


认知训练 第1篇

认知是指人类获取并运用知识解决问题的求知活动和过程, 它主要包括注意、知觉、学习、思维和记忆。由于小学生的注意、思维、记忆等还没有发展到成熟, 所以开展训练与指导对小学生学习心理素质的发展, 起着举足轻重的作用。


低年级小学生的注意力持久性还很短, 所以教师在上课大约20分钟后, 要采用一些游戏等小学生感兴趣的事件把他们吸引回来。但是, 注意缺陷/多动症 (ADHD) 儿童的注意力问题相对较严重。他们做事冲动、注意力不集中、过度活跃、容易激动, 且难于为一个长期目标而努力。这使得ADHD儿童在学业上存在很大的困难。

针对小学生仍非常喜欢游戏, 所以在进行注意力训练的时候一定要使训练的内容有趣, 具体的方法有以下几种: (1) “哨兵”站岗:给小学生规定一个情景, 让小学生扮演“哨兵”站岗, 保持静站姿势, 坚持时间越长越好。每一次坚持的时间的增长都要给予一定的表扬或物质奖励, 这样可以发展小学生的肢体保持注意的能力。 (2) 鱼竿游戏:让小学生拿着鱼竿, 去钓指定的物体, 这样可以锻炼小学生的视觉注意的能力。 (3) 悄悄话:教师以悄悄话的形式告诉小学生一小段话, 让其也以悄悄话的形式告诉其他同学或教师, 事后检查其正确率。这样可以增长小学生的听觉注意能力。 (4) 倒数数:针对低年级小学生, 可以让他们从任意一个数字开始倒数, 高年级小学生可以让他们做减“3”或其它的倒减数, 这样可以培养小学生的专注力。 (5) 欣赏音乐:教师选择一首适合小学生的乐曲, 要求他们想象音乐中出现了哪些场景, 这可以既增强他们的注意力, 又培养了他们的想象力。

当然, 还有很多增强小学生注意力的方法, 但这些方法都应遵循一些基本的要求:如提供安静的环境, 交代任务时要明确具体, 活动的设计应该由简到繁循序渐进, 并选择他们感兴趣的方面入手。


小学生思维发展的主要特点是在整个小学时期内, 小学生的思维逐步过渡到以抽象逻辑思维为主要形式, 但仍带有很大的具体性, 因此在教学过程中要多使用具体的教具。

对思维能力的训练主要有以下几种: (1) “为什么”训练法:经常在头脑中问几个为什么, 如“苹果为什么落在地上”, “天空为什么是蓝色的”等等, 研究表明大脑经常使用, 可以增加神经细胞突触间的联系, 使人变得更聪明。 (2) “一物多用”或“一题多解”训练法:寻找物体的非常规用法, 即举出一个物体让小学生尽量多地举出它的用处。例如, 钢笔不仅可以用来写字, 还可以用来压纸, 笔帽可以用来画圆, 笔尖可以用来扎孔等。这样可以打破思维定势, 减少功能固着, 增强小学生的创造性思维。另外一题多解也可以起到相同的效果。 (3) 推测训练法:让小学生对身边发生的事情的原因及发展情况进行推测, 如“某某同学为什么学习那么好”, 这样可以使小学生对事物因果发展规律有更好的掌握。 (4) 三思而后行训练法:教育专家研究表明, 聪明与不聪明的学生之间的一个重要区别就是, 聪明的学生在遇到问题时不是急于去做, 而是先去想这个问题应该怎么去做。而不聪明的同学则先动手做, 做不下去后才思考怎么去做。所以教师应训练学生在遇到问题时先思考, 后动手的能力。


低年级的小学生尚未发展组织、精细加工等高级的记忆策略, 而且在复述策略的使用中也比较机械, 比如他们很少使用聚类来进行记忆。而对于高年级的小学生, 这些策略运用得到了很好的发展, 这时如果教育者根据最近发展区的观点对小学生进行一些超前, 同时又可以使他们在努力学习后可以掌握的记忆策略与技巧, 不仅可以促进他们记忆力的发展, 同时可以减轻小学生的负担, 留给他们更多的课余时间。

具体的训练方法有以下几种: (1) 找规律记忆法:给小学生呈现一系列的词语 (苹果、杜鹃、香蕉、黄鹂……) , 请同学们想一下用什么方法记忆效率最高。老师指导学生评价不同的记忆方法, 总结出规律记忆比机械记忆更有效。 (2) 谐音训练法:谐音法可以把枯燥乏味的数字或其他材料变为有意义的语言, 可以增强学生的记忆力, 减轻记忆负担。例如, 白求恩大夫生于1894年, 死于1939年, 可以记为“白求恩大夫一把 (18) 手术刀救死 (94) 扶伤, 自己却牺牲在三九 (39) 天”。 (3) 联想训练法:研究表明, 人们利用联想记忆比机械记忆效果更好, 尤其是运用新旧知识的联系, 对记忆新知识起着很大的促进作用。例如教师让学生从“木”开始联想到“雪”, 通过联想可得到:木—柴、柴—火、火—红、红—绿、绿—草、草—牛、牛—奶、奶—白、白—雪。 (4) 熟悉化:即把自己不熟悉的材料转化为自己熟悉的来记忆, 例如对这样一串无规律的数字:6458930……, 可以转化为生活作息时间, 我今天6点45起床, 8点上课, 9点30下课……。当然, 每个人都有自己的特点, 应注重个体差异。 (5) 尝试回忆:让小学生在学习记忆内容4遍左右后, 尝试着回忆, 能回忆出的, 在再学习中可以不再学习。这样既可以使大脑在记忆中处于积极的思维状态, 同时又减少了由于重复机械记忆所浪费的时间。



[2]Sam Goldstein&Nacncy Mather《开发学习潜能》.中国轻工业出版社.2001年10月.




心的认知训练与解脱杂文随笔 第2篇





认知训练 第3篇

【中图分类号】R·( 【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1004-4949(2015)02-0065-01

轻度认知障碍(mild cognitive impairment, MCI)核心症状是认知功能的减退,复杂的日常生活能力可以有轻微损害[1]。国内外有研究报道,若对MCI患者采取积极有效措施干预其发展过程将有可能使老年性痴呆(Alzheimers disease,?AD)的发病率降低[2]。在本研究中,我们采用康复锻炼治疗轻度认知功能障碍,取得良好疗效,现报道如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 研究对象

收集2012年01月~2014年08月浙江省淳安县第二人民内科门诊及住院的患者,按Petersen诊断标准[3],但排除有中毒性脑病史、甲状腺功能减退史及抑郁症病史者。患者58例,其中女33例,男25例,文化程度均为初中以上,平均(54.14±7.43)岁,病程平均79.76±7.31 d;按随机数字表法随机分2组:对照组(30例)、康复锻炼治疗组(28例)。对入选所有患者试验前及结束后运用简易精神状态量表(MMSE)进行记录,所有资料数据采集、记录均由同一名医生完成。

1.2 研究方法


1.2.2 对照组:不予任何干预措施。58例患者坚持完成试验,在观察期间所有患者生命体征平稳,无严重不良反应。

1.2.3 疗效评定:认知记忆疗效评定以MMSE 评分计算,治疗前和治疗3个月后各评定1次。

1.2.4 统计学分析


2 结果

二组患者12周后MMSE评定比较,康复锻炼组MMSE评分比对照组明显提高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),而对照组MMSE评分前后比较均无显著差异(P>0.05),说明MCI患者认知功能未随时间推移出现自愈趋势(表1)。见 表1。

3 讨论

目前认为,认知功能障碍主要影响患者的认知功能,导致学习、记忆能力等下降,其发病机制系多方面因素导致中枢乙酰胆碱功能不足,包括兴奋性氨基酸和抑制性氨基酸比例失调[4],神经系统老化损伤[5],神经纤维慢性脱髓鞘炎症反应等[6]。根据患者认知障碍表现,MCI分为3个亚型,其中最为常见的亚型是遗忘型,以记忆损害为主,而其它认知功能相对完好。既往研究报道[7-9],健康老年人AD的发展速度为2%~3%,而遗忘型MCI则以每年15%~20%的速度进展为AD。此外,Mayo Alzheimer's Disease Center研究报道,对患者进行为期15年的随访观察,发现8年后高达85%的比例进展为AD。本研究证实干预前后对照组MMSE评分比较均无显著差异,说明MCI患者认知功能未随时间推移出现自愈趋势。故如何早期积极干预MCI以延缓痴呆、降低痴呆的发病率的进展,已成为神经康复护理领域的研究热点。




[1] Selkoe D J. Defining molecular targets top prevent Alzheimer disease[J]. Arch Neurol, 2009, 62(2): 192-195.

[2] Martin R C, Annis S M, Aarling L Z, et al. Loss of calculation abilities inpatients with mild and moderate Alzheimer disease[J].Arch Neurol, 2013, 60(10): 1585 -1589.

[3] Ganguli M, Dodge H, Shen C, et al. Mild cognitive impairment, amnestic type:an epidemiologic study[J]. Neurology, 2010, 63(1): 115-121.

[4] Petersen R C, doody R, Kurz A, et al. Current concept in mild cognitive impairment[J]. Arch Neurol, 2008, 59(11): 1985-1992.

[5] Riemen M, Lauten N, Wag S, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid and 42 proteins identify Alzheimer disease in subjects with mild cognitive impairment[J]. Arch Neurol, 2012, 59(11): 1729-1734.

[6] Bozzali M, Filippi M, Magnani G, et al. The contribution of voxel based morpheme try in staging patients with mild cognitive impairment[J]. Neurology, 2006, 67(3): 453-460.

[7] Roger N, Rosenberg M D. Translational research on the way to effective therapy for Alzheimer disease[J]. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2011, 62(11): 1186-1192.

[8] Mlly J , Dinya E. Recover y of motor disability and spasticity in stroke after repettitv etranscr anial magnetic stimulation[J]. Brain Res Bull, 2008, 76(9): 388 -395.

[9] Mar shall L, Helgad H, et al. Boosting slow oscillations during sleep potentiates memory[J]. Nature, 2006, 444(13): 610- 613.

[10] Rsser N, Michka O, et al. Noninvasive brain stimulation improves language learning[J]. J Cogn Neurosci, 2008, 20(8): 1415-1422.

[11] 李焰生. 中國防治认知功能障碍专家共识[J]. 中华内科杂志, 2006, 45(2): 171-173.

认知训练 第4篇

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 康复训练方法


1.3 观察指标

1.3.1 评价标准


1.3.2 满意度


1.4 统计方法

计量资料以均值加减标准差()表示,两组间均值比较采用独立样本t/t’检验;计数资料以频数(f)和率值或构成比(P)表示,无序分类资料采用Pearsonχ2检验,四格表资料改用Fisher确切概率法,均由SPSS 16.0统计软件进行统计分析;有序分类资料以频数(f)和平均Ridit值()表示,采用Ridit分析,由DPS 7.05统计软件进行统计分析。α=0.05。

2 结果

2.1 恢复效果经统计学分析,观察组恢复效果显著优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。见表1。


2.2 满意度



3 讨论















班组长角色认知及胜任能力素质训练 第5篇



















 如何处理解决班组生产中一般的技术问题;

 对于较大问题,怎样正确做出判断并向上级或技术人员提供建议;  如何指导和培训员工。


 客观地认识自己、评价自己;

 有明确的职业生涯规划,并为之做出坚持不懈的努力;

 具有正确的角色意识,能履行自己的角色任务;

 正确面对挫折、压力,保持乐观积极的工作心态;

 怎样合理安排时间,有条不紊地安排工作和生活。


 如何与人沟通,协调班组内外关系;

 怎样构筑团队,使班组成员上下一心,团结协作;

 如何激励,调动他人的工作主动性和积极性;修炼把员工的“要我去做”变成“我要去做” 的领导艺术

 如何发现问题、分析问题、解决问题;

 怎样打破思维框框,创造性解决问题。


 如何根据车间生产计划编制班组生产作业计划;

 怎样参与修定或改善本班组的作业指导书或操作规范;

 怎样组织召开班组各种会议;

 怎样督导员工完成任务;

 如何执行和落实规章制度;

 如何因地制宜、因人而异,组织形式多样的班组岗位培训,不断提高员工技能水平;

 如何进行班组常用应用文写作,一般应用文写作的方法。

 介绍班组质量管理、班组安全管理、班组5S管理、班组成本控制。














 班组职业道德建设要同岗位实际相结合 班组职业道德建设要同班组制度建设相结合 班组职业道德建设要同完善监督机制相结合 将班组职业道德建设作为塑造企业形象的关键要素来抓


 在实践中学习

 在自我修养中提高

 在岗位工作中强化---内化、外化、积功德















认知训练 第6篇

【关键词】高中英语 阅读教学 元认知策略



















高三生物复习引入元认知训练的实践 第7篇

一、介绍元认知知识, 培养学生的元认知意识

对于学生来说, 元认知是一个陌生的概念, 元认知训练是一个以前从未听说的“新生”训练过程。所以, 在复习之初, 对学生就元认知的相关知识等应作大致的介绍, 主要包括下列几方面的内容:

1. 元认知的一般知识。

让学生理解元认知的最一般知识, 是培养学生元认知的前提。在实践过程中, 笔者把元认知的概念、内涵等基本知识整理成便于学生学习的小讲义分发给学生, 让学生在课外阅读, 然后再在课堂上讲解。讲解时着重对元认知在学习中的作用作重点阐述, 让学生深刻领会元认知的强大功能, 牢固树立元认知训练的坚定信心。

2. 生物学方面的元认知知识。

这部分的介绍主要包括生物学的学习特点、教材各章节的特点及各知识点的学习目标等。教材各章节有其自身的特点和规律, 也有紧密的联系, 把握他们的本质, 弄清他们的关系, 便于更深的理解和把握。而各章节在高考大纲中又有明确的考查目标, 有了明确的复习目标, 可以减少学生的盲目性, 增强学生的自觉性和主动性, 便于自我检查学习情况并及时调整学习过程。

3. 通用的学习策略。

学习策略是指学习者在学习活动中有效学习的程序、规则、方法、技巧及调控方式。针对生物学的学科特点, 笔者着重向学生介绍了记忆的过程、遗忘的一般规律、问题解决的过程、非智力因素的作用、学习的信息加工流程、建构主义基本思想等。通过这些心理学知识的介绍, 让学生了解学习的过程、规律和方法, 为自身的学习提供理论指导。

二、进行元认知训练, 提高学生的元认知能力

笔者在进行训练之初, 首先对学生进行能力测量, 再针对不同学生的特点, 采取不同的训练手段, 主要有以下几种:

1. 自我提问法。

根据认知活动过程, 笔者设计了“每日自我提问单”和“每题自我提问单”。这些提问单向学生提供了一系列启发问题, 让学生在问题解决的各个阶段自我观察、自我监控、自我评价。在“每日自我提问单”的训练过程中, 针对不同时期采取的要求也有所侧重:开始阶段, 笔者要求每个学生完成提问单的填写;一个月后, 要求学生口头向老师汇报;两个月后, 要求学生能够自觉进行自我提问, 老师只抽查个别同学了解自我提问单在学习过程中的执行情况。

2. 结果检查法。

针对学习过程反馈性差、总结性差的学生, 笔者采取了结果检查法, 强化了对其学习结果的检查。强化结果检查, 可以让学生养成从结果中寻找自我调控方法的习惯, 从成功中提炼优势, 从失败中吸取教训。训练时, 设计了“每题自我反思单”和“错题自我反思单”, 从解题过程和结果剖析两个角度进行训练。具体方案: (1) 教师立案。教师在批改学生作业时, 在学生的作业本上圈出错误之处, 以便学生有针对性地思考。 (2) 师生交流。与学生面谈交流探讨, 帮助其分析错误的原因, 引导学生如何对自己的错题进行反思。 (3) 学生反思。学生将失误内容与原因记录到错题本上, 对照“错题自我反思单”进行自查反思。 (4) 定期复查。按照遗忘的“先快后慢”规律, 要求学生在反思后当天、第二天、一周后、半个月后各复习一次, 并经常督促学生复查。

3. 强化体验法。

对于缺乏学习主动性的学生, 根据决定学生学习行为动机的重要因素——目标价值性入手, 帮助学生确立正确的学习目标, 让他们对生物感兴趣, 只有学生感兴趣的内容或他们认为有用的内容, 才能诱发他们学习的积极性和主动性。例如, 笔者将糖尿病患者和正常人的尿液化验单呈现在学生面前, 让他们作为医生来诊断, 并对糖尿病患者提出合理的饮食建议。

4. 目标管理法。

在复习过程中应该引导学生确立明确的学习目标, 并有效地使用目标对学生进行激励。训练时, 笔者首先尝试了要求学生对阶段性学习任务设定目标, 然后全力以赴地去实现目标, 并不时地检查实现目标的情况。在每次测试之后要求学生填写“目理管理单”, 包括学习目标成绩、完成成绩、存在问题、经验教训、下一目标成绩等。让学生自己选择在班内与自己相差5名的学生, 每两个学生为一组进行竞争, 利用学生求胜心强的心理进行目标管理。

三、利用课堂教学机会, 增加学生的元认知体验

元认知不仅包括学习方法和策略的选择、学习过程的优化、学习结果的检查和修正等认知因素的调控, 而且还包括对学习兴趣、态度、动机水平、注意程度、情绪状态等非认知因素的调控。对于非认知因素的调控, 元认知体验则是最活跃的因素, 它可以为调节活动提供必需的信息, 也能够对其他因素产生强烈影响。复习过程中通过创设一定情境, 为学生提供一个学习、表达、展示及应用各种学习策略的机会, 提高学习的主动性和自觉性。例如, 在进行遗传专题复习时, 请学习能力较强的学生将他们的解题过程展示出来, 这样不仅为学习能力较差的学生提供了一个学习的机会, 也使这些学生的学习策略应用水平能得到其他同学的评价, 通过这样的交流、反馈及自省过程, 不仅可以提高学生的元认知水平, 也可以提高学习的积极性, 从而提高学习效率。

新课标英语词汇认知策略训练研究 第8篇

中学新《英语课程标准》中明确提出了每一级学生应掌握的词汇及习惯用语在数量上和使用上的要求, 长期以来, 中学生学习词汇就是机械背诵, 忽视其他认知策略的应用。而学习策略是综合语言能力形成的基础之一, 是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证 (国家教育部2001) 。Holec (1981) 提出学校应该设立两个教学目标:一是帮助学生获得语言和交际技能;二是帮助学生获得自主, 即学会如何学习。策略训练的目的就是使学生充分认识到策略的重要性, 帮助他们探索如何更有效地学习, 以便最终实现学习自主。掌握词汇学习认知策略将有助于学生在有限的学习时间内达到良好的学习效果。


O'Malley和Chamot (1990) 将“认知”定义为学习者赖以获得知识和概念的识别、记忆和理解等过程。他们将词汇认知策略分为死记硬背、上下文、分类、联想、意向、查词典、猜测、词形分析和活用等。根据中学生的实际情况和特点, 本文主要对四种词汇认知策略开展讨论, 这四种策略是 (1) 分类策略; (2) 上下文策略; (3) 查字典策略; (4) 词形分析策略。

Cohen在《学习和运用第二语言的策略》 (1998) 一书中推出了以策略为基础的外语教学模式。在课堂上教师对可能有用的策略进行描述、示范并举例说明;引导小组或全班的学生对策略进行讨论;把策略与日常的课堂材料结合在一起, 以明确或隐含的方式将策略融进语言教学, 为学生提供语境化的策略练习。笔者的训练基本以此为模式, 策略训练和教学同时展开。

训练主要包括三方面, 一是提高学生使用上述认知策略的意识;二是训练学生实际运用这四种认知策略的能力;三是以pair work, story-telling, games, reading等形式组织学生进行词汇复习, 进一步活用词汇认知策略, 以巩固学习成果。


分类记忆单词有利于提高词汇知识的质。研究表明, 10岁左右的儿童就开始能自发地使用分类策略, 经过训练可以使学生学会在更高的水平上使用分类策略。词汇分类策略训练主要在教学时指导学生按不同标准进行单词归类, 以加强记忆。

许多学生习惯于死记硬背, 不会在上下文中学习单词, 更不善于通过应用来学习, 因此帮助学生了解、运用上下文策略是非常必要的。教学中有意识地渗透此项策略, 引导学生记住单词出现的句子, 记住单词出现的上下文, 以培养学生的语用能力。

查词典策略的运用有助于掌握词汇。学生可以从词典中得到对某个单词全面、准确的理解。词典不仅提供发音、用法等多方面信息, 而且提供精辟的例句。通过查词典, 在具体语境中记住词的多种意义和用法。运用查词典策略, 学生不仅对词汇有了较全面的了解, 而且激发了学习兴趣。

词形分析主要运用语音学知识或构词法记忆单词。利用词形分析策略训练学生记单词, 有助于提高记忆效率。


研究结果表明对中学生进行词汇认知策略训练是必要的、可行的, 是提高英语水平的有效途径。词汇策略训练对学习者策略的使用有明显的帮助, 对英语成绩的提高也有显著影响。

同时表明, 好学生平时学习词汇时使用词汇策略的程度高于其他学生。好学生倾向于使用查词典和上下文策略;除了死记硬背, 学困生倾向于使用词形和分类策略。好学生和学困生偏向于不同的词汇认知策略, 这表明教师在词汇策略训练和教学中, 既要考虑教学共性问题, 又要考虑学习者个体差异, 进行分层教育。当然, 学生根据自身特点掌握相应的认知策略的过程是动态的, 变化的。

根据艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线, 词汇策略的训练过程中要辅有大量的复习巩固。练习内容要根据中学生的特点, 结合教学要求, 在巩固词汇的同时, 增强学生的语用能力。

词汇认知策略的训练并非一蹴而就的事情, 而是一个循序渐进、长期积累的过程。可以预计, 学生对认知策略的运用会越来越多, 越来越熟练, 效果也会越来越好的。

摘要:本文研究了对中学生进行词汇认知的策略训练。结果表明:对中学生进行词汇认知策略训练不但是必要而且是可行的;词汇认知策略将会得到中学生广泛的认同和使用, 其效果也会更好。



[1].陆国强.现代英语词汇学.上海外语教育出版社, 1983.

[2].教育部.普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) .人民教育出版社, 2003.

[3].王笃勤.英语教学策略论.外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.

认知训练 第9篇

1 研究方法

1 .1 文献资料法


1.2 实验法


2 初中篮球教学中元认知训练的方案

2 .1 初中篮球教学中元认知训练的任务


2 .2 初中篮球教学中元认知训练的内容





2 . 3 初中篮球教学中元认知训练的方法


2.3.1 知识传授法


2.3.2 出声思维法









2.3.3 自我提问法


2.3.4 初中篮球教学中元认知训练的过程


3 初中篮球教学中元认知训练的效果

3 . 1 实验组和对照组学生元认知水平的对比分析


3 . 2 实验组和对照组学生篮球技术水平的对比分析


4 结论



认知训练 第10篇

Listening comprehension has been one of the main focuses of English as a Foreign Language ( EFL) teaching for a long time. Although more and more foreign language learners have a gradually increasing acceptance of the importance of listening comprehension, as a EFL, the teaching of listening comprehension keeps a quite ignored and poorly taught aspect of English in many English classes.

II. Theoretical Foundation

Meta - cognitive strategy refers to a series of activities that control, monitor and manage their thinking and learning. It is not only a kind of strategy itself but also a strategy which is in charge of other strategies.

According to Flavell and Brown, it can be simply defined as“thinking about thinking”or “cognition about cognition” ( Flavell, 1979 ) . In Flavell’s article, meta - cognition was defined more specifically: “Meta - cognition is usually defined as knowledge and cognition about cognitive objects, that is, anything cognitive” ( Flavell, 1987) .

In the research the strategy, different scholars hold different ideas about the classification of meta - cognitive strategy. But the essence is the same. Oxford ( 1989) thinks meta - cognitive strategy mainly divided into three categories: holding on the importance, planning study and evaluating learning. Among them, holding on the importance mainly includes connecting and understanding the new obtains information and having got information and concentrating their attention.

III. The Effects of Meta - cognitive Strategy Training on the Improvement of Listening Comprehension

The kind of training can contribute to the development of students’listening proficiency and their language proficiency. It is also supposed that with a high self - efficiency achieved in the process, students will be more conscious, autonomous and efficient use of their collection of learning strategies for further improvement in learning. Therefore, the meta - cognitive strategy training is to improve the students’listening ability more effectively than the regular instruction.

Meta - cognitive strategy training had a positive effect on the experimental group. It can also be known that the meta - cognitive strategy training is effective to improve the students’listening ability. Meta - cognitive strategy and listening comprehension have close relationship in the process of listening. It also proves the meta - cognitive - based strategy training is more effective in improving the students ’ listening proficiency than the regular listening instruction.

III. Conclusion

Meta - cognitive - based strategy training instruction equipped students with scientific and systematical way to learn autonomously. The paper has shown that strategy training enables English learners to improve their listening performance and enhance their awareness of using the related strategy in their daily study. The training combining cognitive strategies with meta - cognitive strategies has better effect than the training conducted in a separate way and by this only cognitive strategies training is meant.


[2]Flavell, J.H.Metacognition aspects of problem-solving.In Resnick L.B. (Eds.) , The Nature of Intelligence.Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1976.

认知训练 第11篇

关键词 语言文字训练 学生情感认知 情感引领

中图分类号:G623.2 文献标识码:A


1 研读教材,确定语文文字与学生情感认知的交融点







2 有效引领,让语言文字训练与学生情感认知融会贯通









高职英语课内元认知策略训练 第12篇

1 Significance of Metacognitive Strategies Training

Metacognitive strategies are the key to developing learner autonomy.Wenden(1985)said,"Learners use metacognitive strategies to oversee,regulate or self-direct their language learning."O'Malley et al also point out,"Students without metacognitive approaches are essentially learners without directions and ability to review their progress,accomplishments,and future learning directions"(1985a:24).It is obvious that metacognitive strategies are executive means or tools that enable learners to take on responsibility for their own language learning.

Planning,monitoring and evaluation are three main functions of metacognitive strategies.They are also a bridge to lead to learner autonomy.

Planning refers to making decisions about the resources and strategies one will use to learn.Learners must consider why or when they determine to make such decisions containing the following factors:1)a special need or interest;2)challenge or advice from friends,and 3)positive or negative feedback related to a specific instance of language use.

Monitoring.Unlike the planning strategies that anticipate,"monitoring strategies are used to oversee what is actually'online'"(Wenden,1985).our performance to determine how you are doing it.On the other hand,learners also need to monitor their language learning process in a more general way for obstacles or problems that inhibit learning.

Evaluation.When learners"check outcome",they are concerned with the product or result of their efforts to learn and/or use their second language.Implicit in such an evaluation is the learner's purpose for using a particular strategy and decision about its utility.

From what is described above,it can be seen that mastering matacognitive strategies means that learners can take part or ful responsibility for their own learning.Learners who can manage or control their own learning can be called an autonomous learner In other words,students with metacognitive approaches are essentially learners with directions and ability to review their progress,accomplishments,and future learning directions.

2 Methods of Matacognitive Strategy Training

2.1 Helping students build positive beliefs

A number of studies have found that learners'beliefs abou language learning influence their approaches to learning and tha learners'beliefs about their ability affect their goals and motivational patterns.Therefore,learner training should start by considering the knowledge learners bring into the learning process and help them reflect on their beliefs in order to revise or reject wha is inappropriate and to build new insights into language learning because,for language learning,metacognitive knowledge includes beliefs,insights and concepts that learners have acquired abou language learning.It is considered as a part of learner trainings mainly because metacognitive knowledge is directly related to techniques or strategies that learners use in learning.

2.2 Helping students identify their needs and objectives

The learner-training program must contain activities.The first step is to stimulate learners to think about their needs and aims.

Ellis and Sinclair(1989:11)designed a simple questionnaire which is used to analyze learners'priority rating of four skills,listening,speaking,reading and writing,as showed by Figure 1:

(Consider each skill listed in the table and give each skill a priority rating from 1 to 6:1=highest priority 6=lowest priority)

The second step is to discuss the results of students'need analysis survey.The students can be divided into small groups and asked to introduce themselves to their fellow students.This discussion has a lot of benefits.It provides the teachers with an instant"snapshot"of every learner's interests and preferences.It gets learners to think about the course and its rationale.It focuses their attention/efforts on working collaboratively in small groups,and it gets them to practice their English actively.

2.3 Helping students use learning strategies

According to Wenden(1987:159),students should be told what to do and led to do it explicitly.Because blind training leaves the trainees in the dark about the importance of the activity they are being induced to use.For example,in listening comprehension task,we should provide learners opportunities to use listening strategies,such as pre-listening activities including explaining key words,providing an advanced organizer,and the different kinds of comprehension questions,etc.These strategies may be utilized on their own in other contexts,but they use them only blindly.Only when learners make clear what strategies to should be used,would they use them more frequently and more effectively.

3 Metacognitive Strategy Training in the Class-room

Metacognitive strategy training consists of four stages.Learners in the experimental class received training in the use of four metacognitive strategies,while the control class received instruction to work on the language learning tasks using whatever procedure they ordinarily would employ.

Stage 1.How to set a learning objective.Establishing the learning objectives is a kind of metacognitive strategy which refers to the goal which the learners want to achieve and ability which they want to master.At the beginning of this term,the subjects were required,according to their needs analysis results,1)to establish a long-term objective which included what extent their English level in listening,speaking,reading and writing would reach and how many words they wanted to master,etc.three years later;2)to establish a short-term objective which included which aspect need to be improved most in the first term.After three days,we compared every learner's objective with his/her need.We found that everyone's long-term objective was basically consistent with his/her need,but the short-term objectives set by learners in most cases,were not practical.With our help,learners analyzed their practical needs and current English proficiency again and set an appropriate objective that would be able to be realized in this term.

Stage 2.How to make a study plan.Planning is another metacognitive strategy for us to train,which includes two aspects1)how to make an overall English study plan for realizing longterm objectives;2)how to make a term,month,or week plan for realizing short-term objectives.

In the first step,subjects were required to make two detailed study plans on the basis of their objectives set in Stage 1.The plans were required to include specific time,content and learning strategy.A week later,60 plans were collected.We examined each plan and found the following three problems:1)time schedule was unreasonable;2)learning materials chosen didn't sui their ability,either too difficult or too easy;3)most subjects didn't know which strategies could be chosen,even some subjects didn't know what strategies were.These problems were discussed in groups.The classroom teacher and the author were in charge of three groups respectively and directed every subject The subjects exchanged their opinions with each other and found out what and how they should do.New plans were made.Some learners planned to enlarge their vocabulary by reading a passage every day;some learners planned to improve their own listening ability by the material"Step by Step".For others,they planned to heighten their reading speed by using some reading strategies such as skimming and scanning,etc.

In the second step,we required subjects to make a plan about a concrete learning task.The subjects were given three topics which were"the most interesting person I have known;the most significant thing I have experienced;and the first day in our college".Planning involves having the learner to analyze the requirements of a communication task,and determine if he or she has the language skills required to fulfill those requirements During instruction on the use of this strategy,learners were led by the teacher through an analysis of the purposes language serves in an oral report.For example,the topic must be introduced,followed by an overview,the main points and details,and finally by a conclusion and summary.Throughout,use of relevan markers was encouraged to highlight important information and transitions.The markers were just like as"first,the main point is…and in conclusion".Having familiarity with what needs to be communicated once the main topic had been selected,learners then examined their language repertoires to determine whether they possessed the language required for the communication,and preceded to learn new language as required for the task.Repor preparation was demonstrated in class.During the preparation we gave learners a lot of help.

Stage 3.How to self-monitor one's own learning.Self-monitoring is also a very important metacognitive strategy that learners must often use in self-directed learning.The subjects were trained on self-monitoring strategy in language teaching-learning activities which were designed by learners themselves.In these teaching-learning activities,the learners,who acted as teachers were divided into six groups of five.Each group planned and carried out its own teaching-learning activities together.Each member in the group must be charged of his/her own task in this activity.The materials,methods and techniques,and time used in these activities were all chosen by themselves.The teacher sat among the learners and only gave assistance when called upon to do so.The purpose of these activities was to encourage learners to be more involved in class teaching-learning activities,learning to self-monitor their learning process.Two weeks later,we examined what they had prepared.To our surprise,they did much better than we expected.Take Group One for example,the subject of their activity was"Group Error Correction."

The first step:the learners were divided into five small group of six.Each group was required to perform a roleplay,whose form was not limited.

The second step:the learners in Group One were in charge of recording their version of the roleplay of each group.

The third step:the recorded tape was delivered to each group,each group given a tape recorder in order to play back their version.

The fourth step:each group was asked to sit together to listen to its version,stop the tape where they thought they heard a mistake whether in pronunciation,grammar or intonation and then discuss the correct form.

The fifth step:each group was asked to classify those mistakes they had monitored according to pronunciation,intonation,grammar and expressing methods.

In such group work,we found that the learners used not only self-monitoring strategy,but also peer-and group-monitoring strategies.Each learner found his own mistakes he/she had made in roleplay,and at the same time,he/she also found the mistakes the other learners had made.Furthermore,they thought deeply about the type of errors they typically had made.In addition,they had cooperated with each other well from activity concrete preparation to demonstration in the classroom.Here,we are sorry we have no enough space to provide readers with demonstrations of each group.But in classroom observation,readers will have an opportunity to appreciate a well-organized teaching-learning activity demonstrated by Group 5.

Stage 4.How to self-evaluate their own learning.Dickinson(1987:136)states,"The ability to evaluate the effect of one's own performance in a foreign language is an important skill in learning,and particularly important when the learning becomes autonomous."Most successful language learners regularly engage in self-assessment as part of their learning.They do exercises,and check by whatever means available,whether their responses are correct or not.They construct simple tests of vocabulary.They assess their understanding of reading passages.They check other learners'comprehension of their spoken language,and adjust it when necessary.

From the views of Dickinson and successful language learners,the learners should be trained to use self-assessing strategy in their learning.In order to make learners learn how to reflect on their own learning,we took the following steps:1)Learners were required to evaluate their own English level in listening,reading and writing by using the pre-test paper and mid-term examination paper;2)Different levels of reading materials,such as"College English Fast Reading"(Band 1,2 and 3)were given to learners in order to evaluate their own reading comprehensive ability and reading speed;3)Learners were given an opportunity to use"Learner-prepared assessments"to administer and score the assessments;4)Two checklists adopted from"Learner-Directed Assessment in ESL"(Ekbatani&Pierson,2000:37-47),a teacher assessment and a self-assessment,were used as criteria to record what learners think they can do,and what they canno yet do.The following is how we did them.

In the first step,since the subjects came from differen schools,their English level was very different.After pre-test and mid-term examinations,two things were done,1)the subjects were required to read the teacher's evaluation carefully,comparing their paper with their classmates and made clear their own place in the class;2)the subjects were required to analyze the problems in listening,reading and writing and grammar carefully and then hand in their analyzed results to us.On the one hand they knew the gap between their English level and the level o non-English major Band 3.On the other hand,they knew which aspects were to be improved.What's more important,they knew how to assess their own English level.

In the second step,we provided learners with all kinds o reading materials in class,such as the famous novel"Jane Eyre"with Chinese translation,"21st Century","China Daily"and"Reader's Digest"as well as some other authentic materials.Each learner was asked to skim some of them first and then scan the one that interested him most.Twenty minutes later,they were required to self-report their comment on the reading material they had chosen.The questions were like this:"Is this material suitable for your language level?""Why are you interested in this material?""How many new words did you meet?"etc..Besides learners were required to self-assess their own reading rate."College English Fast Reading"(Band1-3)was delivered to each learner.The passages in Band 1 were limited to finishing reading within 5 minutes,the passages in Band 2 within 7 minutes and the passages in Band 3 within 10 minutes.Those who had done well(80%of reading comprehensive questions are right)continued to read Band 2 and then Band 3.At last a reading speed tes was done.This test method was adopted from"Executive Learning"(Schumm,&Post,1997:44).Such training laid a solid foundation for choosing suitable reading materials and judge reading ability in the future.

In the third step,learners were given opportunities to use their own self-assessing methods to administer and score the assessments by themselves.Learners may need some initial guidance in doing this but once started,it will become increasingly easy for them to find new ways of assessing by them.The learners were given a sample of a Learner-Prepared Assessmen(adopted from Gardner,&Miller,1999:212).In this sample,1to find out the purposes and benefits of self-assessment;2)to make the test which includes the following contents:(1)What do you want the test to be about?(2)What are you going to use as the test material?(3)What do you have to do during the test?3to make the marking scheme which includes:(1)What is the maximum mark for the test?(2)How will you award yoursel marks?(3)How many marks are needed to achieve the following:



4)to comment on the results of the test.Based on this sample,every learner was asked to design his/her own"Learner-prepared Assessment."Some learners designed self-assessment of listening comprehension;some,self-assessment of grammar;and others,self-assessment of vocabulary.

In the last step,learners finished the questionnaire,i.e.,the teacher assessment checklist,which comprises 50 items.The evaluating contents include spoken tasks,comprehension,interaction strategies qualities of spoken performance and writing tasks.The teacher rated the learner for each on the 50 items on the questionnaire using the following scale.

This describes a level which is definitely beyond his or her capabilities.Could not be expected to perform like this.

Could be expected to perform like this provided that circumstances are favorable,for example if he or she has some time to think about what to say,or the interlocutor is tolerant and prepared to help out.

Could be expected to perform like this without support in normal circumstances.

Could be expected to perform like this even in difficult circumstances,for example when in a surprising situation or when talking to a less cooperative interlocutor.

This describes a performance which is clearly below his or her level.Could perform better than this.

After the teacher's rating,every learner got his own statistical result and knew how he/she did in these aspects.

In the end,the learner finished another questionnaire,a self-assessment checklist to judge their vantage level.Self-assessment checklist consists of two parts:one part tests vantage in listening,spoken interaction and spoken production;the other part tests vantage about strategies and language quality.The criteria is that if he gives himself one check(√)for things,he can do it/them in normal circumstances,and two checks(√√)for things,he can do it/them easily;if he uses one star(*)for things,he cannot yet do these things that will represent a target for him,and two stars(**)for points with a high priority.If he has over80%of the points checked,he may well have reached Vantage level.If he has below 80%of the points checked,he needs to set it/them his own target to pursue.Although the two questionnaires are very difficult for learners,with our help,some learners did very well and mastered all kinds of self-assessment methods.

4 Case Studies Via Classroom Observations

In order to get first-hand information about metacognitive strategy training and learner autonomy,I observed the class teaching-learning activities organized by the learners themselves.When I observed the teaching-learning activity of each group,I always had a brief talk with some of the learners either before or after presentation.I jotted down notes while observing and collected them afterwards.Here I selected one from the six groups to describe and analyze how the learners did.On the other hand,I also observed how the classroom teacher integrated learning strategy training into the concrete learning task.

Observation:Group Five

Time:8:00–8:50am.Nov.26 2009(Friday)

Content:Definition of a Good Language Learner

As soon as the bell rang,Wang Ping,a learner from Group Five,just like his teacher,had some small talks with other learners,such as"Whose duty is it today?Is everybody here?Do you like me as your teacher today?"(Learners are laughing)to warm up his"students"and get them ready for class.

Then he wrote a sentence"Are you a good language learner"on the blackboard and then said,"Please think over this question or discuss it with your deskmate."During this time Wang Ping went around from one pair to another just like a counselor.Some students said,"I don't know whether I am a good language learner."Some students said,"The student who often gets a high mark in the examination may be good language learner."And others said,"Those who can listen and speak wel may be good language learners."At this moment,Wang Ping realized that the students did not know how to evaluate a good language learner.In order to solve this problem,he divided 25 students into 5 groups and each student was given a piece of paper which there was a passage titled"Definition of a good language learner"and said,"First of all,read it by yourself and then pick out at least two characteristics about a good language learner And then discuss them in your group.In the end,one representative of each group will report them to the class."When the students were reading and discussing this passage with great interest,Wang Ping and his other partners in Group Five explained the key words and difficult sentences the students met in each group.After ten minutes,the representative from each group presented the characteristics of a good language learner summarized by his/her group to the class.At the same time,Wang Ping reminded the other students of pointing out his/her errors or mistakes in spoken English.

Before the class was over,Wang Ping assigned homework,a mini composition,and the topic being"The Definition of a Good Teacher".

The students'facial expressions indicated their satisfaction and sense of achievement by the end of this class.

Observation Analysis

Firstly,the most evident characteristic of this class is tha the learners are responsible for all the things,including choice o materials and methods.In the whole teaching process,learners are self-monitoring and self-assessing their own learning.

Secondly,in the activity,learners understand not only the nature of learning,but also the characteristics of a successfu language learner in the process of developing their listening speaking,reading and writing.

Thirdly,learning how to learn a foreign language emerges from and leads to learning how to use the language.Such an activity integrates learner training with language learning.

I talked to some of the learners after class.They seemed to like this kind of class very much,because in such English classes,they could participate in activities and learn actively;what's more,they could take more responsibility for their learning.As Wang Ping told me,"As we are required to perform our teaching-learning activities in the class,we must go to the library to do a lot of readings and collect many reference materials.By doing so,we opened our eyes,enlarged the vocabulary and improved the ability to find the useful information.When we prepared for the presentation,our abilities were improved in organizing language,analyzing the article and inducing or summing up the main ideas.What's most important of all for us is to develop our autonomous learning ability and habit."

When I finished observing Group Five,I had a free talk with their teacher,Xue Ling.She said,"Such a teaching-learning activity is beneficial to cultivating learner autonomy.However,i took us a lot of time to make preparations.In spite of this,the students are interested in this activity."

Observation:Zhang Yanjun's Metcognitive Strategy Training Class



Content:Self-monitoring Strategy

When the bell rang,Zhang Yanjun,the English teacher came in.After exchanging the greetings,she said,"Today we are going to learn to use self-monitoring strategy in writing composition.Our method is that every student writes a 300-word composition.After finishing the first draft,you review it and then make marginal annotations about its content and organization."Before the students began to write,a sample with annotations was given to each student.When the class was over,the students had finished their task.After class,the teacher read every annotation made by the students and evaluated them in these compositions.

On Wednesday,every student was asked to read his/her composition,annotation and the teacher's comments carefully and then exchanged them with their deskmates to find out which annotations succeeded in expressing their problems and which problems in the first draft had not been referred to through annotations.When the students were having a lively discussion,the teacher patiently answered every question the students asked Having known how to revise their compositions,the students wrote a second draft.

The class was over on time.The students did not show any excitement.It seemed that it was too difficult for the students to finish this kind of task.

Observation Analysis

Self-monitoring training in writing was completed separately in four-hour classes.After classroom observation,I analyzed al the annotations in students'compositions.I found that 1)through writing marginal annotation;the students removed unnecessary content and corrected illogical organization in their compositions2)Annotation specified students'intentions;3)In expressing their ideas,the students extended their written language;4)Even spelling and grammatical mistakes,improper words and sentence structures in their compositions were monitored by themselves.I was obvious that the training was effective in creating a contex in which students were able to not only work according to their own needs and preferences,but also pay attention to the reviewing of global content and organization necessary for a successfu writing.

The class observations,at the same time,reveal that 1)the teacher should integrate learning strategy training into specific learning tasks;2)learner-training activities should be incorporated systematically in the classroom to help learners become more aware of the learning process,more ready to take charge o their own learning and empowered to make their own change;3learners should be given more opportunities to manage the class teaching as"teachers",which can encourage learners more involved in the class activities.


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