


摘要:语言与文化历来紧密相联,语言的学习同时也是文化的学习。语言教学中需要融入文化教学并培养学生的文化素养。大量实验研究结果表明:系统而有效的文化教学及文化教学策略的使用,能够有效促进学生外语语用能力、交际能力和文化意识的培养。因而,新世纪社会形势下,外语教学应注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力,教师应将文化教学融入外语课堂教学。但是,在真实的大学英语课堂上,教师的讲授仅停留在语法规则和篇章介绍上,忽略了文化的融入。 本研究以互动理论和Jane Willis的任务型教学理论为框架,较为详细地回顾了国内外文化教学和跨文化交际能力的相关研究文献,提出基于任务的大学英语文化教学模式,介绍了TBLT在大学英语文化教学中的实施步骤,以具体的教案展示了TBLT在文化教学中的详细实施过程。该研究以兰州理工大学技术工程学院129个非英语专业学生为受试者。其中,实验组中61名受试者接受了以Jane Willis任务型教学理论框架为基础的任务型教学模式,进行了为期16周的大学英语精读课堂文化导入教学,而控制组中68名受试者则采用传统方式展示和讲解。采用了陈国明和Starosta(1996,1997)基于跨文化交际能力(ICC)和跨文化敏感度(ICS)理论设计而成的“跨文化敏感度测量问卷”(ISS)(2000)作为前后测试测量工具,旨在探讨TBLT模式下的文化教学对学生跨文化敏感度的影响。 基于SPSS18.0的独立样本T检验数据分析显示,在内容一致的情况下,两种教学法在提高学生跨文化敏感度方面存在显著性差异。TBLT能够提高学生学习该门课的兴趣,增强自信心,促进大学生跨文化交际能力的培养和跨文化敏感度的提高,有助于学生由被动学习转变为主动、积极和探索性学习。 由此得出结论,TBLT能够有效促进学生运用英语在现实环境中进行交流。它遵循“做中学,用中学”的原则,以参与、体验、互动、交流、合作的学习方式,充分发挥学习者自身的认知能力,使学生在参与教师设计的任务型文化教学活动中提高跨文化敏感度。



English Abstract

Chinese Abstract

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Significance of the Study

1.3 Structure of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Language and Culture

2.1.1 Language

2.1.2 Culture

2.1.3 The relationship between language and culture

2.1.4 Culture teaching

2.2 Intercultural Communication

2.3 Communicative Competence

2.3.1 Intercultural sensitivity

2.3.2 Instruments for assessing intercultural sensitivity

2.4 Culture Teaching With TBLT Home and Abroad

2.4.1 Recent studies abroad

2.4.2 Recent studies in China

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework

3.1 Interactionism

3.1.1 The definition of 'interaction'

3.1.2 Long's interaction hypothesis

3.2 A Brief Introduction to Task-based Language Teaching

3.2.1 The definition of 'task'

3.2.2 Varieties of tasks

3.2.3 Principles for the implementacion of task-based approach

3.2.4 Framework of Willis' model for TBLT and the purpose of each stage

Chapter Four Methodology

4.1 Research Questions

4.2 Subjects

4.3 Instrument

4.4 Lesson Plans of Culture Teaching

4.4.1 Example of teaching with TBLT

4.4.2 Example of teaching with traditional method

4.5 Comparison Between TBLT and the Traditional Language Teaching

4.6 Data Collection and Analysis

Chapter Five Results and Discussion

5.1 The Overall Picture of Non-English Majors' Intercultural Sensitivity

5.2 The Effects of Culture Teaching with TBLT on Non-English Majors' InterculturalSensitivity

5.2.1 The results of pre-test

5.2.2 The results of post-test

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings

6.2 Implications

6.3 Limitations and Suggestions


Appendix A Intercultural Sensitivity Scale

Appendix B The Pre- and Post-experimental Questionnaires


Appendix B The Pre- and Post-experimental Questionnaires


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