



Analysis of the Chimney Sweeper

The Chimney Sweeper is the title of two poems by William Blake,

published in Songs of Innocence in 1789 and Songs of Experience in 1794. The poem, „The Chimney Sweeper‟ is set against the dark background of child labor that was well-known in England in the late 18th and 19th Century”. At the age of four and five, boys were sold to clean chimneys due to their small size. These children were oppressed,

and had a diminutive existence that was socially acceptable at the time.In the earlier poem, a young chimney sweeper recounts a dream had by one of his fellows, in which an angel rescues the boys from coffins and takes them to a sunny meadow; in the later poem, an apparently adult speaker encounters a child chimney sweeper abandoned in the snow while his parents are at church.

Both the two poems protest the living conditions, working conditions,

and the overall treatment of young chimney sweeps in the cities of England. In Songs of Innocence, Blake features in “The Chimney Sweeper” innocence represented by the speaker (the slightly older chimney sweep), Tom, and all the other sweeps. This innocence is exploited and oppressed, and those who are being exploited are unaware of the oppression. The narrator is a chimney sweep whose mother died and was sold by his father at a very young age, as implied by the lines “And my fathers sold me while yet my tongue / could scarcely cry „weep

weep weep weep!‟”. The poem concludes with the narrator and his firm belief that if they are obedient and do their duty, all will be well. This last idea expressed emphasizes that he is in the state of innocence and is unaware that he is a victim.

In Songs of Experience, the child in “The Chimney Sweeper” understands that he is a victim and tells the observer who sees the “little black thing” in the snow weeping. Unlike the boy in Innocence, both parents of this child are living and have gone to the church to pray, an overt criticism of the Church of England since chimney sweepers were not welcome in church. The boy understands his circumstances and sees no hope of freedom from his oppression. Instead of believing that obedience will prevent punishment, he perceives his current circumstance as a punishment for being happy with his childhood. Also, he does not seem to endorse the Christian idea of having joy in the midst of adversity; he sees little if any reason to be happy in his miserable predicament. In fact, the God that his parents praise seems as cruel as others who allow children to be mistreated in such a way.

Although the viewpoints of each poem are different, both show plight of the majority of the chimney sweepers in the cities of England, and while one endorses hope and the other bitterness, the reader must acknowledge that something needs to be done to improve life for these children.





去让曼德草的根长成一个婴儿, 告诉我,哪里可以找回过去的年华, 谁能劈开魔鬼的脚趾,

教教我,去听美人鱼的歌声, 去避开妒忌者的诽谤, 找到那

可以让老实人提高地位 的风。

如果你渴望看到奇特的景色, 看到别人没有见过的东西,

那么你不妨骑马出游,一万个日夜, 直到双鬓染霜,

当你归来之时,你会对我讲起 你见到的所有奇观, 然后发誓

美丽而忠贞的女子 这世上没有。

如果你能找到一个这样的女子,请告诉我, 那样的旅程一定很美好;

可惜不会有那样的旅程,我也不会离开这里, 也许我的隔壁就住着一个这样的女子, 也许你遇到她的时候,她美丽而且忠贞, 一直到你离家给她写信为止,她都是如此, 但是她

不等我归家,准已哄骗了 二三个男人。


根据沃尔顿(Izaak Walton)所著《多恩传记》(Bibliography of Donne),本诗是多恩在离开英国前往法国之前为妻子所写的。当时,诗人身体健康欠佳,而妻子又有身孕,按常理不宜远游,但是心仪宦途的多恩却决意追随其恩主德卢瑞爵士远赴欧洲。这样,他似乎语感到这次别离或许就是夫妻之间的永诀,因此,整首诗歌就蒙上了一层悲哀的色彩。


覃学岚 译


会对自己的灵魂轻轻地道一声:走, 有些悲伤的朋友会说: “断气了,”而有些则会说“还没有。”


没有泪眼汪汪,没有嚎啕大哭; 把我们的爱情告诉俗人



人们把地震的后果和意义琢磨; 可天体的震动是无害的,


月下情人之爱了无意趣, (它的灵魂是快感)不允许 缺席,因为缺席就会令


而你我千锤百炼的爱情, 连我们自己都说不清道不明, 心有灵犀,无疑又无忧, 就是不看不吻不摸也能体验。


纵然我须离去,也不必忍受别离, 别离只不过是一种延伸



也会像圆规的两脚那样若即若离; 你的灵魂,那只固定的脚,



但是倘使另一只真要去远游, 也会斜着身凝神倾听,



倾身围着你转,就像另外那只脚, 你的坚定成就了我的圆满 使我抵达终点时又重回起点报到。


1. Robinson Crusoe Introduction:at the age of 60,with the publication of Robinson Crusoe,an imaginative literary masterpiece,he was finally recognized as a major English novelist.Robinson Crusoe is based on a real incident.Alexanden Selkirk Scottish sailor onto a desolate island.He lived there alone for 5 years.He then embellished the sailor‟s tal

Theme: in Moll Flanders, Defoe introduces,for the first time, a loudly woman as the subject of literature. And it anticipates many later novels that take woman as the center of attention in order to expose how the social system has victimized those like Moll. However, Moll‟s life story is a depature from those because those novels indulge in dramatizing the ticks and inmoral schemes the anti-heroine adopts in order to achieve his or her purposes. Therefore, those works remain at the level of mere entertainment literature. Moll Flanders, on the other hand, has entered serious literature with a grave social theme and a character of some weight who, though not yet a round character in the modern sense, has a development though her personal ups and downs and gives us a glimpse into her conflicting inner world. Moreover, in structure, Moll shows a progress over Robinson Crusoe, whereas in the seaman‟s story, the narrative slides along the hero‟s route of adventures, in Moll‟s story Defoe makes an effort to achieve a structure that begins with the mother‟s Newgate experience and ends with the daughter‟s similar experience in the same prison. We see hoe she is tortured by guilt, suffering from fear of punishment by law in this life and the last judgement in the after life. It is example like this that have earned Defoe the praise of a great artist, because he has exposed the conflicting inner world of a criminal who is faced with difficult choice between starvation and puritan moral principles. 3. Of the D‟Urbervilles

The novel is about the tragic life of Tess Durbeyfield, the daughter of a poor foolish peasant, who believes that he is the descendant of an ancient aristocratic family, and who sends his daughter to work as a maid for a neighboring family and gives birth to a child, which dies in infancy. Then Tess goes to work on a dairy farm, where she is engaged to Angel Clare, a man of liberal mind, and the son of a clergyman. On hearing her wife‟s tale, Angel‟s old-fashioned prejudice overcomes him and he abandons Tess. Then misfortunes fall upon Tess; finally, after a period of hard work on the Flintcomb Ash farm, she meets Alec again. When Angel repents and comes back to find Tess, it is too late. Tess murders Alec, and after hiding for a short period of time with Angel, is arrested, tired, and hanged. The book ends with the sentence:” Justice was done, and the President of the Immortals (in Aeschylean phrase) had ended his sport with Tess.” The excerpts are selected form chapters 42 and 43,when Tess is working in harsh conditions on the Flintcomb Ash farm. 4.Ulysses:

Ulysses has virtually no story, nor plot, almost no action. Broadly speaking the novel concerns the thoughts, experiences, and above all the encounter of two men during a single day, from 8 o‟clock in the morning of July 16, 1904, to 2 o‟clock in the morning of June 17-a day marked nothing outwardly notable, a day of no historical significance, nor even of any clear personal significance, to the protagonists. The technique used in the book is what is called “stream of consciousness”, though what Joyce writes is not of consciousness, but the activity of the part of the mind which lies somewhat between deliberate thought and the subconsciousness.The book centers round two protagonists.One is Leopold Bloom, born in 1866, married, a Dublin Jew and a canvasser for advertisements; his wife Molly, a distinguished singer, has some illicit love affair with a man called Boyan. The other protagonist is Stephen Dedalus, who appeared in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man as a wouldbe artist. Both of them are possessed with a felling of loneliness and isolation, for Stephen has been living as an exile, and Blood is a Dublin Jew.Finally, Bloom and Stephen, who have just been missing each other all day, get together.It is significant to note that the structure of the novel closely follows the story of the journey of Ulysses which he took after the war at Troy on his way to epic: the opening section dealing with the son Telemanchus (Stephen), the central section dealing with the wandering of Ulysses (Bloom wandering in Dublin),the final section dealing with the get together of Ulysses and Telemanchus (Bloom and Stephen). 5.Don Juan:brief introduction:①a satirical epic②Byron‟s masterpiece③16cantos and remains unfinished. Theme and writing style:It is about the romantic adventures of a legendary Spanish youth who has many love affairs with various woman.The real significance of the poem lies in the vivid descriptions of the Greek people,and his bitter satire on the sham and hypocrisy in love,religion,and the social relations of his time. Plot:At first he has an illicit love with a married woman.Being discovered by the women‟s husband,he is sent aboard at the age of 16 by his mother.He is shipwrecked and is cast up on a Greek island where is cared for by Haidee,the daughter of a pirate who is away from the island and is believed to be dead.There Don Juan marries Haidee and a wedding ceremony is held.Haidee‟s father returns unexpectedly and is enraged when he finds that his daughter has been married to a stranger.Don Juan is put on a slave ship and Haidee goes mad and dies.Juan is sold in Constantinople as a slave to a sultana who falls in love with him.He manages to escape from the harem and joins the Russian troops which are besieging Ismail.He distinguishes himself in the fighting and is sent to St.Peterburg,where he wins the favour of the Russian Empress,Catherine the Great,who dispatches him on a political mission to England. 6.Dombey and Son:brief introduction:①published in serial form in 1847-1848,③one of the representative works of Dickens‟ mature period Plot:Dombey,the owner of a shipping house,is a rich,proud,and heartless man,whose sole concern in life is the perpetuation of his name in connection with his firm.When the story begins,he has just been presented with a son and heir,Paul,and his wife dies in childbirth.He neglects his daughter and lays all his hopes an Paul,who would carry on his business.But Paul dies in childhood because of poor health and the strict discipline in the

boarding school.Dombey remarries,but his wife,a cold and disillusioned lady who can‟t stand Dombey‟s company.Having lost both his pride and wealth,Dombey lives in desolate solitude and finally is taken care of by his forgiving daughter. Writing style:bitter social criticism 7.Wuthering Heights

Introduction and plot :The story of Wuthering Heights is concerned with two symmetrical families and introduction stranger.The Linton family ,richer and more genteel,includes Mr Linton,his wife,his son Edgar,and his daughter Isabella,and they live down in a neighbouring valley at Thrushcross Grange.Heathcliff is now rich and is determined to take revenge on Hindley and the Lintons .But all his revenge is foiled by Catherine and Hareton ,who love each other,Heathcliff dies a defeated man.After his death people see the ghosts of Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw roam on the moor.

Theme:Except for Satan in Milton‟s Paradise Lost,the tempestuous and revengeful Heathcliff has no equal in English literature .His intense love for Catherine, his relentless revenge on his enemy, and his frantic restlessness after Catherine‟s death mark him unique figure. In Heathcliff‟s conflict with Hindley and the Lintons ,Emily Bronte portrays the conflict between the privileged and the underdog, between the master and the hired hand .

8.Waiting for Godot:

Introduction :Samuel Beckett is an Irishman, who lives in Paris .His philosophy is one of complete pessimism. Waiting foou Godot was published in book from 1952 and was put on stage in 1953. In the play Beckett is discussing the absurdity of human life.

Plot: Near a bare roadside tree, two tramps meet as they daily meet . They are waiting for Godot . What is the meaning of the play ? Who is Godot ?Why are they waiting? What do all their talks mean? What a are the boots, hats ,leash, and tree intended to symbolize ? Why do the tramps talk of separation and leaving, but always stand still ?What do Pozzo and Lucky stand for? All these questions puzzle the reader/audience.

Theme:The massage of the play may be like this .At the bottom ,life is cyclical .It is spiraling downward .In either case life seems repetitious, empty, boring,with no meaning in the sense of „purpose‟ or „progress‟.The passive ones know this and shoe it more clearly.The active ones succeed for a time , but finally they are even worse than the passive ones .What should men do in this world ? Wait for Godot .Ones does not know whether he will come or not ,but wait .








孙悟空:大闹天宫、三打白骨精、真假美猴王、智取红孩儿、三借芭蕉扇 桀骜不驯、敢作敢当、敢于反抗压迫、勇敢机智、爱憎分明、嫉恶如仇、正直无私、行侠仗义、无所畏惧、幽默;喜欢“戴高帽”、好胜心强、喜欢搞点恶作剧 猪八戒:四圣试禅心、三打白骨精、 一方面好吃懒做、见识短浅、爱搬弄是非、耍小聪明、说谎,爱占小便宜、贪恋女色;另一方面又不失忠勇和善良、战斗勇猛、能知错改错、淳朴憨厚

唐僧:三打白骨精、四圣试禅心、 崇信佛法、严守戒律、目标明确、立场坚定、勇往直前的精神坚不可摧;但有时贤愚不分、好坏不辨 。







鲁智深(花和尚):拳打镇关西、倒拔垂杨柳、大闹野猪林、 嫉恶如仇、俠肝义胆、粗中有细、勇而有谋、豁达明理 。

武松(行 者):血刃潘金莲、斗杀西门庆、 醉打蒋门神、大闹飞云浦、 血溅鸳鸯楼、除恶蜈蚣岭 崇尚忠义、勇而有谋、有仇必复、有恩必报,(不足:滥杀无辜)是下层英雄好汉中最富有血性和传奇色彩的人物。

吴用(智多星):智取生辰纲 足智多谋、神机妙算

林 冲(豹子头):误闯白虎堂、风雪山神庙、火烧草料场、雪夜上梁山 武艺高强、勇而有谋,但为人安分守己、循规蹈矩、被逼上梁山

李逵(黑旋风):真假李逵、中州劫法场、 嫉恶如仇、俠肝义胆、脾气火爆、头脑简单、直爽率真

宋江(及时雨): 私放晁盖、怒杀阎婆惜、三打祝家庄 为人仗义、善于用人,但总想招安。

杨志(青面兽): 杨志卖刀、智取生辰纲精明能干、粗暴蛮横






刘备:桃园三结义、三顾茅庐、青梅煮九论英雄 礼贤下士、知人善任,宽人爱民。


关羽:刮骨疗毒千里走单骑、过五关斩六将、温酒斩华雄 英武神威、义薄云天,忠肝义胆。

张飞:桃园三结义 刚烈耿直、疾恶如仇、机智勇猛。




主要内容:《红楼梦》以一个贵族家庭为中心展开了一幅广阔的社会历史图景。小说以贾、史、王、薛四大家族为背景,故事情节由主次两条矛盾线索构成的。一条是以贾宝玉、林黛玉的爱情为中心,贯穿全书的全线。它以贾、林争取爱情自由、婚姻自主和个性解放的思想同封建制度、封建礼教之间的矛盾为线索,以贾、林最后对封建制度和封建礼教的彻底背叛和爱情的悲剧结局而告终。 人物形象及对应的典型情节和性格特征:


林黛玉: 她是一个才华横溢而性格孤傲的女子,她多愁善感,常常为别人不注意的小事而悲伤流泪。她天性率真,和贾宝玉一样也是封建道德的叛逆者。 薛宝钗:在贾府人眼中是“完美”的,因为她不仅遵从封建礼德,并且八面玲珑;但比起叛逆的黛玉和宝玉,她显得过分地世俗了,她虽然举止娴静高雅,却信奉封建仕途,常常因此惹得宝玉生气;人们在谈起她的端庄美貌时,也会同时想起她极深的城府。

相关故事情节 :黛玉进贾府黛玉葬花刘姥姥进大观园香菱学诗




考研英国文学复习要点: 本文供考研英国文学复习第二遍和第三遍的时候使用,第一遍要把教材细读一遍。 很多人觉的文学学的乱七八糟,主要是因为脑子里没有一个清晰的纲领,在临考前脑子里要对文学有很清晰的纲领,这样就算复习的差不多了。有人又问?什么是纲领?比如说英国文学吧,你要知道英国文学大致分为多少个时期,每一个时期有什么总体特点,有什么总体的literary trend,然后这个时期有那些重要的作家,每一个重要的作家都写过什么重要的作品,这些重要的作品大致内容是什么,有什么意义,有什么写作特色,除了这些之外,再对基本的文学术语有所了解就差不多了。当然如果要求选读的,选读作品得另看。

Part One: Early and Medieval English Literature 1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题) 2. Romance (名词解释)

3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story 4. Ballad(名词解释) 5. Character of Robin Hood 6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet) 7. Heroic couplet (名词解释) Part Two: The English Renaissance 8. The Authorized Version of English Bible and its significance(填空选择) 9. Renaissance(名词解释) 10.Thomas More——Utopia 11. Sonnet(名词解释) 12. Blank verse(名词解释) 13. Edmund Spenser

“The Faerie Queene”; Amoretti (collection of his sonnets)

Spenserian Stanza(名词解释)

14. Francis Bacon “essays” esp. “Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读)

15. Christopher Marlowe (“Doctor Faustus” and his achievements) 16. William Shakespeare可以说是英国文学史中最重要的作家,一定要看熟了。四大喜剧,四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的喜剧作品是Hamlet这是肯定的。他的sonnet也很重要,最重要属sonnet18。(其戏剧中著名对白和几首有名的十四行诗可能会出选读)

17. Ben Jonson个别戏剧的名字要能和人对上号,如Every Man in His Humor, 二外好像在这里出过一道匹配题,但是不用看太具体。

Part Three: The Period of the English Bourgeois Revolution 18. John Milton 三大史诗非常重要,特别是Paradise Lost和Samson Agonistes。对于Paradise Lost需要知道它是blank verse写成的,故事情节来自Old Testament,具体情节在课本124页,另外要知道此书theme和Satan的形象。对于Samson Agonistes要知道它是poetical drama, 1 知道故事大概情节及其来源。另外129页到130页brief summary中5条要看。 19. John Bunyan——The Pilgrim’s Progress

20. Founder of the Metaphysical school——John Donne; features of the school: philosophical poems, complex rhythms and strange images 21. Andrew Marvell 此人不重要,但他有一首名诗To His Coy Mistress 22. John Dryden——“All for Love”(a tragedy); “An Essay of Dramatic Poesy”(Literary criticism); forerunner of the Classicism in Britain Part Four: The Eighteen Century 23. Enlightenment(名词解释) 24. Classicism(名词解释)

25. Richard Steele——“The Tatler”

26. Joseph Addison——“The Spectator”这个比上面那个要重要,注意这个报纸和我们今天的报纸不一样,它虚构了一系列的人物,以这些人物的口气来写报纸上刊登的散文,这一部分要仔细读。

27. Steel’s and Addison’s styles and their contributions

28. Alexander Pope: “Essay on Criticism”, “Essay on Man”, “The Rape of Lock”, “The Dunciad”; his workmanship (features) and limitations 29. Jonathan Swift: “Gulliver’s Travels”此书非常重要,要知道具体内容,就是Gulliver游历过的四个地方的英文名称,和每个部分具体的讽刺对象; “The Drapier’s Letters” and “A Modest Proposal”, 后一篇比较重要,要注意后一篇作者用的irony也就是反讽手法。

30. The rise and growth of the realistic novel is the most prominent achievement of 18th century English literature.

31. Daniel Defoe: “Robinson Crusoe”, “Moll Flanders”, 当然是Robinson Crusoe比较重要,剧情要清楚,179页这一节最后一段,有Robinson Crusoe的形象和故事中蕴涵的早期黑奴的原形,以及殖民主义的萌芽。另外注意Defoe的style和feature,另外Defoe是forerunner of English realistic novel。

32. Samuel Richardson——“Pamela” (first epistolary novel), “Clarissa Harlowe”, “Sir Charles Grandison”

33. Henry Fielding: “Joseph Andrews”, “Jonathan Wild”, “Tom Jones”第一个和第三个比较重要,需要仔细看。他是一个比较重要的作家,200页founder of the English Realistic novel部分要看,201页第3点features也要看,另外Fielding也被称为father of the English novel. 34. Laurence Sterne——“Tristram Shandy”

35. Richard Sheridan——“The School for Scandal”

36. Samuel Johnson——“Dictionary”, “Letter to Lord Chesterfield” (the writers’ declaration of independence) 37. Oliver Goldsmith——“The Traveller”(poem), “The Deserted Village” (poem) (both two poems were written by heroic couplet), “The Vicar of Wakefield” (novel), “The Good-Natured Man” (comedy), “She stoops to Conquer” (comedy), “The Citizen of the World” (collection of essays) 38. Edward Gibbon——“The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” 40. Sentimentalism(名词解释)

41. Thomas Gray——“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”(英国诗歌里非常著名的一首,曾经被誉为“有史以来英国诗歌里最好的一首”)(a representative of sentimentalism and graveyard school of poets墓园派诗人)

2 *Graveyard School / Poets”: A term applied to eighteenth-century poets who wrote meditative poems, usually set in a graveyard, on the theme of human mortality, in moods which range from elegiac pensiveness to profound gloom. The vogue resulted in one of the most widely known English poems, Thomas Gray’s “Elegy written in a country churchyard”. The writing of graveyard poems spread from England to Continental literature in the second part of the century and also influenced some American poets.

42. In the latter half of the 18th century, Pre-Romanticism; representative: William Blake and Robert Burns. 43. Thomas Percy——“Reliques of Ancient English poetry”许多中古的民谣都是在这个时期重新收集和整理起来的,这个集子是那个时代比较有名的一个民谣集。 44. William Blake比较重要,需要对主要作品有所了解,特别是Songs of Innocence 和 Songs of Experience, 这两本集子的contrast一定要注意,另外Blake的写作特点也要注意,比如语言的简单明了,神秘主义氛围等。

45. Robert Burns伟大的苏格兰民族诗人, A Red Red Rose, Scots Wha Hae, Auld Lang Syne等名诗,写作特点: Scottish dialect; a poet of peasant and Scottish people; plain language; influence from Scottish folk songs and ballads; musical quality of his poems. 46. Romanticism(名词解释)要对浪漫主义兴起的时间,根源,主要特点,主要代表作家都有所了解。

47.William Wordsworth要知道他的 “Lyrical Ballads”前言是英国浪漫主义时期开始的标志,也是宣言。Lake Poets(名词解释)。他诗歌的主要两类题材:nature and common people’s lives。 写过的著名作品:I wandered lonely as a cloud; To the cuckoo; Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey; The solitary reaper; We are seven 等等。 48. Samuel Taylor Coleridge两首名诗:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner; Kubla Khan主要写作supernatural题材。

49. George Gordon Byron,Byronic Heroes (名词解释); 著名作品:Child Harold’s Pilgrimage要知道大致内容,另外此诗用Spenserian Stanza写成;Don Juan要知道大致内容,及其诗体attava rima。

50. Percy Bysshe Shelley著名作品:Queen Mab; The Revolt of Islam; Prometheus Unbound(lyrical drama,要知道大致内容及此剧与古希腊的“被束缚的普罗米修斯”不同之处及其意义。)其它名作: Ode to the West Wind; To a skylark; One word is too often profaned等等。 51. John Keats著名作品:Ode to Autumn; Ode to a Nightingale; Ode on a Grecian Urn”。注意Keats与Byron和Shelley的不同,Keats的诗歌没有两人那么强的革命性,他的诗歌主要是为了缔造一个唯美的世界,为了追求美而写作的。

52. Charles Lamb:The Essays of Elia (humorous, archaisms, quotations from other writers) 53. Walter Scott: founder and great master of the historical novel; his death marks the ending of Romantic Period in English literature; famous novels: Rob Roy, Ivanhoe; features of his novels (P322) Part Six: English Critical Realism 54. Critical Realism批判现实主义,要知道它兴起的时间,历史背景,主要代表人物及主要特点。

55. Charles Dickens主要作品: The Pickwick Papers (first novel); Oliver Twist; Dombey and Son; David Copperfield; A Tales of Two Cities等等,对这些主要作品除了第一部以外剩下的要对情节,主要人物形象,主题及其意义有所了解,另外要知道狄更斯的小说的特色(P362-P363)。

3 56. William Makepeace Thackeray主要作品即Vanity Fair要知道这个题目出自John Bunyan的The Pilgrim’s Progress,另外小说的副标题 “A novel without a hero”的意思,小说的情节,主题,人物形象都要了解。

57. Jane Austen主要作品:Pride and Prejudice其它5部小说在书上372页,知道名字即可,对于《傲慢与偏见》课本上介绍的不详细,可以找其它文学史书籍来简单看一下它的情节和主要人物。Austen的写作特点:thin plot, mostly everyday life of simle country society; good at writing young girls; modest satire; witty dialogues。

58. Charlotte Bronte主要作品Jane Eyre,要知道其情节和意义,另外简爱的人物形象也比较重要。

59. Emily Bronte主要作品Wuthering Heights,情节,人物形象及意义。勃朗特姐妹的小说虽然写作在批判现实主义时期,但其作品有明显的浪漫主义特色,比如包含的一些supernatural elements,特别体现在呼啸山庄中。

60. Mrs. Gaskell, one of the first English writers to describe the class struggle in a novel, famous novel: “Mary Barton”.不需要看太详细。

61. George Eliot主要作品: Adam Bede, The Mill on Floss, Silas Marner简单了解即可。 Part Seven: Prose-writers and poets of the mid and later 19th century 62. Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, Matthew Arnold简单了解即可。 63. Alfred Tennyson主要作品: In Memoriam, The Idylls of the Kings;有名的短诗Break, Break, Break; Crossing the bar等,此人政治态度保守,作品追求形式上的完美,富于音乐性和色彩。具体写作特色参看P410-P411。

64. Robert Browning introduced dramatic monologue to poetry. (P416) His famous poems: “Home-thoughts from abroad” etc. Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “Sonnets from the Portuguese”. 65. 简单了解William Morris主要作品,写作特点,及其意义等。

66. Aestheticism唯美主义(名词解释)Oscar Wilde主要作品,写作特点及其意义简要了解。 Part Eight: Twentieth Century English Literature 67. Thomas Hardy, Wessex novels,要知道为什么叫Wessex,书上P458。著名作品:Tess of D’Urberville(情节,主要人物形象,主题及意义),Far from the madding crowd, Jude the obscure等等。Hardy小说的特色(P459第一段)。

Part Eight: Twentieth Century English Literature 67. Thomas Hardy, Wessex novels,要知道为什么叫Wessex,书上P458。著名作品:Tess of D’Urberville(情节,主要人物形象,主题及意义),Far from the madding crowd, Jude the obscure等等。Hardy小说的特色(P459第一段)。

68. John Galsworthy: 主要作品 “The Forsyte Saga”注意这是两个trilogy构成的,可不是一本小说,其中比较重要的是 “The Man of Property”就是书上介绍的那一部,要知道此部小说主人公的名字,以及这个主人公的性格,和小说主题。书上介绍这个作家的部分的最后一段算是这个作家的写作特点。这位作家在20世纪声名是逐渐下降的,但是还是有些学校会考到他。

69. The Irish Dramatic Movement(名词解释)

Irish Renaissance(名词解释)

70. George Bernard Shaw主要作品Mrs Warren’s Profession和Major Babara,如果看的是其它版本的英国文学史,可能会选其它的作品,对他作品的主要人物,情节,主题和意义要了解,他是比较重要的一个作家。

4 71. William Butler Yeats几首有名的诗歌如 “Sailing to Byzantium” , “The Second Coming”, “The Wild Swan at Coole”要知道,另外他诗歌的特点如symbolism, mysticism, modernists’ influence等等。

72. T. S. Eliot比较重要,特别是他的The Waste Land要知道包括哪几个部分,大概是什么情节,有什么象征意义,主题是什么,有什么写作特点。另外他的其它作品也有某些学校考到过,也要知道,比如他的诗剧Murder in the Cathedral等等,要知道大概的情节。另外他著名的文章Tradition and the Individual Talent被认为是manifesto of modernist poetry. 73. Modernist fiction put emphasis on the description of the characters’ psychological activities under the influence of Austrian doctor Sigmund Freud’s theories.

74. D. H. Lawrence重点作品Sons and Lovers这个作品明显受到弗洛伊德影响,特别是其中体现的Oedipus complex,对其人物,主题要有了解;The Rainbow及其续篇Women in Love要有简单了解,特别是对其主题。Lady Chatterley’s Lover简单了解即可。492页第三段对Lawrence的思想做了个简单总结,这一段中指出的劳伦斯的思想特点以及局限性要了解。 75. Stream-of-consciousness(名词解释)

76. James Joyce其它作品简单了解,但Ulysses非常重要,需要知道题目来源,题目的含义,小说的主人公和情节,以及主题。

77. Virginia Woolf重要的意识流作家,主要作品要知道在496页第二段,书上主要介绍的是To the Lighthouse,其实她的其它几部作品特别是Mrs. Dalloway也比较出名,需要了解一下。

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