


《苔丝的悲哀》 第1篇


哈代认为:“诗歌是有节奏的感情宣泄。感情来自于自然, 而节奏则可以通过艺术获得。”[2]这里的“节奏”一词有着重要的意义:节奏与韵律相连。哈代自幼对音乐的喜爱让他具有强烈的乐感, 而这种乐感完美地融入了诗歌创作当中。所以哈代在《苔丝的悲哀》中使用各种韵律来达到他想要的节奏效果。这首诗中的尾韵很明显:aaab cccb ddde fffe...每个诗节中有三个连续的尾韵, 连续重复相同的韵给人一种紧张和情绪持续宣泄的感觉。而在一阵宣泄之后, 诗人又另起一韵以表达一种稍作停顿或放松的状态。这样一紧一松、一张一弛的韵律安排符合叙述者讲述时心情的起伏, 达到了汉语中所说的“一唱三叹”的效果, 充分发挥了尾韵的作用, 实现了强化的效果, 使每一诗节似乎自成整体, 但b, e等尾韵的使用又使每两个诗节之间相互紧密联系。哈代对尾韵的这种安排, 不但让整首诗具有强烈的音乐节奏感, 而且让诗歌更具紧凑感。

本诗里每一诗节的第二行其实是对第一行后半部分的重复, 如“I would that folk forgot me quite.Forgot me quite!”等。Leech把诗歌中这样对一个单词或一句话的重复称为同语反复 (epizeuxis) 。他曾举例说:“在大卫的哀伤和弥尔顿哀悼利西达斯中, 这种同语重复的强有力的渲染效果应该依赖于传达了悲痛至极以致无法用几句表达, 哀伤之切需要大量表达。”[3]在生活中, 当一个人陷于思绪或被某种强烈的情感所支配时, 说话时会无意识地重复自己说过的句子。哈代对同语反复的运用正是为了表达叙述者无比悲伤倦怠的心情。而且这种简单而规律的重复构成完整的行内韵, 使诗歌读起来更流畅。

在诗歌结构上, 哈代也是追求美感。建筑师的经历让他对诗歌形式很有见解。《苔丝的悲哀》中的诗行长短不一, 每一诗节都是长句夹短句, 接着短句夹长句。这种长短句参差而又有规律的安排使整首诗看上去具有建筑的形式美。尾韵的使用也增强了诗歌的形式美。Laurence Perrine在其专著Sound and Sense中说:“尾韵因其构建在诗行的末尾处, 除了韵律和格律, 在赋予诗歌音乐性和构筑诗歌形式上它比其他任何音韵形式都更有力。”[4]



首先, 《苔丝的悲哀》中叙述者在追忆过去、对比现实的叙述中表达了对自己被爱人抛弃的悲伤之情, 诗歌的整体基调是缓慢而忧伤的, 但诗中情感的起伏变化却清晰可辨。这首诗总共包括六个诗节, 叙述者的情感随着诗节的发展而变化, 从弱到强, 又从强到弱。在第一诗节中, 我们最常听到的是清辅音“f”和“s”, 如, “folk forgot”, “shrink from sight”, “see the sun”, “say farewell”。第二诗节中, 发音由清辅音向流音“L”转变 (如“Loved me, and learnt”) , 在第三、第四诗节有很多爆破音“p”, “g”, “b”, “d”和一组重音音节明显的单词的使用, 比如, “potted perhaps”, “grow nettle, dock and briar”。在第五和第六诗节里元音和爆破音之类很少出现。该诗中, 第一诗节通过大量清辅音的使用表示了叙述者慢慢开始的思绪和讲述。而第二诗节中叙述者回忆起了过去甜蜜的恋爱时光, 这里流音重复使用让人感觉情感变得明晰。第三、第四诗节里有叙述者对残酷现实和美好往昔的对比, 这样的对比残忍而令人悲伤, 而大量爆破音和重音节单词的使用正好表达了叙述者的感情渐渐达到高潮。第五、第六诗节体现出叙述者在强烈感情宣泄之后, 慢慢归于沉思的心里状态。第二诗节中的发音要重而强烈。在第五和第六诗节中元音和爆破音之类的使用很少。

另外, 尾韵在表现情感的发展过程中也起着重要的作用。在文章的高潮部分 (第三、四诗节) , 尾韵大多已由长元音、双元音外加重音构成, 如[g蘅蘼n], [謖fai藜], [謖mai藜], [f藁蘼m], [蘅蘼l][gail][i蘼]。而在其它诗节中, 相对则是更多的短元音, 并以辅音结尾[ait][蘧n][el] (第一诗节) , [蘅耷][i蘼t] (第二诗节) , [ed][t蘩藜蘼n] (第五诗节) , [it][蘅t][bi蘼] (第六诗节) 。在最后一诗节中多以简短的尾韵和相对简短的诗行, 表达了叙述者强烈的悲哀宣泄后的疲惫, 又渐渐陷入思绪之中。我们知道长元音比短元音要饱满, 第三、四诗节中的尾韵明显的比其它诗节中的发音更具情感力量。同时, 第三诗节中的单词“gone”和“all”的发音与人在悲痛哭泣时的“o”的发音相似, 表现了叙述者的悲痛达到了顶峰。

诗中叙述者从第二诗节回忆起美好的过去, 到第三、四诗节中今昔对比出来的痛苦达到高潮, 对于叙述者情感变化节奏的表达, 诗人还运用了三个语法的停顿, 如“He watched me to the clocks slow bent...”“And now he’s gone;and now he’s gone...”“Well it is finished-past, and he”。省略号和破折号制造出更沉重悠长的感情, 与本诗整体的基调一致, 也更能体现出叙述者无法抑制的悲伤之情。而finish和past这两个单词在意思上是都表示使事情的完结, 但在时间顺序上有着递进的意义。finish表示一件事情的完成;而past则不仅指事情完成了, 而且已经过去一段时间了。哈代使用具有递进意义单词是为了体现了叙述者逐渐增长的失落和悲伤。

这首诗中还有一些值得注意的地方:尽管哈代在这首诗中用词简单, 但却不乏特色———使用自己创造的单词, 如“chimney-sent”, “super-fire”, “A-standing”和“unbe”[1]等词。而诗行“he watched me to the clocks slow bent...”则采用了移情的修辞手法。我们知道时钟走动的嘀嗒声正常情况下是均匀的, 而对情侣来说它走得好像很慢很慢。其实不是时钟慢了下来, 而是哈代用来传达情侣间相看不厌, 以至感觉不到时间流动的那种甜蜜感觉。这种两情相悦的情形与接下来叙述者被无情抛弃的现实形成了鲜明对比, 具有强烈的讽刺作用, 正好体现了哈代消极的爱情观:再甜蜜的爱情也会在时光中消失殆尽。


哈代是一个善于在传统基础上开拓自己风格的诗人。他对诗歌题材的变化, 不同格律的变换和诗行长短的交叉都有独特的安排。他用词简单, 具有诚挚的朴素美, 而自创词又为他的诗歌增加一份新意。通过对《苔丝的悲哀》一诗的分析, 我们更加清晰地认识了哈代的诗歌创作思想和创作手法的巧妙。

摘要:托马斯·哈代的诗歌因其质朴的诗风和深刻的思想而受到广大学者的关注。本文从文体学的角度对哈代的《苔丝的悲哀》一诗进行分析。文中主要分析诗歌中用词、韵律、语音所达到的韵律美和形式美, 以及诗中情感的传达等方面, 以加深读者对哈代诗歌创作的了解。



[1]颜学军.哈代诗歌研究[M].人民文学出版社, 2006:143, 166, 174.

[2]Florence Emiliy Hardy.The Life of Thomas Hardy1840-1928[M].London:Macmillan&Co Ltd, 1962:291.

[3]Geoffrey N.Leech.A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry[M].Longman Inc., New York.1987:78.

[4]Laurence Perrine.Sound and Sense—An Introduction——to Poetry[M].Harcourt, Brace&WoInc.New York.Burlingame.1963:148, 149, 150.

关于苔丝的论文 第2篇





正文:托马斯•哈代是19世纪现实主义小说家,对资本主义文明的发展采取了坚决批判的立场,因此获得了“悲观主义者”的绰号。自从《 苔丝》问世以来,人们便对它的副标题“一个纯洁的女人”争论不休。许多人只承认“ 纯洁”一词的引申的、人为的含意,却无论如何也难以承认这个既不贞洁,又杀了人的女人是纯洁的。苔丝•德伯是小说中的女主人公,虽然她受的教育比同时代、同阶段的大多数女孩子要多,但在本质上,她仍是一个单纯的乡下姑娘。她安分守己、质朴正直,但却被命运无情地玩弄于股掌。她遭受了一连串的不幸,但却始终没有放弃其纯洁的本质,我们自始至终看到的是她用纯洁的本性与严酷现实做艰苦斗争。她失去贞操,是由于亚雷克的犯罪;她同意做亚雷克的情妇,是为了保障家人的生活;她杀死了亚雷克,是为了捍卫她心中 纯洁的爱情。在这样一个伟大而顽强的女人面前,我无法否认她是一个纯洁的女人,我更加无法低估如此美丽娇柔的女子的顽强毅力!











《苔丝的悲哀》 第3篇

关键词:苔丝  悲剧  命运




















《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝的悲剧命运 第4篇

托马斯哈代生于多切斯特附近的一个泥瓦匠家庭, 他的家乡多次出现在其作品中, 成了著名的“威萨克斯”镇。一生中哈代共有八卷诗集, 918首诗歌, 十部具有地方特色的小说。他的作品深受新旧两种文学理论的影响。作品中不幸的男女主人公对幸福的竭力追求以及与命运的抗争都被刻画得栩栩如生。

其中他最为著名的小说就是《德伯家的苔丝》。《德伯家的苔丝》描绘了纯洁无辜的乡村姑娘被像恶少艾力克这样一族富人的现代社会摧残致死。女主人公苔丝是一个美丽纯朴的农家少女, 由于家境贫寒, 被迫去攀一门巨富的远亲, 结果被巨富公子奸污。在世俗的指责中, 苔丝远离故土, 与牧师之子安吉儿相爱。新婚之夜, 苔丝向安吉儿讲述了自己的过去。当丈夫不能谅解时, 她又忍住痛苦回到了艾力克的身边。安吉儿游历了海外各地后回到英国, 他很思念苔丝, 也很后悔。苔丝此时却已经感到失望。最后, 她在忍无可忍的情况下, 杀死了艾力克, 被判以绞刑。《德伯家的苔丝》的悲剧性原因是深刻而又复杂的。


(一) 家庭背景

苔丝的家庭背景不容乐观。她的父亲是个懒散虚荣的人, 而她母亲也是一个极其庸俗的人。苔丝宁可自己受苦也不忍心看到弟妹们受苦。苔丝本来可以像别的农村姑娘一样度过她平淡的一生, 但却事与愿违。多嘴的牧师带来的消息, 使她的父亲多喝了几杯, 不能按时送货。苔丝只好和弟弟去送货, 没想到闯了大祸。这就是苔丝的悲剧的开始。她很早地便担负起家庭的重任却遭到了不幸。她纯洁、勇于作自我牺牲。因此, 家庭是造成她悲剧命运的原因之一。

(二) 社会背景

在当时的英国正处于文学时期的维多利亚时期, 这一时段是英国最光辉灿烂的时段, 但是人们的思想观念还是相当的保守。苔丝被艾力克奸污后最好的选择要么成为他的情人, 要么与他结婚。跟自己不爱的人在一起她做不到;跟他混下去, 她更做不到, 于是只好离开。她的决定是简单的, 也是勇敢的。他的选择实质上是对传统的社会保守的贞操观念的一种否定, 表现了她本性的纯洁。但是她也会多少受点影响。在奶场, 苔丝一再拒绝安吉儿的求爱, 就是因为这种传统观念在作怪, 她认为自己不纯洁了。苔丝的悲剧正在于她的纯洁。在对安吉儿的爱上为了追求这种高尚的爱情, 她宁可因此而失去爱情, 然而, 她的选择严重地打击了她自己。最后她做了痛苦的决定放弃了自己的爱情, 把自己当作牺牲品, 换取了家人的温饱。她做了不纯洁的事, 正因为难, 正当他们窃窃私语之时, 阿蔡才道出“徐嘉惠, 他要嫁出去了”, 这种出其不意的手法增添了几分幽默。


本文主要是从语用学角度对电视剧《双城生活》中的部分台词进行了语言学上的分析, 揭示了该剧语言的一些特点。通过这些简单的分析, 可以帮助我们更好地去理解和欣赏电视剧语言, 增加观赏的艺术性。

她的心地太纯洁。安吉儿从南美回来时, 苔丝已作了艾力克的俘虏。苔丝此时在精神上已经死去, 她只是为了家庭而存在。正当她因安吉儿的出现大为震惊、痛苦不堪时, 艾力克偏又咒骂起安吉儿来。苔丝长期积聚的冤苦、仇恨爆发了, 她一跃而起把刀子插进了艾力克的心脏。她保卫了她深爱着的人, 也惩罚了那蹂躏她、欺骗她、毁了她一生的人。苔丝的惩罚显然过当, 她也为此付出了生命。但谁也无法否认那惩罚是正当的。

(二) 教育程度

由于苔丝家庭贫穷, 弟妹很多, 所以苔丝很早就步入社会干活以便支撑整个家庭, 她做过很多体力活。因为没有上过什么学, 受过什么高等教育, 所以她无法获取较高地位与收入的工作, 家庭极度贫困, 最终不得不接受艾力克。当安吉儿归来, 苔丝杀死艾力克, 走向毁灭。另一方面教育对于女性的重要影响, 表现在女性觉悟上。苔丝受骗被奸污委屈, 她控诉因为没有读过什么书, 看过什么小说, 所以不知道该防备什么。说明在当时的整个社会对女性受教育的忽视。在这传统观念笼罩下, 苔丝的梦想只能是幻想。教育问题不解决, 苔丝式的妇女悲剧将不可逆转, 女性终会成为牺牲品。

(三) 性格秉性

苔丝敢于大胆地反抗传统道德, 追求幸福, 是一个毫不妥协的反抗者。但是苔丝也无法彻底摆脱传统道德观念的束缚, 在她的性格中也包含着传统的保守落后的伦理观念。苔丝是一个无辜的受害者。但在别人的眼里她却是一个不纯洁的人, 由于所有人都这么认为, 所以她也认为自己是“有罪”的, 因此她的内心很痛苦, 备受折磨。苔丝性格也有一定的妥协性这表现在她和安吉儿的关系上。恋人之间本来应该是平等的, 因为她认为自己“有罪”因此一味贬低自己, 抬高安吉儿。这是多么卑躬屈膝的爱。她痛苦的经历, 得不到安吉儿的原谅与理解。面对安吉儿无情的抛弃, 苔丝没有做丝毫反抗。安吉儿离去了, 苔丝对他的爱却从未削减。一封封热情洋溢的信, 却唤不回冰冷的心。在爱情面前, 苔丝失去了自我与自尊, 正是这种不平等的爱情, 使苔丝放弃了争取幸福的权利, 深化了苔丝的悲剧。

苔丝的一生最终以悲剧收场, 她的悲剧不仅仅是命运的悲剧, 更是女性的悲剧。她“既是命运的牺牲品, 也是对男人和性无知的牺牲品”。哈代的悲剧性小说十分出色, 这也告诉我们女性只有摆脱僵化的传统习俗的控制, 找到自己在社会中的位置, 要拥有自我的价值, 才能获得女性真正的幸福。

摘要:托马斯哈代是英国维多利亚时期著名的作家, 他最为著名的小说是《德伯家的苔丝》。苔丝是一位美丽而且淳朴的农家少女, 这个在传统礼教下成长起来的姑娘却被艾力克和安吉儿——两个象征破会力量的男性所毁灭。本文将从家庭背景, 社会背景, 教育程度和性格秉性这几个方面来说明苔丝悲剧的原因。



[1]张伯香, 英美文学选读[M]。北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2006.

[2]万红艳, 英美文学选读一考通[M]。北京, 北京师范大学, 2007.

[3]张谷若.德伯家的苔丝[M].北京:人民文学出版社, 1996.

[4]陈焘宇.哈代创作论集[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社, 1992.

[5]常晓梅译.德伯家的苔丝[M].上海:外语文学与研究出版社, 1996.

[6]聂珍钊.悲戚而刚毅的艺术家[M].武汉:华中师范大学出版社, 1992.

浅谈苔丝的反抗精神(英文) 第5篇

The publication of the novel causes a great disturbance and the heroin Tess is given a hostile reception by the bourgeois public.At the same time,the author Hardy is assaulted fiercely by gentlemen at Victoria Times.In their pinion,Tess is such an impure woman.However,the novelist portrays and highly appraises her as a pure woman,"a new-sprung child of nature".[1]That is absolutely treason and heresy at that time.Today,nobody doubts Tess's purity of course,but many people regard Tess's story as a tragic life story and Tess as a tragic figure.They look into the causes of the tragedy from various aspects,believing that Tess is a rebel to some extend,but her rebellion is weak and not thorough.They consider that Tess is flowed and her passivity and powerlessness result in her great suffering and failure of her rebellion.

Hardy poured his energies and favoritism to the figure Tess,who is not only beautiful and pure,but also diligent,courageous,simple and honest.Besides these excellent qualities,it is more outstanding that Tess is full of rebellious spirit to break the traditional convention.In effect,Tess's rebellion spirit runs through the whole novel from the very beginning to the end.Although her rebellion is of nature,instinct and blindness at the beginning,i is developing from passive to active,from unconscious to rational She challenges conventional moral,religious and social attitudes in her own way and grows into a mature and reasonable woman from an innocent girl of nature at last.She has strong rebellious spirit and her rebellion is progressive.As a rebel,Tess's strong rebellion can be reflected from four aspects:her struggle to oppressive living environment,rebellion against Alec,criticism to the false religion and her pursuit of pure love.In this thesis,I will provide a detailed discussion of the reflection of Tess's rebellious spirit and through the analysis of her developing process with an attempt to argue that Tess's rebellion is progressive.

1 Tess's Spirit of Rebellion

1.1 Struggle to Life

Tess is an independent girl.She is born in a remote and backward village Marlott in the south of England in the late 19th century,whose father is a poor rural tradesman while her mother is a superficial dairymaid.The family with six little children lives in poverty.Tess shoulders a heavy living responsibility precociously at the age of 17.Facing with the difficult circumstances she expresses great courage and independence.At the very beginning of the story,Tess's father drinks too much,but someone must take the hives to the market that very night.Her mother suggests Tess to ask some young feller who danced with her the day before,but Tess declares proudly:"O no-I wouldn't have i for the world!""And letting everybody know the reason-such a thing to be ashamed of!"[1]Her reason and word is simple,however,we can see that she inherits the pride traditionally associated with noble families.

It is her independence that contributes greatly to her rebellion,especially rebellion against convention.Depending on her independence spirit and strong character,she denies the traditional role stipulated by patriarchal convention instinctively.The village of Marlott lying in the out-of-the-way region is still uncivilized.Because feudal power occupies a ruling position in the village,Tess is criticized for losing her virginity by conventional forces.At first,her rebellion isn't strong.Being falsely conditioned by English society and church for her sexual violation and pregnancy,she chooses to hide herself.Hearing the villagers'unfriendly whisper,she tries to be out of observation as much as possible and she hides herself in the bedroom.She only gets out after dark."Her sole idea seemed to be to shun mankind-or rather that could accretion called the world".[1]However,she isn't willing to surrender to life,nor to be mastered by the public opinion.Later,she reappears out of door,going out to work in the fields after dressing herself up neatly.At this time,Tess,who is able to bear the rumors and slanders,isn't defeated by conventional prejudice.

It is hard for other ordinary woman to endure such heavy pressure,but Tess considers getting away to escape the past actively.She believes that past is past and whatever its consequences,time would close over them.She doesn't care about the past any more.The rebellious girl doubts the convention conception,so she says to herself:"Was once lost always lost really true of chastity!She might prove it false if she could veil bygones.The recuperative power which pervaded organic nature was surely not denied to maidenhood alone".[1]

Tess's rebellious spirit against Victorian principle is strengthened gradually.To resist against the traditional moral virginity,Tess leaves hometown to work as a dairymaid at Talbothays dairy.A village girl living in the 19th century can take such resistive action resolutely.What a heroic undertaking it is!But the convention also spreads over Talbothhays,where people take delight in talking about stories of young women's losing virginity.They take such stories as laughingstock for happiness.It makes Tess feel much depressed.Up till now,she still suffers much from the influence of convention.

Tess rebels against the living condition continuously.After her marriage,Angel Clare abandoned her for knowing her past,and then she falls into poverty once more.Tess leaves most of her money to her parents and goes to work at Flintcomb-Ash.She is still confident of life and brave enough to face the reality.Tess never applies to her husband's parents for any help during Angel's absence,although she has suffered much difficult.At Flintcomb-Ash,"Patience,that blending of moral courage with physical timidity"[1]is a distinct feature in Tess and it sustains her.The patience is the best reflection of her rebellious spirit.Her hard taskmaster Groby always makes things difficult for her on purpose.He mistreats and scolds her arbitrarily.She is set men's work beyond her physical strength.She doesn't surrender to difficulties and works diligently.On the other hand,she argues strongly on just grounds when Groby deliberately creates difficulties for her.She speaks plausibly and volubly,"They've all practiced it before,and I have not.And I thought it made no difference to you as it is task-work,and we are paid for what we do.""I am going to work all the afternoon instead of leaving at two as the others will do."[1]What a courageous woman.During this period,her rebellion against convention is raises to a higher level.From her word we can see that she can get rid of other's view towards her and think rationally.In other word,she has already got rid of the influence of convention to some extend.Furthermore,her rebellion against conventional moral is sublimated when she stays with Alec again.Cohabitation is attacked strongly in Victorian society.Tess sacrifices herself for the families.She doesn't care about other's opinion at all.The rebellious woman,Tess,has her own judgment and she isn't controlled by conventional moral any longer.

1.2 Rebellion against alec

During Tess's rebellion process,the contradiction between her and Alec is a focal point.At the beginning,Tess visits the D'Urbervilles in the hope of improving the family fortunes unwillingly.When she first gets in touch with Alec,she dislikes him depending on intuition.So she refuses to work for his mother.Thinking of the death of the old horse,she has to compromise.On their way to Trantridge,Tess tries to avoid his insult Though still quite young,Tess isn't as vulnerable as village girls in her age.Facing Alec's bad-treatment and cursing,the gir cried with spirit:"You ought to be ashamed of yourself for using such wicked words.I don't like you at all.I hate you and detes you!"[1].Can't it be a good evidence of her rebellious behavior?

Her rebellion at this stage is of a kind of nature.As a young girl,she knows nothing about men.On the unfortunate night Tess receives Alec's help because she has no other choice.In the moment of oblivion her head sinks gently against Alec and he encloses her waist with his arm to support."This immediately pu her on the defensive,and with one of those sudden impulses o reprisal to which she was liable she gave him a little push from her".[1]This action shows that Tess isn't a passive victim.She rebels with keen judgment and great courage.

Tess has definite judgment of her own for that she doesn'follow him home after he seduces her.When Tess finds her pregnant,she breaks away from Alec firmly and she isn't willing to say anything good to win his favor."I have said so,often.It is true.I have never really and truly loved you,and I think I never can".[1]Not like other woman,she refuses to stay with Alec as his mistress.Tess even never has an idea of marrying him,bu chooses to face the reality by herself bravely.The proud girl refuses material benefit directly."I have said I will not take anything more from you,and I will not-I can not!I should be your creature to go on doing that;and I won't.[10]This action is worthy of esteem in such an egocentric society.Here,Tess's rebellious spirit is also reflected from her tolerance.When Alec is irritated by Tess's firm determination,he impolitely requires her to kiss him goodbye.Facing such obligatory requirement,Tess rebels silently.On the other hand,Tess's tolerance reflects her restrain in anger.

Tess's rebellion against Alec becomes more reasonable and active when she meets him once more at Flintcomb-Ash.He sneers at her husband Angel Clare and was to insult her again Tess can't restrain her anger and uses her glove to hit Alec's mouth.The glove is"heavy and thick as a warrior's".And"in a moment the blood began dropping from his mouth upon the straw".[1]Tess,who is consistently on the alert of Alec,begins to heat back strongly.When Alec starts up fiercely,Tess springs up too."Now punish me!"She turns up her eyes to him which the helpless defiance of the sparrow's gaze before its captor twists its neck."Whip me,crush me;you need not mind those people under the rick.I shall not cry out.Once victim,always victim that's thee law".[1]It is Tess's resistance for spirit independence Now,Tess isn't a beautiful but innocent girl,instead,she is a strong and independent woman full of rebellious spirit,who can make stand against him with death.

Later,misfortune and hardship come upon poor Tess and her family.Her father dies and the whole family is threatened with starvation.Tess has made some pathetic appeals to her husband abroad but in vain,and Alec presses his attentions upon her.Because of her responsibility for the family,poor Tess is forced to be Alec's mistress.She is driven to accept his protection and lives with him.Soon,Angel comes back and forgives her.Tess feels herself cheated by Alec again because he tells her continuously that Angel won't come back any more.Her rebellious spirit comes to the summit:she kills him.Through such an extreme action,she gets rid of Alec's pester.She becomes so mature and rational that she can face death unflinchingly.It is difficult for people to give no thought to life and death.But when she wakes up to find the arrest,Tess calmly says:"I am almos glad.It was too much-I have had enough".[1]And finally,she said quietly:"I am ready."Till now,she has completed the development of her rebellious spirit.

1.3 Criticism to the religion

As a rebellious woman,Tess has courage to pursue true love.She wants the love without any sham.As a daughter of a poor family,Tess never wants to claim kinship or to marry a rich man.She falls in love with Angel Clare at Talbothays.She loves Angel,mainly because he is intellectual free-thinking and kindhearted instead of coveting his property.Her love for Clare is sincere and dignified.

"There was hardly a touch of earth in her love for Clare.To her sublime trustfulness he was all that goodness could be,knew all that a guide,philosopher,and friend should know.She thought every line in the contour of his person the perfection o masculine beauty;his soul the soul of a saint;his intellect that o a seer.The wisdom of her love for him,as love,sustained her dignity;she seemed to be wearing a crown".[1]

At first,although she loves Angel,Tess doesn't express firs and tries to refuse the marriage and tell Angel her misfortune But Angel stops it.Tess only wants to love him unconditionally but her love is humble.Because of the influence of discipline she regards herself guilty.Being afraid of the aftermath of the marriage,Tess has religiously determined that she never would attempt to get married.Although Tess persists,Angel misleads Tess as to his distortion.Later,she agrees to marry him.Tess is a victim absolutely,however,she think she is guilty to her husband.

Tess loves with her whole being and she can't conceal her past from him.Because of her great responsibility for her husband,Tess forgives her husband's wrong doing,then she confesses to Angel the affair of Alec on their wedding night and makes a long and desperate appeal to Angel."Her narrative ended:even its reassertions and secondary explanations were done.Tess's voice throughout had hardly risen higher than its opening tone there had been no exculpatory phrase of any kind,and she had not wept".[1]Not like other ordinary women,Tess doesn't try to defend herself,nor does her weep for compassion.

Facing Angel's disillusionment,Tess just says that he can get rid of her by divorcing her instead of bursting out quarrelling or begging.Angel is shocked at her calmness,but he can't forgive her and leaves for Brazil alone.Until now,Tess doesn't regret."If-if-it were to be done again-I should do the same.I could not-I dared not-to sin-against him"![1]She would rather give up love than cheat her husband.It is the village girl's noble choice.

When she is exposed to temptation,she writes a little to ask for Angel's help.But she doesn't receive any answer.The hopeless woman is puzzled:"Whatever her sins,they were not sins o intention,but of inadvertence,and why should she have been punished so persistently"?[1]She can't tolerate such unjust behavior any longer and writes a note passionately:

"O why have you treated me so monstrously,Angel!I do not deserve it.I have thought it all over carefully,and I can never,never forgive you!You know that I did not intend to wrong you-why have you so wronged me?You are cruel,cruel indeed!I will try to forget you.It is all injustice I have received at your hands"![1]

Tess gets rid of silence and criticizes her husband'cruelty towards her.The obedience wife before is struggling for her own right.However,her endurance and self—sacrifice leads to the return of Angel.She gets Angel's forgiveness and finally wins true love.The couples get united and are on the run from the police,spending a few days of loving reconciliation together in the woods.Tess is in pursuit of genuine and pure love.After she murders Alec,she leads a happy life with Angel for a week Though it is short,Tess feels satisfied.She has no regret in the world when she is sentenced to death.

1.4 Pursuit of pure love

The growing of Tess's rebellion against the Victorian religion is distinct.From the very beginning,her belief comes from nature,which is greatly influenced of the growing environment.She goes to the church as most people.But she doubts the correctness of religion when there is contradiction between human nature and religion principle spontaneously.On her way home,she fells terrified when she meets a man who is writing religious discipline on the wall.She feels"they are horrible,crushing killing".[1]However,in her opinion,the sin is not of one's own seeking shouldn't be punished.She murmurs to herself:"Pooh-I don't believe God said such things"![1]We can find some inkling of her disbelief of religion from this sentence.

But that disbelief isn't very strong yet.Her disbelief of religion doesn't equal to the denial of belief.When her child is dying,"she thinks of the child consigned to the nethermost corner of hell as its double doom for lack of baptism and lack of legitimacy".[1]The helpless Tess baptizes the child by herself at last But she wonders whether it is the same for the child as if the priest baptizes him.Further more,she wants the priest to give the child a Christian burial.When the priest refuses her,she bursts out:"Then I don't like you,and I'll never come to your church no more."[1]She expresses her feeling directly and clearly.Then the young mother gives her child a Christian burial by hersel and sticks a little cross of two laths and a piece of string at the head of the grave.

Tess's belief of religion becomes vacillated.She learns the sham of God from hard experience.She feels indignant:"Why the sun do shine on the just and the unjust alike"?[1]Being influenced of her husband Angel,Tess becomes a naturalistic unobtrusively.When she meets Alec once more at Flintcomb-Ash,he becomes a preacher who saves people's intuitive knowledge ironically.He says he desires to save Tess from the wrath."Have you saved yourself?Charity begins at home",[1]that is Tess's answer which pointing out the deceit of Victorian religion with grea slight and disgust.Tess uses her husband'theory to reject Alec successfully.She gets the initiate science thought from her husband,but the thought is used most reasonably in the simple village girl's head.From her attitude to Alec,we can see Tess's extreme despise towards religion:"You,and those like you,take your fill of pleasure on earth by making the life of such as me bitter and black with sorrow;and then it is a fine thing,when you have had enough of that,to think of securing your pleasure in heaven by becoming converted.Out upon such-I don't believe in you-I hate it"![1]

Tess has received conventional belief since her early childhood.In her youth,her

miserable experience wavers her belief.Then she begins to doubt the validity of religion gradually.Nurtured in the free spiri of her husband,Tess becomes a believer in naturalism.During the rebellious process against false religion,Tess is growing and progressing.

2 Conclusion

Like Hemingway Code of Heroes sculptured by Ernes Hemingway,Tess is"destroyed but never defeated."At the beginning,we can find her obedience to destiny,but her struggle to destiny is more and more obvious.At the end of the novel,Tess is dead.But that not means Tess's rebellion is defeated.She releases herself from pester of Alec,and is no longer mastered by Victorian convention and religion.She has her own mind and grows even more mature than her husband.It is the most important for Tess that she gets her husband's true love,which is the pursuit all through her life.Tess,a rebel living in 19th century couldn't change the convention at all,but she arouses people's attention and interest.All in all,Tess,the heroic rebel is absolutely a glorious female figure in the world literature for her indomitable rebellion.


[1] Hardy,Thomas.Tess of The D'Urbervilles [M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press & Oxford University Press,1994.

[2] 张中载.托马斯·哈代—思想和创作[M].北京:外语教学与研 究出版社,1987.

[3] 刘炳善.英国文学简史[M].郑州:河南人民出版社,1993.

