

论文题目:英语专业学生英汉翻译能力现状调查 ——基于2019年“外教社杯”(天津市)高校翻译大赛的研究






List of Abbreviation

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.2 Research Purpose

1.3 Research Significance

1.4 Structure of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Overseas Research Status of Translation Competence

2.1.1 The Components of Translation Competence

2.1.2 The Application of Translation Competence

2.2 Domestic Research Status of Translation Competence

2.2.1 The Perspective of Translation Teaching

2.2.2 The Perspective of Professional Translation

2.2.3 The Perspective of Translation Test

2.3 Summary

Chapter Three Theoretical Basis

3.1 PACTE Translation Competence Model

3.2 A key Component of English-Chinese Translation Competence

Chapter Four Research Design

4.1 Research Questions

4.2 Research Methodologies

4.3 Research Subjects

4.4 Research Instruments

4.4.1 Questionnaire

4.4.2 Text Analysis

4.4.3 Interview

4.5 Data Collection

Chapter Five Results and Discussion

5.1 Analysis of the Questionnaires

5.1.1 Survey on Translation Learning

5.1.2 Understanding of Translation Contest

5.1.3 Evaluation of Teaching

5.1.4 Understanding of Translation Competence

5.2 Analysis of the Text

5.2.1 Bilingual Sub-competence and Cognitive Sub-competence

5.2.2 Professional Knowledge Sub-competence

5.2.3 Instrumental Sub-competence

5.2.4 Strategic Sub-competence

5.3 Analysis of the Interview

5.3.1 Basic Situation about Translation

5.3.2 Embodiment of the Translation Competition

5.3.3 Emphasis on Translation Competence

5.4 Summary

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings

6.2 Suggestions for Teaching and Learning

6.2.1 Suggestions for Teaching

6.2.2 Suggestions for learning

6.3 Limitations of study

Works Cited

Appendix 1 2019 年“外教社杯”高校翻译大赛英译汉初赛原文

Appendix 2 2019 年“外教社杯”天津市高校第二十三届英汉翻译大赛调查问卷

Appendix 3 采访问题


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