



Lesson 30 The death of a ghost 幽灵之死 I. New words and expression 生词和短语

☻. Labourer n.劳动者(劳工) 强调使用体力, 而不是技能, 在户外工作。 Workman n.技工, 工匠 -- 具有某种工艺技能的半熟练工人 worker n.工人(泛指)-- 具有更高水平的工人 -- white-collar worker 白领职员(指非体力劳动者) -- blue-collar worker 蓝领工人(指体力劳动者) -- a factory worker 工厂工人 / farm worker 雇农, 农业工人 farmhand(n.农业工人, 农场工人)= farm labourers = farm worker ☻.Corn n.谷物[英]谷物, 五谷, 小麦 [美、加、澳]玉米 [苏、爱]燕麦 ☻. Conscientious adj.认真的; Conscientious adj.尽责的, 凭良心的, 谨慎的 a conscientious teacher / worker 勤勤恳恳的老师/工作者 conscious adj.有意识的, 神志清醒的

He is hurt but still conscious. 他受了伤, 不过神志还清醒。 conscious adj.了解的, 察觉的

She was not conscious of his presence in the room. 她不晓得他在这房间里。 I was conscious of her presence. 我知道她在场。

☻. Suspect vt.怀疑, 猜疑, 疑心; I suspected her motives. 我怀疑她的动机。 Suspect sb to be; -- suspect him to be ill 猜想他病了 -- I suspect him to be a spy. suspect sb of doing/n -- I suspect him of stealing the car. suspect sb. of giving false information 怀疑某人提供假情报 suspect sb. of a crime 怀疑某人犯罪

Suspect that… -- I suspect that his girlfriend hide her true feelings. We suspect they‘ll be a little late. 我们揣想他们会晚来一会儿。 Suspicion n.猜疑, 怀疑; Suspicious adj.可疑的, 引起怀疑的 Cats are suspicious of human beings. Suspect表示一种肯定的语义, Doubt 表示一种否定的语义 Doubt vt.怀疑, 不信, 拿不准(用 that, 往往表示非常怀疑) I doubt the truth of it. 我怀疑它的真实性。 I doubt that he will come. 我看他不见得会来。 I doubt whether [if] he is at home. 我看他不一定在家。

I do not doubt (but) that he can recite it. 我相信他能把它背下来。 Can you doubt that he will win? 你不相信他会获胜吗? I doubt what he said. 我不相信他说的话。

Doubtful adj.怀疑的;不信任的; -- It is doubtful that he will come. Doubtable adj.可疑的, 令人怀疑的

☻. Desert v.(军队中)开小差-- The soldier deserted his army. 这个士兵开小差。 Desert vt.vi.遗弃, 抛弃, 舍弃

(= abandon vt.放弃, 遗弃)违背法律、道义、责任、信仰 -- desert the army, desert school, desert his duty, desert his family Abandon vt.抛弃, 舍弃, 离弃(被迫放弃所喜爱的或所负责的东西) He had to abandon his favorite research because of the war. abandon one’s home 离弃家园

He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.(research n.研究, 调查) 他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。

Forsake vt.(-sook, -saken ) 舍弃, 放弃, 背弃, 和…脱离关系 He forsook his family. He has forsaken his wife and children. 他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。 革除(旧风习等), 抛弃(坏习惯) You must forsake your bad habits. 你必须革除你的坏习惯。 Discard vt.放弃, 丢弃, 抛弃(= give up as useless) -- Everyday we discard a large amount of rubbish. ☻. Regiment n.(军队)团 Action n.战斗 Recluse n.隐士

give up 放弃, 抛弃, 认输

was willing:wanted, was prepared; labourers: workers claimed: said that, maintained that; an accepted fact: a general, undisputed truth conscientious: extremely careful; astonished: surprised revealed: made known, told Text:

Why did the two brothers keep the secret? ☻1.Haunt vt.闹鬼

It is said that the public house was haunted. Haunt vt.常去, 常到(某地)= visit somewhere every often He haunted this cinema. ☻2. The farm was owned by two brothers, Joe and Bob Cox. Own = possess ☻3. They employed a few farmhands, but no one was willing to work there long. Be willing to do = be ready to do ☻4. Every time a worker gave up his job, he told the same story. Every time = whenever 引导时间状语从句 Every time I listen to his advice, I get into trouble. Whenever I listen to his advice, I get into trouble. ☻5. Wake up to find that… 醒过来时, 结果发现…

He woke up to find that he was surrounded by a large crowd of people. He hurried to the post office only to find that it was shut.(表示遗憾的结果用only)

☻6. claimed to do…

He claimed to have seen the puma. Seamen claimed to have seen monsters. See sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事

stay up 不睡觉, 留在原地,原地不动(= not to go to bed) = sit up 坐起, 端坐, 熬夜;-- The boy sat up to see the film. Wait up for 等候着不睡 -- Don’t wait up for me; I’ll be home very late. ☻7. burn the midnight oil 开夜车

I have to burn the midnight oil to tonight to complete work. ☻8. It became an accepted fact that… 变成了一个大家都接受的事实 That引导同位语从句, 补充说明fact。

-- It becomes an accepted fact that the puma is still at large.

= Everybody had already accepted the fact that the puma is still at large. ☻9. be astonished to do sth(可代替do的词:see, learn, hear, find, know, discover) I am not surprised to see he is still as fat as before. ☻10. For(= as)引导原因状语从句, 对主句补充说明。

☻11. none other than = no other than 不是别的, 正是... (强调人) The man who spoke to her was none other than her husband. 和她说话的不是别人正是她丈夫。 t was no other than my old friend. nothing else than 只不过, 仅仅(强调事物) His failure was due to nothing else than his own careless. 他的失败不因为其它原因, 仅仅因为他的粗心。 A third brother 又一位兄弟 Was supposed = was thought He was supposed to have died twenty years ago. Keep secret 保密 (= keep sth to oneself) Reveal secret 揭露秘密(= make known)

The press reveal the scandal.(n.丑事, 丑闻)(the press 新闻界) He kept secret for a long time. = He kept it to himself for a long time. ☻12. He had been obliged to join the army during the Second World War. Be obliged to do… = be force to do… 被迫做某事 Feel obliged to do… 有义务做某事 Concealment n.隐藏, 隐蔽, 隐蔽处

in hiding(躲藏着的)= remain in concealment(隐藏着, 躲着) He remained in hiding at home. His father told everybody that Eric had been killed in action. The only other people who knew the secret were Joe and Bob. The only other people who knew the secret 仅知道这个秘密的人 The only other people who finished the work 仅完成这项工作的人 ☻.I thought it very difficult to pass the examination. We all think it our duty to support our parents. 动词 + 宾语(形式宾语it)+ 宾补(名词、形容词) + to do… ☻. Quite unaware of… 形容词短语做状语 unaware adj.不知道的, 没有觉察的(of, that) be unaware of the danger 没有觉察到危险

He was unaware that I was present. 他不知道我在场。

☻. aware adj.知道的, 明白的 - I was not aware of the fire. 我没有意识到火。

his brothers found it impossible to… (动词 + 宾语 + 宾补 + to do…) We found it quite impossible to finish the hard work in 2 hours. It is quite impossible to finish the hard work in 2 hours. II. Read the passage two or three time. Make sure you understand it. And then in not more than 80 words discribe what happened from the time when the car got past the boulders to the moment it stopped in the shallow pool (Para3). Use your own words as far as possible. 1. Write a list of points (in note form). 2. Connect your points to write a rough draft of the summary. Try to use your own words as far as possible, not only making extracts (摘抄) from the passage. Don’t count the number of the words until you have finished the rough draft. 3. In the rough draft, you are likely to go well over the words limit. Correct your draft carefully, bringing the number of words down to the set limit. III. Summary-writing points 1. Joined army---Second World War---hated army life---deserted 2. Returned to farm---father hid him---end of war---remained in hiding after war 3. Father told everyone---killed in action 4. Joe and Bob---kept secret---Eric lived as recluse 5. Sleep during day---work at night---‘ghost of Endley’ Summary Eric jioned the army during the Second World War, but hated army life, so he deserted. He returned to the farm where his father hid him until the end of the war, and he remained in hiding after the war. His father told everyone that he had been killed in action. Joe and Bob kept the secret, so Eric lived as a recluse. He slept during the day and worked at night, so he became the ‘ghost of Endley’. (79 words) IV. Letter writing I have already written several letters to you in the ast few weeks, but I have heard nothing from you. Do I have your correct present address? Just a few pieces of news about me and the family. I am just about to take my final exams and then I hope to leave school and go to college or university. My brother has a new job and my sister is getting married next year. I would love to hear from you again. Please write as soon as you can and let me know all the latest news about you and your family.

第二篇:美术第三册第10课 画触觉 教案

第十课 画触觉


课时:1课时。 教学目标:




培养学生感知绘画的能力,提高学生的艺术感知力和审美能力。 教学难点:

然后通过灵活有趣的触觉尝试和体验手段,使学生的联想外现成感觉绘画。 教学准备:


学具:各种表面不同质地的东西,作画材料及工具。 教学过程: ——游戏、体验



2、下面同学也联想一下自己摸到这些物体时会有什么感觉。 ——尝试表现














Teaching plan of new concept English book three of the

first lesson I. Teaching material analysis Today I am going to teach the first lesson of new concept English book three of the first lesson II Teaching participant There are x students who are middle school students, . They have learnt the new concept English book one and book two ,and they learnt quite well. They are positive and diligent. III Teaching aims Enable students to learn new words and expressions, and to know the structure of some stentences clearly.

IV Key point The new words and expressions V Difficult point

the structure of some stentences

VI Teaching procedures Step1 Greeting and warm up

T:Hello,everybody,boys and girls,how are you today? S:fine,thanks,and you? T:I am fine too,thank you 1 T:welcome to the new concept English book three,developing skills ,I am MR Wang from the TT elite , It’s really great pleasure to be with you in this course ,I hope you will find your study to be great progress;大家好,下边就由我来为大家讲授新概念英语第三册,第三册的标题是 developing skills,就是说这一册的学习者应当具有一定的基础才谈得上发展和提高,那么基础的标准是什么呢,大致来说就是英语中等水平,无论你是否学习过这套教材的前

一、二册,只要你认为你已经具备或大体具备英文的中等水平,都可以从这一册开始学习, what skill should you develop?briefly speaking,it’s language proficiency in listening speaking、 reading and writing , 熟练的掌握这四项基本技能,是为了提高我们常说的语感,我们还是会从一篇一篇的小故事开始,就像这套教材的作者亚历山大强调的,一篇有趣的故事可以提供一个活的语言环境,这样我们学习到的就不是孤立的字词,而是语言在具体环境当中的交流和实际应用,和语言后面潜在的文化信息. Step2 Lead in and presentation T:And now let’s start from the beginning ,; Lesson1:A puma at large,This lesson is about an escaping puma, 这课讲的是一头正在逃遁的美洲狮,first,listen to me read the text carefully,and see if you can answer this question:where must the puma have come from? T:Pumas are large, ‘cat-like animals’ which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted

2 forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw a large cat only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of ‘cat-like noises’ at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from ? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside. T:So where must the puma have come from?注意这里用的是must have come from ,must 它的基本词义是必须,但是它在这里表达的是一种

3 推断和猜测,我们再回到这个问题,where must the puma have come from?the text tells us that the puma must have escaped from the private collection,也就是说这头美洲狮是一个私人豢养的,这个结论呢是在有呢很多线索之后得到的,整篇课文给我们讲述的是越来越充实的证据(accumulating evidence),讲述的是专家们由不太当真(not taken seriously)到不得不去调查(felt obliged to investigate),到最后完全肯定的一个过程(fully convinced),那么这些证据究竟有哪些?又是怎样影响了专家们的看法,请同学们在学习中理清课文的这些脉络。 T:Now let’s look at some language points in the text T:A puma at large

T:Be at large (潜逃),Who can give me an example of this expression? S:有学生举手,多叫几名同学,然后老师也可以给一个: The escaped prisoners are still at large (逃犯还没有落网) T:这篇课文在几处都出现了表示看或看见的词语,

When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London……

People who claimed to have seen the puma…… The puma was often observed at one place……

T:表示看见这个意思,see是最常用的词,而 observe要比see更加书面化,spot means to notice something very difficult to see ,or find something being looked for 表示看到了不太容易看到的东西,或者发现了正在寻找的东西。Who can give me an example?

4 S:请学生回答;老师给出例子

I spotted someone coming out of the building

T:as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate……Accumulate means to gradually increase over a period of time 指的是逐渐增加或积累

T:feel obliged to 这是一个固定词组,经常用来做书面语,同must ,have to, have a duty to do 必须有义务、责任做……事 S:请学生回答并给出例子eg:I felt obliged to invite him

T:The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw a large cat; Hunt 捕猎 搜寻

T:请同学翻译go on a deer /fox hunt 猎(鹿、狐);The hunt for the remains of the titanic(搜寻TITANIC残骸);Hunt for second-hand book(搜寻二手书);Job-hunting(找工作) T:Pick采摘;Pick cotton摘棉花;

S:请学生翻译We need to pick someone reliable 挑选我们要找一个可靠的人,Pick and choose 挑挑拣拣

T:A puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered;Cornered 陷入困境 被逼得走投无路

T:The search proved difficult ;Prove=turn out to be 证明是 原来是VI S:请学生翻译They proved her innocence

他们证实了她是无辜的(证实VT);The rumor proved false 谣言证明是错误的;

T:Puma fur was found clinging to bushes ;Cling to 粘住

5 Cling-clung-clung 过去式过去分词;

S:学生翻译His wet shirt clung to his body ;She clings to the belief that her Husband will come back 她固执的相信她的丈夫会回来

T:Some people complained of ‘cat like noises’ at night ……表示报告或者是述说,表示一种不满的情绪

T:complain跟的介词不同意思也不同complain about the weather 抱怨天气不好;complain of a headache 述说自己头疼

T:It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside,disturbing在这里等同worrying令人担忧的不安的Disturb 打搅 Sorry to disturb you 对不起打扰你了;Do not disturb,请勿打扰!,His strange behavior disturbed me 他举止反常让我很担心

T:However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

T:大家都知道 在英文中基本的句型就是简单句 并列句以及复杂句,就是我们经常听到的simple sentences compound sentences complex sentences,这篇课文主要是由复杂句构成的,now look at sentence please ,要理解一个复杂句,最重要的是要搞清句子的结构,然后通过连接词,分清主句和从句之间的关系,就是说要把握主句和从句的位置,而主句和从句的关系是由连接词来判断的,在这个句子当中,主句就是experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate,主句前边有一个

6 as引导的从句,他表示的是一种伴随主句同时发生的状态,它的后边又有一个for引导的从句来交代原因,而这个从句当中有一个given,它起的实际上是一个定语从句的作用,用来修饰 descriptions,如果用从句来表达就是which had been given by people,而这个从句当中由套着一个从句,是由who来引导的,用来修饰people,所以一个句子结构不论有多么复杂,只要我们能把握连接词,在句子当中的作用,和意思,就不难理解。

T:When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted ;the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place;Paw prints were seen…… puma fur was found clinging to bushes;As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country

T:当英文中表示一个事实的客观性的时候往往更多的使用被动语态,这篇课文就是这样,讲的是美洲狮在各处出现并且被人目击的情形,我们来看看被动语态在课文当中的使用:had been spotted, was …… observed ,were seen……,was found clinging,had been reported missing这都是被动语态最基本的构成;另外was found clinging

had been reported missing 是在被动语态之后加上现在分词,起补充说明主语的作用

T:right,That’s about the language point,我们知道了西方有收集动物的人,在我们中国现在也有喂养宠物的人…… Step 3 Consolidation and homework

7 T: Today we learned some new words and expressions , Who are they? Homework: 1. listen to the tape of lesson one 2. Read the text and recite to your parents and me.

T:class is over,see you in the next lesson!.



百 花 园


本课内容为百花园,花是自然界中色彩最丰富的一种植物,是我们生活中不可缺少的伙伴,也是人们最愿意表现得一种题材。有了它们,大自然才能色彩缤纷,我们的生活才“美丽多彩”。花的种类很多,颜色也很多,我们的学生还比较小,接受能力有一定限度,因此本课要求学生学习简单的花的造型,主要是涂色,让学生感受色彩的魅力,同时也培养学生的色彩搭配能力。 教学目标:



3、情感目标:培养学生的审美意识,感受色彩对比的效果。 教学重点:



3、复习巩固三原色,三间色的知识,利用色彩的对比关系表现百花园。 教学难点:利用对比色表现百花园。 教学准备:素描纸,彩笔或油画棒等。 教学方法:讲授示范法,

演示法,实践法 课时:1课时 教学过程:

一、 导入

课件图片导入,让学生首先欣赏一些花的图片,认识一些身边常见的花。 图片欣赏要求:认真观察花的组成结构,颜色,形状等。 出示课题——百花园

二、 新授




叶子等 接下来教师示范几种花的画法。学生认真观察学习。学生简单练习。



蓝 三间色——绿

接下来让学生对色环相对的两种色进行比较。 红——绿




三、 习作练习







五、 小结,整理学具 板书





课型:新授课 教学目标







教学方法:任务驱动、情景导入 教学准备: scraino软件 课时安排:1课时 教学过程


同学们,生活中我们看到清洁工人打扫树叶的情景,那么随着科技的发达,也可以用机器人来扫树叶, 今天我们就来学习下如何设置机器人扫树叶的程序。

二引导探究,学习新知 (一)纷纷飘落的树叶

1要让机器人自动扫树叶,就必须提前设置好设计思路。 2.树叶的形状不规则的,落下的位置也不固定的。


4,将外观模块中的将角色的大小增加 10和将颜色特效增加25拖动到脚本区,并修改参数。


6.将侦测模块中的在 1到10间随记取 个数拖动到脚本区, 修改相应的积木的参数. 7.点击绿旗执行程序,欣赏下漫天树叶飘落的场景吧 (二)巧用隐藏扫树叶

如何让机器人做到自动扫树叶,怎么做到呢? 1选择角色树叶,设置碰到robot 后删除克隆体 2.选择机器人角色

3,将控制模块中的“如果---那么-- 否则·一积木拖动到脚木区,将如果分支中的条件设置为碰到树叶, 在那么分支中设置为机器人遇到树叶是的造型”. 4.将动作模块中的在1秒内x73y94 与运算模块中的随机数积木拖动到脚本区, 否则分支中修改参数内容,设置机器人没有遇到树叶时的动作。5.点击执行程序看看设置的效果。


导入的图片格式要转化为SVG 格式。 为了使树叶落下时的情景逼真,可以将y坐标设为220. (四)练习阶段

请同学们自行自主的练习下机器人自动扫树叶的情景。 三感悟新知,综合练习

分组合作进行机器人扫树叶的设置练习。 学生展示,交流作品 四课堂总结

同学们, 今天我们的收获真不少,其实Scraino 的有趣和神奇不止这些,让我们期待下次更精彩的内容


第5课 飘飘树叶我来扫 克隆积木



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