






(1) 去英联邦留学就考雅思


(2) 去北美留学就考托福









(4) 口语:雅思人人对话托福人机对话








首先二者之间的考试目的不同。A类(Academic)就是学术类,主要用于留学。G类(General Training)就是培训类,主要用于移民。由于考试的目的不同,考试题型,考试形式上都有略微差异,大家一起接着往下看。












在平日的教学中,有这样一个问题经常引起我的思考:很多考生或许已经备考雅思写作很久,也看过不少关于雅思写作的书籍,但是可能很少有学生会深入对雅思写作的要求进行分析和了解考官批改写作考试的时候的过程和他们所使用到得评分标准。 首先,我们需要先仔细的来分析一下雅思写作的要求。 在这里我们会使用雅思G类的7分标准来做参考。 因为第一:7分是现行移民政策所需要的最高分数,同时7分标准也是比较全面并且包括了A类的一些细则。仔细看评分标准, 我们可以看到雅思写作的要求被分为了4个部分, Task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy. 这分别为:任务反应,连贯性和衔接性,词汇资源,语法的多样性及准确性,所谓的短时间内提高雅思时使用不同的手段来尽量的满足这4项要求:

Task Achievement

大家都知道审题和切题的重要性,总体来说,考生看不懂题目的情况相对很少发生,但是往往是不仔细以及缺乏对雅思写作题目的认识导致了偏题。第一种就是内容上的偏题,在读懂题意的情况下极少发上。第二种则是作文文体上的偏题,教学至今,你会发现几乎所有学生只知道雅思写作就是议论文一种而已。他们并不知道雅思写作其实能够被分成5大类:问题解决类,同意不同意类, 观点比较类,

说明描述类和综合类。 判断题目上的疏忽导致了很多考生把文体写错,就我的教学经验来看,文体写错作文就不会超过6分了,因为考官认为这个是一个根本性的错误。所以如何认识雅思的5大类写作,如何审题,以及接下来的每种题型的应对方式都关系到雅思评分。例如,很多考生分不清议论文和说明文的区别,其实从某种意义来说他们的论证方式很相似,只是说明文是中性的解释,是描述一个事实。相对而言,议论文则拥有自己的观点和立场。

青岛新航道学校提供雅思培训,托福培训,SAT培训、剑桥青少英语等英语培训,帮助广大学子“用英语照亮人生”。 http://qingdao.newchannel.org/

Coherence and cohesion

这里讲述的雅思写作的流畅度和粘连度,此评分标准强调考生需要能够清楚使用关系来论述和说明他们的作文。无论是并列,转折,因果,递进还是过渡这些关系的使用可以让考官更加快速明了的看懂你的文章。那么在写作过程中不但要能使用关系,并且还要将这些关系表现出来使用关联词。在使用关系词的同时比较强调使用一些相对少用的,而避免一些用滥的连接词,比如,Firstly, Secondly等。一个文章的逻辑性毋庸臵疑是让考官理解我们的论述的最佳工具。所以如何使用和呈现这一关系会是中国考生迅速提高的一个捷径。以上提到的这些注意点和方法都不涉及英语水平,完全是取决于一个人的写作方法和习惯。






Topic: Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.

As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.

Topic: Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree?

I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every day. This partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, regardless of what they are using the computer for.


Topic: It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sport, art or music.


1 Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them; others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and how do you think about it?



The past decades have seen the rapid development/ drastic

changes/great progress in __awareness of keeping healthy_大方向. the issue concerning 点题(whether+肯定语序) remains the source of constant debate. In spite of some people’s view that__ tobacco industry brings

some benefits to the society___, I still hold/maintain that__ great efforts should be made to prohibit smoking__

练习:some people think that smoking should be banned completely, do you agree or disagree?


1.for many __people all walks of life 人, it is an

interesting/sensitive /complicated issue __ 点 题点题(whether+肯定语序). Although it is maintained that_ tobacco industry brings somebenefits to the society___, ____, I still think that__great efforts should be made to prohibit smoking__ _


As a result of sth/ the fact that

On account of sth/ the fact that

In the interest of sth

For the sake of sth+点题 + 观点

Some countries are making efforts to develop new energies(wind energy, solar energy), do you agree or disagree?

As a result of the fact the world is undergoing the serious energy crisis, many countries are endeavoring to explore new energies, say, wind energy, solar energy. However, long-term consideration has told us that this practice is well-grounded/ungrounded.


In order to/with the aim to/with the view to/with the strong aim to/for the purpose ofModern buildings are appearing in large numbers, and some people believe that we should build our buildings in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

例文: With the strong view to maintain the national identities, it is frequently claimed that buildings should be constructed in traditional styles. However, it is highly easy to see that more effective ways than it can serve the purpose.


e.g.1 a report indicates that nowadays children are becoming more and more lazy, fat and unsociable. Discuss the reasons for this and give some proposals.

The social and economic development should have resulted in a happier and healthier life for children. However, recently increasingly more parents are concerning their children have become lazy, fat and unsociable.



Some people argue that the government should spend money only on medical care and education but not on theatres or sport stadiums, do you agree or disagree?

Where public money goes is an issue of broad interest to the general public. Some people advocate that government should fund the sectors that bring tangible and immediate benefits to the public such as medial care and educational systems, while opponents suggest that those large urban development, such as stadiums and theatre, are worth government funding. In my opinion, the possibility remains that the two opinions can be reconciled and government can coordinate budgeting to meet the needs of both.


Where public money goes is an issue of broad interest to the general public. Althoughstadiums and theatre, are worth government funding to enliven our spare time, I still have a preference that government should fund the sectors that bring tangible and immediate benefits to the public suchas medial care and educational systems


版本1:In the field of____,it is a bitterly contested/highly contentious/highly debatable issue + 点题特殊疑问句+陈述语序, some people advocate that_____一方观点, while opponents suggest that____另一方观点。 In my opinion, 我的观点 (折中为主)

版本2:In the field of____,it is a bitterly contested/highly contentious/highly debatable issue + 点题, although some people advocate that_____一方观点, In my opinion, 我的观点 (另外一 方观点) 练习: some people think that It is more important to pay more attention to practicalcourses thanacademic courses, what is your pinion?





It is suggested that all the young adults should undertake a period of unpaid work helping people in the community. Does it bring more benefits or drawbacks to the community and the young people?

In modern societies, it is increasingly popular that young people volunteer on weekends in the local community service center to help the people in need. If all the youngsters do it in a regular way, the benefits are obvious to both the community and these young adults although there are some minor drawbacks as well.

It can be argued that the advantages of doing unpaid community service are enormous. Indeed, when an old person feels sick, the volunteers could offer first aid before the doctor or the ambulance arrives. Likewise, if a disabled person has difficulty doing some daily activities such as shopping, the assistance from young volunteers is indispensable. Moreover, as far as the young people are concerned, they could develop the sense of responsibility, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others in the neighborhood. In this way, people may live in harmony in the community.

Nevertheless, the downsides of volunteer community service are worth mentioning. In fact, in the city likeShanghai, an increasing number of graduates find it harder to make a living on their own. Thus, if all of the young adults are required to do full-time unpaid job in a fixed period, some of them would have no income source, which is unrealistic to these youngsters. In addition, it is believed that community service could possibly take up their time of acquiring knowledge.

Therefore, compared with the merits of volunteer community service offered by the young adults, the demerits of that are just a few but cannot be overlooked.


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