway and she said that the person54to remain unknown. It55touched my heart. However,I felt worried because I was afraid perhaps some family out there was not going to have a happy Christmas56they really couldn't afford to pick up their layaway.

I felt kind of57,so I decided to pay it forward. I then used the money I had for the balance on my account to purchase some58and on my way out,I59dropped them off inside a huge toy donation bin. Since I had received such a nice,heart-warming60from someone,I wanted to keep the kindness going. And it felt nice to receive and to be able to give right back

41. A. lateB. rough

C. busyD. cold

42. A. prepare forB. arrange for

C. provide for D. care for

43. A. due B. useful

C. offD. over

44. A. cleanB. leaving

C. openingD. reaching

45. A. cutB. pay

C. turn D. put

46. A. reordered B. tried

C. checked D. assessed

47. A. wrong B. strange

C. urgent D. serious

48. A. NaturallyB. Gradually

C. Surprisingly D. Finally

49. A. made B. received

C. heardD. remembered

50. A. imagineB. expect

C. believe D. refuse

51. A. happens B. hears

C. appears D. exists

52. A. worried B. hopeful

C. frustratedD. excited

53. A. methodB. way

C. giftD. note

54. A. managedB. challenged

C. wantedD. attempted

55. A. definitelyB. slightly

C. hardly D. nearly

56. A. until B. before

C. ifD. because

57. A. embarrassedB. guilty

C. delighted D. puzzled

58. A. clothes B. boxes

C. toysD. books

59. A. gladlyB. suddenly

C. mistakenlyD. unexpectedly

60. A. callB. letter

C. greetingD. gesture


第三部分: 英语知识运用( 共两节,满分45分)

第二节 ( 共10小题; 每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 ( 1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

Imagine a time when people feel like they're inside their favorite video games,or can travel the world without leaving home. This61( become) possible as virtual reality( VR) ,continues to develop. Experts say VR was a hot topic at the2015 International Consumer Electronics Show ( CES) ,62( hold) on January 6 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Of the63( approximate ) 3,900 exhibitors at the show,more than a dozen showed off their achievements on VR technology.

VR technology started with games, 64 developers say it has the potential to transform other aspects of our lives. “I can imagine a time 65 your doctor is doing a checkup on you and will be able to use this technology to access data about you,”said Nick Nassiri. He is the Software Development Manager for Razer,which produces VR game technology.

Manuel Gutierrez-Novelo,co-founder of Immersi ON-VRelia,says VR can be a great tool for66( educate) . “We can create an animation of the solar system or the molecular structure of water,”he says. “I believe you will be able to learn about these things67( well) if you see them in a virtual reality environment,rather than reading about them in a book or watching a video. ”

According to Nick Nassiri of Razer,innovations( 新发明) in virtual reality will keep 68 ( come) up. He believes they'll happen first in gaming,then extend to other areas 69 ( include) medicine and education. “The core ( 核心) is getting it right in gaming,”he says. “And then 70 rest will come. ”

第四部分: 写作( 共两节,满分35分)

第一节短文改错( 共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)


增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号( Λ) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( ) 划掉。

修改: 在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者( 从第11处起) 不计分。

My friends and I went on adventure trip to Hainan Island during the summer holidays. I'd like to tell you something what happened on our journey.

We arrived at Haikou by train on 15 June and stayed at there until 21 June. We first went hiking around the island, then climb the mountains. When we got tiring,we walked along the seaside and had a good rest. We went swimming near the beach and picked up some seashells. While night fell,we had a party around the campfire,singing and dancing. That was fun talking and laughing together without worry about our lessons.

On the last day,we decided to go scuba diving to enjoy the beautiful sceneries under the sea. It was too fantastic to swim with many fishes around us that an hour passed quickly before we realized it. Our trip to Hainan Island is so unforgettable that it has become a pleasant memory.

第二节书面表达( 满分25分)



( 1) 就此材料写出你的感想;

( 2) 应紧扣材料、有明确的观点。

2015年高考英语模拟试题( 一)

第一部分: 听力( 略)

第二部分: 阅读理解




21. D。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,由于身体残疾,尼克不能进入主流学校学习。

22. B。推理判断题。根据短文内容可知, 尼克接受学校教育最早; 17岁成立自己的公司; 19岁开始到世界各地演讲; 27岁成为名为 “Life Without Limbs”的一个慈善机构的总裁, 因此最佳答案为B。

23. C。推理判断题。根据短文内容可知, 虽然尼克身体残疾,但是他胸怀理想,坚持不懈地努力。所以他成为一个励志演说家,并成立了自己的慈善机构,成为其他残疾人的楷模。

24. A。主旨大意题。本文讲述了残疾人尼克·胡哲的人生故事。



25. C。细节理解题。 根据第一、二段可知,从2001年到2013年,金矿的开采导致南美洲的热带雨林遭到严重破坏。

26. A。推理判断题。根据第四段可知,卫星图片显示,自从2007年世界经济危机爆发以来, 由于开采金矿导致森林中的空地面积不断加大。

27. B。推理判断题。根据第七段可知,植被被毁、修建公路和铁路都会对热带雨林产生长久的影响,金矿开采还会对当地环境造成汞污染。本段陈述了开采金矿带来的不良影响。

28. D。主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知, 开采金矿对南美洲的热带雨林造成巨大破坏。 因此最佳标题为D。



29. B。细节理解题。根据第二段可知,压力、电脑和把工作带回家是导致失眠的原因。 因此最佳答案是B。

30. D。主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知, 前三段主要陈述了缺少睡眠带来的副作用。

31. C。细节理解题。根据第五段可知,如果你早上起来感觉很累,期待着找机会打个盹, 说明你的睡眠时间不够,因此白天最好打个盹。

32. A。推断词义题。根据第八段可知,偶尔的失眠使你第二天劳累和易怒,但是不损害你的健康; 连续几天的失眠就会产生严重的心理效应。你会情绪低落、不由自主地白天睡着。词组drop off意为“不知不觉入睡”,故最佳答案为A。



33. D。细节理解题。根据第二段可知,在威尔士王妃温室( in the Princess of Wales Conservatory) ,游客可以体验到10种不同的气候类型。

34. A。推理判断题。根据第四段的信息可知,Temperate House因为装修暂时关闭。

35. C。推理判断题。本文介绍了英国伦敦的皇家植物园———邱园的情况。包括该园的组成部分、票价、开放时间和交通方式。因此本文的目的是告诉读者如何参观邱园。



36. D。 根据“Expressing yourself to others. ”可知本空填D。

37. B。本段意思是说,通过交流,我们与周围的人应建立起某种联系。因此选B。

38. F。下句说: 老师和学生之间缺乏沟通很可能影响学生在学校的发展。因此本空填F,这些学生遇到问题时不敢找老师咨询。

39. G。根据“Decision-making. ”可知本空填G,意为: 当面临做出重大决定时,交流是非常重要的。

40. A。 根据“Working with other people greatly requires good communication skills ”可知,应选A。

第三部分: 英语知识运用



41. B。由but一词可知,和过去相比,作者家里近几年的情况有明显的好转。可见,过去的圣诞节过得艰难( rough) 。

42. C。近几年,我们一直都可以给孩子们提供( provide for) 礼物。

43. A。我的余额将在圣诞节前的一周到期( be due) 。

44. D。一到达( upon reaching) 柜台,我就把预约购货的单据递给了工作人员。

45. B。告诉工作人员我要付清 ( pay off) 剩下的余额,并且把商品拿回家。

46. C。工作人员拿过我的收据,在电脑上核对 ( checked) 。reordered“重新订购”; tried “尝试”; assessed“对……进行评估”均不符合题意。

47. A。工作人员核对账单时,好像哪里出了什么问题( wrong) 。

48. D。在经过长达10分钟的核对之后, 她终于( finally) 解释了一下为什么在电脑里查不到账单的原因了。

49. B。“你在几天前应该接到 ( received) 了一个电话,说你的购物余款已经被神秘的圣诞老人付清了。”

50. C。听到工作人员说的话,我感到非常惊讶,简直不敢相信( believe) 自己的耳朵。

51. A。句意: 这样的好事只会发生 ( happens) 在新闻报道里。

52. D。由前文可知,这样从天而降的好事使我激动的( excited) 流下了眼泪。

53. B。我立刻问收银员,有没有一种方式 ( way) 我可以向神秘的圣诞老人表示一声感谢。名词way后跟定语从句时,可以省略关系代词,故选B。

54. C。收银员说,那个神秘人想要 ( wanted) 完全的匿名。

55. A。神秘人的做法的确 ( definitely) 让我感动。

56. D。由前半句“也许,有些家庭不能度过一个愉快的圣诞节”和后半句“他们没钱去买礼物”判断,此处为因果关系,故填because。

57. B。上文中提到,我暗中得到了贵人的帮助,而有些家庭却没钱给亲人购买圣诞礼物, 因此我对于这个帮助感到有些内疚( guilty) 。

58. C。由下句“a huge toy donation bin”可知,作者购买的是玩具( toys) 。

59. A。我被神秘人的帮助所感动,于是买了一些玩具,很乐意地( gladly) 把它们放到了玩具捐赠箱里。

60. D。因为我得到了某个好人的帮助,所以我想将这种善良的行为传递下去。gesture “姿势,动作”,这里指的是帮助别人的这种行为。


61. will become。根据语境,随着虚拟现实技术的发展,这一切将成为可能。本句应用一般将来时,故本空填will become。

62. held。本空填held,过去分词做定语修饰前面的专有名词the 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show。

63. approximately。本空应填副词approximately“大约”。

64. but。 前后句之间为转折关系,因此填but。

65. when。本句含有定语从句,先行词为a time,在从句中做时间状语,因此本空应填关系副词when。

66. education。本空在介词后,应填名词education“教育”。

67. better。本句含有比较之意,借助于虚拟现实技术,学生学习的效果会更好。因此本空填比较级。

68. coming。本句含有keep doing sth. 结构,意为“一直做某事”,因此本空填coming。

69. including。本空填including,意为“包括”。

70. the。本空填冠词the,the rest“其余的, 剩下的”。

第四部分: 写作


1. 考查冠词。短语go on an adventure trip意为“到某地探险旅行”,因此在adventure前加an。

2. 考查定语从句。本句含有定语从句,先行词为something,应用关系代词that引导定语从句,因此把what改为that或去掉。

3. 考查副词和介词。stay there“停留在那里”,副词前不用介词,因此去掉介词at。

4. 考查谓语动词。本段描述去海南岛探险旅行的经过,通篇用了一般 过去时,因此把climb改为climbed。

5. 考查形容词。tiring“令人疲劳的”; tired “感到疲劳的”,因此把tiring改为tired。

6. 考查连词。“当夜幕降临时,我们围着篝火唱歌跳舞”。因从句为非延续性动词,不能用连词while,因此把While改为When /As。

7. 考查形式主语。It为形式主语,代替动名词短语“talking and laughing together without worry about our lessons”,因此把That改为It。

8. 考查非谓语动词。介词without后应用动名词做宾语,因此把worry改为worrying。

9. 考查名词。scenery为不可数名词,因此把sceneries改为scenery。

10. 考查特殊句式。本句含有so  that  “如此 …… 以至于 ……”句式,因此把too改为so。


One possible version:

Many new words are being created on the internet every day. Among the top ten buzzwords coined in 2014 was Mengmengda.

It was first used to describe someone feeling dizzy because they forget to take medicine. However,later it is used to mean someone who is naive or childish. Now it is used to describe someone or something is very lovely.

2015年高考英语模拟试题(四) 第10篇

第一部分: 听力( 略)

第二部分: 阅读理解( 共两节,满分40分)

第一节( 共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


When Nancy Lublin got $ 5,000 from her grandpa in 1996,she never once considered taking a vacation or paying off student loans. Instead,the 24-year-old New York University law student began thinking about helping low-income women get better jobs. “If a woman goes for a job interview poorly dressed,she won't get the job. ” Lublin says. “But without a job,she can't afford suitable clothes. ”

So with the money Lublin founded “Dress for Success” and began collecting women's clothes which were still in good condition but which their owners no longer needed. “So many women have clothes lying around that they will never wear again,”one of Lublin's assistants says “Nancy's idea is so simple and yet so important to women. ”

Many women come to Lublin's office before going to a job interview. Here,they receive a suit,shoes and any other things they need. Since it was set up, more than 1,000 women have turned to “Dress for Success”for help. Many of them have won jobs. Some have found jobs after being out of work for many years. Jenny,a 32year-old woman who was recently hired as a lawfirm office manager says,“I made a good impression because of Dress for Success”.

21. Which can be learned from the text?

A. Nancy's grandfather lent her the money to set up the office.

B. Nancy set up “Dress for Success ” to make money.

C. Low-income women can get jobs at“Dress for Success”.

D. Nancy's office gathers used clothes from women.

22. “Dress for Success ” attracts many women because they____.

A. need to look smart when looking for a job

B. like the design of the dresses

C. prefer buying clothes at a low price

D. like to wear different clothes

23.From what Jenny says, we know that____.

A. clothes from Nancy's office helped to get her a job

B. she is working happily at her present job

C. she got a lot of good ideas from Nancy

D.“Dress for Success”has a good business relation with her firm

24. What would be a good title for the text?

A. Keep Your Old Clothes

B. A Successful Clothing Business

C. Nancy: A Successful Law Student

D. A Helping Hand for Women


Shanghai is now offering financial help for purchases of BEVs( 电动汽车) on top of central and local government funding,helping car buyers to save more than 100,000 Yuan each.

The city government issued regulations to encourage private purchase and use of new energy vehicles at the end of last year. Free car plates for new energy vehicles are one of the incentives.

“The performance of this electric car matches that of a petrol vehicle with a 1. 8-liter engine,” said Xu Weihan,who is in charge of BEV sales at Tzgev Limited,a company specializing in new energy vehicles.

Qian said his average daily travel is around 20km,adding that he only has to charge his car's battery once every four or five days. The monthly electricity bill for his car is about 60 Yuan,far less than the money one normally pays for gasoline.

“I mainly charge the car at work,since there are charging posts near my company,”Qian said.

Shanghai now has over 1,000 charging posts,most of which are located in the city's Jiading district,where Qian lives. The city is planning to build 50 battery switch stations with 5,000 charging posts over the next three to four years.

“Electric vehicle technology has become more mature and people now have to pay much higher prices for license plates. This has led to more people coming to ask us about electric vehicles,”Xu said.

The average price for a plate in Shanghai rose to a record high of 75,332 Yuan during a monthly auction that ended on Saturday,an increase of 5,986 Yuan compared with last month.

“Environmental protection could be another reason for the popularity of electric vehicles,”Xu added.

Dangerous levels of air pollution in some Chinese cities have been blamed on increased vehicle emissions( 尾气排放) resulting from a greater number of cars hitting the streets in recent years.

25. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Shanghai financially helps purchases of cars

B. Shanghai issues free plate for new energy cars

C.Shanghai offers free car plates to private cars

D.Shanghaiplanning5000more charging posts

26. If you have a BEV now,which district would be most convenient for you to live?

A. Jiading.

B. Hongkou.

C. Baoshan.

D. Songjiang.

27. The average cost for Qian to travel in his BEV is__Yuan 100km.

A. 60.

B. 30.

C. 20.

D. 10.

28. Which of the following is NOT the reason for people to buy BEVs?

A. people now have to pay much higher prices for license plates.

B. People blame air pollution for increased vehicle emissions.

C. Electric vehicle technology has become more mature.

D. Shanghai has enough charging posts for people to use.


One morning more than thirty years ago,I entered the Track Kitchen, a restaurant where everyone from the humblest to the most powerful came for breakfast. I noticed an empty chair next to an elderly,unshaven man,who looked somewhatdisheveled. He was wearing a worn-out hat and was alone. I asked if I might join him. He agreed quietly and I sat down to have my breakfast.

We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about a wide rang of things. We never introduced ourselves. I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat. So as I rose to go back to the counter and buy a second cup of coffee,I asked,

“May I get you something?”

“A coffee would be nice. ”

Then I bought him a cup of coffee,we talked more,and he accepted another cup of coffee. Finally,I rose to leave, wished him well, and headed for the exit. At the door I met one of my friends. He asked,

“How did you get to know Mr. Galbreath?”


“The man you were sitting with. He is chairman of the Board of Churchill Downs. ”

I could hardly believe it. I was buying,offering a free breakfast,and feeling pity for one of the world's richest and most powerful men!

My few minutes with Mr. Galbreath changed my life. Now I try to treat everyone with respect,no matter who I think they are, and to meet another human being with kindness and sincerity.

29. What does the underlined word “disheveled”mean?

A. Unfriendly.

B. Untidy.

C. Gentle.

D. Kind.

30. The author bought coffee for the old man because____.

A. he thought the old man was poor

B. he wanted to start a conversation

C. he intended to show his politeness

D. he would like to thank the old man

31. What is the message mainly expressed in the story?

A. We should learn to be generous.

B. It is honorable to help those in need.

C. People in high positions are not like what we expect.

D. We should avoid judging people by their appearances.


More than a century ago,the composer and bandleader John Philip Sousa warned that technology would destroy music,who said,“These talking machines are going to ruin the artistic development of music in this country. When I was a boy  in front of every house in the summer evenings you would find young people together singing the songs of the day or the old songs. Today you hear these terrible machines going night and day. We will not have a vocal cord ( 声带) left. ”

Music has greatly changed in the past hundred years,which has been everywhere in our world: rivers of digital melody flow on the Internet or on disc; MP3 players with forty thousand songs can be put in a back pocket or a purse. Yet,for most of us,music is no longer something we do ourselves,or even watch other people do in front of us. It has become a radically virtual medium, an art without a face.

Ever since Edison invented the phonograph cylinder ( 留声机 ) ,people have been assessing what the medium of recording has done for and to the art of music. Sousa was a spokesman for the party of doom; in the opposite corner are the utopians( 乌托邦 ) ,who argue that technology has not imprisoned music but liberated it. Before Edison came along,Beethoven's symphonies could be heard only in select concert halls. Now the recordings carry the man from Bonn to the corners of the earth. Glenn Gould, after renouncing live performance in 1964,predicted that within the century the public concert would disappear into the electronic air.

Having discovered much of my favorite music through LPs and CDs,I am not about to join Sousa's party. Modern urban environments are often so soulless or ugly that I'm grateful for the humanizing touch of electronic sound. But neither can I accept Gould's slashing futurism. I want to be aware of technology's effects,positive and negative. Fortunately,scholars and critics have been methodically exploring thisterrainfor many decades,trying to figure out exactly what happens when we listen to music with no musicians in the room.

32.Thefirstparagraphisintended to____.

A. defend an argument

B. make a prediction

C. criticize an attitude

D. summarized a viewpoint

33. The author's attitude towards the recorded music may best be described as____.

A. dissatisfied

B. defensive

C. optimistic

D. objective

34. The underlined word “terrain”in the last paragraph most nearly means____.

A. region

B. subject

C. land

D. distinction

35. The primary purpose of the passage is to________.

A. present the key issues in an ongoing debate

B. explain different attitudes of scholars and critics

C. advocate an unexpected solution to a pressing problem

D. defend the view of one group from the criticism of another

第二节 ( 共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)


We are not born with courage,but neither are we born with fear. Fears,even the most basic ones,can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships.36Fear is one of the many enemies living inside us.

Let me tell you about two of the other enemies we face from within.

The first enemy we face is indecision ( 优柔寡断) .37It will steal your chances for a better future. Take a sword to this enemy.

The second enemy inside is doubt. Sure, there's room for healthy doubt.38But you also can't let doubt take over. Many people doubt the past,doubt the future,doubt each other, doubt the government,doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities. Worst of all,they doubt themselves. I'm telling you,doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success. It will empty both your bank account and your heart.39

Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears.40Be courageous in your life and in your pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.

A. Indecision is the thief of opportunity.

B. Some people doubt everything.

C. You can't believe everything.

D. Fear,if left unchecked,can destroy our lives.

E. Doubt is an enemy. Go after it. Get rid of it.

F. It will make you weaker and weaker.

G. Build your courage to fight what's holding you back,what's keeping you from your goals and dreams.

第三部分: 英语知识运用( 共两节,满分45分)

第一节完形填空( 共20小题; 每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen 41 in almost a month. Every day,my husband and his brothers 42 go about 30 miles to get water to the fields. But if we didn't see some rain soon  we would lose 43 .

It was on this day that I learned the true lesson of44. I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers45I saw my six-year old son, Billy, walking toward the46. Walking with a great effort, He was47trying to be as still as possible. Minutes after he48into the woods; he came running out again,toward the house. Then woods again. This activity49for over an hour. Finally,I crept out of the house and50him on his journey.

He was 51 both hands in front of him as he walked; being very 52 not to spill the water he held in them  maybe two or three tablespoons in his tiny 53 . Branches and thorns slapped his little face but he did not try to 54 them. He had a much greater purpose. There several large deer lay in front of him,dying 55 water. Billy walked right up to them. I stood on the edge of the woods 56 the most beautiful heart I have ever known working so 57 to save a life. As the tears that 58 down my face began to hit the ground,they were suddenly59 by other drops  and more drops. I looked up at the sky. It was as if God,Himself, was 60 with pride.

All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm just like the actions of one little boy saved a life.

41. A. waterB. deer

C. rain D. plants

42. A. would B. could

C. shouldD. must

43. A. anythingB. something

C. everything D. nothing

44. A. cheating B. sharing

C. stealingD. treating

45. A. whileB. as

C. when D. before

46. A. house B. kitchen

C. river D. woods

47. A. obviously B. quietly

C. exactlyD. secretly

48. A. jumpedB. disappeared

C. lookedD. ran

49. A. came onB. went on

C. brought up D. ended up

50. A. followed B. watched

C. accompaniedD. led

51. A. stretchingB. holding

C. cupping D. raising

52. A. careful B. happy

C. meaningful D. upset

53. A. pocket B. hands

C. eyes D. mouth

54. A. catch B. watch

C. hideD. avoid

55. A. forB. of

C. with D. from

56. A. hearing B. watching

C. praising D. enjoying

57. A. quickly B. busily

C. hardD. kindly

58. A. rolledB. felt

C. collected D. climbed

59. A. separated B. joined

C. followed D. contained

60. A. affecting B. laughing

C. weepingD. pouring


第三部分: 英语知识运用( 共两节,满分45分)

第二节 ( 共10小题; 每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 ( 1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

Mary: I really don't know what to do this summer. I can't afford to just sit around,and there don't seem to be any jobs61( avail) .

Lucy: Why don't you try house-sitting? Last summer my friend Margaret house-sat for the Dodds when they went away62vacation. Mr. Dodd63( hire ) Margaret to stay in their house because he didn't want64left empty.

Mary: You mean the Dodds paid Margaret just to live in their house?

Lucy: It wasn't that65( ease) . She had to mow the lawn and water the house plants. And66Eric house-sat for Dr. Cohen,he had to take care of her pets.

Mary: House-sitting sounds like a good job. I guess it's quite like baby-sitting,except you're taking care of the house instead of 67 ( child) .

Lucy: The Student Employment Office still has a few jobs68( post) .

Mary: Do you have to fill out69application?

Lucy: Margaret and Eric had to interview with the homeowners and provide three references each.

Mary: That seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job.

Lucy: Well, the homeowners want some guarantee that they70trust the house-sitter.

第四部分: 写作( 共两节,满分35分)

第一节短文改错( 共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)


增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号( Λ) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( ) 划掉。

修改: 在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者( 从第11处起) 不计分。

College students have a few ways to pay their college fees. Many students have their parents to do it. Some students may apply with a bank loan but others will try to find part-time jobs in or out of the campus. Apart from this, many good student can win a scholarship,in this way they can pay at least part of the fees. As to me,I will let my parents pay half of their fees because they are that rich. Besides my study,I will take up a part-time job by teach some high school students math,physics,chemistry or English,because of I'm very good at these important subjects. Of course I will also work very hard at my lessons in order to I can easily win a scholarship.

第二节书面表达( 满分25分)

随着电子商务的发展,网络购物正日益成为青年人生活的一部分。China Daily的社会生活栏目版展开了关于网络购物的激烈讨论。 请你写一封信,谈谈网络购物的利弊以及你的看法。

注意: 1. 词数100左右。

2. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计人总词数。

Dear editor,

With the fast development of e-commerce, online shopping is increasingly becoming an unavoidable part of the young's life._________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes


Li Hua

2015年高考英语模拟试题( 四)

第一部分: 听力( 略)

第二部分: 阅读理解



【语篇导读】本文报道了Nancy Lublin收集二手衣服帮助贫困妇女求职的故事。

21. D。考查推理判断的能力。根据第二段内容和第三段第一句话可知,Nancy Lublin和她的助手收集品质好的二手衣服给求职的贫困妇女求职时穿。

22. A。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据文章最后一段中的“Since it was set up,more than 1,000 women have turned to ‘Dress for Success’for help. Many of them have won jobs. ”可知,这些求职成功的女性大都是因为有了得体的衣服。

23. A。考查句意理解的能力。这句话的意思是: 由于 “Dress for Success”的帮助,我给面试公司留下了良好的印象( 而被录取) 。

24. D。考查理解主旨和要义的能力。本文报到Nancy通过收集品质较好的二手衣服来帮助贫困妇女求职时,有较体面的衣着从而获得工作的故事。



25 . B。考查概括主旨大意的能力 。 通览全文,可知作者报道了上海市政府支持新能源汽车 而免费发 放新能源 汽车牌照 的事件。

26. A。考查推理判断的能力。文章第六段提到,现有的充电站大都在嘉定区。因此,开新能源汽车的人最好居住在嘉定。

27. D。考查推理判断的能力。他一天平均开车20km,一个月花费60元电费。他的平均花费是10元/百公里。

28. D。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第六段中的“ The city is planning to build 50 battery switch stations with 5,000 charging posts over the next three to four years. ”可知,上海的充电站还不足以满足人们开新能源汽车的 需要。


【语篇导读】本文记叙了作者在餐馆偶遇一个外表贫困,实际却是世界巨富的一个老人, 说明了不能用外貌评判人的道理。

29. B。考查猜测词义的能力。根据第一段中对这个老人外貌描写所用的词汇“unshaven”“ worn-out”等可以猜出,这是一个对人的外貌描写的贬义词。

30. A。考查推理判断的能力。根据第二段中的“I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat. ”可知,作者为老人买咖啡是因为他认为老人穷,买不起咖啡。

31. D。考查概括主旨大意的能力。作者以为穿着破烂,不修边幅的老人是乞丐,但实际是世界上最富有、最有权势的人。因此,我们不能以外貌评判人。


【语篇导读】本文根据John Philip Sousa的科技会破坏音乐的观点,陈述了不同的看法和自己的观点。

32. D。考查概括主旨大意的能力。根据第一段中的“the composer and bandleader John Philip Sousa warned that technology would destroy music”可知,这段是总结一个观点,后面用他自己的话论述他的观点。

33. D。考查理解作者的意图、观点和态度的能力。根据第四段中的“ But neither can I accept Gould's slashing futurism. I want to be aware of technology's effects,positive and negative. ”可知,作者对于录音音乐的态 度是客观的。

34. B。考查猜测词义的能力。根据最后一段中的“Fortunately,scholars and critics have been methodically exploring this terrain for many decades”可猜测出,terrain的意思是“领域, 知识范围”,和subject相似。

35. A。考查概括主旨大意的能力。从文章第三段和第四段的内容可知: 这篇文章主要是陈述现在正在进行辩论的一个关键问题。



36. D。前两个句子和答案形成排比: 恐惧可以摧毁机遇; 可以摧毁人际关系; 置之不理, 还会摧毁我们自己的生活。

37. A。第一个敌人是优柔寡断,优柔寡断是机遇的窃贼,它会偷取我们更好未来的机会。 根据关键词“indecision”“ steal”“ chances”容易选出答案A。

38. C。空后but表明后面句子的意思和应选答案内容相反,和前面的内容相似。因此, 该处应该选择一个表示合理怀疑的句子。

39. E。本段阐述怀疑的内容,最后总结过分怀疑的弊端和解决办法。

40. G。本段呼吁与自己内心的敌人进行斗争。与恐惧进行斗争,与任何阻碍你成功的个性弱点进行斗争。

第三部分: 英语知识运用


【语篇导读】本文讲述了一个小孩子把自己仅有的一些水让给快要渴死了的鹿喝 的故事。

41. C。这是一个干旱的季节,我们有一个月没有见到“下雨”了。

42. A。每天,我的丈夫和他的兄弟们“将会”走30英里找水浇地。表示习惯性动作,用would。

43. C。再不下雨,我们就要失去“一切”。

44. B。下文说明孩子把自己的水“分享” 给干渴的鹿。

45. C。我正在厨房忙着做午饭,“突然” 看见6岁的儿子朝“树林”走去。when用于“be doing when  ”句式,表示“正在做 …… 突然……”。

46. D。下文提示儿子一会从“树林里 ” 出来。

47. A。他走路很努力,“显然”是想尽力保持平稳。

48. B。几分钟后他“消失”进了树林。

49. B。走进树林,然后出来。这样的动作 “持续”了一个多小时。

50. A。最后我悄悄地出屋来“跟着”他, 看他在做什么。

51. C。他双手“捧”着水。

52. A。他“小心翼翼地”走路是为了不弄洒手里的水。

53. B。他的两只“小手”里捧了2 ~ 3勺子的水。

54. D。树枝和尖刺拍打着他的脸,为了不洒水,他也没有尽力去“躲避”它们。

55. A。鹿卧在地上,渴的要死。be dying for sth. 意为“极其渴望得到……”。

56. B。我站在树林边缘,“注视着”可爱的儿子。

57. C。儿子如此 “努力地”奔波是为了挽救一条生命。

58. A。泪珠“滚落”我的脸颊,落在地上。

59. B。根据句意可知雨滴“加入”了。

60. C。我抬头看天,天下雨了,好像上帝也骄傲地“哭了”。


61. available。形容词available做后置定语修饰jobs。

62. on。 固定搭配on vacation表示“度假”。

63. hired。用hire的过去式做谓语。

64. it。it指代前面出现过的their house。

65. easy。 that相当于so,后面用形容词easy做系动词wasn't的表语。

66. when。当Eric为Dr. Cohen家看房子时,还要照顾她的那些宠物。填when引导时间状语从句。

67. children。看房子就像看孩子,只不过你照看的是房子而不是孩子。instead of后面没有冠词,因此用复数形式children。

68. posted。学生就业办公室还有几个已经公布的工作。post和jobs是被动关系,故用posted。

69. an。你还需要填申请表吗? application是可数名词,而且是元音开头,因此用冠词an修饰。

70. can。房主需要看房人提供担保才会相信他们。由语境可知需要填情态动词can。

第四部分: 写作


1. 第二句中去掉to,have后的宾语补足语不能加to。

2. 第三句中with改为for,apply for “申请……”。

3. 第三句中but改为and,并列的两种支付学费的方式。

4. 第四句中student改为students,前有many修饰,故用复数。

5. 第四句中this改为which,引导非限制性定语从句应用which。

6. 第五句中their改为my,根据上下文逻辑关系,应当是我的学费的一半。

7. 第五句中are后加not,应当是父母不富裕,所以才付一半的钱。

8. 第六句中teach改为teaching,介词by后应用动名词做宾语。

9. 第六句中去掉of,引导原因状语从句用because。

10. 第七句中to改为that,用in order that引导目的状语从句。


One possible version:

Dear editor,

With the fast development of e-commerce, online shopping is increasingly becoming an unavoidable part of the young's life. That the Online shopping becomes so popular with the young definitely has its own reasons. First and foremost,online shopping usually means something you buy both cheap in price and better in quality. Besides,goods you get online come to you fast as well as conveniently, saving your tiredness of shopping and walking. But the other side of the coin is also true. Goods bought online are not as fine as that from the store which you can watch, feel and smell by yourself. Some online shoppers become impatient or even unreasonable after you have paid for the goods.

In my opinion, we should enhance our e-commerce laws to regulate the activities of online purchase. Meanwhile,as the online customers,we should be cautious while shopping online.

Best wishes


2011年高考英语重庆卷试题评析 第11篇



> 辨析语音,考查细节


2. How much are the potatoes?

A. 6 cents a pound.B. 16 cents a pound.

C. 60 cents a pound.

【解析】阅读四个选项,很明显不同之处在于三个数字:6、16和60。这三个词在英语中的读音非常相近,尤其是B (-teen)和C (-ty)选项,稍不留神就会弄混。此题正确答案为B。


16. When did Einstein move to the United States?

A. In 1905.B. In 1933.C. In 1955.

【解析】这是一道细节考查题,更准确地说,这道题考查了考生对年份(数字)的敏感度。考生在听前5分钟浏览听力题目时,应将解题关键词when作标记,听的时候才能有的放矢。根据录音中“In 1933, Einstein left Europe for the United States”可知本题正确答案为B。

考查细节辨析的题还有第1题(解题关键词who)、第6题(解题关键词why)、第10题(解题关键词how)、第12题(解题关键词why)、第14题(解题关键词where)、第15题(解题关键词first job)、第18题(解题关键词best season)、第19题(解题关键词length)和第20题(解题关键词best-loved activity)。考生如果在听录音前找出了这些解题关键词,听的时候多注意与之相关的细节,相信选出正确答案并不难。

值得一提的是,最后一段独白的三道题以填空的形式给出,没有选项设置,增加了解题难度。这三道题都是细节题,需要考生对材料准确把握。尤其是第18题和第20题,与解题相关的信息都在录音中先出现中心语,之后紧跟修饰的定语部分。例如:第18题问“The best season to visit the park”,录音为“You have made the right choice to be here in spring, the best time of the year....”所以应填入Spring;第20题问“The best-loved activity”,而录音为“If you like, you may have a picnic by the lake, the best-loved activity in our park.”所以应填入picnic。

> 捕捉关键,判断场景


3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a restaurant.B. On a farm.

C. At home.

【解析】从选项可以判断,此题考查地点推断。本题选用了考生比较熟悉的餐馆作为场景,通过录音中的关键词组a cup of coffee和a chicken sandwich可选出正确答案A。

> 审听录音,仔细筛选

听力中常常出现“what do”题型,询问某个说话人做过什么或者要去做什么,而这种题型的某两个选项甚至三个选项所描述的事件通常都会在录音中出现。这种情况下,考生如果凭借经验以为“所听即所选”就会犯难,甚至错选。这类题有第4题、第7题、第11题和第13题。考生只有耐心地听完全段录音,结合题干要求仔细加以筛选,才能去伪存真,选出正确答案。

> 把握整体,判断主旨


8. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. An interesting party.B. A beautiful farm.

C. A wonderful weekend.

【解析】此题考查对话的主要内容,需要考生听完录音之后再判断。对话以“How was your weekend”开头,之后所谈论的内容全都围绕上周末的所见所闻展开,其中确实提及“a party”和“beautiful farmland”。但很明显,A和B选项都是断章取义,只有C选项才能全面概括整段对话的内容,故正确答案为C。

考查主旨题的题干中通常会出现“what is the conversation (mainly) about”或“what are the speakers talking about”等类似字眼,考生应遵循以上“听清→理解→分析→结论”四步走的原则来解题。除第8题外,这类题还有第5题、第9题和第17题。




> 相同点


30. To show our respect, we usually have to take our gloves off _____ we are to shake hands with.

A. whichever B. whenever

C. whoever D. wherever

【解析】本题考查状语从句。介词with是解题关键,“shake hands with sb.”是固定搭配,意为“与某人握手”,所以正确答案为C。如果题干中没有with,那么B、D选项均可。

34. It is not always easy for the public to see _____ use a new invention can be of to human life.

A. whoseB. what

C. which D. that


26. In communication, a smile is usually _____ strong sign of a friendly and _____ open attitude.

A. the; /B. a; an C. a; / D. the; an

【解析】本题考查冠词,a sign of 意为“一个……的标志”,不定冠词a/an往往表示“一”的意义。而第二空,open与friendly一样,都修饰名词attitude,因此共用一个冠词a即可。正确答案为C。

27. —Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like.

—What do you think of _____ over there?

A. the one B. this

C. itD. that

【解析】本题考查代词的用法。This和that常指代上文的不可数名词,the one和 it常指代上文的单数可数名词,而luggage是不可数名词,在B和D中选择。根据题干中的over there可知,应用that而不是this。正确答案为D。

> 不同点


28. I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, _____?

A. could he B. didn't IC. didn't you D. could they

【解析】本题考查宾语从句中的反义疑问句。通常情况下,宾语从句中的反义疑问句应以主句为准。但有一种例外,如果主句的主语是第一人称I或we, 谓语是think、suppose、expect、believe等时,宾语从句中的反义疑问句通常以从句为准,也就是我们通常所说的“反义疑问句否定转移”。分析题干可知,主句的主语是I,谓语是tell,反义疑问句以主句为主,不需要否定转移,因此正确答案为B。

32. —Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?

—Of course, I have. It was in our village _____ it was made.

A. thatB. where

C. whenD. which

【解析】本题考查强调句。分析题干结构,答句“it was ...”很容易让人联想到强调句的结构“it is/was ... that”,被强调的部分是表示地点的状语in our village。进一步检查,去掉强调结构后,句子变为“it was made in our village”,结构和意思都完整,证明此题正是强调句。故正确答案为A。





> 词汇掌握硬道理,新增词汇要抓牢

如前文所言,绝大部分选项没有考查词汇间的辨析,考生只需判定其含义,基本上就可选出正确答案。仅有少部分词汇属大纲内但学生不常用的,如文章中的awkward以及选项中的objected to等。例如第48题:

He was the one I always48 for strength and security.

A. turned toB. lived with

C. argued with D. objected to

【解析】本题考查四个词组的基本意思。A选项turn to意为“向……求助”;B选项live with意为“忍受,容忍”;C选项argue with意为“与……争论”;D选项object to意为“反对”。只要知道各选项的基本含义,考生就能轻松选对该题,正确答案为A。



We were thrown into the water, and Dad was struggling aimlessly. At that moment, I felt fiercely52of him.

A. ashamedB. protective

C. tired D. afraid

【解析】大纲中只有protect和 protection,考生要选对该题,一是用排除法,二是掌握后缀“-ive”的用法。正确答案为B,protective意为“保护的,防护的”。



... but at this moment he 45.

A. suffered B. fell

C. froze D. withdraw


> 全文上下要联系,前后呼应不能少


Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but not good at 36.

A. boatingB. running

C. swimmingD. teaching

【解析】本题要联系后文“We were thrown into the water, and Dad was struggling aimlessly ... I swam to Dad”,才能确定此处说的是“父亲不擅长游泳(not good at swimming)”,正确答案为C。

The last time Dad and I set sail together is really 38 .

A. unforgivableB. unforgettable

C. cheerfulD. regretful





> 传统现代相得益彰,兼收并蓄


> 长短结合,易难兼具,由浅入深


首先,今年的阅读理解部分明显对考生的词汇量提出了更高的要求,文章本身长度有所增加,文章中出现的单词也更长更“高级”,如capable、bird-watching、multi-layered、harmony、sensibility、unchallenged、concerning等。更值得注意的是,在题干和选项中也出现了较多的高级词汇, 如第57题的B选项aging、第65题的C选项approving、第71题的C选项ambition、第73题的C选项convince和D选项industry-funded等,给考生解题增加了难度。


最后,五篇文章排列由易到难,长难句较多,对考生的英语语言能力提出了更高的要求。如D篇中的“Had Yeats stopped writing at age 40, he would probably now be valued as a minor poet, for there is no other example in literature history of a poet who produced his greatest works between the ages of 50 and 75.”该句融虚拟语气、倒装句和定语从句于一体,又是第69小题的解题关键所在,着实让不少语言能力较差的考生读后犹如“腾云驾雾,不知所云”。更值得一提的是,E篇文章通篇几乎都是长难句,加上又是跳跃性思维较强的论辩性文章,很多考生只能望句兴叹。


今年的短文改错和往年一样,是一篇贴近学生生活的记叙文。从题目难度来说,较2010年略有下降。从题目设置来说,较往年有所变化。一般说来,历年改错所呈现的规律基本为错词:缺词:多词 = 8:1:1,今年恰好符合这个规律;但是去年稍有不同,总结起来为错词:缺词:多词 = 7:2:1。另外,今年的考题增加了一道考查名词性物主代词的题(第77题)。去年没有考查连接词(and和or的选择),但今年却考查了(第83题)。名词考查的依然是单复数问题(第82题),冠词考查的是是否使用冠词的问题(第84题)。另外,形容词、副词部分考查的是词义辨析(第81题)。介词依旧考查的是固定搭配(第76题)。就连接成分来说,分别考查了并列连词的逻辑问题(第83题)以及名词性从句中连接代词的错用(第85题)。而就动词来说,分别考查了三项内容,即时态(第80题)、主谓一致(第79题)以及非谓语动词(第78题)。

虽然今年的短文改错题整体难度较低,但还是有几道题值得大家特别重视。例如第79题考查主谓一致,原文是:“Katia, like many other Russian girls, are nice and lively.”出题者有意将主语Katie和谓语用插入语分开,而靠近谓语的名词是复数girls,很多考生因此将其当成了主语,或者根据“就近原则”,就认为谓语are没错。




> 观点新颖,要点齐全


> 直入主题,语言精练


> 长短句配合,主被动相间

一篇好的文章除了要点齐全、措辞恰当,还要做到句式多样。长句可以展示考生的语言功底,短句则有画龙点睛之功。例如,在表示“有意参加”时,可使用长句“It's my great honor to be involved in the activity in which every student speaks for their animals.”或者“If permitted to take part in the activity, I will feel extremely grateful.”而短句“I love/care for animals.”则可以言简意赅地说明自己富有爱心、关爱动物。主被动句式的交替使用能令文章表达丰富多彩,主动句可表说话者的主动性和积极性,被动句可用于客观陈述。

> 关系清晰,衔接自然

文章要做到一气呵成、朗朗上口,就必须注意句子间的衔接和逻辑关系。此时要注意逻辑关系词的运用,如but、yet、however表转折;although、though、despite、in spite of、regardless of表让步;both ... and、as well as、neither ... nor、either ... or表并列;in addition、besides、moreover、furthermore表递进;because of、due to、owing to、thanks to、on account of表因果等。






2013年高考英语模拟试题(一) 第12篇







21.In the opinion of me,we can live_______low-carbon life by the means such as walking instead of driving_______car.



22.—How many workers smoke in your factory at present?

—The smokers of our factory__________almost half of the total number of workers.

A.take upB.build up

C.fix upD.make up

23.—Recently we have been very busy and tired.

—Yes.Let's try to find an occasion__________we can have a rest and get relaxed.



24.The meeting__________at the end of next month will be very historic in the socialist construction of our city.


C.to be heldD.being held

25.—This city is really very noisy and I can't sleep well at night.

—Since you used to live in the country,you__________in such a noisy city.

A.shouldn't settle

B.shouldn't have settled

C.can't have settled

D.needn't have settled

26.—Why are all the animals running here and there?

—A hunterin __________the forest all the morning.

A.is huntingB.has hunted

C.has been hunting D.hunts

27.What was it that he learned in the University__________made him make great achievements in his work twenty years later?



28.As you can see,to the east of our school__________which is clean as well as quiet.

A.lies a lakeB.does a lake lie

C.a lake liesD.a lake does lie

29.I just can't understand why you failed to keep your promise__________you would buy your daughter a gift on her sixteenth birthday.



30.—Can you speak English or French?

—__________.I speak English here and French in France.



31.How I wish I__________the football match last night!Our football team lost the match again.

A.had watchedB.hadn't watched

C.hasn't watchedD.didn't watch

32.Hearing the children's sad story,he devoted all he had to__________a school for them.


C.buildingD.be building

33.Stop talking,boys and girls.The latest sports news__________.Let's listen to it.

A.is broadcastB.has been broadcast

C.is being broadcast D.has been broadcasting

34.Upon his getting home after a busy day,he lay on bed,__________.

A.tired and hungrily B.tiredly and hungry

C.tired and hungryD.tiredly and hungrily

35.—When shall we discuss the important matter concerned with the low-carbon economy?

—__________.It's all the same to me.

A.It's up to you to decide

B.That's all right

C.You're welcome

D.It just depends



James Bender,in his book How to Talk Well relates the story of a farmer who grew award-winning corn.Each year he entered his 36 in the state fair where it won the highest 37.One year a newspaper reporter 38 him and learned something interesting about how he 39 it.

The reporter 40 that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors.“How can you 41 to share your best seed corn with your neighbors 42they also enter the competition each year?If you43 to do so,your corn will 44 nothing.”the reporter said.

“Why didn't you know,sir?”said the farmer.“The 45 picks up pollen(花粉)from the ripening corn and 46 it from field to field.If my neighbors grow bad corn,cross-pollination(异花授粉)will steadily lower the 47 of my corn.If I am to grow good corn,I must 48 my neighbors to grow good corn.”

He is aware of the connection of life.His corn can't 49 unless his neighbor's corn becomes better.

So it is in other aspects.Those who choose to be at peace must help their 50 to be at peace.Whoever wants to live well must help others live well,for the 51 of life is measured by the lives it touches.And if we 52 to be happy we must help others find happiness,for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.

The 53 for each of us is this:if we are to grow good corn,we must help our neighbors grow good corn.Let's 54 this and keep it in mind.If so,everyone can 55 from it.






C.questioned D.met

39.A.made B.grew



C.explained D.analysed

41.A.try B.manage

C.afford D.tend

42.A.because B.when

C.before D.unless

43.A.have B.choose

C.continue D.stop

44.A.bear B.sell

C.have D.win

45.A.air B.wind

C.rain D.sun

46.A.lifts B.carries

C.holds D.fixes

47.A.size B.shape

C.quality D.number

48.A.encourage B.inspire

C.advise D.help




C.neighbors D.brothers

51.A.content B.value

C.appearance D.aim

52.A.intend B.decide



C.rule D.order

54.A.keep B.possess

C.own D.follow

55.A.recover B.benefit







The hardworking blacksmith Jones used to work all day in his shop and so hard working was he that at times he would make the sparks(火花)fly from his hammer.

The son of Mr.Smith,a rich neighbor,used to come to see the blacksmith every day and for hours and hours he would enjoy himself watching how the tradesman worked.

“Young man,why don't you try your hand to learn to make shoe tacks(钉),even if it is only to pass the time?”said the blacksmith.“Who knows,one day,it may be of use to you.”

The lazy boy began to see what he could do.But after a little practice he found that he was becoming very skilled and soon he was making some of the finest tacks.

Old Mr.Smith died and the son on account of the war lost all his goods.He had to leave home and was forced to live in another country.It so happened that in this village there were many shoemakers who were spending a lot of money to buy tacks for their shoes and even at times when they paid high prices they were not always able to get what they wanted,because in that part of the country there was a high demand for soldiers'shoes.

Our young Mr.Smith,who was finding it difficult to earn his daily bread,remembered that once upon a time he had learned the art of making tacks and had the sudden idea of making a bargain with the shoemakers.He told them that he would make the tacks if they would help to get him settled in his workshop.The shoemakers were only too glad of the offer.And after a while,Mr.Smith found that he was soon making the finest tacks in the village.

“How funny it seems,”he used to say,“even making tacks can bring a fortune.”

56.What kind of boy was young Mr.Smith?

A.Lazy and stupid.

B.Lazy but clever.

C.Dishonest and mean.

D.Dishonest but generous.

57.Why did young Mr.Smith live in a foreign country?

A.Because his father died.

B.Because he lost all his goods.

C.Because a village there wanted him.

D.Because he could make money there.

58.What did making tacks bring young Mr.Smith in the end?

A.A beautiful wife.

B.A workshop.

C.A higher social position.

D.A fortune.


TOKYO,May 24(Xinhua)—The Tokyo city government is excited about the decision of the International Olympic Committee(IOC)to pick up Tokyo as one of the three candidate cities of hosting the 2020summer Olympic Games,said governor Shintaro Ishihara Thursday.

Tokyo,Madrid and Istanbul moved to the final stage of the selection process after their bid plans gained the nod from the IOC Executive Board Wednesday evening in Quebec City of Canada.

“Today,we took another new step forward in the2020 bidding journey.The whole of Japan should be united to achieve our goal to host the 2020 Games,”Ishihara told a press conference in responding to the candidacy result.

The three short-listed cities,along with Baku,capital of Azerbaijan,and Doha,capital of Qatar,were the five cities bidding for hosting the 2020 Games.Rome withdrew its bid in February due to Italy's financial crisis.

Japanese Olympic Committee President Tsunekazu Takeda said that“The biggest challenge for us now is to let more Japanese people know that we are bidding for the 2020 Summer Olympic Games,and we should communicate with the public about what kind of Olympic they want.So media support is needed as well as support from the Japanese people.”

Tokyo is bidding to host an Olympics for the first time since the 1964 Games,the only Summer Games Japan has held so far.The Tokyo 2020 bid committee submitted its application in February,as part of a plan to make Japan recover from the March 11,2011 earthquake and tsunami.

However,Tokyo had received surprisingly low public support for its bid compared with the four other cities when they submitted the bid files to the IOC.

Public support for Tokyo's bid was the lowest at65.2 percent,while Baku had the most public support at 90 percent,followed by Istanbul at 87.1 percent.

The IOC will select a host city in Buenow Aires on September 7,2013.

59.How many cities wanted to bid for hosting the2020 summer Olympic Games in the very beginning?



60.Why did Japan want to bid for hosting the2020 summer Olympic Games?

A.To earn more money.

B.To raise its international position.

C.To recover from the earthquake disaster.

D.To get people's pity.

61.What does Japan need most to bid for hosting the 2020 summer Olympic Games?

A.The public's support.

B.Enough international support.

C.Enough money.

D.Correct earthquake forecast.

62.Which of the following is Not true?

A.Japan held the Olympic Games for the first time in 1964.

B.Of the three candidate cities of hosting the2020 summer Olympic Games Baku got the most public support.

C.Whether Tokyo can host the 2020 summer Olympic Games will be decided on September 7,2013.

D.The International Olympic Committee decided on the three candidate cities in Canada.


Architects have designed an unbelievable 65-storey earth-scraper(摩地大楼)which goes down 300 metres below ground.The amazing upside down pyramid in the middle of Mexico City is designed to get around(规避)height limits on new buildings in the capital.

The underground building will have 10 storeys each for homes,shops and a museum,as well as 35storeys for offices.The design has been crowned(为……加冕)with a Mexican flag.

Esteban Suarez,from architecture firm BNKR Arquitectura,said the building would also house a new cultural centre.

He said:“New infrastructure(基础设施),offices,shops and living space are required in the city but no empty plots are available.”

“Federal(联邦的)and local laws prohibit pulling down historic buildings and even if this was so,height regulations limit new structures to eight storeys.”

“The city's historic centre is in desperate need of a reconstruction but we have nowhere to put it,this means the only way to go is down.”

He added:“The Earth-scraper keeps the iconic(标志性的)presence of the city square and the existing hierarchy(层次)of the buildings that surround it.”

“It is an upside down pyramid with a central void(空白)to allow all habitable spaces to enjoy natural lighting and fresh air.”

“It will also allow the activities that take place on the city square year round such as concerts,open-air exhibitions and military parades(阅兵)to go ahead.”

Pyramids play a large part in the architectural history of Mexico,as the country's ancient civilizations(文明)often built huge pyramid structures.

Esteban added:“The Earth-scraper digs down through the layers of cities to uncover our roots.”

63.What do Paragraphs 4~6 mainly tell us?

A.The laws of federal and local governments.

B.The convenience of the underground earthscraper.

C.The reasons of building the underground earth-scraper.

D.The new structure of the buildings in Mexico.

64.How many storeys can a new building in Mexico City have according to federal and local laws?

A.8 storeys.B.10 storeys.

C.20 storeys.D.35 storeys.

65.From Paragraphs 7~9,we can mainly know_________.

A.the advantages of the underground building

B.the building procedures of the underground building

C.the background information of the yearly activities such as concerts

D.the richness of the ancient civilizations in Mexico

66.What does the underlined words in the last paragraph mean?

A.pyramids B.ancient civilizations

C.the layers of cities D.building pyramids


A 56-year-old Canadian man who left home after his business went bankrupt(破产)completed an 11-year walk around the world on Sunday,and told a crowd of well-wishers his new goal was to promote peace.

Jean Beliveau—who arrived to a hero's welcome in Montreal from loved ones,lawmakers and supporters—said his“real aim”was to advise Canada and other governments to create“ministries of peace.”

“We are all different,and that is what is beautiful about life on Earth our different colors,different beliefs,different political systems,”he said.

“Those are all musical notes...we must create harmony from them,create a common tune(旋律),”an emotional Beliveau told the crowd gathering at city hall in the old part of the city.

Beliveau left Montreal on the day of his 45th birthday—August 18,2000—after his small sign business went bankrupt.He decided to run around the world to try to escape the pain.

The Canadian ran all the way to Atlanta,Georgia before slowing his walk for what would become the longest uninterrupted walk around the world:75,000 kilometers(46,600 miles)across 64 countries.

Over 11 years,he traveled across deserts and mountains.He fell in love for nine days in Mexico,wore a turban(头巾)and a long beard in Sudan,ate snake in China,and was escorted(护送)by armed soldiers in the Philippines.

Upon his return on Sunday,Beliveau reunited with his mother,whom she had not seen throughout his 11years on the road.She welcomed him in a tight embrace.

Longtime girlfriend Luce Archambault,who offered Beliveau emotional and financial support throughout his journey,and his two children from a previous marriage were also on hand for the celebration.

More than 100 supporters walked the final kilometers with Beliveau through the streets of Montreal.

Archambault,who flew to join Beliveau wherever he was once a year so they could spend Christmas together,said last month:“I'm his Penelope and he is my Ulysses.”

67.After his business failed,Beliveau__________.

A.felt very sadB.kept calm

C.was still confident D.felt hopeless

68.The seventh paragraph describes Beliveau's__________.



69.Whom did the passage not mention?

A.Beliveau's father.

B.Beliveau's girlfriend.

C.Beliveau's children.

D.Beliveau's mother.

70.What is the relationship between Penelope and Ulysses?





Recently an inventor has received an amazing present from the U.S.Patent and Trademark Office.

Ignacio Marc Asperas,of Melville,New York,was granted(授予)an astonishing patent for“making a snowman/woman”,five years after he first applied.

The inventor wrote a 25-page document with details on how to roll symmetrical(匀称的)snow balls and construct body parts such as arms and shoulders.71

“If you're like me,you enjoy building snow men big,”Mr Asperas wrote in the patent.“The bigger,the better.One problem is there isn't always someone around to help.72 Over the years,I have developed different tricks to assist my self-style of building snow people.My favourite trick is to use the long end of a shovel(铲)as a lever(杆)to turn the snowman when it is really big.”

73 But he said he knows nothing about its his-tory and had often had trouble with his back when building up a snowman,reported Gawker and Huffington Post.

“My snowman will not be as revolutionary to the advancement of mankind as the wheel and the toaster oven.74”Mr Asperas wrote in the application.

Mr Asperas said some problems people come across when building snowmen are the size,the amount of snow available and the positioning on the ground.

“We are living in the 21st century now,”he wrote.“We have created the internet.China is getting ready to send a person to the moon.And we invented silly putty,perhaps one of the all-time greatest inventions a big kid ever invented.75”

Mr Asperas said he wants to create a snowman that is“perfect every time”.The patent was first spotted by a number of technology websites,including Geek.com.

A.Can't somebody build a better snowman?

B.But nobody has considered building a snowman.

C.But no one has ever thought and reduced to practice such a large snowman.

D.It is very difficult by yourself.

E.He described the original inventor of the snowman as a“genius”.

F.I'm proud of my invention.

G.He insists he is being absolutely serious.











Good morning,class!Next Monday will our 15th Sports Day.And here was a plan for the day.The Opening of the Sports Day will start at 8:30 in the morning.Make sure of you won't be late for them.After that,we'll have a 100-meter race.The race will start at 9:00 and end up at 12:00.Your breakfast break will begin at 12:30.You will have one hour and thirty minute for it.After lunch,we will have a high jump.A high jump will start at 2 pm.Finally,we will have a football match,that will start at half past three.It must be excited.Hope you'll have fun!





Now,in the bathhouses of some universities,students are charged for the amount of time in a shower,about which different people have different ideas.






22.D。由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“占……份额”,因此应填make up。

23.A。句中an occasion意为“机会”,属表示时间的名词,且在从句中做时间状语,因此该空应填when引导定语从句。

24.C。空档表示“将要被举行”,因此应填不定式的被动式to be held作后置定语。

25.B。分析题干语境逻辑可知,该空表示“本来不应该(在这样一个喧嚣的城市)定居”,因此应填shouldn't have settled。

26.C。由Why are all the animals running here and there?与all the morning可以推出空档表示“(整个上午)一直在打猎”,因此应填现在完成进行时has been hunting。


28.A。to the east of our school为地点状语,置于句首时应使用完全倒装句型。

29.C。you would buy your daughter a gift on her sixteenth birthday说明your promise的内容,因此该空应填that引导同位语从句。

30.B。由I speak English here and French in France.可以推出空档表示“两者都”,因此应填Both。

31.B。该空表示对过去情况发出的主观愿望,且表示“没有看”,因此应填hadn't watched。


33.C。由Stop talking和Let's listen to it.可以推出空档表示“现在正在被播放”,因此应填现在进行时被动语态的动词形式is being broadcast。

34.C。该空做伴随状语,因此应填形容词短语tired and hungry。

35.A。由It's all the same to me.可以推出该空表示“由你决定”,所以应填It's up to you to decide。



36.D。由上文award-winning corn可以推出该空应填corn。













49.A。由下文becomes better可以反推该空应填improve。











56.B。推理判断题。由第四节首句中的lazy和第二句But after a little practice he found that he was becoming very skilled and soon he was making some of the finest tacks.可以推出史密斯先生的儿子懒惰但聪明。


58.D。细节判断题。原文第七节首句“How funny it seems,”he used to say,“even making tacks can bring a fortune.”体现答案。




60.C。推理判断题。由原文第六节The Tokyo2020 bid committee submitted its application in February,as part of a plan to make Japan recover from the March 11,2011 earthquake and tsunami.可以推出日本申请举办2020年夏季奥运会的目的是从地震灾难中恢复。


62.B。细节判断题。原文第二节Tokyo,Madrid and Istanbul moved to the final stage of the selection process after their bid plans gained the nod表明Baku不是2020年夏季奥运会的候选城市。




64.A。细节判断题。原文第五节height regulations limit new structures to eight storeys体现答案。





67.A。推理判断题。由原文第五节He decided to run around the world to try to escape the pain.可以推断事业失败之后Beliveau感到很难受。

68.D。归纳综合题。由原文第七节traveled across deserts and mountains,in Mexico,in Sudan,in China,in the Philippines等关键词语可以推出它主要描绘了Beliveau途中的经历。

69.A。细节判断题。原文第八节中的reunited with his mother和第九节中的Longtime girlfriend,his two children体现答案。




71~75 GDECA



1.our前加be 2.here后的was改为is 3.sure后的of改为that 4.for后的them改为it 5.去掉end后的up 6.breakfast改为lunch 7.minute改为minutes 8.high前的A改为The 9.will前的that改为which 10.excited改为exciting


One possible version:

Now,in the bathhouses of some universities,students are charged for the amount of time in a shower,about which different people have different ideas.

Some support it.They think when charge depends on time,much water,money and time is saved.Besides,bathhouses will not be so crowded.

However,others don't think so.They think when a button is pressed for soap,inconvenience is brought.What's worse,not knowing how soon they can finish their shower,some students feel anxious.What's worst,some students may be embarrassed if their time is up and they're still covered in soap.

In my opinion,this measure can save time,money and water and develop the sense of saving water,time and money.However,we should also consider the convenience.If possible,let students pay after the shower.
