



假期里用了将近二十天的时间终于把近八十集的《越狱》看完了。这部每集都像电影的电视剧用曲折惊心和出人意料的情节在首映当天就吸引了1800万的观众。看《越狱》,你往往会比剧情里的人物更加紧张。然而之所以喜欢这部电视剧并不只是因为它的情节,已往很多优秀的国产电视剧也有很好的主题,曲折的情节,动人的场景,但找来找去却想不出有哪一部可以和《PRISON BREAK》相抗。其他的很多电视剧几乎都是用全剧来烘托一个主题,讲述一个不变的道理,而《越狱》却不是,它的每一个情节,每一个插曲都有值得思考的东西。因此我现在以观后感的形式写了这篇日志,来与大家分享一下我看这部电视剧的感悟与体会。

























的有情有意……然而我并不想 在此评论他。因为他不是人,这样说是因为现实中这样的一个人是不存在的,他只是一个集合体。










Never Give Up

I always thought that TV series was not my cup of tea ,

because It is too long to finish it. And it will take up a lot of time. But yesterday I found an amazing TV series called Prison Break. It is the most interesting TV series that I have ever seen. You will never guess what will happen in the following time. Don’t you think so?

Prison Break revolves around two brothers. One named

Lincoln burrows who had been sentenced to death for a crime but he did not commit. And the other one named Michael, a genius engineer, who devised an elaborate plan to help his brother escape prison. He prepared everything perfectly for three years. He pretended to rob a bank for going into the prison, he wanted to save his older brother who was framed up and nearly to receive death penalty. The prison is Fox River. Security is very heavily. It is known to all that it should be a team work, and Michael

succeeded at persuading the people he needed to do him a fever. It is really a hard job but Michael carried out it! Although Michael happened to meet plenty of accidents and admitted several extra men who were out of the plan, he was intelligent, calm, decisive, kind and has a charmed personality so as to control the general

situation. The most excellent point is every step Michael did to escape from jail. All the things must be done in three months, or his brother Lincoln barrows would be sent to the electric chair. How tensional it is! Next he according to my plan implemented step by step. But things were not so simple. It is becoming more and more complex. But finally Michael came over all the difficulties and escaped successfully from this Prison.

This story is too attracting my eyes. So when I got up, I opened the computer as soon as possible. I imagined Michael was on my side. I could think with him, I watched it all the Sunday. He let the role to life. He teach me what the honor is, he show me what the intelligence is. This TV series let me know set a goal in life, how to careful planning and implementation. Our daily life has a lot of ideals or dreams in life, but many just stay on the level of imagination and hope, to implement and realize the real

accounts for only a small part, needing careful planning knowledge and learning, and the perseverance, never give up in order to put those seemingly impossible looking at and reach the dream, in accordance with the plan to constantly near until the final

realization! It teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. All of these will over, everything goes to be ok. Yes, It do teaches me a lot.








Michael Scofield的哥哥Lincoln Burrows被陷害谋杀副总统的哥哥而入狱,并即将被处死。Michael Scofield计划通过抢劫银行而进入哥哥的监狱再去实行越狱。在完成纹身后,Scofield去抢劫银行,并配合的被捕、被起诉,直至被送到弟弟所在的芝加哥Fox River监狱。入狱后Scofield首先认识了和善的狱友Fernando Sucre,在Sucre的介绍下,Scofield认识了狱中的各种在自己的越狱计划中有作用犯人,包括昔日屠宰场的老大John Abruzzi和可以搞到很多生活物品的“C-Note”。与此同时,在华盛顿的主教试图按照Lincoln的意愿推迟死刑的执行,为了不让阴谋败露,探员Kellerman谋杀了主教,这另Lincoln的律师Veronica Donovan相信自己昔日的恋人Lincoln确系被陷害。地方长官Frank Tancredi的女儿Sara Tancredi在监狱做狱医,为接触Tancredi,Scofield谎称自己有糖尿病,每天来监狱医务室接受胰岛素注射,同时又找C-Note获取对抗胰岛素的药物。Scofield利用Abruzzi急于得知某关键证人下落,成功的进入Abruzzi掌控的监狱工厂,得以接触到同在监狱工厂工作的哥哥Lincoln。Michael告诉哥哥自己掌握这个监狱建筑设计,并展示了纹在身上的监狱设计蓝图。




麦克是一个受过良好教育的白领建筑设计师,收入丰厚并且住着高级公寓。他刺了文身故意去强银行,一心就是想要蹲进监狱。在朝天开了几枪之后,迈克尔束手就擒,并在法庭上完全放弃了辩护。他只对法官提出一个要求,就是让他和哥哥林肯关到了同一个地方——狐狸河监狱。他的哥哥林在一个月后就要被处死,罪名是谋杀副总统的弟弟。但事实却不是他所杀,所以发麦克要在30天内救林肯出狱 。表明了麦克是一个十分重视兄弟情感和坚守真理的人。











为什么要把杂志和纸做的的鸭子放进下水道? 笔记本中藏着的小型工具是干什么的?






第一季——越狱;其实已经势成经典了。 文特沃斯·米勒(Wentworth Miller)饰演天赋异禀的工程师Michael Scofield设计了一场银行劫案,并因此被捕入狱,仅仅只是为了救出身陷冤狱的哥哥,由多米尼克·珀塞尔(Dominic Purcell)饰演的Lincoln Burrows。因为信任,因为深信不疑,因为诉求无门,所以不得已而为之;因为自信,因为设计周全,因为天赋异禀,所以Michael选择了这样的一种极端的方式。



















有许多人在感叹——《越狱》结局,以后有何美剧可看。发如此感言的人们,不过只是中国铁杆粉丝的最后意淫而已。在我看来,《越狱》前二季的水平也许可勉强地称为“不容置疑”,而后二季,已经在挑战视觉疲劳和审美疲劳的终极底限了。 Michael Scofield终于在结局里躺进了坟墓,我想,这样的一个结局给了我一个讯号——不管是编剧或者制作方,都已经被这种视觉疲劳和审美疲劳折磨得疲惫不堪了,以至于最后连一点后路都不留地彻底结束这部剧集。当一个灵魂人物地最终离逝出现在一部剧集的最后结局里,这意味着这部剧集不再会有续集,也意味着它永远地将


美剧,很少把结局做得如此彻底和决断。所以,第四季的最后一集,Michael Scofield的儿子那个颇有点意味深长的特写,多少给这种决断留下了最后的一扇后门;不过其可发展的程度已经不言而喻地过早夭折了。








"Prison Break" Review

Even though the 2005-2006 TV season doesn’t officially start until September 19 (the day after the Emmy Awards), one network has decided to start their season early. That said network would be FOX, and their first show is the prison drama “Prison Break.” Despite having a slightly unbelievable concept, it is a great way to start the season off on a good foot.

Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) is a desperate man. His brother, Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell), a death row inmate confined to Fox River State Penitentiary in Joliet, Illinois, is scheduled to die in a little over a month for the murder of the Vice President’s brother, Terrence Steadman (David Lively.) Michael has an elaborate plan to break Lincoln out of jail, and in the opening scene of the pilot, he is seen having the last of a series of tattoos applied to his body. Those tattoos are the blueprints for Fox River. In 1999, he was involved in a retrofitting job of the prison, and he still has all of the plans of the building with him. After doing all the extensive research, and adding those notes to his tattoos, he gets rid of all of the evidence.

The next day, he goes into the downtown Chicago branch of United Savings Bank and attempts to steal over a half million dollars. When he is arrested, he is put on trial for armed robbery. He pleads no contest to the judge (Cheryl Lynn Bruce), despite the objections of his lawyer and childhood friend Veronica Donovan (Robin Tunney.) The judge sentences him to five years, with parole in two and a half. Michael has requested to be sent to Fox River, which the judge grants. Veronica still doesn’t understand why Michael is doing this, because he isn’t violent and he doesn’t need the money. Also, he was the only positive influence for LJ (Marshall Allman), Lincoln’s son. LJ lives with his mother, Lisa Rix (Jessalyn Gilsig), and her husband Adrian (Philip Rayburn Smith.) He has been getting into trouble lately, having been busted for possession of marijuana, and Lisa doesn’t know what to do about it.

When Michael gets to Fox River, Captain Brad Bellick (Wade Williams) greets him, and tells him that he has nothing coming to him. Michael meets his new cellmate, Fernando Sucre (Amaury Nolasco.) Sucre is engaged to his girlfriend, Maricruz Delgado (Camille Guaty), though a friend of hers named Hector (Kurt Caceres) has been making a play for her. He just wants to do his time and get out so that he can get married.

Meanwhile, Veronica is still troubled by the case. She is engaged to an investment banker named Sebastian Balfour (Anthony Starke), though it appears that she still thinks about Lincoln, who used to be her boyfriend.

Back at Fox River, Sucre tells Michael about Charles Westmoreland (Muse Watson), whom everyone whispers is actually the infamous D.B. Cooper, who parachuted out of a plane thirty years ago with a million and a half in cash (he actually only got away with $200,000.) Charles has a cat named Marilyn who was grandfathered in b

efore Fox River prohibited pet ownership.

Michael tells Sucre that Lincoln, or as the other inmates call him, “Linc the Sink” (because he’ll come at you with everything but the kitchen sink), is his brother. He wants to know how to get to Lincoln. Sucre tells him that the only way to do that is through “P.I.,” or Prison Industries (meaning the inmates who behave get to do work for the prison.) Former mob boss John Abruzzi (Peter Stormare) runs P.I., and he is the only one who can get Michael approved for it. Michael later asks Abruzzi if he can be hired for P.I., giving him a paper origami swan and telling him that he has something to offer the mob boss. Abruzzi scoffs at this new “fish” and throws away the swan. Michael does have something to offer Abruzzi though. Fibonacci is a mob informant whose testimony put Abruzzi behind bars, and he, along with mobsters Gavin Smallhouse (Gianni Russo), Philly Falzone (Al Sapienza), and Maggio (Rich Komenich), are very interested in finding the man, who is currently in witness protection. His testimony could land all of them in jail, and Falzone specifically threatens Abruzzi with harm to his kids if he doesn’t find Fibonacci.

Michael visits Dr. Sara Tancredi (Sarah Wayne Callies), the prison doctor. Sara is the daughter of Illinois Governor “Frontier Justice” Frank Tancredi, a fact that she doesn’t like to tell many people about, because she differs with her father in their political beliefs. Michael has to go the infirmary for his regular insulin shots, because he has Type I Diabetes.

In Washington D.C., Special Agent Paul Kellerman (Paul Adelstein) and Special Agent Danny Hale (Danny McCarthy) are trying to thwart the efforts of anyone who might free Lincoln. A man named Bishop McMorrow (Chelcie Ross) has a lot of influence with the Governor and may persuade him to grant a stay of execution. They decide to visit him and “persuade” him to back off by accusing him of tax fraud. McMorrow won’t be bullied, but later in the episode, he is shot and killed in his bed.

Back at Fox River, Warden Henry Pope (Stacy Keach) asks to see Michael. He knows that Michael is a structural engineer, so he offers him three days of work a week in Pope’s office helping him build a model of the Taj Mahal made out of toothpicks. It is for his wife for their fortieth wedding anniversary, but he can’t seem to get the proper reinforcements to keep it from collapsing, and that is where Michael comes in. Michael turns down the offer at first, but a few days later, he accepts the offer when the warden threatens to throw Michael in the SHU (solitary confinement) for ninety days for fighting. The reason he was fighting was that Abruzzi got a call from Maggio that they received a picture of Fibonacci and a folded up swan. He realizes that Michael does have information about Fibonacci, and he demands that the fish tell him where the informant is. Michael will tell Abruzzi the information, but not until they are both safe outside the walls of the prison. Abruzzi takes offense to this, and he has his goons beat Michael up (he later ends up supplying Michael with his P.I. work card though.)

Back in Veronica’s office, she finds out that McMorrow has been killed, and she realizes that Michael was right when he told her that Lincoln had been set up.

Michael needs PUGNAc, an insulin blocker, because he is only pretending to be diabetic so that he can spend more time in the infirmary getting things ready for his and Lincoln’s escape. He approaches a black inmate named C-Note (Rockmond Dunbar) about supplying him with some PUGNAc.

Michael then looks for a bolt on a specific set of bleachers out in the yard. He has the serial number for this specific bolt tattooed on his forearm, and he finds it, but before he can screw it out of the bleacher, Theodore Bagwell, a.k.a. T-Bag (Robert Knepper), stops him. He is the leader of the Alliance for Purity, a white supremacist gang, and he has his submissive partner May Tag (Brian Hamman) with him. T-Bag says that a race war is around the corner, and he offers his protection. Michael turns him down, which ticks T-Bag off, forcing Michael to leave the bolt half-unscrewed.

Veronica finds Tim Giles (Keith Diamond), Lincoln’s public defender, and asks him about a man named Crab Simmons (Tab Baker), who could have cleared Lincoln’s name. Crab is a five-time felon, so it would be a waste of time. The next day, Tim visits Veronica in her office and gives her a surveillance video of the parking garage where Lincoln had allegedly killed Terrence Steadman. It was meant to be a form of closure for her. She watches it, and then she visits Lincoln in jail to ask him about it. He tells her that he never fired his gun, and that she should do some more research.

Michael goes back to finish unscrewing the bolt, but T-Bag and May Tag catch him again. T-Bag makes Michael hand over the bolt, who gives it to May Tag. Michael later goes to Abruzzi to ask him about shaking down an inmate, which he tells him he will do, as soon as Michael tells him where to find Fibonacci. Michael further frustrates Abruzzi by telling him that he will do that once they escape.

Bellick does a search of Michael and Sucre’s cell (Sucre is in the SHU for having a shank during a previous shakedown) and finds the serial numbers for the bolt (he doesn’t know what those numbers mean though yet.) The numbers are accompanied by a name: “Allen Schweitzer.” He has a fellow C.O. look up the name, but he comes up with nothing.

Michael searches for the bolt in May Tag’s bunk, when he is caught by T-Bag and May Tag again (they are everywhere…aren’t they?) He tells them that he wants T-Bag’s protection, and that he needs the bolt to protect himself. C-Note sees this and gets mad. He later shows Michael the bottle of PUGNAc, but tells him that he chose the wrong side of the race war, causing Michael to leave empty-handed.

Veronica finds Crab’s residence and runs into Crab’s mother, who tells her that Crab is dead. Back in her office, Veronica gets a call from Leticia Barris (Adina Porter), Crab Simmons’ ex-girlfriend. She meets with Leticia, who tells her that she believes that the same people who killed Crab are trying to kill Lincoln. Veronica thought that Crab had O.D.’d, but Leticia said that Crab had a bad heart and would never touch drugs. He conveniently died a week after Lincoln had killed Steadman.

Hale and Kellerman had already questioned Tim about his visit to Veronica, and now they have witnessed her meeting with Leticia. Kellerman calls a mysterious woman, who instructs him to “do what you need to do to make this go away.”

During a prison riot, another inmate fatally stabs May Tag, but Michael is able to get the bolt away from him. T-Bag assumes that Michael had done the stabbing, and he vows revenge. Michael sharpens the point of the bolt to become an Allen wrench, which is the perfect size to fit into a bolt underneath a toilet (we later see in the coming attractions that behind the toilet is a tunnel, which I assume is the escape route.)

C-Note gives Michael back his PUGNAc, because he realizes that Michael wasn’t in cahoots with the Aryan Nation. Michael takes the medicine, and Sara later administers her test. She confirms that he does have diabetes, but she is a little confused as to why he is so happy about it (Michael has a horrible poker face.)

On the way out of the infirmary, Abruzzi and his thugs grab Michael and force him to give up the location of Fibonacci by putting one of his pinkie toes into the path of some pruning shears. He refuses, and the episode ends with one of the thugs cutting off the pinkie toe.

The director of the Rush Hour movies, Brett Ratner, executive produces and directed the first hour of this show. Paul Scheuring, the writer of the 2003 Vin Diesel movie A Man Apart, created this series and wrote its first two episodes. They have constructed a show that is a little bit far-fetched, but interesting. The fact that Michael conveniently goes to the same prison as Lincoln, and that Sara is only mildly inquisitive to Michael’s diabetes problem is a little hard to believe. Also…when are they going to explain why Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows have two different last names? Are they half brothers?

The acting is great though. It’s amazing how alike Miller and Purcell look. Maybe it’s the buzz cuts, but I could actually believe that they were real brothers. Stormare always makes a great bad guy in movies, so he is giving us another good one on the small screen. Knepper plays a very creepy bad guy, and he is very effective at it too. The two love interests are good, but they don’t have a lot of time to establish their romances with their respective men yet. Callies is obviously going to fall f

or Miller, and I seriously doubt that Tunney will be seeing a wedding in the end with her fiancé.

“Prison Break” reminds me of ABC’s “Lost,” in which I like the concept, but I can’t see it going beyond a season. “Lost” proved that it could provide an ongoing plotline that will last its inaugural season, so I’ll have to have faith that this one will do it as well. This show had so many questions yet unanswered in the first two episodes, and the durability of it might be one of those questions. Welcome to the fall season!

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