


测试目标 第1篇



1 根本错误的观点:“软件测试的目标是为了确保软件不存在软件缺陷”



其次,从软件测试的角度根本不可能完全测试一个程序。第一个原因,不可能测试所有的输入,“就算是最简单地一个完成两个一位或两位数相加的小程序,其有效的输入也有39 601个不同数对”[1];第二个原因,不可能测试程序中所有的执行路径,“一个仅包含一个循环和一些IF语句的总共20行代码的简单程序,其程序的执行路径有100万亿条之多”[2]。

再次,在软件测试的过程中,即使发现了软件缺陷,并且进行了改正,但是你必须再一次进行测试,你会发现更多的软件缺陷。因为“如果对程序源代码的改动在1 0行以内或更少,那么首次就正确改正程序的可能性有50%;如果对程序源代码的改动在50行左右,那么首次就正确改正程序的可能性仅有20%”[3],这就意味着改正一个错误,可能会产生另一个错误,只有改正了第一个,第二个才会暴露出来。

2 让测试人员走上失败之路的观点:“软件测试的目标是为了验证软件能够正常运转”


其次,程序不可能全部正确运行。程序在完成时都存在缺陷,“在交付测试的程序中,每1 00条可执行语句的平均错误数量是1到3个”[4],“在设计和编码时个体缺陷率为1.5个/可执行语句,也就是每写100行可执行语句就会产生150处错误”[5]。


3 软件测试的真正目标:本着对用户负责的态度,找到以前没有发现的并且在用户使用过程中将对用户造成重大影响的软件缺陷,最终实现预防缺陷的目标







4 结语






[1]Cem Kaner,Jack Falk,Hung Ouoc Nguyen.Testing Computer software[M].王峰,陈杰,喻琳译.第2版.北京:机械工业出版社,2004.

[2]Myers,G.J..The Art of Software Testing[M].New York:John Wiley & Sons,1979.

[3]Martin J.& McClure C.Software Maintenance: The Problem and Its Solutions[M].Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall,1983.

[4]Beizer,B..Software Testing Techniques[M].第2版. New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold,1990.

测试:你有怎样的事业目标? 第2篇










新目标七年级下期中测试(二) 第3篇

1. ——Is Tom looking at the blackboard?


A. Yes, he look at the blackboard

B. No, he isn’t

C. Yes, he looks at the blackboard

D. No, he is

2. ——What does Lin Tao like, football or basketball?

——____ I think basketball.

A. I don’t have one.B. I’m not sure.

C. I don’t think so.D. Don’t you know?

3. How many ____ would you like?

A. bottle of oranges B. bottles of orange

C. bottles of oranges D. bottle of orange

4.Let’s ____ what animal this is.

A. guess B. think C. takeD. bring

5.We have ____ for you as a reporter.

A. jobB. works C. a workD. a job

6.Anna wants ____ a pizza with olives and cheese.

A. orderB. ordersC. to order D. ordering

7.How do you arrive ____ Beijing and how do you get ____ Jiangxi Hotel?

A. at, to B. in, to C. to, toD. to, in

8.The hotel is ____ 25 Chang’an Street.

A. on B. in C. at D. from

9.Owen is a good football ____.

A. play B. plays C. playing D. player

10. ——What day is ____ today?

——It’s Monday.

A. date B. hour C. time D. it

11. The children are having ____ in the park.

A. good time B. a good time C. good times D. the good time

12. ____ fine weather it is!

A. What a B. What C. How D. How a

13. ——Thank you for your help.


A. All right B. OK

C. It’s a pleasure D. No thanks

14. There’re many ____ on the big tree.

A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves D. leave

15. ——What does Mrs Smith do?


A. She’s Bill’s motherB. She’s at home

C. She’s a nurseD. She’s from China


Sun Jun’s home isn’t far from the school. It’s about 10 __1__ by bus. But he has a problem. The classes begin at a quarter to eight. He is often late for class.

Sun Jun usually __2__ at six, but he gets up at half past six. So he is busy in the morning and sometimes he doesn’t have time to have __3__ for breakfast. He leaves home at ten past seven, but he is still late. He is sorry __4__ it.

Today his mother is ill. She stays in bed all day. His father is out and he must look after her at home. He gives his mother medicine __5__ the right time. It’s twenty to eight __6__ now. He’s late again. He says with tears in his eyes, “Sorry, sir.” “That’s all right. You are a good boy!”

1.A. secondsB. minutesC. hoursD. days

2.A. stands upB. wakes upC. gets upD. climbs up

3.A. somethingB. nothingC. anythingD. everything

4.A. toB. atC. forD. with

5.A. ofB. inC. onD. at

6.A. rightB. justC. toD. at



There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Spring is a beautiful season. It’s from March to May. In spring, the trees turn green; the grass comes out. Everything looks new.

Summer is a happy season. It’s from June to August. In summer, we can swim and eat a lot of ice cream. Of course, we have a long holiday, summer holiday! At that time, we can join the summer camp. That’s great.

Autumn is a colorful season. It’s from September to November. In autumn, the trees and grass turn yellow. They’re different, light, dark, yellow and brown, sometimes red. The colors are beautiful.

Winter is a white season. It’s from December to February. In winter, it begins to snow in most of China. Snow is white, and everything looks white. The boys and girls like playing with snow.

1. Summer is from ____.

A. March to MayB. June to August

C. September to NovemberD. December to February

2. In ____, the trees and grass turn yellow.

A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter

3. Can you play with snow in winter in most of China? ____.

A. Yes, we canB. Yes, we can’tC. No, we canD. No, we can’t


One day the students are having a painting lesson. Everyone begins to draw a picture. Xiao Ming is very free. When the bell rings for the break, Xiao Ming passes his picture to the teacher.

The teacher looks at it and gets angry. “Why do you give me a piece of paper with nothing, Xiao Ming?” asks the teacher.

“I’m sorry, sir. I draw a dog and some bread on the paper,” says Xiao Ming.

“Where’s the dog and where’s the bread?” asks the teacher again.

“I draw some bread first. When I finish drawing the dog, she eats up the bread. When I give it to you, she runs away,” says Xiao Ming.

1. Xiao Ming is a ____.

A. teacherB. studentC. workerD. farmer

2. The students are busy ____.

A. readingB. writingC. drawingD. talking

3. The teacher is very ____ when he sees Xiao Ming’s picture.

A. happyB. angryC. sadD. pleased

4. Xiao Ming’s words make the students ____.

A. sadB. angryC. laughD. pleased


Fred goes home from school. He is hungry. And he has a lot of homework to do. He wants to play football with Tom, too.

“Mum, I’m hungry.”

“Well, there isn’t much milk, but there’s some fruit,” Mother says.

“No, I don’t want any fruit; I’d like some bread.”

“OK, but please don’t eat too much. We have dinner in an hour.”

Fred eats some bread. Then he begins to do his homework. His mother goes to the supermarket to buy some milk and vegetables. When she comes back, Fred is still doing his homework.

“Fred, you’re a good student; you are going to do well this year,” says Mother.

“Oh, I forgot about football,” says Fred.

1. What does Fred do after school? ____.

A. Watches TV

B. Does his homework

C. Eats something

D. Does his homework and then plays football

2. What does Fred eat? ____.

A. FruitB. BreadC. MilkD. Meat

3. What does Fred’s mother do after Fred goes home? ____.

A. She cooks at homeB. She watches TV

C. She goes to the supermarketD. She eats at home

4. Is Fred’s mother happy when she sees Fred still studying? ____.

A. Yes, she isB. No, she isn’t

C. I don’t knowD. I don’t think so

5. Doesn’t Fred want to play football? ____.

A. Yes, he doesB. No, he does

C. Yes, he doesn’tD. Yes, he is



1. In the afternoon, I ____ TV at home.

2. Last Sunday, we saw many animals in the ____.

3. He ____ to be an actor.

4. The pandas are from ____.

5. I’d ____ a pizza.

6. What ____ shoes would you like?

7. To be a policeman is kind of ____.

8. Mary works in a TV station. She’s a ____.

9. Monday is the ____ day of week.

10. ——Why do they like pandas?

——____ they are funny and kind.


1. A: Can I help you?

B: What ____ I ____ ____ ____?

2. A: They are enjoying themselves.

B: They are ____ a good ____.

3. A: What’s the weather like today?

B: How ____ the weather today?

4. A: How did you spend your weekend?

B: ____ ____ you ____ ____ the weekend?

5. A: I like apples best.

B: ____ ____ fruit is apple.


A: Excuse me!

B: Yes? __1__

A: Could you tell me the way to the West Park?

B: __2__ Go along this street, then turn left at the second crossing.

A: Oh! I’m sorry. I can’t follow you. __3__

B: OK. Go along this street, then turn left at the second crossing. Goon until you reach the end of the street, then you’ll find it.

A: __4__

B: No, it isn’t. It will take you ten minutes to walk there.

A: Thank you very much.

B: __5__


周杰伦是很受大家喜欢的乐坛天才,下面是他的档案,请你根据此档案提供的内容以My Favorite Singer为题写一篇短文,不能少于70个词。

English Name: Jay Chow

Birthday: Jan. 18, 1979

Height: 173cm

Weight: 60kg

Favorite Sport: Basketball

Favorite Singer: Usher, Babyface

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Food: Chicken

Favorite NBA Player: Michael Jordan

Hobbies: Songwriting, Movies





基于内存数据模糊测试的目标应用 第4篇


2 优化方法


2.1 变异循环插入(MLI)



2.2 快照恢复变异(SRM)


3 技术问题

3.1 在特定点将“钩子”植入目标进程的需求


3.2 处理进程快照和恢复


4 结语









测试目标 第5篇









D.人的社会性制约着人的自然性 2.“你不奉献我不奉献谁来奉献,你也索取我也索取向谁索取”这句话反映的人生观道理是A.人生的真正价值在于对社会的贡献而不是索取






B.实现自我价值 C.实现社会价值

D.受到人们的敬仰 4.一位全国优秀教师在先进事迹报告会上说到:“我的工作是平凡的,但我的平凡中孕育着






D.实现人生价值必须做平凡的工作 5.爱因斯坦说:“只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命的意义。”这表明()



C.人的自我价值和社会价值是统一的 D.人生价值就是指个人对社会的贡献






为顺利完成三峡移民任务做出了显著贡献。我们永远也忘不了他的临终遗嘱——“请把我的坟墓面向长江,埋在175米水位线上,让我好看到长江,看到库区一天天发展起来。” 叶福彩去世后,人们以各种方式缅怀他。据此回答16—19题。













D.商品经济社会讲求物质利益原则,把金钱作为人生的唯一目标符合价值规律的要求 18.叶福彩同志的事迹表明


A.自然性与社会性都是人的基本属性 B.“人性自私论”是不符合现实情况的C.英雄人物是不计较个人生命的 D.实现人生价值必须有惊人的壮举 19.法国作家雨果说:“人有了物质才能生存,有了理想才谈得上生活。”这句话强调的是



C.人要有物质生活,更要有精神生活 D.不同的人有不同的理想 20.《中国共产党章程》指出:“中国共产党人追求的共产主义理想,只有在社会主义社会充





C.只要艰苦奋斗,就能实现最高理想 D.我们必须自觉树立崇高的社会理想 21.“你要有益于社会,最好的办法莫过于把自己这块材料铸造成器。”这句话包含的人生观道理是



④人的自我价值和社会价值是统一的A. ①②

B. ②③

C. ②④

D. ①④














A.人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青 B.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟









测试目标 第6篇

1. This is not ____ eraser.

A. my an B. my C. a my D. my a

2. ——What’s this ____ English?

——It’s ____ orange.

A. in; a B. of; a C. in; an D. of; an

3. ——Is that your computer?

——No, ____.

A. it is B. it isn’t C. that is D. that isn’t

4. This isn’t ____ bag. ____ is ____ bag.

A. his; It; her B. his; It; she

C. he; Its; her D. he; It; she

5. Let’s ____ football. I don’t like watching TV. It is not ____.

A. play; boring B. play; interesting

C. play the; fun D. play the; interesting

6. Look, some broccoli ____ here and some hamburgers ____ there.

A. is; is B. are; are C. are; is D. is; are

7. My father ____ lunch at home.

A. doesn’t have B. haven’t

C. don’t have D. don’t has

8. ——What color ____ Jim’s jackets?

——____ black.

A. is; It’s B. are; They’reC. is; It D. are; They

9. ——Are those your ____?

——No, they are my friends Tom and Steve.

A. sisters B. friends C. brothers D. aunts

10. ——____ he have a tennis racket?

——Yes, he ____.

A. Does; has B. Do; have C. Does; doesD. Does; have

11. ——Do you like apples?


A. Yes, you do B. No, I do

C. Yes, I don’t D. Yes, I do

12. She eats rice and vegetables ____ dinner.

A. at B. in C. of D. for

13. She likes bananas, eggs ____ oranges.

A. so B. or C. to D. and

14. Do you eat ____ vegetables every day?

A. a lot B. lots of C. a lots of D. lot of

15. They like some ____.

A. a tomato B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatos

16. Sam likes ice cream for ____.

A. fruits B. dessert C. chicken D. salad

17. ____ he ____ apples?

A. Does; likes B. Do; eat C. Does; haveD. Do; likes

18. ____ they eat ____ food?

A. Are; healthy B. Do; healthy C. Do; health D. Are; health

19. Bob ____ like ____.

A. don’t; broccoli B. doesn’t; broccoli

C. doesn’t; broccolis D. don’t broccolis

20. Tom eats ____ every day.

A. well B. good C. nice D. fine

Ⅱ. 词汇


1. ——What’s your telephone n____?

——It’s 8768467.

2. Oh, look, your key is in the lost and f____ case.

3. ——Do you like tomatoes or broccoli for lunch?

——I don’t like v____ for lunch, but I like meat.

4. ——Let’s play the computer game.

——That s____ good.

5. ——How do you s____ kitchen?

——K-I-T-C-H-E-N, kitchen.


1. ——Is that Gina’s backpack?

——No, it’s not ____(she) backpack.

2. ____(thank) for the great picture of her family.

3. The ____(dictionary) are on the desk.

4. My brother likes French ____(fry) for lunch.

5. ____(that) are my sisters.


1. That girl eats salad for lunch. (改为否定句)

The girl ____ ____ salad for lunch.

2. Tom likes vegetables. (改为一般疑问句)

____ Tom ____ vegetables?

3. These are English books. (改为单数句子)

____ ____ ____ English book.

4. My balls are under the bed. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ your balls?

5. My shorts are blue. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ are your shorts?


1. 这两个排球是汤姆的吗?

Are the ____ ____ Tom’s?

2. 你的钥匙在床底下。

Your ____ are ____ the bed.

3. 她有许多有趣的图片。

She has ____ ____ funny pictures.

4. 咱们今天下午踢足球吧。

____ ____ soccer this afternoon.

5. 我不知道他的名字。

I ____ ____ his name.


1. He room is very nice.


2. He real likes thrillers.


3. I and Mona are at school.


4. ——Are those your books? ——Yes, put it there.


5. There is a set of key in the drawer.


Ⅵ. 补全对话


Jim: Good afternoon, Bob.

Bob: __1__, Jim. Welcome to my home. Mom, Dad, this is my friend,

Jim. Jim, these are my parents.

Jim: __2__.

Parents: Nice to meet you, too.

Bob: Jim, __3__ is my room. Please come in.

Jim: OK. Your room is very nice.

Bob: Thanks. Look! My computer is on the desk. Let’s __4__ games.

Jim: No, I think they are difficult. Do you have a baseball?

Bob: No, __5__. Do you like playing volleyball?

Jim: No, I don’t like it. Let’s watch TV. I think it’s relaxing.

Bob: That sounds fun.


A: Tom!__1__ you like apples?

B: Yes, __2__ do. How about you?

A: I like apples. And my father __3__ apples, too. Does your father

__4__ apples?

B: No, he __5__. He likes oranges and bread __6__ breakfast. What

about __7__ father?

A: He likes chicken __8__ milk.

B: __9__ does your mother like?

A: Oh! She likes ice cream and hamburgers.

B: Does she like carrots?

A: No, she doesn’t. __10__ she likes broccoli. Do you like broccoli?

B: No, I don’t.

Ⅶ. 完形填空


Look at the picture on the wall. Those two __1__ are Li Ping and Wang Lin. They __2__ not brothers, but they are __3__ friends. Li Ping __4__ a Young Pioneer and Wang Lin is a Young Pioneer, __5__. They are __6__ Class Six, Grade One. They __7__ __8__. They __9__ hard and they are good __10__.

1. A. girlB. boysC. girls

2. A. isB. areC. am

3. A. goodB. wellC. fine

4. A. isB. areC. am

5. A. tooB. alsoC. either

6. A. onB. ofC. in

7. A. likesB. likeC. liking

8. A. studyB. studiesC. studying

9. A. studyB. studiesC. studyes

10. A. studentsB. brothersC. friend



Dear Meimei,

This is my first letter to you. I would like to tell(告诉) you something about me. I’m a schoolgirl. My name is Rose Green. I’m an American girl. I’m the monitor(班长) of our class. I study hard and well.

I have a large family. There are seven people in it. Grandpa and Grandma are very old. I have a 13-year-old brother and a 9-year-old sister. I’m eleven years old. We all live together(在一起). How happy we are!

My mother will give me a little dog on my birthday. I like animals very much. I often play with a dog or a cat. My sister likes fish. But you can’t play with a fish, can you?

My father often tells us about your country. China is a large and beautiful country, isn’t it?

We can get to know each other soon. Please write back and tell me something about you and China?

1. Rose comes from ____.

A. EnglandB. ChinaC. America

2. ____ is 13 years old.

A. My friendB. My sisterC. My brother

3. My mother will give ____ a little dog on my brithday.

A. meB. herC. him

4. My father often tells us about ____.

A. EnglandB. ChinaC. America

5. Rose Green and Meimei ____.

A. are friendsB. are ChineseC. are American


Hello! I’m Li Qiang. I’m twelve years old. I like eating junk food. For breakfast, I like 2 eggs, a lot of bread, and two hamburgers. For lunch, I like some tomatoes, French fries, chicken, a hamburger and a lot of rice. And for dinner, I have meat, French fries, a hamburger and a lot of rice, for dessert, a lot of ice cream. I really like it! My mom says I should(应该) not eat too much junk food. I think she is right. I should eat lots of healthy food.

1. What food does the boy like? ____.

A. Healthy food B. Junk food C. Fruits D. Vegetables

2. How many hamburgers does Li Qiang have every day? ____.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

3. What does Li Qiang have for lunch? ____.

A. Tomatoes, French fries, chicken, a hamburger and a lot of rice

B. Tomatoes, French fries, chicken, two hamburgers and a lot of rice

C. Two eggs, French fries, chicken, a hamburger and a lot of rice

D. Tomatoes, French fries, chicken and a lot of rice

4. What does Li Qiang really like? ____.

A. French fries B. Tomatoes

C. Hamburgers D. Ice cream

5. What should Li Qiang eat? ____.

A. Healthy food B. Junk food

C. French fries D. Ice cream


Sophia and Lisa are twins(双胞胎). This is the twins’ room. It’s a nice room. There are two beds. The red bed is Sophia’s and the blue bed is Lisa’s. There are two pairs of shoes under their beds. The green shoes are Sophia’s and they’re under her bed. The white ones are Lisa’s and they’re under her bed. They are new. There is one desk and two chairs. Sophia’s chair is yellow, and Lisa’s chair is black. Their books and pencil cases are in the desk. Their bags are behind the chairs.

1. Who are Sophia and Lisa? ____.

A. They are boys B. They are brothers

C. They are sisters D. They are friends

2. How many desks and chairs are there in the room? ____.

A. Two desks and two chairs B. One desk and two chairs

C. One desk and one chair D. Two desks and two chairs

3. What color is Sophia’s chair? ____.

A. Red B. Black C. Yellow D. White

4. What’s under the blue bed? ____.

A. The green shoes B. The white shoes

C. Lisa’s green shoes D. Sophia’s white shoes

5. Where are the books and pencil cases? ____.

A. In the desk B. On the desk

C. In the bags D. Behind the chairs



假如你叫Sam, 昨天丢失了手表,想通过寻物启示来找回你的手表。你的联系电话是436-6582。


My __2__.

My __3__ is Sam.

Please __4__ me __5__ 436-6582.

B) 根据表格提供的内容,介绍一下你的朋友。词数:50~80个。

测试目标 第7篇



1 测试性分配的数学描述




2 建立测试性分配模型

2.1 目标函数


Ci=[exp(a1FDRi)+exp(a2FIRi)] Cu i (2)

式中,a1、a2为故障检测率和故障隔离率对装备研制费用的影响系数,在0~1之间取值;Cu i为子系统(或单元)费用。


C1=i=1n[exp(a1FDRi)+exp(a2FΙRi)]Cui (3)


C2=i=1n(b1FDRi+b2FΙRi+1)Cui (4)






φ1=i=1n[(λi/i=1nλi)FDRi] (6)

φ2=i=1n[(λi/i=1nλi)FΙRi] (7)


2.2 约束函数


FDRiFDR*i (8)

FIRiFIR*i (9)


FDRiFDRi (10)

FIRiFIRi (11)





式中,λD i为第i个子系统(或单元)检测的故障率,λI i为第i个子系统(或单元)隔离的故障率;FDRFIR为系统测试性指标。


FDRFDR* (12)

FIRFIR* (13)




3 浮点编码遗传算法求解









式中,α为 [0,1]之间的常数。


ut+1k=ukmin+(ukmax-ukmin) r (18)


4 方法应用



5 结论





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测试目标 第8篇

(A) 根据句意、首字母及汉语提示,完成单词。

1. ——Where is my backpack?

——Sorry, I don’t k____.

2. Is that your pen in the lost and f____?

3. Kate likes music and she wants to be a m____.

4. ——Can you tell me your e-mail a____, please?


5. I don’t like math at all. It’s d____.

6. He has a set of ____(钥匙) to the door of his house.

7. Music is ____(令人轻松的), so we all like it.

8. I like eating ____(健康的) food very much.

9. Can you sing this song ____(用) English?

10. Every evening, I watch TV for two ____(小时).

(B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. The girl in red clothes ____(be) my sister.

2. It’s very interesting ____(have) an English party.

3. Please take these ____(photo) to school.

4. September is the ____(nine) month of the year.

5. ——Who are the two ____(act)?

——Sorry, I don’t know.


1. ——Hello, Li Ming! This is my new friend, Tom.


——How do you do, Li Ming?

A. How are you, Tom?B. How do you do, Tom?

C. Nice to meet you, Tom. D. Good, Tom.

2. ——Excuse me. Who is that man?


A. Sorry, I don’t know B. He is at school

C. He is fine D. He is OK

3. I’m new here. I’m ____. I can’t find my way.

A. happy B. lost C. tiredD. strict

4. ——Can you speak Japanese?


A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I can’tD. No, I can

5. The man ____ red is my teacher.

A. wearB. with C. onD. in

6. He wants to talk ____ his teacher.

A. in B. at C. with D. before

7. What a funny thing! Can you let me ____ a try?

A. haveB. give C. to have D. to give

8. ——What’s this ____?

——It’s a hat.

A. in the English B. in English

C. for English D. at English

9. ——Let’s play tennis. Do you have a tennis racket, please?


A. Sorry, I doB. Yes, I don’tC. Sorry, I don’tD. Oh no, sorry

10. ——Is it ____ English dictionary?

——Yes, it is.

A. some B. the C. a D. an

11. We need lots of ____ food every day.

A. meatsB. vegetables C. healthy D. apples

12. They always sell their clothes ____ a very high price.

A. inB. for C. on D. at

13. ——____ kind of movies do you like?

——Action movies.

A. WhatB. Who C. How D. When

14. We often go ____ a movie on weekends.

A. seeB. watch C. to look D. to see

15. ——Here ____ some books for you, Jim.

——Thank you.

A. is B. are C. am D. isn’t


1. His sister has a basketball. (改为一般疑问句)

____ his sister ____ a basketball?

2. My sister has chicken for lunch. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ your sister ____ for lunch?

3. The shop sells the black shorts for $25. (改为同义句)

The black shorts are ____ ____ for $25 in the shop.

4. They have a basketball game on July 22nd. (对划线部分提问)

____ do they ____ a basketball game?

5. She goes to buy many vegetables with her mother. (改为否定句)

She ____ ____ to buy many vegetables with her mother.


1. 吉姆是你的朋友吗?

Is Jim ____ ____?

2. “你喜欢运动吗?”


——Do you ____ ____?

——Yes, very ____.

3. 你喜欢什么颜色的裤子?

____ ____ pants ____ you ____?

4. 莎莉的生日聚会是什么时候?

____ is Sally’s ____ ____?

5. 请在明天早上5点前叫醒我。



A: Excuse me. Where __1__ you from?

B: I __2__ from France.

A: What do you know __3__ New York?

B: Well, a lot. New York is a big __4__. It is very beautiful.

A: Can you __5__ English?

B: Yes, but only a __6__. I think English is hard to learn.

A: I think I can __7__ you with English, and you can help me with

my __8__.

B: Thanks a __9__.

A: You’re __10__.


Near my home there’s a big __1__. It’s called Hongpi Clothes Store. You can __2__ all kinds of __3__ in it. Do you like __4__? They have very beautiful sweaters for __5__ ¥95. Do you need __6__? They sell great bags __7__ ¥36. They __8__ have nice skirts for girls __9__ red, green, white and blue, and football socks for boys. And they __10__ many nice clothes. Do you want to go there with me? Let’s go together (一起) this Sunday!

1. A. schoolB. factory C. hospital D. store

2. A. sell B. buy C. takeD. come

3. A. vegetables B. clothes C. food D. fruit

4. A. socks B. trousersC. shortsD. sweaters

5. A. only B. also C. too D. but

6. A. bags B. pens C. booksD. hats

7. A. toB. on C. in D. for

8. A. tooB. alsoC. only D. often

9. A. inB. from C. on D. out

10. A. buy B. sellC. do D. like



My name is Jim and I live in Canada. My mother is from Korea and my father is from France, so we speak three languages at home. I think languages are very interesting and I want to study Portuguese and Chinese. But my favorite subject at school isn’t language. It’s math. I really like history, too.

I like sports, especially soccer and basketball, because they’re relaxing, but I don’t have much time to play. I go to music club after school on Mondays, have guitar lessons on Wednesdays, and go to the library on Fridays. But Saturdays and Sundays are great because I can play sports, sleep, and watch TV.

1. Jim’s parents live in ____.

A. Argentina B. Japan C. Mexico D. Canada

2. Jim can speak ____ very well at home.

A. KoreanB. Chinese C. Portuguese D. Japanese

3. His favorite subject is ____.

A. a language B. math C. history D. Chinese

4. He can’t play soccer on ____.

A. Mondays and Fridays B. Tuesdays and Sundays

C. Saturdays and Thursdays D. Saturdays and Sundays

5. Jim thinks sports are ____.

A. interesting B. funnyC. relaxing D. happy


The children next door often play football in the garden and sometimes break my windows. Today I stay at home and read a book. After an hour, I close my eyes and go to sleep. A sound at the door makes me get up. In a moment a little boy comes in. “Break one of my windows again?”

“Oh, no,” the boy answers. “Your window is open this time and our ball is in your bedroom. May we get it, please?”


1. Sometimes I watch the children play football in the garden.

2. I open the window to get their football.

3. I’m sleeping when the boy comes.

4. The children often play football in the garden.

5. I think they break my window but they want to get the ball.

