



一、单句改错(仅有一处错误) preposition mistakes介词错误

1. We often play football in Saturday afternoon. 2. The doctor gave him some advice about his illness. 3. You are wanted by the phone. 4. He asked me where I’d like to go to. 5. His uncle is a man of a lot of money. 6. Fish can’t live with water. 7. She married to a man she didn’t love at all. 8. I will call on your office tomorrow. 9. He told me he didn’t agree with the plan. 10. It seems that he has a chance to get on the top of the army. 11. It’s kind for you to come to see us. 12. The class is made up from 8 groups. 13. He makes a living for teaching. 14. We drove over the forest and got to the farm. 15. When the teacher came in the classroom, we were laughing. 16. Beijing is to the north of China. 17. Taiwan is to the east of China. 18. The letters PRC stand with the People’s Republic of China. 19. He kept in touch to his old friends. 20. Hangzhou is famous as its beautiful scenery. 21. You will see the house in the right. 22. They said they’d be in holiday in the countryside. 23. For a result of the limited land, it can’t provide so much grain.24. In China the needle treatment dates in ancient times. 25. The meeting was put off with a certain reason. 26. He used to listen to the news by the radio. 27. Why did you get up so early in this morning? 28. As he was sick, he asked about a leave of absence. 29. Don’t you feel lonely living here all on yourself? 30. I was told that my mother had left Guangzhou to America. 31. They brought out a pot full with coffee. 32. The car is running in a speed of 80 K.P.H. 33. Now we can read by the help of a dictionary. 34. Sports and games are very useful to character-training. 35. The hall and the kitchen are connected of a long passage. 36. What do you want me live with without rice? 37. She asked with surprise if he’d really read all the books. 38. I don’t know the answer of this question. 39. The man had left at the time the police arrived. 40. He said that the victory (胜利)should belong with us. 41. She called on the workers to fight against their rights.

42. She said her husband had given in smoking. 43. He said he would join us on the discussion. 44. He was born by a fault in his ears. 45. She said she was caught by the heavy rain. 46. Do you have any difficulty for understanding English? 47. Can you tell the difference among A, B, and C? 48. Instead the dictionary we wanted, he bought us the wrong one. 49. Are you content to what he has done? 50. He reduced the passage by half the number of words.

二、单句改错(多一词)(please drop unnecessary words) 1. The ship changed its course because of there was a storm. 2. I had opened the door before he had not time to knock. 3. There are much many more people than I expected. 4. This train is much faster than any other car. 5. We wish to improve our work better. 6. These made them become close friends. 7. Many problems still remain unsolved. 8. I had to return the book back to the library in time. 9. I had not hardly left the house when it began to rain. 10. He began to see things more clearly and more clearly. 11. The more careful you are, the more fewer mistakes you will make. 12. Having been told many times, but he still couldn’t understand it. 13. This coat doesn’t fit for him. 14. Why not to go and ask for his advice? 15. The nice car was belonged to the young lady. 16. They are like playing football very much. 17. He is too young not to join the army. 18. Today was my first time visit to an American family. 19. People in different parts of the world learn to understand one with another. 20. He works much more harder than before. 21. We practise singing for three times every week. 22. He had known Joan for two years before he married with her. 23. I never knew a ride down a river could be so much exciting. 24. Though he is rich, but he works hard. 25. I never buy anything unless it is not really needed. 26. I asked her to tell me that how much it cost. 27. I don’t smoke because my wife won’t let me to. 28. If they will come, please let me know. 29. You need not to go with me unless you are free now. 30. They sat in the room with the curtains was drawn. 31. The bird being caught yesterday is a robin. 32. Whoever told you that he was lying. 33. You’d better to hurry up if you want to get home before dark. 1

34. There’s the man who he teaches me the guitar. 35. I’ve lost the bananas that I bought them his morning. 36. The book is well worth reading it. 37. Tell me the best way which to express my thanks. 38. I hope that both you two could come and visit us some time soon. 39. I don’t know when he will come back to home. 40. He told me about where he had met my brother. 41. Why are you at home in such a fine weather? 42. People thought of that he was dead. 43. Because he was careless, so he failed. 44. This book is cheap enough for him to buy it. 45. He did nothing but to wait. 46. When you enter into the room, you will find many paintings on the wall. 47. His father would have him to go to sea. 48. They found the letter hard to understand it. 49. You will have to pay me for &10 a week for your meals. 50. Would you please to open the window?

三、英语短文改错系列 单句“多一词”专练

1. I come from Zhongshan, and so I am currently a student at DSYSMMS. 2. My favorite pastime is by listening to music, especially classical music. 3. I am majoring in主修 educational psychology and to hope to be a teacher in the future. 4. My hobbies are reading books and travelling, in which I find very interesting. 5. Since that I am the only child in my family, I am quite independent独立性强的. 6. I deeply believe in that I can succeed in the near future. 7. Many interests as I have, English is what that I like most. 8. I want to keep on with learning new things to increase my and . 9. One hour in the morning is worth the two in the evening. 10. The number of people who has watched the game was not more than a hundred. 11. Susan doesn’t feel quite well, for which she is having an ache in her heart. 12. How did you get on well with your study at school? 13. I used to get really sun burnt from playing outside all the day. 14. It is not known for certain whether she is still living on. 15. An important meeting was held, Mr Chen sat in the chair. 16. It is eight or nine chances out of ten for that he will win. 17. The shop has been changed hands. 18. The driver was in the charge of the car. 19. The merchant商人 made money by his buying cheap and selling dear. 20. Would you like to check it over the proofs of this book? 21. We have done that climb over three times since 1982. 22. The teacher told us to collect all the wastepaper while lying about after the picnic. 23. She could borrow my bike if she was asked.

2 24. The old woman was so sad and so having a good cry. 25. In the times of war everyone is in danger of losing his life. 26. As soon as they reached the bank and they saw a girl struggling in the water. 27. Some people are reading the books or watching television while others are having sports. 28. Anyone who is against this opinion may speak it out. 29. The house in which we saw at the foot of the hill was built a century ago. 30. This is Mr. smith, who I think of has something interesting to tell us. 31. As is known to all that, the compass was first made in China. 32. I will never eat up my words——I will come at seven today. 33. He was elected a monitor of our class. 34. He has been ill ever since he returned back home. 35. Mike entered his study and saw his father was reading the same book. 36. He is no more fool. He can do the work well. 37. I am afraid to make a speech in the front of my classmates. 38. I usually look down upon that as my duty. 39. He repaired well my bicycle for love several times. 40. He has many books, but none of them is on English grammar books. 41. It’s a good study habit for students to compare notes with. 42. We needn’t to go now. 43. The more he expects, and the less he gains. 44. I could no more do that kind of a thing than you. 45. John is as clever, if not cleverer than, as Bill. 46. Hemingway is my most favorite novelist. 47. He preferred staying at home to be going with us to HongKong. 48. His whole school education was added up to no more than one year. 49. He was badly wounded and made his way on to the seashore. 50. Was it Tom and Jane that who were going to take part in the match?

四、行文、逻辑、惯用法错误(logical and idioms mistakes) 1. Here is somebody whom you want see him. 2. This is all what I want to tell you. 3. Why should not let him go? 4. I am sure it will be dark before we don’t get there 5. I don’t know if they will come, but if they will come, please show them the way to my house. 6. I asked him to tell me that how much he paid a year for his son’s education. 7. Unless he works more harder, he will certainly fail. 8. The reason why he was absent is because he was ill. 9. He did nothing but to cry. 10. This book is too hard for me to read it. 11. I used to go to the cinema in once a week. 12. He said last Monday that he met her the day before. 13. Because he was careless, so he failed. 14. I was too tired not to walk any farther. 15. He need not to work so late. 16. I really don’t know how to do. 17. I have been waiting you for a long time. 18. The ship hardly left the port when the storm came. 19. I found strange that she had not come yet. 20. As I had worked more than half hour, I was a little tired. 21. My mother is less older than you think she is. 22. He speaks English better than anyone in his class. 23. I don’t agree to the people who say women should stay at home. 24. This coat costed me twenty dollars. 25. When the moon shines upon the river, the scene was beautiful. 26. When winter comes, the leaves will fell. 27. He hanged his coat over the window. 28. He seems to be a bright student, isn’t he? 29. The teacher with many students have gone to the exhibition. 30. My little brother is quite proud for his painting. 31. ——You have not yet finished your work, have you? ——Yes, I have not. 32. This piece of fish smelled badly. 33. The boy’s face is like his father. 34. She did nothing but cried all days. 35. I like English better than my brother likes. 36. Each of us should do our duty. 37.The mistakes made by the Chinese students of English are different from that made by the Japanese students.


1. Everyone of us is working hard in the factory.

2. I have caught a bad cold for a week and I can’t get rid of it. 3. This is the steel plant where we visited last week. 4. Following the road and you will find the store. 5. This is all what Dr. Smith said at the meeting. 6. He promised to come and see us after the supper.

7. John had been here to see you, but he left five minutes ago. 8. My mother is busy preparing for supper. 9. I’ve heard him but I never know him.

10. We got on the school bus and which took us straight to the People’s Park.

1.Everyone-Every one 2.caught-had 3.where-which 4.Following-Following 5.what-that;or drop “all” 6.drop “the” 7.had been-came 8.drop “for” 9.heard of 10.which-it

11. From what I have seen and heard, I must say Chinese people are living happily.

12. Everyone agreed to his suggestion which we should hold a meeting to talk about the problem. 13. Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan. 14. Why don’t you ask anybody else to help you?

15. The pen is missing, for we cannot find it everywhere. 16. Sorry, I have a such book.

17. The two languages are not at all the same in neither spelling or grammar. 18.

Most people can quick get help from a doctor when ill. 19. He told me that how important it is to learn English. 20.

Can’t you remember tell me that the other day?

11.must-can 12.which-that.13.drop “he” 14.anybody-somebody 15.anywhere 16.a-an 17.neither-either 18.quick-quickly 19 drop “that” 20. tell-telling 21.

She asked me if I had found out my new pen.


He had changed so much that I could hardly know him. 23.

I learnt of from Joan that Mary had fallen ill.


I didn’t hear you. Please repeat the sentence again., 25.

Would you please speak something about your family?


We must study hard in order to serve for the people better in the future. 27.

I know little about Tom, but I know Mary better than he. 28.

The writing of the report spent me two evenings. 29.

If I had time, I shall see the new film.


Don’t let the children who are so young to go swimming.


drop “out” 22.know-recognize 23.drop “of” 24 drop “again” 25 speak-say 26 drop “for” 27 add “about” before Mary 28.spent-took 29.shall-would 30 drop “to” 31.

It took place in France, an European country.


Would you bought the dictionary if you had had more money yesterday? 33.

I shall lend the money to who comes first. 34.

That is known to all, Taiwan belongs to China. 35.

What was it that woke up the baby?


“Do you mind getting me some water?” “Certainly don’t.” 37.

He enjoyed nothing but listen to music. 38.

Cotton feels softly.


He is by far the clever student in our class. 40.

I came here especially to ask you for advice.


an-a 32 add “have” before “bought” 33 who-whoever 34That-As 35 right 36 don’t-not 37but-but to 38 softly-soft 39 clever-cleverest 40especially-specially. 41.

I don’t doubt whether I’m able to finish the work on time. 42.

Would you be kind as to turn off the TV set? 43.

Do you know what do these words mean?


Hearing her name calling, she rushed out of the room.


Do you know anything about the accident happened in the village yesterday? 46.

The little girl hurried home with the remained money. 47.

Speak slowly and try to make yourself understand


The population of Zhengzhou is fewer than that of Beijing.


My father has two brothers , both of them are all Party members. 50.

I followed Mr.Smith entering the office.

41 drop “don’t” 42be-be so 43drop “do” 44 calling-called 45 happened-that happened 46 remained-remaining 47 understand-understood 48 fewer-smaller 49 them-which 50 entering-into 51.

He’ll leave Beijing to Paris tomorrow. 52.

He devoted his life for his country.


There having no buses, we had to walk home. 54.

Being Sunday today, we don’t have to work.


Not had studied his lessons well, he failed in the exam. 56.

My brother has turned an engineer for two years. 57.

I have three letters to be answer this afternoon.


The recorder needs be repaired before it can be used.


Having been ill for a long time, so she fell behind her classmates. 60.

They may go to London, but they were not certain .

51to-for 52 for-to 53 having-being 54 being-It being 55had-had he 56turned-been 57drop “be” 58needs-needs to 59 drop “so” 60 may-might 61.

I don’t think he can do the work well, can’t he?


The book which brought for me by my brother cost a lot of money. 63.

You must do everything you can help them.


The farmers re very busy today and they will stop working until dark. 65.

After mixing the three together, he dipped one of his finger into the cup.


The old man asked a policeman,” Could you show me how get to the post office? 67.

The teacher found a cup broken and tried to find who had broken it.


In England as early as the twelve century, young people enjoyed playing football. 69.

Jack regretted not go to the meeting last week.


I have lost my key; I can’t remember where I forgot it.

61can’t-can 62which-which was 63help-to help 64will-will not 65finger-fingers 66how-how to 67find-find out 68twelve-twelfth 69go-going 70forgot-left 71.

What a terrible weather we have been having! 72.

The composition is well written except a few spelling mistakes. 73.

The students have to follow the teacher’s advice, haven’t they? 74.

Autumn has come and it is time for harvest the rice.


Please put everything back and tidy the lab in the end of your experiment. 76.

“Listen to me carefully; do all what I’ll tell you to do,” said the teacher.. 77.

The other day we dropped in on the village.


There will not be enough rooms for such a large population in the future.


“Help yourselves with the fish. It’s very delicious.” mother said to the guests. 80.

To my opinion, computers will enter every family in the near future.

71 drop “a”72except-except for 73haven’t-don’t 74harvest-harvesting 75in-at 76what-that 77on-at 78To-In 79with-to 80To-In


The machine is used to working for man.


She married the man because what he had done for her. 83.

A hundred of people attended the meeting last night.


Tell me how long she will be back, in ten days or a week? 85.

What did you do in the evening of May Day?


“You will be late for school unless you will get up at five.”said mother. 87.

It is much easy to make plans than to carry them out.


Thanks the teacher’s help, I have made great progress in my English study. 89.

People both at home and abroad have been great helped by the new computer. 90.

The computer is an useful machine that can do many things for us.

81working-work 82because-because of 83drop “of” 84long-soon 85 in-on 86 drop “will”87easy-easier88Thanks-Thanks to 89great-greatly 90an-a 91.

You had better go and see him, didn’t you?


We must devote every effort to finish the task on time.


We’ll never forget the days when we spent together happily in the middle school. 94.

He has written many books , two of them are widely read.


How did you like the dancers and their performances which you saw at the party? 96.

Is there any place for me in the car? 97.

He hid himself after a tree.


My neighbor is a seventy-years-old woman. 99.

He was wounded with a stone.

100. It was yesterday when he broke the window.

91didn’t-hadn’t 92finish-finishing 93when-which 94whem-which 95which-that 96place-space 97after-behind 98years-year 99with-by 100when-that 101.There was a heavy rain last night.

102.This is one of the most exciting football games which I have ever seen. 103.Where is my trousers?

104.Generally speaking, when a child learns to read, he usually begins from A,B,C.

105. Mr Zhang’s English is perfect, so he has made lots of foreign friends from English-spoken countries.

106.The police has been going all out to search for the prisoner all over the country for two weeks. 107.I was caught by the rain last night. 108.Has he returned back yet? 109.It took us two hours to walk across the forest. 110.He had little to eat and a large house to live in.

101drop “a” 102 which-that 103is-are 104from-with 105English-spoken→Englsih-speaking 106has-have 107by-in 108drop “back” 109across-through 110and-but 111. Mother doesn’t like milk and so do I. 112.I lay down again with my head covering. 113. He was wounded on the left leg. 114.I have only a pen, not two. 115.China is very lager than Japan. 116.His advise is very useful.

117.Unless he said he wasn’t hungry, he ate a big breakfast. 118.It will make you good to have some outdoor exercise. 119.There are lots of money left. 120.He entered from the front door.

111so→neither 112 covering→covered113on→in 114a→one 115very-much 116advise→advice 117wasn’t-was 118make→do 119 are→is120from→through 121.One thousand dollars are enough to live on. 122.His book is quite different from me.

123.He rose his hand before asking the question.

124.I visited a place where is surrounded by mountains. 125.What beautiful the sun is!

126.He had no sooner arrived when he fell ill.

127.Mrs Johnson gave her friends , Mary and I, a tea party.

128.A house built of bricks lasts longer than the one that is made of woods. 129.I like English better than my brother likes. 130.I will be used to live in the south.

121 are→is122me→mine 123rose→raised 124where→which 125what→how 126when→than 127I→me 128woods→wood 129likes→like 130 live→living 131.He was warmly welcome by his friends. 132.I received a letter writing in green ink. 133.She did nothing but cried all day.

134.The old man walked slowly cross the street. 135.The boy’s face is like his father.

136.The weather was so hot and we could not read much. 137.This piece of fish smelled badly.

138.The young is taught to respect the old.

139.—You have not yet finished your work, have you? --- Yes, I haven’t.

140.There is nothing interesting on today’s paper.

131 welcome→welcomed132writing→written 133cried→cry 134cross→across 135father→father’s 136and→that 137badly→bad 138is→are 139haven’t→have 140on→in 141.They won us in the football game last week. 142.He thinks he needs not do it in a hurry.

143.The teacher with many students have gone to the exhibition. 144.He seems to be a bright student, isn’t he?

145.He returned home in the afternoon of his holiday. 146.He was educated at an university.

147.You won’t fail unless you work harder. 148.The robber was an one-eyed man. 149.Who of them is your father? 150.These shoes are too little for me.

141won→beated 142needs→need 143have→has 144 isn’t→doesn’t145in→on 146an→a 147won’t→will 148an→a 149who→which 150little→small 151.Do you fond of hunting?

152.The mistakes made by the Chinese students of English are different from that by the Japanese students.

153.He left home last year and I haven’t seen him from then. 154.He cannot do it like your father does. 155.Between the trees stand a stranger. 156.Enough have been said about it.

157.Neither of the books are difficult to read.

158.He hoped to complete the work before he leaves the city. 159.The thief wanted to get in and stole something. 160.He hanged his coat by the window.

151 Do→are152that→those 153from→since

154like→as 155 stand→stands156have→has 157are→is 158hoped→hopes 159stole→steal 160hanged→huang

161.We all thought it was him who had stolen it. 162.He is going to shoot some sparrows in the trees. 163.The king let him chose what he liked. 164.He ordered us not speak so loudly.

165.Turn to the right, you will find the post office. 166.We all felt if we were going to fly.

167.Tell me the best way which to express my thanks. 168.It is certain he will come.

169.I found strange that she had not come yet.

170.We all considered it a pity you could not come with us.

161him→he 162shoot→shoot at 163chose→choose 164not→not to 165you→and you 166if→as if 167drop “which” 168he→that he 169found→found it 170pity→pity that 171.As weather is fine, let us take a long walk.

172.Have the police found the knife which the man was killed? 173.The moon moves round the earth is well known to us all.

174.After we seated at the table, she suddenly felt a pain in her stomach. 175.This is the classroom for us to study.

176.The ship hardly left the port when the storm came. 177.I have been waiting you for a long time. 178.How dare you say such thing to my face?

179.The time is sure to come when my words come true. 180.I really don’t know how to do.

171As→Since 172which→with which 173add “That” before the sentence 174seated→were seated 175study→study in 176hardly→had hardly 177 waiting→waiting for 178such→such a 179 when→that180how→what

181.He suggested me that I go to see the manager. 182.I lent him the book I bought the day before.

183.I never buy anything unless it is not really needed. 184.You need not to go with me unless you are free now. 185.I am sure it will be dark before we won’t get there.

186.I don’t know if they will come, but if they will come, please show them the way to my house. 187.I could not make myself understood entirely well. 188.This book is too hard for me to read it 189.As he was careless, so he failed

190.I was too tired not to walk any further.

181 drop “me”182bought→had bought 183drop “not” 184drop “to” 185drop “won’t” 186drop the second “will” 187drop “entirely” or “well” 188drop “it” 189drop “as” or “so” 190drop “not”

191.Why not to take a holiday for a few days? 192.This book is cheap enough for him to buy it. 193.She did nothing but to cry.

194.Would you kindly let me to know as soon as possible?

195.I asked him to tell me that how much he paid a year for his son’s education. 196.I don’t know when he will be come back home.

197.He nodded his head in silence, and his eyes bright with tears. 198.Though rich, but he works very hard. 199.That is all what I want to tell you.

200.There is somebody whom you want to see him.

191drop “to” 192 drop “it”193drop “to” 194drop “to” 195drop “that” 196 drop “be”197drop “and” 198drop “but” 199 drop “all” or change “what” into “that”200drop “him” 201.What a beautiful weather we are having recently! 202.The new flowers are for her, not for his. 203.They live in the Room 305 in that building. 204.Mike is a college student from Britain. 205.We used to go to beds at nine ten at school. 206.Please you work harder at your lessons. 207.I have no papers to write on.

208.Please not look out of the window in class. 209.We got an English evening last Wednesday. 210.Let’s see who can reach to there first.

201drop “a” 202his→him 203drop “the” 204from→in 205 beds→bed206drop “you” 207papers→paper 208not→don’t 209got→had 210drop “to”

211.Which is much cheap, this one or that one? 212.We have to work hard on physics this term. 213.Is there any deer in the zoo? 214.She hasn’t returned back home yet.

215.The boy is old enough to take care of him.

216.It’s too hot in day and too cold at night on the noon. 217.John studies much more harder than any of the others. 218.Physics is one of the most difficult subject for us. 219.After quick supper, Tom returned to the cinema. 220.We must be strict in ourselves in everything.

211cheap→cheaper 212on→at 213is→are 214drop “back” 215him→himself 216in day→in the day 217drop “more” 218subject→sujects 219quick→a quick 220change the first “in”into “with”

221.The girl doesn’t dare to go out at night lonely. 222.Will I get you a piece of chalk, Mr.White?

223.As a boy, he made a life by selling newspapers.

224.When he came in, the speaker found the listeners all seating. 225.John had to make some rooms for Joe and Mike. 226.After the supper the singer didn’t go upstairs.

227.There are around one hundred woman workers in this factory.

228.Jack was said to be made stay behind by his teacher after school yesterday. 229.Great changes have been taken place in the past year. 230.Hear! How nicely the girl is playing the piano!

221 lonely→alone 222Will→Shall 223 life→living 224 seating→seated 225rooms→room 226 drop “the” 227woman→women 228 stay→to stay229drop “been” 230Hear→Listen 231.I didn’t go to the film because I have seen it before. 232.How shall I do with the old machine?

233.She was about to get into sleep while the baby woke up and began to cry. 234.We have friends over the world.

235.He failed but wanted to try the second time. 236.He left Shanghai at a cold winter night.

237.Sorry, I forgot your book in my office yesterday. 238.They have only a little room to live.

239.Tom didn’t leave until his sister was seen to enter into the village. 240.My idea is quite different from you.

231have→had 232How→What 233into→to 234 over→all over 235change “the”into “a” 236at→on 237forgot→left 238 live→live in 239 drop “into” 240 you→yours 241.He raised his sound so that we could hear him. 242.I want to make clear that I don’t want the price.

243.When wet clothes are hanged up near a fire, steam can be seen rising from them. 244.I haven’t received a letter from him in the past a few years. 245.The dustmen have gone on strike for more than two weeks. 246.’Will the play be put on again?” Yes, I think it.

247.Though it was very cold, but he went out without an overcoat. 248.My uncle began to study French in the fifties. 249.How do you think of the bicycle of this model?

250.I used to dance a lot when I was an university student. 241could hear→heard 242 make→make it 243hanged→hung 244 drop the second “a” 245on→been 246 it→so 247drop “but” or “Though” 248 the→his249How→What 250an→a 251.I always find physics difficulty to learn. 252.It was polite for him to make room for you. 253.That’s quite far from here to the bus stop.

254. He made such many mistakes in his homework that the teacher made him do it again. 255. There were many restaurants and we were not sure which to eat.


She fixed all the radios besides the smallest one ,because there were no parts for it. 257. “Which of the two buses goes to the hospital? “None of them does.” 258.

Be careful not to loose the money.


Many new homes have been built in the past few months in our

village. 260.

New York is the larger city in the U.S.

251difficulty→difficult 252 for→of 253That→It 254 such→so 255eat→eat in 256 besides→except257 None→Neither 258loose→lose 259homes→houses 260 larger→largest 261. She takes much interest in the Chinese history.

262. My brother left the school at the age of fifteen. So he hasn’t much knowledge. 263.

Mary got up, dressed her and went to the party.


Made of plastics, so the machine is quite light in weight. 265.

Even a boy of three knows it’s wrong to say lies.


My father has two brothers and three of them are all Party member. 267.

The discovery is great importance in science.


Do you know who’s English is the best in your class? 269.

“Are those apples green or red? “Yes, they are red.” 270.

We play basketballs at four in the afternoon. 261 drop “the”262drop the first “the” 263her→herself 264drop “so” 265say→tell 266 three→both 267is→is of 268who’s→whose 269drop “yes” 270 basketballs→basketball 271. About two hundred fifty workers attended the meeting. 272.

Pass Rose and I two pieces of bread, please. 273.

Here are some news for you, Mary. 274.

Look! A police is coming this way. 275. You’d better borrow your bike to her.


The teacher will have a talk with you after the class. 277.

I’m sorry, sir. I was late to school this morning.


The match between Class 4 and Class 5 is sure to be excited. 279.

The talk is going to give by a famous professor.


The teacher told me that Mary did very good in drawing.

271hundred→hundred and 272 I→me 273are→is 274police→policeman 275to→from 276drop “the” 277to→for 278 excited→exciting 279 to give→to be given 280good→well 281. You can’t jump so highly on the earth as on the moon. 282.

There’s going to be a match this afternoon, isn’t it? 283.

She said she was leaving the second morning. 284. Tell him about it if you will see him tomorrow.

285. Do more speaking, you will be good at spoken English. 286.

The boy was too tired not to walk any farther. 287.

The students are really pleased after such a pleasing trip.


It has been too dry this year and there are a few apples on the tree. 289. Hundreds college students gathered for the meeting.

290. In the past three years, the doctor saved many people’s lives.

281 highly→high 282it→there 283second→next 284drop “will” 285 you→and you 286 drop “not” 287pleasing→pleasant 288drop “a” 289 hundreds→hundreds of 290 saved→ has saved 291. We all hope he will stay here for another some days. 292. The town is two miles far away from our school.


To them joy, they got two tickets for the football match.


Mary is an active girl when his brother is a man of few words. 295.

Our physics teacher said light traveled faster than sound. 296.

His grandfather has been death for nearly a year.


The teacher handed over the textbooks to the students. 298.

A plane is the machine that can fly.


You will have to give other example. One is not enough. 300.

The letter was sent by an old friend of John.

291 some→few292drop “far” 293them→their 294when→while 295traveled→travels 296death→dead 297 over→out298 the→a299other→another 300John→John’s 301.

None job is easy enough for him to do. 302. Every of them has a copy of the handbook. 303. Who’s the young man playing a violin?


I feel very asleep now because I didn’t sleep well last night. 305. You are wanted by the phone.

306. Better don’t leave your little daughter by herself at home. 307.

Do you still remember the house there we used to play? 308.

She stopped cry and told me what had happened. 309. A language can only be learned with using it.


The police works hard day and night for the safety of the people.

301None→No 302Every→Each 303a→the 304 asleep→sleepy305by→on 306don’t→not 307there→where 308 cry→crying309 with→by310works→work 311. I used to having a drink before going to bed. 312. She’s very ill but the doctor won’t give her away. 313.

All needs to be done should be done quickly. 314.

Fish can’t live there’s no water.


He came to the party without invited.


He raised his noise in order to be heard by us all.


I have no clean clothes and have to have the dirty clothes washing. 318.

The ground is covered with falling leaves. 319.

Man can now travel in the space.


Usually in the beginning of class, we read aloud our texts.

311 works→work312away→up 313All→All that 314live→if live 315invited→being invited 316noise→voice 317washing→washed 318falling→fallen 319drop “the” 320in→at 321. Three-fourths of the apple were eaten by the rat.

322. The boy was sent to hospital with one of his legs breaking. 323.

I have made this clear to her that her job is very important.


I once suggested that we students must be given more free time. 325. I had hardly set out than it began to rain.


It was as he was ill that he missed the chance. 327.

I have never seen a snake so thick as a log.


How I hope I hadn’t missed the lecture yesterday.!


My home town has taken on a new look. How great it has changed ! 330.

He didn’t marry with my sister until he was thirty.

321were→was 322breaking→broken 323this→it 324must→should 325than→when 326as→because 327so→as 328hadn’t missed→didn’t miss 329great→greatly 330drop “with”

331. I don’t suppose he will be back in six.


Their football team has won ours several times. 333. Do you know our team leader we call him Big Wang? 334.

We’d like see your birthday present.

335. She reached early in order to sit in the front.


In the end of the class, the teacher taught us an English song. 337.

We all find it difficulty to learn physics. 338.

I t is known to all that Lu Xun died in 30’s.


Is it true that some Germen will come to our school next week?

340. We shall never forget what that the headmaster said at yesterday’s meeting.

331 in→at332won→beated 333drop “him” 334see→look at 335reached→arrived 336In→At 337difficulty→difficult 338in→in his 339Germen→Germans 340drop “that”


My brother didn’t stop play outside until my mother called him. 342.

The students were praised because having made rapid progress. 343.

It is I who is right.


Is this the pen you bought it last Sunday?


John looks much like his mother than his father.


I t was happened that he was not at home when we called. 347.

It’s very nice for you to help me with that heavy bag. 348.

My son isn’t old enough not to go to school.

349. I didn’t think it one of the best films that has ever been shown here this year. 350.

Each of the students in our class have got such a dictionary. 341play→playing 342because→for 343is→am 344drop “it” 345much→more 346drop “was” 347for→of 348drop “not” 349has→have 350have→has 351.

It is the soldier which was wounded in that battle.


I have to get up early tomorrow so that I catch the first bus. 353.

She left her hometown to Shanghai early this morning.


He will be well again in three days’ time . I hope you to take it easy. 355.

We make him our monitor, but he refused.


She knows quite a few English words, she’s only a girl of six.


From this fact we can see that one shouldn’t be too sure of oneself. 358.

His advice how to improve our writing sounds reasonable. 359.

There are such many mistakes in his homework. 360.

You see what clever the boy is. 351which→that 352catch→can catch 353to→for 354drop “to” 355drop “monitor” 356she’s→though she’ 357oneself→himself 358how→on how 359such→so 360what→how 361. They kept on coming to the hospital and see him. 362.

I don’t think the TV set took him so much money. 363.

He’s getting old. He doesn’t eat as many as before. 364.

Why not stopping for a rest under that tree? 365.

Your voice sounds quite different in the phone. 366. It’s very nice for you to help me. 367.

Who’s younger, Rose and Mary?


Could you tell me when he has arrived? 369.

I’m sorry I have such little money on me. 370.

By that time, she had falled asleep.

361see→seeing362took→cost363many→much 364stopping→stop 365in→on 366for→of 367and→or 368drop “has” 369such→so 370falled→fallen 371.

I can’t decide if to go and see him or not. 372.

I won’t believe it until I had seen it myself. 373.

Let me fit the new clothes in my son.


The fact which he gave up smoking delighted his wife. 375.

The young man looks strange on that suit.


Do you know who is in the charge of the children here? 377.

I need a cloth to wipe out the mud with. 378.

All he could do were to go back home. 379.

Thank you for the pleasing evening.


I was told to go there at once, that I followed.

371 if→wether 372had→have 373in→on 374which→that 375on→in 376drop “the” 377 a cloth→a piece of cloth378were→was 379pleasing→pleasant 380that→so 381.

Why worry? It’s nothing serious. 382.

It’s years after I painted a picture.


He ran in and told us the excited news.


As a student, I didn’t use to playing football. 385.

All the work here was done by hands. 386. Excuse me, shall I have the word with you? 387.

He is not here. He can have gone to the library. 388.

The dress my aunt bought me isn’t fit me.


I t was raining hard and he prevented from going out. 390.

You’d better not have the machine work too long.

381worry→worried382after→since383excited→exciting384playing→play385hands→hand386the→a387can→may388isn’t→doesn’t 389prevnted→was prevented 390work→working 391.

Having read the magazine, so he put it in its place. 392.

The woman stands there is a friend of my mother’ s.


Food, such as rice and vegetables , have been wasted a lot by the students. 394.

Much have been done about the pollution.


There will be a lot of more people in this developing area.


The sun’s light and heat make possible for plants to grow better. 397.

Does the air in this city use to be very dirty? 398.

His parents prevented him from sent to Tibet. 399.

Mary had her hair burning while doing cooking.


Plastics is used to taking the place of wood in many fields.

391drop “so” 392stands→standing 393have→has 394have→has 395drop “of” 396make→make it 397Does→Did 398sent→being sent 399buring→burned 400taking→take 401.

Does this river go across the town or around it? 402.

The town has population of forty thousand. 403.

Please tell me all what he told you the other day.


Although he is considered a great writer, still his works are not widely read. 405.

It won’t be long before they will get married. 406.

What a fun it is to go swimming in summer.


They spent many years save enough money to build a house of their own. 408.

Man can travel in the space.


Will you join in us if we decide to do the new experiment? 410.

She is thinking about what do next.

401around→round 402has→has a 403what→that 404still→yet 405drop “will” 406drop “a” 407save→saving 408drop “the” 409drop “in” 410do→to do 411.

Only then did I realized that I had made a mistake. 412.

I wonder if you will be kind to carry the bag for me. 413.

I didn’t learn to ride a car until I was forty.


We hoped each other the best of luck in the exam. 415.

Sorry, your letter is still in my pocket. I forgot post it. 416.

The speaker is an old professor in his sixty’s. 417.

The fish has gone bad. It smells terribly.


When she came, you were on your way to get the key you have left in the office. 419.

Last night my father worked late into the night, prepared a report for the meeting. 420.

I once suggested give us students more free time.

411realized→realize 412kind→kind enough 413ride→drive 414hoped→wished 415post→to post 416sixty’s→sixties 417terribly→terrible 418have→had 419 prepared →preparing420give→giving


The light in the hall is still turned on. I have to go and turn it off. 422.

Why did she refused to take his presents is not known.


Usually at the begin of a meeting, we sang the national song. 424.

He was quite out of breathe when he got there.


After quickly washing my clothes, I went to receive her at the station. 426.

Look up! There’s danger ahead.


”Do you know she doesn’t like you?” “No, I don’t. Nor don’t I

care.” 428. “How is your mother now. “She is a lot of better, .thank you. 429.

To my mind, this novel is far much interesting than that one. 430.

Tom is a good boy, except he is sometimes a little careless.

421drop “turned” 422drop “did” 423begin→beginning 424 breathe→breath425 quickly→quick426up→out 427don’t→do 428drop “of” 429much→more 430except→except that 431. These days I am considering change my job. 432.

Will the people sit at the back please keep quiet? 433.

Probably I’ll stay four and five days with my uncle. 434.

Three fourths of the earth are covered by water.


That she learned from you made her very sad for a few weeks. 436. Now a color TV set costs much less than it was years ago. 437. It is said that the man has been found and was sent to hospital. 438.

I could have helped her but she didn’t ask me.


She was just about get into sleep when the baby began to cry.

440. Last Sunday I went to town, buying some apples and visited my grandma.

431change→changing 432sit→sitting 433and→or 434 are→is435 That→What436was→did 437drop “was” 438me→me to 439about→about to 440visited→visiting 441. I remember she was killed in an accident in a rainy day. 442. She hasn’t got used to speak in public yet.

443. Tom failed again in his English exam, this made his father very angry. 444.

Jane hasn’t come yet. What do you suppose having happened to her? 445. Even if inviting , I won’t go.

446. The Yangtze River is the fourth long river in the world.

447. One of the students sit in front gave a different answer to the question. 448.

The trousers are made very small. The cloth have been wasted. 449.

It’ll be some time when the building is completed. 450.

They lost the game. How they wish they didn’t.

441in→on 442speak→speaking 443this→which 444 having→has445inviting→invited 446 long→longest447sit→sitting 448have→has 449when→before 450didn’t→hadn’t 451.

Does she matter if she is a bit late for the meeting?


Did you have any difficulties in making the machine move again?


Having lived in Shanghai for many years , he knew the city very much. 454. How about invited her to dinner tonight? 455. We made up our mind to do our best to make progress. 456. It has rained for days and the river has raised about five feet. 457.There was nothing in his talk which interested me.

458.Mary was among the girls who was praised at the meeting.

459.The number of the passengers killed in the accident are surprising. 460.I have made this clear to her that the job is very important.

451change the first “she” into “it” 452difficulties→difficulty 453 much→well454invited→inviting455mind→minds456raised→risen457which→that 458 was →were459 are→is460this→it

461.I can’t go with you, but I really wish I can.

462.If you told me about it , I would have helped you. 463.She insisted that she hadn’t took my magazine.

464.We haven’t moved into the building because the rooms are being painting. 465.The more he thought about it , the more questions he thought of ask. 466.His order is that the rules don’t be broken anytime. 467.The play to be put up next week is an exciting one. 468.He is well known in this city with that new invention. 469.The boy is always m aking a lot of noises.

470.I just couldn’t think of a way solving the problem at that time.

461 can→could462told→had told 463 took→taken464painting→painted 465ask→asking 466don’t→shouldn’t 467up→on 468with→for 469 noises→noise470way→way of 471.No one in my family but my parents are interested in the play. 472.Little I know when it was impolite to get in a word. 473. “You make a mistake here, Li, Ping.” “Why , so I was.” 474.It was until midnight that he felt asleep.

475.The puzzling mother couldn’t understand why her daughter got so excited. 476.I have handed in all the exercise books except John. 477.I had hardly set out than it began to rain.

478.Since she understood you, why not to try to explain it to him?

479.By the time you will come back , we shall have had our final examination. 480. I’m afraid I will have a little time to come and see you.

471are→is 472I→did I 473 was→did474 felt→fell475puzzling→puzzled 476John→John’s 477than→when 478 drop the firsr “to”479 drop “will” 480drop “a”

481.All happened in our school was quite unexpected.

482.Bamboo is very useful. We can make it of many kinds of things . 483.You are only one of the workers I can trust.

484.The food in our country is quite different from one in Britain. 485.Was it last Sunday when you met her in the street? 486.That is two days since I came here.

487.What was it which you sent her the next day.

488.Mary fell seriously ill last week but now she looks as good as before. 489.Can you tell me how much the TV set took you?

490.It took place in the afternoon when I met you in the street

481All→All that 482 of→into483only→the only 484one→that 485when→that 486 That→It487which→that 488good→well 489took→cost 490in→on 491.The book is said to have translated into several languages. 492. “ It’s not good room for you, isn’t it” 493. The sight of a snake very frightened her. 494. I have never seen so thick a snow.

495.I just can’t imagine how a satellite looks like.

496.The young man lives upstairs is a man of few words. 497.I don’t think the woman easy to get along with. 498.Please tell me how long she has got married.

499. The old man was found lying death in bed a week later.

500.The professor who arrives this morning is from Beijing University.

491 have→have been492isn’t→is 493very→quite 494drop “a” 495 how→what496lives→living 497easy→is easy 498got→been 499death→dead 500arrives→arrived 501.He stood up to make himself see and was soon found by his friends. 502.It was late but the peasants still had their tractor work in the fields. 503. Don’t worry. I’ll have John finishing the work for you. 504. She doesn’t talk as many as she used to . 505. Stay where you are, boys. Wait until I will come back. 506.I was running after Tom’s bike while I fell over a stone.

507.John and I have done our homework, Mother. So let me go for a swim, will you? 508. Of all the students I made few mistakes in the exam. 509. The boy told the teacher all had happened.

510.There are more than fifty students in his class, but only few of them like music.

501 see→seen502work→working 503finishing→finish 504many→much 505drop “will” 506while→when 507 me→us508 few→the fewest509all→all that 510few→a few


Part1. 高考短文改错试题设置形式






注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。 PartII 常见错误:






come –go


here-there 语意重复:because-so ;


repeat- again;

improve-better; enter into;

marry with;

in last week;

all what ;

the place where he lives in; the girl whom he works with her; 主系表+to do it. 练习:

1.I like singing, my brother likes playing football . 2.Do you like sports? If not, join our football team. 3.Unless you lose heart ,you’ll fail. 4.He wrote to me immediately as soon as he got there . 5.Though it was cold, but he went out.

二、上下文一致 1.时态一致 2.主谓一致 3.指代一致


5.名词单复数与修饰语和上下文要一致 1.时态一致

1)I would like very much to come but I had an examination tomorrow. 2)He offered me coffee and other drinks.We have a good time together. 3)I’m sorry, I forget to post your letter. 2.主谓一致

1)The students watches the teacher doing the experiment. 2)Helping him are worthwhile. 3)He as well as his friends know nothing about it. 4).Not only he but also I keeps it a secret.


1)Pass Rose and I two pieces of bread, please. 2)The football team has done well this year. All of their members have tried hard. 3)He drove too fast and the police stopped her. 4)This is true that he died in an accident yesterday. 5)This is the best film which I have ever seen. 6)The weather in Beijing is warmer than it in Jilin. 4.平行结构前后要一致

1)He came in, opening his book and began to speak. 2)She was eating her sandwich and drank her milk at the table. 3)He wanted his children to come out and played. 4)The more he has, and the more he wants. 5)Sitting down, and he began to work. 6) I live in Beijing,where is the capital of China. 总结:平行结构连接词:and ;but;or;both... and;not... but, either... or, neither... nor, not only... but(also), rather than ,instead of

5.名词单复数与修饰语和上下文要一致 1)只修饰可数名词:a large/ great/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few 2)只修饰不可数名词:a great deal of, a large amount of, quite a little 3)抽象名词具体化:a success; a failure; a surprise, 4)物质名词表一场、一杯、一份 a heavy rain; a coffee 5)常见的不可数名词:fun; advice; information; furniture; progress; luggage/baggage 6)零冠词:




4. by+交通工具 练习:

1)We study quite a few subject, such as maths , Chinese and physics. 2)He gave me some valuable advices on how to learn English. 3)It is pleasure to help others when they are in trouble. 4) Large quantities of water is needed for cooling purpose. 5)A overpass should be bulit over the road to avoid accidents.

三、词的搭配及词本身的用法 1.动词

1)We should stop the children from play fire. 2)He sat under the tree ate an apple. 3)He wanted try it again. 4)Do you know where he is lives ?

5)What your favorite sports? 6)The song has taught many times. 7)What had been happened? 8)Play basketball is his favourite sport. 9)He reading English in the morning every day. 10.The news was really excited. 11.He across the street quickly. 12.The water is felt cold. 13.He made me to post a letter for him. 14.Working hard and you’ll succeed.

总结:非谓语用法:主动关系用doing,被动用done ①实意动词一般时前不用be;

②vt被动不可缺be; ③vi不能被动故无be;

④系表结构中不可少be. 2.形容词和副词

①系动词+形容词 ② 主 谓 宾+补语(形容词 )

③形容词 +名词 ④句子+形容词 (伴随状语)

① V +副词 ② 副词 +形容词③副词 + 副词④副词 +过去分词⑤副词 + 句子 1)The fish has gone bad. It tastes terribly. 2)He walked very slow. 3)The bad news made us sadly. 4)People have been great helped by the computer. 5)They think high of their new teacher. 6)This dancer is much more younger than that one. 注意:副词与形容词含义不同

l) close接近地

closely仔细地,密切地 2) free免费地

freely自由地,无拘束地 3) hard努力地

hardly几乎不 4) late晚,迟

lately近来 5) most极,非常

mostly主要地 6) wide广阔地,充分地 widely广泛地

7) high高

highly高度地,非常地 8) deep深,迟


9) loud大声地

loudly大声地(含有喧闹的意思) 10) near邻近

nearly几乎 做题步骤:

1. 浏览全文,掌握大意


3. 检查核对,攻克难点 总结:



3. 逐个词汇找搭配



一.“ 九见九查”法

(一)见平行结构(and连接)。查是否有用词不一致的错误 1.The doctor suggested plenty of food ,rest and exercising

2. She was eating her sandwich and drank her milk at the table when I arrived . 3. She screamed , pushed him away and run to her room for the rest of the day.

(二) 见比较结构,查是否有形容词等级,程度副词,比较连词,比较对象的使用错误 1. Tom is clever than John . 2. People in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past . 3. Tom is as clever than John

4. There are more trees in villages than cities

(三)见有转折,因果,对比等句子结构,查是否有行文逻辑错误 1. I like singing , my brother likes dancing

2. A lady came to the window with the ball and shouted at the boy , and he ran away . 3. Though I worked hard , but I failed to pass the exam .

(四)见有多重句,查是否有时态语态混乱,引导词不当,成分缺失错误 1. He said that he is writing a new novel 2. Our task has finished so far .

3. Whether you pay the cost of sending a postcard, the librarian will write to you . 4. Tom asks Mark if he knows the man is speaking to him

(五)见有名词,代词,查是否有数、格、指代错误 1. Different people speak different language . 2. Tom book is on the desk .

3. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home .

(六) 见有并列主语,从句做主语,动名词,不定式做主语,时间,距离,金钱等做主语,together with 等引导的成分修饰主语时,查是否有主谓不一致错误 1.Tom and John is good students . 2.That the earth is round are known to us . 3. What he needs are money . 4. What he wants is three books .

5.The family are a rich one and the family is very friendly . 6 Playing football not only makes us grow tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit

7.Thirty dollars are enough .

8.She as well as her brothers are fond of studying English .

( 七)见有短语,词组,查是否有固定结构中副词,介词或冠词使用不当错误 1. Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. 2. When he came back , he found someone had broken in his house 3. In a fact he has three sons .

4. Tom is seriously ill and he is in the hospital now. (八)见非谓语动词,查是否有非谓语动词使用错误 1. I enjoy watch TV .

2. If heating , water can be changed into steam . 3. She stood there , waited for his boy friend . (九)见有特殊动词或句型,查是否有句子语气错误 1. He ordered that the work must be started at once . 2. It is high time that you go to school . 讲后练:


1 . Twenty minutes aren’t enough time to finish this test . 2.Tom has sent to the nearest hospital .

3.Whenever we couldn’t understand him, he will explain for us. 4.They were made do the job from morning till night . 5.Every means have been tried , but he won’t lose heart forever . 6.How beautiful picture he has drawn! 7.He was a medical student before he turned a writer . 8.I was very angry ,but they were very angrier . 9.She not only teaches our English , but also takes us out and shows us around . 10.I will never forget the days when we spent together. 11.He came to tell us that he had seen there .

12. If you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work .

13. We were having classes while someone knocked at the door . 14. Nobody likes to be laughed as a fool . 15.I want to find a hotel to live .

16.We have to stay at home because the heavy rain . 17.The reason why I didn’t go to France was I got a new job. 18.If you will study hard , you will succeed .

19.He was ill and his parents suggested that he had a medical examination . 20. Today we invited Mr Bill , he is from England , to give us a lecture on how to improve our reading ability . 讲后练

(二) :

Dear Peter

I’m sorry to hear that any of your classmates make a fun of you and you feel upset . Now I’d like to give you my suggestions .

First of all ,you should take a right attitude to your disability , that is important . Secondly ,you’d better to ignore others’ remarks . Only in this way can you feel happy. Thirdly , it also help to believe in yourself and you will make a lot true friends .I’m sure what those who laugh at you will change his views on you sooner or later .

I hope my advices will work and you can live happy . 二 语法错误


1.Whenever we couldn’t understand him , he will explain for us . 2. He was ill and his parents suggested that he had a medical examination . 3.Nobody except my parents know anything about it . 4.Tom is one of the students who is from Beijing . 5.Tom is the only one of the students who are from Beijing 6.Twenty –five dollars are too much to pay for that shirt . 7. Fifty minutes aren’t enough time to finish this test . 8. Ten miles seem like a long walk to me . 9.Tom has sent to the nearest hospital. 10. The bike outside is belonged to him

11. You can’t borrow it so long .

12. I have bought the book for three days . 13. They had got in touch with each other for ages .

14.He wanted to see the report about an important football match the night before . 15.All the visitors will be separated into four groups . 16. He felt someone shouting at him .

17. They were made do the job from morning till night .

18. The boy went over at once , opened his umbrella for the grandpa. 19.Today , too many trees are still been cut through the world . 20. The boy stood over there is my little brother.

21. For the most part , students working to earn money for their own use 22. When everything ready , the party began . (二)名词错误

1. It is a great fun to go skating on cold winter days .

2. Every means have been tried , but he won’t lose heart forever . 3.He suddenly appeared on a rainy night ,which was great surprise to us . 4. He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests . 5, Your knowledges of Greece can help the whole class .

(三)冠词错误 1.Go and close window.

2.I bought a book yesterday and book is ten yuan . 3. Do you know older of the two boys ? 4. Whenever he eats out , he always eats a lot of food and spends too long a time at restaurant. 5.I only want small supper . 6.How beautiful picture he has drawn ! 7. Holding the Olympic Games is great success to a country . 8. He died of the cancer .

9.Mr. Li was elected the chairman of the meeting . 10. He was a medical student before he turned a writer . 11. On the way to the village , they met a 11-year –old boy

12. It is pleasure to help others when they are in trouble . 13. The Turners are musical family .

14. I have been living in the city for five years , five years makes a deep impression on me . 15. His daughter plays piano very well . 16. Finally we had good idea.


1. He was lying in the hospital half deadly , with his ribs broken 2.What he said sounded quite perfectly , 3. It was raining heavily , Little Mary felt cold , so she stood closely to her mother. 4. Teachers should receive farther education to catch up with the later development. 5. Greenland , the large island in the world , covers two million square kilometers.. 6.It is generally true that the lower the stock markets fall , the high the price of gold rises 7. I was very angry , but they were very angrier . 8. He is more cleverer than Tom . 9. I feel fairly better today .

10 . The quicker a car is travelling , the longer it takes to stop. 11. The book is very difficult for me .

12. The members of the group are most young people 13. He mostly fell down .

14. Tell the children to keep still , it’s not necessary to be anxious . 15. I hope that you think about my request and visit us as soon as possibly . 16. …… but he has to work if he wants to live comfortable. (五) 代词错误

1 The twins begin to hate this kind of work with a force that destroy his happiness . 2. She not only teaches our English , but also takes us out and shows us around . 3. I teach me English . 4. I think we will enjoy ourself .

5. Oh ,dear . There are always not any taxis when you want it . 6. He never helps other .

7. He and his children felt tired but neither of them would stop for a rest .

8. Today we invited Mr Bill , he is from England , to give us a lecture on how to improve our reading ability . 9. He came to tell us that he had seen there .

10. I will never forget the days when we spent together . 11. Would you like any tea ?

12 . There were 20 people around but no one helped the old man . 13. ---What is in the box ? ---- None 14. We need more three chairs .

15. A bridge made of stone is stronger than that made of wood. 16. The weather in Hangzhou is hotter than it in Beijing in summer. 17. My pen is lost , and I’ll buy it .

18. If you keep still , you can sit at both end of boat .

19. Surely I’m expecting lots of sightseeing tours ,parties and another exciting things .

(六) 介词错误

1.In that particular evening ,there was a strange excitement in the air .

2.The sunlight came in across the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room . 3.All of us had a good time on that day . 4. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow . 5. Last Sunday we took a bus to visit to a farm . 6. Unfortunately he found no room to live .

7. Then they talked about what they had done since they graduated a university . 8. Nobody likes to be laughed as a fool . 9. He lives on 25, Nanjing Road , Shanghai . 10. He helped the old man over the street.

11. Your composition is good except a few spelling mistakes . 12. On the font door stood a five-year –old boy from across the street.

13. After autumn arrives , the city looks as an old man with falling from the tree. (七) 情态动词错误

1. You can have a passport if you want to go abroad .

2. Jeff mustn’t have been working hard for hours .He is not feeling tied .

3. Some students may also to save up for their college or future use . 4. He will recover soon .You can’t worry about him . 5. Drivers can’t drive after drinking . 6. You need be careful with your homework . 7. Why can you do it that way .

(八) 连词错误

1.Which you can see , he is always ready to help others . 2.Do like I told you . 3.He was reading then he was walking .

4. The thief handed everything which he had stolen to the police . 5. I am happy as you passed the exam .

6. Go to find your watch . It’s there where you left it . 7. How an interesting story he told us ! 8. I can’t remember the thing what he told me.

9.If you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work. 10.We were having classes while someone knocked at the door . 11. Because we’ve finished most of the work , let’s have a rest . 12. As hard he works , he can’t catch up with his classmates . 13. I became very active but made new friends .

14. While they find fish come to the surface , they fly down immediately and catch them without delay .

三 句法和行文逻辑错误

(一) 固定句型错误

1. When the child was a little boy , his mother was very poor that she had to send him to a rich family .

2. It took him several hours persuade her to give up the idea, 3. I spent three hours do my homework . 4. It was in 1986 when I went to college .

5. He was just about to get on the bus then he heard someone calling him . 6. How do you think of the film?

7. How is the weather like today ? (二) 简单句错误

1.There had a discussion on how to solve the problem yesterday afternoon . 2. There are three students study in the room . 3. Which do you prefer , horse riding and shooting? 4. His parents didn’t allow him to do that , did he? 5. You have never been to Beijing , haven’t you ? 6. Holding yourself steady and you will not lose the balance . 7 . Tom , you water the flowers , don’t you ? 8. How beautiful flowers he gave me ! 9. How difficult problem it is ! (三) 复合句错误

1. The clever boy made a hole in the wall , through it he would see what was happening inside the house .

2. I’ll never forget the days when we spent in Qingdao

(四) 行文逻辑错误

1. This was a lie ,and his teacher did not know . 2. Clever as she is , but she works hard .

3. Hi , everyone . First , let me tell you something more about myself .

4. John and Jack went to the same school and then to the same university . So they hadn’t met each other since then .

5. I’ll never forget the first day at the factory , we arrived here early in the morning .

6. There were many great people in history . But many of them are poor in childhood . Schools were few and not good . They couldn’t depend on it for a good education . 四


(一) 多一词的情况 (介词,副词,连词,代词 ,助动词,冠词,小品词 to) 1.The secretary told me that the manager was busy and I should come at some other tome . 2.I met my uncle in last Sunday . 3. At the last time I saw her , she was playing with her friends near the river 4.When we got to his house , we found him in home .

5. The crowd waited for to greet them in England .

6. Her strength made me stronger and gave to me courage to try things .. 7.It is about 200 miles far away from London , and it has a very big schoolyard . 8.Although he is very young , but he can retell the story very fluently .

9.My parents sent me an e-mail to ask whether how I was getting along with my studies . 10.In some parts of the forest where you can find large groups of monkeys which are jumping up and down .

11.Since you have visited Greece several times , so I would like to know whether you have seen the old buildings there .

12.He writes about books about his travels and about the wild and wonderful animals that he collects them . 13. The movement of the parts is beautiful to watch it if they are clear.

14. I read your e-mail to my parents and showed them the photo you sent it to me . 15. My first one job was to clean the tables in a small restaurant

16.If you will study hard , you will succeed .

17. She had taught us English when I attended training courses two years ago .

18.This experience has been shown that travelling by air actually is the safest way of making journeys .

19.I’m glad to learn that you’ve been settled down in Boston …. 20.We hung a sign on the front door that was read : “We’re having dinner. Come back later”

21.Wang Ping was badly ill last night . He was sent to the hospital . 22.I told the boy not to write silly things in the public places . 23.Music can bring people a pleasure .

24. I’m glad you have made such a great progress. 25. I will let someone to repair the TV set .

26.On cold winter days , many cold-blooded animals have nothing to do but to go to their cave and sleep . 27…..he can have the great happiness of seeing himself to make steady progress in his job. 28. …..you always gave me special attention and inspired to me to join in activities . (二) 缺一词的情况(介词,连词,冠词,小品词,代词,助动词)

1. I want to find a hotel to live 2. The ice is too thin for us to skate

3. We must pay attention to the use our body makes the food . 4. We have to stay at home because the heavy rain . 5. He was looking for a glass the cupboard.

6. Because the help you gave that summer , my life changed . 7. If the book you want is out , you may ask it to kept for you . 8. The ground is wet , it rained last night .

9. The reason I didn’t go to France was I got a new job.

10. We had hardly finished our housework WangPing came to our house for a visit. 11…..it seems always difficult for me to do things well as them .

12.Birds , for example , have wings enable them to fly into the air at the sight of enemy . 13. I put my bike outside a shop and went into the shop , forgetting to lock . 14. And I came to understand that was not easy to earn money .

15. First , the population is increasing , and more gas and other fuels are used . 16. …..and I wonder if you’ll free then so we could chat about the good old days . 17. I’m very pleased to say that all of us greatly improved our English. 18. Browns are all living in China . 19. We have a music class once week . 20. Man traveled to moon scores of years ago . 21.Tomorrow is Sunday , we don’t need get up early . 22. We were made work day and night in the factory . 23. I will attend her birthday party if she invites me . 24. I’ll send my friend Charlie meet you at the airport when you arrive. 25. I’m writing to ask you come to our class for a visit.

第四篇:英语单句改错 (1)


1. Now people get a lot of informations from TV. 2. German is a European country. 3. They didn’t want me to do any work at family. 4. Yesterday I met an old friend of my father. 5. Boys and girls, don’t lose hearts. Do better next time. 6. They are of different size. 7. It is so beautiful place that you must visit it. 8. What a terrible weather we have been having! 9. It took place in France, an European country. 10. Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. 11. What good time we had last night! 12. We shall spend three-day holiday together. 13. I came to understand that was not easy to earn money. 14. Some parents think useless for girls to go to school. 15. When he bought a chocolate cake, he put them in a secret place. 16. One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. 17. It’s important that we should think over before doing anything. 18. The truck was moving so fast that the driver couldn’t control. 19. I apologized and controlled me at my best till the dinner started. 20. We must take part in the social practice to prepare us well for our future. 21. The teacher did not punish for cheating but instead gave me a second chance. 22. Henry did not like his car, that ran badly and often broke down. 23. There was a five-pound note in the pocket of the trousers I had told her to wash it. 24. People can hardly do some fishing there. 25. I visited a place where is surrounded by mountains. 26. I am sure you will find one you like it. 27. It was yesterday when he broke the window. 28. He had lost his glasses without them he couldn’t see. 29. Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan. 30. It starts with choosing a tree from neither a farm or a store. 31. She never has enough time for that she wants to do. 32. I find what I have one shortcoming in my character. 33. What necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits . 34. It didn’t matter that I would win or not.

35. People in the US drink more coffee than people in any country. 36. The development will bring us much more hopes and chances. 37. The Olympics are held each four years. 38. A summer, Fane traveled abroad. 39. I hope you think about my request as soon as possibly. 40. I know you are particular interested in Human Rights. 41. As there is no air or water, there can be no life , too. 42. There were too many nice things that I didn’t know what to choose. 43. He decides to travel a lot and visit such many new places as possible. 44. I couldn’t see as clear as before.

45. The water in it is so dirty that it smells terribly. 46. I appreciate your help very well. 47. You always gave me specially attention and inspired me. 48. It was until midnight that it stopped raining. 49. People both at home and abroad have been great helped by the new computer. 50. He has to work if he wants to live comfortable. 51. She is a brave and honesty girl. 52. It is much easy to make plans than to carry them out. 53. It is convenient for me to prepare for the exam than before. 54. He gave me an order worthy 15 million dollars. 55. The tree was put into a Christmas stand that holds the tree up straightly. 56. Is teaching kids English as interested as you expected in college? 57. We had guests last night who had not stayed in it ago. 58. We are all very much active and the activities are enjoyable. 59. If you won’t want to take a taxi, you can go by bus. 60. Our city is a modern city. It set up in the early 1980s. 61. Bad habits not come suddenly. 62. I have caught a bad cold for a week and I can’t get rid of it. 63. Following the road and you will find the store. 64. I rush over without delay, jumped into the water and swam towards him. 65. You must do everything you can help them. 66. When a rabbit see something dangerous, it runs away. 67. Its tail, which is white, moving up and down as it runs. 68. Think perhaps I was too tired, I stood up and was going to sleep. 69. I was often tired and watch TV demands little effort. 70. The little girl hurried home with the remained money. 71. His young patient was soon able to get up and ran about again. 72. It was kind of them to meet me at the station and drove me to their home. 73. She liked it very much and reads it to the class. 74. There were over 1000 students attend it. 75. Is it likely to be any food at the party on Saturday? 76. Please excuse us for not able to say goodbye to you. 77. He spends hours on the telephone, talks to his friends. 78. Filling with many people, the room is crowded. 79. At the interview there are many people who wait to interviewed for jobs. 80. It will cost a rocket a hundred thousand years to reach it. 81. There used to have a church in front of the school. 82. Hope you great success in your work! 83. All you can do is encouraging him, show him understanding and offer him advice. 84. In Friday afternoon, some students took part in a speech activity. 85. In a few weeks the story was returned to her. 86. It was very fine when I got up early on last Sunday morning. 87. I rushed out the house as quickly as I could. 88. It is necessary to decide what is worth taking notice. 89. I had difficulty in grammar after I entered into the school. 90. She could hardly afford for the medical care. 91. But we don’t seem to have much time to talk about together. 92. He was punished because what he had done. 93. The ice isn’t thick enough for us to skate. 94. I gave you my luggage at a quarter of an hour ago. 95. I am writing to thank you with your kind help. 96. He means to come no earlier as that time. 97. We must return back to school this afternoon 98. Child as he is, but he knows a lot. 99. Having been ill for a long time, so she fell behind her classmates. 100.Thinking he happened to have no work to do, and he came back home.


1-5 informations-information; German-Germany; family-home; father-father’s; hearts-heart; 6-10 size-sizes; a place; 删除a; an-a; 删除a 11-15 a good time; a three-day; that后加it; think后加it; them-it; 16-20 showed后加it; think后加it; control后加it; me-myself; us-ourselves; 21-25 punish后加me; that-which; 删除it; some-any; where-which; 26-30删除it; when-that; them-which; 删除he; neither-either; 31-35 that-what; what-that; What-How; that-whether; any后加other; 36-40 much-many; each-every; A-One; possibly-possible; particular-particularly; 41-45 too-either; too-so; such-as; clear-clearly; terribly-terrible; 46-50 well-much; specially-special; was后加not; great-greatly; comfortable-comfortably; 51-55 honesty-honest; easy-easier; is后加more; worthy-worth; straightly-straight; 56-60 interested-interesting; ago-before; 删除much; won’t-don’t; It后加was; 61-65 habits后加do; caught-had Following-Follow; rush-rushed; can后加to; 66-70 see-sees; moving-moves; think-Thinking; watch-watching; remained-remaining; 71-75 ran-run; drove-drive; reads-read; attend-attending; it-there; 76-80 not后加being; talks-talking; Filling-Filled; to后加be; cost-take; 81-85 have-be; Hope-Wish; encouraging-encourage; In-On; In-After; 86-90 删除on; out后加of notice后加of; 删除into; 删除for 91-95 删除about; because后加of; skate后加on; 删除at; with-for; 96-100 as-than; 删除back; 删除but; 删除so; 删除and;


单句改错 I. 冠词

1. I have visited many cities since the September 2006. 2. I came here by the plane and I had a lovely journey. 3. Tom was elected the monitor of our class. 4. What good time we had last night! 5. What pity it is that you won’t be back before I leave! 6.The Americans landed on moon in 1969. 7. I had intended to go to the party but I had a unexpected visitor. 8. India has the population of more than one billion 9.He was a last to leave the building. 10. She devoted her life to helping a poor. 名词

11. He is the boy we talked about him. 2 As we all know it, smoking is very harmful. 3 I worried about it whether I hurt his feelings. 4 They need two another people to complete this work. 5 There is another thing you must remember. 6 How far is from your company to the place where you live? 7 Some parents thought useless for girls to go to school. 8 There seems to be nothing seems impossible for him in the world. 9 I hate when my mother asks me to eat eggs. 10 Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, I will always treasure. 11 On the net, we can learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds of others information. 12 He bought a chocolate cake, and put them in a secret place. 13 As a child born in a poor village, I know anything outside it. 14 I apologized and controlled me at my best till they dinner started. 连词

1 Now that you have finished your homework, and you can watch TV. 2 I wonder that whether he has decided to go abroad. 3 Follow your doctor’s advice, and or your cough will get better. 4 Although it was autumn, but it was snowing in Tibet. 5 Regarded as the best in the class, so she was praised at the meeting. 6 My English teacher always made good preparations for the lessons, she tried her best to make her classes lively. 7 I had no sooner closed the door the telephone rang. 8 It began to rain, they had to stop the match. 9 What he noticed was one of the windows facing north was open. 10 Everybody could see what happened and Tom was frightened. 形容词副词 1 I know you are particular interested in Human Rights. 2 The doctor said there was nothing seriously with her. 3 I write to my mother every week, most on Sundays. 4 the sooner you give up smoking, the good it will be. 5 It is surprised to find all the money gone. 6 Zaire is the second large producer of diamonds. 7 Well, how could I afford so an expensive car? 8 His teachers think very high of him. 9 It is also possibly for readers to borrow books from college libraries even if they are not students. 10 You always gave me specially attention and inspired me. 11 Hearing the news that he failed in the exam, he felt very sadly. 12 He has to work if he wants to live comfortable. 13 When he was young, he read a lot, and late he became a famous writer of his day. 14 This is a most beautiful park. I have never seen a best one before. 15 Her sweet voice sounds very beautifully. 主谓一致

1 Hurry up. We must get there before the sun set. 2 Mathematics are the science of numbers. 3 The number of people who travel by plane in China are larger than ever before. 4 Many a ship have been damaged in the storm. 5 Those who comes to school by bike don’t keep your umbrellas open while riding. 6 Such people as he is to be punished. 7 One of the books is written in Chinese, and the rest is in English. 8 Each boy and each girl want to serve the people in the future. 9 Five minutes are enough to do this exercise. 10 Neither you nor I are fit for the work. 11 Mr Green, together with his wife and children, have come to China. 12 There are a lake and some hills around it. 13 Every means have been tried, but we still can’t bring the fire under control. 14 What he said at the meeting were very important to us. 15 He is the only one of my friends who are working hard. 时态和语态

1 When he was young, he usually goes climbing. 2 You do say that you would lend me some money yesterday. 3 Hardly had the doctor gone to bed when there is a knock on the door. 4 My watch got break, while I was playing basketball. 5 I’m interested in English, so I spoke it better than the others do. 6 It is already 10 years since he becomes a lawyer. 7 The teacher told us that China was in the east of Asia. 8 Tom told me that he has just been asked what he was doing during the holidays. 9 The first railway in the world was designing in the last century. 10 It has been rained for the past few weeks. 11 Beg your pardon, but I don’t quite catch what you said. 12 If you won’t want to take a taxi, you can to by bus. 13 Where have you been all this time? The train was about to leave. 14 Hello, this is Mr Green’s office. We were calling to remind you of you 4:15 appointment tomorrow afternoon. 15 I rush over without delay, jumped onto the water and swam towards him. 非谓语动词

1 While wait for the bus, he became lost in thought. 2 Secretary wanting must be able to type, use a computer and speak a foreign language. 3 My father enjoys listen to the Huangmei Opera. 4 He stood up to make himself see and was soon found by his friends. 5 There were terrible noises followed the sudden burst of light. 6 Jack insisted on being sending where he was most needed. 7 Heard the alarm, people ran out of the building. 8 They saw a penniless young man wandered on the pavement. 9 She tried to make herself understand in English. 10 Never lost faith in himself, the scientist was determined to carry on with the research, no matter what others said. 情态动词和虚拟语气

1 He feels as if he is floating on a cloud. 2 The law says that drivers can’t drive after drinking. 3 He will recover soon. You can’t worry about him. 4 You can be tired—you’ve been working for four hours. 5 Our suggestion is that you are the first to go. 6 The poor little boy could never able to see or hear again. 7 A few years ago I might afford to bring my wife to this place for dinner. 8 Why can he do it that way? 9 I felt very lonely when I traveled in Chengdu alone. I must have taken my family. 10 We may not thank you too much for what you’ve done for us. 11 You mustn’t do the exercise if you don’t want to. 12 He mustn’t have been to Beijing before because he knows nothing about it. 13 You can’t return the dictionary now. You can keep it till next week if you like. 14 Dare you to tell your parents about your school records? 15 She told him he ought not do it. 名词性从句

1 Do you know how do they want to show love? 2 What I have been admitted into the Beijing University excited me. 3 Whatever he needs is your understanding. 4 The reason why they were always poor was which they paid little attention to education. 5 I don’t know if or not Tom has passed the examination. 6 it depends on if we have much money. 7 I’m sure if he can pass the exam. 8 The news which a serious earthquake happened in her hometown make her upset. 9 The meeting’s decision is all workers should work two more hours every day. 10 We can’t decided if to take up tennis or football. 定语从句

1 I remember the time as my grandmother was telling stories to me. 2 Child although he was, he looked quite calm in that difficult situation. 3 When I was on the stage the next day, I was so nervous as I shook like a leaf. 4 I’m sure it won’t be long until we find out the truth. 5 We will finish the work on time, however difficulties we meet. 6 Tom told me that he was shopping yesterday morning, he met one of his old friends. 7 Watch carefully and do anything as if your teacher does in the lab. 8 Thus you make the same mistake again, I’ll punish you. 9 I have been surprised each time when my son has come home from school with a message saying his teacher wants to see me. 10 Since we have finished the work, so we went home early. 短文改错

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