



大学英语精读第五册 Unit 2

TranslationChinese to English


I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help.As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.


More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.


There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people.


Manyof us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.

5. 因为法律和规章中有许多漏洞(loophole),一小撮投机倒把者一夜之间暴富就没


There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.

6. 旅游事业的空前兴旺使这个从前只住有三百人的边境小镇突然繁荣起来。 An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.


In the light of the information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.


Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends,he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.大学英语精读第五册 Unit

4TRANSLATIONChinese to English

1. 有人说对于不公正的批评的最好反映是原谅和忘却(不念旧恶)。

Somebody says that the best response to unfair criticies is to forgive and forget.

2. 天哪,你为什么不给我打电话?

For God’s sake, why didn’t you call you?


I kicked the door open with desperation, and found him lying in the bed unconciously.


The mechanician flung the tools with anger, never to continue.


Mark was so childish that he left the meeting just because some representatives contested his ideas.


She was thankful that she kept her job when most of her co-workers were laid off.


Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly.

8.如果你没有得到当地规划部门的同意扩建(build all extension)你的房屋,你将被责令拆除(demolish)扩建的部分.

If you build and extension to your house without the consent of the local planning authorities, you will be ordered to demolish / pull down what you have built.

大学英语精读第五册Test Paper1

TRANSLATION Chinese to English

1. 外语学习者提高其流利程度的一个可行的方法是通过阅读学会大量的词汇及其习惯用法。

A practicable way for foreign language learners to improve their fluency is to learn large numbers of words and their idiomatic usage through reading.

2. 不断困扰第三世界的一个问题是如何快速发展经济而不损害环境。

An eternal problem that haunts the third world countries is how to develop the economy quickly without damaging the environment.


It is hardly consistent with the concept of “user-friendly” banking to charge these high fines.


Bond grabbed hold of the vicious attacker and flung him to the ground.


We must set up an effective media network to allow information to circulate rapidly.大学英语精读第五册 Unit 6

TRANSLATIONChinese to English

1. 马戏团演出最精彩的部分是大熊猫的表演,它笨拙而滑稽的动作逗乐了所有的观众。 The highlight of the circus’ performance was the panda’s representation. Its clumsy and funny acting caused every audience to laugh.

2. 幸好你昨天没有搭乘瑞士航空公司的班机—它起飞一个小时后即坠毁,机上229人全部身亡。

It’s just as well you didn’t take the flight of Swiss Airline yesterday – it

2crashed one hour after taking off and all the 229 people on plane were dead.

3. 他从来没有想到,当有人提出帮助那个患有残疾的姑娘时,她会感到局促不安。 He never considered that when somebody wanted to help the handicap girl, she would feel ill at ease.


As a person taking delight in controling everything and getting interest from ordering, Charle adapted quickly the new role of the company’s president.

5.在过去12年里,艾米已学会靠自己过日子。她喜欢自力更生,样样事情自己干。 In the past twelve years, Amy has learned to live depending on herself. She takes delight in self – reliance and doing everything by herself.

6. 艾米拒绝跟查尔斯外出是理所当然的事,因为她不喜欢被当作依赖他人的残疾人看待。

Amy refused to go out with Charles as a matter of course, because she disliked to be treated as a handicap person depending on others.

大学英语精读第五册 Unit 8

1. 我小时候完全被周游世界的想法迷住了,常在爷爷的书房里一呆几个小时,一边转动着地球仪,一边梦想着去游览的地方。

When I was a child, I was totally fascinated by the idea of traveling around the world, I spent several hours in my grandfather’s study, rolling the globe as imagining the places to travel.

2. 今天下午一枚定时炸弹在伦敦最大的超市之一爆炸,在人们中间引起极大恐慌。

A timing bomb exploded at one of the largest supermarkets in London this afternoon, causing a great panic among the people.

3. 在父亲的陪同下,比尔去了警察局,对警官坦白说他曾在两周前抢了一位老人的金表。 Accompanied with his father, Bill went to the police station, and confessed to the policeman that he robbed an old man’s golden watch two weeks ago.

4. 在与简订婚后,斯蒂芬生平第一次开始用功了。不久他便作为一名年轻的理论物理学家而崭露头角。

After engaged to Jane, Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life. Before long he distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.

5. 斯通教授以严厉而著称。但令人惊奇的是,他在上周六他女儿婚礼上的讲话却妙趣横生,充满幽默。

Professor Stone is distinguished for his strictness. But to people’s surprise his speech at his daughter’s wedding last Saturday was full of wit and humor.

6. 这么多人愿意为社区的利益做义务工作真令人惊奇。

It’s amazing that so many people willing to do voluntary work for the benefit3

of the community.

大学英语精读第五册 Unit 10

TRANSLATIONChinese to English


The gradual prosperity of the country in a sense owes the government’s policy of economic reform.


The Negro leader regarded it as his sacred obligation to devote himself to realizing racial equality.

3. 1976年,人民共和国的三位主要缔造者周恩来总理,朱德元帅和毛泽东主席相继逝 世。

In 1976, the three main architects of the people’s republic – Premier Zhou En lai, Marshal Zhu De and Chairman Mao Zedong died in sequence.


I reminded of the headmaster more than once that he had promised to protect the retired teachers’ legitimate behalf.


The main idea of the story is that one’s destiny ties up with the whole country’s.


The riches the youth fell heir to made him realize his dream.

听力 medial testcompound dictation



8.The phrase green with envy often refers to a person who is angry because he does not have more money than someone else has.

9.People describe a day in which everything goes wrong as a black day.

10. But black is not necessarily always used in a bad sense. For example, a business in the black is one with profits.

听力 final testcompound dictation



8.It was a dangerous situation as the plane was very low above the ground. But soon it began to fly higher, which made the passengers greatly relieved.

9.The man followed instructions and guided the plane towards the airfield.

10. When the plane touched the ground it shook violently anxiously rushed forward to congratulate the man on a perfect landing.


Unit1 1. 我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持

2. 一般来说,年轻的一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是过去更感兴趣。但这两代人如果不互相尊重对方的需求,就都会遭受损失。

3. 中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。

4. 在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。

5. 女皇伊丽莎白一世统治英国45年。在她统治时期,国家十分繁荣昌盛。

6. 民主意味着多数人来治理;但不仅如此,尊重少数人反对的权利也是民主不可分的一部分。这两条规则同等重要。

7. 一个国家不可能强大,除非她不但在地狸上,而且在政治、经济和文化上都是一个整体。

8. 晚会十分乏味,所以他就偷偷溜出房间回家了。可是雨后的路非常泥泞,他脚下一滑,掉进了沟里

9. 她身体糟糕到了这种程度,以至于冬天都不敢见太阳,怕中暑。

10. 有一天晚上,我正在一家小饭馆里借酒浇愁,他突然走了过来,往我手里塞了一沓钞票。

Unit 2 1. 诸葛亮装作十分镇静,成功地瞒过了司马懿,使他不知道这座城实际上是没有守卫的空城。他证明了自己值得受到人们的崇拜和尊敬。

2. 他知道大战在即,而且他的军队和敌人众寡悬殊,所以他假装正在迅速往后方撤退。实际上他是在给的敌人准备一个大陷阱。

3. 社会达尔文主义者认为我们可以把人类社会比作动物世界。他们脑袋里似乎没有想过人和动物会有不同。人所依靠的是他们的头脑,而不是动物本性。

4. 这种大规模养殖的鸡和我们以前家养的鸡没法比。现在的养鸡场也许提高了产量,但鸡的美味给弄没了。

5. 金融泡沫的最后破灭造成了席卷全球的严重危机。

6. 由于我们的价格优势,我们今年向那个地区的出口与去年同期同比增长了30%。

7. 记者们有一大堆问题要问,但政府发言人说,她所知道的只是大约30多个持枪的恐怖分子突然闯进剧院的时候人们正在看话剧。

8. 当犯人们突然放声歌唱的时候,监狱长十分恐慌。

9. 这个地区遍布工厂,而且整个岛上到处都是度假村。但是已经有迹象表明很多当地百姓将起来反对这种趋势。

10. 他宣布,反叛者如果放下武器,就能得到宽恕。

Unit 3 1. 我们改革开放政策的结果是经济的快速增长,但是我们不要忘记这个政策又是人民思想大解放的结果。

2. 一般来说,喜欢某一个人会使你倾向于同时也喜欢他的观点。

3. 我们难以预料是否有朝一日能找到处理核废料的百分百安全的方法。可能的话,我们应该换成别的能源。

4. 我到处寻找一套适合摆在我那个小起居室的家具,却发现这种家具正在脱销

5. 那个客栈老板在照看那个客人的时候,发现他的长相和警察要找的谋杀犯嫌疑相符合。

6. 当有人问他怎样才能保持健康时,他就会提些老套的建议:坚持良好的饮食习惯,意思就是:无盐、无糖、无脂肪。

7. 那水游泳都不行,更不要说引用了。正因为如此,那地区很多人都病倒了。

8. 我以为他听到这事会发脾气,但他没有。相反,他突然忍不住大笑起来。

9. 完工时这条铁路将延长至覆盖整个城市。

10. 股市似乎对经济的繁荣没有反应,这一点让每个人都不解。怪不得人们都决定持股观望。

Unit 4 1. 我看见一叶扁舟顺河漂流。我不想像这小舟一样没有目标,随波逐流地了此一生。

2. 山谷里的桃花全都盛开了,让她流连忘返。在前面的不远处,她看见一家农舍,从窗户内传来了美妙的乡村音乐

3. 结婚以后,我和朋友们的来往慢慢变少了。而我夹在那些一起共事的商界人士当中十分不自在,他们说的生意经让我厌烦透了。

4. 他们之间已经具有发生内战的所有要素。国际社会已向双方呼吁,希望他们和平解决争端。

5. 很多人认为教会正在失去它的吸引力,虽然它积累了越来越多的财富。

6. 扩大业务的主意对我很有吸引力。现在我们很多贸易伙伴的经济都正在开始加速发展。我们的国内市场估计明年也将好转。

7. 改革总是有风险的,但不改革风险更大。现在大多数人都希望进一步改革,尽管可定也会有人反对。

8. 他读到这封信的时候气疯了。他将信撕碎,扔进了废纸篓。他从衣服上撕下一块布,用自己的鲜血写下了他的最后一封信。

9. 回想起来,我们大家都觉得当初把这个美丽的城墙拆掉是愚蠢的。

10. 你在家等着,我七点左右开车来接你。你别短信,医生已向我们保证,她会很快好起来。

Unit 6 1. 听起来也许让人难以置信,我听说在机场一碗面要加40元。

2. 孙权最后说服大家同意让陆逊——一个年轻书生——来负责这个决定性的战役。

3. 他因被指控犯有走私罪而被捕。但是依照法律,没有证据不能拘捕公民。

4. 她把盘子扔到地上,但它神奇地没有碎,连裂纹也没有。

5. 我想你们保证,如果这里打的井足够深,肯定能找到水。所以如果大家不反对,我们就开始干。

6. 她喜欢不停地挪动房间里的桌子和椅子,好让房间有一个新面貌。

7. 我们经济发展的重点已经从东部沿海地区转移到了中西部地区。

8. 他把车换到最高档,一下子把所有其他车都甩到了后面。

9. 我主张禁烟,但他反对。因为烟草工业是政府收入的一个重要来源

10. 当地百姓强烈地反对在这座美丽的山上装缆车。

Unit 9 1. 我明天得去看看牙科大夫。我的一颗门牙松了。 2. 你翻译得太随意了,应该更加忠实于原文才是。

3. 时尚总是变来变去。几年前,大家都穿紧身牛仔裤,但是现在宽松的衬衫和裤子再度流行。

4. 很多村民其实都不喜欢那些恐怖分子,但是他们不得不同意窝藏他们,因为他们知道,如果不那么做,他们就会遭受严厉的惩罚。

5. 内战结束以后,很多黑人仍然遭受严重的种族歧视。他们仍然不能指望政府给他们帮助。

6. 传统上妇女们都被禁锢在家里,被剥夺了就业的机会。但是在战争时期,很多妇女必须进工厂去代替男人工作,这就开始唤醒了她们的社会觉悟。

7. 人是能在正确和错误之间做出到的区分的唯一动物,只有人才会梦想如何把现存的世界变成人类的天堂。

8. 很多城镇都失去了它们传统的美,但平遥在这一点上是个例外。具有讽刺意味的是,它之所以能保持它的美是因为多年来它穷到没钱改造。

9. 她是当代中国最重要的作家之一,发表过不少不同凡响多的作品。但是,相对来说她在中国仍然鲜为人知,在一定程度上是因为我们仍缺少能把她的作品翻译成外语的人才。

Unit 11 1. 我们决定下星期五讨论中日关系这个话题,不过具体时间可能会变。 2. 就我而言,令人讨厌的人就是那种一说话就几个钟头没完,又永远不换话题的人。

3. 我们得到通知说,凡是超过伍仟万元的项目都需要得到上级的审批。不过这个过程不会太长。我们可能两三个星期就能得到批准。

4. 根据合同法,所有外资企业在中国的业务经营都需遵循中国法律。

5. 很多示威群众遭到了杀害和残酷地拷打,因此随后几天,越来越愤怒的示威席卷了全国。

6. 那场可怕的海啸席卷了那些沿海城市的一切,造成了极其严重的伤亡。

7. 所有的怀疑都被排除了。改革的思想像野火一样传遍了全国。

8. 瞧你那塞满了东西的抽屉!你为什么不把没用的1东西清理掉?没有时间?胡说八道!

9. 每年年底以前还清全部欠款是我们进出口公司的习惯。

10. 一个国家货币的贬值通常对出口有利,而对进口不利;而增值则正好相反。


第一册:unit 1;at times有时,偶尔; beworthsth..doing sth.值得…的; not only…butalso…不仅…而且;farfrom一点儿都不; a couple of两个,一些,几个;gethaveobtain access to有权享用,可以使用;participate in参加;keep up with赶上,不落后;feel like sth.doingsth想要,想做.;give up停止,放弃;think out仔细考虑,推敲,琢磨;comeacross偶尔遇到;reap the benefit(s)获得益处,得到好处。

Unit 2:along with一起,一道;turn off关闭;turn up调大,开大;turn down调小,开小; turnon打开开关;over and over一再,反复;reach for伸手去摸,伸手去取; as well as除…之外,和; as usual像往常一样,照例;in peace and quiet平静地;wake up(使)醒来。 Unit3:lean on依靠;grow up成长,长大;let on泄露,透露;start out出发;make it及时赶到;办到,做到;even if即使,虽然;on one’s way(to)在路上;even though虽说,即使;break out突然发生,爆发;on leave休假;see (to it) that务必做到;

Unit4::make up one’s mind下定决心,大定主义;range from…to…:(在一定范围内)从….到….变化,变动;becommittedto:献身于,投身于;beabsorbedin:全神贯注于,专心于;fix one’s eyes on:凝视,盯住看;drive sb. crazy:逼得某人发疯;at one’s best:处于最佳状态;lighten up:放轻松,别太当真;take sb. Or sth. seriously:认为某人或某物重要。 Unit5:be infected with:感染(疾病);in place of:代替;suffer from:受…之苦,患(某种疾病);hand out:分发,散发;set up:建立,创立(公司,机构等);at risk:有危险,有风险;regardless of:不顾,不管;guard against:防止…发生;wipe out:彻底摧毁,消灭;distract sb. From sth.:使分心;sign up for:报名参加。

Unit6:head to:去,去往;make the rounds:逐一巡查,访问;go with:与…相配;:look sbin the eye(s)坦然正视某人;at the sound of:一听到;nothing but:只是;:befeel ashamed of为…感到惭愧;boast aboutof:吹嘘;:避开;stay at:停留在;:contrary to与…相反;look downonupon:蔑视,看不起;bein for;将遭遇;hold water:经得起考验,可靠;leave behind:忘记带,留下。

Unit7:face to face(with):面对面的、地;面临着,面对着;pull into:(车)停靠,驶向(一旁);as if:好像;attach to:系在…上,连接到…上;have mercy on sb:对某人仁慈;gettoone’s feet:站起来;look through:浏览,查找;out of control:失去控制;eat (away) at:侵蚀,消耗。

Unit8:sleep on sth:暂时不做决定,过一晚再做决定;a gift from the gods:天赐,走运的机会;depend on:依靠,依赖;write down:写下来;be occupied with:忙于做,专心于;seekfor:寻找;as though:好像;take shape:成形;put into:(以…方式)表达;at work:在起作用;arrive at:达成(协议),得出(结论);search for:搜索,寻找;fill sb with sth:使充满(感情).

Unit9:stand out:突出,出色;no matter howwherewhat,etc.:不管怎样(哪里,什么等);turn in:上交;with ease:容易地,不费力地;sit back:闲坐着,不作努力;get behind:拖延;get sth. Out oftheway:完成或处理某事;strike sb. As sth:给某人某种感觉或印象;have to do with:与…有关;plow through:艰难地完成;adapt to:(使)适应。

Unit10:middle ground:中间道路,折中;sell out(to):出卖(原则或信念等);at hand:在考虑中;即将到来,近在手边;in short supply:缺货,短缺;the bottom line:重要因素,关键的东西;demand of:期待,要求;stand for:主张,支持;代表,象征;confront with:面对,对质;think of:考虑,为…设想;想起,回忆起;do fine:干得好;give sb. credit:赞扬;in other words:换言之;win the day:获胜,成功。

第二册:unit1:fall behind:落在…后面;result in:导致,造成…结果;run out:用完,耗

尽;in a rush:匆忙地;go with:同时发生,伴随;work at:致力于,从事;in person:亲身,亲自;due to:由于;pour into:大量投入(精力或金钱等).

Unit2:next to:靠近,接近;in sb.’s presencein thepresence of sb.:有某人在场;:by no means决不,决非;count on:依靠,依赖,指望;on one occasion:有一次;:come upon偶尔遇见,偶尔发现;pack into:塞进,使挤入;take notice of:注意到;sing out:(大声清晰地)喊出(或唱出);point out:指出;reflect on:仔细考虑;in advance:事先,预先。

Unit3:ups and downs:盛衰,沉浮;work out:成功,产生结果;for a time:暂时,一度;meet with:遭遇,遇到:all along:始终;have nothing to do with:与…无关;on the surface:表面上,外表上;at one’s worst:最差的时候,最糟糕的时候;learn of:获悉,听说;take careof:负责,处理;proceed to do sth:接着做某事。

Unit4:without fail:必定,总是;as long as:假如,如果,只要;be free to do sth.:随意做某事;right away:立即,马上;more than(+adj.):十分,非常;be thankful for:对…心存感激。

Unit5:pick up:拿起,举起;be graceful for:感激,为…致谢;be dressed in:穿着;coupled with:加上;die from:死于;direct at:对准,针对;starve sb. Ofsth.:使缺乏,使得不到。 Unit6:fill out:填写;if only:就算…都行,哪怕…也好;for better or(for)worse:无论好坏,不管怎样;even so:即使如此,尽管这样;turn down:拒绝;come up to:走近,靠近;press for:催促,竭力争取;ill at ease:不自在;free from:无…的,不涉及…的;take charge of:负责,管理;be stuck with:被迫拥有或使用。

Unit7:among other things:除了其他事情之外;blow one’s top:勃然大怒,大发雷霆;:on one’strail在…路上;cut down:减少…的数量;keep in mind:记住。

Unit8:be wasted on sb.:被浪费在某人身上;if only:但愿,要是…就好了;well off:富裕的;at a low:处于低水平;bemeant to do sth.:应该做某事;read of:读到:从…得知;onlyto:不料,反而,结果却;in thelong run:从长远来看;send in:派(人)去。 Unit9:in(the)face of:面对;make sth of sb:使成为有出息的人;pass away:死亡,逝世;have sth at heart:关心;from sb.’s standpoint:从某人的立场或观点来说;be entitled to:有权做,有权得到。

Unit10:drive off:击退,赶走;be sure of:一定会,肯定会;in broad daylight:光天化日之下;carry on:继续做;under control:受到控制,处于控制之下;on theair:(广播或电视)播出;keep sb from doing sth:阻止某人做某事;watch for:留意,密切注意;put out:扑灭,熄灭;mark down:记下来,写下来;:provide for为…做准备.

第三册:Unit1:track down:追踪到,追查到;pick on:找茬,欺负;tell on:告发;work out:找出答案,解决;on one’s own:独自地,独立地;hitstrike home:被领会;reckon with:考虑,面对,对付;call onupon:要求(某人做某事);lead up doing sth.:作为…的先导,引起;end up doing sth.:以…结束;get(sb.) through(帮某人)度过难关。

Unit2:bounce back:恢复健康,振作起来;in general:大体上,通常;up to:多达,高达;tip sb. Over the edge:使某人受不了,使某人难过得不得了;outofbreath:上气不接下气;throw up:呕吐;go up:上升,上涨;interfere with:妨碍,干扰;sum up:总结,归纳;概括.

Unit3:comeget to grips with:开始并应付,开始处理;distinguish from:使区别于;:be trueof对…来说也一样;fall through:失败,成为泡影;press for:反复请求,紧急要求;lag behind:落后;in a pinch:迫不得已时,必要时.

Unit4:work on:从事,致力于;go ahead:开始,继续;for sale:出售,代售;name after:以…命名;rise to fame:成名;capture one’s attention:吸引某人的注意力;pose for:(为拍

照或画像)摆姿势;go against:违背。

Unit5:the pit of one’s stomach:胸口,心窝;feel for:摸索,寻找;go about:着手做,开始做;put up a chair:把椅子拉近坐下;except for:除…之外;read about:读到。

Unit6:in addition to:除…之外还;ifwhenwhere necessary:如有必要的话;agree onupon:就…达成一致意见;make a difference:(对某人或物)有影响、起作用。

Unit7:without (a) doubt:无疑地;stem from:源于,来自;put in:投入(时间或精力)做某事;in high gear:全力以赴;on the subject in:谈到,关于…;in the interest(s) of:为了…起见;bat out:匆匆作出,草草做完;work on:从事,致力于;by name:以名字,指名道姓地;claw one’s way:艰难地走到某处。

Unit8:within reach:可获得的,够得着的;come to life:活跃起来,栩栩如生;in wake of:随着…而来,作为…的结果;in the first place:一开始,起初;首先,第一;fall into:可分成,属于;break apart:裂开,破裂;in theory:从理论上讲;identical towith:与…一模一样;and so forthon:等等;what if:要是…怎么办;with in mind:考虑到某人(事);get around:成功地解决,克服;refer to:称呼,叫;提及,谈到;under thenameof:用别名;puzzle over:绞尽脑汁,冥思苦想;wonder about:对…好奇,想知道,对…疑惑。


Unit10:befreewith:慷慨使用;taketo:喜欢上;cruisethrough:(比赛中)轻松取胜;bewordofmouth:口头地;keepsb. Uptodatewithsth.:使某人知道关于某事的新消息;dawnonupon:开始明白,醒悟;tothememoryof:纪念(某人).

第四册:Unit1:atbest:充其量,至多;runa herisk:冒险,有…风险;remainetrueto:忠于;objectto:反对,不赞成;accusesb.Ofsth.:指控,控告;throwout:开除,解雇。

Unit2:cut down:改小,缩短;for good:永久地;trip up:绊,绊倒;(使)出错;make up:虚构,捏造,编造;come down in theworld:落魄,潦倒,失势;to a degree:有些,在某种程度上;go along:进行,前进;find one’s way into:到达,进入。

Unit3:be facedwith:面对,面临;drum up:竭力争取,兜揽;under the table:背地里,私下;gete involved in:卷入,参与;deep down:在内心深处,在心底;make a fool of sb.:愚弄某人;talk back:顶嘴;break down:发生故障,坏掉;get around:四处走动;look into:调查;build up:建立,开发;lend itself to:适宜于,会造成;convict of:判决…有罪。 Unit4:givesb.Anadvantageover:使具有优势;bestuckwith:无法摆脱,解脱不了;pushahead:推进,推行;amatterofsth.:是…的问题;datefrom:始于;bestuckin:陷入;scratch(抓,挠)thesurface:仅触及表面,浅尝辄止;logon:登陆(计算机)系统;atone’sdisposal:供某人使用,由某人支配;makeuseof:使用,利用;keeppacewith:齐头并进,并驾齐驱;lagbehind:落后,滞后。

Unit5:on purpose:故意,特意;cast out:赶走,驱逐;speak highly of:对…给予高度评价,赞扬;seek out:找到,找出;set forth:出发,动身;stretch out:拉长,伸长;躺平,舒展;backup:(使)积压,(拥塞);支持;at length:长久地,详尽地;最终,终于;in line:(排)成一排,(排)成一队;settle down:(使)安定下来;for the time being:暂时,眼下;might as well:只好,还是…为好。

Unit6:ontheincrease:在增长;way of life:生活方式;pay up:付清欠款,还钱;standby:遵守,履行;支持,忠于;in practice:实际上,事实上;accuse sb. Of sth.:指控,指责;inprivate:私下里,私密地;a fact of life:生活现实,残酷的事实;throw out:抛弃,驱除;close a deal:完成交易,生意成交;speed up:(使…)加快速度;hit onupon:忽然想出(主意等);amount to:等于,相当于;behave oneself:表现得体;be caught in:陷入,使卷入;be on the take:受贿,贪赃枉法;square…with…:(使)与…一致(相符)。

Unit7:todate:至今,直到现在;nothing less than:简直是,完全;be confined to:限制于,局限于;as offrom:从…起;in effect:事实上,实际上;in combination with:与…一起,共同;be descended from


Unit8:up to:直到;peer at:仔细看,凝视;in passing:顺便,附带;in that:因为,原因是;give of sth.:提供,献出;disappprove of:不赞同,不喜欢;at one’s elbow:在手边,在旁边;pay the price(for sth.):(为…)付出代价;in the main:基本上,大体上;prop up:支撑,顶住;in company with:与…一起。

Unit9:shave off:剃掉;take sb to court:起诉某人;put sth. Before sth.:认为…比…更重要;for all:尽管,虽然;come into:开始进入某种状态;so far:到目前为止,迄今为止;in response to:作为对…的答案,作为对…的反应;in a flash:转眼间。 Unit10:sort through:从…中查找;aim at:旨在,力争达到;in the act of doing sth.:正在做某事;take note of:留意(到),注意(到);set aside:拔出,留出;keep at it:坚持。

第四篇:初中英语7A词组-unit 2 词组 测试

Unit 2 My day 词组和句型测试


1. 醒来2. 取乐3. 做早操

4. 做课外活动5. 在七年级一班6. 在午餐时间7. 对我友好8. 在操场上9. 互相聊天

10. 每星期二和星期五11. 游泳俱乐部的一员12. 玩得愉快13. 每周两次14. 练习打排球15. 听广播句型

1. 该吃早饭了。

2. 我最喜欢的课是语文和英语。3. 我每天花一小时做回家作业。4. 请尽快给我回电子邮件!

5. 我妈妈说我们不应该看太多电视。6. 她每天带她的狗散步。7. Peter 和我都喜欢足球。

8. 她很忙,没有很多时间和她的朋友们谈话。

9. 请再说一遍,我听不清你说什么。10. 每个学生可以花费10元。11. 谢谢你帮助我。

12. 你认为你的新学校怎么样?13. 别担心。也许你需要更多练习它

14. 我喜欢一天中的某些部分,不喜欢其他的部


15. 你能告诉我这个问题的答案吗?

16. 做模型飞机17. 看报纸

18. 写电子邮件

19. 在电视上看足球比赛20. 一直21. 遇到某人

22. 知道很多关于电脑的知识23. 去上舞蹈课24. 教我们英语25. 向她问好

26. 得到关于博物馆的一些消息27. 想要去动物园28. 组织班级旅行29.



高二英语新教材Unit 11 some encourage pioneering work and accept phrases failure 1. 重力原理

the Theory of Gravity 2. 有共同之处 have anything in common 3. 从事仙炎星发射载人飞船

work on sending a manned spaceship 4. 必将发生

have in store for 5. 很可能

it is likely that 6. 作为经济特区被建设

set up as a special economic zone 7. 中国科学技术的中心the new center for Chinese science and technology 8.中科院所在地

home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences 9.中国高科技产业的领头羊

the leader of China’s hi-tech industry 10.开办一所么人研究及发展机构open a private research and development institute 11.具有创新精神和科学技能share the spirit of creativity and scientific skill 12.使中关村成功

make Zhongguancun a success 13.抓住机会到国内来实现他们的理想grasp the opportunity to develop their ideas at home 14.实现梦想

follow one’s dream 15.在人所学领域与顶级科学家们共事

work with some of the top scientists in my field 16.我认为这在我看来很完美

I knew it was perfect for me 17.帮助安排回国事宜help arrange for his return 18.踏进

set foot in / on 19.对…有积极的影响 have a positive effect on 20.依靠科学技术和知识

rely on science technology and knowledge 21.发展经济实力 increase economic power 22.弄清楚

make it clear 23.鼓励创新,接受挑战


deal with and learn from failure 25.对……感到兴奋 be excited about 26.活跃起来

come to life 27.同时为祖国做出贡献

contribute to his country at the same time 28.硕士学位 a master’s degree

29.美国的硅谷 Silicon Valley in the US 30.达到……目标

achieve / reach its goal 31.对人类是一个很大的威胁 a big threat to mankind


mark the start of 33.展示中国高科技的成功

showcase China’s hi-tech successes

34.导致了科学技术的几项突破 lead to several breakthroughs in science and technology

35.背上长着人耳的小老鼠 a small mouse with a human ear grown on its back 36.贮存人体器官 restore human organs 37.最新成就 red hot achievements 38.充满伟大成就

be filled with great achievements

39.呈现出科技发展的繁荣景象enjoy a boom in scientific and technological development

40.提出计划 put forward a plan

41.科教举国rejuvenate the nation by relying on science and education

42.取得突破性进展make many breakthroughs

43.探索太空 explore space

44. 中国航天局 the Chinese Space Agency 45.长征系列运载火箭 Long March rocket series


the first manned space flight

47.破解生命之谜solve the mysteries of life 48.目的在发展农业aim at improving agriculture

49.人体检测国际研究项目 the international human genome project 50.世界一流be among the world’s best 51.中国与计算机一见钟情It seems to be love at first byte for China and computers 52.高速宽带网

a new high-speed broadband network 53.创建了智能机器人

build the nation’s first humanoid robot 54.清晰陈述你的观点state your opinion clearly 55.用强有力的论点为之辩护 support it with strong arguments 56.最杰出的新突破

the most outstanding new breakthroughs 57.并非所有的都 not all 58.得满分

get full marks 59.免费七日欧洲双人游

a 7-day free trip to Europe for two 60.美国宪法

the Constitution of the United States of America



have no idea

8.爱上了戏剧 develop his live for the theatre


make a living 10.提醒某人某事 remind sb of sth 11.把……向前推进一步take… one step further


lay the foundation of modern science fiction

13.很久之后才…… long before 高二英语新教材Unit 12 some phrases

14.着手做 set out to do 1.大洋中最深的地方the deepest point in


in their efforts to the ocean

survive 2.航天飞机

a space shuttle



make a sketch of

find themselves on the surface of the 4.我们能战胜所有疾病的时候

monster a time when we can beat all diseases

17.结果是潜艇 turn out to be a submarine 5.找到使我们永远年轻的方法

18.越洋航行on a voyage across the oceans

find a way to keep us young forever


6.来自外部太空的生物creatures from outer give a view of the underwater world 20.穿着潜水服dressed in diving suits 21.发现自己被包围

find themselves surrounded by 22.所有的才在蓝色的海水中随波起伏,慢慢移动all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters 23.从……开始

begin with 24.进行冒险 go on this adventure 25.通过煤层和大理石层

pass through the layers of coal and marble 26.穿过森林 go through forests 27.受到古老海洋生物的袭击

be attacked by ancient sea creatures 28.最后,终于

in the end 29.被卷进急流 be drawn into a fast stream 30.水下旅行 underwater travel 31.沸腾的河

a boiling river 32.被冰川撞击后

after hitting iceberg 33.开始了第一次航行 set out on its first voyage


sink to the bottom of the sea

35.成为……一例 become an example of 36.成为人们心中永久的痛

become a permanent pain in people’s

hearts 37.过度工作

work too much 38.前总统

former president 39.对我祖父母的家心怀不轨

misbehave at may grandparent’s house

40.屏幕下端的字幕 subtitles at the bottom of the screen 41.被火车运送到目的地

be transported to the destination by train 42.多种情况下

in many cases 43.乘坐地铁

take the subway 44.整周超时工作 work overtime all week 45.穿着内裤当众行走

walk in public in your underpants


look for a road without having a map 47.开始进行结智慧的探索

enter the search for wisdom 48.使人了解

throw light upon 49.许多卓越科学家的著作

the works of many brilliant scientists 50.开辟一条新路

pioneer a new way 51.吸引我的注意力 attract my attention 52.把自然界最深邃的奥秘展示给世人

unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature 53.人体结构 the structure of the human body 54.梦想

dream of 55.身高八尺 about eight feet in height 56.切碎

cut up 57.在十一月的一个夜晚on a night in November 587.烧光

burn out 59.把床上的帘子打开 open the curtain of the bed 60.选词

make a choice of the words

高二英语新教材Unit 13 some phrases


cover with 2.把水和菜油倒入杯中

pour water and vegetable oil into a glass 3.把一支粉笔放入水中put a piece of chalk in water

4.把淡水装入杯子 fill one glass with fresh water

5.保护我们这个星球上的水protect the water on our planet

6.把杯子翻转 turn the glass upside down 7.提出

come up with

8.用这种方法使用水use water in this way 9.从中受益

benefit from


about three billion years ago


marine life is incredibly rich and varied 12.范围从微生物一直到巨物ranges from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants

13.水的化学结构 the chemical structure of water


give water it unique properties

15.由两个氢原子和一个氧原子组成be made up if two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom


a polar molecule 17.分解固体和气体

break down both solids and gases

18.为其他生物所利用become available to other living creatures 19.水在室温下是液体

water is a liquid at room temperature 20.有一个相对高的结冰点

have a relatively high freezing point 21.与纯水混合 mix with pure water 22.一球上大洋的含盐量

the salinity of the earth’s oceans 23.每立米用公斤来衡量

be measured in kilograms per cubic metre 24.利用水的密度

take advantage of the density of water 25.能量

the amount of energy

26.把温度提高1℃ raise the temperature by one degree centigrade 27.释放出大量的热

give off a lot of heat 28.对温度的巨变和突变很敏感be sensitive to large and sudden changes in temperature 29.通过吸收和释放热量而保持稳定

keep steady by absorbing and giving off protect animals and plants

53.为人类提供休闲和教育的场所provide both recreation and education for human beings

54.在海滩上嬉戏 have fun on the beach 55.为研究各种生命提供情报无尽的机会

have endless opportunities to study a heat 30.给海洋中的生态系统增加能量 add energy to the marine ecosystems

31.没有任何东西像一滴水一样宝贵 nothing is as precious as a drop of rain 32.我们的未来取决于它our future depends on it 33.变成固体

turn into a solid 34.温度降到零度以下

the temperature drops below 0℃ 35.被加热到100℃以上 when heated above 100℃ 36.海洋中的生命大小各异l ife in the oceans appears in different sizes 37.给……打电话

give sb a call 38.继续在该公司工作

continue working at this company 39.捉弄你

play a trick on sb 40.叫来警察 call in the police 41.海洋是地球上一切生物的发源地

the oceans are the source of life on earth 42.河流与大洋交汇where a river meets the ocean 43.在河口相混合mix together in an estuary 44.制造出一种独特的环境 create a unique environment 45.陆地与海洋的衔接地带

a zone between the land and the sea 46.河口是自然界中幼小生命的繁衍地 estuaries are great places for nature’s young ones 47.三用面支很多危险

without having to face many of the dangers 48.生物的密集度

the density of living creatures 49.海洋哺乳动物

marine mammals 50.吸收营养物质和污染物

absorb nutrients and pollutants 51.对环境污染很敏感

be sensitive to environmental pollution 52.保护动物免遭风暴和洪水

variety of life

56.通过旅游业和渔业为经济做贡献contribute to the economy through tourism and fishing

57.那么多的物种生活在河口 so many species live in estuaries 58.按事情发生的顺序解释每一步

explain each step in the order it happens 59.给出新词的定义

define new words 60.把……与……相比

compare … to

高二英语新教材Unit 14 some phrases

1.获得诺贝尔和平奖receive the Nobel Peace Price


put … into prison 3.自由战士

freedom fighter 4.动摇国家的基

shake the foundations of the nation


judge by the color of their skin

6.根据性格的内涵 by the content of their character


walk together as brothers and sisters 8.当农民

work as a farmer 9.与……交朋友

make friends with 10.禁止人们帮助逃跑的奴隶

forbid people to help run away slaves 11.加入行动小组

join an action group


fight in the Civil War


be active in the women’s rights movement 14.黑人女孩不能嫁给白人男孩

black girls could not marry white boys 15.民权法案

the Civil Rights Act 16.给…发表演说

give a speech to sb 17.向华盛顿特区进军march on Washington D.C. 18.使他们闻名全世界

make him famous all over the world 19.黑人受到不平等的待遇

blacks are not treated as equal citizens 20.奴隶制在美国结束

slavery ended in the USA 21.为黑人的政治权利而战

fight for political rights for black people 22.为…树立榜样

set an example to sb 23.应当像其他人一样受到尊敬

be treated with respect in the same way as other people 24.获得奖学金

win a scholarship 25.给他以…机会 give him the chance to do 26.可以如愿的自由生活

be free to live, and work as they wished 27.要求社会改革

demand changes in society 28.通过和平手段达到目的

achieve that goal by peaceful actions 29.在白人区坐下来

sit down in the White-only section 30.拒绝为白人让座

refuse to stand up for a white man 31. 领导公交公司进行联合抵制 lead a boycott of the bus company 32.把黑人和白人分开是错误的

it was wrong to separate blacks from whites 33.金打赢了这场官司使他受到全国人民的重视

Winning this case gave King national attention 34.领导反种族歧视的非暴力游行

lead many non-violent demonstrations against racial discrimination 35.黑人就粘机会很少few jobs for blacks 36.激励各种族人为平等而战

inspire people of all races to fight for equality 37.有选举权 have the right to vote 38.随意表达我们想说的

be free to say whatever we want 39.任何的时候 of all times


in their choice of which god to believe in 41.法国大革命 the French Revolution 42.美独立战争

the American War of Independence 43.国际女权运动

the international movements for the rights of women


in modern times

45.同偏见作斗争 fight against prejudice 46.有共同之处

have in common 47.老百姓

he common people 48.要求受尊重

ask to be treated with respect 49.不理会种族、宗教和性别

regardless of race , religion or sex 50.为他们自己代言

have a voice to speak for themselves 51.要求黑人有更好的居住条件

want better housing conditions for black people


more than one family


a good way to come up with new ideas 54.使读者吃惊

surprise your readers 55.较开放地谈论话题

approach every topic with an open mind 56.作为平等公民对待

treat as equal citizens 57.被警察逮捕

be arrested by the police


be born as a slave 59.携手

join hands 60.乍一be amazed by

SBII Unit 15 some phrases


offer a free air ticket

2.沿途停靠5次 make five stops along the way


look into it immediately


for the first time 5.不时地

every now and then 6.有旅游的强烈愿望

get the itch to travel 7.如果你感到有迫切的愿望想打点行装 should you feel the urge to pack you bags 8.巴西第二大城市

Brazil’s second largest city 9.大西洋沿岸along the coast of the Atlantic 31. 一饱眼福

a feast for the eyes 32.如果你有足够的精力

should you have enough energy left

33.到游泳池里泡一泡take a dip in the pool 34.在体育馆里活动 work out at the gym 35.在山村被扶养大

Ocean 10.使你看到

give you a glimpse of 11.他们以心胸开阔和友善而闻名

be known for their big hearts and friendliness 12.该市的历史文化中心

the city’s cultural and historical heart 13.挨着商店的舞厅耸立着

stand next to stores and dance halls 14.步行穿过商业区等于上了一堂历史课 a walk through downtown Rio is a history lesson 15.里约任何地方离海滩都不远the beach is n ever far away in Rio 16.从商业区乘公共汽车只有几站路 only a few bus stops from downtown 17.作为海洋公主而闻名

be known as the “princess of the sea”

18.庆百岁生日celebrate its one hundredth birthday 19.厌烦

get tired of 20.在大街上

on the main avenue 21.很少的游客会失望地离开里约

few visitors leave Rio felling disappointed 22.旅游旺季

the biggest tourism season 23.为期四天的节日

a four-day festival 24.尝试去……旅游

try a visit to 25.位于奥地利南部

located in southern Austria 26.是滑雪者的天堂

a paradise for skiers 27.世界级滑雪胜地

a world-class ski resort 28.参加速滑比赛 compete in the downhill race 29.没有必要担心there is no need to worry 30.广泛多样的娱乐

a wide variety of entertainment

be brought up in a mountainous village 36.在城里经营小公司run a small company in a city


take exercises 38.我们在闲聊

we are chatting 39.吸引世界各地的游客

attract visitors from all over the world 40.到遥远的地方去旅行

go on a trip to a far-away destination 41.避免最普通的问题

avoid some of the most common problems


a good way to save money 43.使预算持续更久

make our budget last longer 44.找到问题的答案

find answers to your questions 45.在两者之间选择

choose between different alternatives 46.喜欢自己安排

prefer to make their own arrangements 47.信用卡

credit cards


need to bring some cash


keep your passport and money in a safe place


make photocopies of all important documents


buy foreign currency

52.如果可能,轻装旅行 travel light if possible


exchange money 54.有经验的旅行者

seasoned travelers 55.留在家里

leave at home 56.在我们旅行的第一天 on the first day of our trip 57.旅行日记

a travel diary 58.做笔记

make notes of 59.为……留地方

leave room for 60.对……感到惊奇

be amazed by

17.目的是aim at

18.城市目击了一连串的冲突 the city saw a series of fierce fights 19.为悼念

in honour of 20.没有白费 be no in vain 21.崭新的黎明似乎就要来临

a new dawn seem to arrive 22.为……而骄傲be proud of 高二英语新教材Unit 16 some 23.奥运会的主办者the host of the Olympic phrases Games 1. 被拒绝入美国

be refused entry into the USA 2.与……有关

connected with

24.骄傲地展示它的新形象 be proud to display its new image 25.繁荣的商业中心 a booming business 3.处理过去的麻烦事 deal with its troubled centre past 26.新南部的代表 4.土著美洲人

the Native Americans 5.被欧洲殖民者驱逐

be representative of the new South 27.下决心be determined to do be driven off their land by European 28.与老同学保持联系 settlers keep in touch with his former classmates 6.失业的艰辛 the hardships of 29.对钱很贪婪be greedy for money unemployment 30.总工程师 the chief engineer 7.战后国内的**civil unrest in the 31.吉尼斯世界纪录大全 post-war years the Guinness Book of World Records 8.大萧条

the Great Depression 9.伤口愈合很慢

be slow to heal 10.伤痕很深

the scars run deep 11.远远落后

far behind


disagree with him 33.解决问题

solve the problem 34.出售

go on sale


live by gathering 12.从过去的黑暗中走出come out of its roots dark past 36.大规模存在

exist in huge numbers 13.从毁坏中恢复过来 recover from the destruction 14.非裔美国人社区

African-American community


grow to a shoulder-height of 38.被除数用制成项链 be used to make necklace

39.从1830年起from about 1830 onwards 15.接近一半的人口

nearly half the 40.向西迁移

move westwards population 41.被迫做

be forced to do 16.种族隔离剥夺了他们许多权利


resist doing the segregation take away many of their 43.与土著首领达成协议 rights make agreements with Native American chiefs


in this way 45.在平原上修建铁路

build railways across the plains 46.切掉皮cut off the skins 47.改变平原上的野生动物

change the while wildlife of the plains 48.掉到地上

fall on the ground 49.靠……过活

live on 50.消失

die out 51.相反

in turn 52.对 ……有影响have an effect on 53.整个平原的野生动物链

the whole wildlife chain of the plains 54.放弃

give up 55.以……结束

end up with 56.利用野牛

make use of the bison 57.列出相似与区别

list similarities and differences 58.一点一点地

point by point 59.补上

make up 60.一件事,另一件事 one thing, the other Unit 17 some phrases 1.试图帮助

try to help 2.像孩子那样对待我 treat me as if I were a child 3.获小科学家奖win an award for young scientists 4.到处走动

get up to move around 5.很明显

it becomes obvious that… 6.没有用腿的能力without the ability to use her legs 7.腰部以下没有知觉has no feeling below the waist 8.在省科学展览中获奖

receive an award at her province’s science fair


give everybody a chance to do 10.身体的残疾

physical disabilities 11.开发他们的潜能

develop their potential


live a rich life 13.为社会做贡献

make a contribution to society

14.办所特教学院launch a special education college

15.有天赋的残疾学生 gifted disabled students


have no disability 17.不但…,而且

not only…, but also… 18.帮助残疾人

assist disabled people 19.合作以达到他们的生活目标 cooperate to reach their goals in life 20.在社会上起有价值的作用 play a valuable role within society 21.鼓励某人做 inspire sb to do


realize their dreams 23.克服困难 overcome difficulties 24.过有意义,有作为的生活 live a meaningful and productive life 25.大约1/3的文章

about one-third of the articles 26.第一个弱视中国人

the first visually impaired Chinese 27.学会忍受我的身体

live with my body 28.适应了自己的生活方式 adjust my way of life

29.习惯于 get used to sth/doing 30.不再

no longer 31.提供指导

offer guidance

32.同情残疾人 have sympathy for the disabled 34.阻止……做

prevent from doing 35.过正常的生活

live a normal life 36.照看自己 take care of herself 37.同她交朋友make friends with her 38.收到那个女孩的来信 receive the letter from the girl


belong to


conduct a survey of 57.经常,有时

at times

58.保持积极的态度 keep a positive attitude


complete a task 60.许多障碍

many obstacles 33.在绘画方面有天分 be gifted in painting 55.有同等接近…… have equal access to

39.出席国际会议attend an international meeting 40.就……道歉

apologize for

Unit 18 some phrases 41.智力残疾的运动员mentally disabled 1. 扔掉throw away athletes 2.吃点心 have a snack 42.参加特奥会

take part in the Special Olympics 43.团结和友谊的强烈氛围

a strong sense of unity and friendship 44.看起来好像It seems as if 45.第一个冲过终点线

the first one across the finish line 46.尽你所能做得好about being the best you can be

3.发电 make electricity 4.厌烦 be tired of

5.沉重的笔记本电脑a heavy laptop computer

6.不及眼镜重weigh less than a pair of glasses

7.放出空气let the air out 8.给某人专利 give sb a patent 47.多方面的斗士

fighters in more than 9.纵观历史 throughout history

10.提出观点 come up with ideas one way 48.给…以尊敬和尊treat…with dignity and 11.有很多共同之处have much in common respect life 50.参加物奥会

participate in the Special Olympics 51.获得更大的自信心 gain greater self-confidence 52.参加三项竞赛

compete in three events 53.在世界范围内普遍 spread across the world

12.有很高的智商have a high IQ 14.练习做practise doing 15.框外思维think outside the box

16.考虑那些有创造性的解决办法allow for creative solutions

17.为某人提供provide sb with 18.被困住 get stuck

19.摆脱掉旧的思维模式break away from old thought patterns 49.改善生活质量 improve the quality of 13. 通过思考 by thinking about 20.用尽可能多的方in as many ways as 44.数码相机

digital camera possible 21.仍然不可见remain invisible 22.正如……一样 as with 45.据说我们生活在信息时代

we’re said to be living in the Information Age. 23.一系列不同的尝a series of different 46.处理,对付

do with attempts 24.与……相连be connected to 25.了解到 be aware of 26.反复试验的结

a long process of trial and error 27.强迫某人做

force sb to do 28.试用思维策略

try using the thinking strategies 29.努力避免失败try to avoid failure 30.相对论Theory of Relativity 31.手工地

by hand 32.把……换成

exchange … for 33.被难题困住 get stuck in a difficult problem 34.台式电脑

a desktop computer 35.掌上电脑

a palmtop computer 36.中国古代四大发明

the four ancient Chinese inventions 37.在音乐方面展示才华show his talent for music 38.伟大的卡通制片人a great cartoon film maker 39.著名的物理教授

a famous professor of physics 40.著名的喜剧作家

a famous comedian 41.圣经中的人物

a figure in the Bible 42.假如给我三天光明Three days to see 43.越……越

the more…, the more…


be similar to


keep information in its memory


be clearly different from 50.毕竟,终究

after all 51.既然

now that


at such a high space 53.将来

in the future


scientific metaphors 55.把……比作

compare… to… 56.被用来学英语 be sued to study English 57.犯错误

make mistakes 58.知道,追踪

keep track of


learn from 60.把……翻译

SBII Unit 19 some phrases1. 发生

take place 1. 偿还债务 pay back the debt 2. 偿清

pay off 3. 在现代

in modern times 4. 救命

save one’s life 5. 做出重要决定

make an important decision 6. 你当权时有最坏的敌人

had your worst enemy in your power 7. 娶某人

marry sb. 8. 与…… 结婚

be married to 9. 就我所知

as far as I know 10. 开始干

go about 11. 玩一个残酷的游戏 play a cruel game 12. 放弃

give up 13. 最后

in the end 14. 对表示怜悯

have mercy on 15. 答应割一磅肉

promise to take my pound of flesh 16. 没人再相信你的法律

no one will trust your laws any more 17. 尽力与…… 争论是无用的

it’s useless trying to argue with 18. 你还是做…的好

you might as well do 19. 付……款

pay… for 20. 希望

hope for 21. 请坐

please be seated 22. 使……就坐 seat sb/ oneself 23. 与…… 的协议 your agreement with 24. 根据

according to 25. 撕毁文件

tear up the paper 26. 对天发誓

swear to heaven 27. 把胸部露出来offer up your breast 28. 准备做这事

prepare to do the deed 29. 称肉的重量

weigh the flesh 30. 流血而死

bleed to death 31. 准备好

be ready for 32. 拿整个心脏来还债

pay him back with all my heart

33. 拥抱你一下

take you in my arms 34. 宣判

pass your judgement 35. 喜欢做

prefer to do 36. 面对铁石心肠的敌人

face an enemy with a heart of stone 37. 失去了所有航海的船只

lost all his ships at sea 38. 准时,按时 on time 39. 像往常那样 as usual 40. 出海

be at sea 41. 一个条件

on one condition 42. 当笑话对待 treat … as a joke 43. 签协议 sign the agreement

44. 我收到你的信 your letter reached me 45. 研究法律书籍study many law books 46. 站在我的立场 stand in my place

47. 从来不知如此年轻却有如此聪明的头脑

never knew so young a body with so wise a head

48. 你会得到公正 you shall get justice 49. 剥夺

take away from 50. 任由…… 摆布 be at the mercy of 51. 跪下

go down on one’s knees 52. 讫求某人的怜悯 beg… for mercy 53. 值得人发慈悲

be worthy of our kindness

54. 像生命一样宝贵 as dear to me as life 55. 死后把这钱留给女儿 leave the money upon

his death to his daughter

56. 来找他帮忙 come to him for help 57. 醒来

wake up 58. 讲出实情

tell the truth 59. 把孩子切成两半

cut the baby in half

高二英语新教材Unit 20 some phrases 1.石器时代

Stone Age 2.青铜器时代

Bronze Age 3.参观地方博物馆visit a local museum 4.很难找出来

be difficult to find out 5.度假

go on a holiday 6.对……好奇

be curious about 7.随葬

be buried with 8.追溯到…… date back to

9.下葬时左侧躺着be buried in his left side 10.在中欧度过他的青年时代 spend his youth in central Europe 11.骨针

a bone pin 12.或许来自

may have been from 13.两个金耳环 two gold earrings 14.两个陶罐

two pots made of clay 15.在他们旁边有一个垫东西的石头

next to them lay a cushion stone 16.赖以生存

need to survive 17.各种各样的理由 a variety of reasons 18.倾向于认为

tend to believe 19.巨石王

the King of Stonehenge 20.皮衣

a leather coat 21.重几乎20吨 weigh approximately 20 tons 22.平均

on average 23.还不知道这些石头如何运来的

It’s not yet lknown how these were conveyed 24.经过……的距离 over a distance of 25.很可能

it is possible that 26.与……石头有关 link to the stones 27.参与策划

have a hand in planning 28.竖起巨石

pull up the stones 29.欧洲大陆

have a hand in planning 30.就技术发展而言

in terms of technical development 31.用石头制成的

be made of stone 32.用铜和青铜制造工具

make tools of copper and bronze


it is thought that 34.武装冲突

armed conflict 35.通过学习贸易和文化交流

through trade and cultural links 36.在当地人的眼中

in the eyes of local people

37.远到西班牙 place as distant as Spain 38.金银珠宝

the gold jewellery 39.知道

have knowledge about 40.同欧洲贸易

trade with Europe 41.又圆又深的碗

a deep round bowl 42.穿着黑衣服

be dressed in black 43.把画钉到墙上 pin the picture to the wall

44.在苏格兰长大grow up in Scotland 45.闻名于中国

become famous all over China 46.建筑工人

construction workers 47.在泥土中发现了象牙和巨石

find ivory and jade in mud 48.(也)不有大量的象牙

as well as a large quantity of ivory 49.充当

serve as 50.古代

in ancient times 51.提醒某人某物 remind sb of sth 52.与……有贸易交流have trade link with 53.据信

It is believed that 54.挖出

dig up

55.热情接待 warmly receive them 56.属于

belong to

57.占地……面积 cover a vast area of 58.神秘的宫殿 the mysterious palaces 59.国王的坟墓 tombs of kings 60.弄清楚 make clear

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