


英语作文 风景描写

Autumn is my favorite season,and it is the fascinating autumn that makes up for the wet summer.The sky is clear and the air is crisp in this beautiful season.The frosts put on their sober brown and yellow,while some trees are nipped by the forsts into brilliant dyes of orang,purple and scarlet.The small birds with its red-tipped wings and yellow-t

It was, as I have said, a fine autumnal day, the sky was clear and serene, and naturethat rich and olden livery which we always associate with the idea of abund(wore) ance. The forests had put on their sober brown and yellow, while some trees of the tendered kink had been nipped by the frosts into brilliant dyes of orange, purple and scarlet. Streaming files of wild ducks began to make their appearance high in the air; the bark of the squirrel might be heard from the groves of beach and hickory nuts, and the pensive whistle of the quail at intervals from the neighboring stubble-field.

The small birds were taking their farewell banquets. In the fullness of their revelry, they fluttered, chirping and frolicking, from bush to bush, and tree to tree, capricious from the very profusion and variety around them. There was the honest cock-robin the favorite game of stripling sportsmen, with its loud querulous note; and the twittering blackbirds flying the sable clouds; and the golden-winged woodpecker, with his crimson crest, his broad black gorget, and splendid plumage; and the cedar bird, with its red-tipped wings and yellow-tipped tail, and its little monteiro cap of feathers; and the blue-jay, that noisy coxcomb, in his gay lightblue coat and white under-clothes; screaming and chattering, nodding and bobbing and bowing, and pretending to be on good terms with every songster of the grove.













sable深褐色的 woodpecker啄木鸟



cedar bird黄连鸟

monteiro cap有帽沿的圆猎帽



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Valley at Sunset


The set was setting, spilling gold light on the low western hills of Rathlin Island. A small boy walked jauntily along a hoof-printed path that wriggle between the folds of these hills and opened out into a crater-like valley on the cliff-top. Presently he stopped as if remembering something, then suddenly he left the path and began running up one of the hills. When he reached the top he was out of breath and stood watching streaks of light radiating from golden-edged clouds, the scene reminding him of a picture he had seen of the Transfiguration. A short distance below him was the cow standing at the edge of a reedy lake. Colm ran down to meet her vaving his stick in the air, and the wind rumbling in his ears made him give an exultant whoop which splashed upon the hills in a shower of echoed sound. A flock of gulls lying on the short grass near the lake rose up languidly, drifting like blown snowflakes over the rim of the cliff.

The lake faced west and was fed by a stream, the drainings of the semi-circling hills. One side was open to the winds from the sea and in winter a little outlet trickled over the cliffs making a black vein in their gray sides. The boy lifted stones and began throwing them into the lake, weaving web after web on its calm surface. Then he skimmed the water with flat stones, some of them jumping the surface and coming to rest on the other side. He was delighted with himself and after listening to his echoing shouts of delighted he ran to fetch his cow. Gently he tapped her on the side and reluctantly she went towards the brown-mudded path that led out of the valley. The boy was about to throw a final stone into the lake when a bird flew low over his head, its neck astrain, and its orange-colored legs clear in the soft light. It was a wild duck. It circles the lake twice, thrice, coming lower each time and then with a nervous flapping of wing it skidded along the surface, its legs breaking the water into a series of silvery arcs. Its wings closed, it lit silently, gave a slight shiver, and began pecking indifferently at the water.


hoof-printed有蹄印的 wriggle蜿蜒而行















South of The Lower Reaches of The Yangtze River

Water is mounded howling moved towards the south of Yangtze River. Have had intelligence because of having water, Jiangnan. The trick lets converges do a very large net, bluish waves in fragment Yanyan converges to assume the bright mirror soft and flowery. Being often floating on water surface is a fisherman’s song. Thousand invariant true a century, be apt in zhi being singing to water. The old fisherman is coming back. Reflecting on one’s body under the setting sun crystalline water wave, face is showing bonze colored delight.The cabin of the boat queen inner is shining white fish son all that is face to face diligent charity of water. You are just now elegant because water on Jiangnan is having had you, Jiangnan are just now rich also because of having had. The boat has constructed the south of Yangtze River. Have had vigor because of having had the boat, Jiangnan. The other river streamlet edge, lots of the boats have become the aquatic family, boat former the boat queen, lots of the family have been accomplished return to the sail harbor. The boat sets out on a voyage in the early morning, being holding the south of Yangtze River, the big shield oar being marking the south of Yangtze River.The dark green swaying one broken river: the dusk, one ye skiff return to harbor be being loaded with the region of rivers and lakes substantiality, the green grass duckweed drift, stroke the limpidity leveling full pool lightly. At nightfall, two or three boats lean close to often very intimately in being shampooing together broad moonlight, reflects to a quite quiet Jiangnan dream be lying hidden be on fire deep and quite blue glimmering, common. There is a lease of life in the boat on Jiangnan just now because of having had, also because of having had, Jiangnan to have poetry just now. The bridge instrument zhu has become the south of Yangtze River. Have had because of having had the bridge, Jiangnan delicate and pretty. The water top is lying across countless bridges. Bridge following is flowing if silk is like simultaneous water. The bridge a variety of seems the long rainbow lies. The wave casts light on at the beginning of the month if new. White wash a wall Daiwa’s foot bridge running water, the bridge has helped all Jiangnan painting intention imperceptibly. You are just now winning because the bridge on Jiangnan is having had, also because of having had you, Jiangnan is really a real Jiangnan.


Buttonwood West Road The first time I saw this road is when I started school with going to the dormitory with my seniors. A long, wide concrete road, which tall plane trees stands next to.I was so impressed by the signboard written Buttonwood West Road Coincidentally, my dorm stands come to the end of the road. While my department stands the other

Buttonwood West Road The first time I saw this road is when I started school with going to the dormitory with my seniors. A long, wide concrete road, which tall plane trees stands next to.I was so impressed by the buttonwood.I was thinking about my previous school. The buttonwood was so old that it is worth to being awed.Thus ,I was so proud of living in this school. Coincidentally, my dorm stands come to the end of the road. While my department stands the other end of the road. I have been living in the school for a semester, and I usually went from the hostel to the laboratory,which reslult to my familiar with this road.I felt so warm to this road.The road oriented north to south,and it was a ramp from south to north, the road has been a bit bumpy.It is obviously that this road has been a long time. The northernmost of the road sits the House, where classes studied in.When I walked on it ,I took a deep breath to feel the spirit of the buttonwood. When it comes to Monday to Friday, students were coming and going. From this time, this road will also be accompanied by my academic career. I will walk and think on the Buttonwood West Road.


Sarah Liang

Liang1 Mrs Fu College Writing 123 November 5, 2014

My family portrait Are you seeing that picture of my family? The sun was shining brightly! My parents sat together in sofa. My mother hugged my brother, and I stood beside on my father. We were smile sweetly to the camera. All we us look like very happy although we were a poor family at that time.

My mother is not tall, not short but slim. She has a round face, two big eyes, a small nose and small mouth. She’s beautiful. She is forty-three years old, but she looks so young! She is my dear friends .

You must feel very strange to my father because he having full-white hairs, just look like a old man. My parent’s relationship is old husband and young wife. He is older than my mother 20 years. He can as my grandfather at his age.

You can see that my father wear a long sleeve shirt and look like a gracious man to camera. In my daily life, he is a bad-tempered man. He looks up to boy and down on girl. So he is very strict to me because I am a girl. He takes particular care for my brother. Well , his finger is long and thin. He often uses finger to tooth my ears as I was a child , wow!

Liang 2

My father has a bad habit that he likes smoking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of smoke. I know it bad for his health as well as my mother, brother and mine. We advise him to give up smoking. I’m sure he will follow my advice some day. My father like to reading newspapers after meals. He also likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways.

I ever upset that my father having white hairs before I enter to college as I would always compared him to my friend’s young father. You know, I rebelled when I was in high school. Well, I am very respecting him now. I am having the feelings of important to my family. I love my parents and brother. They are plays an important roles in my whole life.

Such is my family, I am proud of having such a good family!


My hometown Zhengzhou

Located in Central China as the biggest transport hub in the country,Zhengzhou has made profound changes greatly,including economy,transportation,education and environment.

A decade ago,Zhengzhou was still relatively backward,with old bungalow and low buildings taking up most of the urban area and public transpotation system consisting of public buses, private cars and bycicles.The average per capital income of ordinary family was approximately 1,000 to 2,000 yuan,which met the basic needs of daily life.Also,with less education funds put in and few opportunities offered for foreign study,students did have to face the high pressure produced by intense competiton and low acceptance rates. Moreover,Zhengzhou used to be called “Greentown”,but because of the lack of protection and governance,trees along the roads were cut down and rivers were covered with stinking trash and green algae,the “Greentown” was finally turned out to be a name.

However,with the rapid development of society,more and more people rush into Zhengzhou to seek opportunities and at the same time bring new forces for urban construction.Zhengdong New District well represents the process of urbanization,whose CBD is highly considered “one of the most promising CBD in China” ,the advantages of locality and beautiful environment attract many investors both from home and broad. In downtown,high buildings and apartments are gradually established,commercial prosperity promotes economic development and improves the living standards as a result.As for transportation,viaducts and tunnels are built to relief the high traffic pressure, and by 2012,motro construction will be completed,it is believed to bring more convenience to citizens. One thing worth mentioning is that the BRT ,featured as “Bu yong ji”(not crowded),“Ren shu duo”(carrying more people) and “Te bie kuai”(very fast),is very popular among citizens and is becoming one of the major mean people choosed to go outside.As for education,government has set more funds to enhance the teaching quality,besides,more options have appeared,students don’t have to take the college examination as the only way to get further study,instead ,they can apply for foreign colleges and study abroad. On environment,government has taken measures to clean contaminated areas and spared no effort to speed up the construction of greenland, citizens have also realised the importance of protecting environment and do what they can to help the protection. As a good result of improving environment ,Zhengzhou has successfully hold “The 2nd Green Expo of China”,which draws considerable attention both from home and abroad.

Besides,the most well-known people couldn’t escape DengYaping,the famous Ping-pong player,who was born in Zhengzhou.In history,Zhengzhou gave birth to many other great people:the Chinese ancestor Yellow Emperor; the famous poets Dufu and Baijuyi and the ancient philosopher Hanfeizi.

In conclusion,Zhengzhou has made significant development in all respects during the last ten years,it signs the great process of China’s modernization. Although there are many problems remained in this city,it was ,is and will always be my lovely



(一)I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is exciting, amazing

and sexy. When we first met I felt her erotic emanation. Now I know that she is

extremely intelligent too.

(第一范文网 整理)

(二)She is 24 years old, and she has a 3-year-old son. So she is a mother. A sharp mother. She has a piercing in her tongue and two tattoos, one on her stomach (an Indian man’s face) and one on her back (it is non-figurative). I like them very

much. If you meet her, look at her face; it is so sweet. She has a birthmark on the tip of her nose.

(三)Sometimes I call her ”spotted nose.” It is so sweet. Really. Like a little cat. But her eyes. They are blue like the sky in spring or the ocean in a stormy night. They are so maddening. Well, let’s talk about her mouth. When she is smiling she has two little face-lines by the side of her lips. (dimples)

(第一范文网 整理)

(四)She is the most beautiful mother in the world and she is a real muse, a muse which every poet wants, lovely, wild, tender, sweet, and deep with secrets and love. A real woman.

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